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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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regional hospital, the youngest of the building complex at that time was 50 years old, worn out - 80%. the medical facility was equipped with modern equipment, but the walls, as they say, were held to their word of honor, despite the fact that the project for the new building had been discussed for a long time. i have another question for everyone who took part in the design, because for almost 10 years i haven’t made an excuse anywhere, and the money was included in the federal budget, i think it’s a slob. mishustin then made a promise that the allocated funds would be used to complete of the first stage of construction, a diagnostic and treatment and ward building with 175 beds should be put into operation. anna kurbatova, dmitry zhgenti, channel one. in moscow , former governor ivan belozers has been sentenced in a high-profile corruption case in the pendensky region. received 12 years in a maximum
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security colony for taking a bribe on an especially large scale; slightly less than 11 years in prison was assigned to the person who gave the bribe. former senator, founder of the pharmaceutical company biotek boris shpigel, according to the investigation, in 1919 he transferred more than 30 million rubles in exchange for remuneration in the form of money and expensive swiss watches, the businessman received government contracts for the supply of medicines. there are also four intermediaries in the case, including spiegel’s wife. all of them also received prison sentences. in the first reading, the state duma approved a draft law on large fines of up to 700 thousand rubles for those who publish shocking content on the internet, which includes photos and videos demonstrating cruelty, as well as so-called trash streams, the name from the english word garbage. the authors of such broadcasts commit crimes in live broadcast. in a recent incident, juvenile bandits beat up random passers-by and filmed them, some of them have already been detained. discourage lawless people from wanting to become famous in this way. and the bill is called for, in addition
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to fines, it is proposed to amend 10 criminal articles on murder, bodily harm, battery, kidnapping; filming and broadcasting in these cases will be considered an aggravating circumstance and after the adoption of the law, the distributor of such footage will face additional punishment. and on that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, and today , yesterday’s tragedy with a military transport aircraft, our il-76, continues to occupy a significant place on the information agenda, which, according to our ministry.
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defense was shot down from the ukrainian side - by a missile, and the crew fell, heroically, took the car away from - residential buildings, from people, therefore managed to avoid destruction on the ground, but everyone who was on board this plane, six crew members, three accompanying people and 65 ukrainian prisoners of war died. this story certainly has military-technical aspects, they will appear in the future, a video has already appeared with the hull of this aircraft, well , the damage to which for all experts they say that it was, of course, an air defense system, i think that our side will provide even more other evidence that he was shot down by an enemy missile has already appeared today reports that fragments of these missiles were found. there are specialists working on site
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who, as always in these cases, unfortunately, out of necessity, scrupulously collect all the fragments. yesterday there was a message that both black boxes were found, it was reported that the crew managed to inform the mission control center that an external impact was made on the plane, and we will have a lot more information about the military-technical aspect, but this story is already yesterday appeared and... in my opinion today it has become even more obvious how in fact, such stories always have such an informational-psychological aspect, but in this story, in my opinion, it still has certain features, and these features are described in words, but it’s strange, unusual, illogical, well, because look, yesterday the russian federation asked for... .. since
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our foreign minister is present there in new york, he requests an emergency meeting of the un security council, which is currently chaired by france. france refuses this. but after she simply refused, that in general, well, sort of strange without, well, an obvious reason, yes , she refused without reason, which is strange, and then she still agreed, but agreed after 26 hours, which is also quite illogical, because well, lavrov will already fly away, and in general, if you don’t want, so that we can discuss the features of behavior that are obvious, about the features of behavior. french diplomats were written by the first deputy permanent representative to the un of the russian federation dmitry polyansky, who explains this by the fact that the once glorious french diplomacy has been devalued to such a petty scam. it still seems to me that
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this is not just a matter of petty fraud. petty scams are the only way these really small people can, so to speak, who in the past really represented. great french diplomacy, the way these little people can solve a problem that , according to my feelings, fell on them in some completely unexpected way, they really don’t understand what to do with it, and we talked about it yesterday, and we’re talking about it today, what's happened there is a feeling that everything is in some kind of stupor , including those centers that we are used to saying that it is they who control, they gave them instructions, they ordered them, there is a feeling that all these centers are either in a stupor or... it would be some kind of conscious such silence was not surprising, of course, in this situation, with his bastard cynicism , the representative of the ukrainian reich in the united nations, who wrote about
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the departure of our minister of foreign affairs, who, well, as if in his own way, well, he apparently thought that this is such a joke, sarcasm, irony, trolling, he wrote, which means he emphasized the fact that sergei lavrov is also flying on the il plane, at the end he wrote il is waiting for you, this is inevitable, i leave all this in the place where my conscience should be kislitsa, what he says to the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, but it is indicative that he wrote this at a time when, in general , more or less everything had already happened... it is obvious that 65 ukrainian prisoners of war died there, there is a feeling that a person has not yet caught up with what it is it’s not a russian problem, i remember, remember how all these bastards were jumping when churkin died, so he, by inertia, began to jump in the same,
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so to speak, rhythm, but the fact that 65 citizens of ukraine, and also military personnel, also died, also the people whose families were waiting for them to whom they were supposed to go, such a thing that at this... this moment he had not yet reached him, although quite a lot of time had passed, and the reaction of ukryreich also fits into this formula strangely, illogically, because that usually what these guys are good at is right away start to carry something, such a feeling that it doesn’t matter, it’s important that they carry something, they fell into a kind of stupor, but for the man who never reaches into his pocket for a word and who always loads 3 tons of something, but loads , said no, so far the comments... no, we think there is nothing to say, and so on and so forth. zelensky, the president of ukraine, who, it would seem, well, in this situation, should also show these qualities of his, something, he knows how to build some idiotic versions, no, 12
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man, the man was silent for 12 hours, and he was silent in a situation where not only were we waiting for what he would say, we could roughly guess what he might say. when all of ukraine was waiting for 12 hours for him to say about it, in general, what he said was also quite incomprehensible, and this is all the more strange and illogical because he called, among those whom he called, shaptal, the chief of the general headquarters of the same one that, a few hours before, actually took over, i’m not talking about the ukrainian press and social networks, there the level of degeneration is already such that they automatically begin to jump at any tragedy, so to speak, but...
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russia stated that ukraine shot down a military transport plane carrying ukrainian prisoners of war, if there is any information about this in washington? no, we don't. able to confirm their veracity, we are obviously doing everything possible to obtain more clarity and more information on this issue, it would be irresponsible for me to speculate, i am simply not prepared to confirm the veracity of these messages, understand, the russian country says one thing, the ukrainian says another, we simply don’t have enough information to comment on what happened, ask, what ’s surprising here? what is surprising here is that from the mouth of kirby and any american official, in a situation where... the case between russia and ukraine says: you know, these are saying one thing, and these are saying another,
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we have no information, we need to study the facts , this is not just strange, it is blatantly strange, this is a confession, so i will remind everyone that when there was a tragedy with a malaysian boeing, not just some representative of the white house, president of the united states of america obama the next day said to the whole world that it was russia, that these were militias and russia would support them. they write that according to their sources it was petriot, and petriot is the united states, and this is from the territory
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of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation, which they warned about many times, and so on. in general, there is a feeling that for everyone, and not just for the ukrainian reich, which is strikingly surprising. and for americans this is some kind of black swan. the only other thing i think i’ll add here, in this strange information cocktail. the british are completely silent. yes. not a word. that's all i wanted to say. from this information point of view, there is intuition, not intuition, understanding, please , sasha, what, and you looked at each other so mysteriously, as if, i think we both liked the ending, i have a very very good sequential presentation, indeed, which demonstrates that our strategic opponents are in some difficulty, that they are in difficulty, that's for sure. kirby , of course, is still a comedian, they don’t have satellites over ukraine
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, they don’t see the tracks from missiles, of course, well, yes, like from a boeing, with a boeing, they said that we have them, but we don’t give them to you let’s show, here they are not even like them, they are 100% there, i’m not exactly a black swan, but i believe that for them this became a problem for our strategic opponents, not for kiev, for kiev it may become a problem later, uh, first.
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we do not support, we are against, we tell kiev, don’t do this, they are public, categorically against the use of western weapons, of any kind, on russian territory until the fourteenth year. they withdrew crimea. as if behind the scenes, but until the fourteenth year, this is a public position, and if now it turns out that it was their
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missile that shot down our plane on russian territory, you understand what the matter is, that - the question here is not only that their rocket, it seems to me that the more important question here is who gave the command to launch this rocket, because yesterday we discussed this on the air, and they say a lot about it, that at the stations that equipped with patriots and arrests, there are most likely not locals, as they say... lads, yes, and the poles sound there, the french sound there, the british sound there, because the americans themselves are not necessarily in the american patriot, just as they are not necessarily in in german iriset they sit as if. the germans themselves, because here it seems to me that it’s still a little more complicated than the origin of the rocket, no , the origin will be a fact, because whoever pressed the button, go and prove it, here is the rocket, here are the fragments, we put them together , these are the damaging elements, wow, but in this situation, the option arises that you can find or appoint some extreme major, which means the air defense of ukraine and, as it were
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, goodbye, well, like with boeing, also the next day the dispatcher from dnepropetrovsk disappeared. imagine our strategic partners in a state of heavy thoughts, san, i have a good imagination, something is not at all and i’m now spatially speaking to you, moreover, heavy deep thoughts about our plane, in which there were 65 ukrainian prisoners of war, taking into account, what are they they are firing in packs and tens of thousands on the battlefield, our plane is on our territory, i
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will spatially transfer it to you again, i turn on my imagination, well, let’s assume that these are representatives of the ramstein coalition meeting at the base.” and they are discussing what missiles to give to kiev, and this is already, not only washington and london are sitting there, representatives of other european states are also sitting there, who think: “hey, hello, we need this.” the question is, do they think so, sash, they are already starting to think so, we know the contradictions that arise there, and this will intensify these contradictions, in fact, this will introduce additional cracks in the coalition that was recently generally put behind concrete, i understand, but...
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i have another analogy right away with elenovka, but remember, where where exactly the same, yes, hymers in his own way. by his own azovets , an organization banned in russia, so as not to talk , so kirby behaved in exactly the same way then, well, or rather, representatives of the united states said exactly the same, we don’t know, we don’t have data, we’re alone now they say the same thing in words, apparently the training manual is exactly like this, just in any incomprehensible situation,
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it says that we have a lot of information, it is not enough, yes, in this in this incident. everyone showed themselves in the full , so-called light, how they, how they actually position themselves in this conflict, and i agree with the conclusion that the part of ramstein that you remember, and 50 countries, yes, we seem to be at war with them, already 52, great, most of them will be thinking, read pager, thought a lot, yes, that’s exactly what they’ll be thinking about now it depends, the fact is that... yes, the situation has already unfolded, and to be accomplices of the kiev regime, which is one step away from the tribunal, is, frankly speaking, a little different than all nato fronts opposing the aggressive, in quotes , russia, which so on, this is a little different, because
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there have already been enough cases, enough incidents to not only think about it, but little by little. crawl away, which, by the way, is what britain periodically does, it pokes ukraine with a stick from afar, pushing it into various madnesses and so on, but yes, grand sheps, you can say, yes, he is there, the louder, the louder the british talk about escalation and so on, the less i believe that they are involved in this, themselves, they themselves are participating in this, they push, yes, they supply, yes, they provoke, yes, they collect incriminating evidence, yes, but they themselves are unlikely to participate in this. what i would note here is that we always lose sight of the fact that the legitimate term of office of the presidential president.
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that is, after all, as soon as it finally becomes clear what happened, what was used to shoot it down, the main question will be, whose order was it?
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well, what if it was not his order, and for some reason i think that it was not his order, but for some reason i can’t imagine that the american, yes, how is this a western installation, then fired at the russian plane on russian territory, this one.
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we will watch it, once again, in blessed memory to all who died, yesterday to the pilots who accompanied us, and to the ukrainian prisoners who are already there, god rest in peace, their sinful souls, today you will go to russia , return the sacred treasure of the nation, the grenade, this box contains all the most valuable things. dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from the house. this is, after all, my father’s secret too. where there are values, there are also crimes. let's figure it out now. your
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operation is classified. do you understand the order? yes sir. is anyone still hunting for the contents of this box? my grandfather vananerbe was engaged exclusively in archaeology. this really is the place. there are secrets that have no expiration date. german. today is after the program. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. for the eightieth anniversary complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the enemy is marching into leningrad, and you are looking for an excuse, burn, comrades, a tank from
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a gorin bottle, the luga line, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on a stick, i’ll shoot you, pulkovo meridian, bread, i’m bread ! ruined , no strength, maksimovich, don’t give me permission, leningrad metronome, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, this is our duty to leningrad, operation iskra, i never wanted to live as much as i want now, i want to live to see the victory, the epic film blockade on saturday. on the first, i will not run away from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand, for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky,
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forgive me. they are edging with pure gold, we rely only on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, rock, my caress, i carried my misfortune through the spring on the ice, i loved the past sadder than graves, everything tender in without me...
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veta vodka is a product of the stellar group. if i lived in shanghai, i would probably feel myself as the heroine of some reality show. cameras make our lives comfortable. we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street. look at the material, the perfect seams, it's original. why is it cheaper? but you 're not on the champs-elysees, are you? you buy them, the locals love to show off and wear branded items, even if they are fake. if you are one minute late with your delivery, will you have any problems or? yes, it is, that’s why the guys sometimes beg clients to forgive them, sometimes even falling to their knees. and you unique man, manicurist? there are many of us here. do you like going to a man for a manicure? i love it and recommend it to everyone. here is this phrase: for children, ice cream making flowers doesn’t
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work. because ice cream with vodka , for us it’s a bestseller, there’s deception all around, just ice cream with lemon, the lives of others, the premiere on sunday on the first, for leonid yarmolnik’s seventieth birthday, i actually acted for many years, i played either criminals or abnormal people, only a duel , half the country made this gesture, it’s every actor’s dream to play something big and...
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i suggest we talk to you about a very important thing, we continue to work live, and today on the first, the program time will tell, the front line, but which does not run through the territory where the lbs passes, and not the front line that runs in the lines of geopolitics, economics and so on and so forth within the framework of our confrontation with the west, because... we very often talk about how during these 2 years, in a month it will be 2 years, how the special military operation is going on, we often discuss the state of european society , we often we discuss the state of american society , we talk about what will make them think, what will not make them think , what are the burghers thinking, what are the hutarians thinking, what are the rednecks from texas thinking, and we seem to
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know an infinite amount about this, what they were, what... they became, how they changed, and so on and so forth, but within the framework of such a confrontation, and we often say that it, among other things, besides the front, economics, politics and geopolitics, is also also such a cultural and civilizational thing, and we say, that we are opposed to them, and also as a kind of separate civilization, or at least pretending to be a civilization, or if you like, there is such a theory as this: the island of russia, and in this sense it is very interesting, but we are for these almost 2 years, we also went through our own path, and what we understood about ourselves, what we became or vice versa, what we stopped being or did not stop being, is one of the most important factors of where this confrontation will and can continue to move forward, because
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wars, as we know, are not won... only at the front, not only in the economy, they , and the further, the more in the information society, you showed absolutely correctly, they are won right here, here, they talked a lot about mental war, in this sense. i thought it was interesting to talk about what happened to us in this sense, it makes no sense to give any specific examples, just start talking about them now, it will fall, i think that this one will fall on you, i think everyone who argues with their friends, acquaintances, who are here, not here, somewhere there are these lines of disputes regarding which we as a society must... and it’s not a fact that we have decided on everything, there are a huge number of them, well, literally from the last, from literally today’s information context, the state duma adopted in the first place a law on confiscation of property for fakes about the army, and well, many call this
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a people’s law, meaning that the masses, well, they spoke out about the fact that the state is not tough enough. will start, we still have an anamnesis, well let’s not lie, we have this anamnesis, and those who doubt, they say, well , you know, it wasn’t stalin and yezhov who wrote 40 million denunciations in their time, the question arises that those who seem
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to support this, they think that they will be the ones who will condemn, and they will not be the ones who will be condemned, citing as an example, not the most successful periods, not the most... also one of the legislators, which means this is how he commented on this matter: soon it will be 2 years, first a special military operation - this is enough time, it seems to me, to writers, musicians and other cultural figures, no matter how far they are from
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politics, could find time to figure out who they are with, with their people who are fighting for the right to be themselves, or with their enemies who want to finish with russia, with whom are you masters of culture, asks this question... the legislator, but it’s true, in response, in any case, i hear voices, it’s like, if you want everyone to make up their minds, but at the same time it’s impossible to decide against, then you want those who are not for it, it’s best for you that they just were silent and didn’t talk shit, or do you want them to do everything somehow? here, here is an example, of this unanimous approval, which, as we remember, in the mid -seventies - began, in general, by the mid-eighties very quickly and not very it ended well, when it seemed like everyone was on board, and then, bam, it turned out that not everyone was. the questions are complex and we need to talk about them, but this is not really divided into
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separate topics, there is another most important topic, which also shows what is here and what we have here as a people or as a nation, like this changes or does not change, for example , the attitude towards relocants: about which we have been talking for a long time, we have already become accustomed to this term, although at first you remember what we called them, there are runners, there are rats and so on, now they have come up with such a word as like a relocant , it’s kind of round, without corners, it’s like a relocant, it’s like he took it and relocated, so the question arises, to relocate, it’s like you were relocating against someone, or you were just relocating for yourself, well, this poll is presented to you here, whether the state should accept measures for return, well, roughly speaking... everything is also quite complicated, and you can give dozens more examples of these, and i, i can only add on my own that 2 years is, on the one hand, a sufficient period, on the other hand not enough time for everyone to understand
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everything, everyone to get their bearings in everything somehow, i have one young girl here, twenty-two years old, when i was there, that means i started teaching her how to love one’s homeland and so on, she told me: you know, well, in general, you just shouldn’t forget that you lived there, the soviet union, komsomol, pioneer, nineties, back and forth, and we were born.
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exactly on this topic, this is how our society has changed, do you like how it has changed, that is , i’ve been talking about it for a whole week, how it has changed for us or do we like how it hasn’t changed, yes, absolutely right, this means that this is the first basic conclusion that i made for myself, the basic settings of our society have changed, the basic ones, i formulate this simply and literally, we are our society, our... in our in our country, in our society
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the time of heroes has returned, so the most interesting thing is that this is not just a figure of speech, there is even factual confirmation of this, so i talked with the famous actor alexander oblasov, and he says that in the fifteenth year they brought me 15 scripts a month, but there was nothing there , there’s nothing to rely on, there are no heroes in the scenarios, but what it brings now, i see, yeah, but before... the special military operation for the most part, well , we’re not, we’ve been at war since ’14, and our country has been here since twenty-two, and some even only since september twenty-two second, before the war - our state , in the person of its prominent representatives, it’s enough to remember one fursink, yes, the then minister of education, introduced our country and youth into a consumer society, we had the main task - to form a middle class in russia, which will become the support of the capitalist regime,
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when we, when i was a young man in the soviet union, yes, we went to relax in the theater, well, in extreme cases, in the cinema, well, who had a theater nearby, well, at least something like that, yes, and now our young people go relax in shopping centers, because everything is there, and this is also an image, so i have a cinema too, a cinema too, which... they show, but why do i know for sure that the time of heroes has come, because uh, comparatively recently there is a difference, to understand with your head how the country lives , to receive information, to correspond, and to know that this is so, is completely different, when we went to buryatia in the irkutsk region , we awarded awards to heroes of the home front, when i saw them, it’s true, the whole country really got to know each other. i really don't care i want to interrupt you and even less
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i want to be, i don’t know , the devil’s advocate there, this may be said too loudly, but i still have to ask you about this, because many people close to me with whom i am ask me about this well, i’ve been through a lot, and they ask me these questions: you’re now talking about the time of heroes and heroes of the war and heroes of the home front, about that part that decided for the northern military district, but i heard you ask another question, and the question arises about what and what about those, what about those?
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i, when they tell me this, i say, and you who are you contacting? i’m talking to someone, that is, you , i’m translating your question, vladimir vladimirovich, give it to me please, i meant god, no, no, vladimirovich, here it is on the sheet. please write to us 20 those you our ideology would not happen for one simple reason and what will happen it will not happen i and what will happen so why it won’t and it will be and it will become clear what will happen because there is an illusion, especially among the older generation, that ideology unites , ideology divides and leads to civil war, remember, for sure, because it will remain
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the part you’re talking about that doesn’t share it, so at the beginning of the 20th century, what we did with it, fought, killed, and then kicked it out. yes, now is the 21st century, so it seems to me that we should divide society into several groups and treat them differently, that is, there is, as it were, a locomotive of society, and we are now moving in this direction, yes, definitely, yeah, now , here we are, for example, yes, we imagine, i somehow see your facial expressions, and i rather see this facial expression, now i will count, and then alexey me will break, which means there is, as it were, a locomotive of development, yes. they consider themselves a civil society , and what has appeared, what you are talking about, is considered a departure from civil society, now
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the question arises, they need, roughly speaking, to be built, crushed, and who needs to be bumped with an article, or what, or everything is very simple. but if she, being dissent, tries to harm, then the law, the court and 27 years, but look, but look, here i am now alexey alekseevich, i’ll go, well, just a little, well , because i need it to be, because i see how you coincide in many ways, but nevertheless there is something to talk about, yes, but i do n’t know what goes into your facial expressions, which
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i hope we managed to show not entirely in agreement, i just want to add here, here when alexander says that the president is a lawyer and he doesn’t want anyone... anywhere, that means to force them there and so on, yes, he probably doesn’t want to, and i think that the people who are with him are all change is moving, i think they don’t want it either, but you understand, when on january 1 i read the post of one a very popular blogger who was not too lazy to watch one channel at night, and then wake up in the morning and watch another channel and count how many songs there were, and so on and so forth, says, this one sang there, but he was undecided, over there this... sang the funeral service, but he didn’t say a word, and i know entire websites where they keep, as it were, calculations that so many actors starred in this film, and of these actors, this one didn’t say anything, this one is silent, this one didn’t say anything, and so on, i understand the general mood of these people from approaches regarding this, i have questions, but on the other hand, as if in order to
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ask questions, you need to offer an alternative, i don’t know it, but fortunately i have someone to ask, for example, you, please, and i odessa questions to the question so... to those present to our viewers, here is a naked party, was it for ukraine or for russia? neither for one nor for the other, she was for herself, if it was not a challenge, of course, but it was an act of idiocy, let me tell you, i’ll play by your rules, i’ll say, what do you think? bravo, it starts, i think, well, it wasn’t me, sorry, i didn’t start it, okay, i think the following, why? our society reacted so unexpectedly sharply to the entertainment of our stars , in whom there was nothing new, they always behaved this way, so, let’s talk about society, so we won’t talk about them, about society, they always behaved this way, but society reacted to this, how the mechanics were, and you look at
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it all through the eyes of the guys who celebrated this new year in the trenches, that’s what they are with each other. they ask themselves and each other the question, why are we dying for this, so that they can continue, that is, just like this, calmly, calmly have fun, it turned out that the opinion, even if reconstructed, to some extent even virtual, we we didn’t directly ask the guys in the trenches about this, and they didn’t see that party, so we wouldn’t have seen them, by the way, yes, we pictured it for ourselves. the image of this fighter, and this question was asked on his behalf, it turned out that this question asked on his behalf, as an argument, outweighed the entire
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... majority, this means that the majority than the opinion of everyone else, than the opinion can live as it lived, can continue to live a peaceful life, not participate in anything, but what it is forced to come to terms with is that. .. his opinion, regardless of whether there are 20 percent or 70 percent or whatever, means less than the opinion of this
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minority, these several hundred thousand who are now there on the front line, these several million who are now three shifts plowing at defense factories, but these wives, mothers and children who are waiting for them home, they are now the salt of the earth, everyone else, excuse me in the second place, i accept you... the answer, well, as if within the framework of the role that i have measured out for myself, i ask you, i agree with this, but i can’t help but ask you this question, and those who are not ready to associate themselves with this, and with these hundreds of thousands of men who are at the front, those who work in three shifts, their wives, children of loved ones, who they are, who is waiting for them, and so on, volunteers.
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i understand you, one minute, maybe not with me anymore i have to ask alexey alekseevich , forgive me, these are the people you tell us about all the time, these are the ones i’m not talking about them, it sounds as if i invented them somewhere, you know, picked them up, but you open the telegram of what i’m saying about the fact that this one has not decided, this one has not decided, this one, in the country they are the majority, this is the same silent majority, but in relation, i said, let them do whatever they want, but there is one requirement in relation.
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so-and-so, who over these 2 years has not expressed her attitude towards the special military operation, did not go to donbass, did not transfer money to refugees, did not say anything about our boys, and he and she, as some say, should somehow be pushed aside, or as you say, no, no, well, like , if you don’t mind, don’t answer this substantive question, because there is a dispute about this; in ancient rome , actors were equated with prostitutes, just in case. well, you see, i don’t want to bring you others in response to this, other actors, writers, journalists and so on,
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who, who have taken over a special military operation that travels, helps. there is a difference, a very important difference, so , finish it, men and women who live at any address in moscow, yekaterinburg, vladivostok, work, raise children , pay taxes, that’s one thing, but there are people who have come to the forefront, they are already are leaders, you answer the question, mind you, in relation to no, alexander means influencers, the so-called.
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okay, now further on in the system, what to do with them, understand and forgive, you can understand, it is impossible to forgive, here there really should be a clear legal certainty, if these people commit illegal actions, understand why and forgive or not forgive for what, understand their weakness, their reflection can be understood, but forgive here , excuse me in more detail, i say again, here we need clear legal certainty, which , as i understand it, the state duma and other government bodies are now adopting regarding those who speak out?
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they just don’t want to talk about the fact that they have decided, because in principle everything it’s clear how the current situation differs from the situation in 2021, in that now in russia there are still people who have made up their minds, and people, i don’t agree with alexei, that they are a minority, they are a majority, just not everyone has and does not want to publicly express their point of view, even if they are silent, they are silent threateningly, what has changed during this time, western... actors have always told me that, well, you understand, the ukrainians are now angry, these are wonderful warriors, stubborn slavs, and so on, i always told them in such cases, guys, look at the situation, on the other hand, the russians are angry, the russians are now actually shaping the information space in general, and if you want the spiritual space, the traditional value space and so on, because - yes,
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the ukrainians set us on like dogs. but in response, well, i ’ll take advantage of the beaten, beaten way, in response, a whole herd of bears came out, not even one, a whole herd, here, here in this situation, what to do with these, just some of the bears remained in the den, well, they’re sucking a paw , well, yes, they hibernate and so on, but i am sure that in the event of an immediate threat, by the way, those who set the dogs on, they are now jumping like monkeys, they say that there will soon be a war with russia, we should already be preparing for this, we are carrying it out. exercises and so on, and they must take into account that not all of the bears have even come out yet, yeah, this is a new mature civil society, essentially a special military operation, the covid reality, there is a threat - ukrainian aggression since the fourteenth year, they, in principle, have already formed a new type of civil society in russia, with which, with which a very inconvenient type of civil society, a mobilized civil
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society, an evil civil society in a good sense, will have to deal with. everyone, remember , yes, but when we don’t care, yes , everyone is scared, yes, it’s true, artyom, that was, since a direct question was asked, then i have a direct answer, should these ones move?
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in general i accept, but then you say the following: in 2 years our society has changed enough for it to have the comrade that we are discussing here now, here the state is in some places from this commerton is lagging behind, you tell me, because it makes films that it pays for actors who do not consider it necessary to decide for themselves, it, to continue my phrase, should not do this, should not. should, yeah, that means, that is, roughly speaking , permission, permission for filming, this is a trip, not really, a privilege, but
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those who have decided should have a privilege, if if there is state money there, yes, if we are talking about state money, then , here the question will arise again, inevitably, completely not from hostile people, but well, people from our cops, they will say, you know, this is the case with actors, writers, musicians, but what about talent, if a person, you know, if he’s ours in the board, but here no matter how it goes, talent should serve the people, the public won’t accept it, what’s the problem, well, if you’re talented, then be so kind as to make up your mind and continue to compete with these mediocrities who have made a fool of themselves and think that they are now the best smart, yeah, well, you know, okay. i will, i won’t argue further, now we’ll see, advertising, then we will continue, the world is changing before our eyes, to understand it, to imagine
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what it will be like tomorrow, you just need to look back and take a closer look at the diversity of great human civilizations, the vast majority of which share the same values ​​as us. china has always been a developed country;
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in its public life it tries to preserve the laws of god. premiere, civilization project. today is the first one. the oral cavity, what makes it unique? in special immunity. avocado on days of snowfall, what is the benefit? ciliated arrhythmia, a unique method of treatment. the program to live healthy will tell you everything. tomorrow on the first. today we have a family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents. that's it, let's rest. i started acting
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when i was seven years old, honestly, i don’t help her. she really works independently, this is definitely perfect. in general, at first she stood in a line, sang like everyone else. i say, you can put it next to it. after all, i’m a narcologist, i’m sober, tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, i’ll give her a car, this is honestly earned money, you lost your spouse early and you raised your son alone, yes , i was 38, i knew that there were children i needed to take care of them, this is my treasure, these are the first medals that arthur dedicated specifically to his mother, thank you. he was a genius in his
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fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life. i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan iv. grozny, vladimirovich’s greatest merit, he saved this inheritance. lenin would like to allow our rental. countries kamchatka, for example , to lease to the americans, moreover, he further developed this, we need to learn how to trade culturally, solve problems culturally, confiscating all property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion, lenin’s chervonets, gold, became the most influential currency in europe, and the woman received 21 privileges, to say that lenin was a supporter of family values, well, it’s definitely impossible, one of the first, just lenin’s decrees to facilitate divorce, read
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einstein and he said: “people like lenin renew the conscience of humanity." he fought for the happiness of working people. having sacrificed a very large number of working people. at the same time, i think no one in our country, outside the country , will deny that this is a great figure. a man who changed everything. premiere. on sunday on the first. why, you ask, am i unique? yes , because my grandson is 20 years old, and my daughter is 18. russia is the largest, most extensive, traveling through it gives me the greatest pleasure. there is a red village on the volga on the broad side , here it shines marvelously glitter of gold and silver.
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on the souvenir benches there is a scattering of decorations, they have been created for centuries by the krasnoselsky genius, buttoned icebergs float on bright turquoise water, causing such impressions that will leave no one indifferent in the soul, you definitely need to visit our entire beautiful country, i want to wish all russians good luck and be proud of their country. the program time will tell, we continue to work live , i have a kind of marker when, well, people who are at least in front of the tv seem to be hooked by what we are talking about, when well, my friends and acquaintances, even during the time that we are talking, have time to do whatsapp, telegram, everything that can be interrupted by questions, i don’t even have time to ask them all, so i tried to sort them out during the advertising, and the first question expected from our... about
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the same age as you, who, let’s say, are in the middle, and not hostile in the middle, but they’re not here, yeah, here, but who are in the middle, and these are the people there, for example, with whom i’m in afghanistan served, that is, everything is there, well, here they are, let's say, in the middle, they ask me, the topic , it seems to me, one of my friends writes to me , that what he said before the advertisement, well, i mean mayon you, but we will come to you now too, your guest, this is something like... uh komsomol in the mid-eighties , you want a career, you joined the komsomol, everything is fine with you, but what you really think there, no one cares, there is such a danger, there is such a danger, how to avoid it, because in fact we are talking there, speaking there about figures of the same cultures, that is, they there will be some kind of indulgence, i went to the donbass, and i don’t know, i listed it all further somewhere there, but no, but how, because if i went to...
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having left somewhere and this is a separate question, i’m talking about how can we arrange our life here so that i don’t even ask about them, i’m telling you about those who stayed, who didn’t leave, having left but not leaving, that’s who took it, 40%
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of the relocants have already returned, so between us in confidence, listen, gray stone, look, you say white stone, there are those whom the black stone called everything.
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the actor who, having left, has already said a bunch, just a bunch of all sorts of nasty stuff, well, for example, he didn’t star there, in the ninth company, now the question arises: we don’t show or watch the ninth company, given that the other actor who starred in the ninth company, volunteers to fight, and now the minister of culture of south ossetia , and now the minister of culture of south ossetia, we’re still not going anywhere from this, that is, roughly speaking, the ninth company, this is a film in which this bastard, who went to latvia , starred and from there he carries his own little bit. or man, which, well, with a capital letter m, what are we doing with this is a good question , but where to go, i see, you’re all like this, it’s not zenka, it’s not zenka, it comes to me, it’s just that jesus christ has already decided, he said, leave it to me the dead bury their dead, that's all, when alexey started talking about
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pebbles, white and black, i looked at his mother-in-law, who was talking during a pause about the institute of philosophy, i remembered that in the academy of sciences they vote with white and black balls, there are no gray ones, yes, but we are not all in the academy of sciences, the point is that i simply know why teska gives this example, since he has, well, his own, what is called a war on the philosophical front, i am approximately aware of this war, so i am not surprised by what he says, but this is a war in a narrow view a very important professional community, and we are talking about society, artyom, let me try so slowly, like in a minefield, then so slowly that i still have time to listen, i won’t have enough words, just like in a minefield, carefully, so here you are? uh, throughout the entire program you’ve been pushing us towards in order for us to somehow make a decision regarding certain groups of our fellow citizens, it is not i who are pushing, the audience is pushing me, and you are pushing us, that is, fellow citizens. i emphasize from citizens - these are our citizens, who, as you narrow it down, who live in our country,
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then, just a second, but i’ll correct the form, i ’m not pushing you to make up your mind, i’m pushing you in response to the question whether you should we must, as part of society demands, make a decision regarding them , force them to make a decision too, that means, that means, look, regarding us, we we sorted out this patriotic locomotive , which alexey detailed very , very well and... thanks for the tip, i will also use what we often say on behalf of those fighters in the trenches and it works, it really, it really works, as the end of last year showed , a large number of people, maybe even the majority, even most likely the majority, firstly, they have the need to publicly define themselves, while others have no desire, and if they, but when they act in films, write books and stage plays, it arises question: if an actor or actress is starring in
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the film romeo and juliet, they must be identified as gelfs or gigilins, no, probably, or they should come out with the letter z romeo play this you say, i say no, what do you want right there, you’re right there on the other side, but it’s clear that the cossacks are all so patriotic, look, look, there ’s a cossack standing on the first channel and telling off the silent man. you can’t punish people for thoughts, only for
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actions, and you can’t punish people because of inaction, because the lack of action is only thoughts, i understood, all the questions in general are already clear, and very simple, an old friend wrote to you, so i would answer him, what was the problem with this komsomol, so he pronounced these shahadas necessary, well, in order to get a crust, he it's not there. he didn’t believe one word , he considered it trash, you know what’s the matter , it’s more complicated, some believed, some didn’t believe, so it’s impossible to determine who enters the faith and who doesn’t, that’s not the point, just if you if you want to increase your ranks, the very, very last thing, the most useless thing for you is to increase them by coercion, that is , in order for the ranks to grow, they need to work.
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well, we try them here and of course, she is no less important, yeah, without her all this doesn’t work, without her it all degenerates into absolute imitation and hypocrisy, but look, i understand what i mean you say, and well, how would it be called warmer, as i imagine, but here ’s a question, again citing as an example in soviet times about many things, well, of which not everyone already remembers and knows, for example, this one again border, and joining the komsomol, for example, we all remember very well that
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the advertisement: today you will go to russia , return the sacred treasures of the nation, a grenade, in this box all the most valuable things, dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from the house. this secret, in the end, killed my father, where there are values, there are
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crimes. let's figure it out now. your operation is classified. you understand the order, that ’s right, someone is still hunting for the contents of this box, my grandfather vanenerbe was engaged exclusively in archeology, this indeed, this is the same place, there is a hiding place that has no date, today is after the program. oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group. awareness of the commonality of civilization flows from the recognition of the commonality of the past, present and future. when
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our first people discovered siberia, they hardly thought that they were walking through lands that were not rich.
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every round on saturday on the first, it was a feat, a feat in the name of art. he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life. i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan iv the terrible, vladimirovich’s greatest merit, he saved this inheritance. lenin would like to allow the lease of our country, the end, for example, to be leased to the americans, moreover, he further developed this, we must learn to trade culturally, culturally. problems, confiscating all property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion. lenin's chervonets, gold, became the most influential currency in europe, and the woman received 21
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privileges, saying that lenin was a supporter of family values, well, definitely not. one of the first decrees of lenin was to facilitate divorce. but i read einstein, and he said, people like lenin renew the conscience of humanity. he fought for happiness. people of labor , putting a very large number of people of labor, while, i think, no one in our country, outside the country will deny that this is a great figure, a man who changed everything, the premiere is on sunday on the first, and to complete the program? i want, having said about my birthday, which is today january 25th, a person whose fate, whose life and
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whose work was, in some sense of the word , a vivid example of what we are talking about, from different sides, a person who, let’s say, did not agree with the course of the party and government in everything, a person who did a lot of things that were not allowed, but at the same time he was wildly talented and... at the same time, the whole country loved him on tapes, on records, listened to him in movies, and so on and so forth, a very important secret, i don’t know, whether he said it or not, this phrase is attributed to him in one of the interviews when he they asked about relations with the soviet regime, so to speak, he said: i have problems, questions for my state, it was western television, i won’t discuss them with you, it seems to me that there is, as they say, why not an example, we have today there was such an unusual program, an unusual layout, so the continuation will be unusual, now... on the first channel there is a premiere of the project civilization film first russia, all for you.


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