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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 26, 2024 1:25am-2:16am MSK

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then this is almost a two-fold increase, but the blue chips are all in the black, yes, great, what else is gold, so beloved by our rumored, at least home-grown investors , asset, the end of the year is very good for gold, who knows, you and i are great we understand that if the price rises, it means that someone is buying gold, buying it first of all on world markets. maximum, whoever is buying gold now, the main demand for gold comes from central banks. from some funds, and a new trend is that indian and chinese households are included in this game, buying coins, buying bars, this is a new trend, but in general we must understand that gold is still such a thing from the past, from those times when gold was money, when paper money was tied to gold, this is... for now it remains
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, let's see how events will develop further, probably, the current situation, including around russia , contributes to the fact that gold will come into circulation again, well, here, as i can observe, gold is not directly, as it is called, a defensive asset, because when some cataclysms happen, the same movements during the covid period, which is called the period, yes, when... india and china, you remember very well, probably, 2009, when gold was at approximately the same peaks of 1900-1950, when just all the analytical publications wrote that this is... a new stage in the revival of gold, and that
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now china is buying real gold, and india, there will be two and 2.5 and three, and we remember very well that gold then fell to the level of 1.300, that is, it lost 30% of its price; the protective asset lost 30%, and for 8 long years gold was there, what is called -30, now this situation could repeat itself or now we are looking only at the positive, no, everything is possible, everything is possible, and so gold loses its status as... some kind of international unit of account , yes, today's instability , the arrest of reserves, the impossibility of, say , russia, iran and a number of other countries , to maintain distrust in soft currencies, may revive payments, including in gold, as such a unit between these, well, as a means of accumulating conservation, you would not recommended, i don’t use this thing, but in our reality, look, now we have no tax on revaluation, yes, this is also a good thing.
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instrument, what will happen next , we’ll see, with the passing of a generation that perceived gold clearly as money, and paper money or non-cash money only as a derivative of it, the value of this asset will probably go away, let’s see, here’s an example, you have the ratio of gold and silver, once in the united states the same was fixed at one to 15, it’s 1:80 now, and a lot of people broke themselves during this movement. but it never happened , well, here you know, i can say that you are the first analyst who has this attitude towards gold, this very precisely coincides with my attitude towards this asset, despite the fact that, as many say, you know how, that’s if will come, if everything goes bad, and the apocalypse and so on, i say, well , remember the movie mad max, the price there is usually for ammunition, weapons and...
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what is the reason for your disbelief, this is a disbelief in this institution as a means of accumulation, as a means of obtaining money or possible risks outweigh the profitability, why, if we talk about markets about... certain objects, as for bitcoin, no one accepts it, yes, its emission is limited. but what can
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be done with it, if tomorrow the largest economies will accept it on an equal basis with their currencies, this will probably greatly increase its value and prestige in some way? as payment for goods, there i think that now you can already buy an apartment, and cars, it’s impossible to say, as long as there is a mechanism for exchanging for ordinary money, it all works, as soon as you have everything, everything will be in these units, maybe, maybe, but for me these are not completely clear things, it will be, it
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will not be, there are other things that are more understandable , which can be worked, for me there is no difference between a digital and non-digital asset, by and large, non-cash money is the same digital asset as...
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international markets to support the price of oil, technologies that have come to limit their production, supplies to the united states, to canada, to brazil, allow us to get oil cheaply in places where we didn’t even think about it before, well now about shale production or not only? and deep-sea production, and sands, if we look at it, the united states is about to be practically self-sufficient in its own oil. the united states, if we take almost 13 million barrels a day there, this is generally the largest production, so for a second, let's say for our audience
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that the united states of america is currently one of the three, there all the time there is such a struggle going on, number one already, but you produce 13 million barrels as usual. plus, if the cartel collapses, the price of oil goes to where it should be , based on the current economic conditions, for every company there, it’s somewhere around 35-40, no, i would say higher, that is, this is the level which we saw there as a whole,
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seventeenth, eighteenth, here 55-65, in this range, of course, any fall at the beginning occurs much lower, you... remember very well that oil once cost negative money, after togo, reloading, oversaturation of storage facilities in the first place, when all the tankers were floating full, and the problem of the expiration of this april expiration is the repayment of supply contracts, when everyone was ready to pay money for this oil to be taken from them, this is what a negative price is, this when you say along with oil, i ’ll pay you more, just take it, well, it didn’t last long, it was... and i hope that angola’s withdrawal from opec plus is the only thing, well, it’s a few percent, that it won’t affect the existence of a cartel, otherwise everything it will not be so good for us and for the ruble.
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well, we remember that saudi arabia’s budget is calculated at 85, plus or minus, say, 83, already a critical figure, without a deficit. budget - actually the leader - the consortium you are talking about, guardianship, saudi arabia, is actually the main engine and motivator of the very discipline you are talking about, they have a budget of 85, that's how... from the east, they don't really like high oil prices, they will make their
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political efforts to try somehow fall apart, again, the us elections in november, of course, the united states, despite the fact that it is one of the biggest beneficiaries of this process, in general , such high prices may not be so profitable for the country, yes, they will also try to put pressure on russia in this way. i hope that the cartel will survive, i hope this is from the cartel’s side, we still have demand, i hope that china next year will grow a little faster than expected, that demand here will recover, the european union is not either will sag, although, it would seem, with the rates that are now potentially increasing , well, i would, let’s say, only dream about it in the place of officers, and financial and simply leaders of the european union, that the economy will withstand, well, let’s hope so, i think
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, to summarize, i would like oil to be 80 plus, somewhere in the range of 80 dash 100 dollars, you use oil in your stock speculation, in trading, oil is included as a tool in your area of ​​attention, no, as commodities are not included , especially now commodities are raw materials - they are such instruments as copper, nickel, gas, this is the easy money podcast, our guest is maxim marlovsky, the host, one of the best investment experts in russia, and
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today we are discussing the results of the twenty-third year, plans for the twenty-fourth year, let's go back to that with what did we start with, to bonds, now government bonds for the twenty-fourth year, i’m talking about ofz about federal loan bonds, this is an interesting instrument for investment, not yet, why the markets do not yet fully understand how long... let me remind you that now we have 16%, but rumors are already leaking out that in the twenty -fourth year we are predicting, or rather , leading analysts are predicting a decline, the boldest predict a decline of as much as 12%. let's look, let's see what happened in the twenty-third year, we start the year with a rate of 7.5%, we end with 16 rates, the profitability
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is in the fourth year, well, at the moment, if you and i buy, it is accordingly 14, there is 15%, in in the best case, yes, this is the maximum that you can survive from there, whether you need to do it or not, maybe at the moment the most the best tool, probably since august, this is one of the best tools, these are money market funds, what are money market funds, funds that the kssu broadcasts to you the daily repos rate, oh. from a secured repo, let 's do it this way, it's even simpler, that is, there are some investment
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companies that have funds that invest your money, daily at a rate, consider it practically on the interbank market, that is, they actually issue loans, saying simply put, they provide your money is on credit to those who need it, it all goes through the stock exchange, it’s all secured by the best bonds. these are all our leading banks, as a rule, management companies that do all this work, this is on the stock exchange, and you can also do this repo yourself if the broker allows you, if you are large enough. yes, please also explain, this is a repo, this is an operation when you provide some asset as collateral, you receive, you receive an asset as collateral, you provide money, you are accrued interest on this money, this is daily in this case the operation is then the reverse operation, the money is returned to you with interest, you return the asset, well, let’s not complicate it further, all this is now approximately at the same rates that leading
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banks give, for a very short time you have deposits, but why not a deposit, a deposit too the best thing is, it’s very good if your money is on... you can wait, approximately, receiving the same profitability, you are waiting, maybe there will be something interesting here, besides, these same funds have daily liquidity, that’s right, you don’t you lose your income, unlike can happen to your deposit, and if we are talking about a deposit, well, you may lose income if it is withdrawn early, i agree, let me say this again, that is, what maxim was talking about now, why is it more interesting? and it is more profitable to invest in money funds, because they do approximately the same thing and with the same profitability as banks do with your deposits, but liquidity, that is, the opportunity to use this money here now at any time, if in the case of a bank deposit you arises only there, well, in at best, in six months, if you have a deposit for six months, or even in a year, because
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for such periods you will have rates of 15-16%, 3 months, probably, well, 3 months there , i don’t think that’s 15 here. well, in any case, this is 3 months, and here you actually get liquidity on a daily basis, if you invest in money market funds or overnight bonds, it depends on which broker you do through, what commissions your broker puts on this or that instrument, for studying, i highly recommend, here are the words maxim, as a respected expert , turn your attention to money market funds, study how it works, it’s not difficult, we have now discussed the general principle, and this is now the fourteenth, fifteenth income, that is, 14-15% per year, 15 plus you can earn on such instruments, well, we believe that this is a risk-free return, and relatively
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risk-free, but in dollars, what is the current return, by the way, considered risk-free, and which instruments are dollar-denominated? in assets, yes, so banks, on the one hand, are forced to sell some bonds, on the other hand, squeeze out their investors, bringing this position to the required position, well, in the russian federation you can buy government bonds denominated in us dollars, bonds that have what kind of yield, about 5-6% will be someone’s bonds ? ministry of finance,
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that is, these are government bonds that have been issued. in some cases you can find securities with a yield of up to 20% in foreign currency, but this requires your time, or the time of your manager, that is, if you you trust some investment company or broker, you have checked their work, yes , you know that these are reliable people, they will not let you down, and this requires their attention and
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study of this issue, or your own study, that is, just like that, once again let's say that the yield... most likely this is a slightly different instrument or issuer, that is, if we are talking about 20, then we are talking about subordinated bonds, subordinated, yes, let's explain what a subordinated bond is
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- this is a slightly different instrument , which in if we say a bond - the debt obligations of a company or a state issuer, then again, yes, subordinated bonds are two types, one type is bank bonds, those that are included in tiruva capital of the first level, in case of a fall. sufficiency , the coupon is no longer paid to you and many holders of holders of vtb subordinated debt in 23 found out the hard way what it is, or the nominal can also be written off ; they gave it there, let’s say 1,000 dollars, it costs and now you only owe 500, let’s assume yes and this will be an unequivocal decision of the issuer of the one who issues it; everything is written in the prospectus and accordingly. we had such an example
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, that is, once again, so i just want to fix this in the minds of those who listen to us, and once again i’ll talk about free cheese in a mousetrap, that is, if it’s not by chance, i’ve been talking about this for so long , that this is what we consider the risk-free rate, now it is 5% in foreign currency, if something somewhere sounds different to you - other returns, you must understand, our dear viewers and listeners, what is behind this high return, if it is not direct fraud, then there are certain risks that are always honestly spelled out in documents, well, called prospectus missions, which describe what will happen if that same risk occurs, and how much money you can lose and how this will happen, in fact, i think that it does require some study. it’s no coincidence that people are financiers, you know how you get money for what? this is what we get paid for, for what we study, read carefully, wake up every day, go to sleep with the news, follow everything that
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is happening in the markets, the stock market, it is in your area of ​​attention in the twenty-fourth year, yes, you think that stocks will still be interesting in the twenty-fourth year, and after some pause, now since august , as soon as it started to...
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deposit, here they give me 12, i have some kind of protection against inflation, some potential that the company will grow, or maybe they will give me a little more profit in the form of dividends, this is comparable, you are paid for the risk, but now, when the profitability of the best companies is from 10 to 15%, at a rate 16 does not look so attractive, you also need to understand this, and even the presenter says that you need to read some materials, study what funds are, then he just took it to the bank. well, i think it’s quite an interesting investment, in principle, to summarize this part of our conversation, i think the advice is
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that we say that six months, three, months, 6 months, it would be good to take a break in order to see what will happen to the rate and what will happen to the stock market, for these six months it is very reasonable to open a deposit right now, get, well, if we are talking about the fifteenth profitability, then... in six months get 7.5% income, then get this income with cash, yes, which, as you know, remember this phrase, cash is also a position, yes, here now one of the best positions is liquid cash, either in money market funds or in bank deposits, and just around the summer it’s time to look at the market, at the market, and as, maybe earlier, maybe earlier, i i would talk here about 3 months, after all, we live in such a rather turbulent world and we’ll see what will happen, what will happen with'. what will happen with oil, how will our diplomats work, how will everything be , the diplomatic confrontation so that we are not squeezed, so that we as a country, as an economy, develop and
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live, and then the price of... of course everything else, and we will do everything we look at these factors quarterly, and we look at it for a reason, and if you, let’s say, are too lazy or don’t have the time to study the topic of money market funds, you simply open a three-month deposit, after a quarter you return to the history of investing in the stock market, looking at where a the rate is now, where b the price of oil is now, at what stage are we at what level are our negotiations with... with the rest of the world, because no one has lifted the sanctions. this is an easy money podcast. today our guest is one of the country's leading stock market analysts, maxim orlovsky, and we are discussing the results of 23, and most importantly, the prospects for the potential of 24 for investing in stocks, bonds and more. let's talk about one more thing, yes, we talk a lot about how you can make money on
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fund. market and how you can make money with the help of institutions, that is, those who work in this market, these are banks, brokers, investment companies, management companies, hash funds and so on, and how you can lose, and not just on the price of price fluctuations on various assets, but based on basic fraud, but now we won’t talk about the huge number of fraudulent schemes, when you are simply being phished, that is, you...
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once again, what is worth looking at, this is what is the first sign of fraud in profitability, these are the returns that are the reason to take a closer look and think about whether this is how people will earn this money that they promise me, for dollars, for rubles, in principle, it is prohibited to promise any kind of profitability, then the very fact that you are promised profitability already indicates that we are talking about the audit department.
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what - if you are promised more than these values, let's say it again, that is , more than 5% in foreign currency, 7 or 8% in dollars, this is an achievable result if they tell you about rubles in a yield of up to 20%, this is an achievable result, now it’s real, now yes, for a short period, it’s not a fact that it will be a further short period - it’s 3-6 months, everything else will be related, the further we move away from these figures, then does it mean more risk, even more risk?
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and a half, it was two or more times higher , and this is really one of the largest recent times, i don’t know, several decades, fraudulent scheme, it would seem that at low interest rates, well, that is, let’s summarize that if you see the profitability now within 5 dashes of 10% per annum in foreign currency, i really like your definition, this is an achievable result, and you can get your bearings, you can start studying a company that offers
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similar returns. accordingly, if we are talking about rubles, then this is 15 dash 20%, and this is the amount that is achievable above this profitability, you need to look very carefully at what kind of people they are, how they earn money and whether you are ready to take those risks , which, if they are honest people, they declare and are you ready to accept them yourself by investing your money? well, the very best, i believe that the best advice, which is very suitable for a russian person for the twenty-fourth year, at least we know how to meet the beginning, along with advice from maxim orlovsky, is you invest your money either in money market funds, or about... 3.75%, and a quarter later completely with money, with an income of 3.75%, which is ahead of
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inflation, of course, you look at what is happening in the market, primarily at the central bank rate, at trends in changes, on the price of oil, even the same ruble exchange rate on how the shares behaved. for this quarter and bonds and bonds, excellent, maxim , thank you very much for your authoritative opinion, for the way you talked about those tools that will be interesting, what happened, what will happen in our twenty-fourth year, thank you, thank you. hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i’m with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov. and my guest is a wonderful film director and screenwriter, pavel semyonovich lungin. thank you very much for finding it time to come to us, it is a great honor for
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me to talk with you about your work, about your films, but you know, i would like to start with this topic, perhaps a little unexpected for you, the fact is that we have you shared almator. faculty of philology, moscow university. yes. i know that in your interviews, well, if i understand correctly, you said that in general, this education that you received did not play any big role in your life. but nevertheless, you studied in such a special department at the faculty of philology, department, which was called structural applied linguistics, yes, there linguistics is combined with mathematics, in my life it turned out that when i entered the faculty of philology, they immediately sent us to the potato harvest, along with us. it was the second year, the second year was just the oseplyans, these are the same ones who studied in the same department where you are, they were terribly smart guys, so i’m terribly happy that for me the university began on these potato beds, their conversations,
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communication with them, it was, by god, no worse than lectures and seminars, so after all, my question, here is your feeling, your memory, your perception of these student years, can you still tell something about it, how did you get there in the first place, i would really... actually would like to study at the faculty of philology now, and there would be absolutely nothing to do at osiplo, this department of structural applied linguistics really, because well, you know, it was fashionable then, apparently it was the case and my parents sent me, somehow persuaded me to go there, because it seemed to them that there was more scientific freedom, in general i think that this... for me was rather mediocre, because i didn’t read so many books that i would have read at the philological faculty, and i never became a mathematician either, your father is a film screenwriter, and well your
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mother is known no less, and maybe even more, liliana lungina, she is a translator, yes, a great translator, everyone knows that we recognized the baby and carlson in her translation, that is, your house was truly amazing, if i understand, to the house... it was a very interesting house it was open, and it was an old moscow apartment left over from my grandfather, 100 m2, even more, they were used to gathering friends, and people often lived with us and in general there was a place, so to speak, for a meeting, one of those moscow intellectual houses, something that is difficult to explain now.
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he has an understanding of the russian soul in everything
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, this kind of russian soul, but with me there is a writer, an amazing actor, then a director, well, in fact, such people define the whole time, who else do you think defined the time in which you grew up, matured, growing up, of the writers, it was probably bitov, and this was trifonov too, yeah. well, to the solzhenits, after all, and among the directors, here among the film directors whose films seemed to you , of course , alexey german was always under the enormous influence, and for some time he even considered himself his student, although the way of my, so to speak, making cinema, it was different from his, it was, in principle, difficult to replicate, it seems to me that it was very good... director klimov, hiss, these are some kind of
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iron films, as shukshin said, an iron book, i would say iron films, who did not live in a relative world, as if everything was allowed, everything was allowed, here is a world of thaw, but they already lived in a world of rigidity in a world - you are on this side, and i am on that side, for some reason this changes... ... worried, just as i was worried by herman, who simply created a world, not a mood, he did not create a musical theme, he sculpted some kind of special world with great tension inside, and torkovsky, torkovsky was in that world, in the old , although for many years i was the president of the tarkovsky festival in ivanovo.
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then we were studying, well, just some two celestials came and there they locked themselves in the room, they kicked me out, and i fell to the crack trying to hear something, but no one was a man of a completely different era, they think that he understood the ruble, and what , what they wanted to hear from him, why did he need it, is it well written , i wonder if he understands what they want to say, but it seems to me that it was completely outside his aesthetics, because more... something didn’t appear , they walked on sleepers a lot,
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they were very friendly with nikrasov, i actually so somehow, you know, when i was very young, they offered to introduce me to akhmatova, i dodged it because the poems were very good, then in new york with brodsky, and so did i, it seems to me that something is opening up, well... until apollo demands this for the sacred sacrifice, somehow i perceived it differently, but torkovsky essentially did a colossal thing for russian art, of course, he translated into the language of cinema, the concepts of the soul, therefore the whole world i was shocked and still shocked by these possibilities, for me the mirror, of course, is ivanov.
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i don’t know, maybe ziguvertova, no , perhaps, i don’t know, no, well, maybe that movie, esenstein there, of course, it has become a fact of world culture, i’m talking specifically about the cinema of the sixties, seventies, well, who knows what about the cinema of the sixties , besides some great, so to speak, italian, french, films, directors, what do we
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know besides bergmann, fellini, anteneone, and what you have left is already quite a lot, bertolucci even, you know, we are green.
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or - they perceived russia as a concentration camp and, so to speak, saw that people themselves were ugly, that people are dressed ugly, and this was repulsive , so to speak, this politicized perception, it seems to me that there they began to perceive our cinema and watch it widely, oddly enough, in the nineties i ended up, so to speak, a child of this - dear friends, we continue, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, my guest is the director, screenwriter, pavel lungin, how did you get into cinema in the first place, you graduated from osipl, philological faculty, and what happened next, well, i suffered, i’m not, not really was
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adapted to this life, could not find work, for some reason i was kicked out of some research institute, and ksi was such a sociologist. to study specific social issues, then i tried to work in a newspaper, i didn’t know myself, you know, i was of course torn by a terrible desire to live, this energy that then came out of me and is still crawling out, it just burst me then, i wanted live, drink , love, go crazy, i don’t know, it was something like that, it was a very interesting, very energetic, active time, so someone calls it? no, it wasn't stagnant of course, that is, how can i say, it may have been a time of great stagnation, but i was in some kind of test tube during this time of stagnation, there was such a thin layer at the top of the aquarium in which ciliates and slippers were thriving, and i was one of one of these microorganisms
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, then i started writing the script, well, it seems my father writes, and i started, we just followed in my father’s footsteps, well, in general, yes, although... “he and i practically never worked together, i didn’t seem to devote myself to his work, well, i don’t know, somehow differently, and after i i finished writing quite a lot of not very good scripts, i realized that what i see is somehow different, what i write was completely different, and you were happy with the films that were made, no, i took pseudonyms. i took off the name, then i waved my hand and spat on it, and somehow, when perestroika began in 1989, at the very first crack it so happened that i snuck around, i already had a script then, i started writing, like me - yes, yes, i’m actually a child of perestroika,
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of course, i worked, for some reason i got there first not to masfim as a screenwriter, to gurkova’s studio, and there i sat in the reception room of the studio director... i don’t know, probably for a whole month, and he still didn’t receive me, you know, it was something that you can’t enter, you can’t to say, it was absolutely some kind of hierarchical society, and which still showed you by the face, by the expression on your face, even because it came from you, and i saw people dragging a box of cognac there, for example, right there , and the doors swung open, i sat and sat, i remember... this is some kind of moment i just couldn’t anymore, i opened the door, went in and saw a red-faced man behind a large empty polished table, who saw... for some reason he had an onion lying cut from a glass, he somehow threw it into a drawer
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a completely professional gesture, it was a different time, the time has changed a lot, as soon as at mostfilm, maybe there was a different atmosphere, the time has changed a lot, as soon as the perestroika period began, and you remember it with gratitude, i am with great gratitude, of course, when artists began, when all this began, it would...
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every day exhibitions opened, every day you could go somewhere in some basement to look at something incredible, everyone wanted, everyone wanted and it was all wild and to look there a film by torkovsky or a film of some modern or semi-modern western film, you could drive god knows where through the whole of moscow for 3 hours and there someone would appear, banging on the door. rock bands, i don’t even know how it happened, you know, it’s like on a train, you’re going on the subway in the subway, then suddenly the light, the doors opened
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, you have it, they thought it was forever, but it turned out that the doors opened for a short time, but then you could jump out, at the same time i felt even then that not everyone was included in this perestroika, which many people are afraid of that this is a new life, this is a new freedom. is perceived by many people as a danger, a curse, how difficult is it to be free in general, and you made your first film about this? yes, it seems to me that it was, so to speak, a meeting of two people who were absolutely blown away, they they were different, the taxi driver, this wonderful actor zaichenko and mamonov, they were completely, it was as if they could not live without each other, but together.
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the channel has remained the same, i sort of decide every film anew, now you’re already a professional, do you know how to write a book?


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