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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 27, 2024 12:40am-1:26am MSK

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they were throwing this giraffe across the bed at the ceiling, my father was playing, we were, that is, we were absolutely happy, that’s why , probably this is it, but in fact i heard other things, i repeat, and somehow it was, it wasn’t and i generally took it calmly, you know, when when a big one is seen from a distance, but face to face, you can’t see his face, and well, he sings, he sings, so i saw that people... or what, they even asked me when i was a child, the nannies in the kindergarten sang something like that, they wanted something like this, but i did this and suddenly i heard some songs in the pioneer camp, i was probably eight years old there, and i say dad, you wrote this, he says that and i say , ships came into our harbor, he says, are you crazy ? classics you must and he is driving, that means abdullov is sitting behind his friend playing the guitar and he is driving, that means the car is singing.
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i have a sea of ​​these songs, a sea of ​​them, he knew them all, these are the yard songs from which his work grew, and for me, you’re talking from childhood, and a giraffe, here in ships came into our harbor, for some reason he sang along, he sang something like that, something oh-howl, there for some reason, it means sailors were having fun in our big tavern, oh-howl, what an oh-howl, and they drank something to the ataman’s health, these are probably the strongest ones for me, i came to his songs later, that’s when... i realized what it was, how serious it was, i realized it already, excuse me, only after his death, vladimir vysotsky, a ballad about love, i will spread the fields for lovers, let them sing in their dreams to eve. i breathe, and that means i love,
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i love, and that means i live, and there will be a lot in her wanderings, the land of love is a great country, she will ask more and more about her knights for testing. will require service and distance, will deprive the rest of sleep , but the madmen cannot be turned back, they are already willing to pay at any cost and would risk their lives in order not to let them break, in order to preserve the magical... what the highest
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self-sufficiency of creativity, look, everything is for real, every breath, every note, every word, and even when vysotsky later released songs arranged by an orchestra, this, i think, is in some kind of french the period when he was already together with marina vlade, for example, the orchestra even annoys me a little, it’s something he’s trying to do.
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i play like this, i need it like this, and the song , of course, is probably one of his best songs, and it seems to me that the songs live when you want to sing, many people cover it and, in my opinion , they do the right thing when they attach the performer, this is this i feel, yes, it’s not like vysotsky’s, it’s different, because everyone has their own love, their own idea of ​​how this song should be sung, i want to say that all people who compose necessarily have their own attitude to vysotssky. everything, anyone, when he creates something,
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because he left behind such a bright legacy, all people, be they the krestovsky zomuturm brothers. there is dmitry kharatyan, all the people who are trying to compose what is supposed to be the name of poetry, not the lyrics of a song, like your humble servant, i can’t call myself a student of vysotsky, but at the same time i have immense respect, it’s this comerton that you can’t do badly, we must do as semyonovich did, because it is impossible underestimate the fact that he is for our people, he is for our people. the essence of the song he wrote was not actually a folk song, yet it cannot be said that people are singing en masse right at the table, but when a person wants to express some kind of sincerity, he turns to vysotsky. dear friends, you are watching the podcast melodies
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of my life, we continue our conversation, a creative person like visotsky was, this is a gift from god for the people, that’s exactly true. because, for example, i’ll tell you a little story, my grandmother taught at a russian school in georgia, and there the children did poetry evenings, they they read poems, they sang, in georgia , including, the very majority, many people respect and love visotsky’s work, you know, the creativity of a person makes a person dear to everyone, i, for example, am georgian, yes, i did not grow up in your environment, i have i mean, i don’t...
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look, they say that wise people say that the result of any person’s life is, in principle, that they remembered with a kind word, look, we are completely different, we have different ages, we can have different musical preferences , we are sure to at least several times a year we return, we remember him with a very kind word, this means that a person’s life was lived, so to speak, as a testimony to life, friends, well now let’s listen again, remember how vladimir vysotsky performed his poems, we rotate the earth, we we don’t measure the ground with our steps,
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it’s in vain that the flowers grow trees, we push it with our dogs, away from ourselves, away from ourselves. and from the wind from the east the toga bent, huddled against the rocks of otarra, we moved the eight earthly without a lever, changing the direction of the blow, do not be alarmed when the sunset is not in place, the day of judgment is fairy tales for elders, they simply forgive the land wherever they want, our replacement companies are on the march. we crawl, we hug the bumps , we squeeze the bumps, not loving evil, and with our knees we push the earth away from ourselves, away from ourselves, after i hear and see vysotsky, i want to make such a small
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backlash, exhale only after that to talk, yes, i can’t name it it is impossible for vysotsky to be a patriot, because everything he does... because what we sometimes cannot formulate, he somehow expressed, everyone says: i would sign absolutely everything for this, well, that is he speaks from everyone, you know, and the vysosk has a lot of such songs, now his songs may be about some, well, how can i say, the most important things in life, they are in demand now. they are now being downloaded, including by young people, on the internet, they will be inserted there on some kind of airwaves, of course, this song was written there 45-50 years ago, there are even more, war songs, he started writing there, there are the most the first of his songs, already
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there he has a second song that he wrote, i grew up during the leningrad siege, yes, she too in fact, like a war song, here they are now, but here you are, in principle. i don’t know, i would even like to remain silent, but i want, i want to agree with you, you are right in saying that this is not a matter of saying some words, he knew what he was talking about, he, he really he was not a patriot... we all know the words , we all know the words, how one should, how one should talk about one’s country, what patriotism is, there was something else in it, it was the absolute truth, what you say, absolute sincerity, absolute sincerity, the feeling of being part of this huge history of this people, he was not talking about someone, not abstractly, this was his life, it was, that’s why these songs will definitely sound, they are difficult to sing, this word sparkles, it... .translated from latin from italian bezvozka, literally, just when they were working on marble
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and the marble cracked, in order to save many days of work, the crack was filled with wax, and the fact that a masterpiece was made without wax, that’s why it coincides, here we are we say, the song of vladimir vysotsky, this is it sincerity, absolutely precisely, without wax , without any, so to speak, compromises, so absolutely absolutely honest and... from the bottom of my heart, when songs, that’s how we, vladimir semyonovich’s songs are done in their arrangements, that ’s how we relate to this, i can’t say whether my father would have liked it there or not , yes, but i can say that, well, from myself it seems to me that if a person is sincere, if it’s for real, if it’s born of some kind of need not to crush the material under oneself vysotsky, but to show some kind of vysotsky's theme, i have a good attitude towards this in general.
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because they can’t help but sing, it’s very , when it’s sincere, it seems to me that vysotsky should be sung, when you say, i ca n’t help but sing, then it’s possible, vysotsky has, well, such vivid examples, wolf hunting, giraffe , which we remembered from childhood, a white elephant, uh-huh, these are such songs, allegories, when, it would seem, on the subject that is included in the title of the song, a picture of completely different ones is created. bright human feelings, before talking about the main thing, oh, oh
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friendship, about faith, uh, let’s listen to a song about a friend, vladimir lysovsky, if a friend suddenly turns out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but if you can’t tell right away whether he’s a sucker or... good, drag the guy to the mountains, take a risk , don’t leave him alone, let him be together with you, then you will understand who he is, this is from the vertical, yes, from the movie vertical, all the sixties, the whole life of vladimir vysotsky, it is ascending all the sixties. in the seventies, i remember, it was an absolute boom, listening to vysotsky, all
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these magnetic tapes, these were torn films, glued together with my mother's nail polish remover, floating, it would seem, the voice of the tape, it 's all filled with these revelations, because even i was looking now, one look, only not a friend, and not an enemy, but so, only a sucker could put all the dots together with such a seemingly small movement of his eyes. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. you are watching the melody of my life podcast. today we are talking about vladimir vysosky. friendship that has united those who help for many years. to you nikita, those who truly remember, well, i know directly and most devoted fans, these are dmitry
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kharatyan, grigory, leps, i new names appear all the time, because all the dramatic actors who take up singing, for them vysotsky is an absolute, so to speak, comerton, i agree with you, just here it’s still time, yes, it’s still time , here he is... much younger than me now, but i’m looking at him, yes, i, well, my eldest son will soon be the same age as he is now on the screen, here he is , he is now... very young, and he is for the young, and people, who perceived him, they were young , and you name the guys, they, they are bright, good, these are my friends, i love them very much, it is very important to me that at one time they supported me, not just me, yes, they , of course , in a sense they supported me, they are my friends, but they, they supported this,
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this topic of vysotsky, i just want to say that it is very important that people of a different generation come to vysotsky who...
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it’s not enough to be conspicuous, you need to be etched into your memory, so vysotsky is etched into our memory people absolutely forever. megi, what are your love songs, this is the word love, everything that fills you with this word, this is the song association? there is such a song called mikvarharki, it means - i say, i love you, just like that - it sounds, and i wrote it in kruz, in kabulet, my hometown, i live near the sea, and one day i sat and suddenly a feeling that i missed something, i missed this, this feeling came, and this was my childhood, there were phrases there,
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there was such a drink that i was walking on... the street - there is the smell of rain, and the same houses, the same trees, the same people, and i walk along my school road, and i realize that i will never be a child, and then it begins that this smell led to i have childhood memories and... they suddenly came, and i realize that it’s repeating itself there again, and that’s it, it won’t happen again, it already happened, these are my heightened senses i left on this street, like a memory from me, then there is such a text that only you and i know what
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color the sky is, only you and i know how the sun is can warm, this is a novel in a novel, you can say so... ენ ვიცით თუ რა თბილია მზე, მიყვარხარ მეთქი და...
1:00 am
ვᔃ რ დაგაჯერე, მიყვარხარ, მეთქი და ვერ მოგახედე, ლაე ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ' ნაწვიმა რ ქუჩაზე, ნაცნობის სუნი დგას, ნაცნობი
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კადრები, ნ აცნობი განცდების, ისევ ის ხები, სახლები, ხალხი, დ ა წლების მერე მე სკოლის გზას გავდივარ, ვხვდები თ უ როგორ, მარტი? ისევ ის ქუჩები, სახლები, ხალხი და წლების მერე მ ე სკოლის გზას გავდივარ, მარტივად გავზრდილვარ.
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მე და შენ ვიცით თუ რა ფერი აქვს ცას მე და შენ ვიცით თუ რა თბილია მზე. მიყვარხარ მეთქი და ვერ დაგაჭერე მიყვარხარ მეთ ქი და ვერ მოგახედე
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ლაე ლა რა ლა ლა ლა ლა ლა ისევ ი სხები სახლები და ხალხი და წლების მერე მე სკოლის გზას გავდივარ, რა მარტივად გავზდივარ, წვიმის სუ ნი დგას ნამიან ქუჩაზე და მე ვხვდები რომ... ვეღარ ვ იბავშვებ, ვეღარ ვიბავშვებ, მე
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და შენ ვიცით, თუ რა ფერი აქვ dear friends, we remembered today and will remember tomorrow about vladimir vysotsky, because he always now in our hearts, he lives with us, thank you very much megga, gogetidze and nikita vysotsky, they were our guests today on our podcast melodies of my life, life goes on, but...
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leonid works at the philharmonic, i want to make a written confession, okay, that is, do
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you want it? as if to confess not under the weight of evidence, yes, but from the heart, from the heart, well, well, at least politely, tell me, do you know nurgeza muzafarna, yes, into the microphone, yes, i do. well, thank god, i also want to make a pure heartfelt confession, but what kind of day am i having today, okay, write, but for now i i’ll take leonid borisovich, but
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i, of course, myself, true, we sweated a little, a huge institution worked for six months to solder ten to some friedman, the mountain gave birth to a mouse, or gave birth, which is correct, i don’t know, if only your guest performers under this article, listen, listen, work after all this, listen, just look, i will work with you, and you will earn me back every penny that you stole. well, since they really wanted soloists from leningradsky gol, but, but this is not yet certain, but you will tell us who is needed, i’m ready to help, i’m ready to cooperate , but you need something specific - this is a joke, you know , i can do anyone, anyone, any of the people, large groups, i just don’t know what level you are interested in,
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there is such a height of 2 me, i how i rushed there with all my might, hello! oh, great,
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great, hello semyonich, they say you’re in the hospital? and here i am, yuri, can i give you a parable? how much i myself have suffered with this bummer, here it is necessary, it’s right that you smoke, push yourself and let the boss trample you, when you feel it, that’s it, i can’t take it anymore, jump forward, as if from the fifth floor, push the board. come here and don’t think that the guys will catch you, that’s their business, they won’t catch me just once, and i was flying !
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there is some inaccuracy in the questionnaire, you were asked to come in, who asked, here, please, come here, well, here’s vladimir, and they tell me he’s
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standing in line. hello, hello, what are we doing with you on the situation, the situation, the situation. we are undergoing renovations, i brought a reference from my place of work, they tell me there are some problems with the application form, come on, here is your autobiography, an application to travel abroad, i’m tearing it up in front of you, old man, now they’re demanding for cars. “i printed it, sign it, but i have my own, yesterday at your yezhevsk concerts,
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two were arrested, both are ratting you out, they think you ’ll get them out, so now your trip to paris.” can be regarded as an attempt to hide from the investigation, and what should i do, what should i do, don’t get yourself into trouble , you don’t need to go to uzbekistan, probably, refrain from concerts, especially from the left , for at least a year, and this partisanship will end badly, time has changed, volodya, the olympics are just around the corner, everyone is tense, i’m not going to uzbekistan, i’m going to paris, well, that’s good, come the day after tomorrow, i think everything
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will be ready.
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“only you can do this, you just need to save him, you know, now, and then think about whether he will forgive you or not, give us the opportunity to help him, sorry, wow, company.” what do you need to sign there? first, here is the last and middle name, passport details, then here is
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the signature. what are you writing? this is consent to your compulsory hospitalization. where do i sign? thank you again, you will talk. and if i'm in hospital? how no one will give you any guarantees, wait, but at least there’s a chance, dad, mom, this is madness, i’ve been hearing for 20 years, you’re going to die, right now, why should i die to calm you all down, stop it, no, no, no, mom, do you really think it’s possible to lengthen your life like this? well , you have to worry about me, i’ll be out in a month, so it won’t be me with someone else’s blood, don’t lift more than 2 kg, be afraid of everything. "that's it, let's go, nina, let them figure it out themselves, otherwise i 'll have a heart attack myself, decide for yourself, yours life, dad, take a taxi, and
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i have my own taxis." i fried volodya kofka for you there, here’s something delicious, eat it, okay, nino, excuse me, dad, what do i need your apologies for, pour it in or something? happy, come on, now i’ll tell you something that i didn’t even tell your loved ones. you have a pre-infarction condition, noises, arrhythmia, a worn-out back wall, all this against the backdrop of constant drug doping. well, you understand what i’m talking about. your comrade now i said that you... are going on tour to uzbekistan, heat, concerts,
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flight, you just won’t come back from there, all the best, goodbye, i did what i could, uh-huh, why did you let them in, yes i came, they were already sitting, the tanya let them in. come on, don’t even think about it, they set themselves up
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, everything is fine with us, there are no signatures anywhere, you know, i’m not a fool, pasha, did i say that you are a fool, i said, people are sitting, hello, yes, yes, girl, paris, connect, hello, hello, dear, now soon, the day after tomorrow i will receive a passport directly to you in paris, okay, okay, i love you, let's get out, i myself. what kind of money is going away, and the bastard, what, you finish
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it, finish it, when will you have enough, i see, it began to open its mouth. by the way, where is he going with you, that’s right, to paris, about shanzaliza, oh, shan zaliza, the barbarian! volodya! volodya, why are you feeling bad? fine.
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well, we talked, you said, why are you going? i couldn't. wait, i don’t understand something, but how, they should prepare a hospital for you there, but how will you get married? they will, if you didn’t say, okay, you couldn’t, i can do it, that’s also a problem, i’ll talk to her myself, i won’t go, i'm not here.
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friedman is sure to answer this , talk to him yourself, i’m tired of this, i’m tired of it, i will, i won’t, i ’m going, i’m not going, we canceled everything, we let people down, i ran around with your passport for a whole week, just so you could identify yourself... that's it, i won't work with you anymore, look for a replacement for me, pasha, pasha, pasha, tell me we're going. how aeroflot doesn’t fly there, come on lenya, lenya, wake up, wake up , everything is as agreed, but what about volodya, you, you said, he can’t, and what about volodya, volodya, volodya, okay, volodya, the best men, write, hotel, that means i, volodya, seva kulagin, and
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also write down anatoly nefyodov, which nefyodov, i don’t know which nefedov, what he will do here, he won’t do anything, this is volodin’s doctor, how can i... zherel , that’s how i was blown away, here’s tanka, look, vova , well, these are my jeans, what are you talking about, let me get you ready, unbutton the shirt, well, i look, they’re lying there, i thought in them stage.
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great, you idiot, quickly get into the car, i'm going, guys, they're calling. the guy is young, very stifling, and i feel the track with my hands, it suddenly it dawned on me, you know, it’s a shalik, you know, it’s a shalik, it’s a check, you understand, you can’t see anything on the range, because well, it’s glass, well, i say, cut the felsh, but
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he’s afraid, i say, cut it, bitch, otherwise we won’t deliver it, they cut it, with a scale, well, checks. he suffers at night and doesn’t sleep, he just picked his nose with his finger for a minute, here’s a song for you, in his nose, what did he pick in his nose, what did he pick in his nose? he was in nosugu and so it was, only it wasn’t a scale, it was a bottle of champagne, not even a bottle, it was a bucket of paint, oh, for sure he was a painter, he climbed up the stairs, sneezed and a bucket of paint hit him, just don’t believe me, i believe you, go ask the guys, no, go ask the guys, there were two brigades there, two brigades i’m running , guys, guys, now let’s go and ask,
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wait, where are we going let’s ask, we’re late, the report says there’s one concert, but in fact it’s five, and the mafioso offices all over the city, oh witnesses, the whole herd, the only proof of the reality of the concerts not listed in the reports are the stubs of ticket books that remain at the box office afterward. ..


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