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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 27, 2024 3:45am-4:31am MSK

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the name pushkin, in six months the block will not exist, but in the same article he will write that pushkin was killed by the lack of air, in a sense it killed the block, but the question is, was pushkin really so cheerful and so easy , after all, in fact, if you think about his work, about his fate, then there was quite a lot of gloomy, heavy, sad stuff there, well... let’s remember at least the feast during the plague, the poem the bronze horseman, pages of the pugachev uprising in the captain’s daughter, yes even many pushkin poems, for example, well-known written on one of his birthdays, a gift in vain, a random gift, why was life given to me. pushkin had a lot of sad things, and yet he had a cheerful, light name, and the blog is absolutely right here, but why is this so?
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here is an example of extraordinary luck , the unlucky poet sashka ryukhin talks about pushkin, from roman bulgakov, master margarita, remember, when he returns from a madhouse from ivan bezdomny, who accused him sashka ryukhin of mediocrity and in such a sad, melancholy mood, sashka goes to truck by tver boulevard, suddenly sees the cast-iron figure of a man who indifferently looks in front of... looks at him and utters these very words: lucky, lucky for him, this white guard shot at him, crushed his hip, ensured his immortality, no matter what he did, no matter what step he took, it all led to his glory, the impression is that these are the thoughts of not only ryokhin himself, but also bulgakov, who certainly cannot be called mediocre, but the mystery of pushkin, the mystery of pushkin also attracted bulgakov very strongly . it is no coincidence, by the way, that in the thirties
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years bulgakov will write a play by alexander pushkin , in this play he will not dare to bring pushkin to the stage, it will be all dedicated to pushkin, there will be a tsar, there will be benkendor, there will be zhukovsky, there will of course be natalya nikolaevna, dantes, danzas, but not pushkin himself there will be, there will not be a single pushkin replica, because bulgakov simply does not dare to say anything on behalf of.
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apollo grigoriev once said, it is ours, russian, russian, because look, in other cultures, in other literatures, in english, for example, shakespeare, he is recognized in england as the first poet, and he is called to do the same throughout the world. the same can be said about dante, the same can be said about cervantes, about goethe, but can the same be said about pushkin? the world doesn’t really know him, the world doesn’t really understand him. if we talk about russian culture, then tolstoy, dostoevsky, chekhov are much more famous, but pushkin is not, but why is that? in a sense, because pushkin is untranslatable into foreign languages. he wrote very easily, and it probably wouldn’t be too difficult to translate it. composes, but during translation all the charm, all the witchcraft of pushkin’s text is lost, like the same sashka ryukhin driving in this truck along tverskoy boulevard.
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he asks himself, what did he write, the storm covers the sky with darkness, spinning snow whirlwinds, then she will howl like an animal, then she will cry like a child, simple rhymes, simple comparisons, and yet, it seems to me, every russian person has something he groans when he reads this, when he hears this, hello, prince, you are my beautiful one, you are as quiet as rainy day, she tells him, i'm saddened by something, a load of melancholy consumes me. prince gvedon answers her. again, everything is very simple, everything is endless, inexpressible, touching. how could he write this? why exactly he got this amazing gift, what this man was like, we really never cease to be amazed. and indeed, the mystery of pushkin’s life, it would seem, is so well known to us. was pushkin happy? in childhood, most likely not. we know a little about his childhood, but apparently... his
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relationship with his father, mother, brothers, sisters was not very harmonious, here, too, by the way, lies one of the mysteries of pushkin’s creativity, because look, in pushkin’s world, which is considered such perfection, which is considered the russian cosmos, which belinsky called, well , truth be told, eugene oneginia, but in general this can be applied to all of pushkin , remember, belinsky said this famous phrase that eugene onegin is an encyclopedia of russian life, but note that in pushkin’s world, in his poems, in his stories, in his stories, we practically do not meet families with many children families, this is the only thing he has. the uniqueness of the children , which he may have needed to solve his own literary problems, may have come from this incompleteness of his childhood experience, but this incompleteness was subsequently more than made up for by this amazing happiness,
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when pushkin ends up in the tsarsko-selo lyceum, here he really lucky, lucky that it was by the time he grew up, by the time he turned... 12 years old , this amazing educational institution was opened in russia, a lyceum in tsarskoye selo, which some consider the school to be such a model of education, a model of education that combined the school with the university, while others say that in fact there was nothing unusual in the person, again pushkin’s phrase from the novel in verse by eugene onegin, we all learned a little something . somehow, it best characterizes training at the lyceum, but in fairness, many wonderful people came out of the lyceum, including one of the future ministers of foreign affairs, chancellor gorchakov, poets came out, decembrists came out, sailors came out, in the life of pushkin, the lyceum
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it is impossible to overestimate, and it is no coincidence that every october 19 he will write poems dedicated to the lyceum, this famous one, my friends, ours is beautiful. the union, like the soul, is inseparable and eternal. these are wonderful pushkin lines full of gratitude to his lyceum youth. he was not the best student, he was somewhere third or fourth from the bottom according to the ranking at that time. but nevertheless, the lyceum friendship, this invaluable experience of human communication, all this meant incredibly much to pushkin. and friendship. the relationship between people was for him, perhaps the most important light , much more important than political views, is the idea of ​​conviction, although pushkin, of course, had ideas and convictions, and we perfectly remember his so-called freedom-loving lyrics from the school curriculum, we remember his
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revolutionary poems, we all taught in the school of his message to chiodaev, love, hope, quiet glory, deception did not bless us for long. we read the village, we read contentment, we know that these poems caused outrage in the tsar’s court, and pushkin was threatened with terrible karma, to send him to siberia, or to exile him to solovki, and if it were not for the intercession of pushkin’s friends, koromzin, zhukovsky, who was the teacher of the royal children, it is unknown what fate would have awaited alexander sergeevich, but the state in this case acted very wisely. very instructive , still treating this young rebel with care, it seems to me that there is some very deep lesson in this, talented people do not develop in a straight line, a person is least of all similar to some kind of scheme or some kind of instruction, which he must follow, here is
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pushkin's liveliness, pushkin's rebellion, pushkin's disobedience , pushkin's incredible craving for freedom, of course, these are his most important features... which separated pushkin from his friends , namely the worldview line, pushkin was hardly capable of political murder, or any murder, except, of course, duels, but this is a completely different story, and if we remember the same ode to liberty, then with all its emotional intensity, with
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all its anger, it actually does not call at all to crush the monarch, it calls on the monarch to respect the law. constitutionalist, yes, there was no constitution in russia, but respect for human dignity is a very important trait that he carried throughout his life, again, no matter what step he took, yes, everything led to his immortality, everything is real he was lucky in life, he was sent to the south, here for him is a northern person, born, by the way, in moscow, which is also very important, yes, this geography of pushkin’s life, it is really very important. muscovite by birth, educated in st. petersburg or suburbs
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petersburg, in tsarskoye selo, he ends up in the south in his youth, just when he needs to be there, on the shores of the black sea, in the crimea, in the steppes near odessa, in moldova, where his service took place, he meets completely different people , all this enriches him, he absorbs all this, all this results in his amazing poetry, which... it is difficult to distinguish from his life this wonderful romantic period in his life, which suddenly ends abruptly, as we all remember again in 1824 year when the police which follows pushkin, intercepts one of his letters, where he admits that he is taking lessons in pure atheism, that is , atheism, in a state where christianity was the state religion, atheism... became a serious crime, immediate punishment follows, for this since pushkin
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is sent into exile in mikhailovskoe, in fact, this is imprisonment, imprisonment is doubly offensive for him, that he is sent under the supervision of his own father, this pushkin’s world, which is so whimsically, so mysteriously, so enigmatically, so amazingly arranged, because
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that... if you can consider it our national idea, our credo, if you remember the words that sound something like this: as a person with prejudices, i am offended, pushkin writes that he does not like much in his contemporary life, but neither for the world's sake, i would not want to change my fatherland or have a different history than the one that god gave us. and this is probably the most important thing in pushkin. was, is, will remain. pushkin is truly our comrade, and pushkin
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truly will never leave us, the ordinary people. thank you. it was a podcast life wonderful. i was with you, writer alexey varlamov. and we talked today about alexander sergeevich pushkin. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. russia is doing everything right, vladimir putin with students, participants in a military special operation. conversation about the future of the fighters in affairs at the front and the criminal kiev regime. comprehensive
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elimination of air defense, two american petriots, french and german radar systems. ministry of defense about losses. program in a week. ordered, done, tanks and helicopters, modernized taking into account front-line experience. what else did our army receive on a single day of military acceptance? memory embodied leningrad, a new nuclear icebreaker was laid down in the northern capital. the president about the resilience of the blockade survivors and the exploits of the people. lied more than once. the west is shielding itself. ukraine, which shot down our plane with its prisoners. the experts have the flight recorders, how is the investigation going? half of america is against biden, 25 states consider him unable to protect the country's borders. what is the essence of the white house's response ultimatum? first tour. grand theater in oman. what's on the posters? how
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the middle eastern public received the ballet and what productions valery gerge will return to the stage. we remember and are proud of the film air, a special screening in st. petersburg. in the hall are those who experienced the siege of the city. the head of the federation council is with them. the russian il-76 aircraft was shot down from the territories controlled by ukraine by a foreign air defense system. in kiev they knew that there were prisoners on board, these were crimes. and the conclusions of the investigation will be published so that the ukrainian people also know. here's the statement. putin in st. petersburg for the trip we will return to the investigation in detail in the issue, but for now about the conversation during which these words of the head of state were heard. its participants are young people who saw the front, the events there, the support of the fighters and the rightness of our common cause. the topic will be developed by evgeny lyamin. at a meeting with vladimir putin at the st. petersburg state maritime
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technical university, volunteers, participants in a special military operation, both mobilized and volunteers, just recently returned from the zones. after being wounded, there are students among them who suspended their studies at the university to go to the front. i think that all of you , having returned from the combat zone, you probably already realized all this yourself, you will return completely different people, because it’s one thing to look on the internet, watch someone’s performances, and another thing to find yourself in an okupa where shells are falling . where the fire whistles , where the mines are, where the drones fly like mice , where it’s cold, dangerous, this is a completely different story, this cannot but influence a person, his worldview as a whole, this is generally in the character of our people in difficult times it’s a moment for the homeland not to feel sorry for itself, to lend
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a shoulder to the country, this once again shows that from generation to generation this... is passed down no matter who says anything in different periods of time, but about what kind of youth we have, that’s all life always puts everything in its place. russia made every effort, trying to build good neighborly relations with ukraine, vladimir putin emphasized, but nationalists within the country, their western curators, did their best to prevent this. everything that happened there is undeniable, especially in the occupied territories opponents, this is genocide, there is no other way to call it, but the extermination of people. russians were declared a non-titular nation there, a law was passed on our historical territories, and they announced that they would not implement any minsk agreements, at the same time they actively continued to work on creating an anti-russian platform in the territory that is called today ukraine, they simply
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began to create such an enclave , they deceived us 10 times in a row about the non-expansion of nato. but all this together simply left us no chance other than uh start trying, so we started with a special military operation, but this is not the beginning of the war, they themselves started the war in donbass in 1914, the crimes of the kiev regime, starting in 2014, are recorded and investigated by the investigative committee of russia, one of the last of ours a military transport plane was shot down in the belgorod region, which was transporting prisoners...
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it was 190, i think, and knowing this, they attacked this plane, i don’t know if they did it on purpose or by mistake, by thoughtlessness , but it's obvious that it's they did, firstly, because the launches of two missiles from the territory under their control were recorded
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, maybe defeats, our air defense systems on their own aircraft, by definition, strike in the wrong place; their own systems are alien, and no matter how much the operator presses the button, ours air defense system. if the technician had not worked, and the means of destruction were confiscated on the spot, they say that this is an air defense missile,
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so this means either they were poorly taught, or they do not learn well on their own, or are not able to how to control such systems, most likely these are american patriotic systems or european air defense systems. most likely french, but in a couple of days the exact answer will be given, which means, but in any case - what happened is a crime, or due to negligence, i am forced to use this legal formulation, it exists, or on purpose , but in any case, this is a crime, such crimes are not committed by censing, it would seem that they were transporting their citizens, their military personnel, no, they fucked up here. "well, we only regret about our pilots, i bring sincere condolences
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to their family members, yes, they reported this at the last second, there are black boxes there, everything will now be collected and shown, i will ask the investigative committee to make public, to the maximum extent possible, make public all the circumstances of this crime, so that people in ukraine know that really happened." vladimir noted that he specifically asked to organize this meeting in order, as they say, to find out first-hand what kind of help is needed for the participants of the svo and their families, what problems need to be solved, the mechanism the provision of medical care and rehabilitation works great now, that is, from the stage of rehabilitation, pre-prosthetics, everything is just fine, there is still a lot to be done here, yes, yes, yes, well, you personally are okay with this, god forbid that it is so and there is , but... there must be modern means of rehabilitation, and here we need to work on this, here it is impossible for there to be some kind of monopoly,
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so that not only there one department provides one company, which means works in this direction and that's it, it's here what to work on, modern means of rehabilitation, that means, more than that, that means, i was surprised to learn this when i pointed this out, i hope that everything there will be brought into line with reality and with common sense. one of the measures of social support is credit holidays, but as
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it turned out, soldiers returning from the front were expected. such a situation, when i was injured, i looked at it in the hospital, the mortgage increased from 1,700 to 1,900 during this time, and consumer bills from 620 to 850, i contacted the bank, wrote the situation, they told me yes, like the interest continues to accumulate, in the future the amount of payment increases, on the one hand you are defending your homeland, on the other hand you get this unpleasant situation, of course, i also agree with you, i completely agree, but it turns out that people pay this interest twice, really from the point of view of a financial organization, they have their own logic, they say: we gave the money, the money is worth something, we do not have the opportunity to use it in the circulation of financial organizations, we gave it away, and we have the right count on payment for this money , which we gave and which we do not use, but nevertheless... here i
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cannot but agree, you didn’t go on vacation, you went to war, so of course this must be included in mind, and this issue must be resolved, we will resolve it within 2-3 weeks. an almost detailed analysis of problems just like this, in the form of dialogue, there are very subtle things, the president noted, sensitive, for example, psychological assistance, on this issue the participants in the special military operation who are at the table have opinions divided, the soldiers are faced with such an illness as... post-traumatic stress disorder, as a result of which they cannot return to normal life, be useful to society and their country. many people don’t know about this problem, they don’t know that there is quality help from specialists, some , due to their own beliefs, don’t want to seek help. according to international practice, approximately 50%, 50% of people who take part in hostilities need such
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psychological rehabilitation. well, this is an average value, we only have about 20% they apply from military personnel or former military personnel, many do not apply because they think that this is a manifestation of some kind of weakness, character, or something else, these are simply the characteristics of the central nervous system of each person, you can do this, so i am now turning to to everyone present, such a delicate thing, you know, you can definitely do it.
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participants in a special military operation are exempt from this tax, but family members are not, this is true, and yes, you are right, then it turns out that if, if let’s say, minor children or wives, spouses, they are the owners of residential premises, then they must pay, well , in fact, you have to pay for them, that’s it.
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this is a property tax, this is a local tax, not a federal one, but if the state is already doing something, it should do it thoroughly, i sergei vitkovich agree with you, this issue will be resolved. vladimir putin regularly meets with the participants of the northern military district, the families of the victims, finds out how to help, the heroes of the northern military district talk about themselves, some of us know each other by sight, their exploits are already inscribed on...
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he was just nearby, just nearby, a man was sitting next to him in the okupa, he took him and covered him, just like a comrade in arms, not knowing his name. everything for victory united residents of the entire country, it doesn’t matter age, social status, region, they collect and send humanitarian aid to the front. this is a general national movement, volunteer in the broadest sense of the word, of course, the popular front, as it were, ignites, as they say, organizes this work, systematizes it, but by the way. i think that to a large extent due to the fact that that it was the popular front that pushed this work forward, it stimulated the whole country, in fact, to this joint such noble activity. we will
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try our best to support you. zakhar kornev from donetsk, used to live there near the airport, has been fighting since he was 18 years old, liberated mariupol, was wounded, and then returned to duty in solidar. i know the story. on the first coins the situation there was very complex and difficult, yes, very, of course, but the city is gradually recovering, coming to its senses, getting younger, acquiring new quality. your second place of service is
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the solidar, and the situation there was very difficult, it is still difficult, of course, yes, the enemy is trying to counterattack there from all sides, but nothing works, on the contrary, our units are moving forward. in different directions and gradually reach the channel. at the meeting, many soldiers , before asking a question, spoke about themselves with pride about their units, those who, after being wounded, thanked the doctors, named specific names, repeating, we are doing one common thing, each in his own way place, bringing victory closer, we are fighting for a just cause, this is an absolutely obvious thing, zakhar said that he said the following words: “i’m proud of my father. great, the whole country is proud of you, i say this without any unnecessary pathos, that’s how it is, all of us we wish each other victory, good luck, you, you are all still young
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people, i want to wish that this operation ends for you too, victoriously and as painlessly as possible, you without... are needed by the fatherland at all times and in the future, because you must form the basis of the russian state. took a joint photo, vladimir putin congratulated the birthday boy, who was among the participants in the meeting on his birthday
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and received a watch from the hands of the supreme commander-in-chief of the military. evgeny, anton vernitsky, dmitry vishnevoy, valery sebastyanov, anna zayakina, channel one. now to the special operation itself. defense today presented a weekly report, in which 36 destroyed tanks of ukrainian formations, 62 infantry fighting vehicles, about 6,000 militants. group strikes on military rear areas were carried out 13 times, military-industrial complex enterprises, arsenals, and enemy airfields were hit. here's another details. operational tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery, groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, have been hit over the past week. four launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, including two patriot made in the usa, samp-t made in france and rist made in germany, three radiation stations for them, as well as
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a radar for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system and six field ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces. aviation means air defense, within a week a plane of the 125th ukrainian air force was shot down and destroyed. six storm shadow cruise missiles, four point tactical missiles, 28 missiles from the ognars and vampire salvo systems, as well as 361 unmanned aerial vehicles. let’s take a closer look at how sensitive the loss of even a fragment of a western anti-aircraft missile system is, using the example of an american patriot worth a billion dollars. as a rule, it consists of four launchers, a radar, a command post, a communications complex, only the destruction of all missile containers will reset the complex. the same effect for a long time if he remains without radar. that is why clarifications from the ministry of internal affairs are so important. on destroyed parts of the air defense system. russia has significantly increased
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the production of weapons and ammunition, said defense minister sergei shaigu. today is the single day of military acceptance. this year the army will receive thousands of units of military equipment. particularly in demand are the k-52 alligator attack helicopters and t-90 breakthrough tanks. andrey golderev learn more about the defense order using the example of the ural carriage plant. on a special training ground. the tanks pass one after another while the t-90m's undercarriage is being tested. the ut-72 is already at the shooting range, the sights are being checked. still right. there is a lot of work in the workshops of the ural carriage plant, which is part of rostec. last year, production volumes here grew more than in... in parallel , designers continue to improve
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tanks; the latest improvements that, based on the results of the svo, the designers introduced are protective-remote machine gun installations. the special operation showed that we need to increase security, spent the last year on a tank added new elements to the turret and hull. as for protection, for example, a dynamic protection system is installed along the entire perimeter of the t-90m breakthrough tank, here it is, these plates, inside of which there are explosives, that is, how is it? it works when a projectile hits, an explosion occurs, which either repels or destroys the projectile completely, and thereby protects the crew, but that’s not all, soon combat vehicles will be equipped with additional protection from drones. the specific complexes most suitable for the conditions have been identified, they have been tested, and in the near future in just a few days, they will be introduced on an industrial scale. what will it be? a special complex will be installed on each tank. an electronic warfare system that will
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create an invisible dome that will protect the tank from fpv drones; they simply will not be able to fly up and break through this dome. the troops are supplied with new and modernized tanks under state defense orders, and today the single acceptance day is received personally by the minister of defense via video link. thanks to efficient work the russian ministry of defense and the organization of the military-industrial complex have managed to increase production significantly. the main in-demand weapons and ammunition, in particular, this was facilitated by the expansion and modernization of production capacities, as well as increased labor productivity. many enterprises have commissioned new workshops, lines, and areas equipped with high-tech equipment. troops and the latest k-52m helicopters are arriving, a modernized version of alligators, now they have become even more convenient and longer-range, thanks to. the ability to install new missiles, it is possible to maintain a greater
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distance so that the crew, after the launch, spends less time on the combat course, hits the target and immediately departs, in my opinion, to my liking, the best helicopter, replenishment in the ranks of air transport workers, the military accepted the heavyweights of the modernized version il-76 mdd, the new aircraft has more... powerful engines, which means it can transport more and further. now we can operate the aircraft in different conditions, from large low temperatures, also up to above zero, and we can safely launch in the conditions of the far north. today we talked not only about weapons, but also about infrastructure development. residential buildings have been commissioned for military families. new berths appeared in several port cities at once. the construction of the main base of the caspian flotilla continues and is scheduled to be completed this year.
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concentrated in the creation of infrastructure for special purposes. the main efforts were in the interests of deploying nuclear weapons forces containment. improving the airfield network.
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many times more equipment and ammunition than in 2023. andrey goldrev, viktor averin, elena shtoklova, dmitry olin, alexey ivanov and kirill danilov, channel one. now about the investigation into the il-76 crash, which was shot down in ukraine, as vladimir putin said today, by an american or french missile. and
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according to the head of state, kiev could not help but know that there were ukrainian prisoners on board who were to be exchanged. recordings of conversations in the cockpit and flight parameters. already from the experts. the investigative committee today confirmed the information of our military about the location of the missile launch from the kharkov region and provided data that does not leave room for the statements of ukrainian western officials that the question is whose citizens were flying on the russian plane. a discussion around this took place last night at the un security council. report by mikhail okinchenko. footage taken from the air by investigators shows the horror of what happened, exploding after hitting the ground. left a scorched woman on a snowy field a bald spot more than a hundred meters long, everything around is strewn with debris and fragments of bodies. womb, man's face, trident. there are characteristic tattoos on certain parts of the bodies of the victims. similar symbols were recorded on the bodies of many representatives of ukrainian
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armed forces who had previously been interrogated by investigators as part of criminal cases. among the material evidence that has already been added to the criminal case... there are documents of ukrainian servicemen who died in the disaster, confirming their identities. to identify the majority of the dead , genetic testing will be required, but we can already talk about preliminary data obtained during the investigation. information that was voiced by a representative of our country at a meeting of the un security council. we are dealing with a deliberate, well-thought-out crime. the leadership of ukraine was well aware of the route and method of transporting soldiers to the place of the pre-agreed exchange. as the preliminary investigation shows, this terrorist act was carried out by the ukrainian armed forces with the use of an anti-aircraft missile system. the missiles were launched from the village of liptsy, kharkov region. according to one version, the shot was fired from a nato -made anti-aircraft missile system, that is, from the very weapon that western countries have been pumping up the regime that seized power in kiev for several years now.
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and all the assurances that these weapons would be used exclusively for self-defense turned out to be lies once again. may be. self-defense has the downing of an aircraft carrying its own prisoners of war as part of explain today what is the relation to the agreed pre-established ihl procedure. we also deeply regret that representatives of international organizations, in the spirit of the most extreme double standards, bashfully refuse to comment on what happened. however, shame and morality are not about the representatives of western countries who spoke at the meeting. all of them hypocritically, like a carbon copy, repeated the text, the essence of which boils down to one thought, that there is no certainty. what happened is exactly what happened. russia says that the plane was transporting ukrainian prisoners of war. light should be shed on these circumstances. in any case, it is strange to hear that russia is complaining about the fate of ukrainian prisoners of war. we agree with zelensky that it is urgent to establish the facts. it's too early to draw
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conclusions. she kept up with her western curators and...


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