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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 27, 2024 1:25am-2:05am MSK

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[000:00:30;00] cultural figures are traveling throughout the soviet union, plundering the country, there is one concert in the report, but in fact there are five, mafisha posters all over the city, witnesses, a whole herd, the only evidence of the reality of concerts not indicated in the reports are the stubs of ticket books that remain at the box office after the tickets are sold, these are
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strict reporting documents, well then come in. in my report he appears under the operational name sibiryak, he will remove part of the stubs from each concert and provide them to us. will make a statement and the necessary funds. do you think that if he has a well-known face that no one will tell him, it is entrusted to us, not the ministry of internal affairs, so we will also prove their inactivity, which is not selfish. that's it, get up,
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let's go, that's it. thank you, next, forgive me, let's hurry up, quickly hurry up, thank you, tell me, the plane is standing for half an hour, waiting for you, here 's kulagin, the republic wrote, calling 86, fire, so what are we doing, we're going to work, well , i understand that, so isn't it possible? impossible, why? your mother called in the morning, of course, and i scream, give me a kitchen knife, and it looks like a kitchen knife, and i run there, grab it, here it is such a step, i grab it, over the gas, over the gas, i run back, don’t swear
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, please, fast, okay, they saved me. and you say, read the comsamok, why the hell do i need the comsamok, my girls say, take the carpet, well, what a carpet, well, where am i with this carpet, well, that’s what? carpet set, only with me, i’m
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on carpet. there is a signal, the sound is good, uh-huh, you'll make it, uh-huh , girls, oh, just a minute, sorry, sorry,
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girls, sorry. yes, seriously, our problem is complete rubbish, how could it be otherwise, highest fists, taganka, yes, you know, i didn’t even have to work , unroll the luggage, we have 4 seats, well , that’s good too, i promised you, i’ll do everything, get my autograph, come on, or not now, guys , there’s a luggage over there, come on, and we’ll
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we’ll talk to you, 1997 , we’ll sacrifice, but i’m not afraid for myself, although i’m afraid for myself too, but i have a feeling, you know, a feeling, lyonya, everything will be good or bad, well, since you’re not worried, you’re not afraid, then what am i , let it be as you want, volodya,
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you yourself decided, passenger class, passenger. pull others, well, i’ll tell you what you’ll do, at least i’ll know, listen, don’t make me laugh, but a sympathizer, they stuck to him for warming up, a sympathizer! where he, such a sympathizer, also injected himself with morphine for a hangover so as not to suffer, also sympathized with him in one word, right? if anything happens to him, i’ll kill you, but nothing will happen to him, calm down and you , now go to the hotel, i’m with you, i live there too, volodika, you and the guys
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put everything in this car and.. i threw them in like a cow , wait, what's wrong here? well, something, well, then what? lenya, you see where i'm going show me what it is? spread 10%, well, listen, the situation is normal, what are you asking,
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how much? 10%. five, minus 10%, well, listen, normal situation, 10%, why bother 5%, listen, minus 10, five, 10, five, lenya, 10, lenya, you can’t
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hear me, lenya. hello, you know, he has acute renal colic, we have a doctor with us, lie down, pasha, yes, yes, yes, volodya, now. what are we complaining about , i’m going to the garden, yes, but they don’t call, there was a call from number 318, tashken philharmonic, they also called an ambulance, who needs to go to lux, to vysotsky, why , they say, he has renal colic. at what time
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now it’s 15, let me listen, doctor, come on, you just leave us the medicine, you understand, suddenly it starts again, hello, oh, our doctor has arrived, nefyodov, who is the doctor, can i have a few words with you? but please, now, now, now, it means there’s such a story here, the last name, that’s it , we didn’t calculate the number, it was bad several times along the way, do a handyman, tomorrow the first secretary of the regional committee is supposed to come to the chancellor, we can’t take risks, it’s forbidden , this is a jurisdictional matter, jurisdictional matter, come on, let's not be formal, please, we will also tomorrow with my wife and children, we invite you to the
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concert, you will come, the main thing is we will pay. what a bitch, but damn, he thinks that he’s a principled creature, pasha, you promised that volodya, volodya, volodya, don’t get excited, i’ll arrange everything now, volodya, i ’ll do everything myself now, volodya, listen me, volodya, drink me, volodya, i need to drink, i need to knock me out, come on, what do i need your pills, my veins have burst now, i understand, i understand, volonia, i will do everything, what will you do, what will you do, you already did everything, walks, rests,
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tourist, motherfucker, let's go. come on, call, call, uh, uh, comrade, brother, brother, wait, uh, what are you doing, hey, yes,
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stop! maybe we’ll call the police, don’t, otherwise we’ll be standing here half the night, viktor mikhailovich, 318, listen to me carefully, in volodya’s office there’s a box of medicine under the bed,
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so you take it, okay, what happened, now wait, now how’s that i fly to tashkent, and then immediately here to bukhara, somehow you get there, there are simply no direct flights, there is a direct flight here, there is a direct flight to tashkent, you arrive, from there how do you get to bukhara, how i don’t know, how i don’t know how, well , take a taxi, take a train by bus, under no circumstances, which train, don’t take the train, that means you don’t need the train, don’t need the house, now you’re going to domotetska, you’re going to the second box office, the woman at the second box office is called lidi semyonovna, you say that you are from the theater, that you are behind the scenes, that you are flying to tashkent, what
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if there are no tickets? you think, and what do you propose? talk to volodya, let him take it in his hands. oh, i wouldn’t advise you to talk to volodya now, besides, i know tanyukha, she’s already in on the way, we think, oh, hello, why are you here, what’s wrong with volodya? calm down, calm down. calm down, no, okay. it’s okay that volodya is sleeping, well done, ugh, okay guys, i’ll go lie down, so you too, let’s go to bed, rest,
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departure tomorrow at 80, that’s it, bye, see you tomorrow, see you
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tomorrow, see you tomorrow. is there one nearby in natashken? no ticket. i'm from the daganka theater. take the bad luck. he said and stop working. can you hear me? but he is without medicine, he could die, well , there are no tickets, there must be some kind of reservation,
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well, look, help me, i don’t understand, he’s sick, what? i'm asking you, what? viktor mikhailovich, well, i’m not
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a doctor, does he take drugs? well, i have nothing to do with this. you are not. okay, lyunya, work, viktor mikhailovich, when you have them, well, that is, us, well, so that i know, probably, when we burn the tickets, there are a lot of questions, i speak as usual. there is something, while everything is quiet, listen to me carefully, take
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someone in the car. where to connect, dear, who is this, don’t worry, we are from the republican radio, with the management has discussed everything. connect, you will write in stereo, yeah, okay, hello, after what song do you declare me as mine? in 30 minutes , come up, a theater and film actor, the author of his famous songs, will perform in front of you, and he also often
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works for you on the stage, we go out on the record, meet vladimir vysotsky, like a razor, the dawn slashed across the eyes, the triggers opened like a magic sesame, arrows appeared, as if strikos took off lightly, two hands each from the spring of the river,
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hands at the door, let's go there, i wish you good health, or maybe there is, there is, passenger tatyana, who arrived from moscow, go to the information desk, they are waiting for you, young man, moscow has already left a long time ago, you will repeat it again,
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right? wolves, i deliberately started with a song, so that you no longer have wolves, there is a painting, we are no longer in doubt who is in front of you, please turn on the lights in the hall, we have a different concert, you know, than in the kremlin,
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let me go there they're not allowed in yet, thank you. i don’t remember the hour of conception exactly, which means my memory is one-sided, i was vicious at night, the world was not born before my time, i was not born in in torment, not in anger, 9 months, that’s not years, i served my first term in the womb, nothing good there. thank you for taking the bait, my parents planned to conceive me, secluded, now almost epic, when the fear is huge , that long, chosen in the devil’s night, lyonya is hot, lyonya, carefully, carefully,
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carefully, i walk around, the words are urgent, a sweet word, it turns out that the bus left 2 hours ago. father, did anyone take a car to bukhara today? it’s unlikely to be that far, who would go there?
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orya, take the order. where do you need the car?
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commander? kiberov, for the eldest, to tashkent, like tashkent, quickly, well, now, as i promised you earlier, i would like to tell you a story about our mutual friend, who, while on tour abroad, bought his own money radio receiver, which he
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i brought it to my kitchen and put it on, forgetting to read: thank you, thank you, friends, again vladimirsky for you, i’m very glad that you liked it, in general, an actor must bring to life everything he touches, this requires
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special observation, imagination, all this does. okay, really, in general, now i’ll go again, it seems normal, but what’s normal, well, what’s normal, he
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’s going to hell there. “i’ll bathe you myself, you don’t want to talk , if you behave well, then i ’m telling you, if you behave well, then i’ll finish you off in style, you don’t even need money, stop.” now, right somewhere here
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, right now i’m stopping, now, turn around, as you turn around, serik, i ’ll put you on a donkey, it’s too early for you to... stop, wait, me, shake hands with me, i’m the medicine downstairs for vysotsky, so he is his, in my opinion, hands, help, forgive me, i won’t do it again, stop,
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stop, help! thank you very much, a very warm welcome, i would even say hot, well, your climate is so
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hot! assalomu alaykum aka. ikkita qo'yib yuboring hozir olaman.
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you know how to read, read, for what reason, i’ll throw your bitch into the asphalt like a cat, if you even touch her with a finger, it’s normal, in one shift, a person pumped out 10 of them. so, come on, let 's get the hell out of here, i didn't try to pull the rope, don't worry, everything will be fine, honestly it will happen. responsible concert, people came from the city committee, from the trade union, from the regional committee, everything is correct, valos , you yourself asked, i called, so let’s do it somehow, or maybe we’ll cancel one concert, what are you saying, well, let’s cancel it, pasha, why are you silent, and pasha, let’s just go ahead and cancel it, what are you saying, what is he even saying, stop, stop, let me decide here, we’re working, well, that means
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we’re working, that’s it. yeah, i'll take you to the stop, you'll get there normally, the buses are running and the car broke down,
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sorry. he feels bad, he feels bad because no medicine, if i cancel the concert it will start altogether, god knows that the concert is the only thing that holds him, you know, at least some kind of responsibility, no, pasha, you don’t understand. go and say that the concert is cancelled, they will understand everything, pasha. it’s you who will go to work now. why did you come here, an artist? do you want to help? go play. while you are working, he is resting. sharalya, svetlana muradovna, please, reserve row, please walk around. yes, it’s a bit stuffy, you know, when
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the concert starts, you’ll just forget about everything. i'm sorry, i beg you, please please take a seat, please
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have a nice evening, thank you. good evening, please turn off the lights in the hall, good evening, today you came to the concert of vladimir vysotsky, but if we go, say, to listen to mozart, it is important for us to hear him, they will see the stage, especially considering that mozart was not most. appearance, as i said, today you will hear the songs of vladimir vysotsky, so everything is without deception, well, if someone doesn’t like it, we’ll return the money, oh dear vanya, i’m walking along marina , what is he doing, what is he doing, here’s the guide


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