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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 26, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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this second you are all hostages. the action film has almost documentary authenticity and is dedicated to the exploits of major general gennady zaitsev. he is present at a closed screening in a cinema; young guys do not allow passage to the hero of the soviet union, everyone wants to take a selfie with the legendary ninety-year-old special forces soldier. the film is wonderful, i ’ll tell you straight away, the acting team performed wonderfully, they were also similar. i’m looking at kirill zaitsev, i’m speaking frankly. i even find myself similar to him or him to me. he plays the role of the hero gennady zaitsev namesake kirill zaitsev. naturally, i was interested in the script itself, in all the potential of this whole story. because cinema is generally looking for stories. then, when we met gennady nikolaevich, naturally, all the questions disappeared. the leader of alpha in his youth is played by nikita bureev. before filming, he tried to feel all the hardships of that time. in this moment.
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i looked all tensed up with such attention, the people sitting next to me must have noticed how i kept wiping my eyes in such, such different ways, this speaks about the quality of the picture, it means it i was wounded here, we are proud of our film production, and here we are very proud of the great man gennady nikolaevich, who, by his example, shows today all the youth of our country how to behave, like hares in 1988...
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freed hostages, convinced terrorists to go to israel, with which the ussr had no relations at that time, agreed to extradite the criminals back to moscow, see in the film commander maria saushkina, ekaterina ovsyakova, andrei podgornov, andrei shpakov, and ruslan bashko, channel one. and that's it for now that's it, we are following the development of events, and the information channel is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues its work, good day everyone, congratulations on the end of the working week on air, our project, our format, time to remember in the studio anatoly kuzichev, this is a live broadcast. most recently , january 21st took place, it was the centenary of the death of vladimirovich lenin, the leader of the world proletariat, but most importantly, our russian revolution. and no matter what anyone says, the figure of lenin is, of course, an iconic figure, he is, of course, the person who, i repeat the announcement of the first channel.
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there are as many as three noticeable newspapers , which means that one publication libero, that means, attacked the publication with furious criticism, considering that the publication was too, so to speak, complimentary, they say it’s not good, it’s not in order, it got from the same newspaper and unito, remember, there is such newspaper of the italian communists, for the sickle and young, but they praised the title of the article, the title of the article was genius, here in the capital from the day of death a genius or a virgin, well done people say that
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statehood, what is ukrainian statehood is when the historical russian lands of donbass, kharkov and novorosiya were simply transferred under a newly created, so to speak, republic. let us note that then , more than 100 years ago, donbass desperately resisted this, so to speak, inclusion of this fact, but the rfsr still could not remain part of the big one, remain part of russia. let's look at the story on this topic. in the summer of 1917, the central rada proclaimed the autonomy of ukraine within russia and almost immediately a dispute arose about southeastern territories. this entire region, both industrially, geographically and in everyday life, seems completely different from kiev. this entire region has its own completely independent, paramount importance for russia, lives an independent life, such artificial subordination will only complicate the entire life of the region, especially since this subordination
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is not dictated by issues of expediency and state requirements, but exclusively by the national claims of the leaders of the ukrainian movement. soviet. historiography explained the inclusion of the industrially developed territories of donbass and krivoy rog into the ukrainian ussr by the desire to increase the share of the working class in the population, but extremely far from the ideas of ukraine, donbass did not agree with this and began attempts to stand out as a separate region. the autonomous movement in the region began to quickly gain strength, despite the sharp rejection of this fact by moscow. vladimir ilyich lenin himself repeatedly pointed out that the newly created ukraine should be united. perseverance. several comrades from donetsk swimming pool seems like an inexplicable harmful whim, completely unacceptable in our party environment. but, despite the leader’s dissatisfaction, on february 12, 1918, the donetsk-krivoy rog republic was nevertheless proclaimed, with special emphasis placed
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on the fact that it was part of russia. the revolutionary fyodor sergeev, better known as comrade artyom, became the head of the kriv donbass, and kharkov was chosen as the capital of the new republic. this is the appearance. autonomy within soviet russia, lenin, on the one hand, perceived it as extremely negatively, he was confident that republics should be formed solely on national grounds; he considered such divisions to be a manifestation of imperialist economism. on the other hand, moscow was not averse to expanding the most powerful industrial regions; at the next congress of councils, the decision to include donbass into the rsfsr was nevertheless made, although, as it turned out, only for a month. less than two days later, i was summoned to see comrade lenin. you and i made a mistake, somehow guiltily and jokingly, ilic greeted me. the ukrainians arrived, shouting that they have us the last workers were stolen and they were left with only the men. let’s decide why we should offend them,” ilic remarked. after this , the future of kriv donbass was determined quite quickly, and
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the general world situation played an important role here. almost a few days after the creation of the donetsk republic, ukraine concluded the brest-litovsk peace treaty with the central powers, germany, austria-hungary. according to this treaty, ukraine dera came out of the first world war and received military assistance for the liberation its territory from the troops of soviet russia. by default, the onr included the southeast. enemy troops launched an attack on donbass. the leadership of the republic tried to resolve the conflict through negotiations, but vladimir lenin, once again convinced of his rightness, put an end to this story. as for the donetsk republic, tell your comrades that no matter how... they managed to carve out their own region from ukraine, judging by venichenko’s geography, it will still be included in ukraine, and the germans will conquer it, in view of this it is completely absurd to on the part of the donetsk republic to abandon the defense front united with the rest of ukraine. on march 19, 1918, just a month
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after its formation, the all-russian congress of soviets decided the fate of kriv donbass, finally defining it as part of the ukrainian soviet republic. that almost 87% of ethnic russians then lived in the southeast of the country, they chose not to notice. lenin's further utopianism led to the beginning of a large-scale policy of intensive ukrainization in the ukrainian ssr. the national issue was put under special control here. in a relationship employees and workers in institutions who maliciously avoid learning the ukrainian language will be fully applied the decree on ukrainization, which provides for the dismissal of these workers without payment.
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both in our textbooks and in the ukrainian ones, because they are in my editorial office, the most important thing is missing there, this is a separate agreement, which is simply stated, which was concluded in january of the eighteenth year by the central rada and the germans, and the germans believe that ukraine was created they, because one of the paragraphs of this agreement was concluded the fact is that when the boreslit peace treaty was signed on march 3, 1818, one of the conditions was that russia should recognize ukraine, so to speak?
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rutabaga year, you had nothing to eat, we give you food, because you had as much food as you wanted, and you give us troops, because on the territory of novorussia there were three state formations, these are the krivoy rog republic, the tovrian republic and the most wonderful, of course, is the odessa people's republic. who realized that something strange was happening there, that’s why they proclaimed themselves, they, no , the trick is very simple, they proclaimed themselves as part of the petrograd council of people ’s deputies, this actually happened, but it didn’t help them, because the germans came with this very thing, with the rada, everything else, and they flooded it all , it’s interesting, today’s modern germans remember the formula that it was we who created ukraine, there was no such thing before, that is, maybe this explains it, but partly in some sense no, well, you never know, you never know, but why? you know, during that period of the collapse of the empire, when in
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in general, in fact, everything was already disunited , some new national elites appeared with their own interests, it was necessary to collect these lands, i think this was lenin’s position regarding ukraine, it was connected with the fact that not to fight for it, but to embrace to strangle this ukraine, from here, i think, most likely the ideas of ukrainization and all that other stuff came about, that is, to provide. people of the world, and there, in general, as they say now, this is the heart of russia, yes, there is
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the industrial heart of russia, there are special people there, they have a special way of life, for example, me a person who has lived there all his life, i understand how different we are, relatively speaking, from the inhabitants of western ukraine, why, because, well, there are many, so to speak, reasons, but if we take that period of time, why was this one born in the first place? the idea of ​​annexing these territories, there was an idea , it was that on that territory... the consequences, and i don’t know what the consequences would have been, if the soviet union had been created on the terms of autonomy, yes
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, perhaps more would have to be shed more blood, i, for example, i don’t presume to judge how it would be everything actually happened if we had nevertheless encountered these problems, but a little in others, well, in general, everything is right to try to understand, so to speak, in those realities, and not from ours, so to speak, not from ours current point of view, this is the first , second here again, yes, what alexandrovich said, which is very important, exactly, friends, and i said this the other day... in the stream of the popular front i will repeat it today , you know what’s the matter, let’s not forget that the months are like ours in a year, remember, january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, before october it was february. before the october revolution there was a february revolution and of course the beginning of the destruction was made there in february, so what did the bolsheviks do there? well, maybe so, please , unfortunately, we have completely lost such a concept as class consciousness and class
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instinct, we have lost, no, i just haven’t lost it, but you haven’t lost it, here...
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those who signed the union treaty, on the other hand sides, he needed to break down to the ground and then build a new one statehood, uh-huh, this new statehood was based on the dictatorship of the communist party, and accordingly, if ukraine had been left alone, as it was... initially assumed under the brest -litovsk peace treaty, then most likely it would either have remained a satellite of germany, or would have separated out much earlier out of the composition and there would be no soviet union, accordingly, it would be necessary to bring the bolsheviks to power in ukraine, and why would there not be, and there is not, a soviet union without ukraine? well, suffice
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it to recall that skoropatsky’s power in basically fell after the germans left, of course. the move of the germans was connected with their revolution, the fall of kaser and so on. so, that means what happened? it was necessary to bring the communist party to power in all republics. yes. the local communist party was mainly national. hence the quote about whim. and the fact that they should not be offended. yes. because otherwise it could lead to disintegration.
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regarding the statehood of ukraine , such combinations often sound funny, but here we go look, and the formula is often heard that it was lenin who gave statehood to ukraine,
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well, here you go, here’s a quote from vladimirovich lenin, more than 100 years ago. please, whether, for example , ukraine is destined to form an independent state, this depends on a thousand factors unknown in advance, and without trying to guess in vain, we firmly stand on the fact that undoubtedly, ukraine has the right to such a state, we respect this right, we do not support privileges great russian over the ukrainians, we educate the masses in the spirit recognition of this right in the spirit of denial of state privileges of any nation is bullshit. there is a wonderful quote from him that now we have taken power, and i will now explain, and we must now make the most oppressive oppressed nation, that is, the great russian, the most oppressed.
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after they destroyed everything, they need to be separated from creation, because they are simply not capable of creating, lenin’s attempt, i recognize his intellectual potential, his passionarity and so on, but nevertheless his attempt to create, it led to a very from a serious historical perspective , the consequences that are being discussed and discussed to this day, mr. sytin’s class approach led to the birth of a nationalist simulacrum, because there is no difference between...
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was called a german spy, it turns out that the snake bit its tail, in fact, well this is a conspiracy theory, it’s okay, in fact, returning to this situation
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that we are now describing, it is very important to understand that the birth trauma that ukrainians experienced when trying to form its own state, it had a very strong impact on psychology, which , again, like... the people, we will have to deal with this tragedy in the next, i don’t know, 20-30 years, we’ll sort it out, but you know what else it is time to remember our format, let’s talk about
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history, about historical foundations, and what other foundations do anything have, only historical ones, it just so happened, the other day zelensky just signed some kind of amazing exotic decree about there some of our regions, but not some, and specifically our regions, and there it was there, well, let’s not quote it... this is madness, this nonsense, well, there were, like , historical foundations, some historically populated lands, uninhabited there by ukrainians, so in general there there is something to talk about, in fact, what is the meaning of this decree, there is some kind of rational meaning there, what is the political expediency, as he believes, but this is a different question, in this case, here again we are interested in the word historical foundations , the earth is historically populated, okay, let's talk about the historical foundations , that means - the 1917 population census in kiev , let's look at the census results, well, if we are talking about the historical foundations, come on, we're ready, guys, what's there, let's talk, so, the historical
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foundations, the kiev census of 1917 years, so, historical reasons, who we have and how many lived in kiev, 467,991 residents, okay, of which 231,379 are russians,
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uh, about everything that happened in general, we remembered there, i don’t know this one, you know, when at twenty-two year in december of the twenty -second year on december 30 of the twenty-second year, that is , a year, one day before the new year, a state called the ussr was created, in fact, until november of the same twenty-second year the state was called completely differently, it there were documents, decisions of the central committee and everything else, the state was called ssre. union of europe and asia. the thing is that with trotsky, we forget trotsky’s last name, you see, many things that trotsky did are attributed to lenin, just as now, what gorbachev did is attributed yeltsin, you know, this is the confusion in his head, it’s very terrible. the thing is that the ussr is such, you know, such a cunning, such a compromise solution, a name, because there were two options, stalin’s option,
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which said that...
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history of ukraine and published in kiev in 2019, it begins with a very white book, a luxurious publication, it begins with the phrase, the most ancient nation on earth, it is 5000 years old, and the sumerians, whom
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you are talking about, and the ancient jews, all of them. years, well, the historical foundations are quite obvious, but everyone is not crazy, everything is clear , nevertheless, somehow, somehow these people became infected with some amazing virus, suddenly everything turned upside down, it’s very simple , in fact, in fact, this very much overlaps with what is happening now , dictatorship of a minority, and the proletarian revolution gave... a chance for smaller socio-professional groups to take power, remember, a cook can rule the state and so on, so the ukrainians understood, here is this chance, well, i don’t know, it was clearly stated in the summary , came ukrainians demanded, cried, begged, tears wrapped around their fists, and the hysterical lenin simply said, well, enough, i just want to say that isn’t there a paradox in this, it doesn’t work out, no, i have a paradox in the fact that now we make them ukrainians, of course
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, nothing changes, even in the modern world, now we are talking about the west’s desire to destroy russia, that’s what you think, even if the task is to destroy russia, will they finance only one party or will they finance everyone , then time, probably, i don’t rule it out , they probably financed all political projects, parties and in general everyone who could take part in the collapse of the russian empire, but it wasn’t really lenin who destroyed the empire, it collapsed in february, not in october
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, no, well, now, we are now... and do you understand what i ’m talking about with peredon pavlovich, we can reunite and become again like we were once a single people and feel like one, ledin had an idea for reunification, he could propose an idea for reunification he had his own understanding of
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good and evil of justice, but he laid it out and said: we see it like this, this suits you, let’s sit down and talk by the way regarding the equality of the rights of the peoples of the republics there with the right of peoples to self-determination, this is also so well... formula for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. marriage is heading to leningrad, and you
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are looking for excuses. this is the siren that sounded on the air. i’ll shoot you, we endured everything, we believed that the war would end soon, breaking the blockade was not just a military operation, no, this is our duty to leningrad, tomorrow on the first,
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mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor group. today is our family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents, that’s it, we’re relaxing, i started acting when i was seven years old, honestly, i don’t help her, she’s really on her own, this is definitely perfect, in general, at first she stood in a line, sang like everyone else, i say, you can put her near the microphone, we thought that we had a super brilliant child.
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this is my jewel, these are the first medals, which arthur dedicated specifically to his mother. thanks to our parents for their contribution to the development of us all. tomorrow, after the program time. stirsman bourbon is a product of stellor group. to the seventieth birthday of leonid yarmolnik.
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he is very light, and the contrast of his lightness is his devotion to friendship. i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together. premiere of the documentary. on sunday at the first, he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life, i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan the terrible , vladimirovich’s greatest merit, he saved this inheritance, lenin wanted to allow the lease of our country, for example, to lease a chat to the americans, moreover, he further developed it.
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german from monday after the program time. we continue to work live. the popular front stream receives calls from russians and answers their questions. this time one of the spectators was also interested in what we are all, of course, interested in, the possibility of new systems appearing in ukraine air defense. let's hear what our experts answered? we regularly strike targets of the kiev regime, and the svu is already announcing that they have new air defenses ready. what kind of weapon is this? it can really get in the way. attacks, it seems to me that they are still trying
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to present all this to the world in a more illusory way, and under the impression that it will still be a system, because indeed, as practice shows, experience, yes, and what we see even from to the media most of the air defense systems that they delivered, it’s already been destroyed anyway, and if they manage to close some objects, then it’s still only a matter of time, so of course they can hope for anything, believe in... a miracle, but they have a miracle will not happen, so this new system will not save them in any way. well, good, even more news and various kinds of thoughts, look at the telegram channel of the popular front stream. but here’s an interesting story: today it became known that the united states has declassified a new batch, a portion of documents about bill clinton’s meeting with boris elson in 1994, it turns out, then in the early nineties america was in favor, well, if you believe it.
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partnership between russia and the united states, and elson said , it’s also a little hard to believe now, but nevertheless he spoke about the possibility of joining, no, not just the possibility, the need for russia to join the north atlantic alliance. in his interview with ekaterina strizhenova, former cia analyst, us state department counterterrorism officer larry johnson. please watch immediately after the news release, and after this interview we will discuss all aspects of what they will say, what they will talk about, in this studio we will discuss the news, this is news on the first, hello, in valery korablev's studio, urgent at the beginning news from the ministry of defense, a statement by sergei shaigu on the single day of the reception.
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many enterprises have commissioned new workshops, lines, and areas equipped with high-tech equipment. height production intensity required involvement.
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among the latest improvements that the designers introduced based on the results of the svo are protective-remote machine gun installations. the special operation showed that it was necessary to increase security; all last year new elements were added to the turret and hull of the tank. as for protection, for example,
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a dynamic protection system is installed along the entire perimeter of the t-90m breakthrough tank, here it is, these plates with explosives inside, that is, how does it work? when a projectile hits, it happens. explosion, which either repels or destroys the projectile completely, and thereby protects the crew, but that’s not all, soon combat vehicles will be equipped with additional protection against drones. the specific complexes that are most suitable for the conditions have been identified, we have tested them, and in the near future, literally one of these days, they will be introduced on an industrial scale. what will it be? a special complex will be installed on each tank, this is an electronic warfare system that will create... an invisible dome that will protect the tank from fpv drones, they simply won’t will be able to fly up and break through this dome. troops and new and modernized tanks are supplied under state defense orders. today is the first acceptance day. military and modern mstaes howitzers are accepted. this self-propelled gun has long proven itself
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with its range, rate of fire, and deployment time; a minute after the march, you can already fire. now it has also been slightly modified. a modernized version of alligators, now they have become even more convenient and longer-range thanks to the ability to install new ones rockets. you can maintain a greater distance. so that after the launch the crew spends less time on the combat course, hits the target and immediately departs, in my opinion, to my liking, the best helicopter, to join the ranks of air transport workers, the military accepted the heavyweights of the modernized version of
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the il-76 md, the new aircraft has more powerful engines , which means it can transport more and further. now we can operate the aircraft in different conditions, from high, low temperatures, also to positive temperatures, and we can safely produce launch in the conditions of the far north, according to the state defense order, many other different equipment were accepted today, all for the defense of our country. andrey golderev, maxim trubnikov, evgeny kuznetsov, kirill danilov, dmitry olin and alexey ivanov, channel one. advanced technologies, top-class specialists in kaliningrad will soon accept patients. an ultra-modern medical complex, which has everything for the treatment and early diagnosis of cancer, was built on behalf of the president in the region, the first such center, and this is essentially the whole block. how does everything work there? vladimir putin, who had visited the kaliningrad region the day before on a working trip, examined the area and personally spoke with doctors. report by konstantin
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panishkin. there has never been a separate cancer center in the kaliningrad region. the idea itself, as they say here, has been around for decades, but not a single project has ever been implemented. as a result. construction of the oncology center began only after the head of state was asked for help. 2017 vladimir putin meets in kaliningrad with the then acting governor anton alikhanov. there is not a kaliningradsky who would not be grateful to you for the decision that was recently made. we have identified 350 million rubles from the reserve fund. at the start of construction, they started this year. and now, after 6.5 years of work at...
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one of two accelerators for radiation therapy, which, by the way, is domestic. this particular accelerator is produced in the city of dubna. this installation alone is capable of providing beam radiation if necessary. treating hundreds of patients in one day. this entire radioteric complex will cover all your civilian needs. we hope that it will come to us. to develop nuclear medicine, there is a gamma therapy device
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, installations for the treatment of skin tumors and the so-called brachytherapy, in which a microsource of radioactive radiation is introduced into the hearth, they did not spare money for the oncology center, 8 billion, and 80 kopecks is about the same amount of money, that’s why the object is not simple, the object is complex, complex construction work, because the room needs to be built of a certain quality and... there is everything you need for an accurate diagnosis of oncology, this is a mammography unit, i draw your attention, it is written directly in russian letters. the complex is produced in the moscow region, but in the center there is enough imported equipment. they managed to deliver everything to us before any problems with delivery arose. the purchased ufe kote ct machines do not allow them to come close to the mri installation; the metal is instantly attracted by its powerful magnets. how many doctors are there? in the center there are 150. the majority of the staff are oncologists from the kaliningrad region region, but for the sake of working in the new center they already agreed to move doctors from samara and
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arkhangelsk. and here, for example, is where specialists in minimally invasive surgery will have to work. this is the so-called angiographic operating room. access to the cancer-affected area of ​​the vessel is carried out through a puncture in vienna, and the surgeon is guided by a video sequence that transmits an x-ray in real time. if a catheter is brought to the tumor vessel and through.
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andrey morozov, ekaterina yaravenko, dmitry shgenti, pervokanal kaliningrad. specialists the military laboratory began working with the black boxes of the downed ukrainian armed forces il-76, which had ukrainian prisoners on board. recorders delivered. moscow for decryption, but earlier the investigative committee published footage from the scene of the plane crash, as reported by the tas agency, tattoos were found on fragments of the bodies of the victims, which were previously seen on militants of the ukrainian national battles. the fact that kiev was promptly provided with all the necessary information about the delivery of prisoners was once again confirmed the day before by dmitry peskov. today, the press secretary of the russian president noted that the kremlin is not satisfied with the results of the un council meeting, it was dedicated to the crash, so far from western countries.
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the dsu was carried out using an anti-aircraft missile system. the missiles were launched from the village of liptsy, kharkov region. there are many indications that these could be either the american petriat or the german-made iriste. the election commission center verifies signatures submitted for a presidential candidate. this is a painstaking process in which people are also involved, artificial intelligence. they use neural networks to speed up the process and eliminate any errors. only the voter himself can put it under. there are clear criteria in which case it can be declared invalid. details from anatoly lazarev. folder number 12, one of
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many that the random number generator selected for detailed signature verification. signature sheets in support of the nomination, putin just did it, 315. 60 thousand of them and are being checked using a special technical complex. the central election commission has such experience, but specifically in presidential elections. elections this system is working for the first time. this allows our experts to speed up the work on documents in 10.
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information down to the nuances such as filling in a pencil or collecting signatures together where this is prohibited. the digitized voter data is compared with the data contained in the voter register at the central election commission and members of the working group first of all pay attention to whether such voters really exist, whether this data belongs to the deceased, and whether the voters have reached the age of 18. also we pay very close attention to the persons collecting signatures, that is, the collectors, and we also check them.
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and located in the signature sheets among themselves, establishing the fact that several entries from imenet voters were made by one person. the decision to invalidate signatures is ultimately made by the election commission, analyzing the shortcomings that the automated system has identified. anatoly lazarev, isis gurban verdeev, channel one. provoking conflicts and chaos in different parts of the planet, the collective the west seeks to undermine the development of its competitors. the politician officially stated this in an interview with a serbian publication. representative of our foreign ministry maria zakharova, she recalled that the international order should be based on the principle of equality of states and balance of interests, but the united states and europe have long been accustomed to solving their own problems at the expense of the security of others. the emergence of the threat of world war iii, the use of nuclear weapons, is associated primarily with the west’s attempts at any cost to reverse the objective tendency towards the loss of its former
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global dominance. in this context. the greatest danger is posed by the conflict in ukraine created by the united states and nato, in which they are constantly raising the stakes and trying to balance on the brink of a direct military clash with russia. the countries of the north atlantic bloc are literally walking on the edge, believing that in any case they will be able to control the escalation. such arrogance is nothing more than an illusion, which is fraught, without exaggeration, with catastrophic consequences. that's all for now, we're following developments, live right now the program is about time. the cia has become an ineffective organization because they are so politicized, i mean, they think it's their mission to tell the president what to listen to, instead of doing their job and reporting back to the president about the reality of the situation, which is not the case. whatever he wants to hear, and the cia becomes a political organization, in this form it is terribly
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ineffective. the republic of adeghe is one of the smallest regions of russia, only half a million people live in it, but despite this, it is a republic with a huge heart. moscow is the capital of russia, famous for its stop towers. we also have an ancient city. yelets, hospitable beyond donsk, and in general a lot of tasty and interesting things. friends, if you have not been to the baltic sea, correct that immediately. the kaliningrad region is the amber pearl of our country. in general, we have a wonderful country, which i am proud of, proud that i grew up, was born and live in it. be always as beautiful, multifaceted and majestic. thank you.
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сnop gin is a product of steller group. air picture six air battles that needed to be filmed on the pavilion so that they were as realistic as possible, we used all sorts of ways to create special effects, for example, the screen is the size of a four-story building with four entrances, as it turned out, there were no planes of that time, and there was nothing left except how to build them.
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of course it was a dream, they invited me to audition , then they didn’t call, i thought, probably not, and so i thought with despair, well, there was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not, look how the buildings are flying, it means it’s not all in vain,
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this technology is completely unique, which we tested, alexey german , i can say, is a pioneer in this matter, my hero makes five rotations, a barrel, a person who has claustrophobia, and you are there, impossible, yes, and you are like this times when alexey asked how long he could stand it? i understand that the girls were spinning , it was difficult for them, i think, no matter what you say , we haven’t had anything like this before, of course, podcast lab, today at the first one, for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky, in russia it’s covered in pure gold, we only hope for strong hands, for the hands of a friend and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are.
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live, we didn’t have time, did n’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time to look back, but my son, they’re going into battle, the premiere, their own track, tomorrow on the first day, if i lived in shanghai, i’d probably feel like a heroine of some reality shows, cameras make our life comfortable, we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street, the material, the perfect seams, this is the original, why is it cheaper? but you are not on their champs elysees when you buy, the locals love to show off and wear branded items, even if they are fake. if you are
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a minute late with delivery, then you will have some problems or yes, that’s how it is, so the guys sometimes beg customers to forgive them, sometimes even falling to their knees. are you a unique man, a manicurist? there are many of us here. do you like going to a man for a manicure? i love it, i advise everyone, here this phrase “ice cream gives flowers to children” does not work, because ice cream is a summary, for us it’s a bestseller, it’s a deception all around, it’s just ice cream with lemon, the lives of others, the premiere, on sunday on the first, look carefully, recognize him, grandfather, in the center, we are a coward, money and gold do not interest me, today you are...
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fighting terrorism. after public service, johnson went into private business, becoming co-owner and ceo of a company that investigated financial crimes. in addition, johnson collaborated with the us military command and developed scenarios for counter- terrorism exercises. we must take threats seriously. there is no doubt about it. bin laden believes in what he says. in the past , some have claimed bin laden and al qaeda.
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to cocktail parties and recruit soviet agents there. the people who are attacking us are a small religious group, they don't hang out at cocktail parties. it is common to think theoretically, but when it comes to making difficult decisions, we shy away. but johnson's popularity, both in government circles and in the media, began to wane. after he changed his mind about politics president bush.
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important factor. russia must understand how weak the united states has become in industrial production compared to the first and second world wars. the west is gradually beginning to understand that russia is an industrial giant. vladimir putin’s clearly stated goals in relation to the northern military district are the demilitarization and denazification of ukraine. this is what is happening now, and it has led to amazing results. i don't think russia expected them to essentially demilitarize nato. this is exactly what is happening now, fact the fact that the entire nato group, the entire coalition, cannot produce artillery shells, tanks that russia alone can produce, they cannot even catch up in volume and pace. many media write that the west is now disappointed in zelensky. the ukrainian president is accused of buying a huge pitchfork in florida. information appeared on social networks that zelensky bought it.
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zelensky applied for citizenship did ukrainian president vladimir apply to the united states after purchasing a pitchfork worth several million euros in florida, in the post american activist lorenwicki says that zelensky is considering fleeing ukraine after buying a house in florida. i live in florida and two weeks ago there was a news report that the us released this. zelensky's citizenship certificate, and supposedly he has a house in tampa, which is not far from me, on the other side of the atlantic coast. this is probably another indicator that his time as president is coming to an end. i don't know if he will survive physically, but if he does, he will most likely be forced to flee, but the question of his ability to survive is also very acute, because if you are a friend of the united states, this does not guarantee you that you will have a long life. when he came to power, he declared
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that he wanted peace. i'm ready for anything, i'm definitely not afraid to make difficult decisions, i'm ready to lose my popularity. the fact is that the usa and great britain, in general , nato, they all want a confrontation with russia, in other words, their goal is to exhaust russia, take away its resources. zelensky was simply a tool, he received promises, assurances, that the us will be with them as long as possible. you can be sure that
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we will not refuse assistance to ukraine. estonia has decided to provide long-term support to ukraine. this rhetoric changed for a long time , they said that we will support him as long as possible, one of the companies is black rock, which constantly flashed, and black rock negotiated with the ukrainians regarding control of a large part of ukraine. incredibly,
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the conflict in ukraine opens one of the most profitable business opportunities recently, despite all the deaths, losses and financial damage. creating a fund together with black rock for the restoration of ukraine. now that the contract has been signed, black rock said it could cost between $7 billion and $800 billion to rebuild the country. tim scott, speaking at the debate, said: don’t worry, this is not a gift to ukraine, it’s a loan. ukraine will have to put all its state assets up for sale to transnational corporations, including all their agricultural lands. the struggle for these has been going on for thousands of years.
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the soviet union was no more, and the us government had to do something further to justify spending hundreds of billions of dollars to support the defense industry. in other words, they needed to find the enemy. and i remember very well that in 2001, even before... 9/11, how george w. bush, jr. and vice president dick cheney and donald ruld were very focused on the need to build air defense, a powerful missile defense system, this was their main goal and what captured them, it was no surprise then
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that in 2002 the united states withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty. i remember this time, president putin protested and said: “what are you doing, why?” but then he said: “okay if.” like india, china, south africa, brazil, and that you can work with other countries, such good news is that there may be a time when we look to the future without...
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effective work to destroy these groups. the united states did actively finance nikita khrushchev, the soviet union carried out a bandera of rebels in ukraine and supported various insurgents. and during the reign , everyone remembers the competition during the cold war era, when the soviet union and the united states were perceived as competitors and competed in different parts of the world. but soviet.
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when european empires spread their influence around the world, and the united states took up this role. and us control is coming to an end. we are on the threshold of a new world, a world without a single hegemon that controls everything, and i like this definition of multipolarity. to me i like the word multisovereign, that is, there is not one sovereign, there is not one divine king. this is the end of the financial political system that was designed for control, and i think we are on the cusp of what will happen.
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we have so much in common and good between the us and russia that we need to focus on that and develop something new instead of what we are currently facing. this is a terrible war that is now unfolding in ukraine in gaza in palestine. we need to find a way out of this because we can't afford the risk. releasing nuclei.
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listen, yes, great interview, katya , thank you very much, we are back in the studio , time will tell, well, the most popular there, i think, if you conduct such an analysis of the interview, according to, of course, the most popular word is the word support, we will continue to support ukraine , we still won’t refuse to support ukraine, the estonian even spoke unhappily, saying, we will support ukraine with some
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parts of our gdp, support, if you think about it, why, and for what? and then it all happens again and so on, it doesn’t work out. just the other day, well, tonight, actually not the other day, the united states declassified a batch of new documents that related to bill clinton’s trip to russia, or rather related to ukraine in 1994. very interesting. and here is the transcript of the dinner of the leaders of the two countries in novoogoryovo on january 14, 1994 . at it, boris yeltsin made it completely unreasonable to understand to his american
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colleague that russia is ready, wants, hopes, to join nato. look, we certainly agree with you regarding nato, russia should be the first country to join nato, followed by other states from central and eastern europe. i propose a kind of cartel of the us, russia and europe that will help ensure and improve global security. here - i imagine bill clinton making a cross in his pocket like this, saying: of course, of course, of course, definitely, yes, yeah. for sure. well, on the other hand, on the other hand, here are the nineties, the mid -nineties, complete enchantment with each other, russia, charming, wonderful, which means wonderful, loser, everything is as it should be, why not really join nato and generally tie yourself up and fasten yourself, so to speak, no, no, as they call it, with handcuffs, from which you throw the key into
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the atlantic ocean, the answer is very simple, very the simple answer is that it was already in 1995 , that is, a year after. in principle, bill clinton admitted that the united states, the goal of the united states was not to enter into a full partnership with russia, or even a subordinate partnership, but a banal robbery, that is, the goal was to put russia behind bars there was no table where everyone ate, the so-called developed western countries, the goal was for her to serve, bring food from her
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own supplies and feed all these brothers, that’s all, yes, it’s clear. i wanted to remember one vulgar joke, but i won’t , limit it to only the second part, so to speak , of this expression, promising does not mean getting married, but of course, you need to promise a lot in anticipation of, so to speak, something that you need from, yes , well, look, i regard this as, in fact, yeltsin proposed americans abandon the principle of divide and rule, they just thought, say, why, well, this is what the strategic partnership between europe and the united states is based on.
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europe is safe from an external enemy. let's make a theoretical assumption. we are all , relatively speaking, allies, we do not have an external enemy, which means we will have more internal contradictions, but why is this necessary, it is better to have an external enemy, that’s right, and control already established territories that you understand, which are ready to be under your control, yes v fear that there is an external enemy nearby, and thanks to this you kind of build your entire political model, you earn billions from this, today, look, trump has been gone for many years, right? he has already left, yes, now he is trying to come a second time, trumpism is working, i mean , what i mean in europe is getting louder and louder, well, yes, we should probably
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allocate more funds for defense, and trump, what, in fact, he demanded from europe, he came and said, to hell with your nato it is necessary, if we finance all this ourselves, allocate a financial resource of 4% of your gdp, please, unfasten it, and he said so, at least two, well, at least two, but in general the goal is worth four.
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we - a lot of things, we believed, yes , we did all this out of love, and did it, and then it happened, then we were deceived, we became more cynical, we became more pragmatic, yes, we became angrier, somewhere in the good sense of the word , but we will never forgive this, this tender love of ours for the west, which was spat upon, western actors now who say that you don’t love us so much, he says, it’s even surprising, even surprising, well, i actually tried.
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security partnership with the united states, as he sings, speeches from the candy-bouquet period, just like that, thank you for this, in fact, this is a very appropriate image, and speeches from the candy-bouquet period, then it means you
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get everything you need necessary, if you, of course, are a vile cynic and fuck off, so to speak, there is one, there is one point, of course, i won’t argue, it’s probably speaks sincerely in relation to the desire to unite, no, a second, yes, listen, in relation to the desire to unite europe, probably yes? but there is one small nuance: in this europe there will be no russia as a subject, perhaps some separate territories after the collapse of the union will unite europe, maybe this would suit them in principle, but the issue of uniting europe with russia is an absolutely unrealizable idea, and i think that this is definitely not in the interests of the united states of america. from the perspective of the united states of america, and not technically paid attention, how... this artificial opposition has entered our life tightly: russia and europe, as if we are different, something, we live on the same continent, most of
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europe is the european part of russia, but stubbornly in all means mass media, in all scientific treatises, and we are talking to you, russia and europe, we are europe, this is an artificial division that island states like britain and the united states. into our lives, it is actually the root of evil, because as soon as we understand that we are from lisbon to vladivostok, everything, everything from now on , many contradictions will simply disappear on their own. we leave everything as it is , we are friends, and this is an external enemy, that’s how we work, this is a combination, here we are friends, this is an external enemy, no, wait a minute, but listen , a small platform has become europe, guys, this
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is not, this not europe, this is western europe. and we are europe - look, well, after the candy-bouquet period, but we suddenly realized that these people were trying to not only abandon us, but there was something else to survive dry, but we, in fact, like this says alexey alekseevich, i quote, but for some reason you don’t love us so much, but we suddenly stopped loving them with that same love of the nineties, and accordingly we realized their intentions, they thought that they had already to hide, however, they can already say everything directly, so very characteristic for you... a fragment of a publication in foreign affair, a serious publication and , accordingly, their publications are corresponding, we read: relations between russia and the united states have long been influenced by myths about each other, this creates an atmosphere of mutual misunderstanding and leads to tension. so americans believe that russia is an evil place of tyranny. it is beneficial for washington to create the image of an external powerful villain, so for years it has been using comparisons with hitler to manipulate
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democracy-loving americans. americans have become so invested in this mythology that they have fallen into the trap of causing policymakers to misunderstand moscow and miss critical opportunities to weaken russian power or find compromises. well, actually, here the main question, even the only question, is how far has everything gone, is there still some options, even in the soviet one, you remember, even during the cold war, now everything is like in soviet historiography, remember, everything was compared with 913, like there the milk yield increased there by 27 times to 93. further, now everything is compared to the cold war, yes, the largest nato doctrine since the cold war, this and that and so on, but even during the cold war, remember, we found common ground, there was a period of detente, many believe that the period that the same the proverbial detente became the beginning the end of the union, but that’s there, well, that’s another question , in short, but there is a chance, an opportunity to somehow roll back, family psychology, we are now in a phase when we are former, we tell various non-fiction stories about each other,
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but here’s advice . any family psychologist will tell you this, because opposites attract, from the point of view of psychology, of course we can too, yes, but for this, in my opinion, the united states must understand one thing, or rather, get out of the trap in which they have fallen, and the rest are left alone with yourself, you know, that's when the person who he was married a lot, he was suddenly single, and there were such opportunities around him, everything, everything
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, everything was available, everything could be done that was before... to be destroyed, now it’s starting to collapse in general , and this is happening now, it’s obvious, degradation is happening, in fact yes, well, to some extent , such political alcoholism sets in, gerentocracy suddenly appears in unexpected places, and which is not really curable, you write down in this regard, of course,
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who you dial first, the former, the former, the former , yes, actually these are these the urge to negotiate now, they are a very subtle , subtle psychology, because they instinctively understand that this is the only chance to actually at least get back themselves, well, yes, that is, that is, there should be a feeling here, that is, myself, well, myself he said yes, now it’s very clear that the feeling of the need to return there should be translated into something more systematic. which means family life, here, there, and then i thought, this is simply called the feeling of self-preservation instinct, when you realize that everything is collapsing around, well, yes.
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that’s not what they were asking themselves until now , listen, it’s not that i’m directly concerned about the fate of the americans, that’s some mysterious one, but to me, listen, well, whichever one is , that’s the one they chose, let them drag that one, i don’t care at all i don’t give a damn about this, to be honest , excuse me, i’m interested in the possibility, so to speak, of the prospects of our relations,
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a lot depends on the discovery, if i say so , excuse me, to speak pathetically and in general the fate of the world, i care about this, according to alexey alekseevich there is such a prospect yes, that, that we have the opportunity to connect again, as it were, in some kind of relationship. we have to unite, well , in some ways, we have our own well-being, which is actually a very attractive object from the side of potential future marriages of convenience, and ukraine is just, you know, anfantirible, a prodigal son who sucks money, yes , but it doesn’t give anything in return, look here, since we started talking and you used this image of decay or half-life, look what’s happening, you remember how many times i ended
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with what do you think, are there any prospects for how it could end.
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it will be impossible to solve it, that is, it is absolutely impossible to solve it by some kind of consensus, and cannot be, so everything will depend on the result of the elections, and if trump comes, then i have no doubt at all that this issue will be resolved radically , that is, there are fences there, i don’t know what else is there, but. it is impossible for anyone else to resolve this issue through compromise, no matter how much they try to find ways to solve democracy, if a little expand, try to make some kind of generalization, after all, this is this , so to speak, well, i don’t know, a texas riot or there , i don’t know, the texas crisis,
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is this a manifestation of something more, or is this a specific excess, so to speak a specific section of the border there is what happened to the soviet union just before its collapse, remember all these events in azerbaijan, baku, georgia, regional, for the usa this is extremely dangerous, because it is a state consisting of states, the united states america, here we go here, in general, states are, as it were , a country-state, that is, the soviet union , in fact, if so, the united states made the same mistake, has already made it. are not making, but made the same mistake that the late soviet union made: and the federal government came into conflict with the regional ones, did not negotiate, did not somehow decide with them, it simply began to put pressure, and if you try to predict... .development from the situation, what would you say? well
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, in general, there are laws of history, laws the collapse of the empire, i would not predict the collapse of the united states in the near future , they are falling apart for a long time, it is important, very important in this situation to understand that all other participants in the political process can get from this in the good sense of this glory, that we can screw that europe can fuck, but because the collapse of an empire is always a division of inheritance, it is always impossible to divide this division peacefully. absolutely right, so we, i think that there will be multiple local conflicts related to the division of the american inheritance, because that the hegemon has weakened, he is already sluggish, it is clear, now those whom they raised are those same, excuse me, sons of bitches, yes, they manifest themselves precisely as such, they will destroy this empire, it is clear, yes, the empire is really being destroyed for a long time, it’s difficult to argue with this, uh, but you see, here ... i remember one quote, just now one
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of the heroes of himing said, i don’t remember where, when they asked him about his bankruptcy, how did you go bankrupt, so to speak , he says, you know what’s the matter, at first he says gradually, and then suddenly, that’s all it happens in exactly this way in this mode , at first it happens gradually, and then suddenly, it’s not that we would like to knock on wood here and spit over our left shoulder that god forbid, so that it would begin, no, because the collapse of the empire, this is besides, besides that, besides... tugging and so on, this is also, so to speak, splashes on the whole world, it is dangerous, yes, but nevertheless, friends, we are closely watching and understand that nothing like say, do not pass without a trace, including efforts to break up attempts to break up us, thank you for your attention , see you soon, hello, news on channel one, with you
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russia has significantly increased the production of basic weapons and ammunition in 2023, defense minister sergei shaigu announced this today on the single day of acceptance of military products. according to him, the main task at the moment remains to provide each unit of each fighter with everything necessary for the successful completion of combat missions. thanks to the effective work of the russian ministry of defense and the organization
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of the military-industrial complex, managed to increase the production of the main popular weapons and ammunition. in particular, this was facilitated by the expansion and modernization of production facilities, as well as increased labor productivity. many enterprises have put into operation new workshops, lines, and equipped areas. technological equipment. the increase in production intensity required the involvement of a significant number of qualified specialists. equipment and means of destruction promptly arrive in the zone of a special military operation, increasing combat capabilities of joint groupings of troops. vladimir putin today gave a number of instructions; changes should be made to the legislation that will make it possible to grant the status of combat veteran to participants in a special military operation, regardless of their availability. their contract, the basis for this may be documents of injury or
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award. another instruction concerns payments to the families of deceased soldiers; they will be transferred within 3 months from the date of submission of the application. this period must be fixed by law. legislatively. in moscow today began deciphering the flight recorders of the russian il-76 shot down by ukrainians. it is reported that their technical condition is good. investigators are working at the crash site. footage of the aftermath has emerged today, showing the scale of what happened. meanwhile, a heated discussion unfolded that night in the un security council, where they discussed the destruction of our plane. the facts eloquently prove that the attack was carried out by zelensky’s terrorists, although they knew very well that the plane was transporting ukrainian prisoners of war. all information was promptly transferred to kyiv. the day before, this was once again confirmed by the press secretary of our president, dmitry peskov. michal kinchenko with details. footage taken from the air follows. we cannot show everything, without
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a genetic examination it is impossible to identify the majority of the dead, however, from some remains, preserved with tattoos with symbols of terrorist paramilitary groups of the ukrainian army banned in russia, it is clear: there were indeed prisoners on board, preliminary data from the investigation at the meeting the message for the un was voiced by a representative of our country. we are dealing with a deliberate , well-thought-out crime. the leadership of ukraine was well aware of the route and method of transporting soldiers. to the place of a pre -agreed exchange, as the preliminary investigation shows, this terrorist act of the ukrainian armed forces was carried out using an anti-aircraft missile system. the missiles were launched from the village of libtsy, kharkov region. there are many indications that these could be either an american petriat or a german-made iriste,
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that is, the very weapons with which western countries have been pumping up the regime that seized power in kiev for more than a year now and all the assurances that these weapons will be used exclusively for...
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for the blind representatives of the kiev regime and their western leadership, we repeat the footage with the remains of bodies , filmed at the crash site. it's quite primitive. cowardly attempts by representatives of the kiev authorities, contrary to obvious facts, to shrug off responsibility for this crime. by acting this way, they have already openly lied they are confused, burying themselves in this lie more and more. the representative of our country recalled that this is not the first time for the kiev regime to kill its prisoners. in july 2022, the ukrainian army attacked the colony in yelenovka,
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which resulted in the death of more than fifty prisoners. this is not the first time that planes with passengers on board have been shot down. how it happened in july 2014. usa. meanwhile, the united states finds itself on the verge of an internal conflict, which may well develop into a heated confrontation. governors of 25 states immediately accused
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president biden's reluctance to protect the american border. this is stated in a published joint statement. it says that the white house made the entire country americans. vulnerable to an unprecedented surge of illegal migrants pouring across the southern border, instead of protecting the state , the biden administration is attacking texas leaders who are trying to do something. thus, the leadership of 25 states where republicans are in power supported the governor of texas, who sent to the border with in mexico, local units of the national guard, having blocked the entry of employees of the federal border service temul, did not cope with their work, which led to an increase in the number of illegal immigrants. and ... donald trump, biden's likely rival in the upcoming elections, has already expressed support for texas governor greg abbott, and in general the topic of migration to the united states is now more acute than ever, it even became a stumbling block in congress, because of which the cash flow in ukraine. vladimir putin and his chinese counterpart xiding ping are increasingly enjoying
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respect from the world community while joe biden joe biden is condemned by a significant part of the planet. this is the opinion of a reputable american journalist. hershe, the author of exposés including the us role in undermining nord streams, published an article entitled “a unified theory of presidential stupidity.” hirsch reminds us that there have been leaders in american history before. who overdid it in order to repel certain threats, as it seemed to them, there are plenty of examples, starting with kheroshima, and they are paying for it other countries. the journalist compared biden’s belligerent course to political panic and called us intervention in the conflicts in ukraine in the gas sector catastrophic. biden's support for ukraine and israel in their wars, as well as his recent decision to attack the houthis in yemen, have put him in the same club as benjamin netanyahu. zelensky, who are increasingly condemned in many countries around the world. the irony is that during biden's presidency , respect for putin and
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sizempin is growing outside the west. arrived in moscow today four russians who survived a plane crash in the mountains of afghanistan. the pilots finally told what, in their opinion , could have caused the disaster, and also commented on the information that a large amount of money could have been carried on board. pyotr deryagin was among those greeting us. the pilot dmitry belikov's bandaged legs and... from shrapnel were immediately taken away by doctors upon arrival in moscow. he was in the snowy mountains of afghanistan for more than a day after the crash of his private falcon plane. on the first night , the pilots couldn’t even get out of the cockpit, were blocked by debris. speaking about the causes of the disaster, the crew rejects the version of a lack of fuel. according to them, it was an engine failure. a technical malfunction, apparently a problem with the fuel, is the presence of ice, which allowed that violated the reasons for the supply. from the main tanks to the consumable tanks, we were engaged in an emergency landing of the aircraft, we determined the most advantageous place where it could
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be landed, we found such a place, this is a floor mountain, located at an altitude of 11.4 km along the slope, the plane rocked. private the ambulance flight was flying from thailand to moscow, the plane was carrying a russian woman who needed help, the woman and her husband died as a result of the crash, two pilots and two doctors... survived, but if they hadn’t seen the village below on approach, they might have simply frozen in the mountains, we actually landed the plane, we didn’t fall, we landed on the peak of the mountain, we spent one and a half acres in the cold, of course, we were there, well , it got to the point that we even had to burn our shoelaces, we stayed warm into the night, then they came for us , of course, the afghan brothers took us out height of 400 m in deep snow, just like that , we all fell through, walked, walked, and for about 5 hours we walked to the village, when... morning came, when we realized, in principle, that we had spent the night, in the morning we waited, we waited 3-4 hours until it arrived, it didn’t arrive , something would be seen, heard, uh, and after
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we prepared it, because the pilots were locked in the cockpit, we were able to knock them out only in the late afternoon, that’s when we prepared the place so that when we get them, having already climbed the slope, igor will see another slope, and having climbed that slope below, i saw a village, and, accordingly, seeing traces of people, i followed them, and a nurse was sent for help. igor seryvorotkin, the first rescue squad was formed spontaneously from local village residents. first with gestures, then a man came out who spoke very little english, we had already agreed with him , they gave me a satellite phone, from which i called our administrators and told the situation. after the crash, information appeared in the afghan media that the plane was carrying more than a million dollars. in cash, and local residents allegedly embezzled the money. none of the crew members information.
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the role of the hero gennady zaitsev is played by his namesake kirill zaitsev. naturally, i was interested in the script itself, the whole potential of this whole story, because... cinema is generally looking for stories, then, when we met gennady nikolaevich, naturally, all questions disappeared, the leader of alpha in his youth is played by nikita bureev, before filming he tried to feel all the hardships of that time, at that moment i talked with my grandmother, she actually lived at the time when the great patriotic war took place, she
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told how hard life was then, what they cooked...
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a partner in the current difficult situation, as we see, the staff of our embassy congratulated us on this holiday , well, in india itself, traditional celebrations naturally take place. russian president vladimir putin also congratulated our indian friends on their national holiday, saying that india has achieved impressive successes in
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socio-economic, scientific and technical development in other areas, we join in the congratulations of our president, but for those who follow our civilization project, i will say that the sixth episode of the civilization project will be dedicated specifically to indian civilization, a great civilization that has spanned more than one millennium, the president himself...
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mh-17, killing almost 300 innocent people. despite the obvious evidence and evidence of ukraine’s involvement in this crime, many in the west have expressed and continue to express doubts that kiev could have planned and carried out such a crime. disgusting provocation. i wonder how the western public will now digest the destruction of the ukrainian armed forces. another plane, it will be much more difficult for the kiev leader to keep quiet about this crime this time, because all the dead captured ukrainians have families who were looking forward to their return and believed that the authorities would fulfill their part of the agreement, as a result, the regime in kiev twice sacrificed these unfortunates , first by throwing them to the front lines as cannon fodder, and then, after
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russian troops spared their lives, having treacherously shot down the plane carrying them from anti-aircraft guns, well, it must be said that the ukrainian side looked extremely unconvincing at this meeting of the security council. and the united states, in my opinion, is simply shameful, listen to what the talking head of the united states state department, potel, said about this tragedy. we continue to work closely with our colleagues in the ukrainian government to identify the facts. we understand that president zelensky has called for an international investigation disaster and the status of ukrainian prisoners of war. the problem is that, given what is happening in russia,
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namely the kiev regime, what’s new on the fronts , how are our guys doing fine, everything is moving, you know, the enemy tried to turn the corner,
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well, with counterattacks to knock our guys out of the position on in the donetsk direction , he stormed for several days, put down up to two battalions, but in general we deployed everything, now, as far as i know, we are moving on to the second phase of the offensive operation here, moving forward, the same thing is happening here on... in the estuary direction, also yesterday there was news in the northern direction, that is , there were small advances forward, well, our attacks resumed on novomikhailovka, this is between marlenka and ugledar, that is , everywhere, as well as i forgot to say that artyomovskaya is definitely the direction, our troops are here too are attacking between ivanovsky and kleshcheevka, that is, everything is as it was, the initiative continues firmly in our hands, the enemy’s reserves, judging by the fact that we are breaking through his front regularly more and more often for...
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which should supposedly arrive in the spring front, and since each brigade , so to speak, nato should have 4,500, 4,800 people, it is easy to understand that he wants to train 60-70 people, at least he wanted to, if we refer to his interview when he spoke to the anglo-sasonic press, and where to get 50-60,000 people, and now january is ending for us, spring, as they say, is just around the corner, and it’s not just unclear, but impossible. in this regard, a thought arises, we, let me remind you of natalie narochniskaya’s figures, said that more than 50 people lived in the ukrainian ssr at the time of the end of the soviet union million people, you yourself then discussed with her these figures of 52-53 million. further, today the ukrainians for the who, the world health organization, record 22-23 million, well , more or less, we count 19, but i had the following thought that maybe perhaps we are mistaken, that there are not even 19 million of them, that there are much fewer of them.
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claws of men even by the method of catching and sending them to zaluzhny, but these people are not observed, so indeed, when i talk with people fighting in the zaporozhye direction, they massively testify to the fact that there are poles and others, by the way, lithuanians are very rarely from poland.
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in the saledar direction, i moved here, well, there’s only good news here, after establishing control over the cheerful solyadar area, ours are strengthening their positions, now the line of defense is being probed, a new line of defense is already emerging in this area and i think there will be a new breakthrough in the future, in addition, there is good progress in another area, where there is also significant progress, i won’t name it for now, but... soon from there
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good news will come, you know, the success of the russian group is accompanied not only by skill, military skill, but also engineering thought, as i was told in the volunteer corps, the north brigade managed to modernize the depth charge and adapted it to hail missiles, its filling has been updated - the affected area the new charge has a range of about 900 km, this is almost a kilometer, the enemy is afraid of the new... the weapon is like fire, that’s what the prisoners say, they are even afraid to go out to their position without drugs, except in addition, another trend, the armed forces of ukraine, as i noted, they began to shoot their wounded soldiers, who, for example, were injured during attacks, everything happens as follows: and the ukrainian armed forces send their soldiers to storm, some of them are destroyed, some remain wounded. they
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are trying to surrender, the enemy sees all this with help, and after that he does not rain packet ammunition on his wounded, or directs - directs a drone at kamikazes, and it happens that ours are even forced to rescue wounded veesushnikov in order to save their lives, well, apparently in the ukrainian armed forces they act this way because they are afraid of their own being captured, because they tell what is happening in the ukrainian army, so... and there is an extremely deplorable situation there, there are no supplies, the ukrainian command says that there are problems with supplies from the west, they have stopped for now, or rather suspended, but they promise that they will soon resume, but for now they are asked to be patient, but actually this is all the key news for today, thank you big, sergei sreda, military correspondent of the solidar direction, we are waiting for your further reports, take care of yourself on the line of combat contact. but ukraine has not
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yet received american money, but it is increasingly difficult for it to count on european assistance, because hungary’s position is becoming more and more rigid, official national consultations were held there on... issues of providing assistance to ukraine, do you know what the result is? more than 99 percent of respondents who participated in this said that ukraine should cease fire, only 0.68% they talked about the need to send more weapons stockpiled with purchased ip funds, somewhere they asked people, in other countries they don’t even ask, they just send them, but this is not enough for ukraine. it will help, especially since such a mess is brewing in the united states that our conversations that we have been having for quite a long time, the possibility of a civil war in the united states, are actually becoming quite real. after the commercial. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist
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blockade. the evacuation of theaters began late in the fall of forty-one. our theater became the only group that recognized nast. because the temperature in the hall is 4-8°, sometimes there are bombings, but we don’t go down, like the artists , the bomb shelter, the performance continues,
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the premiere, the blockade run, tomorrow on the first day, it was a feat, a feat in the name of art. rum, castro, product of stellar group. in the debriefing area , the director of the film air alexey german and the performer of one of the main roles, elena lyadova. we chose the most idiotically difficult way to shoot this picture. the first plane was made with a mistake, it was just shorter, then we called this plane suitable. but you also took on an incredible amount of work, you started filming in the winter, all our planes were blown away , we built a runway, it was flooded, i was completely dumbfounded by what you built, a rather complex structure, invented specifically for the film, lifted a plane weighing a ton, and it continued to unwind, i can imagine
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how you felt during these evolutions, when your wing is on fire, oil in your face, and also smoke, in fact i was scared. he was brilliant in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life, i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan the terrible, vladimirovich’s greatest merit, he saved this inheritance. lenin would like to allow the lease of our country, chatka there, for example , to be leased to the americans, moreover, he further developed this, we must learn to trade culturally, to solve problems culturally, confiscating all property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion. lenin's chervonets, gold, became the most
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influential currency in europe, and the woman received 21 privileges, to say that lenin was a supporter of family values, well, it’s definitely impossible, one of the first, just... modern man, this is also absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. pushkin is
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a cultural bridge between russia and africa. there have never been africans in russia considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of general. he entered the russian elite, in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence, i purged the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunities, a lot of people think that we don’t hang out in africa , goli, we eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we are the same people, don’t be different, all large countries understand perfectly well what to do next forward without africa is almost impossible, civilization premiere, film two, africa, on thursday, on the first. big game
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live. we talk a lot about how the american system of global influence is crumbling. but it seems that now i am adding to this, and rapidly, the crumbling of the united states of america itself, literally at all levels, including symbolically. yesterday in the city of new london. a church collapsed in the state of connecticut, there were people there during the service, they were buried - under this, symbolically, that the church during services in the united states is collapsing, especially against the backdrop of recent polls about what successes the lgbt movement is achieving in the united states, and what it has achieved is that in generation z, and generation z is from... 14 to 28 years, 28% of americans already
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consider themselves gay, 28, almost a third of the population, but i think nothing more clearly reflects the degradation of the united states than the state of president biden, who is now conducting an active election campaign in the midwestern states, from which depends on the outcome of the presidential election. just the other day we learned that last year the united states economy grew by 3.1%. i don’t want to bore you with details , but you know, from the moment i was...
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saved, they even have a tendency towards such, i would say, dimentary mobility, there in biden’s eyes, because why is he talking about these now figures about economic growth, because he compares this with what is happening, for example, among partners in europe, where there is economic degradation, precisely because the american leadership today does not come at the expense of america increasing its influence. where it once was, that’s where this influence is shrinking, it comes at the expense of partners
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, many economists today directly link, well , certain economic indicators, american ones, with two factors, this is the dollar, you said about this soap a bubble from this debt, which sooner or later will blow up the american economy, this is inevitable and from the robbery of its own partners, these are the sources. second at 77, although second it seems to look quite invigorating, this is also a certain signal, this is a signal of the degradation of the political elite, which is not generating new american leaders who could today propose a new agenda, look at the modern world with different eyes, so salvador dali,
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this is generally straightforward, just like that and i want to overlay this picture with a feeling of civil war, not in the proper sense there... i put on the cover the theme of texit, yes, the secession of texas from the united states, it already looks very much like texas may not even be one, well, at least texas sent the national guard to protect the border from the influx of illegal migrants. they kicked out the federal border guards. biden
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has pushed for a supreme court decision to bring back the border guards. power. they said no to texas, then now yesterday biden made a statement that he was giving 24 hours to the state of texas to clear the border for federal border guards. listen to fox news. the us department of homeland security sent a letter to state attorney general tha skana paxton demanding access to shelby park, which is located next to the rio grande. as far as we know, texas. opened access to shelmy park, allowing entry only for memorial and media purposes and to gain access to the golf course adjacent to the park, while continuing to restrict u.s. border patrol access to the park, the letter said. texas has until friday to respond. well, it's friday today. eh, the answer, in fact, already came yesterday. uh, top
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texas officials say they won't. comply with the deadline by allowing federal border guards access to the park. constitutional right to self-defense because the president of the united states is not fulfilling his duty to enforce the provisions passed by congress prohibiting the illegality of the united states in the eu. the biden administration has simply abdicated its responsibility for border security. texas is simply protecting its border. we have installed barricades and barbed wire that actually prevent illegal entry. our state has the right to protect its
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territory from criminals and arrest them. solving problems on our borders is the primary task of our entire country. with history, i have a feeling that we have finally come to this point, when the united states is starting to boil for real, we were always told that black li are coming out there, and they are all so cool, excuse me, the word is blacks who can easily rob , smash, humiliate the police, but no, everything is different, texas is a slightly different state, 29.5 million people, and 40 electors,
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decently, they can decide, in forty-five texas appears in the year, it is the freest state, so... it is very clearly stated there how the federal authorities should act in relation to the state of texas. if the state of texas says: i have problems, then the federal authorities must solve these problems. we see that these problems have not been solved for almost 10 years; the flow of migrants is simply calmly flowing into the territory of the united states of america. texas today declares, we are an outpost of america, and we will defend in every possible way not ourselves, not texans, we defend america. why are people starting to join them? and those who say that they want to be on... the side of a fair america, the america that was originally conceived, are joining, not the america of shadow cabinets, not the america of crazy biden, but the america that should deal with its problems, and yes, texas, i... more than anyone says that the munroe doctrine is the best thing that was invented in 1823, we need to return to it, and biden, and biden wants to fight, but he forgot one simple thing, and rifle association, owners
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weapons, rifle association, the largest is located in the state of texas, well, the state of texas has a constitution, like any other state, in the state of texas, the constitution provides for the right of the state of texas to secede from the united states of america, so... and push them back abroad. all americans must support reasonable measures by texas authorities to protect the safety, security and sovereignty of the texas people of the united states. when i become president, on day one,
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instead of going to war with texas, i will work hand in hand with governor abbott and other border states to stop the invasion, close the border and quickly begin the largest domestic deportation operation in history. those biden let in should not feel comfortable because they will be going home. well, this is already becoming the subject of an election campaign, and compromises are impossible there. i would also add to this that the topic was started by sergei sergeevich, it is necessary to estimate the number of guns in the hands of the americans, because their total number of units or number units exceeds 300 million, that is, taking into account the fact that, after all, infants do not own weapons, this requires at least the age of majority and the absence of a criminal record certificate. it turns out that for every adult, sexually mature american there are, well, about two guns, often, and heavy weapons, they have no division, they are short-barreled, long-barreled, taking into account the fact that we just
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showed a map of the united states with those, say so, members of the united states who are ready to send their guards to defend themselves, here newsweek read that this is about 100 -odd thousand people, that is, on the face of it, i return to vsevich’s thoughts, the possibility is that... these are not tanks, but we will see some kind of reprise of the los angeles uprising, but look even worse, because, after all, in los angeles the situation was localized, but here it concerns the entire united states, which is essentially a confederation, i return to the idea that secession from the united states, these are colleagues, is not secession from europe , which is very difficult, literally bonded conditions for inclusion in europe, only great britain succeeded in this matter, here, in principle, there really are different constitutions, different approaches, different taxes.
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that the republicans are absolutely not happy with, but america continues to degrade politically and infrastructurally, and nothing illustrates this better, of course, than the crash of american trains, about this after the advertisement, let's get married, premiere, today on... so, my cats are lazy, everyone love, marry everyone. veda vodka, a product of stellor group.
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to the eightieth anniversary of complete liberation leningrad from the fascist blockade. the enemy is marching towards leningrad, and you are looking for excuses. comrades, tank. from a bottle of mountains, luga line, if even one german breaks through in your area, even on a tank, even on horseback, i’ll shoot you, pulkovo meridian, bread, i ruined the bread, i don’t have the strength, maksimovich, don’t let me get to the factory, leningrad metronome , breaking the blockade is... not just a military operation, no, it’s our duty to leningrad, operation iskra, i’ve never wanted to live as much as i want to now, i want to.
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live to see victory, epic blockade, tomorrow on the first, i will not run away from the enemy, if necessary , i will be able to die where i stand, for vladimir vysotsky’s birthday they will play with pure gold, we only rely on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and... you are a hook, how close and affectionate, my climber , my affection became, i did not walk my misfortune on the spring field, i loved the past sadder than graves, everything tender in me without the wings of tripods, i love the pastel fields, vladimir
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semyonovich, like... what difference does it make to you, not it’s really impossible, we should have lived longer, we didn’t have time, no we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, and the sons are going into battle, the premiere, their own track, tomorrow is the first one, today we have a family evening, star guests with their parents,
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i saw such a young boy, slim, very flexible, so this freedom and lightness, it seems to me, was what distinguished lyunya in general, well, leonid isakovich is a very demanding person, but he really is
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demanding in life. man, this is a real friend whom you can call at night and say, lenisavich, i need a taxi, i have never seen him turn away from some problem or from or from some kind of request to him, i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together, there was someone to look up to, someone to imitate, the premiere of the documentary on sunday on the first, look carefully, you will recognize him, grandfather,
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b in the film air there are six air battles that needed to be filmed in the pavilion so that they would be as realistic as possible. we used all possible ways to create special effects, for example, the screen is the size of a four-story building with four entrances. as it turned out, there are no planes of that time, and nothing there was nothing left but to build them. we are pioneers. we started developing gimbles, these things that hold a life-size plane in the air and turn there this way, this way, through the jamb , we started, your gimble sways, shakes, turns over, helps you experience genuine emotions, like fear, such a toy, of course, but it seems that you have really been knocked down, there is a feeling of complete reality, people who are not initiated will generally have a question about how the reality of the air is,
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regular spectators of the big game probably we already miss the footage of train crashes in the united states of america, indeed , since the beginning of the year we have not shown them, simply for the simple reason that the agenda was so busy that there was simply no time left for them, but trains continue to leave in the united states with the same regularity, three a day, everything is as it should be, everything is according to schedule, and today we will show you, well, just five crashes.
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the police say there seems to be nothing to worry about. tampa, florida, train crash, it seems there was a near this city to the boulevard closure east of south street. work to eliminate the incident is underway, which sleepers, which sleepers? well, it's just an antique. yes, solana county, california. the train derailed, and in this case it was not transporting ethanol. transported, it was a whole train with bourbon, jim bean, this is american whiskey, the cause of the derailment was not investigated, i think, fans jim bean, fort lauderday,
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florida, two accidents occurred at the same crossing twice involving trains of one and the same the same company bridgeline, well, the concept move and the fact that there would be a barrier, well... in full swing, and at the same time the united states continues to get involved in more and more foreign policy adventures, which is already causing serious concerns among serious american analysts and journalists, well, the most eminent american journalist today is still the same. so let's listen to what he said. i've been racking my brain for a long time about how to respond to joe biden's recent decision to devote himself entirely to naval warfare against the determined yemeni houthis, against a backdrop of bad poll results and the disastrous
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consequences of his involvement in the ukraine conflicts in gaza. biden's support for ukraine and israel in their wars and recent decision to attack the houthis in yemen put him in the same club as benjamin, two other leaders increasingly reviled by much of the world. the irony of the biden presidency is the growing respect outside the west for vladimir putin and sizempin. joe biden succumbed to political panic, giving the order to strike targets of the ansar allah movement in yemen, as for the american intervention in conflicts in ukraine in the gas sector is an obvious disaster. just like that. you know, this is an amazing phenomenon that i can’t even explain, because, in my opinion, it defies logic. that is, on the one hand. we see that the americans are not able to maintain this leadership that is familiar to them, and this is obvious , they see it, they see how the modern world is changing, on the other hand, everything remains the same, they are still
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trying to rule this world with by throwing matches and kerosene into different points in order to become a firefighter in the future and that means peace. those who will put out this conflict, and those who will ignite it, this is what is happening today, it is truly tragic, because that’s right, before the program we talked with sergei sergeevich that syria is being set on fire again today by the hands of the americans, this is in addition to the fact that relations on the iran-pakistan border have worsened, which means the red sea is burning due to the conflict between the united states and the houthis, you and i know what is happening in israel, plus the ukrainian crisis, that’s all system.
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the supply of new weapons to israel, of course, and such supplies were not weak, and they destroyed 25 f35 aircraft, 25 f15 squadron, apache squadron. another logic, their logic is the logic of war
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, peace is a war, they are unable to offer anything else to the world, because the states with all their economy and power grew out of war, they have never done anything else, this is the basis of their existence , therefore , demand that they go beyond that plane that does not exist by supplying weapons to israel and, as we have analyzed more than once, knowing what steps israel will automatically take, we can say for sure that they want the explosion of the entire middle east with everyone. " if you are a hammer, or you have a hammer, then, in general, the algorithm of actions is generally quite clear. now loid ostan has announced that the us department of defense is beginning negotiations with iraq about a possible, well, not withdrawal of troops, but changes in the format of cooperation, from a multilateral presence to bilateral cooperation, but does this mean that the united states will actually begin to withdraw troops. yacheslav alekseevich, negotiations have been going on for a very long time. but in different formats, probably for the first time, we see
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that the pentagon began to openly say that the united states of america has become very actively involved in these negotiations, but the fact is that those constant protests that are going on in iraq, those constant attacks lead to the fact that those military personnel who are now in contingents, precisely in iraq, their relatives began to simply bombard media bloggers with exactly the information that is happening inside the country, just with the participation of the united states of america, and what do you think?
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"we have followed the history of the united states, they entered the vietnam war and were defeated. they entered the korean war and were defeated, they entered iraq and afghanistan and were also defeated, they have imposed a siege on iran since the creation of the islamic state in 1979 were defeated. we are betting on our people, on history for the future, that the united states will be defeated in every battle it enters. aggression, the blockade in the gas sector must stop and..." our the naval operation will cease. as for the media lies, they won't work as well as in the past. the western regime fell after the al aqsa flood began, all their slogans such as morality, human freedom, international humanitarian law, justice and equality fell. please note that the assessment of the world situation is absolutely adequate, the assessment of america’s capabilities is absolutely adequate. accurate historical analysis, indeed america has lost every war it has fought recently. all over the world they are beginning to really understand how the world works and what
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what is happening in it, with one big exception, is the united states of america, and of course the vassal government, because even the people in western countries already understand perfectly well what is happening in the united states of america, they see it, and in france and in other european countries, where just the people is already protesting against this elite, which sold itself to the united states of america, and does not take into account the interests of its own people, but our cause, the right to victory will be ours... to us, we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00, don’t miss it, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev's studio. russia has significantly increased the production of main types of weapons and ammunition, and everything is delivered to the special operations zone in a timely manner. the head of the ministry of defense stated this.


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