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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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choose where it will be best for you, for your family. marin, why are you so scared? what are you afraid of? well, i’m not scared, i’m just nervous, excited, maybe? excitement, what are you afraid of? well, right now i’m afraid that dad will start drinking again and start kicking us out of the house, because this isn’t the first time he’s had this, but alcoholism is a disease, you know, it’s not just drinking. and then you don’t drink, that doesn’t happen, so here, when everyone was trying to find out whether your parents drink, you tried to do this in order to somehow help you, nothing it’s not going to be good, it’s only going to get worse, you know, and you’re a mother yourself, you need to protect your child, especially since such a dad turned out to be unsuccessful, tell me, do you need help with a dna test, because serge’s father, what...
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dna, but dna it’s expensive , let’s do it this way, we will promise you on our part that we will do a dna test so that this kid, i don’t know what to call him anymore, has no doubts, so that he becomes responsible for what he did, and his parents agree with it, yes, his father does not agree, but his mother accepts him, that’s what i i want to add that the portrait of your family, oddly enough, was heard in one phrase that dad’s brother said. yours, your uncle, he said, they plant a vegetable garden, they give up, that is, the strength and desire to look into the future and plant a vegetable garden, they still have these strengths and desires, there is no longer a harvest, you know, these are from these useless actions that your parents perform , your life and your life of your child suffers, next time, my recommendation and brothers, your brother and sister.
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i don’t think that after this program an official call can be responded in this way: give him a straw, i ’ll calm him down now, it won’t work. good evening, live broadcast, big game, i’m vyacheslav nikonov, today he’s celebrating his main national holiday.
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watch our civilization project, and for those who haven’t started watching yet, i’ll say that the sixth episode will be dedicated specifically to indian civilization, one of the oldest on our planet, dating back thousands of years, so we join in with congratulations from our president, well, vladimir putin himself today in st. petersburg, where he has a fairly busy program, right now at the moment we are receiving this footage from st. petersburg, this is... the laying of a nuclear icebreaker, which will be called leningrad. well, good, have a good voyage. well, putin will also visit the maritime technical university, talk with teachers, students, participants in a special military operation, and hold a meeting on the socio-economic development of the region. well, yesterday, when in our country it was already today, in new york. security council
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i still discussed the tragedy with the il-76 plane, that’s what the representative, deputy representative of our delegation in the organization said. evidence of involvement in this despite the obvious evidence and the crime of ukraine, many in the west have expressed and are expressing doubts that in kiev they could plan and commit such a disgusting provocation. i wonder how the western public will now digest the destruction of the ukrainian armed forces. airplane. this time it will be much more difficult for the kiev leader to shut up this crime, because all the dead captured ukrainians have families who were looking forward to their return and believed that the authorities would fulfill their part of the agreement. and in the end, the regime in kiev
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sacrificed these unfortunates twice, first throwing them on the front line as cannon fodder, and then, after russian troops saved their lives by treacherously shooting them while transporting them onto the plane, from anti-aircraft guns, how will they digest , in fact, we already have the answer, the speaking head of the state department, vedant patel, made the following statement, let's listen: we we continue to work closely with our colleagues in the ukrainian government to identify the facts. we understand that president zelensky has called for an international investigation into the disaster and the status of ukrainian prisoners of war. the problem is that given what is happening. it is incredibly difficult for russia to verify what exactly happened. as you know, russia does not allow free press for independent journalists, so its statement on this matter is difficult to confirm, so for now we just continue to maintain close contact with the ukrainian government to establish the facts and find out exactly what happened.
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the americans and their allies have about 700 satellites hanging over ukraine, they saw everything, who launched it, when and why. i think they pressed the button themselves. but nevertheless , of course, they will defend their version to the end, just as they defend ukraine’s own version of all the events of the special military operation. igor komakovsky is not in our studio today, he is on the line of combat contact. advisor to the donetsk people's party, head of the donetsk people's party republic. vladimirovich, good evening. what news do you have today and how are they reacting to the donbass...
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we are worried first of all because our pilots died there, our negotiators died there, and i, as a person who understands what it means to surrender ukrainians into captivity, here conducting these negotiations on the exchange of prisoners, i know how serious, painstaking work this is and how difficult it was to negotiate, and now i understand that these negotiations will be curtailed for a long time, ukrainian families will not see their prisoners... and accordingly we won’t see our guys, that’s what they’re talking about today in the donbass and they’re talking about on the front line, so i ’m leaving the office because my car died once again after a trip, a morning trip to the line of combat contact, where our guys are crushing the enemy under carbon,
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today mainly with artillery fire, because here in the donbass the weather is slushy, near zero, in some places there is snow, in some places there is ice, so our... guys today are mainly training the enemy artillery systems , hail installations, according to our intelligence, aviation is not working, the use of drones is also impossible in principle, but over the past week our guys have strengthened their positions in several directions, this is in the ugledar direction, this is in the turakhov direction, especially after they barbarously fired at our positions. a number of military decisions were made regarding the accumulation of enemy manpower and identified places where artillery and ammunition were concentrated, very serious blows were delivered in this direction to to the enemy, also our guys, drones
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have been giving the enemy a very serious nightmare during this week in the area of ​​artyomovsk, where they are occupying, helping our assault units occupy up to... returning from udovgledar - this is the movement of our equipment, that is, our guys are constantly moving, new armored vehicles are moving , artillery systems, that is, the front line , lives, and what was very remarkable for me was that all these tragedies did not embitter our guys, our guys learned to behave on the front line calmly, they don’t go headlong forward, but say: we will find the enemy anyway, no matter... but we will crush those who were the perpetrators, especially of the shelling of our
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donetsk people’s republic, our textile worker of our electricity supply system, everyone will suffer due punishment, the guys are fighting and winter is not a hindrance to us today. yes, thank you very much, igor kimakovsky, adviser to the head of the donetsk people's republic, we wish you to revive the car, but also take care of yourself and we will always be waiting in our studio. better with my son who is now fighting there on the battle line, thank you, today sergei shaigu spoke at the single day of acceptance of military products, this is what he said: weapons equipment arrives in a timely manner in the zone of a special military operation, increasing the combat capabilities of the joint groupings of troops. well-established system of operational repair and maintenance. armament of equipment on site has significantly reduced the time required for their restoration, thereby increasing readiness
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for intended use. the main task at the moment remains to ensure each unit of each fighter with everything necessary for the successful completion of combat missions. well, figures for a multiple, or even multiple, increase in the production of main types of weapons were voiced at the meeting. well, you know, of course, you have to give it back. due to our soviet legacy, everything that has since been preserved in the dashing nineties is now being repaid a hundredfold, because many capacities were mothballed, they were opened up, and the staff was reduced, now they have been increased, people are working in three shifts, everyone works to win, then there is the system itself, which was created back in the days of the soviet union, it really showed itself as a system that is
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the greatest, best suited if a country is waging a conflict of such intensity and such a scale, and the west demonstrates completely different indicators, everything is different there, so they are getting worse and worse in this direction, you know, a multiple increase, and this is an absolute indicator, i mean. for the production of various types, especially ammunition, missile weapons and so on, but here's what it’s been interesting lately, and this, by the way, is also shown by the minister of defense, but the task is set quite quickly, for example, that a missile hits 250 km there, the military says, you can do 300 in a short time, he says yes, that is, they are set tasks for specific moments that become clear on the battlefield, and...
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the media, which are western, which are not pro-russian, of course, nevertheless they recognize that this is an amazing miracle, from my point of view there is no miracle, well, if there is the concept of a russian miracle, then again russia, the russians again showed the world a miracle, well, the main thing is that we do not surprise the west, but we are superior to it in all weapons, now in a qualitative sense, so they can be surprised as much as they want, but this is like their problem, and ukraine is now surprising many.. ... a ukrainian drove into a village called nadlak
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, including ukrainians themselves, here is one village in the kirovograd region, in general, not so close to the front line, 2,000 inhabitants, according to the census, but he found one person there who was engaged in dismantling what something old rusty a car in order to somehow make a living. get one person per village out of 200,200 and there are hundreds of such villages in the surrounding area, that is, this is the result of mobilization.
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in fact, they were thwarted, because anyway, despite all the draconian measures, there are a huge number of colonists , they are paying off, hiding, finding ways to escape from ukraine, crossing rivers, trying to escape through forests, there are price tags for leaving ukraine by any means, are constantly growing, now the price tags there are 10, 15, 20 thousand dollars, so that the smuggler would simply bring you to the racket and swim across to moldova there or somewhere else, or go through the forests to hungary, the plan, well, the reaction of the population is quite indicative , again it is indicative that they cannot pass the law on mobilization that implies the mobilization of disabled people, people with various diseases, and so on, even some of the deputies of zelensky’s party do not want to vote for this, because they understand that sooner or later they will have to answer for this, but the west puts pressure on them, demands to increase
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mobilization power, that is , they did not abandon plans to mobilize another 500,000 people by any means. another question is that it will be difficult to carry out this, and such videos that we see every day, and they come out every day, there will be more and more of them, naturally, this will increase internal tension in ukrainian society, even among those who previously supported zelensky, but they simply did not previously imagine what this regime could come to, that is, those who expected to sit in the outer huts, that this would not work for them touches, now they have already begun to follow them, because the day is not far off when the question of house-to-house inspection will arise, that is... those who are hiding in apartments, it is being seriously discussed that we need to go and search apartments to look for those who are hiding. right now there is only public transport and public places. well, it’s clear why this is happening, because at the front the enemy is suffering heavy losses, even now, when he is on the defensive, he no longer suffers huge losses during the offensive, the losses still remain very large,
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killed, wounded, captured, in the donetsk direction, i still have 16 people taken prisoner, in the kupyansk direction.
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movements in the area of ​​​​kleshcheevka and krasny, the enemy recognizes the deteriorating situation in the direction of chasov yar, again due to losses due to the fact that the pressure of our troops does not weaken, there are movements of our troops north of belogorovka on the northern ledge, a number of positions on the northern bank of the seversky dons, that is, our troops are trying to get to the road that connects seversky and belogorovka in order to cut off garrison of belogorovka and to facilitate the further assault on this village. our troops also made a small advance in the svatovo-kupyansk direction in the berestovoye area, that is, in general, the enemy is now sitting on the defensive everywhere, and it is also worth noting that just now they reported that our authorities confirmed the shelling of an il-76 with ukrainian prisoners of war, was carried out from the leptsy region in the kharkov region, well, this has already
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been established, all that remains is to establish the type of air defense system from which this board was hit, so in basically it's a matter. will protest against the surrender of the mandate and will not allow them to resign. in the united states, the same senseless patel, the talking head of the state department, repeated the mantra. that they do not have a magic pot that should cook dollars for ukraine, well , nationwide consultations were held in hungary, which
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confirmed that more than 99% of the fengry are against any assistance to ukraine, and only 0.68% are in favor. so, the news is bad for ukraine, and from the united states too, there - here we are they often once said whether there might be a revolution in america or not, whether the country might fall apart or not, whether a civil war would break out there, now, for example, i’m not sure how to answer this question, because the most interesting things happen there after advertising, female pilots and female technicians must show skill, courage and self-sacrifice, this is the film you have been waiting for, i think yes, of course.
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this is exactly where you find yourself, when alexey asked how long you could stand it, i understand that the girls were spinning, it was difficult for them, i think as many as you can say, we have never had anything like this before, of course, the lab podcast is on the first today, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, on the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. my brother is going to leningrad, and you are looking for an excuse, this is the siren that sounded on
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the air, the feeling of hunger is terrible, it’s when you want to eat all the time, but there is nothing to eat, i don’t have the strength, maksimovich, i can’t get to chewing. this was hell, hello, borshov, hello, can you hear me, tanks and infantry broke through to our positions, i ask for support, well, here’s a familiar room, here is the embrasure, which means a cannon, if even one german breaks through in your area, even on a tank, even on horseback on a stick , i will shoot you, we endured everything, we believed that the war would end soon, breaking the blockade - there is simply no military operation, this is our duty to leningrad, tomorrow on the first day, on the birthday of vladimir vysotsky, forgive the land,
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with pure gold, we only hope for the strength of our hands, for the hands of a friend and a drunk hook, how close and affectionate you are, climber. my caress became mine, i carried my misfortune through the spring ice, in the past i loved sadder than graves, everything is tender in me, without wings you are strenazhin, i spread the fields for lovers, vladimir semyonovich, what difference does it make to you, it really was impossible to live longer. we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, and our sons are leaving , the premiere, their own rut, tomorrow is the first one,
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today we have a family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents, that’s it, we’re relaxing, i started acting when i was seven , honestly, i’m not helping her, this is honestly earned money, you lost your wife early and you raised your son alone?
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arthur dedicated it to his mother. thanks to our parents for their contribution to the development of us all. tomorrow, after the program time. you can understand that i didn’t take the child because of the money. still, they somehow forgot that you are a murderer. will your daughter visit you? well, i just heard that she had a young man there, it seems to me that she has no time for you at all. she’s not an adult, bro, you want to live a good life, chicks, clothes, cars, so, well , if you want, i’ll give you money so that you leave her alone, which is serious, depending, don’t yell, i’m saying, where did the grandmothers pull off the scheme? together, there comes out a common debt, a container, new episodes, on sunday, on the first, here’s everything you need to sign, and we’ll separate,
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as you wanted, destroy you, return you to where i picked you up. the big game live, we have discussed many times how the american system of global influence is collapsing, but the americans simply show us how the united states of america itself is collapsing every day, and...
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well, he is also already a symbolic figure for the collapse of simply the american political elite, so he came to the state of wisconsin to conduct an election campaign meets with voters, he's got ready, everyone there takes selfies with each other , zero attention to biden, pay attention, zero attention to biden, there's president biden's bipartisan infrastructure law, no one even wants to see him, can you imagine, here's a meeting with voters,
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if i wish i could meet with voters like this.
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you know, from the moment i was elected, many experts insisted that a recession was just around the corner, that the economy would decline every month, but instead we had really serious growth, and by the way, our economic growth has been stronger than under the trump administration, my predecessor recently said that he hopes our economy collapses, this is his quote: i hope the economy collapses, you can believe it, he hopes it happens while i i will still be president, but thanks to the american people. america now has the strongest growth and lowest inflation rate of any major economy in the world. well, one way or another, we’ll talk now, but, for example, jannette yellin, the minister of finance, also sees dangerous, frightening moments related to the american economy. let's listen to him. i do think, yes, to put a number on it, that the absolute level of our national debt is
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$34 trillion. it's a scary number, but our economy is huge, and i think it's better to focus on the interest costs associated with that debt in real terms? well, firstly... regarding the fastest growth among large economies, this is not true, unless of course compared with large economies, although what is a large economy if today at parity in terms of purchasing power, russia is in fifth place, in fact ahead of almost all european countries, it is the largest economy in europe, and the economic growth rates of the five largest countries in the world, with the exception of japan, are all... higher than in the united states of america, firstly firstly, this is china, secondly, the fastest growth rates in india are almost more than 7.5%. russian gdp indicators indicate that
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most likely, even according to imf estimates , economic growth rates in russia will be faster than in the united states, but according to the latest estimates, we see that our the total for the twenty-third year will also be higher than in the united states of america.
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countries such as india, china, and in general russia also say that it is still necessary to achieve balanced growth, taking into account social support, taking into account the preservation of the high rates of employment that we have in our countries, with regard to debt, here, in general, it’s difficult to add anything to this, because... it really has exceeded 34 trillion, and is confidently moving towards 35 trillion dollars, this is a record mark, but it’s not even the number itself that’s important , what’s important is the pace at which it’s happening, literally every couple of months there’s almost
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a trillion, now there’s already 112 billion, that’s why it’s of course, it all influences, and the fact that mrs. yellin is also right, one must agree with her that today... the cost of paying interest on debts in the united states of america is actually becoming one of the largest budget items; in the foreseeable future, they are already almost equal to military expenditures in the united states, but in the foreseeable future they are most likely already will exceed a trillion dollars, as we understand, that every year a trillion dollars is just for interest, provided that there are still other items of expenditure for any state, but of course this is quite significant.
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states, in order to finally oust the texas national guard from there, replace them with federal border guards, and biden made a statement that he was giving 24. to texas in order to comply with the supreme court’s decision. the 24 hours will soon be up. well let's listen to fox news. ministry. the usa sent a letter to the attorney general of the state of texas, skene paxton demanding access to shelby park, which is located next to the rio granda. to our knowledge, texas has opened access to shelbe park, allowing entry only for memorial and media purposes and to gain access to the golf course adjacent to the park, while continuing to restrict us border patrol access to the park, it said. in a letter. texas has until friday to respond. but higher.
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"we're trying to protect americans, protect texans, that's what we do, and he turns this into a political battle, a battle against our state, well, don't mess with texas, well , this is not just an issue in texas, the fact is that republicans control the majority of governorships in the united states. if we look at the map now, we will see that the majority of governors, republicans, well, half of the governors of the united states, supported texas, and moreover, many of them said
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that they were ready to send their national guard to texas. while they are sending barbed wire to support for texas, which actually stretches to the border, but statements are actually made that they are ready to help and more decisively. vyacheslav alekseevich, we need to pay attention to the fact that we heard such news from america that a compromise was supposedly about to be reached between.
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for the american economy and
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for the american labor system, but federal border guards let them through, the texas authorities complained for a long time, complained, complained, then what they did, they began organizing buses to transport migrants to those in cities where democrats are in power, new york, chicago, san francisco, and so on, they began to be accused, they say, why are you sending them to us? that means they stopped sending them there, so it seems that the democrats, this is the deep state, which is hiding behind the democrats, from my point of view. in view, i will put forward the following hypothesis, they are preparing to declare a significant part of their own population rebels, to declare their political opponents rebels, terrorists and to use the most decisive measures against them, therefore, because in fact now the white house is leading the matter to the fact that abbott is
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a rebel, not just political differences, here is a rebel, and it seems to me that this is preparation for the elections and... “when i become president, on the first day, instead of going to war with texas, i will work hand in hand with governor ebet and other border states to stop the invasion, close the border, and quickly begin the largest domestic deportation operation in history. those biden let in should not feel comfortable , because they will go home. well, the situation
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is of course pre-war, in fact, judging by trump’s statement, especially remember, there was his statement, quite well known, when he..." predicted that there would be a civil war, and he seems to intend to return to the presidency , to all his enemies, in general, it is really possible to take revenge, and if they do not allow him to do this, then let them prepare for clashes. here we see, in general, a really direct opportunity, well, look, and the state of texas has 29 million people, and this not simple the population, with a powerful historical memory, they remember that in 1836 they gained independence themselves without the help of the united ones. and the united states appeared, then they fussed, during the mexican-american war, they grabbed half of mexico, in general, they deceived a lot of people then, even the mexicans who live there, because you probably know their name is tejanus, they are not mexicans, they tejanus, texans, this is certainly true, well
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, i must admit, the separatist aspects there are quite serious, these people, i think, each of us has encountered texas people in our lives. we know what kind of people these are, these are people with a fairly straightforward vision, in general, when they are touched, they take a serious pose, and in a cowboy hat, in cowboy boots and, as a rule, in a plaid shirt and with a gun, yes , well, i would just add a couple of numbers to this, this is not only politics, not only traditions and history, but this is also the most powerful economy within the united states, and if i mentioned the figures of 4.9% growth for... the third quarter texas grew 77%, it's agriculture, it's oil, it's a huge lobby, which has traditionally been accumulated there, so it is also a powerful economic force , with which it is very difficult, so to speak, to speak in any way with equals, well, if texas really became an independent state, it would enter the top ten largest economies in the world, overtaking
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great britain, say, then there are economically they are absolutely self-sufficient, in addition, there are clauses in the texas constitution. self-determination, even to the point of secession, so from the point of view of the cejas constitution, they are free to do so. in general, the situation is unprecedented in history of the united states of america, certainly since the civil war. how will this all end? i am sure this cannot end well for the usa. this is simply evidence of another process of degradation. the degradation that we observed, in general , throughout the past year, especially with the example of the derailment of american trains. well. this year , nothing has changed after the advertisement, on the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, the enemy is marching into leningrad, and you are looking for excuses, burn,
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comrades, a tank from a bottle, the luga line, if even one german breaks through, even on a tank, even on a stick, i’ll shoot you, pulkovo meridian, bread, i ruined the bread, i don’t have the strength, maksimich, i won’t get to the factory, leningrad metronome, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, this is our duty to leningrad. operation spark, i have never wanted to live as much as i want now, i want to live to see victory, epic film. blockade, tomorrow first. i will not run away from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand. rum. castro, a product of stellor group.
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if i lived in shanghai, i would probably feel like the heroine of some reality show. cameras make our lives comfortable. we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters. displayed on the street, look at the material, at the perfect seams, this is the original, why is it cheaper? well, you don’t buy them on the champs-elysees, the locals love to show off and wear even fake, but branded items, if you are a minute late with delivery, then you will have some problems or yes it is, that’s why guys sometimes they beg clients to forgive them, sometimes they even fall to their knees, and you are a unique man, a manicurist, there are many of us here,
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this jezz has been made in half the country. it is the dream of any actor to play something big and global, he was rewarded for his patience. he turned out to be a flower that takes a long time to bloom. it was the happiest time of my life. well, like any talented person, you are at the same time terribly shaken. he is very light, and the contrast of his lightness is his devotion to friendship. i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together. documentary film premiere
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on sunday on the first. he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life. i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan the fourth, the formidable, vladimirovich’s greatest merit, he saved this inheritance. wanted to allow the lease of our country, kamchatka , for example, to be leased to the americans, moreover, he developed this further, we must learn to trade culturally, solve problems culturally, confiscating all property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion, the lenin chervonets, gold , became the most influential currency in europe, and the woman received 21 privileges; to say that lenin was a supporter of family values, well, it’s definitely impossible, one of the first, just lenin’s.
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modern man, also absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. zapushkina is fighting between ethiopia and eritrea. pushkin is such a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia, africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of mineral. he joined the russian elite, in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17
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african countries gained independence, i purified the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunities. a lot of people think that in africa we don’t walk around, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we are the same people, we don’t different. all major countries understand perfectly well that it is almost impossible for them to move forward without africa. civilization premier. film two. africa. on thursday, on the first. regular spectators of the big game might already be wondering.
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as expected, it’s just that the agenda was so busy that we didn’t even have enough time for american trains, well , today, after all, as an illustration of how the united states is falling, several crashes this past week. sonora, california, train passing through main intersection in this city, damaged several parked cars after derailing train cars. crashed into the crossing gate. traffic, of course, was blocked there for an indefinite period, and there seemed to be no casualties. greenville, ag. three carriages derailed and overturned on their sides. the train was carrying ethanol, but again they say there were no injuries. tampa, florida, a train derailment near that city led to the closure of the parkway east
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of south street.
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in the first century, the united states is still show a picture of such degradation, not only infrastructural, not only economic, but foreign policy, yeah, let's listen to what the still most eminent american journalist, cymour hersh, said now, despite all the persecution. i've been racking my brain for a long time about how to respond to the recent decision. baidano is fully committed to the naval war against yemen's determined houthis, amid poor polling results and the disastrous consequences of his involvement in ukraine's conflicts in gaza. biden's support for ukraine and israel in their wars and the recent decision to attack the houthis in yemen have put him in the same club as two other leaders increasingly reviled by much of the world, benjamin netanyahu and volodymyr zelensky. the irony of the biden presidency is the growing
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respect outside the west for vladimir putin and sizempin. joe biden succumbed to political panic, giving the order to strike targets of the ansar allah movement in yemen, which before american intervention in the conflicts in ukraine in the gas sector is an obvious disaster. after all, more and more americans understand this, and they understand, and i would say, vyacheslav alekseevich, that the more ordinary people are, the more they understand this, really down to washington, for those who live in washington and communicate.
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it was absolutely rightly said, this is a vicious circle, because the only way to finance all these expenses ultimately comes down to debt, all this is financed by debt, but we must not forget that after all, the united states retains its leading role , as a country with a world currency that is used everywhere, that's all the fact is that debt and the role of the dollar in the world market are very closely related. and sooner or later the united states is faced with the problem that many economists wrote about many times in their time, there is the well-known tryphen paradox, which was formulated back in the sixties, when in fact,
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in order for you to maintain the exchange rate, you must borrow, you should have a balance of payments deficit, but this is precisely what leads to its weakening, and they begin to abandon it, and the united states is weakening before our eyes and everyone sees this and...
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after all, the houthis, on the contrary, fought for many years with various opponents, entering the fight against the united states, and they calculated the situation well, what we are generally talking about here, for the houthis it was completely obvious what to answer the united states will truly not be able to carry out a military operation on the territory of yemen, it is impossible, these are huge losses, no united states government will agree to this, and chasing after them by spending expensive missiles is also pointless. what then can they do? attack civilian targets again? the only thing americans can do? americans can, in general, force israel to stop aggression and stop it, but can the united states do this? of course
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not, they will not do this, on the contrary, they are supplying weapons there. well, some countries have now tried to accuse israel of genocide through the international court of the united nations, and today the court made a decision. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the fifth in a series
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of the largest and most powerful in the world in st. petersburg. today the laying of a new nuclear icebreaker took place. he took part in the ceremony.


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