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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  January 26, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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if there is no electricity , the pumping station continues to operate, supplying water to the city , all this is thanks to the reserve that we have planned over the past years, they also hit the gas structure, this is the most complex format, it is impossible to make any reserves here, so there are cases when in december, the city was without gas for several days, but i repeat once again, the mechanisms that were planned give us the opportunity to live even in these difficult conditions, and military facilities exist on territory of esinovata? there are no military facilities on the territory of the city, the snovets are literally a couple of kilometers from each other, the location is so close, then even a bullet fired from a small caliber from the nearest ukrainian positions, it reaches the center of the city of isinovata, we are very close to us in fact, any type of weapon reaches the central part, the administration of gorodavat is located less than 3 km from the nearest ukrainian positions, so this is the situation we have, the situation is difficult every day, this is how people live, right?
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i’ll tell you more in the city, there are about 17 thousand people who live every day, constantly, i’ll tell you more, there is transport in the city, passenger transport, these are city routes, these are routes that are of international level, these are isnata and makeevka, these are isnalata and donetsk , that is, despite this whole difficult situation, i want you all to understand that the city continues to live, not only survive, but this is also very difficult, there are shops in the city, all government institutions, foreign journalists work in the city do you even come across any of them or not? do these fighters for objectivity, justice and freedom from the western side come to this region to see with their own eyes what is happening there? well, unfortunately, no, it’s not interesting, in this regard, it’s not interesting to show that, well, the truth , that civilians will be killed, that in the city of isnovata, about 400 people were injured, 70 people died, of course this is the truth no one needs it, we really see this is refined information given by the west, but to my great surprise there are people who...
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back, at the beginning, when you go there, you need to understand, you drive at 140, the road there is paved, because artillery comes, but they just shoot here and there, anywhere, the problem is still drones , drones are everywhere, they really are, this is a front-line city, uh, while i was there, when we just came in, a friend there was filming me with my uncle, i heard how it flew in about a kilometer from us, their neighbors flew there three times , another neighbor’s roof was replaced, they have a sinkhole on their property... every day
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constantly, i now propose to get acquainted with the entire administration of the city, because we have connections sergei petrovich ezyryanov, the first deputy head of the city, are glad to welcome you, how hard it is for people to work in these conditions and in general in what psychological state are those who work every day saving the city, the situation is truly difficult, very dangerous, but our utility workers are a real hero. they actually understand that this is their city, all problems are solved very quickly, that is, either it’s with electricity, or it’s with water, with heat to prevent any communal, so to speak, emergencies . and chelyabinsk, as i understand it, the region that took patronage over you, yes, probably people from chelyabinsk, some, maybe ordinary utility workers, and specialists come when you meet them, these are the thoughts they come with at first, to what condition are they in during the first few days?
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places, but all schools are ready to receive children , all our teachers are working even today, what mode are hospitals working in now? hospitals are operating as usual, unfortunately, civilians get wounded here, they are treated, of course, that is, by our hospitals, then they begin to distribute them, that is, from the complexity, let’s put it this way... and doctors from the chelyabinsk
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region also come to help provide assistance , because the load, that is, is currently working. for the past year , teams of traumatologists, surgeons, and resuscitators have been coming here. thank you very much, good luck to you, good work and peaceful skies. thank you for today they came to us, let me remind you that if you have any doubts about any news, dear viewers, send it to our editorial office, and the most important thing is that i always remind you of this, reasons for pride, we are especially happy about it, so send it, all the best to you . why am i unique, you ask? yes , because my grandson is 20 years old, and my daughter is 17.
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russia is the largest, most extensive, traveling through it gives me the greatest pleasure. there is a wide red village on the volga, here gold shines with a wondrous brilliance, icebergs float on bright turquoise water, evoke impressions that will leave no one indifferent. you should definitely visit our entire beautiful country; i would like to wish all russians good luck and be proud of their country. first channel. forces. so, dear friends, the oral cavity, what makes it
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unique? in special immunity. avocado on days of snowfall, what is the benefit? atrial fibrillation is a unique treatment method. the program to live healthy will tell you everything. the shield and sword of our body is our immunity. right now while you're sitting watch tv, unique events occur in your body. right this minute, white blood cells are released into the blood. they come out into the tissue and devour all the enemies , you see, a white blood cell, a leukocyte in the tissue, we call it a macrophage, chases a microbe from two balls, catches up with it, eats it, but that’s not all, it eats and digests, now generally unique footage , another type
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of immune cells, dendritic cells eat red cancer cells, but that’s not all, this is actually a tumor, it... glows yellow, these gray cells eat up this tumor, when the tumor turns green, it means the cell dies, every second in our body there is a struggle for our life, this shield and sword of our body begins not just anywhere, friends, right in the oral cavity, exactly professor prodeus, andrei petrovich, is located there in the oral cavity, where is the immunity of the polostert, because immunity begins here. children put their hands into their mouths, adults may not lick theirs, but something also endlessly ends up in there, the food is dirty, that’s it, whatever, the unique thing is that this is a multi-level protection, and we will now show you several levels of this protection, look, these are the immune cells that we
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showed you on the screen, which live here in our oral cavity, look, here we are littered with all sorts of microbes that we brought in, our macrophage begins to devour these microbes, this really happens every second, yes, andrey petro, absolutely, because, in principle, the oral cavity is the most populated place with microorganisms, this is the first the barrier that microbes encounter when entering our body, which means, first of all, immune cells, such as we showed, crawl here, eat everyone, devour enemies, then, and if, for example, we get... a virus, here he came to us, andrei petrovich , catch, catch, here he flew in, if such a virus flew in, then most often we encounter antibodies, these are secretory antibodies that we have, and right at the entrance they
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can neutralize such a virus and remove it from the body, and if they could not neutralize it immediately, then they marked it with these flags and... and accordingly, our killer immune cells will kill this virus, which means that everything that comes to us already contains immunoglobulins, remember, we determined immunoglobulins g. immunoglobulins m and even immunoglobulins a were especially progressively determined. immunoglobulins a are antibodies, they live in the mucous cavity , they are secreted there and are there so that if a virus suddenly arrives, block it in time, what is the function of immunoglobulinitis or antibodies, this is the same thing same, immunoglobulins equal antibodies, they surround the viruses and neutralize , that is, they do not... allow it to penetrate the cell, since the second is flags, they marked the virus,
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this vacuum cleaner, which, like morov , ate everyone, it sees this marked virus and eats it, this is all immunity oral cavity, the question arises, get out of your mouth, how can we preserve this immunity of the oral cavity, how can we take care of the oral cavity? in order for everything to be good, look, what we showed you in the oral cavity is the front line, these tonsils, which are called tubal tonsil, pharyngeal tonsil, lingual tonsil, and now we will get through the oral cavity and see these tonsils that form the so-called lymphopharyngeal ring, this is really a gate where special cells are prepared as... construction, these are all white blood cells, these are all lymphocytes who
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live here in these tonsils of trained ranks, and as soon as this front part of the defense fails, this is another barrier, just like a gate, it’s like just a fortress, a tower of a fortress that should not let anyone through, of course, don’t miss it down, the flu virus can break through, and the coronavirus was the first to break through, the current
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one in... pieces of food, they also need to eat, so oral hygiene is one of the first conditions to reduce the growth of pathological bacteria and make it easier for your immune system, so we make sure to brush our teeth and gargle, too. we clean like an ultrasonic brush removes plaque, most microbes live in this plaque and multiply there, the irrigator that we show here removes all the crumbs and the remnants of food in the pockets between the teeth in the pockets of the besen, and it’s like, oh, sorry, i splashed our camera, i’d rather splash our people, like this. what is the force of the irrigator ’s jet, by the way, you should know
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and understand this, now we will show how the irrigator works, this jet force is able to rinse our oral cavity, so, we now see an irrigator, which before our eyes rinses the oral cavity with a powerful jet, this is a necessary condition and degree of cleaning from these plaques, which contain microbes 99. let's see how ultrasonic dental work the brush, just like that, removes
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plaque by its very vibrations. an ultrasonic brush often doesn’t even require you to clean or make these back-and-forth movements. due to cavitation and vibrations of water, it simply snaps off the plaque along with microbes and washes it out completely with saliva. and of course, at least twice a day in the morning and... in the evening, when you brush your teeth, remove plaque from your tongue, there are special paper clips that remove this plaque, this is also the place where bacteria multiply and live, this... systems to protect your body, respiratory system, upper respiratory system and lungs. in general, in short, brush
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your teeth, you know that you are strengthening the immunity of the oral cavity, the most serious, first defense. which stands in the way of all microbes , an irrigator, this is an oral care product of the 21st century, these toothbrushes of ours are good, of course, but this is the 19th century with the transition to the twentieth, this is this, this is the twenty-first, so when they ask me how strengthen the immune system, i say: i use my teeth, in the end, correctly, ultrasonic toothbrushes and an irrigator, that’s it. the most the main thing you need to know about immunity and oral cavity. let's take a short break and then continue. avocado on snow days. the largest avocado that was grown weighed 6 kg 118 g. is it possible to replace butter with this fruit and how to lose weight with it?
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short circuit. how to calm your heart with help. so someone went down the hill, it ended with the fact that during my congress, another vtrushka caught up with me, it spun me around, spun me around, i turned over , hit my head on the ice, the cheesecake sled and a series of tragedies throughout russia, stupidity adults at the cost of their lives, girls must show training, courage and self-sacrifice, this is the film that you have been waiting for in the military, i think that yes, of course, definitely air, because of course it was a dream to work with alexei german, they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call, i thought, probably not , i didn’t approach, and so i thought with despair, well, there was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not, look how the buildings are flying, it means it’s not all in vain,
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this technology, a completely unique technology , which we experienced, maybe... a pioneer in this matter, my hero does five rotations, a barrel, a person who has claustrophobia, and you are there, impossible, yes, and this is exactly where you are, when alexey asked how long you could stand it, i understood that the girls were spinning, it was difficult for them, i think, no matter how much you say, we have never had anything like this before, of course, podcast lab, today on the first one, monte shococa cognac, the product has become.
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thanks to our parents for their contribution to the development of us all, tomorrow after the program it’s time, well, friends, whoever knows how to peel
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an avocado is a great fellow, avocado, like you is that all today? they once put it in cold weather or that avocados are on days of snowfall, we have one avocado in the studio, there are actually a lot of avocados, there are absolutely special varieties, avocados on days of snowfall, what is the benefit, bring us avocados to the studio . what kind of product is avocado? mikhail egorokado is included in the guinness book of records as the most nutritious fruit. why? is this a fruit? this is a fruit. god, i've been thinking about vegetables all my life. who knew avocados were a fruit, raise your hands? well, everything at once, we all knew, it was you, dark woman,
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professor malysheva. thank you. the largest avocado that was grown weighed 6 kg 118 g, show us the champion avocado, 6 kg 18 g on our screen, here. someone waved that’s how much you can feed the people and also the most high-calorie fruit 160 kilocalories per 100 g, this is from me an avocado dish, avocado toast, so to speak, the most popular, well, dish in the world, about 3 million are broadcast a day pictures, that is, people are taking pictures, can you imagine?
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it will never ripen in the end, that is, it will be unusable, like this, so if ripe, it means definitely fatty, 160 kilocalories are provided to you, i remind you, all other fruits. it is clear that due to fats, so, let's go to the models, german shaevich, you also have something to say there, the fact is that cardiologists and ophthalmologists fundamentally think the same, because they are concerned about blood vessels, and we invite our camera here, this fundus, retina, if we talk about diabetes , when blood sugar is elevated, it spoils all the vessels in the body
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, primarily the small-caliber vessels of our retina nervous tissue, accordingly diabetic retinopathy develops, retinal dystrophy, you see, hemorrhage, you lose vision, it falls out in the same spots. the outpouring is so massive that just half of the retina falls off , a curtain symptom appears , avocado has nothing to do with it, avocado reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, increasing the absorption of sugar in the tissues of our body, accordingly, sugar in the blood decreases, this is plus avocado, let's move on, herman shaich, what avocado also makes something good. i've already gone to eat it, there are several things, avocado with a special substance avocatin b reduces
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fat oxidation and thereby prevents insulin resistance, that is, it allows insulin to work, which means insulin has opened the gates of the cell, sugar has bypassed there, blood sugar has decreased, this is another great role of avocado, it closes so the door of our cage. avocado does all this too, what else can you add, mikhail egorovich, avocado reduces appetite, hunger, they did an experiment, people were given avocado and they didn’t want to eat for 6 hours, unlike other foods, we finished a piece of bread and after an hour, as they say, give me another sandwich, avocado can reduce your appetite. this is also a huge plus, this same avocatin also reduces the level of low-density cholesterol, that is, that cholesterol that is dangerous, which
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is harmful to our body. so we can’t close this cell gate in any way so that glucose doesn’t leave there, that is, avocado is an absolutely useful cardiological product, a vascular product, that’s why ophthalmologists love it, because cardiologists deal with blood vessels. all vessels, because the vessels are tiny , they are damaged faster, and only ophthalmologists see the vessels with their eyes, cardiologists do not see them, only cardiac surgeons see them during open operations, that’s right, three questions, how to choose, how to store and how to eat an avocado correctly, the first question is how to choose? the first sign by which we should choose an avocado is how soft it is, it should be soft, but it shouldn't be. very soft,
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we should not feel that there is already some kind of porridge inside, like this one, this avocado, you can see or not what’s here it’s just dented, i would also like it to be softer, but not bad, okay, based on the color of the skin, the color of the skin, it should be so rich, and if this variety is a completely different variety, it can be black. "dark, but the same, it should be elastic, yes, then we look at the stalk, then we tear it off and look at the stalk, it should be such a yellowish, sometimes brownish color, absolutely not ripe yet, yes, although it is soft, in basically, if you bought something like this , just put it hard, it will ripen on its own, in it it will ripen on its own, there are several ways
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to do it, wait, don’t tell me. the next question is how to properly store avocados? there we will tell you about the techniques. there are several tricks to help your avocado ripen faster. you can put it in a paper bag like this with an apple and a banana, say, gas is released there, ethylene, and ethylene gas contributes to the fact that all fruits quickly, quickly. ripens, the banana produces the most ethylene, you yourself know that it spoils very quickly, ripening, as it were, turns into spoilage of the product, it’s all done by newspaper, here’s a banana, you know it yourself, you put in a yellow one, it somehow quickly became speckled and speckled, and then it all turned brown, you put the banana with the avocado, you closed the bag, everything will ripen very quickly to the desired, to the desired condition, so in principle
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you can wrap it like this... put the foil in the oven , just heat it up, put it in the oven for a short time, it will also ripen quickly, that is, as if you didn’t bake it, but just put everything in the foil in a warm oven. or in the microwave, do the same on the smallest, smallest mode, let it stand for a while, then check, if anything happens, one might also add, the impression is that... mikhail egorovich, not an ophthalmologist, a microsurgeon, but some kind of chef, one method after another. mikhail egorovich, you simply shocked me. if you were not married, i would think that you are not married and live alone and heat your avocados, either in the oven or in the microwave, but i am friends with michal yegorovich’s wife and i know that he is not alone in this life, he is completely alone how to eat avacado correctly, how to eat it?
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it seems to me that it is better to eat it raw, in its natural form, this is absolutely a self-sufficient product, and there are different options, of course, some make toast, spread it on bread, uh, make salads with avocado, in general, some make guacomole, i generally cook excellent guac, this is a prosthetic dish, ingredients. look, there’s a plate, we specially prepared it, that is, there are the main liquid ingredients, let’s say, tomatoes, onions, peppers, preferably hot peppers,
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herbs, it all works its way to a homogeneous... state, well, it’s either crushed or it turns in a meat grinder, but it gets crushed, real goalcomol is never ground in any meat grinders, this is done absolutely only by hand, otherwise there will be porridge, so lyosha made malasha porridge, the real one should be kneaded, then it will retain its consistency, thickness, and pepper in general should be added strictly to taste, i never add lemon. only finely-finely chopped tomatoes, i do it mexican style, you take an avocado, give me, by the way, the most famous injury is called avocado, when people get it, there are even avocado tattoos, when people get it, they get it when they try to remove the bone, the bone cannot be removed like this, you cut your hand right through, the bone, if you know how, you have to remove it like this
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, turn it, turn it a little. so they extracted it, then it’s done like this: one, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3. we are mexicans born in the city of kemerovo, we do it like this: take a spoon like this, just scoop out this avocado from here, that’s it, then just like that knead this, then add whatever you want, this is a really very tasty product, or there are other knives like this for avocado, this is good for sandwiches, you took it like that, since you can do it just like that.
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he is the only one who has technology, when he sits in the city of novosibirsk, and his patients are chinese from china, they lie at a distance of 4700 km, from...
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this is what cardiac arrhythmia looks like, right now we are heading to our medical site, where it is done basic examination for all patients, an electrocardiogram is recorded. an electrocardiogram is the main examination. sixth or seventh, how good, but how old are you, i’m 21 years old, 21 years old, now is the moment of truth,
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we want all of you to put four fingers here and count your pulse, we will count for 15 seconds. germanich, note the time and give the command to everyone. let's start! dear tv viewers, you too can count your pulse in 15 seconds. we're done. now multiply by four. if your heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute, press the red screen. if the pulse is from 60 to 100, press the green screen, if someone had a pulse of more than 100 and the person felt unwell, then you also need to press the red screen. so,
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we have one person with a red screen, we are waiting for you, please come to us, let’s go to the layouts, dear herman shaich. siberian, yes , where are you from ? , they offered to perform an operation in novosibirsk, and that’s how you got to dr. romanov, i want to invite dr. romanov to us now. here your cardiology place, come to us, alexander borisovich, and we will turn on the heart. so, normally, the heart contracts simply atrium to ventricles, atrium to ventricles, atrium to ventricles. and then atrial fibrillation happens. what it is? this is
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when, why is it hard for a person? this is when the atrium contracts, so to speak, chaotically, they seem to flicker, and accordingly, not enough blood enters the ventricles, and the stomach. this is the main pumping chamber of the heart and, accordingly, blood is not properly ejected to all organs and tissues and accordingly, the person feels very bad. i didn’t throw it away, what a person feels , something arrived, something didn’t, then i threw it away , i felt the erratic work of the heart, well , you were out of breath, there was dizziness, that you had palpitations, shortness of breath, that you had a heartbeat, yes there was, there wasn’t much shortness of breath it was, but i felt like i was getting more tired, yeah. fell sharply, and it’s as if
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the quality of life has deteriorated much worse than before , well, now the moment of truth comes. so, in order to operate on this arrhythmia, to eliminate it, our wonderful the doctor uses super-strong magnets; in my opinion, this is the only operating room in the country with such huge magnets. come here, you yourself know what the miracle of your operation is or not, huh? look, here are paper clips, yes, here i have a magnet in my hands, roughly speaking , doctor, by moving the magnets around your heart and passing a conductor there, this conductor can be directed in any direction inside the heart, it’s clear, now we ’ll open the heart like this , and we’ll just show it to you, you see, just one more time, here look, consider it a conductor. which looks for arrhythmia and
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stops it, like this you can move it over the heart, but i’m here, and dr. romanov is not next to the patient, that’s right, at best in the next room, yes, in the worst case in 5 :00 km from the patient, let 's see how this happens, so, under x-ray control, a super flexible catheter is brought to the heart through the vessels, it's time to turn on the magnet, so i want to show what it is, look, it's a magnet, you see, the keys are attracted, now two such magnets , this one will be brought to the heart, so, i move the magnets, the patient remains alone in the operating room, the doctor goes to the next room, that’s where the magnet control panel is, with the help of magnets the electrode will move into the heart in any direction , ah...
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let me remind you that now dr. romanov is in the next room, but the patient may be in another country altogether, june 2023, dr. romanov is in novosibirsk at his computer, and his patient is in china at a distance of 4,700 km, for the first time in...
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especially from the capabilities that are required in large countries, it’s true, our country is huge, but we have remote areas, a doctor, essentially in a remote area, should be able to insert a guidewire, show me. what kind of conductor is in the heart, you can control this conductor even for 5.00 km, here is such a conductor, they actually do it, well, everyone in almost all cities of russia, right? yes, you see, its peculiarity is that it is very flexible, and it can be placed almost anywhere, even in this way, using tie the magnets in a knot, if necessary, that is, it is very very flexible, it allows you to... reach all parts of the heart
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with very high accuracy, so the gist of it is this: this conductor is passed through the thigh, this is, in general, a banal procedure for all arrhythmologists , the only unusual thing is that the distance between the patient and the doctor can be any, that’s right, as far as i know, today our doctor returned from china, because in china he is now a celebrity, there are a lot of magnets installed in china, and to control... one office is enough to treat people from this office thousands of kilometers away, how are they feeling? i feel great, yes, yes, i go hiking in the mountains, right? we go constantly, well, it’s amazing, that is, the rehabilitation is 100% wonderful, what would i like to say to such a gorgeous guy, thank you very much, borisovich, a modest professional siberian and professor, so show people your
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tattoo, because i adore the tattoo on his hand, come on then then on which hand is the tattoo on the left? someone came down the hill. it's over because during my departure , another truck caught up with me, spun me around, spun me around, i turned over and hit my
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head on the ice. sleighs, thrashings and a series of tragedies throughout russia, the stupidity of adults comes at the cost of their lives. modern man, this has already been absolutely proven, genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world, language originated in africa, the first tool of labor, our thinking originated there, ethiopia and eritrea are fighting for pushkin, pushkin is such cultural bridge between russia and africa, never in russia africans were not considered second-class citizens, like hannibal. type of mineral rank, he entered the russian elite, in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence, i purified the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunities.
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a lot of people think that in africa we don’t walk around, we eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, that’s how they are. all large countries understand perfectly well that they can continue to move forward without africa is almost impossible, civilization premiere, film two, africa on thursday on the first. rum, castro, a product of stellor group, this is the caspian sea, we will play a dagestan wedding. this is our wedding suit imitation circassian mountain smokey. thin and delicate organza that will cover the bride. shuana and ahmed are avars. and we will celebrate the wedding according to the customs of one of the most ancient settlements in dagestan, the czech village. and here will be our photo zone made from a carpet, a dagestan carpet. only instead of a wall
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there will be mountains of us. well, the sausages already need to be cooked. of course, a matchmaker without sausages, as it happens, there is a special czech lizginka, there is, step, step, imagine, hands like this , once, so cheerful, we need to prepare a wedding, our premiere, we are playing a wedding, on sunday on the first, this program is live great, friends, and this thing in russia is called parrushka. scientifically speaking, tubing is a kind of thing that has recently led to the fact that in children's hospitals there are floors of, as doctors say, cheesecake makers, children who have injured themselves while riding on cheesecakes, let's see how this happens in
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real life, the speed these cheesecakes develop is monstrous, control.
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with the fact that during my, my congress , another truck caught up with me, spun me around, spun me around, i turned over and hit my
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head on the ice. the very first, biggest injury, the largest number of injuries is a concussion of the brain, that’s right, andrey, what is the first aid, especially if these are children, if these are children, firstly, determine whether there was a loss of consciousness or not, fix the patient and call. help, because this patient may need help, after such an injury, the danger is bleeding, hematoma, often everything is intact on top, but here we have a special model, show me, here’s a person who hit himself, here’s a hemorrhage inside, that is, you might get up and go, because that half a liter of blood did not pour out all at once, but a little at a time. but in the evening, especially if there is a child, blood loss, this volume of blood can accumulate, the brain will be compressed, the child
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will lose consciousness, this will be a completely different story, so if there was such injury, we need to go to the hospital and have an mri of the head, we also have one cheesecake maker , tell me, there are already younger people here , yes, yes, the worst thing in this skating is when i flew out of... and for a moment i’m flying, i’m falling, it’s like this, i flew up on some hill and fell, there was a huge slope, a springboard, i thought, well, cool , i’ll go for a ride, that’s when i flew out, hit my head and it felt like i’d passed out, i had a terrible headache, everything in my eyes began to darken, flicker, i couldn’t i could understand what was happening to me, i was just lying there, my friends ran up to me. they started to bring me to my senses, angelina, get up, get up, but i can’t get up, because i can’t see anything, but i barely got up, of course, then we
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went to the hospital, they prescribed me treatment, well, they examined me accordingly , and for a whole week i lay with a terrible pain in my head, and having come to a normal state, since then i haven’t ridden carts, well, thank god, what is first aid, hermansche, that is, in basically, if you hit yourself and you feel a feeling of impact, swelling, you didn’t have a loss of consciousness, you just apply some kind of snow, ice, cold things, if there was a loss of consciousness, if you continue to have pain, no self-control, lie down, call an ambulance, you are receiving qualified assistance, why is it dangerous? that if there is a fracture in the spine and you start to move, it can lead to paralysis.


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