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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 26, 2024 3:10am-3:45am MSK

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i can’t get this splinter out, there were two of them, the first was my husband, with whom we broke up 7 years ago, i had very difficult breakups, and i couldn’t forget him for 3 years, i still have some left of him three children, and just a little over 7 months ago we also broke up with my boyfriend, and after dating for more than a year, i still can’t forget, although they say time heals, well, to be honest, i can hardly imagine how one can forget. by the word forget they mean not to suffer, not to suffer, not to think constantly, so switch, not what you want to forget and just cross out this part of your free minute.
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i’m starting to think about this person, and what are you starting to think about this person? i just want, before mikhail begins to, so to speak, heal you or show you a strategy for getting out of the situation, i just want to understand at this everyday level that what’s happening to you, well, that is, you’re crying, i’m crying , i think he’s wrong with me, i’m starting to delve into myself, now, why is something wrong with you, i don’t know, i’ve always been for everyone good, i tried to be good for them, made many concessions. can you give an example of what it means to try to be good and make concessions? the most typical thing is when i lived with my husband, i know that he comes late in the evening, i took on all the household responsibilities, well, accordingly, i was on maternity leave then, no matter how tired i was with three children, i cooked him a hot dinner, he ate and went to bed, thanked him, at least said thank you, sometimes he said, sometimes not, he also had his own, sometimes he didn’t even eat, because he he says, i don’t want to, i think, well, i stood at the water table for half the evening, i wanted to please you, and you... then, when he
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went to bed, he didn’t ask what, how it all happened, how i bathed the children, put them to bed to sleep, then cleared the table, washed the dishes , collected toys, he came home to spend the night , and he left you, yes, he himself, why did he leave you, how did he have some version, well, i met smart, young, handsome everything, but he met another woman, and how he told you about it, he didn’t say anything, i i just saw a correspondence when it was already like that, well... correspondence, i showed him, i said, what is this? he says, well, yes, there is , so what, i say, like what, nothing, that we have a family, you and i have children together, he says, well, it’s okay, and come on, he says, we ’ll probably break up with you, that’s it, that’s how it all happened, in general, everything suited him, until i found out all this, he packed his things, left, no, he didn’t pack his things, he asked me and the children to leave him, because we lived in his apartment, so, so he said, well then at the moment i was still pregnant with my third child, in the seventh month, he said, come with your camp from my hut, with your camp?
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yes, about our common children, yes, then we sued him for a very long time, because the girl with whom he began to live, she could not have children, she suggested to him, let’s take them with you , class, because there are not enough - a little less, i have them three years old, everything is fine, for 5 years we were suing, well, everything was difficult there too, well, since i already went to work, everything is fine with me, then there is a miracle that didn’t happen, he didn’t repent, didn’t apologize, didn’t say that he was wrong, here you are now, when you started talking about your first husband. your children, you cried, you are sad , i see that you are hurt, it hurts, what exactly , what hurts, where, it hurts that i couldn’t keep a family, a full-fledged one, it turns out that i have children without a father, i agree, it hurts , it’s a shame, although now after a while, they tell me, mom, we don’t want to go to dad, i also say, let’s go to dad for the weekend, he invites you, no, we say we don’t want to and it turns out that i also have a counterweight, he says that i am against us.
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pretend to be fools, pretend to be poor, poorer than you are, pretend weaker than you are, that’s possible, not necessarily in a relationship. to be sincere and as you are, or as, or rather, as you would like to be, you can pretend to be something somewhere, that ’s possible, don’t dump all of yourself on your men at once, you know, let’s now come to another more important, but we realized that not with the first man we are talking about, not with the second, well, we you probably won’t want to restore the relationship, this is alena’s task, i don’t feel responsible, but i’m telling you, as a specialist, you can do it or try, but in any case , the responsibility is on you, and whether to
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restore it or not it is best to restore in a calm state, and not because you feel bad without them, this is the first, and the second is now in this new status, having realized it yes... it’s time for yourself to live, not to demand from yourself, you will definitely start doing it right away, once i realized that this is not, that this is bad there, i immediately demand of myself to change , for starting tomorrow, no, you will suffer for some time, and third, well, start little by little, but this is directly saying the phrase many times that the absence of an ideal is not bad, this is it’s not good, it’s just the norm, normality, but alena really likes to suffer, she likes herself. in this state, maybe because for some reason she is a manifestation of love, i heard that when you suffer, you tell everyone how bad i feel, everyone begins to feel sorry for you and thus you want attention, they often feel sorry, well, honestly they feel sorry, yes, honestly , all the girlfriends, all the friends in all the circles you need, you like it when they feel sorry for you,
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well, you like it, well, 50.50 , when you like it, when you get tired of it, listen, you like it when they praise you, admire you, like you, maybe you should just do the trick yourself? yes, there is alena, who is suffering, who does not attract attention, they feel sorry for you, the girls call you, they sympathize with you again, and there is alena, such a wonderful, wonderful, who is on social networks, that’s all, in social networks that’s enough, that’s all happy, everyone is happy, everyone is coming soon, no, that’s not the point, you get some kind of response, yes, people who like what you do, whom i teach, i also teach for free, to create jewelry, your eyes are now lighting up, in terms of the strength of the emotion, what you are telling now is almost the same as when... you are suffering, running to the bathroom, crying, yes, really, i agree, maybe that’s it, that’s good mikhail , remember, he told you, yes, plug the holes so that resources do not leak out, fill this vessel, well, that’s cool, so let it fill the vessel, yes, but, but holes, once again, holes are
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negative emotions, and negative emotions are not a consequence of what happens to you, they are a consequence of how you evaluate it , if you are evaluating, it was just made up. differently than we want - it’s just different, otherwise, so once again, yes, this is impossible to answer, because in truth, it’s not love, it’s addiction, yeah, let’s sum up some kind of results, here’s the second one, i give have the right to get out of this dependence in time, even despite...
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you have time, how do you like our advice, i accepted you, we got something interesting for ourselves, unusual, yes, that love, addiction are different things, yeah, something that you don’t need to build castles in the air to not being so ideal, that’s normal, that’s the main thing
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, yeah, yeah, that’s the main thing, thank you very much, you’re great, thank you very much, well, friends, we’ve pieced together the life of our dear alena, who wants to be private, maybe without even realizing it, that’s why he builds castles in the air and weeps bitterly when these castles collapse, but mikhail khurs showed that in fact there can be no happiness there. this was a psychic podcast , thank you very much, i’m larisa guzeeva and you , let’s get married, good afternoon, today the bride is anna, olga and renata, and our groom is vyacheslav, don’t even wait, that means there won’t be anyone in this place, i just told. the editor is lying in hysterics, which means that early this morning, our fiancé called the editor, she
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miraculously woke up, just completely by accident, because she was on silent mode, our fiance did not take off because the flight was delayed for 2 hours, he said that he was not a boy, he took the car, was returning home so that they would not wait for him, that he was a serious person, that he was not going to hang around at the airport, on all - requests to humiliate the editor, he rudely began to yell that he had already made a decision, that he was getting into a taxi and he was leaving, he also said that he was no longer interested in taking part in our program, so that we would go to hell and that he won’t change his plans, he set the girls up, he set him up team, set up the channel, they were waiting for him , they hoped for him, no, well, i’m glad that he didn’t come, what’s more... they didn’t find him, no one asked him, it was his decision, his
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request, because in the sixteenth he already appeared with us last year, he participated, so i’m pale all over, i’m shaking all the time, because this is impossible, i just feel sorry for the girls, well, that’s not how it’s done, we came in vain, we collected in vain, we’re so pretty, i think we need to show him , but we have laris star and an old video, why they divorced their wife, you know, there we lived for 10 years, but there was a moment where it was like a common business, there was a purely financial, monetary moment, the relationship was money, and first of all, probably hers, you and your mother quarreled, you quarreled with her mother about everything, but there’s no before the fight, and because of what, you know , what is now involved in some of these occult sciences, i don’t understand it at all, and there are all these things, all sorts of slander, shamanism, well, today men of your age all want
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young people, nothing bothers me, no, i mean, you, my brain is fine, bless you on the long journey, bless, forgive, forget, let your words resound, bless, bless. maybe it’s good that he didn’t come, everything that isn’t being done, everything is being done for the better, it’s clear that he’s an elderly man, it’s clear that he thinks he’s very serious, but what should we do, and the option is to send a military plane to bring him here , to order him, i just don’t understand, it’s like... i
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believe that we have an audience of millions and millions, so i would still meet all the girls today, i would talk to the girls, to them i'd like to take a look million, several men, and i saw that he was an editor, they were running around looking for a replacement, and the girls were looking for a replacement, quietly, quietly, it seems to me, no, there won’t be any more, what kind of replacement, everything doesn’t just have to be something, by the way, i want to tell you, and reveal the truth to our viewers, this is not the first man and not the first bride that has fallen apart from us, but you know these stories, yes i do, and strangely enough, those who were suddenly looking for by chance, who is an unmarried operator, like the girls we had here were unmarried, they married those they met on our program, and the children have already been born, after all , he watches the program...
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he lands only at 3:00 now he took off at one o’clock, i won’t sit at the airport until one o’clock, i won’t, i just won’t, i’m very busy man, i already tell you everything. goodbye, well, it happens that we are delayed, we sit for days, you know what i want to say, i toured a lot, and one day there were not traffic jams, but we were waiting for some serious car, the road to domodedovo was blocked, my plane was supposed to fly to yekaterinburg, so that
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i, well, there are a lot of witnesses, and the driver and i there was no way they could break through. you can’t imagine what happened to me, i thought i was going to have a heart attack, i was crying, i called my producer, i said, the plane is delayed, i already came up with an idea, and i’m the only one, i didn’t know what to do, that is, i was supposed to fly in on the day of the performance, they begged the service at the airport to let me , well, not in an hour, let’s say, to run away, and i wouldn’t take the cake to my friends there, imagine, and i fell with this cake, and it was all at the airport. and it was like this stress, but i still came, there, despite all this, despite all this nervous stress, but how could it be different, listen, well, we don’t depend on anything, we’re all people, we just understand, why is he still alone, you can’t treat people like that, that’s all, i understand perfectly well that all the girls were getting ready, and the stylist, makeup, hairdresser,
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clothes, that is, just like that. and not to come, well, it’s ugly, at least, in any case, i’m in a violent mood, of course, the star was grabbed, probably, probably by a gray-haired man, so i would, for example, i would meet girls now and come on, come on, what do we need? yes, that’s why we have a good bride, now you see, the editors will quickly come to the rescue, the editors, yes, that’s why i’m inviting anna, the first bride. anechka, we are waiting for you, dear anna, 50 years old , an auditor at a logistics company lives in moscow, loves theater and music, dreams of buying her own house with a garden, is proud that she was born in the far east, warns
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that she will not fall asleep without a piece of cheese, husband anna left the family, unable to withstand the competition with the roommate. it won't work, dear, hello, girls, there won’t be a groom, and well, everything that doesn’t get done, you understand, everything is for the better, wait, wait, okay, we’ll still be hoping that maybe we’ll find it, well, not vyacheslav in any case, lord , yes, no, no, i won’t ask you a stupid question, what is the secret of your youth, you look great, i think so, in that very piece of cheese that you eat at night, yes, it’s in it, really, try it, this is such an activity, i just can’t fall asleep until i eat a piece of cheese, very interesting bride, she’s very bright, she’s wearing a very beautiful dress,
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she’s probably very lucky that the groom didn’t show up and didn’t come, so i’m just eating. they sewed it, you can say, well, yes, indeed , i had a large garden, more than forty plants, there was a winter garden, and somehow you know, well, it started with the fact that i started to find fault, so you wake up in the morning, if there was no one there to kiss me , you run with the plants to talk, then somewhere in the company we meet, when he says, imagine, she’s talking to the plants, in the morning stood up, she was with them, like yours, like you, well, yes
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, it really was like that for me, i just had a love for plants, so some kind of competition began with him. for some reason my flowers don’t grow, my cat eats all my flowers, my cat even ate cacti, yes, tell me, but if what was at stake, so to speak, was the peace of mind of the husband you loved, i hope, and the plant, whom he was so jealous of, well, it could have been a joke, but in front of him, don’t start talking to the plants, watering them, caring for them, but something... they were looking for another reason, no, there is, for example, you said, oh my favorite flower, and you sniffed it? it’s all just passionate, and he stood unhappy in his family shorts in the morning, waiting for an egg, and you pierced him there, it would have been worse, but it was still there, it was in any way
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, there was an approach, no, i’m like- it’s strange, you have two children, in fact, over the nanik it was somehow to redirect your love, and you to the vines, well , that’s only later, my children are like adults, but there they became and i, well, something yourself, yes already something to do with yourself, we got divorced, that was the only reason. plants, something, i think, is not being said here, i think this is not the reason , it was something else, i understand your husband, well, the whole problem was definitely in these flowers, don’t you want to tell me anything more, no, really i don’t really know anything else about that, until one day your friends tried to open your eyes and told you that there was some kind of stewardess at work, well, that’s how it happened. that no, but as they said, anka, while you ’re hanging out here with your vines, yours is there, no, not him, in front of him there, in front of him there
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, enveloping him with its branches, there’s a birch tree, yes, yes, yes, and i’m just like, well, stewards named jean, what are you, no, i, i didn’t believe it, but this can’t happen, such a long marriage, we live as if we were living well, like i don’t even need him anymore, what’s wrong with that? oh, stop collecting gossip girls , yes, yes, i think so, oh, anka, so what, so what, that’s it, then, i kind of tried to talk to him, well, not directly talk, yes, but somehow you have rumors going around , hay, hay, yes, yeah, they say rumors - confirm, no, well, no , who needs me, uh-huh, stump, well, he went to this, no, white birch, no, no, no, it didn’t work out, she dropped the leaves, she’s still alone, yes,
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yes, that is, i’m already planning the weekend right now so that this would happen, that i already had everything planned, the theater definitely, performances definitely, some musicals, that’s all, that’s somewhere and you can go alone, and leave my husband alone, for example, and let him rest, yes, but he needs it that way, i don’t see it at all, everything is perfect with you, one might say this. living and an apartment and everything is fine with her dowry, he also goes skiing a lot and in general he looks great, it’s really active, but what kind of groom do you want,
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tell us, now we have him for me , it’s important to me, that is i’m not really very attached to something, yes, but so that he still respects me, well, what kind of sportswear is there, and definitely sporty styling, and i don’t like beer bellies. i don’t like it, what should i do with them, what should i do with them, yes, well, i have to do sports somehow, that’s it, that’s it give him an incentive, definitely, definitely , we'll go skiing together , we'll work out in the gym, i'll pull him up to it, well done, look, suitors , respond, do you think there will be someone now, well, i think i'd like it someone was, did i come in vain, i wasted the day, well, i was in such a hurry, no, you’re great! annechka, is your surprise connected with the groom or on your own? i have a friend myself, my friend and i will sing, but it’s great, show me. you bewitched me,
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whirled me in a sensitive dance, serenely, i’m with you as if in i sing to heaven, like a cat, very tenderly. from your loving eyes i’m dancing like the first time , i’m not even afraid to jinx a sea of ​​passion with my girlfriend, i’ll share my happiness, i’ll go on a spree, i ’ll go on a spree today, i’ll share the night with you for two.
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for god's sake, your eyes, i'm coming in, my happiness , it means somewhere at the threshold, it means you're loved and loved, bravo, bravo, well done, thank you, girls, thank you my good ones, thank you, come in, it's a pity there was no one to sing , well done, girls, just well done, they sang, bravo, i know the answer to why russians are loved so much women, because they are like that, they came out passionate, ready, nothing breaks , no adversity, no past, no ex -husbands, above all i am beloved and i love, i will also fall out of love with myself and i am ready, and because it is very sensual, they live by feelings, and then i i always told myself and i think that all the girls
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say that, so what? wrapping supli around your fist, is that constructive or what? nothing, we turned it over, let's move on, well done, super , yes, that's it, everything is fine, that's super , there was no groom, where is our goal, well, okay, well, yes, we have proven ourselves, let's meet brides, come on, olga, 55 years old, director of a clothing sales company, lives in kaliningrad, all weekend. spends by the sea, be proud that she has thirty years of driving experience and not a single accident, warning that she does not tolerate being told what to do, when olga fell in love with a sailor, she had no idea what depths of family secrets she would have to plunge into, hopefully that there will be no storms in relations with vyacheslav. olga, tell me, this is your opinion on this matter,
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and i'm very surprised. speaking, because it’s even interesting that this happened, that the man behaved like this and, well, the plane was delayed, what’s the weather like? yes, well, this also says a lot, the person turns out to be inadequate, hysterical, hysterical, yes usually, but women could somehow be blamed on this , yes, that she won’t have time to take a shower, that she’s not in time for a man like that he’s behaving, maybe, you know, thank god he took him away, as they say, but it’s true, it’s good that he didn’t come, well, now it’s probably that he didn’t come. a goldfish that fulfills an amber wish, thank you, rose, this is for you, take
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the soap. i told him right away, because when he came to visit us, my mother said, he says, do you know, 14 years old, at first there was a piano in my room and a chair that swiveled, he says, i almost fell because, well, i looked very grown up, he thought that i was 18 years old, that is, i was already tall , i looked so grown up, well, we were friends, but at 16 you were already pregnant, at 15, at 15 you got pregnant, yes, so it's not really
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called friends. right away, one time it didn’t happen anymore, but he wasn’t afraid that he would be imprisoned for molestation, i don’t know what he was afraid of, but he always said that when i saw you, he said to me , it was like an electric shock, he said he says, i don’t know what it was, but i told him, it was just a bloody tooth, that is, you just didn’t understand that they also met at a disco, you see, and how my mother reacted, well, it’s either my mother or my mother-in-law they didn’t want us to get married, that is, they were all...
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so terrible, and you didn’t ask the question why - has this been kept a secret for so long? and you know, the mother-in-law never said anything, she simply later , when we found out, she had already died, that is, there was no one to ask, they simply had to say about it, it is very unpleasant for her to cause such a trauma to her, that she married her brother, when she asked her mother this question, her mother said, i knew what she was saying, do you have a brother? yes, what does he say, i knew, it’s just that when my father married my mother, he said, he says, i have a son, he says, his name is the same as mine oleg, well in what city, he says, i don’t even know, we find it, well, that is, it is located, that is, i don’t know, my mom and dad just couldn’t change
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the apartment, and it was just purely by chance, that is, they changed it to kaliningrad, then they changed it to two apartments, and you still got officially married, we got officially married, yes , well, even now i won’t say that he went to sea there, he was gone for a long time, then he... cheated - well, that’s small in comparison with that - yes, that it turned out, how they found out that you are a half-brother, you know, i was 17 years, when dad arrived, i don’t know how he found me, because i didn’t have any connection with him, that is, we didn’t keep up with him when he arrived for the first time, and i didn’t have him at home, he came to the neighbors and the neighbors were surprised that he was my dad, because they said, he says, we thought he was oleg’s dad, that is, not olga, because my dad is fair with blue eyes, my husband is the same, they have one lip and the same side of the curve, that is, they look like clones like each other, such a story, a story, of course, even if you take pictures another film, when then my husband came back from military service, that is, they met, everything was fine, too, when i started
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showing him wedding photographs, at that moment he was sitting, that is, i could not understand why such a reaction, as if what a shock, he saw his mother-in-law, he asks me a question, how did you meet, who said first, what is it... he was in shock, he asked me this, and for him it was a shock, really a shock. dna was established, or it was not necessary, because the mother-in-law already said that yes, mother-in-law she didn’t say so. well, anyway, this is santa barbara, these, these aren't your vines? no, no, no, no, everything is much simpler for me. ol, uh, exactly, it’s just, mm, it’s not established anywhere that this is your half-brother, these are just your guesses, very similar, guesses, he said, no, he said.
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my son my dad said on his birthday, he came, when was the last time, he celebrated his birthday, he told your husband, you are my son, he said at the table that yes, oleg is my son, and oleg then didn’t want believe in it, and he said, but then the only thing he started saying is that i can’t deny it, because i’m the spitting image of him , well, they didn’t do the dna anyway, he refused, look, no, it seems to me that this is some kind of made-up story, no, no , larisa, this is not a made-up story.
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well done, but not to us, not to you, yes, yes, i am 100% sure, how old is my son now, 39, 39, like this family legend, that he has a mother, father, siblings, well, not very, he to this, as it were, you know, everything here, i say again, is only an inference, only your guesses and manipulation , you know, you yourself wanted it that way, so what did my mother feel about igor all the time, she said, my boy, she baptized him, he always treated her like a mother, you know, you can manipulate anything, because people voice such eventful things because it’s such a burden, especially since at such an age he already sharpened it, dad came and voiced it, well, it was necessary to do dna so that my husband would refuse 100%, because
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he didn’t propose all the time until his death, so that i what is your son’s second blood type? i don’t know, you don’t know what it is i didn’t know my husband’s son, my husband has a second one, my husband has a second one... now a million men have looked at the beauty, so we’re waiting, thank you again for the gifts, a wonderful figure, i think that everything is for the better if the groom didn’t come, all the beauties here are such, but i see the second one is also worthy, but do you think he will even regret it, that he didn’t come here at all, or he will watch it like that on tv, he bites his elbows that he didn’t get such beauties, we are waiting for the third bride, renata 47 years old. the
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figure correction specialist is fond of martial arts, dreams of overcoming her fear of heights, is proud that she gave birth to a child at the age of 40, and admits that she turns off her phone on weekends. the lover abandoned renata at the moment when their common child needed help. she hopes that vyacheslav will give her a truly happy family life. hello, i have a figure, of course, what is there , i go in for sports, you won’t believe it, minus 30 kg after giving birth, that’s at 40 years old, yes , what a great fellow, you’re just so active, first child, first, only, interesting girl, she’s beautiful outfit, vyacheslav is very unhappy it’s lucky that he didn’t come, well, well done, well done, listen.
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activity, my life, i was told that i should leave everything to do the housework , i couldn’t go against myself, i acted honestly and canceled it, i won’t say anything against it, where, probably, the figures are engaged, there may be cosmetology, he takes part in the child’s life, yes, he does, he is married, our children are friends, that is, he quickly got married, already gave birth to new children there, there are no children there, but his children are there. previous and all the guys communicate with each other,
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and i did everything to remain friends , so maybe you didn’t initially need a man, a husband, but only a child, this also happens, perhaps now you need a husband, you live so well, you look, uh, just as active and if you want to stay active, more people will come and talk, stay at home. “i really want to be in a partnership , to be with a man, to be honest, i don’t know what it’s like to be in a partnership and be close to a man, and you know, it’s easier than at 20, because at 20-30 you’re wild selfishness, i want to possess, you want to be the only one, at the age of 47 and beyond, if a man is older than you, you just want to somehow exist as a couple, kayaks,
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it is very important that he at least does not interfere with what i am doing, so the key one didn’t interfere, and then he has, let’s say, 60 years old, he may already have his own interests, that’s right, 60 is a lot, the age range is up to what, well, 50- odd, sorry, i got here, oh, who is this so handsome to us, a new groom, but come on in, who are you? no, my god, what nice,
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on vacation, but after leaving work, instead of supporting her, i received a divorce notice. dmitry waited 6 years for an invitation to the “let's get married” program. therefore, an emergency call to the talk show studio.
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it doesn’t matter what’s fashionable today, why do i wear such huge jackets, that it’s very fashionable, it’s very fashionable, yes, an interesting groom, my age, well, what a great editor.
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i have children, well, more than once, two, i have an older and a younger one, literally, how many, but 20 and 10, from the same woman, yes, yes, why? we separated, well, as always, we lived for quite a long time, that is, we lived for 16 years in marriage, that is, we had one passion, we competed in weightlifting, triathlon, yes, both of them are international-class athletes, well, as always relationships have been polished, somewhere life can... in our life , well, no one cheated on anyone, didn’t play around with anyone , didn’t invite anyone, no, look, renata is the youngest , renata is 47 years old, the child is 8 years old, the girl is the only one now, as fashionably speaking,
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in sports resource you know such words, oh knows them for her it’s really important that she described you without seeing you.
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and my daughter loves sports, and we, in fact , we would like, and i, she, ah, she really wants her dad, a new dad, to play sports, spend time together, are you ready to spend time, devote time, help with upbringing, help with this direction, you don’t work with children yourself, well, no, with children? i’m ready to work at any moment, so i ’m attentive to them, i know that sometimes you need to listen to them, sometimes educate them, i ’ve been working with children for more than 10 years, yeah, with girls, with boys, especially martial arts, dim, where are you from, well, i ’m a muscovite, a muscovite, well, there is housing, one-room, i don’t know, i
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have a one-room classroom, but what about a moscow one-room, that’s enough for you, you see, and you also live in moscow, yes, kalening is also good, you know , lately i’ve fallen in love with the newcomers so much, you know, but you have an apartment here, and you can go to some other city like a dacha, everything changes the impression, mood, in short, dmitry, today you are walking around the buffet, so either you take a closer look it’s always clear, yes, who is not yours , it takes time to find out who your person is, laris, i propose this alternative option, we will now send the girls to their rooms, talk to each other... okay, okay, go, girls, thank you, thank you, what a wonderful show, i really like it more and more. well , we looked, we looked, now the doors will be closed for you, closed so that no one can hear, renata, and
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the groom is an athlete who works with children, well , you know, it seems to me that you are very interested in him, look, i’m purely intuitive, i’m seeing you for the first time, as they say, but thirty years of professionalism, as they say, there’s no getting around it, but i think that ...anna suits you best, and why anna? because moscow, because it suits her age, she’s calmer , he has such biceps that you’re just like that, well, you got a good look at him, anna herself has become so close to flowers, to the life of a lonely woman, you’re too active for her, you’re at sports, you’re with the children, she won’t catch up with you, but olga is second, she’s so imaginative. uh, me it seems that you definitely don’t need this , you are a simpler person, an athlete, i have a brother, an athlete, i know what it is, you will suffer there
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, who has to find out who, it’s already a pity for this time, renata came and described you as if she i saw it in a dream, she directly said, i want your age, your appearance, to go in for sports, so that she would look like that, she, old age will not find her at home, so now she was pushed towards this. come on in, and if he comes in, will you come out? yes, i’ll go out, i’ll go out to support him, i’ll go out and talk, see how it goes, yes, of course, well
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let's hope that this will happen, i invite everyone to come out and support dmitry, oh, i'm so glad, hello, dmitry! i liked you, i chose you, i like you too , and that’s pretty much how i imagined it, well , of course, so sporty, honestly, i like a sporty man, active, sporty, your trends are close to me , they’re interesting to me, i liked you, great, and you liked me, no matter what, in spite of everything, today we have a couple, dmitry and renata. if you are single or you liked someone from today's participants programs, write to the website of the first channel, and i larisa duzeeva wish that your loved one
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will definitely tell you, let's get married, advice and love. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the origins of russia's success on the role of knowledge, the new education system, recognition of diplomas and more. vladimir putin at the baltic university.


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