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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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in the russian country, the il-76 was delivered to a special laboratory for examination, the condition is suitable for decoding, here it should be noted that there are two flight recorders: the first box recorded radio traffic, these are negotiations between the crew and the dispatcher and negotiations between the crew members themselves, the second black box recorded, as it were, mechanical indicators, so all this will be deciphered, it is clear that we are not going to let this situation slide, details will follow. now it's news. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. medicine of the highest level, the most advanced technologies and methods of treating cancer are now available to residents of the kaliningrad region. the region's first oncology center will soon open there.
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more than five thousand patients will be able to receive help every day; they will no longer have to fly to other cities. the center was built on the instructions of the president. having completed his working trip the day before, vladimir putin examined it and talked with doctors. konstantin with details. there has never been a separate cancer center in the kaliningrad region. the very idea, as they say here decades, but not a single project was ever implemented. as a result, construction of the oncology center began only after the head of state was asked for help. 2017 vladimir. in kaliningrad he meets with the then acting governor anton alikhanov. there is not a kaliningradsky who would not be grateful to you for the decision that was recently made. we have allocated 350 million rubles from the reserve fund. construction began at the start of this year. and now, after 6.5 years, the work is finally completed. what's a whole city? the quarter, yes, is good and impressive. the excursion for the president is conducted
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by acting chief physician kirill barinov, he is a participant in all stages of the creation of the oncology center. 6 years ago, in this place where we are standing, there was a wasteland, here was a german battery, once upon a time, when a contractor cleared mines, 60 mines of shells were found here, here there was bare ground, this is a challenge, this was a challenge for me , a non-standard project of the kaliningrad oncology center, doctors were directly involved participation in euroza.
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one day, in the new oncology center they will develop nuclear medicine, there is a gamma therapy device, installations for the treatment of skin tumors and so-called brachytherapy, in which a microsource of radioactive radiation is introduced into the lesion, no expense has been spared on the oncology center. 8 billion yes, 80 kopecks with a bone of order or money, that ’s why the object is not simple, the object is complex, complex construction work, because the premises need to be made of a certain quality and for specific speeds, everything you need is there. for accurate diagnosis of oncology, this is the installation of a mammograph, i would like to draw your attention , it is written directly in russian letters, the majority of the staff consists of oncologists from the kaliningrad region, but for the sake of working in the new center , doctors from samara and arkhangelsk have already agreed to move, for example, where specialists in minimally invasive surgery, this is the so-called angiographic operating room, access to the area of ​​the vessel affected by cancer is carried out through a puncture in vienna, the surgeon is guided by a video sequence that...
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a combat veteran participating in a special military operation, regardless of whether they have a contract. the basis for this may be documents about injury or award. another instruction concerns payments to the families of fallen soldiers. they will be transferred within 3 months from the date of application. this period must be fixed by law. two accomplices of ukrainian militants were detained in rostov- nadon. they, as the fsb said, themselves contacted foreign curators and agreed to pass on information about the units, who are participating in a special military operation. afterwards, they received a reward for the collected data. only now both are under arrest under the article of treason, they face long terms of imprisonment, up to life. a heated discussion took place that night in the un security council, discussing our il-76 shot down by zelensky’s terrorists, which was transporting ukrainian prisoners of war. the facts eloquently prove that the attack on the plane was carried out precisely from ukrainian territory, although in kiev they knew very well what kind of plane it was and who was on board? all
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the information was transmitted to ukraine in a timely manner. the day before, this was once again confirmed by the press secretary of our president, dmitry peskov. michal kinchenko with details. footage taken from the air by investigators shows. all the horror of what happened, the plane that exploded after hitting the ground left a scorched bald spot more than a hundred meters long on a snow-covered field, everything around was strewn with debris and fragments of bodies. for poetic reasons, we cannot show everything: without genetic testing , we can identify the majority of the dead impossible. however, from some of the remains, preserved tattoos with symbols of terrorist paramilitary groups of the ukrainian army , it is clear: there were indeed prisoners on board, preliminary data from...
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t german production, that is, the very weapons that western countries are not the first to use have been pumping up the regime that seized power in kiev for a year, all assurances that these weapons will be used exclusively for self-defense have once again turned out to be a lie. perhaps you could explain today what the shooting down of an aircraft carrying its own prisoners of war, within the framework of a pre-agreed procedure stipulated by ihl, is related to self-defense. we also deeply regret that representatives of international organizations, in the spirit of the deepest double standards, bashfully refuse to comment on what happened. however, shame and morality are not about the representatives of western countries who spoke at the meeting; they all hypocritically, as if from a carbon copy, repeated the text, the essence of which boils down to one thought, they say no no certainty that exactly what happened happened. russia claims
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that the plane was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war, and light should be shed on these circumstances. in any case, it is strange to hear that russia is complaining about the fate of ukrainian prisoners of war. we agree with zelensky that it is urgent to establish the facts, while it is too early to draw conclusions. the representative of the kiev regime, who was invited to the meeting, did not lag behind her western curators, and agreed to the point that in ukraine, allegedly they knew nothing about the fact that the prisoners would be taken to the exchange site by plane, and in general there were not passengers on board, but cargo with missiles. according to our military intelligence , only five bodies were delivered to the belogorod morgue and no human remains. cannot be seen in the footage from the crash site. for the blind representatives of the kiev regime and their western leadership, we repeat footage of bodies and a hand with a tattoo of nazi symbols, filmed at the crash site. these are very primitive and cowardly attempts by representatives of the kiev authorities, contrary to obvious facts, to disclaim
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responsibility for this crime. by acting in this way, they have already openly lied , become confused, and are burying themselves in this lie more and more. the representative of our country reminded that the kiev regime. this is not the first time he has killed his prisoners. in july 2022, the ukrainian army attacked the colony in yelenovka, which resulted in the death of more than fifty prisoners. this is not the first time that planes with passengers on board have been shot down. as happened in july 2014, when a ukrainian missile destroyed malaysian boeing. but each time their western sponsors turned a blind eye to everything. the representative of china, one of the few participants in the meeting, recalled the existence of such concepts as humanity and humanitarian law.
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the pilots finally told what, in their opinion , could have caused the disaster, and also commented on the information that a large amount of money could have been carried on board; he was among those meeting. the bandaged legs and wounds from shrapnel of pilot dmitry belikov are immediately taken away by doctors upon arrival in moscow. he was in the snowy mountains of afghanistan for more than a day after the crash of his private falcon plane. on the first night, the pilots could not even get out of the cockpit; they were blocked by debris; speaking about the causes of the disaster, the crew rejects the version of a lack of fuel. according to them, it was an engine failure. technical malfunction. apparently, this is a problem with the fuel, this is the presence of ice, which will allow... the main tanks to be transferred to the consumable tanks, engaged in an emergency
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landing of the aircraft, and determined the most profitable a place where he can be planted, we found such a place, this is a floor mountain, it was at an altitude of 1164 km, along the slope our plane crashed, a private ambulance plane was flying from thailand to moscow, the plane was carrying a russian woman who needed help, a woman and her husband died as a result of the crash. two pilots and two doctors survived, but if we hadn’t seen the village below on approach, we could have simply frozen in the mountains, we actually landed the plane, we didn’t fall, we landed on the peak of the mountain, we spent one and a half hundred frost, of course, we were there, well, it got to the point that we even had to burn our shoelaces, warm ourselves up, we held out the night, then, of course, the afghan brothers came for us, they took us out from a height of 400 m in deep snow, and that’s how we fell through, that’s it we walked and walked, until about 5 o’clock we... to the village, when morning came, when we realized, in principle , that we had spent the night, in the morning we waited,
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waited for 3-4 hours until it flew in, something would happen visible, audible, and after we prepared it, because the pilots were locked in the cockpit, we were able to knock them out only in the late afternoon, that’s when they prepared a place so that when we get them, having already climbed the slope, igor saw another slope, and having climbed that slope below, he saw a village, and, accordingly, seeing traces of people, he followed them. nurse igor syvorodkin was sent for help; the first rescue squad was formed spontaneously from local village residents. first with gestures, then a man came out who spoke very little english, we had already agreed with him , they gave me a satellite phone, from which i called our administrators and told situation. after the crash , information appeared in the afghan media that the plane was carrying more than a million dollars in cash and that local residents allegedly embezzled this money. none of... in any case, we
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refueled in india and, as far as i know, this money was not declared in any way in india, so i honestly did not see anything like that. regarding the million dollars, i can’t say who had it, but i honestly know that if i had it, a million dollars would have been enough for me, i would not have participated in the sanitary evacuations and would have left. on pension, because the work there is still risky, well, i can imagine how our relatives felt, the relatives who there for 24 hours thought that we were dead, i already prayed, i think, even if he crashed, at least he saved four lives , the final causes of what happened will be determined by the investigation; the wreckage, routes and all information about the company providing private sanitary transportation services are now being studied. pyotr deryagin, andrey melikhov, sergey parkofyev, channel one. film premiere at the grand exhibition russia, film commander about the legendary creator of the
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alpha special forces. in the seventies, gennady zaitsev led the first anti- terrorist detachment in the ussr. he carried out many operations with his fighters and freed children taken hostage. the hero of the soviet union became the guest of honor at the premiere. the film has been in theaters since february 22. maria saushkina attended the screening. will your dad be back soon? everyone will be back soon. with victory. from a remote ural village, who grew up in a large family without a father, at 14 he goes to a factory, then serves in the kremlin the genozaytsev regiment makes its way on its own. he, still a very young officer, is entrusted with the creation of the alpha group, in the future the legendary kgb special forces. zaitsev's first task is to lead the release of a bus with hostages seized by terrorists. 32 children, a teacher and a driver are captured. shut up. from this second you are all hostages, the action film has almost documentary
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authenticity, is dedicated to the exploits of major general gennady zaitsev, he is present at a closed screening in the cinema , young guys do not allow passage to the hero soviet union, everyone wants to take a selfie with the legendary ninety-year-old special forces soldier. the film is wonderful, i’ll tell you straight, the cast plays wonderfully, it was also chosen, i’m looking at kirill zaitsev. frankly speaking, i even find similarities between myself and him, or between him and me. the role of the hero gennady zaitsev is played by his namesake kiril zaitsev. naturally, i was interested in the script itself and its potential. all of this story, because cinema in general is looking for stories, then, when we met gennady nikolaevich, naturally everything questions disappeared, the leader of alpha in his youth is played by nikita bureev, before filming he tried to feel all the hardships of that time. at that moment i talked to my grandmother, she -


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