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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  January 26, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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they couldn’t stop the car, then they retreated, they retreated, they couldn’t stop, they stopped, they resisted , they pushed them away, they moved on, they went on to win, that is, it is through their fate, conditionally the path of this turning point in the war, and in order to win they had to step over themselves, break themselves , and you can understand all this in the picture too. can you do something you weren't able to do before? and here, of course, it echoes simonovsky: “if your home is dear to you. shoot, shoot! i can’t, you can look at dead children, at a city that can you kill? she is a girlfriend without eyes, without hands, with'. ay, fire! in alexei german's films
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there are precisely faces, because as he says: war is faces, these are faces, these are people, these are not special effects, these are people, and the fact that in this film there are precisely faces, heroes, destinies and people, that's it. this is the main thing when everything is inside, when all the pain is inside, and you, as a regiment commander, have no right to show it. your tears, but they are there, you turn away, they are there, and they will never be the same again, that military generation, special, the war has plowed everyone, this feeling will appear in the audience at the end of the film. a serious film, very serious and unusual, very informative and generally a good film, cruel, but the cruel truth, whatever you do, that’s how it was, a film that must be watched, must be shown to our youth. such a film
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is about the heroism of such peers who died at that time, some people do not realize all this, and it is really worth going to such films in order to rethink a lot in your life, you begin to think about many things differently, you begin to think more appreciate life, what once you did not appreciate some moments, now you can appreciate everything more deeply, think about it, why should your girl live more than a boy, explain? why are there no boys and girls here, kislichki? i keep thinking, will anyone remember about us later that we fought? leaving the hall, of course, many remember the legendary one , only old men go into battle, the pictures really seem to echo in time, we will live, listen, i don’t know what feat you and i accomplished, but what... what this girl is at war, fear
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in her eyes, it seems that it’s not hers, but you’re already running out of air, in the film they tried to show the air battles as truthfully as possible, including through faces, well, i stood there the entire film , well, i watched from the last row, just standing, these are the shootings, this is how i start with airplanes, i watch a lot, these are airplanes, apparently somehow i filmed it very realistically, that in general, that i was like in an airplane, they also tried scrupulously. to recreate the past down to the details, starting with the planes themselves, military uniforms and ending with small objects, this important, because in many families , things dear to their hearts are carefully preserved along with their memories, things left from grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, awards, buttonholes, watches, smoking pipes, accordions, when you see them in the film, you will feel that this is about mine too, the film resonates in the heart, because the majority of the audience watches it like clockwork with the most valuable memories, my grandmother is a blessing, at one time she was evacuated here to lake polada, my mother was already
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born here, so, well, the film is generally close to me, truthfully, comparing with stories grandmothers and seeing the film, well, probably a rethinking happened, there was a good question in the film... what is the homeland? is the homeland more important to a person than the stench or the person? there was a very good answer that without a person there is no homeland, and without a homeland there is no person. the picture is not only in its atmosphere, destinies, details, as if it is woven into the life of each of us; if you don’t watch the film, you will rather have to endure the air, viewers say. when the film was advertised, i didn’t think it would be so interesting and that. no, not at all, but after watching it, i would even go again i advise everyone to watch it again. evgeniy, renat greev, marina emelyanova, natalya radeonova, channel one.
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russians, rise, faster, forward,
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concentrate, take up defense, russian from the rear, take up all-round defense.
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hold on, hold on friend,
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suffering is possible!
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what's happening? i don't understand. zauker, you will kill us too. if you don't close your mouth, you're next.
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finally, ralph, you're like, what happened to me, bathing and handing over did you good, the temperature jumped, my father and i... herbalist, thank you very much, i feel people, i’m telling you, father mikhail is a magician, that’s great, that means tomorrow we can go to father mitrofaniy, to whom, to father mitrofaniy, that’s his church name, he’s on
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the island in a monastery, he’s the abbot here.
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he's in charge of the storeroom guard , he's also a tour guide and a librarian, in general, he's a wonderful person, your breakfast, thank you, areton, thank you, but you're welcome, while your clothes are being straightened here, father mikhail
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ordered this to be given to you, you'll be alone day in the monastery as a novice, you don’t... khariton, but he’ll tell you about the monastery, he knows how. thank you. thank you, holy father, in these monasteries a story began in which my ancestor played an important role. he starred for me today. a strange dream. i also dreamed about this icon. it happens here, well, with god,
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grace. yes, only one lieutenant survived, he was later transferred to the village, he was very bad , there was one woman who left him, from the valuables, what happened to them, but i don’t know, you know, there were a lot of legends about it, here to this day treasure hunters
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have been visiting this village for a while now, they are looking for treasures, but they haven’t found anything, no, they haven’t found anything yet, no, the celler was only interested in metal ones. a safe in which there was something very valuable, but maybe they just hid the rest of the treasures, but here in the monastery, i thought so too, thank you, but you know, after the war there was a special expedition from moscow , they also looked for it, they didn’t find anything, they didn’t find anything, no, there was nothing, i wonder what could have been in this box, they told us about the cross of st. francis, poltsk. come on, come with me, let's go!
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brought to polotsk a true shrine, pieces of the holy cross with blood, a stone from a tombstone the virgin mary and the relics of saints, including st. stephen. they were inlaid into the cross along with precious stones, but the most important thing, you know, here, on the side of the cross , euphrasinia ordered to make an inscription, whoever wants to take this out... the cross from the land of polotsk awaits a curse, it itself will be like judas, who betrayed jesus christ. and that this cross never left polotsk? during the time
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of ivan the terrible, he was taken to smolensk. then they delivered it to john himself. the king was delighted with his beauty and took an oath that if the floor if the skipitar is defiled and he recaptures the city from levontsi, he will return the shrine to the monastery. fulfilled, the cross was returned from moscow to polotsk. during napoleon's invasion , nuns hid a cross in the wall. non-christians did not receive the holy cross. yes, after the revolution, when the bolsheviks came, they also took the cross to minsk, and then magilev, well, because they wanted to make mogilev a hundredfold their own, the ussr, here. or this cross is there in the museum among the exhibits, and then it had to be removed, and do you know why? why? but because did believers begin to come and pray before
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christ? like this. now it’s clear why he ended up in the room of the segorkom of the party. it seems very likely that the box the zeller was hunting for contained this very cross. i'm absolutely sure of this. it turns out that the cross places a curse on anyone who encroaches on it. can i still stay here, i want to look at these books.
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there are a lot of legends here that... at the bottom of this lake there are treasures and they are guarded by the mermen. shouldn’t father mikhail believe the mermen? local winds once drowned more than one merchant's souto, here was part of the journey from voryak to the greeks, hence the tales about treasures, beautiful, very, this is a real treasure, but you can’t hide it in a chest, mikhail, why are you helping us? i want to understand what treasures the monks died for in '41 . father mitrofaniy knows this for sure.
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i hope he will tell us. we arrived, thank god. thanks, eh? is he not coming out with us? no, i’ll stay here, they don’t like strangers from the whale. what's happened? was put, bless
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the priest, it can’t be, how can it be, if we had gone yesterday, we would have made it in time with him to talk, i doubt it, it’s worth it back in the ninety -first year i gave silence before, since then i haven’t uttered a word, go, thank you, either by excommunication by the bishop, or by the priest, or if you took an oath to your father, or to your mother, or to your... ... fall under a curse or break an oath or commit other certain sins as a person contact, but from all the faults, may he be resolved, thank you,
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be careful, lieutenant! “listen, this is what, there is a monastery there near pine, tell this to abbot bartholomew, the fathers will receive you, from bow to me, tell him, he’s a rascal son, that’s what, guys, if you find a woman, return him to him. these are the prayers of our most holy and blessed lady theotokos and ever-virgin mary, the glorious saints of all saints. amen.
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i have to stay, excuse me, father mikhail, why didn’t you tell us that father miturfani would remain silent, and what would have changed, you’re right, we would have tried anyway. happiness, thank you, wait, wait, father mitrafaniy, gave it to me just before his death, he said, a german will come, you will give it back, thank you, father mitrofaniy broke the dinner silence, yes, i thought he was going to die, father, but when i saw you,
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it dawned on me, what did he say? it means there’s really something very important here, let’s go, come on, come on, there should be a second part of the map and it should be, it’s behind us, hurry up, let’s leave, what kind of people are there? bad people, there’s no time to explain, let’s leave, let ’s leave, don’t worry, i know these places like my own fingers.
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don't hit the people, aim for the boat, i need them alive, you know, aim for the boat, don't let me, coryton, come closer to the red boat, ok, i'll be right there, noise! idiots, don’t let them fool you, wait, they almost have a vater, can you hear how it’s gone, wait, i ’ll follow the channel, don’t stop, we’re coming, here?
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get him, let's go, drive him, come on!
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here's the second part of the map, sigfried, hey buddy, it's time to get up. mommy, bring me a cup of coffee and an omelette with sausage, don’t go anywhere, baby, i’ll run and bring it,
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come on, get up, my god, hey!
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i feel it too, forward, stop, forward, faster!
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you can’t even hear the dogs, there are dogs in every village, you need to get out of here. let's go one more time and i'll shoot you, hey, who's there?
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than god sent you.
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everyone came up, well, and that means we were in the wings of them, what do they say, all the residents were destroyed for helping the bolsheviks, and these are the moroders, i’m interested in the deployment of the nearest german troops, i understand, so here... the railway station, there yours,
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the germans were definitely there yesterday, doysche, vasa, and the waters, yeah, come on, bits, yes, bits, thank you, nain, no, lady. i understand, yes, yes, well , we've stayed too long, it's time to go know, warum denn, kak že tak, sogar kinder haben sie nicht, even they didn’t spare the children, who will go as security?
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come on, load, don’t forget anything, let’s load, load, take it, take it, that’s it, take it!
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oh, grigory, look, i found some strangers, the children, oh, ran away, and you, german, go, go, go, go, go, we can handle it ourselves, what are you doing? what's happened?
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aber wo suchen sie die, wo? er befürchtet, dass wir ihn töten wollen. ich werde sie beschützen wie meinen eigenen augap.
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sie und ich, wir sind uns sehr ähnlich, früher, ich habe von reichtümern geträumt, von großen reichtümer.
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from whom, if you let me go, will i find i will definitely find the fourth part, i swear to you.
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this is the miracle i told you about, paul. good morning on the calendar january 26, friday, nikita pimenov and anastasia orlova are with you. good morning, friends, let's wake up together and start making plans for today. we will find out what to do if you feel like a phone with a low battery, we will find out how to recharge this battery. today we will deal with all sorts of superfoods, by the way, there are a lot of them today, so i love this topic. by the way, let's go to discounter, let's try to figure out why products and goods in these stores are much cheaper than in regular supermarkets.
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according to tradition, we will prepare something delicious, and this, of course, is not all. in general, the morning promises to be interesting, bright and eventful, as always, well, right now everyone is getting ready to exercise, three-time world champions in sports dancing artemy and marina katashinsky are already waiting for us, everyone is dancing, and we, too, a little. good morning, did you wake up in a bad mood? we suggest replacing the traditional morning warm-up with dancing. it helps restore vitality. feet together, hands on the waist. we place our right foot on the toe, the knee is bent, and we sharply raise the thigh up. we return to the starting position and repeat several times. now let's complicate the exercise. we take a step forward with our right foot... we raise the bucket up, as if we were making an accent, we don’t tilt our body to the side, we keep our back vertical, we continue to practice
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, step forward, emphasis with the hip, we perform the movement in the other direction, it’s better to practice in front of a mirror, so you you will immediately see what needs to be corrected. movement allows you to stretch leg muscles and hip joints. this is especially useful for office workers. let's continue! we continue on the calendar on january 26, winter also continues, the day is slowly starting to grow, but it is still short. and here it’s still so cold, disgusting, the wind is blowing. many people complain that children’s performance in winter is zero, their mood is not right. somehow a little bit of fatigue accumulated, you know? well, to put it mildly, a little has accumulated, of course, you feel as if the batteries are dead, you urgently need to recharge them, and we
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we know how. the phone is dead, we put it on charge, but when our internal battery is low, we ignore it, the lack of processing stress, this coffee comes with sweets, in order to somehow replenish the energy, the person works, works, works until he falls, then waits for him to sleep and he will feel better, the problem is... people are not phones, and it doesn’t work that way. in this rhythm we get weakness, inattention, irritability and headache . if this condition has been going on for more than six months, congratulations, you have chronic fatigue. the brain gives a signal stress. cortisol is secreted above the kidneys, which has a bunch of different consequences, ranging from fat accumulation, decreased protein synthesis, and ending with sleep disturbances and problems. sometimes chronic fatigue is a consequence of an infection, or it may be due to the battery itself or the state of health. it’s better
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to see a doctor to rule out disease deficiencies, if everything is in order, it’s a matter of sleep mode, first of all, everyone has their own norm, on average 7-8 hours, reboot for all systems. but our sleep proceeds in very clever cycles, a deep stage of slow-wave sleep is needed in order for testosterone and somatotropin to be released, so that... the exchange takes place as needed, so that a person recovers energetically, and fast sleep, for example, is needed so that a person’s memory and emotional range are restored. yes, in winter it is more difficult to restore sleep patterns, there is little light. the production of the sleep hormone melatonin increases, which is why we can be overwhelmed, lethargic, drowsy, apathetic during the day, and at night there may be an excessive amount of sleep or, conversely, insomnia. you can imitate the sun in the first midday, the light is brighter. there are even special devices, but the advice to go to bed before midnight does not work for everyone. different people need to go to bed and get up at different
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times; early birds and night owls exist. refills the battery. the notorious zosh, but for many, the very thought of the rules already drives stress, i’m not talking about some really ideal people, ironmen, who do everything, everything that is necessary, no, i’m talking about the base, that the base must be adequate , yes, you can eat chips once every couple of weeks, but not every evening, that’s what you should do every day, absolutely go for a walk, this rule alone will help you get enough sleep, the battery will accumulate charge. anna popova, nikita kulakov, yulia bykova, channel one. what should we do now that’s so interesting nikita? let's look on the internet and see, what's so new there? moreover, we have our own ruler, the world wide web, as we call him, yegor uspensky, well known to you, he has already chosen the most interesting videos for us. our video parade opens today with a new hero of the world wide web, a cat named nils, who for both believe it or not, he devolves his cheeks into boiled potatoes.
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well, let's not interfere, let's just wish him a bon appetit. listen, let’s not interfere anymore, i just want to take it away, he eats with such appetite. well, the hero of our next video, a resident of melbourne, gray jones, went into nature, laid out a blanket, took out a book, out of nowhere, cows came to visit him, well, it’s so easy to get to know each other, well, there’s nothing special to comment on here, in my opinion, this video is very touching, i immediately wanted to go for a walk in nature, with a cow, in the northern part of the world because of due to the abnormal cold, alligators went into hibernation just like a bear.
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just a sculpture, on a ship you can actually move on water, which ivan proved, we applaud the master, give him a like, but at the same time we think, isn’t it cold there, incredible, of course, the topic is not for me, because i haven’t been i love taking pictures, but to take spectacular photos you don’t have to... order an expensive photo session in a professional studio? of course, everything is much simpler, you need to have a smartphone at hand and know a few tricks that are now with you photographer ekaterina maksimova will share. and maybe i will like to be photographed. studio equipment and decorations are of course important, but if you have a good idea, then the effect on the photo can be done even with
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a smartphone at home. i cut out a large circle from a piece of cardboard and make a hole in it. of different sizes, i sit the model on a darkened background, put the cardboard on her head like a hat, highlight the girl’s face and the back of her head to make the composition even more interesting, install a smoke generator, you can use a humidifier instead or incense sticks, i turn on the device, look, rays of light penetrate through the hole and attract all attention to the heroine of the portrait. i focus and shoot. thanks to the combination of light and smoke, the photo turned out voluminous and textured. by the way, you can achieve a similar effect without cardboard. but first, let's rearrange the composition. i envelop the girl in smoke, illuminate the stream with a flashlight, like this, at an angle. in my opinion, it turned out spectacularly. here's about the right,
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healthy foods with lots of vitamins. ball. and it feels like it's simple exotic berries from the other end of the earth are a storehouse of vitamins, yes, that’s what it is, well , in general, superfoods, what about our good old buckwheat, how do you feel about buckwheat , i adore it, especially with milk, i also feel good about it, is it a superfood or not , now we’ll figure it out with you, superfoods or superfoods have been trending for years, but it seems the concept has blurred, let’s look for the answer in a fashionable food court, something like
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astronaut food, so you don’t just buy it, as you think, right now your minerals, which are coenzymes allow the absorption of useful additional micro-macroelements. superfood can, in principle, designate most products that are on sale. yes, new-fangled superfoods are often as old as time in terms of their properties; different years have their own favorites; these are all games of marketers. in soviet times, we had propaganda posters, for example, children standing there with a spoon of this fish. fat, and these posters that children singing fish oil is healthy, part of the marketing is word of mouth, when galil’s neighbor told her neighbor valya, that she has kombucha, and they gave it to her at work and they said that it came from him,
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and then the list goes on, moreover, logically, it’s even possible to calculate which superfood will be at its peak in the new season, trivial, that’s all depends on demand, everyone has a backache, everyone has a crunch here, something is broken somewhere, and so on, when they ask me, what superfood? the future will be, i say, well, gelatin, desserts will be made from gelatin, ala jellied meats, some fashionable ones, they will call it something nice, they will write it, they will make a beautiful label and sell it for big money, like a new superfood. but it’s not a fact that the body will like the new product, you can’t fool genetics, even goji berries are powerless against it, a person is not adapted, then naturally genetically. and it can give autoimmune processes , allergic reactions and immunity , it is unknown how it will react, if we , of course, use them for many, many years from generation to generation, then
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of course we will adapt to this food, just as we adapted to a banana or avocado , also, by the way, a superfood. and what even today it bears the proud name of a superfood, rumor has it that spirulina, a cheaper analogue, ordinary kelp, and even a movie. her rival is good old buckwheat. let us remember that once upon a time potatoes were brought to us and people did not immediately figure out how to eat them correctly, or it will go away like goji, but again there will be people who will decide that goji berries are the most dear to them. the main thing to remember is that the passion for superfoods is again a limitation. a healthy diet means variety and everything should have a place in it, especially what is seasonal and what grows in your region. anna grebenshchikova, sergei falendysh, dmitry gradienko, first! “look carefully , you will recognize him, grandfather, in the center, we are a coward, money
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and gold do not interest me, you will go to russia today, return the sacred treasures of the nation, and from these treasures, my father, you will fall in love, you will excuse me, of course , but all this somehow doesn’t look very plausible, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, german. from monday after the program time. next on the air is a news release. see you soon. this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva. hello. the investigative committee showed footage taken at the crash site of an il-76 transport plane shot down by the ukrainian side in the belgorod region. investigators are working. forensic scientists on the ground among the wreckage of the bodies of ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange, for ethical reasons we cannot show this footage. however, many bodies, experts note, have characteristic
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tattoos previously seen on militants of ukrainian nationalist battalions. a dna test will be required for identification. late evening terrorist attack in kiev regime was brought up for discussion at a meeting of the un security council convened at russia’s request, and there was another emphasis on our part. according to the guarantees of the regime, its western sponsors , after the kiev dictator once again clearly demonstrated that he cannot fulfill even the technical agreement on the exchange of prisoners, put this into the context
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of the minsk agreements used to arm ukraine and the refusal of the kiev authorities from the already initialed project of a peaceful agreement in istanbul in april 2022, under the onslaught of our western curators, it will become clear to you why we, without abandoning the negotiation option in principle, are continuing the special military operation in ukraine, launched to save the lives of the residents of donbass. the tragedy occurred on january 24, a russian military transport aircraft l-76 was transporting ukraine. prisoners for exchange was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of the belgorod region, there were 74 people on board, including 65 ukrainian soldiers, all of them died. to other topics, calculation of the 120mm nona mortar m1, the first guards tank army of the west group of troops, destroyed camouflaged dugouts and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction in the special operation zone. air reconnaissance aircraft transmitted the exact coordinates to the artillerymen, and the crew quickly moved to the direction.
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vehicles, and a self-propelled artillery unit and several enemy vehicles were also hit during the night. more about those who show courage and bravery in the northern military district zone. colonel sergei tumanov, under mortar fire, pulled out the operators trapped in the cabin from a burning car drones, provided first aid, returned. to the car and took out the equipment
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for controlling drones, lieutenant colonel konstantin frolov, having come under enemy fire, continued to control the drone, landed it in a safe place, and then helped evacuate his wounded colleagues, thereby saving their lives. and ukraine, which, as kiev admits, already lacks equipment and ammunition, does not stop trying to put pressure on the west to still beg for new help. foreign minister dmitry kuleba, in an interview with american journalists, expressed himself in the spirit that military...
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respondents stated that they are against anti-russian sanctions. the central election commission is conducting a detailed check of the signatures of voters put on the sheets in support of the nomination of a candidate; so far, of all , only vladimir putin’s headquarters has provided 315,000 of them. they are selectively passed through a special technical complex. this is the first time this program has been implemented during the presidential elections and allows experts to speed up their work by 8-10 times. sheets are scanned and loaded into the system, there are 17 in total. reasons to
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invalidate a signature, from the obvious false information is provided down to the nuances; the sheet is filled in in pencil or in a place where this is prohibited. it is important to carefully analyze all the data so that the list does not include so-called dead souls, those who signed were at least 18 years old, as well as the authenticity of each signature, so that one person cannot sign for several. that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. morning on the calendar january 26 friday a beautiful winter day with you nikita pimenov and anastasia wish you a wonderful day, friends, we are real, honestly, not avatars or an image that nerosit generated, the audience is probably sitting there laughing, and why are you laughing, now technology has reached such a point that you call somewhere on business or leave a request on the site and they seem to answer you, but who it is, whether it’s a person or a robot, you won’t immediately understand, in fact, most often... because the bot, aka
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a voice assistant, usually introduces itself, i’m your virtual assistant, and the voice is a little different, but always i want to talk to a person, explain my problem to everyone, the question is how to get to it, to a person, today there are more than 8 billion voice assistants working in the world, that’s almost one for each person, we’ll give me an invoice, the voice assistant was able to analyze it, logged into the system, and started working like a real person , and usually voice. the assistant is a whole set of programs consisting of several parts: firstly, a voice analyzer, which allows you to listen to the sound wave that the subscriber speaks on the phone in order to translate it into words into text. second the reverse module, respectively, is a tex converter and this is the first part of the program, the second is the neural networks that process the request and move according to the response script, you call, the voice assistant asks a clarifying question: i am your virtual assistant, how can i help, man, i
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i realized that you need an operator, please clarify what you are interested in, i will need to find out the topic in order to switch you to the right specialist, there is a nuance, smart voice assistants for... after the date of expiration of the old policy, operators they don’t carry out calculations and don’t issue insurance , would you like me to tell you how to calculate the cost of policies online, say yes or no, watermelon, i didn’t quite understand you, melon, tell me how else i can help you with insurance, melon,
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i’ll connect you with a specialist, it worked , what else can help, no matter how funny it may sound, just answer the robot’s questions correctly, so you at least help to develop. a store where prices are lower than in neighboring supermarkets is very convenient, i agree, it certainly doesn’t have beautifully decorated shelves, for
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we don’t have consultants running around there with endless questions about how the interior can help you , let’s say, is laconic and functional, but this is the most important thing, everything is cheaper there, the question is... what makes it cheaper, isn’t it due to quality, how suspicious i am today, in general, we decided to find out all this, maybe i’m worried in vain, a sliced ​​loaf costs 27 rubles, a liter of milk costs 62, these are food prices in discounters on average 20% lower than in regular stores, an attractive price naturally creates demand, today we we occupy 5-6% of the market, in the next 2-3 years the discounter will occupy about 10%, the goal of the discounter is to reduce costs as much as possible, and by spending less on the store, we can offer customers lower prices, but what do they save on, the first is the cost of rent, most often the stores are not in the most accessible places, and the premises are small, the second is the number of employees, at this point, for
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example, there are only three of them, the goods are in boxes , you don’t need to lay out anything, and the third is the assortment, it is smaller, only 750 800 positions, well, for example, in a regular store at home there may be 5. items, selling a large volume of each product, we can agree with the manufacturer on a fundamentally lower cost, but what about the quality of the product itself, we decided to compare, bought products at a discounter and in a regular grocery store? i don’t know, in fact , the manufacturers that we purchased at the discounter, yes, that’s absolutely right, often the shelves of discounters end up with goods that are produced by small suppliers, it’s easier to negotiate with them on prices without a markup, we check the guest. one to one, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates too, the appearance and smell did not disappoint, curd cheese, the composition is almost the same, the consistency from the discounter is fluffier, but both are tasty, now the doctor's
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sausage, sometimes more questions arise about the quality and composition of the dough products produced in large factories, there is volume there and they must also save on raw materials. and this, and the difference is 110 rubles. this is such a marketing ploy. we actually found another pooling discounter and that’s enough it’s a well-known manufacturer and is available everywhere, it’s just that its price there is 54 rubles. in the store, all 90 are almost twice as expensive. the discounters have federal goods, well, as if produced by federal chains, their price tags will be standard, the entry price will be the same for everyone. works. sometimes well-known manufacturers even make products in larger packages specifically for discounters. the price is lower. for example, there is pasta weighing a kilogram. in the store there are such volumes of this brand. cannot be found, of course, discounters are different and their suppliers are different, there are also those who
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saves on the composition, so before purchasing , experts advise looking at the composition of each specific product so as not to run into something of low quality. anastasia savelyeva, sergey falendysh, channel one. now let's talk about money. last year we broke the record for loans taken from banks. here are the data for 10 months of the twenty- third year. so, we... took out loans for 6 trillion, exactly trillions of rubles, bringing the total amount of debts to almost 35 trillion, listen, well, big numbers, that’s in general, but what if talk about a specific loan, what makes up its amount, with the main loan everything is more or less clear, but with interest, with interest everything is not so simple, what does the loan consist of? of course, this is, first of all, his body, the amount that we borrow from the bank, plus interest, with them everything is not so simple. let's look at a specific example. a very favorable offer of 5% per annum, do we believe it, or is it still worth
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checking the full cost of the loan? this is the best bet if you go to all bank conditions. the first thing is to sign up for the service, the rate is low, and this is a paid service, that is, the rate will increase further. this is how 5% turns into, say, seven, then more, adding another important option, without which you won’t be able to get the same mortgage or car loan. insurance. can increase the cost of your loan by about 10-12%, for a total of 19%, but when applying, it matters what kind of insurance. we must take into account that the helmet will be included in the full price, but the saga will not, because the helmet is property insurance, and compulsory liability insurance is insurance of your liability by virtue of the law. but that’s not all, other little things may come up. opening an account, introducing an account, closing an account. speaking of apathetic. cells, a report on the valuation of real estate
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, plus notary services, if necessary, as well as the issuance and maintenance of a card, possibly special additional conditions, anna kuznetsova encountered them when she received a pleasant offer from the bank, a loan at 7% per annum, applied only for a loan from 10 million rubles. in addition, you had to become a payroll client of this bank; if these conditions were not met, the rate increased. almost up to 30%, the largest variation in the total cost of loans on cards: pay with a credit card, one amount, withdraw cash from it, completely different. grows exponentially. previously, before changes were made to the federal law on consumer credit, banks could fix the minimum interest rate, the minimum, the so-called full cost of the loan, this was beneficial for the banks. now banks are obliged indicate the maximum total cost for any types of loans, that is, there are five such marketing tricks. the interest rate per annum should be less, we look for information with the size of the rate from start to finish on the bank’s website and
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not only. banks are required to place this information on the first page of the loan agreement, and this information should not be written in small print, somewhere below, at the top in the header of the agreement. at the same time, some banking services are not reflected in the full price, those that do not affect the conditions for issuing a loan, sms notifications, penalties sanctions, singing. nadezhda pravdina, vasil... balletov. first channel. the oral cavity, what makes it unique? in special immunity. avocado on days of snowfall, what is the benefit? atrial fibrillation, a unique method of treatment. the program to live healthy will tell you everything. today is the first one. cnop gin is a product of stellar group.
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today is our family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents. that's it, let's rest. i started acting when i was seven. honestly, i'm not helping her. she really works on her own, that's it. definitely. in general, at first she stood in a line. how is everything, i say, can i put it near the microphone? we thought we had a super genius kid, and that was the defining moment in my career. i just always believed in him, looked at everything soberly, well, after all, i’m a nartologist, i look at everything soberly. tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, i will give her a car, this is honestly earned money, let’s pray, you lost your spouse early and you raised your son alone. yes, i was 38, i knew that there were children, i needed
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to put them on their feet. this is my jewel these are the first medals that... dedicated specifically to my mother, thanks to our parents for their contribution to the development of us all, tomorrow after the program it’s time, our poor hands, how they get it in the winter, the skin freezes, dries, peels, well, here’s how to help her, maybe men don’t even think about it , but we are always ladies, let's right now be the vice world champion in fitness. and will tell you, and most importantly, show you how to properly care for the skin of your hands. by the way, march 8th is coming soon, do you understand what i need to give as a gift? i left the office, i need to clean the car, and i don’t have gloves, my hands, of course, are cold, but i know how to take care of my skin after such a shake-up. to avoid peeling, make a nourishing mask and fill the oatmeal
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with water. add vegetable oil and a little warm milk, mix, put the mixture into cotton gloves, distribute evenly inside, put it on, and pull the silicone one on top. and relax, the mask nourishes, moisturizes and soothes the skin, after an hour we wash it off, apply moisturizer, how else to care for your hands in winter, do contrast baths more often, pour two
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a teaspoon of sea salt in a bowl, pour into one container: water at a temperature of 20°, into another - 40, add vegetable oil, at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water, add a little glycerin, you can buy it at the pharmacy, it perfectly softens the skin, we take turns putting our hands in one bowl or another. the bath soothes, nourishes and moisturizes, and the sea salt solution will also strengthen your nails. after these procedures, your hands will be in perfect condition. according to statistics,
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russians over 12 years of age spend on average the internet is about 4 hours daily, but this is definitely an average figure, because it seems to me that we are definitely more. well, if you remember how many letters we receive every day by e-mail, both from friends, at work, and just spam, and of course, all sorts of scammers also love to enter into correspondence with us, be careful, not every letter is from scammers contain a virus, but almost any such message read is like a beacon for attackers, there is such a thing as a pixel, and this picture is a pixel downloaded from their server by an attacker. already knows that this message has been opened, that is, by opening such a letter, you make it clear to the scammer that you are reading even suspicious messages, he will send new ones, this time with hyperlinks, they also do not always contain viruses, the minimum task for the attacker is to find out about you there’s more information about your computer when you click on the link,
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yes, but the attacker receives information about his ip address, his browser, and his device’s operating system. system, screen resolution and some other digital fingerprints; based on this data, this person can be identified in a certain way. fraudsters can even understand your interests and preferences; knowing them, they can send you a link to a program that is interesting to you, but infected with a virus. the most harmless thing that can be in it is a miner. there are hidden miners, that is, those who mine cryptocurrencies, this is a program that is installed on your computer ... to eat away your processor or video card power, use them for in order to earn some kind of cryptocurrency. it happens that after clicking on a link, infected files are downloaded by themselves and remain in downloads, hoping that a person will someday launch them out of curiosity. these can be clogers, this is a program that records all the keystrokes that you have, that is, go
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to internet banking, they record, go to the mail, record, and accordingly all this is sent. this is how a scammer can quietly get all your addresses and passwords. another danger on the internet is phishing sites. they imitate real online stores or even bank pages. it's worth entering there. your data or pay for goods by card, all this falls into the hands of scammers. how to recognize such a site from a link in the address bar? if we see https, and there are two slashes in the colon, then this is a secure protocol that is used in encryption. now, if we see http, colons and two slashes, then this is an insecure protocol, perhaps it was created by a fraudster. what else do we pay attention to? there must be a privacy policy. roskomnadzor for this may issue a fine or even block the resource. opening a link directly from an email or message is more dangerous than opening a link through a search browser; it can warn about
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unwanted applications and sites. karina makaryan, vasily valetov, channel one. if you want to be healthy, take some drugs. well, everyone knows this, including us. of course, the truism is that the main thing is not to rush into this very hardening, like into an ice hole. everything needs to be done gradually. here is a senior rescuer from the russian ministry of emergency situations. osman dilibaash thinks so too. hi all. today i have a bathhouse as planned, but an unusual one, snowy. here it is, everything is ready. we lie down on a makeshift shelf and douse ourselves with water. uh! wow! great. and now we’ll get some more snow. and it will be very good. uh! well, the effect of the procedure is amazing,
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strength increases, vigor and good mood appear, and the heart and blood vessels are also trained, the body’s defenses increase, but inexperienced walruses, of course, should act differently, i would... start hardening in the summer, but if you i want it right now, do it not on the street, at home, in the bathroom, wet a waffle towel with cold water, wring it out and wipe first your legs and arms, then your chest, back, it takes a week or even two to wipe, only then you can start dousing, we start with a temperature of 32'. oops, every 2 days we lower the water by 1°, gradually bring it to 22, there is no
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need to lower it, uh, and if you feel severe discomfort, it is better to stop altogether, hardening is beneficial only when it is in joy. we douse everything at home for a month, and if everything goes well, only then will we be able to go out for the first time. snow, uh, uh, don’t rush, hardening procedures will bring you health, uh, what kind of pets, of course, people all over the world don’t have, and we’re not talking about cats or dogs, you’ll agree, this is trivial, so here’s the head of the australian zoo, his name is tim faulkner, welcomed an orphaned kangaroo , he went out and fed the pedologist, then, as you can see, with all his heart he fell in love with his... who, how to say correctly, owner, nanny, probably, yes, friend, never ceases to amaze internet users, different craftsmen,
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for example, inventor joseph faulkner constructed devices for making pizza from scrap materials, well , for building materials he used a children's railroad, school rulers and even a toy ballerina, but i never thought of this, now he eats his favorite pizza for breakfast, without practically having to do anything to prepare it.. in the center of moscow , in leontyevsky lane, a memorial plaque dedicated to tatyana shmyga was unveiled. tatyana ivanovna was a legend of the moscow operet theater, to which she gave more than 60 years of her life and was the only operetta artist awarded the title of people's artist of the soviet union. queen apereta , her name is on the poster, the hall is already full, she really turned everything she touched into beauty, because she had such a gift, performances,
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concerts, roles, all this was so memorable, bright, if only our dreams, everyone would be so clear, the bat, the merry widow, the violet of montmartre, more than sixty roles in the moscow state. there was no stardom in her, no seal, she was a very modest person, very... compassionate, very open, she was always came to the rehearsal, collected , never got irritated, always prompted, supported, it turned out that in public, in the group, i turned to her tatyana ivanovna, in the rehearsal she was just a tane, dozens more film rolls, a hussar ballad with her participation only for the first
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we looked at it for six months. the last years of her life in honor of the ninety-fifth anniversary of the opening of the memorial plaque, at the ceremony friends and colleagues continually carried flowers, the theater’s anthem performed by tatyana shmyga, it was a pleasure to watch her, sometimes i know spectators who wanted to come just to look at her really
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talk about her: that she is the queen of aperetta, so if you associate it, this is a sniffer. now on the facade there is a bronze portrait with the inscription of tatyana shmyga, people's artist of the ussr, the only operetta soloist who received this title in the soviet union. karina makaryan, mikhail volkov, sergey namunka, channel one. next up is the newscast. see you soon. this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello! vladimir putin inspected the new complex for diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases, built in the kaliningrad region, very soon, the medical institution will receive its first patients, the president was shown a model, walked through the office, a total of five buildings have been built, a hospital with 200 beds, including
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an operating clinic. radiotherapy department, modern high-tech equipment everywhere, all conditions for the work of at least 700 specialists have been created, and residents will now be able to receive the necessary medical care on site, without traveling outside the region. here we can perform biopsies under navigation control, doctors at workstations can analyze the data of the studies performed, and install a diagnostic device almost behind, resonant there. condition, good, modern half-face apparatus, the complex allows us to correctly diagnose and correctly plan treatment. this is our workhorse, which allows us to miss a hundred patients a day, well, a little more than 12 million rubles. there is a laser guidance system for the patient, if you allow it to be understood like this, it works, it rotates around patient allows key field.
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all the needs of the residents of the region , we hope that they will come to us, this is not available everywhere, to the situation in the special operation zone in the russian group of forces west reported the destruction of the ukrainian armed forces drone control center in the kupinsky direction, one of them - leleka 100 was shot down, two polish -made krap howitzers were disabled, and a motorized rifle unit , in cooperation with artillery, repelled four attacks by enemy assault groups, losing up to forty enemy fighters, ibid. the crew of the 12mm nona m1 mortar of the first guards tank army razed the camouflaged dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces. in the donetsk direction, outstanding combat results are demonstrated by the snipers of the southern group, the troops hit without a miss, eliminating about 500 targets. and in the artyomovsk direction they honored one of the most effective operators of attack
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drones, with more than a hundred militants on his account. the well-deserved award of the st. george cross , fourth degree, was presented right on the front line. in one day he destroyed a cannon artillery enemy artillery, one armored vehicle, one vehicle, and a self-propelled artillery unit and several enemy vehicles were also hit during the night. and also about those who show courage and bravery in the northern military district zone, colonel sergei tumanov pulled out those trapped in the cabin from a burning car under mortar fire. drone operators, provided first aid, returned to the car and took out the equipment for controlling the drones. lieutenant colonel konstantin frolov, having come under enemy fire, continued control the drone, land it in a safe place, and then. helped evacuate wounded colleagues, saving their lives. and ukraine, which, as they admit in kiev , does not have enough equipment and ammunition, does not stop trying to put pressure on the west to still beg for new help; foreign minister
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dmitry kuleba, in an interview with american journalists, expressed himself in the spirit that military failures are not at all a reason to reduce support for the zelensky regime, kuleba did not deny that the situation for the ukrainian armed forces is now worse than it was in the fall, however, according to him... no matter what peace negotiations kiev will go to war, even if it faces an even greater shortage of resources, for ordinary ukrainians, this means only one thing: the hunt for men will continue and there is no chance of returning home, those there will be fewer and fewer people who will be forcibly sent to the okupas. meanwhile, for example, in hungary, according to the results of a national survey, 99% of respondents were against supplying weapons to ukraine; a survey was conducted in the country by mail, but...
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tractors are blocking roads, a reason for protests, the eu's green deal, environmental restrictions that will lead to the fact that fertilizers will have to be paid more, in greece, farmers had to storm police cordons in order to bring their equipment to a key highway,
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sharpened gas was also used against them, in greece , agriculture is so and has not recovered from the severe floods of last year and farmers are demanding government support, in france the mont newspaper called the protests a baptism of fire for the new prime minister gabriel attal, does not promise that tractors will appear at the entrances to paris, the protests have only lasted a week, but they have already affected 85 french departments, in toulon a bunch of waste was delivered to the prefecture, and in igen a similar barricade was set on fire. that's all for now, now a word to my colleagues from good morning, good, bright winter morning, nikita piminov and anastasia orlova are with you, on the calendar, finally friday, january 26, the most long-awaited working day. let me ask you, friends, at this early hour. have you already looked at the mirror in the morning? i, i, many times, i only two. so who did you see there? yourself, really, or maybe another person? yes, if you are right-handed, then for some reason he is left-handed, well, this is the person in the mirror, or someone has a nose to the left, or vice versa, to the right, the mirror double, in general, in the mirror
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for some reason sometimes there is a completely different person. from a photograph, of course, there is no such mirror effect, but with it not everything is so simple. it’s not for nothing that we don’t really like ourselves in photographs. natalya shows her colleagues only... selected photos, we disagree somewhere, but as a rule, i show the photos that i like to me, they don’t have a chance, it seems that people around them like not the most successful pictures, but this is not on purpose, 70% of people constantly think about what is happening in their life, how to get there and there, do this, do that, so they concentrate on our life, and not on where things are... not so in appearance, and there is also a theory: we treat ourselves more strictly than those around us, let's check it out, experiment, participants natalya and her boss oleg, first a photo shoot , the best pictures according to their version will be slightly corrected, in some cases, i changed a little the proportions
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of the face, that is, the cheekbones, the oval of the face, seven photographs, some of them are slightly worsened, some are improved , will they guess natalia’s original oleg , it seems to me that the original is this photo, i like it the most: probably this one has at least a little smile there is, but in general, of course, all the photographs are like that, well, the original, of course, is perhaps to the left of what i choose, but i like it with photoshop, naturally, it was oleg who chose himself in the original, which shows that he sees himself as he is , men more realistic about themselves, let’s just say that their colleagues will choose, there’s a lot of photoshop visible somewhere, right? his interlocutor , we perceive him as a whole image, with
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his voice the story is similar, when you hear him in a recording for the first time, the sensations are strange, well, it was a little unusual, yes it was, a little, well, it seems to me that he’s kind of evil or something, but it’s normal for those around him, why is it a matter of habit, usually we hear it differently, at the same time from the inside from the outside, the internal factor is the bone transmission of the vocal cords, the external factor is the air transmission. vote, those around you hear only external airborne voice transmission, it is recorded in audio, and getting used to it is not a problem at all, listen to your voices a little more often. elizaveta inkishova, dmitry likhachev, denis panomariov, yulia bykova, channel one. yes. good morning, did you wake up in a bad mood?
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we suggest replacing the traditional morning warm-up with dancing. this helps restore vitality. feet together, hands on the waist. we place our right foot on the toe, the knee is bent, and we sharply raise the thigh up. we return to the starting position and repeat several times. now let's complicate the exercise. we take a step forward with our right foot diagonally. we raise the hip up, as if we were making an accent, we don’t tilt the body to the side, we keep our back vertical, we continue to practice, step forward, accent with the hip, we perform the movement in the other direction, it’s better to practice in front of the mirror, so you will immediately see what needs to be corrected. the movement allows you to stretch
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the leg muscles and hip joints. this is especially useful for office workers. let's continue. we continue our good morning on the calendar for friday, january 26th. astrological on air forecast. today aquarius, pisces, sagittarius and other good people. attention. january 26. the fifteenth lunar day passes the baton to the sixteenth. twelfth day. the sun, like yesterday, is very powerful, strong-willed, stubborn , at the same time he knows how to think outside the box, is not afraid of difficulties, his head is full of interesting ideas, in a word, a bright personality, and this is very, by the way, the beginning of a period when life itself will invite us to creativity , many will feel a craving for something new and original, they will want to be special, different from everyone else, to prove themselves to everyone surprise, and the stars are not at all against it, but they are obliged to clarify, firstly, this should all be based on planning calculations, and... secondly, your originality and originality
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should not interfere with others. aries, did you hear that? today, let’s say, you are somewhat impulsive and straightforward, not everyone will like this, but if you need to add bright colors to life, see the wonderful in the ordinary and generally come up with something like this, call aries, attract taurus to help them, they are all a little bit of a genius will be grounded, given shape, so to speak, if if they get down to business, they will see it through to the end, with money today taurus have a relationship with... they invest, but it’s better not to take on debt. for twins, something may go wrong, you will have to wait for something or someone, minor overlaps and inconsistencies are possible. however, by lunchtime, patience and work will be overworked, and evening will help you forget about business. a fairly smooth day of cheers, however, you shouldn’t expect much profit from it, but you won’t be at a loss unless you get involved in some kind of adventure, but the stars warned you, be careful with caustic chemicals. this day will help leos. bring something back to normal, establish interaction with colleagues
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or business partners and redo a bunch of things, but everything that requires efficiency and sharp thinking is best completed before lunch, if possible, and the evening clearly has something romantic in store for you. and on a good day, when all difficulties are overcome, problems are solved, everything turns out for the better, your ability, as they say, to grasp the essence of the problem will be very useful, guests may come in the evening. libra has to figure something out, what. unravel, get to the bottom of the truth, some will even make a small discovery, or maybe not a small one, who knows, later in the evening, perhaps an interesting and useful acquaintance. scorpios today are charming, eloquent , people are drawn to them, in general, they are the life of the party , and the stars directly say to men of this sign: if you can’t decide to make a marriage proposal, go ahead, sagittarius will have a good day, if only they themselves they won’t spoil a little with their temper, in general, do you understand? and they’re still spinning around you some slippery personalities, take a closer look,
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okay, it’s just a wonderful day for capricorns, and things are in full swing, everything is in order on the personal front, really. spend extra, but if we are talking about buying something practical, it will be useful and will last a long time, and someone else may fall in love with you today. in aquarius, be careful, they may try to fool you, here’s another thing , everyone makes mistakes, and this is not a reason to engage in self-criticism, but a lesson for the future, that’s what the stars say, and they already know, and so the day is quite successful, the evening looks like , collects pleasant company for you. the pisces are in for some kind of surprise, most likely pleasantly. but in general, don’t relax too much, including while driving, and be careful with fragile objects, evening is a great time for a date, good luck to you! now let's talk about the eternal, with cheese or sausage, both of which can be done without bread. this, in fact, of course, is about a sandwich for breakfast, an eternal question. look, there is a compromise
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with sausage cheese. by the way, what is this cheese made from, how much cheese is there, and what does starch have to do with it? now let's taste everything and in everything. let's figure it out, the type of sausage, the taste of cheese, what this amazing product from the soviet past is made from, they say in production. the raw materials include semi-hard cheese, low-fat cheese, butter , dry ingredients such as skimmed milk powder, and melting salts. without them , sausage cheese cannot be prepared; salt melters combine all the components into a homogeneous mass so that it becomes plastic; starch can also be added to it; the more, the denser the product, therefore less natural. and then already there is a milk fat substitute, that is , the first two ingredients that form the basis of this cheese, they are no longer cheese. cheese comes even after the sixth place, that is
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, this product essentially doesn’t have it, but in the second option, cheese tops the list of ingredients, then comes water, and then comes cottage cheese, quite a good start, it’s coming. small corn, but it is not in the first positions here. the third sample, here i can say to the touch that it is softer, more delicate. as for the composition, cheeses come first, excellent, just what you need. and then we have fermented preparations of animal origin. this is everything related to probiotics, lactic acid bacteria. now let's check how different compositions affect the taste. pink skewers have cheese without cheese, blue skewers with cheese, but also with starch. the green ones are the cheesiest, we taste it, yes, this one is better, it doesn’t stick to the teeth as much as this one, in general it’s very hard, you can even feel that it’s not cheese, yeah, you bite it and it somehow crumbles into it’s unpleasant in the mouth, well, it’s delicious with a hint of bitterness, probably the last one after all,
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experienced sellers immediately figured out the right product, but many also chose the middle one, surprisingly there were fans even for cheese without cheese, so... hard, this does not change its good taste, yeah, it feels good, it feels like cheese, yes, straight, this one is a little melted, this one is something in between, this one is straight, yeah, in my opinion it’s cheese, no, this one is fatty, and this one is not fatty, indeed, due to the fact that there is little natural raw material here, the fat content is lower, but also nutritional value, in sausage cheese with classic the composition contains maximum protein, which means benefits for the body, blue also has benefits, there is protein, but still quantity. there are a lot of preservatives here and preservatives are , first of all, a burden on the liver and on the immune system, well, in addition to the composition, before purchasing we evaluate the surface of the product, it is ideally smooth, glossy in color from light to dark brown, plus the aroma of smoked meat should be light and pleasant. anastasia novakhatnya, sergey morin, channel one. best of
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all, new season, on sunday on the first. monte chococa, a product of the stellor group. to leonid yarmolnik's seventieth birthday, my favorite student, leonid yarmolnik. i saw such a young boy, slender, very flexible. and this freedom and lightness, it seems to me, was what distinguished lyunya in general. well, leonid esakovich is a very demanding person, but he really is a demanding person in life. this is a real friend. whom you can call at night and say: i need you so much, i have never seen him turn away from some problem or from some request made to him? i'm so lucky in life with the one i'm with life brought us together, there was someone to look at, someone to imitate
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, the documentary premiered on sunday on the first day, if you want to be healthy, take a shot, well, everyone knows this, including us, of course, it’s a truism, the main thing is not to rush into it. but unusual, snowy, here it is, everything is already ready, we lie down on an improvised shelf and douse ourselves with water, wow, great, now with a little snow it will be very good, woo-hoo, good, the effect of the procedure is amazing, strength increases, appears cheerfulness and good mood, and also
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the heart is trained, the blood vessels are increased, the body's defenses are increased, but inexperienced walruses, of course, should act differently, i would recommend starting to harden in the summer, but if you want to right now, do it not outside. at home in the bathroom, wet a waffle towel with cold water and wring it out and first wipe the legs and arms, then the chest and back. it takes a week or even two to wipe yourself off, only then you can start dousing. we start with a temperature of 32°. oops, uh, every one. for 2 days we lower the water by 1°, gradually increasing up to 22, below is not necessary, uh, and if you feel
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severe discomfort, it’s better to stop altogether, hardening is beneficial only when it’s in joy, we douse ourselves at home for a month, and if everything goes well, only then will we be able to go out for the first time snow, uh, don't rush out of the hardening procedure. will bring you health, fish soup , dressed like a cabbage, and by the way this is not funny, it’s very practical, in winter it ’s the best thing to wear several things at the same time, we are often asked how you insulate yourself in a mobile studio by presenters, here exactly like that, but the main thing is to do it correctly, of course, so how many layers should there be in the end, what fabrics are best to use and what to dress children in, now we’ll figure it out together, the main thing is warm socks, nikita and underpants. three layers of clothing are the standard winter equipment for athletes and tourists, but in fact, layering was invented a long time ago,
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for example, the costume of the peoples of the far north, let's count the layers: in winter we put on canvas underwear, then we put on a malitsa with fur inside, then another on top we put on the same malitsa, only with fur outside, on top we also put on cloth. clothes called goose, four whole layers and warm air between them, and this, as you know, is the best heat insulator, in order to impart heat, a collision of molecules is necessary, in the case of gaseous substances, the probability of such collisions is reduced several times compared to solid or the liquid state of the substance, so molecules collide less often and heat transfer is worse, it remains under clothes and we do not freeze, the most important layer is the one that is closer to the body, it must remove moisture, that is, drops of sweat do not absorbed into... the fibers of clothing, but pass between them and evaporate. in physics this is called the capillary effect. on one side of the fabric we have heat, on the other side
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the temperature creates a pressure difference, as a result of which these water molecules pass through the fabric using the capillary effect and pressure difference. the body remains dry and we are warm. alena aksyonova has certainly heard about layering, but let’s ask hockey goalkeeper anton todykov about what fabrics are best to use and what to dress children in. thermal underwear and other he knows everything about equipment, there is wool, there is synthetics, which one do you recommend? we choose synthetics for our first one, because it wicks away moisture a little better; if there is no special thermal underwear, you can use t-shirts, tights, again synthetics are better. we can use cotton, but make sure it fits the body well, then moisture management will still work, just a little worse than synthetics. the second layer of warming clothing is a sweater or jacket, synthetics and natural wool are suitable, the third layer is jackets, down jackets, raincoats. the main thing is not to get wet or blown out. with everyone already dressed for a walk, we will measure the temperature of the down jacket using an infrared thermometer. markusha - 0°. the second layer is
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a fleece jacket, warmer, 10°. so, the third layer, the temperature of our thermal underwear itself is 16.1, that is, mark should be quite warm now. but you can dress in several layers for work, if you didn’t know, this is now in fashion. here we achieved multi-layering in combination with beige and black. such an active jacket, well, we’re all on top wrapped in such a pleasant texture of fur, and hats, additional accessories, decorations, they always create just this fullness... loose trousers are also in trend, just wear thermal underwear under them, it will be warm and fashionable. yuri nesterov, dmitry filippov, nikolai krysanov, channel one. we are moving forward at a brisk pace and presenting the most interesting news from the world of sports. word to our colleagues, sports journalists of channel one.
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many scientific works are devoted to the topic of sports psychology. special place they focus on the ability to cope with... emotions during competitions. characteristic of sports is the high dynamism of emotions, their variability, the rapid, often abrupt change of one experience by another, sometimes the opposite, and not everyone can control their state in conditions of constant stress. in this sense, tennis is one of the most striking examples. not a single tournament is complete without broken equipment. even large fines do not stop players. daniil medvedev, who today will compete to reach the final australian open in one of the. match, he played gorodok with a racket, fortunately only water bottles were damaged, but after the victories, daniil does not skimp on air kisses, along with an autograph on the camera , he reveals his immediate plans. the russian is clearly suffering from lack of sleep in melbourne. his current rival alexander zverev , representing germany, often quarrels with the referees, but when his father, by the way, the honored master of sports of the ussr
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in tennis, is present on the podium, the tokyo olympic champion tries to control himself. and during after. if the security service would not have allowed this, the tower umpire reprimanded the first racket. today, the thirty-six-year-old native of belgrade will try to block his path to the finals by janik sinnar, who has the most unusual support group, charging exclusively with positive emotions. the fan club is called karota boys, whose main symbol is a carrot. fans of the italian tennis player dress in costumes of this vegetable and follow him around the world. for
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those who don't know, this is a reference to 2019, when during... the film by alexei german the younger is showing success in all cinemas in the country now with a huge air, if you haven’t seen it for some reason yet, then be sure to go, you won’t regret it. this is a real big movie about war. truthful, honest, and i dream about you, every night, as if i’m flying to save you, alexey german - junior artist, his sunrises on the screen, this snow flying in the smoke, there is a feeling of the air of war, the tension is growing, i noticed a lot in the film from the stories my grandfather, my grandfather is a war veteran, so i saw it directly, as if
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illustrations of what he told me , what he went through, i came to... the film because my father was from a rich game, my wife’s great-grandmother built this road of life there, i came to this film because my mother fought from 1942, she was a motor mechanic on il-2 planes, there will be dawn, but victory is still far away, in the voskhod cinema in st. petersburg, the descendants of those who survived the blockade, mine, well, both grandfathers passed, this story, it is clear and very close to me.
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a lump rises in my throat, i held on, i held on, and everything is about cinema, i can note the heroism of our girls and women, this is definitely something that can inspire, it takes pride that we did not give up, we went through everything, hunger, cold, goosebumps, honestly, in omsk, among the audience, the actress of the film air, kristina lapshina, and her loved ones, my mother was especially looking forward to this film, it’s very similar. masha looks at christina herself, as if she were playing herself. for christina, air is her film debut. the first day of shooting was exciting, but i remember the eyes. and elena lyadova, who saw perfectly well that i i’m worried, she supported me so much with her eyes, feel yourself in their place, make a decision, pass the test, this is a film about the formation of personality, about feat, about price, these are fragile
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creatures who are in a terrible mess, it’s better to watch on big screens, the air in cinemas across the country, and today on channel one there are secrets of filming, a documentary, the reality of the air. attack, victoria bolenskaya, maria bronzovaya, elena savina, channel one. this is the news from the first judge, maria vasilyeva. hello. the investigative committee showed footage taken at the crash site of a transport plane shot down by the ukrainian side. il-76 belgorod region, investigators and criminologists are working on the ground, among the wreckage, fragments of the bodies of ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange. for ethical reasons, we cannot show details. however, many of them,
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experts note, have characteristic tattoos previously seen on militants of ukrainian nationalist battalions. a dna test will be required for identification. late evening terrorist attack in kiev regime was submitted for discussion to the convened. russia’s demand from the un meeting, our firm determination was once again emphasized to do everything to ensure that those responsible for this crime receive the deserved punishment, and the silence of western countries only strengthens the confidence of the corrupt kiev regime in its own impunity, all the data we have today indicates that that we are dealing with a deliberate, well-thought-out crime, the leadership of ukraine knew very well about the route and method of transportation soldier to the place for... the previously agreed upon exchange. how can we treat the statements and guarantees of the regime and its western sponsors, after the kiev dictator has once again clearly demonstrated that he cannot fulfill even the technical agreement on the exchange of prisoners. place this in the context
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of the minsk agreements used to arm ukraine and the refusal of the kiev authorities from the already initialed draft peace treaty in istanbul in april 2022 under the pressure of their western curators. and you it will become clear why. we, without abandoning the negotiation option in principle, are continuing the special military operation in ukraine, launched to save the lives of the residents of donbass. the tragedy occurred on january 24. the russian military transport aircraft ilf-76 , transporting ukrainian prisoners for exchange , was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of the belgorod region. there were 74 people on board, including 65 ukrainian soldiers, all of whom died. on other topics, the calculation of 120. western troops destroyed camouflaged dugouts and personnel of the ukrainian armed forces in kupinsky the first guards tank army grouping in the direction of the special operation zone. air
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reconnaissance aircraft provided the exact coordinates to the artillerymen. the crew quickly moved to the indicated position and fired a series of shots. in the donetsk direction , snipers demonstrate high combat results. motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces. they have eliminated about 500 targets and are working. and ukraine, which, as kiev already admits , lacks equipment and ammunition, does not stop trying to put pressure on the west to still beg for new help, the minister of foreign affairs dmitry's case.
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meanwhile, for example, in hungary , according to the results of a national survey, 99% of respondents were against supplying weapons to ukraine, the country conducted a survey by mail, it was necessary to answer 11 questions on which budapest and brussels cannot agree, among the topics was including the situation in ukraine. almost all participants spoke in favor of a ceasefire and refusal of financial assistance to kiev, as well as against ukraine’s entry into the european union for its grain supplies. by the way, last year during in the same survey, 97% of respondents said that they were against anti-russian sanctions. the central election commission conducts a detailed check of the voter’s signature. supplied in sheets in
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support of the nomination of a candidate, so far only vladimir putin’s headquarters has provided them , 315. they are selectively passed through a special technical complex. during the presidential elections, this program is operating for the first time and allows experts to speed up their work by 8-10 times. the sheets are scanned and loaded into the system, in total there are 17 reasons to invalidate a signature, from obvious, false information is indicated down to the nuances, the sheet is filled out in pencil or together, where this is for... prohibited, it is important to carefully analyze all the data so that the so-called dead souls do not appear on the list, so that those signing are at least 18 years old, and it is also necessary to check the authenticity of each signature, so that one person cannot sign for several. after the passage of a powerful cyclone, the far east is buried in snow, on sakhalin there are snowdrifts taller than a man’s height, the entrance doors can only be opened inward, but what if... turned out, then taking a step beyond the threshold, you can even get lost.
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visibility in space is zero; the ministry of emergency situations recommends that local residents not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. there is a state of emergency on the island, airports and ferry crossings are closed, trains are not running, public transport is not working, and in the south, in the nevelsky district, an avalanche hit the road. that's all for now, now the word to my colleagues, good morning. and good morning to everyone who is celebrating this wonderful, bright, winter day with us, with channel one. with you nikita pimer. and anastasia orlova, friends, good morning, we wish you a wonderful day and a great mood. we continue on the calendar on january 26, winter also continues, the day is slowly starting to grow, but it is still short, it’s still so cold, disgusting, the wind is blowing, many complain, children’s performance in winter is zero, the mood is not the same, that’s how somehow , a little bit of fatigue has accumulated, you know, well, to put it mildly, a little has accumulated, of course, you feel as if your batteries have run out, you need to urgently recharge them, and we we know how the phone died, we put it on charge, but
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when our internal battery is low , we ignore it, lack of sleep, overwork, stress, sweet coffee to go with it, in order to somehow replenish energy, the person works, works, works until he falls, then waiting for him to sleep and feel better. the problem is that people are not phones, and they don't work that way. in this rhythm we get weakness, inattention, irritability and headache . if this is the case. for more than six months, congratulations, you have chronic fatigue, the brain gives out a stress signal , cortisol is released over the kidneys, which has a bunch of different consequences, ranging from fat accumulation, reduction in protein synthesis , to sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal problems, sometimes chronic fatigue, consequences of infections, or maybe it’s the battery itself, the state of health ? it’s better to see a doctor to
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rule out diseases and deficiencies; if everything is in order, it’s a matter of regimen. first of all, sleep. everyone has their own norm. on average 7-8 hours. reboot for all systems. and we are dreaming proceeds in very clever cycles. the deep stage of slow-wave sleep is needed so that testosterone and samatropin are released, so that carbohydrate metabolism occurs as it should, so that a person recovers energetically. and fast sleep, for example, is needed for a person to recover. memory, emotional range, yes, in winter it is more difficult to restore sleep patterns, there is little light. the production of the sleep hormone melatonin increases, which is why we can be overwhelmed, lethargic, drowsy, apathetic during the day, and at night we can have an excessive amount of sleep or vice versa, insomnia. you can imitate the sun in the first half of the day, the light is brighter, there are even special devices. but the advice to go to bed before midnight doesn’t work for everyone. different people need to go to bed and wake up at different times.
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the notorious zosh will replenish the battery, but for many, the very thought of the rules already drives stress. i ’m not talking about some really ideal people, ironmen, who do everything, everything that is necessary, no, i’m talking about the base, that the base should be adequate, yes, you can eat chips once every couple of weeks, but not daily in the evening. but what you should do every day is definitely take a walk, this rule alone will help you get enough sleep and the battery will accumulate charge. what should we do now that’s so interesting nikita? let's look on the internet and see, what's so new there? moreover, we have our own ruler of the world wide web, as we call him, yegor uspensky, who is well known to you, he has already chosen the most interesting videos for us. our video parade opens today with a new hero of the world wide web, a cat named nils, who for both believe it or not, he devolves his cheeks into boiled potatoes.
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well, let's not disturb the guy, let's just wish him a bon appetit. listen, let’s not interfere anymore, i just want to take it away, he eats with such appetite, well, the hero of our next video, a resident of melbourne, gray jones, went into nature.
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if you believe the statistics, russians over 12 years old spend on average about 4 hours on the internet every day, but this is exactly the average figure, because it seems to me that we are definitely more, but also if you remember how many letters we receive by e-mail every day and from friends at work, and just spam, and of course all sorts of scammers also love to enter into correspondence with us. be careful. not every letter from scammers contains a virus, but almost any such message read is like a beacon for an attacker. there is such a thing as a pixel, and this picture of this pixel is downloaded from their server and the attacker already knows that this message has been opened,
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that is, by opening such a letter, you make it clear to the scammer that you read even suspicious messages, he will send new ones, already with hyperlinks, they are not always either. contain viruses, the minimum task for an attacker is to obtain more information about you and your computer. at the moment of clicking on the link, the attacker receives information about his ip address, browser, his device, operating system, screen resolution and some other digital fingerprints; based on this data, this person can be identified in a certain way. fraudsters can even understand your interests and... respectfully, knowing them, they can send a link to something interesting for you, but a program infected with a virus. the most harmless thing that can be in it is a miner. there are hidden miners, that is, they are those who mine cryptocurrencies, this is a program that is installed on your computer and begins to eat away your processor or
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video card power, using them to earn some kind of cryptocurrency. it happens that after a package is transferred, infected files are downloaded by themselves and remain.
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even block a resource, open supervision for this, you can issue a fine or a link directly from an email or message is more dangerous than through a search browser; it can warn about unwanted applications and sites. karina makaryan, vasily valetov, channel one. in the picture there are six air battles that were necessary. film the pavilion so that they were as realistic as possible, we used all possible methods of creating special effects, for example, a screen, this is the size of a four-story building with four entrances, it turned out that there were no planes of that time, and there was nothing left but to build them, we
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pioneers, we began to develop gimbals, these things that on an airplane hold life-size in the air and turn there this way, that way, through the jamb, we started. the gimble sways, shakes, turns over and helps you experience genuine emotions, like fear. such a toy, of course, but it seems that they really knocked you down. there's a feeling here. rum castro, a product of stellor group, for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky, chupala, i ’m playing with it. pure gold, we rely only on
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the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, my rock-weasel, i carried my misfortune across the spring field, i loved the past sadder than graves, everything tender in me, without wings you are a tripod. i will make a bed for lovers! vladimir semyonovich, what difference does it make to you , it really wasn’t possible to live longer, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, and our sons are leaving for battle, the premiere, their own track, tomorrow is the first, look carefully.
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from monday after the program time. our poor hands, how the winter affects them, the skin freezes, dries, peels , well, here’s how to help her, maybe men don’t think about it, but we are always ladies, let’s right now vice-world champion in fitness eleonora alibaeva tell, and most importantly, show how to properly care for the skin of my hands, by the way, march 8th is coming soon, i realized what i needed as a gift, i left the office, i need to clean the car, but i don’t have gloves, my hands, of course , are cold, but i know how to take care of the skin
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after such a shake-up. to avoid peeling, make a nourishing mask, pour water into the oatmeal when the flakes swell, add vegetable oil and a little warm milk, mix. put the mixture into cotton gloves, distribute it evenly inside, put it on, pull silicone gloves on top and rest, the mask nourishes, moisturizes and soothes the skin, wash it off after an hour. apply moisturizer, how else to care
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for your hands in winter, do contrast baths more often, pour a teaspoon of sea salt into two bowls, pour water at a temperature of 20 ° into one container, 40 into the other, add vegetable oil at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water. we add a little glycerin, you can buy it at the pharmacy, it perfectly softens the skin, take turns putting your hands in one bowl or another, the bath soothes , nourishes and moisturizes, and the sea salt solution will also strengthen your nails. after these
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procedures, your hands will be in perfect condition. i can talk about the right, healthy foods with a lot of vitamins and minerals for hours, i even brought such foods to my colleagues once in a mobile studio, no one would eat, everyone was horrified, everyone ate their junk food, bring i’ll definitely appreciate it here, i’ll try it, in fact, hands-on, in fact, a huge amount of information about superfoods is appearing today. on the internet and i personally have a feeling that we talk about it more often than about the weather, the fact is that i personally see on the site either miraculously some kind of cereal, or some unusual exotic berries from the other end of the earth.. .. and it feels like it’s just a storehouse of vitamins, yes, that’s what it is, well, in general, it’s a superfood and what about our good old buckwheat, how do you feel about buckwheat, i love it, especially with milk, i also feel good about it, is it a superfood or not, now we’ll figure it out with you, superfoods or superfoods have been trending for several years now, but it seems the concept has blurred, let’s look for the answer at
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a fashionable food court, something like food for astronauts, what you just can’t buy, what do you think, right there... is there some kind of superfood, superfood on your plate? it seems to me, no, the mussels may not have undergone this heat treatment, they hoped from the concept of superfood, everything is very simple. it contains the maximum amount vitamins, minerals, which are coenzymes and allow you to absorb useful additional micro-macroelements. superfood can, in principle, designate most products that are on the shelves. yes. yes, new-fangled superfoods are often as old as time in terms of their properties; different years have their own favorites; these are all games of marketers. in soviet times, we had propaganda posters, for example, children standing there with a spoon of this fish oil, and these posters that children singing fish oil is healthy, part of marketing is word of mouth radio, when galil’s neighbor told valya’s neighbor that she had kombucha, and
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they gave it to her at work and they said it came from him, and then the list goes on, moreover, logically, it’s even possible... to count what kind of superfood will be at its peak in the new season, it’s trivial, it all depends on demand. everyone’s back hurts, everyone has a crunch here, something is broken somewhere, and so on. when they ask me what the superfood of the future will be, i say, well, gelatin, desserts will be made from gelatin, ala, jellied meats, some fashionable ones, they’ll call it something nice, they’ll write something, they will make a beautiful label and sell it for big money. money is like a new superfood , but it’s not a fact that the body will like the new product, you can’t fool genetics, even goji berries are powerless against it, a person is not adapted, then naturally genetically it can give autoimmune processes, allergic reactions and the immune system doesn’t know how it will react, if, of course, we continue
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to use them for many, many years from generation to generation, then of course we will adapt to this food product. just like they adapted to a banana or an avocado, also, by the way, a superfood. what else today bears the proud name of superfood? people are hearing about spirulina, a cheaper analogue, ordinary kelp, also cinema, and its rivals are good old buckwheat. we remember that once upon a time potatoes were brought to us and people did not immediately figure out how to eat them correctly, or it will go away like goji, but again there will be people who will decide that they prefer the berries. the main thing to remember is that the superfood craze is... again, restrictions, a healthy diet implies variety and there should be a place in it for everything, especially seasonal and what what grew in your region. anna grebenshchikova, sergey folendysh, dmitry gordienko, channel one. now let's talk about money. last year we broke the record for loans taken from banks. here are
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the data for 10 months of the twenty-third year. so, we have borrowed 6 trillion, exactly. listen, well, big numbers, that’s in general, but if we talk about a specific loan, what makes up its amount, with the main loan everything is more or less clear, but with interest, with interest, everything is not so simple. what does a loan consist of? of course it is first of all, his body, the amount that we borrow from the bank, plus interest, it’s not so simple with them. let's look at a specific example. very. a favorable offer of 5% per annum, do we believe it or is it still worth checking the full cost of the loan? this is the most favorable rate if you agree to all the bank’s conditions, the first is to sign up for the service, a low rate, and this is a paid service, that is, the rate will increase further, this is how 5% turns into, say , seven, then more, we add another important option, without which you won’t be able to complete the same
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mortgage or car loan, insurance, this can also increase the cost by about 10-12%. your loan is already 19% in total, but when applying, it matters what kind of insurance, you must take into account that a helmet will be included in the full price, but osaga will not, because helmet is property insurance, and osaga is insurance of your liability in force of law, but that’s not all, other little things may come up, opening an account, introducing an account, closing an account, if we talk about a mortgage loan, then the cost may be included safe deposit box rental. a report on the valuation of real estate, plus notary services, if necessary, as well as the issuance and maintenance of a card, possibly special additional conditions, anna kuznetsova encountered them when... she received a pleasant offer from the bank: a loan at 7% per annum. applied only to a loan of 10 million rubles. in addition, you had to become a payroll client of this bank. if
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these conditions were not met, the rate increased to almost 30%. the largest variation in the total cost of loans on cards: pay with a credit card - one amount, withdraw cash from it - completely different. grows exponentially. earlier before changes were made to the federal law on consumer bank loans. could fix the minimum interest rate, the minimum, the so-called full cost of the loan, this was beneficial for the banks. now banks are required to indicate the maximum total cost for all types of loans. that is , there should be fewer such marketing tricks with 5% per annum. we look for information with the size of the bet from and to on the bank’s website and not only. banks are required to place this information on the first page of the loan agreement and this information should not be written in small print. somewhere below, at the top in the header of the contract, while some bank services are not reflected in the full price, those that do not affect the terms of the loan,
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sms notifications, penalties, singing. nadezhda pravdina, vasily valetov, channel one. we continue, just imagine, you wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread in the house, in my opinion, this is the best start to the day, mm, how much hot food can you eat bread, i immediately imagined this smell. so how to choose a convenient, reliable bread maker? which one is better, plastic or maybe metal, and most importantly, does size matter? nadezhda pravdina found out everything for us. it’s a shame we didn’t have breakfast with you. in this family, the bread machine is constantly running. elena kalina bakes twice a day. i use whole wheat flour because i have three girls and i don’t really want them to get fat on bread. you can make gluten-free bread, you can make buckwheat bread. or pumpkin, like now, and the main thing is everything is elementary. at the bottom there is pumpkin puree, this year’s harvest is huge, then olive oil, flour, a little yeast.
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all my life it seemed to me that i was not friendly with yeast dough, but here i started making pies and pies and everything else, so for easter i will try to bake easter cakes there. there is no need to run around with bowls and towels, just put in all the ingredients, and in an hour and a half you will have amazing homemade yeast dough. the oven kneads the dough itself. convenient when there is a removable dispenser, in it you can put in anything. elena has seeds and raisins today, the stove itself will add them at the right time, but pay attention to functionality. some appliances cook more than just bread. this can be a function for preparing yoghurt or sweet pastries. in each specific case , you again decide whether you need these functions or not, because essentially for each of... you will still pay extra, which definitely always comes in handy with the delayed start function: i can put all the products in the bread machine in the evening in the morning by breakfast we get
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fresh hot bread, and also a useful crust baking mode, you can choose minimal, medium or thick, my advice is to choose from three modes, because you will have a golden mean, not everyone likes there to be no chicken at all, or very much baked also matters: after a year of use, even on the metal , certain traces of use still appeared, yes, that is, i can’t
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imagine what would have happened there, well, in my family specifically, yes, with plastic, the unit is really actively used, in any in this case, it is better if the flour bucket and the mixer are metal, and it’s good when there are not one, but two mixers, the dough is kneaded better, and the bread turns out airy. nadezhda pravdina, nikolay krysanov, channel one. next on the air is a news release , see you soon, this is the news on the first, maria vasilyeva, hello, vladimir putin inspected a new complex for the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases, built in the kaliningrad region, very soon the first people will be received there... the president was shown a model, conducted by offices, a total of five buildings were built, including a hospital with a capacity of 200 beds, an operating clinic, a radiotherapy department
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. one and a half yew apparatus allows us to correctly establish a diagnosis and correctly plan treatment. here is our workhorse, which for 100 patients a day will allow us to use expensive equipment, well, a little more than 12 million. there is a laser guidance system for the patient, if allowed, this is how it works intelligently, it rotates around the patient, allowing for a key field, that is, a therapeutic effect
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fail at any point. this entire radiological complex will satisfy all of our residents’ needs, we hope that more people will come to us, this is not true everywhere. now to the situation in the special operation zone in the russian grouping of forces west, they reported the destruction of the control point for uav drones in the kupinsky direction, one of them lilek 100 was shot down, two howitzers, a polish-made crab were disabled, and motorized rifle units, in cooperation with artillery, repelled four assault attacks groups. enemy, loss enemy up to forty militants. there, the crew of a 120mm mortar on the 1st guards tank army leveled the camouflaged dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces. in the donetsk direction, the snipers of the southern group of troops demonstrate high combat results; they hit without a miss, eliminating about 500 targets. and in the artyomovsk direction they honored one of the most effective operators of attack drones, he has more than a hundred militants on his account, and received a well-deserved award -
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the st. george cross. lieutenant colonel konstantin frolov, having fallen under enemy fire, continued to control the drone, landed it in a safe place, and then helped evacuate wounded colleagues, thereby saving lives. and ukraine , which, as kiev admits, already lacks equipment and ammunition, does not stop trying to put pressure on the west to still beg for new help, foreign minister dmitry kuleba
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expressed himself in that spirit in an interview with american journalists. according to the results of a national survey, 99% of respondents were against supplying weapons to ukraine; the country held questionnaire by mail, it was necessary to answer 11 questions on which budapest and brussels cannot agree. among the topics was the situation in ukraine; almost all participants spoke in favor of a ceasefire and refusal of financial assistance to kiev, as well as against ukraine’s entry into the european union for its grain supplies. by the way, last year, during
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the same survey, 97%.
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it’s only been a week, but they have already affected 85 french departments; in toulon , a bunch of waste was delivered to the prefecture; in genes , a similar barricade was also set on fire. that's it for now all. good morning everyone, january 26 is on the calendar, friday, a beautiful winter day, nikita pimenov and anastasia arlovova are with you, we wish you a wonderful day. friends, we are real, honestly, not avatars or images. which generated the neural network , there are probably spectators sitting there and laughing, and why are you laughing, now technology has reached such a point that you call somewhere on business or leave a message on the website, and they seem to answer you, but who is it, you won’t immediately understand who it is, a person or a robot, but in fact, most often you will understand
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because the bot, aka a voice assistant , usually introduces itself, i’m your virtual assistant, and the voice is a little different, but you always want to talk to a person, tell them your problem, the question is how to get to the person? today there are more than 8 billion voice assistants working in the world, that’s almost one for each person, let’s give me an invoice, the voice assistant was able to analyze it, logged into the system, and started working like a real person, and as a rule, the voice assistant has a whole set of programs consisting of several parts: firstly, a voice analyzer, which allows you to listen to the sound wave that the subscriber speaks on the phone in order to ask for it in words into text. the second inverse module, respectively, is a text converter, and this is all the first part of the program, the second is the neural networks that process the request and move according to the response script, you call, the voice assistant asks a clarifying question: i am your virtual
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assistant, how can i help, man , i understand that you need an operator, please clarify what you are interested in, but you need to find out the topic in order to switch you to the right specialist, there is a nuance, smart voice assistants for... the day the old policy expires. the operator does not make calculations and does not issue insurance. would you like me to tell you how to calculate the cost of an online policy? say yes or no? watermelon. i do not quite understand you. find out how else i can
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help you regarding insurance. melon. i'll connect you with a specialist. it worked. what else can help? no matter how funny it may sound, it’s easy to answer the robot’s questions correctly. this way, at a minimum, you help develop.
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cottage cheese, the composition is almost the same, the consistency from the discounter is fluffier, but both are delicious. now the doctor's sausage. sometimes questions arise more about the quality and composition of products, those produced in large factories, there is volume there and they must also save, including on the raw materials inside it. and the difference is 110 rubles worth of attention. this is a marketing ploy. we actually found this pudding at a discounter and this. it’s a fairly well-known manufacturer and is available everywhere, but its price there is 54 rubles. in the shop all 90, almost twice as expensive. the discounters have federal goods, well, as if produced by federal chains, their price tag will be standard there, the entry
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price will be the same for everyone. sometimes even especially for discounters, well-known manufacturers make products in larger packages, the price is lower, for example, there is pasta weighing a kilogram. you won’t find such volumes of this brand in a store, of course, discounters are different and their suppliers are different, there are also those who save on the composition, so before purchasing, experts i advise you to watch.
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i love this country because i love it, but not for me, because i haven’t liked being photographed since the first grade, but to take spectacular photos you don’t have to order an expensive photo session in a professional studio, of course, everything is much simpler, you need to have it on hand smartphone and know a few tricks that photographer ekaterina maksimova will now share with you, and maybe i will love being photographed. studio equipment and decorations are
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of course important, but if you have a good idea, then you can take a spectacular photo even with your smartphone at home. i cut out a large circle from a piece of cardboard, make a hole of different sizes in it, sit the model against a darkened background, put the cardboard on her head like a hat, and highlight the back of the girl’s face. to make the composition even more interesting, i install a smoke generator. you can. use a humidifier or incense sticks instead. i turn on the device. look, rays of light penetrate through the hole and attract all attention to the heroine of the portrait. i focus and shoot. thanks to the combination of light and smoke, the photo turned out voluminous and textured. by the way, you can achieve a similar effect without cardboard. but first, let's rearrange the composition. i envelop the girl in smoke. i illuminate the stream with a flashlight, like this, at an angle, in my opinion
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, it turned out spectacularly, female pilots and female technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice, this is the film you have been waiting for, i think that yes, of course, definitely air, because that it was a dream to work with alexey germann, they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call, i thought, probably no, it didn't fit. i thought about it, well, there was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not , look how the buildings are flying, it means everything is not in vain, this technology, a completely unique technology that we tested, alexey german, maybe a pioneer in this matter, my hero does five rotations of a barrel, a person who has claustrophobia, and you are there, impossible, yes, and you are exactly in this, when alexey asked how long you can stand, i understand that the girls were spinning, it was difficult for them, i think, how long can you say , such a we weren't there yet.
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on sunday on the first, a modern person, this has already been absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and... ethiopia and eritrea are fighting among themselves, pushkin is such a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of general,
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he entered the russian elite. in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17. i revered the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunity. very many people think that in africa we don’t walk, go naked, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we are the same people, we are no different. all major countries understand perfectly well that it is almost impossible for them to move forward without africa. civilization premier. film two africa on thursday on the first. we continue our good morning on the calendar for friday, january 26th. astrological forecast on air. today aquarius, pisces, sagittarius and other good people.
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attention. the twenty-sixth of january. fifteenth the lunar day passes the baton to the sixteenth. twelfth day of the sun. like yesterday, he is very powerful, strong-willed, stubborn, at the same time he knows how to think outside the box, is not afraid of difficulties, his head is full of interesting ideas, in a word , he has a bright personality, and this is very, by the way, the beginning of a period when life itself will invite us to creativity, many they will feel a craving for something new and original, they will want to be special, different from everyone else, to prove themselves to surprise everyone, and the stars are not at all against it, but they are obliged to clarify, firstly, this all must rely on planning calculations, and secondly, your... originality and originality should not interfere with others. aries, did you hear that? today you are, let’s say, somewhat impulsive and straightforward, not everyone will like this, but if you need to add bright colors to life, see the wonderful in the ordinary and generally come up with something like that, call aries, attract taurus to help them, they are all
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a little bit of a genius they will ground them, give them, so to speak, a form, and if they get down to business, they will see it through to the end, with money from taurus today the relationship is developing, then... it’s better not to take too long, for the twins some business may go awry, you’ll have to wait for something or someone, minor overlaps and inconsistencies are possible, however, by lunchtime, patience and work will wear everything down, and the evening will help you forget about business, a fairly smooth day of fun, though you shouldn’t expect much profit from it, but you won’t be left at a loss unless you get involved in some kind of adventure, but the stars warned you, be careful with caustic chemicals, this is for the lions the day will help bring something into...
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to the truth, some will even make a small discovery, or maybe not a small one, who knows, later in the evening, perhaps an interesting and useful acquaintance. scorpios today are charming, eloquent, people are drawn to them, in general, they are the life of the party, and to men of this sign, the stars directly say: if you can’t decide to propose marriage, take action. the sagittarius will have a good day, unless they spoil it a little with their temper, in general, you understand, and one more thing... there are some slippery personalities hanging around you, take a closer look, ok, it’s just a wonderful day for capricorns, and things are in full swing on the personal front , everything is in order, although there is a risk of spending too much, but if we are talking about buying something practical, it will be useful and will last a long time, and someone else may today fall in love with you. in aquarius, be careful,
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they may try to fool you, here’s another thing, everyone makes mistakes, and this is not a reason to engage in self-criticism, but a lesson for the future. that's what the stars say, and they already know, but the day is quite successful, the evening seems to be gathering pleasant company for you. the luminary promises pisces some kind of surprise, most likely a pleasant one, but in general, don’t relax too much, including while driving, and be careful with fragile objects, the evening is a great time for a date, good luck to you! now let's talk about the eternal, with cheese or with sausage, both of which can be done without bread, this is actually, of course, a taster. listen, but there is a compromise option with sausage cheese, by the way, what is this cheese made from, how much cheese is in it and what does starch have to do with it, now we’ll taste everything and everything let's figure it out. the sausage looks like cheese and tastes like cheese, which is what this amazing product from the soviet past is made from, they tell us in
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production. the raw materials include semi-hard cheese, low-fat cheese, butter, dry ingredients such as skimmed milk powder, and melting salt. you can’t make sausage cheese without them. melting salts combine all components into a homogeneous mass so that it becomes plastic, starch can also be added to it, the more, the denser the product, therefore less natural raw materials, that's why. in the store, we pay attention to the composition: drinking water comes first, then comes the milk fat substitute, that is, the first two ingredients that form the basis of this cheese are no longer cheese. cheese comes even after the sixth place, that is, this product essentially doesn’t have it, but in the second option, cheese tops the list of ingredients, then comes water, and then comes cottage cheese, quite a good start, comes corn starch. but he is not in the first positions here, the third sample, here i can feel it to say that it is softer, more delicate
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, as for the composition, cheeses come first, great, what is needed, then we have fermented preparations of animal origin, this is everything related to probiotics, lactocysts, bacteria, now let’s check, how different compositions affect the taste: on pink skewers there is cheese without cheese , on blue ones with it, but also with starch, on green ones - we taste the cheesiest one, but this one doesn’t stick to the teeth as much as this one in general, it’s very hard, it even feels like this is not cheese, you bite into it, and it somehow crumbles in your mouth unpleasantly, well, the bitter taste is probably the last one, experienced sellers immediately figured out the right product, but many also chose the middle one, surprisingly there were fans even for cheese without cheese, so hard. this does not change its good taste, it is felt well, it is felt that the cheese, yes, this one here is so melted,
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this is something in between, this is exactly the cheese in my opinion, no, this one is fatty, and this one is not fatty, really because... due to the fact that there is little natural raw material here, the fat content is more low, but also nutritional value, sausage cheese with a classic composition has maximum protein, which means benefits for the body, blue also has benefits, there is protein, but still quantity.
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very good, good, the effect of the procedure is amazing, strength increases , vigor and good mood appear, and the heart and blood vessels are also trained , the body's defenses increase, but inexperienced walruses should act differently, i would recommend starting to harden in the summer, but if you want exactly now, do it
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not on the street, at home in the bathroom, wet a waffle towel with cold water, wring it out and wipe first your legs and arms, then your chest, back, it takes a week or even two to wipe, only then you can start... we start with a temperature of 32°. oops, every 2 days we lower the water by 1°, gradually bring it to 22, there is no need to go lower. wow! and if you feel severe discomfort, it is better to stop altogether. hardening is beneficial only when it is joyful. we douse everything at home for a month, and if everything goes well. okay, just then it will be possible to start snowing for the first time, uh, don’t rush, hardening procedures
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will bring you health! alexei german the younger's film air is now showing in all cinemas across the country with great success. if you haven't seen it yet for some reason, then be sure to go, you won't regret it, this is a real great movie about war, serious, truthful, honest, and you tell me you dream every night that i can’t save you. alexey german is a junior artist, his sunrises on the screen are... there is snow in the smoke, there is a feeling of the air of war, the tension is growing, very i noticed a lot in the film from the stories of my grandfather, my grandfather is a war veteran, so i directly saw, as if illustrations of what he told me, what he went through, i came to this film because my father is from the donigrad bloc, my great-grandmother my wife built this road of life, i got into this
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film because my mother fought in the war from 1942, she was a motor mechanic on il-2 aircraft. there will be dawn, but victory is still far away. at the voskhod cinema in st. petersburg, the descendants of those who survived blockade well, both my grandfathers passed. this story, it is clear, is very close to me. my memory comes back a little and i tell my grandparents about relatives who were also at the fronts and who died in captivity. so watch. the picture is very heavy, the film gets right to the feeling of presence, well, he is worried, the film is about the exploits of our pilots, alexey german jr. does not tolerate falsehood on the set, shoots 30 takes, if necessary, can act not according to the script, the main thing is real feeling, to whom my throat tightens, i held on, i held on, and in the whole movie i can note the heroism of our girls
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and women, this is definitely something that can... inspire, it takes pride that we did not give up, we went through everything, hunger, cold, goosebumps, honestly, in omsk, among the audience, the actress of the film air, kristina lapshina and her relatives, her mother was especially looking forward to this film, masha looks very much like kristina herself, as if she were playing herself, for christina air it’s her film debut, the first day of shooting, he was exciting, but i remember the eyes and feel yourself in their place, make a decision, pass the test, this is a film about stopping a person, about a feat, about a price, these are fragile creatures that are caught in a terrible mess, it’s better to watch on big screens, air in the country’s cinemas, and today on channel one the secrets of filming , documentary film,
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reality of the air, and so... victoria bolenskaya, maria bronzovaya, elena savina, channel one. our program continues, now we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. let's find out what events happened in the country in world by this time. news broadcast on air. we'll meet in just a few minutes. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello! the investigative committee showed footage taken at the crash site of an il-76 transport plane shot down by the ukrainian side in the belgorod region. forensic investigators are working on the ground, among the rubble, fragments of the bodies of ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange. for ethical reasons, we do not show
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details. however, many of them, experts note, have characteristic tattoos previously seen on militants of ukrainian nationalist battalions. a dna test will be required for identification. late in the evening, the terrorist attack by the kiev regime was brought up for discussion convened at the request of russia. meetings of the un security council. on our part, our firm determination was once again emphasized to do everything to ensure that those responsible for this crime receive the deserved punishment. the silence of western countries only strengthens the confidence of the corrupt kiev regime in its own impunity. you all the evidence we have today indicates that we are dealing with a deliberate, well-thought-out crime. the leadership of ukraine was well aware of the route and method of transporting soldiers to the place of the pre- agreed exchange. how can we treat the statements and guarantees of the regime and its western sponsors, after the kiev dictator has once again clearly demonstrated that he cannot fulfill even the technical agreement on the exchange of prisoners. put this into the context
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of those used to arm ukraine. in principle, we continue the special military without giving up the negotiation option in the operation in ukraine, launched to save the lives of the residents of donbass. the tragedy occurred on january 24. a russian military transport aircraft il-76 transporting ukrainian prisoners for exchange was shot down by ukrainian armed forces over the territory of the belgorod region. there were 74 people on board, including 65 ukrainian military personnel. they all died. account of the 120-mm mortar nona m1, the first guards tank army of the west group of troops destroyed camouflaged dugouts and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction in the special operation zone, the exact coordinates were transmitted
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to the artillerymen by air reconnaissance aircraft. the crew quickly moved to the indicated position and fired a series of shots. in the donetsk direction, high combat results are demonstrated by snipers of the motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces. they have eliminated about 500 targets and are working. they hit any weather at a distance from 150 m to 2 km without missing a beat, one of the most effective drum operators was honored in the artyomovsk direction drones, more than a hundred militants on his account, the well-deserved award of the st. george cross of the fourth degree was awarded right on the front line. the central election commission is conducting a detailed check of the signatures of voters put on the sheets in support of the nomination of a candidate, so far only vladimir putin’s headquarters has provided them. 31,500 are selectively passed through a special technical complex during the presidential elections; this program is operating for the first time and allows experts to speed up their work by 8-10 times. sheets are scanned and loaded into
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system, there are a total of 17 reasons to invalidate a signature, from the obvious , false information is indicated to nuances, the sheet is filled out in pencil or in a place where this is prohibited. it is important to carefully analyze all the data so that the list does not include so-called dead souls, so that those who sign up are at least 18'. years, and it is also necessary to check the authenticity of each signature so that one person cannot sign for several. after the passage of a powerful cyclone , the far east is buried in snow, sakhalin snowdrifts taller than human height, doors the entrances can only be opened from the inside, but if you do end up outside, then by taking a step beyond the threshold you can even get lost in space, visibility is zero. airports and ferry crossings are closed, trains are not running, and public transport is not operating in the south in the nevelsky district. an avalanche fell on the road, a record amount of snow in some places exceeding the norm by seven times in the north of kamchatka, the capital is also falling asleep, while during the day it was only -1 on the streets it was very slippery, on the weekend it will be colder to -14. in europe
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, a wave of farmer protests has reached in italy, tractors are blocking roads, the reason is the eu green deal, environmental restrictions, which will lead to the fact that you will have to pay more for fuel and fertilizers. in greece , farmers had to storm... to storm police cordons in order to get their equipment onto a key highway; tear gas was used against them. agriculture in the country has not recovered from severe floods last year, and farmers are demanding government support. in france, the newspaper mont called the protest a baptism of fire for a new premiere by gabriel attal. today they promise that tractors will appear at the entrances to paris. the protests have only lasted a week, but they have already affected 85 french departments. in toulon, a pile of waste was delivered to the prefecture, as well. in the united states, almost a third of young people identify as lgbt. this is evidenced by data from a study conducted by the institute for the study
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of religion. of course, this leads to the question of what will happen to the birth rate. in the states, it has been steadily decreasing; over the past 70 years, it has begun to double in young women. fewer children. in recent years, population growth has resulted in an influx of migrants. good bright winter morning everyone, nikita pimenov and anastasia arlova are with you on the calendar, finally friday, january 26th, the most long-awaited working day. let me ask you, friends, at this early hour, have you already approached the mirror in the morning? me, me, many times, me only two, so that’s who you saw there, yourself, really, or maybe another person? yes, if you are right-handed, then for some reason he is left-handed, but this person in the mirror, or someone there, has a nose to the left, or vice versa, to the right, at the mirror double, in general, in the mirror, sometimes a completely different person. from a photograph, of course, there is no such mirror effect, but with it not everything is so simple. it’s not for nothing that we don’t really like ourselves in photographs. natalya shows her colleagues only
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selected photos. we disagree somewhere . but as a rule, i show the photos that i like. they don't stand a chance. it seems that people around you don’t like the best pictures, but that’s not on purpose. 70% of people think about it all the time. what's happening in life, how to get here and there, do this, do that, so they concentrate on their life, not on that. where is what is wrong with your appearance, and there is also a theory: we treat ourselves more strictly than those around us, let’s check this experiment, participants natalya and her boss oleg, first a photo shoot, the best pictures according to their version will be slightly adjusted, in some cases i changed the proportions of the face a little, that is, the cheekbones, the oval of the face, seven photographs, some of them were slightly worsened, some were improved, will they guess the original natalie and oleg? it seems to me that this photo is the original, but most of all i like
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it, probably this one has at least a little smile, but in general, of course, all photos are like that, well, the original, of course, is probably to the left of what i choose, but i like it with photoshop , naturally, it was oleg who chose himself in the original, which shows that he sees himself as he is, men are more realistic about themselves, let’s just say that their colleagues will choose, there’s a lot of photoshop visible somewhere. yes yes. the eyes are too blue. there are four original photos here. their colleagues and chosen. imperfect appearance is not important to them. when communicating, we do not look at our colleague as a purely external interlocutor. we perceive it as a complete image. the story is similar with the voice. when you hear it on record for the first time, it feels strange. well, it was a little unusual , but it was a little bit. well, it seems to me that he’s kind of ugly or what? but those around me are fine.
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why is it a matter of habit? usually we hear it differently, simultaneously from the inside and outside. intrinsic factor is the bony transmission of the vocal cords. the external factor is airborne voice transmission. those around you hear only the external airborne voice transmission, it is recorded in audio, and getting used to it is not a problem at all. listen to your voices a little more often. elizaveta nikishova, dmitry likhachev, denis ponomarev, yulia bykova. first channel. if you believe the statistics, russians over 12 years old spend on average about 4 hours on the internet every day, but this is definitely an average figure, because it seems to me that we are definitely more. but if you remember how many emails we receive every day mail, and from friends, at work, and just spam, and of course, all sorts of scammers also love to enter into correspondence with us. be careful. not every letter from scammers contains a virus, but almost any such message read is like a beacon for attackers.
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there is such a thing as a pixel, and this picture of this pixel is downloaded from their server and the attacker already knows that this message has been opened, that is, by opening such a letter, you make it clear to the scammer that you read even suspicious messages, he will send new ones, already with hyperlinks, they also do not always contain viruses; the minimum task for an attacker is to get more information about you and your computer. there is a link, yes, the attacker receives information about his ip address, browser, his device, operating system, screen resolution and some other digital fingerprints, based on this data this person can be identified in a certain way. fraudsters can even understand your interests and preferences, knowing them, they can send a link to something interesting to you, but virus-infected program. the most harmless thing it can do is... use
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them to earn some kind of cryptocurrency. it happens that after clicking on a link, infected files are downloaded by themselves and remain in downloads, hoping that a person will someday launch them out of curiosity. these could be cloggers, this is a program that. records all the keystrokes that you have, that is, go to internet banking, they record it, go to your mail, they record it, accordingly, all this is sent to the attacker. so unnoticed a scammer can get all your addresses and passwords. another danger on the internet is phishing sites that imitate real online stores or even bank pages. if you enter your data there or pay for goods with a card, all this goes to scammers . how can we recognize such a site from a link in the address bar if we see and..
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i can talk for hours, i even brought such products once to my colleagues in a mobile studio, no one would eat, everyone was horrified, everyone ate their junk food, bring it here, i’ll definitely appreciate it, i’ll try it, actually hands, in fact, a huge amount of information about superfoods appears on the internet today, and i personally have a feeling that
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we talk about it more often than about the weather, the fact is that i personally see on the site that some kind of miraculous cereal, then some unusual exotic berries from the other side of the globe. and it feels like it’s just a storehouse of vitamins, yes, that’s what it is , well, in general, it’s a superfood and what about our good old buckwheat, how do you feel about buckwheat, i love it, especially with milk, i also feel good about it, it’s a superfood or no, now we’ll figure it out together with you, superfoods or superfoods have been a trend for several years now, but it seems the concept has blurred, let’s look for the answer on a fashionable food site, something like astronaut food, so you don’t just buy it, as you think, right there do you currently have some kind of superfood, superfood? it seems to me, no, mussels may not be subject to this heat treatment; in fact, with the concept of superfood, everything is very simple. it contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, which are coenzymes, allowing you to absorb useful,
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additional same micro-macroelements. superfood can, in principle, designate most products that are on the shelves. fashionable superfoods are often as old as time in terms of their properties; different years have their own favorites; these are all games of marketers. in soviet times, we had propaganda posters, for example, children standing there with a spoon of this fish oil, and these posters that children singing fish oil is healthy, part of the marketing is word of mouth, when galil’s neighbor told valya’s neighbor that she has kombucha, and she has his they gave it to me at work and they said it was from him, and then the list goes on. moreover, logically it is even possible to calculate. what superfood will be at its peak in the new season? it’s trite, it all depends on demand. everyone’s back hurts, everyone has a crunch here, something is broken somewhere, and so on. when they ask me what the superfood of the future will be, i say: well, gelatin,
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desserts will be made from gelatin, ala, jellied meats, some fashionable ones, they will somehow call it nicely, write it, make a beautiful label and sell it for a lot of money. new superfood, but not the fact is that the body will like the new product, you can’t fool genetics , even goji berries are powerless against it, a person is not adapted, then naturally genetically it can give autoimmune processes, allergic reactions and the immune system is unknown how it will react, unless of course we stay for many, many years consume them from generation to generation, then of course we will adapt to this food product in the same way as we adapted to a banana or an avocado, also, by the way, a superfood. what else today bears the proud name of superfood? by ear spirulina, a cheaper analogue, ordinary kelp, also cinema, its rival is good old buckwheat. let us remember that once upon a time potatoes were brought to us, and people did not immediately
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figure out how to eat them correctly, or it will go away like goje, but again, there will be people who will decide that they prefer the berries. the main thing to remember is that the passion for superfoods is again. restrictions, a healthy diet implies variety and everything should have a place in it, especially what is seasonal and what grew in your region. anna grebenshchikova, sergei falendysh, dmitry gradienko, channel one. the oral cavity, what makes it unique? in special immunity. what's the use of avocados on snow days? ciliated arithmia, unique. method of treatment , program to live healthy, will tell you everything, today at the first, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, for the birthday of vladimir
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vysotsky, they will play with pure gold. and we only rely on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, my affection became, i carried my misfortune through the spring on the ice, i loved the past sadder than graves, everything tender in me, without wings you are with a tripod, i am in love with the fields.
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the patient was rewarded for his patience, he turned out to be a flower that blooms for a long time, it was the happiest time in my life, but like any talented person, you are at the same time beautiful and terrible, he is very light, and the contrast of his lightness is his devotion to friendship, i feel so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together, the premiere of a documentary film, on sunday, at the first one, i dressed like a cabbage, and this, by
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the way, is not funny, it’s very practical, in winter it’s the best thing to put on yourself at the same time several things, we are often asked how you insulate a mobile studio, presenter, that ’s exactly it, well, the main thing is to do it correctly, of course, so how many layers should there be in the end, what fabrics are best to use and what to dress children in, now we’ll figure it out together, the main thing is these are warm socks, nikita. and underpants. three layers of clothing are the standard winter equipment for athletes and tourists, but in fact, layering was invented a long time ago. here, for example, is the costume of the peoples of the far north. let's count the layers. in winter we we put on canvas underwear, then we put on this kind of malitsa with the fur on the inside, then we put on the same malitsa on top, only with the fur on the outside, and then we put on cloth on top. clothes called goose, four whole layers and warm air between them, and this, as you know,
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is the best heat insulator, in order for heat to be transferred, collisions of molecules are needed, in the case of gaseous substances, the probability of such collisions is reduced several times compared to solids or the liquid state of a substance, so molecules collide less often and heat transfer is worse, it remains under clothes and we don’t freeze, the most important layer is the one closest to the body, it should wick away moisture, that is, i won’t absorb a drop of sweat. the body remains dry and we are warm. alena aksyonova , of course, has heard about layering, but what fabrics are best to use and what to dress children in? let's ask hockey goalie anton todyk. he knows everything about thermal underwear and other equipment, there is wool, there is synthetics, which one
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would you recommend, we choose synthetics for the first layer, because it wicks away moisture a little better if there is no special thermal underwear, you can use t-shirts, tights, again synthetics are better, we can use cotton, but adjusted to ensure that it fits the body well, then moisture management will still work, just a little worse than synthetics. the second layer of warming clothing is a sweater or jacket, synthetics and natural wool are suitable, the third layer of jacket, down jackets, down jackets, the main thing is that they do not get wet or blown out, everyone is already dressed for a walk, using an infrared thermometer we will measure the temperature of the down jacket, morkusha 0° . second layer - fleece jacket, already warmer, 10°. so, the third layer, the temperature of the thermal underwear itself is 16.1, that is, the brand should now be quite warm. but you can dress in several layers for work, if you didn’t know, this is now in fashion. here we achieved multi-layering in combination with beige.
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we wish you a wonderful day, friends, we are real, honestly, not avatars or an image generated by a neural network, the audience is probably sitting there laughing, and why are you laughing, technology has come so far now, well, you call somewhere on business or leave a request on the website, and they seem to answer you, but who it is, who it is, a person or a robot, you won’t understand right away, in fact, most often you will understand, because it’s a bot, he’s also a voice assistant, he usually introduces himself, i’m your virtual assistant, and i have a bit of a voice.
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the second is neural networks that process the request and move according to the response script, you call, the voice assistant asks a clarifying question. i'm your virtual assistant, how can i help? human. i realized that you need operator. please specify what you are interested in? bod needs to know the topic in order to switch you to the right specialist. there is a nuance; smart voice assistants
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will try not to bring you to it. there are advanced voice assistants, yes, that allow what if. we didn’t understand what the problem was here, perhaps we made a mistake at the first stage and sent the person to the wrong place and re-sent him again to refine this person’s question. there can be dozens of node options, imagine how many circles you will have to go through, you can just call person or operator, what if it doesn’t work? just bring the obrokadabra. when applying for a new policy, do not forget to indicate the date following the expiration date of the old policy. operators do not carry out calculations and do not issue insurance. would you like me to tell you how to calculate the cost of policies online? say yes or no? watermelon. i do not quite understand you. find out how else i can help you regarding insurance. melon. i'll connect you with a specialist. it worked. what else can help? no matter how funny it may sound, just answer correctly to the robot's questions. so you, at a minimum,
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help the development of his neural network, which is where nothing will help at all. if you contact support kakvo. the first channel drops goods that are produced by small suppliers. it’s easier to negotiate prices with them without extra charges. we checked the stewed meats one by one, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and also the appearance and smell did not disappoint. curd cheese, the composition
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is almost the same, the consistency from the discounter is fluffier, but... tasty. now the doctor's sausage. questions raise more sometimes the quality and composition of dough products are produced in large factories. there is volume there and they must also save on raw materials within this. and the difference is 110 rubles. this is a marketing ploy. we actually found this kind of pudding at a discounter and it’s a fairly well-known manufacturer and is available everywhere. it’s just that its price there is 54 rubles. in the store, all 90 are almost twice as expensive. discounters have federal goods, well, as if produced by federal chains, they will have a standard price tag there, import entry price for everyone it will be the same. sometimes well-known manufacturers even make products in larger packages especially for discounters, the price is lower, for example, there is a pasta weighing a kilogram,
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you cannot find such volumes of this brand in a store. of course, discounters and suppliers are different. they differ, there are also those who save on the composition, so before purchasing, experts advise looking at the composition of each specific product so as not to run into something of low quality. anastasia soveliva, sergey folendysh, channel one. in the center of moscow in a memorial plaque dedicated to tatyana shmyga was unveiled on leontyevsky lane. tatyana ivanovna was a legend of the moscow operet theater, to which she devoted more than 60 years of her life and was the only operetta artist awarded the title of people's opera. tatyana shmyga is the queen of aperets, her name is on the poster, the hall is already full, she really turned everything she tried into beauty, because she had such a gift, performances, concerts, roles,
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all of this was memorable and bright. bat, merry widow, montmart violet more than sixty roles in the moscow state academic theater. there was no stardom in her, no seal, she was a very modest person, very compassionate, very open, she always came to rehearsal collected, never got irritated, but prompted, supported, it turned out that in public on...
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further on air episode news, see you soon, this is news on the first, maria vasilyeva studio, hello, vladimir putin inspected a new complex for diagnosing the treatment of oncological diseases built in the kaliningrad region, very soon the first ones will be accepted there...
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data from the research carried out and practically from behind we can install a poezobrah diagnostician in working condition, a good modern semi-head apparatus, kupres allows us to correctly diagnose and plan things correctly, this is our workhorse, which a 100% day will allow us to skip expensive equipment a little more than 12 million rubles, there is a patient laser guidance system, if you allow it.
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situation in the special operation zone in the russian the western group of troops was informed of the destruction of the ukrainian armed forces' drone control point in the kopinsky direction one.
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more about those who show courage and bravery in the northern military district zone: colonel sergei tumanov, under mortar fire , pulled out operators and drones trapped in the cabin from a burning car, provided first aid, and returned to the car. and brought out equipment for controlling drones. lieutenant colonel konstantin frolov, having come under enemy fire, continued to control the drone, landed it in a safe place, and then helped evacuate the wounded colleagues than saving lives. and ukraine , which, as kiev already admits, lacks equipment and ammunition, does not stop trying to put pressure on the west to still beg for new help. foreign minister dmitry kuleba
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expressed himself in an interview with american journalists. in the spirit that military failures are not at all a reason to reduce support for the zelensky regime. kuleba did not deny that the situation for the ukrainian armed forces is now worse than it was in the fall. however, according to him, kiev will not agree to any peace negotiations and will fight, even if it faces even more shortage of resources. for ordinary ukrainians, this means only one thing: the hunt for men will continue and the chances of returning home for those who are forcibly sent to the trenches will be less and less. meanwhile, for example, in hungary, according to the results of a national survey, 99% of respondents were against supplying weapons to ukraine ; a survey was conducted by mail; it was necessary to answer 11 questions on which budapest and brussels cannot agree. topics included the situation in ukraine. almost all participants spoke in favor of a ceasefire and refusal of financial assistance to kiev, as well as against ukraine’s entry into the european union for the supply
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of its grain. by the way, last year. during the same survey, 97% of respondents said that they were against anti-russian sanctions. hungary is still the only nato member that has not spoken out on sweden joining the alliance. the bill has been stuck in parliament since the summer of 22, turkey approved the application, parliament voted, and the country’s president, recep tayyip erdogan, approved the protocol. the condition was to lift the embargo on defense supplies. in inkar they expect that the american parliament will now approve the deal. the sale of forty f-16 fighters to turkey and the modernization of another seventy-nine aircraft. in europe, a wave of farmer protests has reached italy. tractors block roads. the reason is the eu green deal. environmental restrictions that will lead to you having to pay more for fuel and fertilizer. in greece, farmers had to storm police cordons to get their equipment onto a key highway. a tear gun was used against them
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gas. agriculture in the country has not yet recovered from severe floods last year and farmers are demanding government support. in france, the mont newspaper called the protests a baptism by fire for the new prime minister gabriel attal. today he promises that tractors will appear at the entrances to paris. the protests have only lasted a week, but they have already affected 85 french departments. and that 's all for now. and good morning to everyone who meets you. this wonderful, bright, winter day is with us, with channel one, nikita pimenov and anastasia arlova are with you, friends, good morning, we wish you a wonderful day and a great mood, we continue on the calendar on january 26, winter also continues, the day is slowly starting to grow, but it is still short, it is still so cold, disgusting , the wind is blowing, many complain, children’s performance in winter is zero, the mood is not the same, somehow a little bit of fatigue has accumulated, you know, well, to put it mildly,
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it has accumulated a little, of course, you feel as if the batteries are dead, you need to urgently recharge them, and we know how, the phone is dead, we put it on charge , but when our inner the battery is low, we ignore it, lack of processing is stressful, this coffee has something sweet to at least somehow replenish energy, a person works, works, works until he falls, then waits for him to sleep and feel better, the problem is that people - these are not telephones , and they don’t work like that, in such a rhythm... cortisol is secreted over the kidneys, which has a bunch of different consequences, ranging from fat accumulation, reduction of protein synthesis , ending with sleep disturbances, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes
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chronic fatigue as a consequence of infection. a maybe it’s the battery itself , the state of health, it’s better to see a doctor to rule out diseases and deficiencies, if everything is in order, it’s a matter of sleep mode, first of all, everyone has their own norm, on average 7-8 hours, reboot for all systems , and in our country, sleep proceeds in very clever cycles, the deep stage of slow-wave sleep is needed so that testosterone and somatotropin are released, so that carbohydrate metabolism occurs as it should, so that a person recovers energetically, and fast sleep, for example, is needed so that a person memory was restored emotional range. yes, in winter it is more difficult to restore sleep patterns, there is little light. the production of the sleep hormone melatonin increases. why during the day we can be overwhelmed , lethargic, drowsy, apathetic, and at night we can have an excessive amount of sleep or , on the contrary, insomnia, we can imitate the sun in the first half of the day, the light is brighter, there are even special devices, here is the advice
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to go to bed before midnight doesn't work with everyone. different people need to go to bed and get up at different times, larks and owls exist, the notorious zosh will replenish the battery, but many the very thought of rules already creates stress. i’m not talking about some really ideal people, ironmen, who do everything, everything that is necessary, no, i’m talking about the base, that the base should be adequate, yes, you can eat chips once every couple of weeks, but not every evening, that’s what you should do every day, absolutely go for a walk, this rule alone will help you get enough sleep and the battery will accumulate charge. anna popova, nikita kulakov, yulia bykova, channel one. now let's talk about money. last year you and i beat record. on loans taken from banks. here are the data for 10 months of the twenty-third year. so, we collected loans for 6 trillion, namely trillions of rubles, bringing the total amount of debts to almost 35 trillion. listen, well , the big numbers are in general, but if we talk about
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a specific loan, what does its amount consist of? with the main loan, everything is more or less clear, but with interest, with interest, everything is not so simple. what does a loan consist of? of course, this is primarily his. body - the amount we borrow from the bank, plus interest, it’s not so simple with them, let’s look at a specific example: a very advantageous offer of 5% per annum, do we believe it, or is it still worth checking the full cost of the loan? this is the most favorable rate if you agree to all the bank’s conditions, the first is to sign up for the service, a low rate, and this is a paid service, that is, the rate will increase further, this is how 5% turns into, say, seven, then more, we add another important one. the total is already 19%, but when applying , it matters what kind of insurance. you
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must take into account that the helmet will be included in the full price, but osaga will not, because helmet is property insurance, and osaga is insurance of your liability by virtue of the law, but that’s not all, another broom may come up. opening an account, introducing an account, closing an account, if we talk about a mortgage loan, then the cost of renting safe deposit boxes, a real estate valuation report, plus notary services, if necessary, as well as issuing and servicing a card may be included special additional conditions , anna kuznetsova encountered them when she received a pleasant offer from the bank, a loan at 7% per annum, applied only to a loan from 10 million rubles, in addition... and the largest variation in the total cost of loans on cards: pay with a credit card - one amount, when you withdraw cash from it - it’s completely different, it grows
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exponentially. previously, before changes were made to the federal law on consumer credit, banks could fix a minimum interest rate, the minimum so-called total cost of the loan, this was for banks profitable. now banks are obliged to indicate to them the maximum. we look for information with the size of the bet from and to on the bank’s website and not only. banks are required to place this information on the first page of the loan agreement and this information should be written in small print somewhere below, at the top in the header of the agreement. at the same time , some banking services are not reflected in the full cost, those that do not affect the services.
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special effects, for example, the screen is the size of a four-story building with four entrances; as it turned out, there were no airplanes of that time, and there was nothing left but to build them, we are pioneers, we began to develop the gimbal, these things that are life-size on an airplane, are held in the air and turned there this way, that way, through the jamb, your gimble sways, shakes, turns over, helps you experience genuine emotions, like fear, such... a toy, of course, but it seems that they really knocked you down, there is a feeling of complete reality, people who are not initiated generally have a question about how the reality of air is. premiere, today on the first. stearsman bourbon - a stellor product
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group. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. brag is heading to leningrad, and you are looking for excuses. this is it. the siren that sounded on the air, the feeling of hunger is terrible, it’s when you want to eat all the time, but there is nothing to eat, there is no strength, maksimovich, i can’t reach the gate, it was hell, hello, marshchov, hello, can you hear me, tanks and infantry broke through to our positions, i ask for support, well... a familiar room, here is an embrasure,
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which means a cannon, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on horseback , i’ll shoot you, we all endured, we believed that the war would soon end , breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it’s our duty, to leningrad, tomorrow on the first, look carefully, you’ll recognize it, grandfather, priphagram to the center , we are a coward, i am not interested in money and gold, you will go to russia today, return the sacred treasures of the nation, and from these treasures, my father, lover of love, you will excuse me, of course, but all this does not look very plausible , there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, german, with monday after the program time. we continue our good morning on the calendar for friday, january 26th. astrological
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forecast on air. for today, aquarius, pisces, sagittarius and other good people, attention. january 26. the fifteenth lunar day passes the baton to the sixteenth. twelfth day of the sun. like yesterday, he is very powerful, strong-willed and stubborn, but at the same time he knows how to think outside the box and is not afraid of difficulties. his head is full of interesting ideas, in short, he has a bright personality. and this, by the way, is the beginning of a streak. when life itself will be invite us to creativity , many will feel a craving for something new and original, they will want to be special, not like everyone else, to prove themselves to surprise everyone, and the stars are not at all against it, but they are obliged to clarify, firstly, all this should be based on planning calculations , and secondly, your originality and originality should not interfere with others. aries, did you hear that? today you are, let’s say, somewhat impulsively straightforward, not everyone will like it, but if you need to add bright colors to life , see the wonderful in the ordinary and in general come up with something like this, call aries
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, attract taurus to help them, and not all these brilliant ideas will ground them a little, give them, so to speak, form, and if they get down to business, they will see it through to the end, taurus have a relationship with money today they add up, but it’s better not to take on debt, for the twins , some business may go awry, you’ll have to wait for something or someone , minor hiccups and inconsistencies are possible, however, by lunchtime, patience and labor are all overworked. and the evening will help you forget about business. quite a smooth day of cheers, however, there was no special profit from you shouldn’t wait for it, but you won’t be left at a loss unless you get involved in some kind of adventure, but the stars warned you, be careful with caustic chemicals. for leos, this day will help bring something back to normal, establish interaction with colleagues or business partners and redo a lot of things, but everything that requires efficiency and sharpness of thinking is best completed before lunch, if possible, and the evening clearly has in store for you what is romantic in virgos a good day, when all difficulties are overcome,
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problems are solved, everything turns out for the better, your ability, as they say, to grasp the essence of the problem will be very useful; guests may arrive in the evening. libra will have to figure something out, unravel something, get to the bottom of the truth, some will even make a small discovery, or maybe not a small one, who knows. towards the evening, an interesting and useful acquaintance is possible. scorpios today are charming and eloquent. people are drawn to them, in general, they are the life of the party, and the stars directly tell men of this sign: if you just don’t dare to propose marriage, take action. the sagittarius will have a good day, unless they spoil it a little with their temper. in general, you understand, and there are still some slippery personalities hanging around you, take a closer look, okay? it’s just a wonderful day for capricorns, and things are in full swing, everything is in order on the personal front, is there really a risk of spending? but
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it will be useful, will last a long time, and someone else , if we are talking about buying something practical, she may fall in love with you today. in aquarius , be careful, they may try to fool you. and here's another thing, that's it make mistakes, and this is not a reason to engage in self-criticism, but a lesson for the future, that ’s what the stars say, and they already know, and so the day is quite successful, the evening seems to gather pleasant company for you. the luminary promises pisces some kind of surprise, most likely a pleasant one, but in general, don’t relax too much, including while driving, and be careful with fragile objects, evening is a great time for a date, good luck to you, now let’s talk about the eternal with cheese or with sausage, both can be done without bread, this is actually, of course, about a sandwich for breakfast, the eternal question, listen, but there is a compromise option with sausage cheese, by the way, what is this cheese made from, how much cheese is in it and what does starch have to do with it, now we’ll taste everything and figure it out, according to sausage, to taste cheese, from
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how they make this amazing product from the soviet past, they tell you in production. the raw materials include semi-hard cheese, low-fat cheese, cream cheese, dry ingredients such as skim milk powder, and melting salts. you can’t make sausage cheese without them, melting salts combine all the components into a homogeneous mass so that it becomes plastic, starch can also be added to it, the more, the denser the product, therefore less natural raw materials, so in the store we pay attention to the composition. in the first place comes drinking water, then comes the milk fat substitute, that is, the first two ingredients that form the basis of... this cheese, they are no longer cheese cheese comes even after the sixth place, that is, it is essentially not in this product , the second option has cheese at the top list of ingredients, then there is water, and then there is cottage cheese, quite a good start, there is corn starch, but it is not in the first
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positions here, the third sample, here i can say by touch that it is softer, more delicate, in terms of composition, on first place cheeses, excellent. what we need, next we have fermented preparations of animal origin, this is everything related to probiotics, lactic acid, bacteria, now let's check how different compositions affect the taste: on pink skewers there is cheese without cheese, on blue ones with it, but also with starch, on green the cheesiest, we taste it, yes, this one is better , no, it’s not like that - it sticks to the teeth, like this one , it’s generally very hard, you can even feel that it’s not cheese. surprisingly, there were fans even for the cheese without cheese, it’s so hard, it doesn’t change its good taste, yeah, it feels good,
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it feels like the cheese, yes, this one is so melted, this one is something in between, this one is straight up in my opinion. no, this one is fat, and this one is not fat. indeed, due to the fact that there is little natural raw material here, the fat content is lower, but the nutritional value is also sausage cheese with a classic composition - maximum protein, which means benefits for the body. blue also has benefits, it has protein, but still the amount of preservatives here is too much, and preservatives are, first of all, a burden on the liver and the immune system. well, in addition to the composition , before purchasing, we evaluate the surface of the product. it is ideally smooth, glossy, in color from light to. dark brown, plus the smoked aroma should be light and pleasant. anastasia novakhatnia, sergey morin, channel one. we continue. just imagine, you wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread in the house, in my opinion this is the best start to the day. how much hot bread can you eat? i immediately imagined this smell,
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so how to choose a comfortable, reliable bread maker? which is better, plastic or maybe metal, and most importantly , does the size matter? we’ve found out everything. for us, hope is true, oh, it’s a shame we didn’t have breakfast. in this family, the bread machine works constantly. elena kalina bakes twice a day. i take whole wheat flour because i have three girls, and i don’t really want them to gain weight on bread. you can make gluten-free bread, you can make buckwheat bread. or pumpkin, as it is now, and most importantly, everything is elementary. at the bottom there is pumpkin puree, the harvest is huge this year, then olive oil. flour, a little bit of yeast, all my life it seemed to me that i was not friendly with yeast dough, but here i started making pies and pies and everything else, so for easter i will try to bake easter cake there, no need to run around with bowls and towels , you just need to put in all the products, after an hour and a half you you have amazing homemade yeast dough,
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the oven kneads the dough itself, it’s convenient when there is a removable dispenser, you can put anything into it. elena has seeds and raisins today, the stove itself will add them at the right time, but pay attention to functionality, some appliances cook not only bread, it can be a function. adding yoghurt or sweet pastries, in each specific case you again decide whether you need these functions or not, because in fact, for each of them you will still pay extra, which will definitely always come in handy - delayed start function, i can put all the products in the bread machine in the evening in the morning for breakfast, we get fresh hot bread, and also a useful crust baking mode, you can choose minimal, medium or dense, my advice is to choose exactly: from three modes, because you there will be a golden mean, not everyone likes there to be no chicken at all, or it is heavily baked , size also matters, small
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devices are designed for 500 gram loaves, large ones can handle a huge loaf of up to one and a half kilograms from the oven, plus remember about power, if we want to save time, we take it higher, if the electricity is lower, the material is no less important, plastic stoves are cheaper, metal ones are more expensive, in fact, it’s fundamental. there will be no difference from the point of view of the quality of workmanship, but with all this , the durability of the material itself, the fact that plastic can change color, is obvious with metal over time. after a year of use, even on the metal, certain traces of use still appeared, yes, that is, i can’t imagine what would be there in mine family specifically, yes, with a plastic one, the unit is really actively used, in any case, it is better that the flour bucket and the stirrer are metal and it’s good when... in all cinemas in the country
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, the film by alexei german jr. air is now showing with great success, if you still like it for some reason you haven’t seen it, then definitely go, you won’t regret it. this is a real big movie about war, serious, truthful, honest. and i dream about you. every night, as if i were flying to save you. alexey german - junior artist, his sunrises on the screen, this snow flying in smoke, there is a feeling of the air of war, tension is growing. i noticed a lot in the film from the stories of my grandfather, my grandfather is a war veteran, so i directly saw, as if illustrations of what he told me, what he went through. i came to this film because my father is from izbakadan, my wife’s great-grandmother is from... i came to this film because my mother fought in the forty-second year, she was
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a motor mechanic on il-2 aircraft, there will be dawn , but victory is still far away, in the voskhod cinema in st. petersburg, descendants those who survived the siege. for me, well, both grandfathers passed, this story, it is understandable and very close to me. they slightly come back to life in my memory and tell my grandparents about relatives who. they were also on the fronts, who died in captivity, so it’s a very difficult film to watch, the film makes you feel like you’re there, well, he’s worried, the film is about the heroism of our pilots, alexey german jr. doesn’t tolerate falsehood on set, he shoots 30 takes , if required, can act not according to the script, the main thing is a real feeling, to whom the throat rolls up, he held on, he held on, and that ’s it. i can note the heroism of our girls and women, this is definitely something that can
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inspire, it takes pride that we did not give up, we went through everything, hunger, cold, goosebumps, honestly, in omsk, among the audience is the actress of the film air kristina lapshina and her loved ones, her mother was especially looking forward to this film, masha is very similar to christina herself, as if she were playing herself, for christina. feel yourself in their place, make a decision, pass the test, this is a film about the formation of personality, about feat, about price, these are fragile creatures that ended up in a terrible mess are best watched on big screens, air in the country's cinemas, and... today on channel one the secrets of filming, the documentary reality of air. attack, victoria
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bolenskaya, maria bronzovaya, elena savina, channel one. our program has come to an end, nikita pimenov and anastasia orlova were with you, we wish you good health, good mood, and most importantly, more good news. stay with us, stay on the first channel. see you. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio valeria koravleva in this issue. onology is not a death sentence, early diagnosis and advanced treatment methods, an ultra-modern complex in kaleningrad, a tour for the president. there are 150 here in the center. the project is not
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a typical one, the doctors themselves participated in the development. there is no such thing as the importance of little things, like checking signatures submitted for a presidential candidate, even using a neural network. they walked from the very top, falling waist-deep into the snow, how the doctors and pilots of an ambulance plane that crashed in the mountains of afghanistan were saved, they told everything themselves in moscow.


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