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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 25, 2024 10:50pm-12:01am MSK

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to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the evacuation of theaters began in the late autumn of '41. our theater became the only group that deliberately remained.
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for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky they play with pure gold, we only rely on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, my rock is my caress, i carried my misfortune to the hanging ones. on
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the ice in the past i loved more sadly than graves, everything tender in me without the wings of the training, i the fields lovers in bed, vladimir semyonich, what difference does it make to you, it really wasn’t possible to live longer, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, but our sons. go into battle. premiere, its own track. on saturday on the first. he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life. i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan iv. grozny. the greatest merit is vladimirovich. he saved this inheritance. lenin would like to allow rent our country. kamchatka, for example
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, to lease to the americans, moreover, he further developed this, we must learn to trade culturally, solve problems culturally, confiscating all property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion, leninsky chervonets, gold has become the most influential currency in europe, and the woman received 21 privileges, it’s definitely impossible to say that lenin was a supporter of family values, one of the first lenin decrees was to facilitate divorce, but i read it.
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let's load, don't forget anything, let's load, loading! take it!
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oh, grigory, look, the german found them, the children, oh, ran away, and you, german, go, go, go, go, go. we will fight ourselves, what are you doing?
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what's happened? they were partisans in disguise. shoot well, we're leaving.
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i understood right away. i realized that we were talking about treasures. i tried to remove all the documentation. then i got access to some
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kgb archives. and everything grew together, you see, everything grew together. ist, when this little german, ralph, appeared, and now here you are, i realized that my dreams can remain so, die zwei anderen in dem boot.
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erfürchtet, dass wir ihn töten wollen. ich werde sie beschützen wie meinen eigenen augap.
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on air. today we are talking with the most prominent american economist, political scientist, professor at columbia university, jeffrey sachs. professor sachs, we are very glad to welcome you. i think.
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then an even bigger victory, as public opinion polls predict in south carolina, by the way, in the state where nikki haley was governor, but according to...
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yes, of course, the team will gather, they will discuss how they can defeat trump, because trump is in the lead, but it’s quite difficult to do something in this situation, i think it’s unlikely that biden will be able to come up with something, so far everything is against this administration, people in america are very dissatisfied, basically they don't like
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the economic situation, they don't like the situation. border with mexico, the war in ukraine is clearly in favor of russia, the war in gas is also very unpopular in the united states, so the issue of foreign policy for biden is precisely the weak link, the economy is also not very good, so everything seems to point in favor of trump, well, age. age , of course, is constantly affecting biden, more and more people are talking about it, more and more people are dissatisfied with the fact that biden is at this age , continue our conversation, what do you think that biden will be the democratic candidate, but you can’t be sure of this, well, how can it be that it’s not biden, something
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will happen to him, he’ll leave the company, how do you imagine that? well, this is still a very old man, and i say, his age is everything time makes itself felt, well, who knows what will happen there, how he will feel , i don’t know whether something specific will happen or not, there will be a party congress in the summer, if suddenly, let’s say, there are some serious mistakes or what -what will happen during the election campaign, well... at least some opponents say so, maybe the leadership of the democratic party will actually get together and say: we need to look for someone else, maybe biden will agree with them, this seems unlikely to me, but i wouldn’t rule out such a thing now possibility, i don’t know, maybe i would give 20%, or maybe more, i don’t know, so
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some uncertainty remains, but... you yourself understand that when a candidate is over 80, his age constantly reminds him of himself, there is no of which one cannot be completely sure, there are still 10 months left before the elections, so anything can happen, we’ll wait and see, jeffrey, you mentioned foreign policy, two numbers immediately interested me in matters of public opinion.
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it seems to me that the situation is quite predictable, i have been trying to say this for many years, i have said about this, but i spoke.
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republicans will be afraid that before the elections they will be held responsible for the failure in ukraine. from a political
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point of view, the president is responsible for foreign policy , naturally, everyone will blame each other, but by and large , it is the administration, not the republicans, who will be responsible for all this, but i would say this, the main mistake of the biden administration is the fact that they flatly refused to discuss these issues with russia, not to mention the fact that... the russian foreign minister spoke, some kind of negotiations , sergei lavrov spoke about this again recently when he spoke from the un rostrum, he also says: we are ready to talk, we are ready to negotiate, but the americans flatly refuse to conduct any kind of negotiations with russia, this is not just some kind of negotiations. this is russian propaganda, these are facts,
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this is reality. the current us administration constantly hopes that some miracle will happen and ukraine will defeat russia on the battlefield. from the very beginning it seemed to me like some kind of crazy idea, i talked about it from the very beginning, i always hoped that there would be some negotiations through turkey. this was at first in april 22, i was hoping for a successful outcome of these negotiations, but the united states intervened and prevented it. these are issues of collective security and the security of russia, this is the future of nato, the most important issues that russia and the united states must resolve at the negotiating table. this
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will certainly happen, but i believe that for ukraine, this is a terrible situation for the biden administration, this is a disaster, this is a failure, and the main mistake of the administration was that they refused to negotiate. there were a lot of opportunities to establish a dialogue with russia, to come to an agreement, but america was away from them since i came to host the “great game, full time” program, i have not been in washington, but when i left washington back in at the end of october 22 , people from the
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national security council apparatus spoke to me.
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this is so, why does the white house, president biden so categorically refuse to negotiate? it seems to me that nato should be the main topic at the negotiations, but for some reason the united states is stuck on the fact that nato and the future nato and nato expansion cannot be discussed. we're talking about this.
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“let’s maybe freeze something somewhere, they are ready to discuss some issues, but they are not ready to discuss nato, and if you don’t discuss nato, then there is no point in principle discussing the situation in ukraine, so
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i understand “, of course, there are hawks, there is the military-industrial complex and so on, but the central point is that the biden administration is refusing dialogue.” refuses to admit that nato should exist within certain boundaries, that there is no need to drag ukraine into nato. without it it is pointless to discuss any other issues, a truce, a ceasefire. and biden has taken such a position that he does not intend to seriously discuss this issue with the american people or with anyone else. this is a huge mistake. if there had been no mistake in this war, it would have been possible. ukraine was ready to accept a neutral status, but the usa and great britain said: this was
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a huge mistake, i still don’t understand to this day how they could make such a monstrous mistake, such a monstrous miscalculation, personally for me. everything was completely clear, but the white house does not understand this, they constantly underestimate russia's resolve, they refuse to take into account russian concerns, which i personally believe are absolutely legitimate, absolutely justified, but the white house refuses to look at things any other way, refuses understand this. with everything you said, but i still personally cannot fully understand the reasons for such stubbornness on the part of the biden administration, i ask myself a simple question, well,
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you want ukraine to be in nato, so that anyone in europe who wants to be in nato can be in nato, even if they are neighbors of russia and have problematic relations with russia.
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in december 91, the united states began to have a certain kind of illusion, when the soviet union collapsed, and the united states felt itself to be the only empire in the world; these illusions turned out to be deeply erroneous, because the united states could not then foresee that china would gain such power. and in general, what place will the united states occupy in the world
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in terms of economics and technology, what the united states will lose its sole leadership in the world, russia, naturally, was also greatly underestimated, so yes, in principle, i would agree with you, it turns out that the united states is no longer able to do everything it wants, it is simply unrealistic. and in foreign policy we need to proceed from this reality, we need to abandon the idea that there is only one superpower in the world, the usa, only one hegemon, this is an illusion, it has always been an illusion, but today in 2024, this is completely obvious to everyone , the usa is now in international isolation on issues such as gas, for example, the situation in the middle east, practically...
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just try not to arrange something all the time, but biden apparently lives in the past, when he even says something, look at him rhetoric, it all smacks of the nineties , this is not the language of the twenties of the 21st century, so you are absolutely right, dmitry, indeed, this does not make any sense, and i will tell you specifically, and several senators, specifically now, are talking about what they are saying : yes we must support
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nato expansion, they must support ukraine , they must resist china, but if they had at least a grain of common sense, if they understood what was really happening in ukraine now, if they understood at least something about china, then none of this would happen it wasn't, but they don't understand it, so... all in all, i can just say that the current administration, it's making one terrible mistake after another, and it's still going back to the obama years, going back to the coup in fourteenth year, when yanukovych was overthrown with the support of the united states, this still stretches back to the days of the minsk agreements.
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the question has become an edge, for them now it is important to hold out until november, and so that some terrible catastrophe does not happen along the way, but who knows what the situation will be on the battlefield?
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traveled around india, cambodia, thailand, malaysia, china, hong kong. and throughout this trip. i can tell you, i was very impressed by the technological achievements of these countries, digital technologies are everywhere in southeast asia, i met with representatives of the leadership of these countries, with
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several heads of state, with ministers in these countries. i can tell you that in these countries the mood and situation are now very optimistic.
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therefore, you don’t need to listen to what they are writing about this now in the usa, but this is, in principle , a typical situation for the american media, it always happens, but there is no decline in china now, and asia as a whole continues to develop very dynamically. because russia has turned towards india and other asian countries, integration processes are underway, brix and so on, this is all going very well, so everything that is said in the west is just some desperate attempts to throw some kind of shadow, to say something bad, but this is
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a typical situation, i just read the materials of the council meeting foreign policy, well, this... girl pilots and girl technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice. this is the film that you were waiting for, i think that yes, of course, definitely air, because of course it was a dream to work with alexei german, they invited me to audition, but then not
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they called, i thought, probably not, i didn’t approach, and so i thought in despair, well, there was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not. look how slender they fly, it means everything is not in vain, this technology, a completely unique technology that we tested, i can say, a pioneer in this matter, my hero does five barrel rotations, a person who has claustrophobia and you are there, it’s impossible, and you this is exactly where you find yourself, when alexey asked how long you could stand it, i understand that the girls were spinning, it was difficult for them, i think, how long can you say, this we haven’t been there yet, of course, the lab podcast is on the first one tomorrow. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. there is a big game on the air, today we are talking with alexei konstantinovich
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pushkov, senator pushkov is the chairman of the commission on information policy and interaction with the media of the federation council. we are very glad to see you. good evening, you have traveled to america a lot in the past. lately, as i understand it, it's... less noisy. the security council, no matter how incomplete it is, will still be consider.
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firstly, i want to ask, did you also understand that he threatened lavrov? well, you know, such a provocative, threatening hint, so to speak, more designed to draw attention to this statement than something specific, i do not perceive it as a specific threat, but ukraine specializes in this kind of, you know, ambiguous threats, ambiguous statements, which, in the opinion, apparently, of the ukrainian leadership. must keep the situation in constant tension, but for now we see that the ukrainian side is
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the cause of the death of ila-76, this is a statement by the representative of ukraine at the un, it cannot distract from this fact, that is, this is just a rhetorical attack, and the death ...
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actions, well, even the media periodically receive information about the detention, about the arrest a group of saboteurs or a group that was preparing a terrorist attack somewhere on the territory of the russian federation, i am sure that this is true, so here you know, in a war, as in a war, as they say, we are in a situation of military conflict, and something that ukraine is using terroristically in this military conflict. this has really become commonplace, alas, alas, but i think that this plays against ukraine, because world
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political opinion, public opinion does not boil down to... that ukraine’s terrorist actions prevent ukraine from actually receiving recognition and support, except, of course, for collective west, right? well, of course , you see, well, let’s take this incident with the plane, yes, even the ukrainian side does not deny, as far as one can judge, in any case the case, according to information this evening, is that this is the work of the ukrainian armed forces, but
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how will this be perceived in world capitals? this is not only london, paris , brussels and washington, this is beijing, this is delhi, this is cairo , this, this, this is brazil , that is, this is pritoria, that is, these are the countries that make up the global majority, you know , and using such methods, ukraine, by the way, by the way, is dragging the west, i think , into a situation that is also unfavorable for it, the west is justifying it.
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when, when about six months ago west came to the conclusion that he could not win the global south to his side, regarding sanctions, following sanctions against russia, then it was the decision of governments, states of the global south, most of the world, yes, and i can ask a rhetorical question: how did we manage this year to get four, approximately 3.5-4% gdp growth, in conditions when the international monetary fund gave us
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that in washington the ministry of finance is making incredible efforts to put an end to not only the transfer of some double technologies, but even to interfere with ordinary financial transfers, that is, they are already thinking about how to stop not only some things that help russia militarily, but that would simply help ordinary citizens
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live and travel normally, and i hear that this is true ... is this so, because this is, in general, such a, how to say, conservative, description of the level of western responsibility for what their ward ukraine is doing. it seems to me that this is not only a question of how to
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justify it, how to ignore it, i seems. but this is still not participation in the war, they are not participating in the war, they even brag to their voters about how smart and cunning they are, they are doing all
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these things against russia with the help of ukraine, but they cannot be punished, they are participants in the conflict, are not, they can, as the poles say, create joint military production. with ukraine on its territory, but somehow it doesn’t occur to me that these joint productions will become legitimate military targets when all these american airplanes and other equipment, through airports in western countries, through countries, such as germany, where large shipyards are located. it doesn’t occur to me that russia cannot help but know what they are doing, where they are doing it, when they are doing it, but they assume that they can get away with it, because they are not
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participants in the war, they are nato countries, alone for everyone, all for one, russia will not dare, putin is evil, bad, but he is a reasonable, prudent politician, he will not agree to... these interpretations were erroneous, well, the most recent mistake is the deep conviction that ukraine can somehow return
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the lost territories and enter crimea by the fall of this year, and this was repeated at all levels, at the level of, well, serious western politicians, although i don’t think they were serious if they said such things. but this was the basis for the foreign policy and military planning of the west in relation to this conflict, it must be said that this only causes bewilderment, that is, there is such a category, well known to you, thinking, that is, when they take wishful thinking, in the case of ukraine i have a feeling that in western capitals this was the only scheme, that is, to really accept the desirability of why ukraine should win. because we really want this, because this is how it should be, in our opinion, here, here is the first mistake, and the mistake is, well, quite obvious, yes, quite recently i was struck by one of the interviews of your friend john bolton, the former trump
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's national security adviser, who said, well , you know, this has its complications, look at the map, russia has much more territories, more army, that is, 2 years ago he did not come to this conclusion, then suddenly it dawned on him, you know, what about the success of the ukrainian counter-offensive ...
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ideological approaches, this is how it should be, because we want it, yes, then suddenly they discover with amazement that it turns out, no, that didn’t happen as far as participation in the war is concerned. of course they participate, this is so to speak, indisputably, yes, but you and i understand that in politics, so to speak, degrees and forms are very important, you can participate in different ways, so they try to participate so as not to provoke russia into attacking the territories and bases there, let’s say, yes, places of concentration of the armed forces of nato countries, so they believe that this is how they participate, that is, with financial assistance.
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“today you will go to russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation, everything that is most valuable is in this box, dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from home. where there are valuables, there are also crimes. your
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operation is classified, do you understand the order? so surely someone is still hunting for the contents of this box? my grandfather vananerbe was engaged exclusively in archeology, this is really the same place, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, from monday after the program time. modern man, also absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world, language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there, ethiopia and eritrea are fighting for pushkin, pushkin is such a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia, africans were never considered people second-class, the same ibrahim hannibal, reached the rank of mineral, he entered the russian elite. in 1960, under direct
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pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence. i revered the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunity. a lot of people think that in africa we don’t walk, go naked, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we are the same people, we are no different. all major countries understand this very well.
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and there is a lot of talk in western capitals about how if ukraine loses the war, this will lead to russian aggression and they will have to fight russia anyway. only not defending kharkov, but already defending berlin or maybe even paris, so i hear these predictions, i try to ask myself the question:
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don’t they understand that a clash with russia is a big threat to their own security, they understand, but in my opinion look, talk that russia, if and when it wins in ukraine, will go further, in sweden they exploit it all the time the topic that russia will capture gothenburg, although i am sure that for 99% of the inhabitants of our planet the word gothenburg means nothing. there once was a world hockey championship a long time ago, that’s the only thing it’s famous for, but there’s no oil there, all the oil goes through gothenburg , that’s the thing, all the oil goes to sweden, you see, there’s no oil there, but it’s a transit point, and that the first thing the russians will do is seize gothenburg, and well, similar nonsense is heard in other countries, but in my opinion they
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need to be looked at a little differently, this is not a speech the point is that they are really going to fight with us, the point is that they are entering a new phase of militarization. i would compare the situation with the 50s of the last century, when the west gave the go-ahead for the remilitarization of western germany, which had just gone through a cycle of denazification, demilitarization, and so on, was still considered and completely justified, so to speak, as the culprit what the german nation did under the leadership of hitler, nevertheless it was remilitarized because ... the cold war came, then they said that the russians will not stop at eastern europe, they will go further, they will capture all of western europe to the english channel, to the shores of the atlantic, so we need to arm ourselves. now i see an analogy with this situation, that is, the talk that russia will not stop, they are not intended, in my
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opinion, to prepare.


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