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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 26, 2024 2:15am-2:56am MSK

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for our time, do you agree with those critics who say that these are two different sides of the russian soul? well, i don’t know whether the soul has a side at all or not, or how many sides, i’m not sure how many sides the soul has, well, yes, it seems to me that it’s at the same time eternal, you know, i couldn’t repeat such success with taxiblue , because taxi blues was built on some archetypal images, and it was understood everywhere in the world.
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no, no, you don’t know either, so i think that a western writer knows how to write a book, so he, he somehow mastered it, and it would seem that after this success i had to replicate it and further develop it, well, somehow, but remain at this archetypal level, and i again made films about russia, which were already somehow... they were, well, probably less understandable, maybe less interesting. and this is an interesting point, your evolution, yes , what topics did you take up, we will definitely talk about it, but first i want to ask about mamonov, how did he even arise, in your life, in your work? by chance, absolutely, you know, i’m like this, since it was such a time of perestroika and everything had to be done differently, i don’t need famous actors, because they are known, i need to find some person from there and... life, and i
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remember that i , in my opinion, it was in the winter , the new year of 1989, apparently , i turned on the tv and saw there, they were congratulating happy new year with some interviews already on january 1, i saw mamonov, who was then known as the leader of zvukm, i i don’t really like rock, i didn’t listen to mamonov then, but i saw this exhausted smell, such a strange face, this is his kind of stuttering voice from... a mixture of timidity and fury in him, and i just realized that this is a man of freedom, and i found him, met him, we talked to him, in general, as a result , persuaded him to act in film, and you know, there is such an interesting detail that brings you together, well, firstly, you are two native muscovites, yes, he is from the koretsky row, you are from the arbat, but his mother is a translator, i looked on the internet, with norwegian language, familiar with...were familiar with your mother, with my
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mother, who was also translated, taksk and i say, it was difficult to work with him , you know, for some reason it was easy for me, but in general they say that it was very difficult with him, but he really quit and didn’t drink, in general it’s very interesting, of course, that every time we are with him met, it struck some kind of spark, and you were friends, no, he had no friends, this man with his skin removed, with his nerves exposed, he...
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blues is there, well, the nineties, let’s say, yes, then for a long time you he was not filmed, he will only appear in the film, which became, well, probably your most famous film, in film island, yes, and when you conceived the island, you already knew that there would be mammon there, well, you know, it just so happened that after the taxi blues there was no money here, and i, excuse me for such a selfish question, a bonus for at the cannes film festival, she's got money, no, no?
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todorovsky, and i somehow lived here and there and started filming with french money in moscow, i was filming in russian, they gave it to me, it was considered such a film, then there was a huge interest in russia, they all went to me, lonopark there, i remember, the whole city was sealed off. posters, yes, but mamonov went his own way , actually it’s interesting, ginkas’s son yanovsky wrote a play, it was called bald brunette, such modern perestroika art, and he asked me to show it to mamonov, i
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brought them together, and mamonov began acting in the theater, with great success, which means i moved , money appeared here, and the director is such a... egoistic creature, where, you know, like birds, where millet falls on the windowsill, it flies there, and i flew here and i came across an island , dear friends, we continue, this is the podcast life of the wonderful, my guest is the director, screenwriter, pavel lungin, the island, because the script is not yours, yes, the script, the script, but what was it like, first the idea, then the script, or? no, i came across this script, which was very much altered in the process of work, i did not put my name on it, because i usually do, because the idea was not mine, but there was a lot of reinvention there, it was such a bookish story, that’s how to say , here is a story
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that took place on a small lake, in a forest, surrounded, this was a completely different type, a different type. history, enter this there the sea, introduce the shore there, this water, this constant wind, it was all perfect, i somehow saw it differently, and this, by the way, is interesting that for a long time this decoration of ours was preserved there, they burned it 2 years ago , yeah, and there’s some guy there who was filming with us, he was a worker , i think he already... showed her as a landmark, but how long did it take you to film the island? and i’ve been filming everything for 3 months, that is, it was autumn and from 2 to 3 months, it was almost winter, yes we finished, we finished yes, so that it snowed, and in general there was a lot interesting, there were no frosts
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, the sea didn’t freeze, although we filmed almost until december , well, the days there were very short, practically there at all, well, somehow they filmed, damn why and... i’ll give birth to him, no one will marry me , who needs me and the child, but no one will take you anyway, it’s written in your family that the child will be here, consolation, all your life
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you will curse yourself that you killed an innocent child, but how do you know? you’re not an old man, or maybe i killed a man myself, okay, get up from your knees, on your knees, you need to pray to god for standing in front of me, because the island, of course, it really was something fantastic, it seems to me that the whole of russia watched this film, and how you managed to film it, it’s just some kind of miracle.
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very kind, very good, who had already known petya before, in my opinion, he was tasked with caring, as they say, for all sorts of rock musicians and others. people, father kuzma was absolutely wonderful, we call each other sometimes. you know, i wanted to ask you such a personal question, pavel, you were born on july 12, i looked at the forty-ninth year, july 12th is the day of the supreme apostles peter and paul, that’s why they called you paul, or was there some other one, i don’t know , i think so, but still it’s strange, although they were non-religious people, in general i lived non-religiously, but the gospel was in your house, an iron book. well, of course, well, it’s interesting that you, being in general, well, rather a secular person, seem to be invading
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this territory with your film and it’s logical to assume that church people can treat this at best with suspicion, distrust, and nevertheless this the film was received primarily, in my opinion, precisely among the orthodox, among religious people who really liked it all, we didn’t ask anyone for a blessing, we didn’t show this script to anyone and... no longer on the energy of love, it seems
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to me that his love island is based on the enormous energy of love, and the film about ivan the terrible was apparently quite difficult to watch, difficult to watch, yes, tsar, yes, i just remember my feelings, but you watch it again, you will be surprised maybe i remember i really enjoyed this movie yankovsky, this is how he plays metropolitan philip. that’s how much dignity, how much nobility, how much restraint, and mamonov, despite all that i understand that he is a brilliant actor, but he transforms into ivan in such a way that it’s just creepy, that’s too much for me, that’s what i had from in this film there is some feeling that here, according to the poet’s words, art ends and the soil and fate breathe, and such soil, not the best soil, breathes and fate is generally archaic. man, somehow, i, so i, when i was filming the island, i i felt in him that he was generally
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medieval, he was some kind of person, maybe 15, who was brought here, yes, that’s why he couldn’t live, that’s why he didn’t know what to do with himself, and he was all retinue, as if from some kind of then such muscles as from ropes were not visible, but it is clear that you know, this is how, what is called a vein, he was absolutely medieval with medieval attacks. some kind of rage and incredulity, that is, as if it was natural for him to play ivan, at first he didn’t even really want to, because after the island, after the wild success, he’d get money there metro hands kiss, you know , hands flop in front of him, as if, and he, a little, he flew like an actor, he felt himself, but somehow there was ambition, vanity in him, well, of course he is... a real cuckoo, he is everyone threw him out of the nest, it’s me, me, me, he’s a pure
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cuckoo, but he himself, he, we talked about it, he was very crumpled, he wanted to do this kind of performance, even, which would be called i, i, that’s what , a person who tells everyone, i did it, it’s me, it’s me, i came up with it, i, and there is an actor without this quality, yankovsky, yankovsky didn’t have it, no, they are completely antipodean, i remember , he arrived... yankovsky arrived at the hotel in suzzdol, filming began the next day, suddenly mamonov came, and i feel he drank, he was worried, he drank, this is not good at all, and he came, we we’re sitting at a table there in this local restaurant in the dining room of this hotel, i mean i sat down, i see that i’m on the verge of something like this, he says, oleg , you understand, i don’t want to understand you, i don’t want to understand, but this kudi englishman, he says, beat me, but
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no, oleg, you don’t understand, this menacing thing began with me, from bottom to top, like hook, he crawled right under it, i want to love you, you understand, love, love me, and after 10 minutes of this conversation i couldn’t stand it, i left, but... on the edge of the impossibility of not biting the overplay, but yankovsky is there in my opinion he’ll think amazingly that this is his dying role, they thought a lot, but how to play a saint in general, the saint is silent, for me the image was that ivan the terrible, he’s everywhere, he speaks, grimaces, and prays, cries, he’s
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above, below , on the side, and in the middle of it , like a column. the saint stands looking at these with tormented eyes at him and doesn’t say anything the entire film, he remained silent with me and it makes an amazing impression, don’t forsake me, your servant of god. father, what will you pray for me? why does it always stand in our way, there is no other way, get away, lord, the last judgment, what the last judgment, has arrived, has arrived, filipushka, dear, has arrived, heard me, lord, gave a sign,
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drag him away, wait, basmanov. wait, maybe you’ll still have to bow at his feet? well , it turns out that, as it were, for mamonov, here the film set was not limited to the film set, but he continued to act outside it. i read somewhere that when he was on the island, yes, that is, his antagonist there was job, yes, whom dyuzhev played, and dyuzhev said in some interview that he tried to establish some kind of human communication with mamonov and absolutely ran into a dead end.
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thank you, i was also very interested. hello everyone, this is a podcast deception of substances, this is zosh for the desperate, and it is hosted by me, olesya
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nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda endocrinologist zyukha pavlova. well, today we’ll probably talk about that. what people really don’t realize about proper cooking of food, because with the help of proper cooking you can improve a product, make it more useful, or actually make it worse, for example, the easiest way is to add extra salt - to the dish being prepared, there is this is a trick - for example, do not add salt to the dish at all during cooking, but for the vast majority of people this is unacceptable, and they think that the dish becomes somehow ... wrong, so what do you think about this? we have a lot of stereotypes, a lot of habits that have been with us since childhood all our lives, and we often hear people say: my grandmother, my mother cooked this way, i will cook this way, they refer to their longevity, for example, but what is the point of adding salt to an already prepared dish? the only point is that salt
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is poisoned, when we add salt to the dish being prepared, it loses this very iodine, that is... well, the most valuable thing, in fact, not only that, when we prepare a dish, these are some large volumes, and we put this salt on the eye, we don’t understand, strictly speaking, whether it ’s a tablespoon or two tablespoons, and how much each specific person will then eat, the point is precisely not to overeat salt, because it’s as it turned out, it is the most harmful habit that has the most detrimental effect on our health, so when we cook, we... should not add salt to the dish, we should add salt to the cooked dish in our plate, this way we understand how much salt we used, and little moreover, we can train ourselves not to over-salt. this food, this is really a very important point, because as you know, not long ago a study was published where the 15 most harmful eating habits were identified
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, oversalting, excess salt - this is the first point that took such an honorable place in this ranking , therefore, it’s really better to add salt to the food on your plate, well, there are some very interesting data, here’s also the latest study, but it turns out that if a man is older. adds salt to food for 50 years, after since he has already taken it, so to speak, ready-made , it shortens his life by more than 2 years, there is a recommendation on how much salt you need to eat per day, yes, and this is also a big discovery for many, because you need to eat everything per day 5 g of salt, no more, is a level teaspoon, as a rule, most people get almost twice as much of this same salt, and why is there so much attention to salt, the biggest cause of death in the whole world are cardiovascular diseases, it is salt that contributes increased blood pressure, and accordingly increases these cardiovascular risks.
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in fact, there is another interesting fact, scientists agree that the beginning of the path of cardiovascular problems of mankind began from the moment the use of salt began, this is approximately, according to some preliminary calculations, a little more than 5,000 years ago, when... the chinese first we found out that salt is an excellent preservative, we understand that before there were no refrigerators, it was impossible to preserve food in any other way, here is food that was salted, added with salt, sometimes it was over-salted, it was preserved, and this was the most important point, because the risk of dying from hunger was, well, so dominant, probably, after an infection or some other such dangerous things for humans, so when we over-salt, we retain sodium, sodium holds water.
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for example, if we buy bread, there is salt in the bread, by the way, it’s interesting, but in general a person can do without salt, but if a person simply does not add salt to anything. well, since we still eat ready-made food, and in many ways, we if we can’t prepare everything completely at home, then the salt-free spirit will not remain, this is absolutely true, and if you don’t add more salt, then a disaster will not happen, but if you try to completely eliminate salt from your diet, then this is also not entirely correct, because salt plays an important role in our body, well, banal things, in order to produce digestive enzymes, we need certain substances that bring. that is, there is sodium, there is chlorine, depending on what kind of salt, for example, sea salt, yes, if it is not purified, this salt will be there more than eighty other
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different microelements, they are all very important, but there is not such a large number of them to get an excess, but it is also important to note that when people give preference to some other salt, and not, say, not this purified one, then along with useful microelements, we also receive very harmful substances, heavy salts... cadmium, mercury, what kind of salt are we talking about, what does unrefined mean, for example, there are many lovers of himalayan salt, for example, all this exotic expensive salt, yes exotic dear salt, the fact is that this unrefined salt, it will also bring heavy metal salts, and this is very harmful to the body, so i would not support this story, and it is better to use purified, adidated salt, preferably, then we get it. .. what we understand is what we need, and we don’t get these heavy metal salts. by the way, regarding himalayan or pink salt, they often say that it contains a lot of iron, pink with this pink tint
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is precisely due to iron. nothing like that, of course there is iron there, but it’s like that tiny quantities, so don’t be deceived, don’t overpay, it’s much more expensive than normal purified salt, by the way, it’s poisoned, yes, they often say it’s poisoned. salt is more expensive, well, in my opinion, it’s not like that , the prepayment is not so serious, in my opinion, in total, by one ruble per year there is an overpayment according to the calculation, but the benefits are noticeably greater, because our entire country is practically in the zone of iodine deficiency, and if you do not use iodized salt, then the risk of iodine deficiency in our diet is high, with a large amount of all sorts of consequences, and not only for pregnant women and children, but also for adults, well, of course. that is, the most important thing, as we understand, is to use normal salt, do not add salt during the cooking process, add salt only during consumption, then you are guaranteed to eat less salt, okay, but what
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to do with salty stuff? pickled cucumbers and so on, red caviar, yes, by the way, here is red caviar, thank you for remembering this wonderful product, there are 6 g of salt per 100 g, imagine, so don’t be overzealous when you eat caviar, it’s still salt, what concerns pickled cucumbers, and if you don’t eat these products in excess, and always taking into account existing diseases, then of course... in small quantities, these are quite healthy products, especially if we are talking about a product like sauerkraut, because sauerkraut , in my opinion, this is generally an elixir, well, practically, what are these products good for, if they are not pickled, just salted, first about the benefits, these are fermented products, fermented products for our body, these are products that promote the production of substances, for example, short-chain fatty acids,
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so as not to overload anyone with biochemicals. so these substances are practically a medicine for our intestines, and the large intestine is 80% lymphoid tissue, that is, immune tissue, and this means that we immediately mean that our immune system is improving, which means we are less likely to get sick from all sorts of viral infections , bacterial, infectious diseases, and much more, including the prevention of cancer, because if our intestinal wall is not very healthy, then through these. let’s say, damaged areas can penetrate hormonal substances that should have been excreted and should never have ended up in the blood, so in terms of oncology, here’s the mechanism, so fermented foods are healthy, including sauerkraut, well not only cabbage is fermented, they also ferment other foods, zucchini, cucumbers, and many others, there is another very important point that is often missed, there is such an important
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important aspect: seasonality, yes, we cannot there are good ground tomatoes or cucumbers in december, they simply shouldn’t be there, they can be grown in greenhouses, but this is not at all the same as growing naturally in the summer, so pickling in this regard is an absolutely wonderful substitute for these seasonal products and - our immune system feels very good in this regard, when we do not eat strawberries in december, we give the opportunity to cleanse ourselves of... various such biological substances in the body for the arrival of certain products, therefore fermented, fermented products ours is everything, but don’t forget that there is salt, yes, because salt is always added to such products, and what should we do, should we somehow rinse the sauerkraut from excess salt or or what? well, it’s advisable not to overeat, but adding vegetable oil to the same sauerkraut is exactly the
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factor that improves it. oil in this regard and not receive extra calories, but simply do not over-salt these products, well , it is advisable not to add sugar to them initially, but with sugar - this is such a setup, to put it mildly, because it seems that cabbage cabbage, you begin to sort it into parts, you realize that sugar has definitely been added there, there is another trick, cabbage. chickpea is when it looks like sauerkraut, but is actually prepared very quickly with vinegar and so on and so forth, it’s not at all this magical product that can be recommended to everyone, but it’s really not that healthy , including for people with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, some kind of disease and pancreatitis, colitis here is not good at all, again fermented products if a person has hypertension
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? yes, high cardiovascular risks, then indeed, the less salt, the less consequences it will have, increased pressure, edema, and so on, so you need to take into account the initial data - the person, in addition, another very important aspect, because we have m we never, when we studied at the medical institute, otherwise at first the question arose, why do we need physics, yes, why do we need mathematics, we are doctors, biology, chemistry and so on, well, our whole body and in general. the whole world is physics, chemistry, mathematics, and you need to know these laws, including the salt that enters our body, holds liquid in the vessels along with proteins, otherwise we would simply lose it all, everything would flow out of the vessels and out of the cells, so salt is also necessary , it holds this osmatic component, it retains the liquid where it should be, that is, salt allows us to maintain shape, so to speak.
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the deception of substances podcast is with you again, this is zukhra pavlova and olesya nosova. since we discussed salt, we didn’t discuss kvass, we should probably talk about sugar, sugar is the main , main cause of obesity, unfortunately , there is a lot of sugar everywhere, even in borscht, it’s scary to say, there is often sugar, here again there are numbers that the norm is 25 g of sugar per day, well, that’s this is decent, it's about five five teaspoons, yes, probably approximately. it’s important to emphasize here, olesya, that this is exactly sugar , not just carbohydrates, exactly sugar, yes, yes, but, but at the same time, the average inhabitant of the earth consumes 59 g, this is hidden sugar, the most terrible thing, just like
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hidden salt in all sauces, in all , it would seem, yes, i remember how i once caused great surprise in a person to whom i told that soy sauce contains sugar, which is also salty, this person told me, yes, but sugar including how salt is used as a preservative, that is , yes, such a holding, let’s say, state, ah , substance, and yes, indeed, we overeat sugar, and there was a study that showed how sugar consumption increased over time and in parallel people's weight increased, well all over the world, such a wonderful parallel picture, and yes, indeed, very often i hear speeches where they ridicule... the fact that diabetes mellitus can be filled with sugar, well, that is, of course, this is not a direct connection, you eat sugar from diabetes occurs in you, no, that’s not right, diabetes is more than 80% of cases based on obesity, so in order to become obese, you need
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to consume more calories and spend less of them, the easiest way to do this is with carbohydrate foods, because they are tasty, us drawn to them, they improve our mood, produce serotonin and so on, so we all... consume a large amount of carbohydrates, hidden, open, we hide chocolates in desk drawers, someone always has it in their bag, and so on and so forth, this is sugar both hidden and overt - this is the simplest direct road to big troubles, there are many studies that have shown how, from the seventies to our time , the amount of consumption of these simple carbonated sweet drinks, non-alcoholic, has increased five times , that is, they began to be drunk in general instead of water. a lot of juices, juices contain added sugar, including as a preservative and as a substance that will make you want it again, because it’s delicious and so on, not only that, let’s say these drinks are very, very rich in sugar , yes
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, which young people love, they add a substance that blocks our vomiting center, which prevents this negative feeling of excess sugar, that is... i couldn’t drink it, it would be very cloying, so sugar really is like that, well on my look, a great evil that needs to be emphasized to people so that they understand what the threat is, but sugar can be replaced, in fact, you can add sugar wherever your hand reaches, you can add a sweetener everywhere, but this is absolutely.
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now, if everyone has heard about glucose, blood glucose, diabetes , there are some such associations, then about fructose, most people have the feeling that this is such a worthy and safe replacement for sugar, yes, glucose, but in fact fructose in small quantities is good component, but unfortunately even more than glucose, because you saw, a coffee shop, yes, they’ll give you coffee for money, you can add as much syrup as you want, it’s absolute fructose, these syrups are fructose-based, yes, fructose is cheap, cheap, that’s why , once they learned to make it very cheaply, mainly from corn, it costs much less than sugar or glucose in general in production, and for some
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time everyone was sure that it was safe, and products for diabetics were prepared with fructose, but a little later it turned out that more fructose has the ability to be stored in fat than the same glucose. and this is a problem, because the more adipose tissue, the more metabolic problems, the same diabetes or the same high uric acid, gout, urolithiasis. this is all the result of excess fructose accumulation primarily in the liver, we are talking about visceral obesity, yes, the pancreas is degenerating, a large omentum is forming in the abdomen, so many are perplexed, somehow they suddenly get fat in the summer, it seems like they need to lose weight in the summer, because that everyone eats, yes, everyone eats berries, fruits , how many calories are in them, they contain wonderful fructose, which is perfectly degenerated into fats, so let’s go back to the cooking methods, and the very, very evil thing is of course it’s hot,
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right here is this scary word: glycation end products? yes, advanced glycation end products are such a new brand, and it’s good that they are talking about it, because as it turned out, it is these substances that contribute to a greater extent to the progression and formation of even obesity, increased cardiovascular risks, cancer risks, and it has even been proven that they shorten a person’s life, so this is the final... in simple terms, what is it? here we have a protein molecule or a fat molecule, it has such appendages, so if you twist the wire, it has such protruding ends, these protruding ends are amino acid residues, such pre-protein residues, so if carbohydrate molecules are attached to these molecules , then such cross-linking occurs, figuratively speaking, and the molecule changes its configuration, she was so straight, she became so curled. this is a denatured molecule, it is perceived by our body as
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foreign, dangerous, it can contact certain receptors and cause negative consequences. zukhra, i’ll put it simply: the end products of gekification are a golden brown crust, a golden brown crust on any product, the most delicious, the crispiest, and so on, the end products of glycation, which make us less healthy, and much less. main factors of aging, there is use a large number of advanced glycation end products, but in our body , so that there are no misconceptions, glycation also occurs, that is, the sugaring of proteins, yes, but it has an opposing system, and the body can cope with a certain amount, that is, of these end products of glycation , both produced internally and coming from outside, the more you eat fried such... rich and varied olivier salad, you will have proteins,
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fats, carbohydrates, everything will be there, in such food the formation of these easily occurs end products of glycation, so when our system cannot cope with this, and this really does not always happen, here is bacon, the absolute leader in end products of glycation, when it is fried, we often see an english breakfast, and there is scrambled eggs, some kind of scramble - something like these pieces of bacon, blood sausage. initially determined by all available substances, then the production of final glacier products decreases, that is, when we talk about something frightening, we must say how to deal with it, so if we use lemon juice or any marinades, but vinegar is bad, and lemon juice is good, then we reduce the formation very directly. advanced glycation end products. also such important things as spices, rosemary,
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sage, estorogone, cloves, allspice, turmeric, all of this reduces the formation of end products in glycation, but when we add these tasty substances, we increase our appetite and the ability to eat more, because the tastier , the more you want, so be careful in this matter. eat another excellent remedy that reduces, greatly reduces, the formation of quality products. this is sulforophane, yes, such a complex chemical name, in simple terms, this is what is produced in all types of cabbage, in turnips, in radishes, and for it to be formed, we either have to experience it carefully, if it is a fresh product, then there is the same broccoli, yes, they all love it or just cabbage, but in fact, when we chew, we have in our mouth, our body produces a special enzyme called berazinase, here interacting with it. the most broccoli or other cabbage we have and


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