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tv   Umnitsi i umniki  1TV  January 27, 2024 9:00am-9:46am MSK

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completely filmed, everyone ran out into the street, rejoiced, cried, hugged each other, ran to the pier, opposite the bronze horseman, to watch the fireworks. 324 guns, 24 victorious salvoes in honor of the city on the neva that survived. natalya kovaleva, sergey morin, sergey namunko, ksenia maklyak, channel one. our saturday morning broadcast is ending, irina muramtseva was with you, good ones. winter weekend to you, be sure to spend it in a warm atmosphere, with those with whom you feel good, in those chores that make you feel good, then there is a feeling that you rested that you have the strength for the next working week, stay with us, stay on the first page, bye, gin sheaf, a product of stellor group.
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hello, dear friends. just in case, i’ll remind you that smart, smart people have come to us from all over russia, and we are, of course, very happy with them all, but i’m built in such a way that it gives me special joy to greet those who come to us from small settlements , such as the village of pridorozhny, for example, in the saratov region, or the working village of maina, ulelyanovsk region, or the urban village like mametkalla. urban
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settlement, speak boldly, city, so i said, i will remind you, of course, because it makes me very happy, to announce that the winners of the final competition of the all-russian humanitarian olympiad are smart people, smart people, right here in the studio before your eyes. will become students, god willing, of the moscow state institute of international relations, gemo university, one of the most prestigious universities in russia, our areapack, let me introduce it to you, judging by today’s meeting with the head of the northern department for hydrometeorology and monitoring.
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kirill gladchuk, ulyanovsk, regional final winner, anna vinogradova, are invited. the city of cherepovets, by the way,
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is a winner, but this is the prize of the governor, responsibly, ilan kaytmazov, vladikavkaz, republic of north ossetia, alania, winner of the regional final. your honor is with us for the first time, yeah, but you probably watch our program and know that we always start with a prologue, that this prologue consists of a single competition, this is an eloquence competition, 15 minutes before the start competition, i approach our participants and give them a topic for an eloquent speech. the topic
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is this: in this case, the arctic is first of all science, but we say space is first of all science. yeah, but the arctic, in my opinion, is no easier than space, and there is a lot of science there, well, now we’ll see how they will speak on this topic. 30 seconds is the ideal time limit, after 40 seconds, no matter how interesting they talk about it, i will have to stop them. hello, dear ariopak, hello, yuri pavlovich. alexika is science, in this expression we we can highlight two key words: science, i’ll start with it. in my understanding, this is studying something, getting something new. knowledge, and the arctic is the object of this study, but at the same time we can say that it is a tool, what i mean: the arctic , as it were, helps to study and obtain this knowledge, for example about minerals or animals, which is why i agree that the arctic is, first of all, science, thank you,
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thank you, the ideal time limit is 30 seconds, cherepovets, hello, dear, hello! knowledge of scientists, so the arctic is first and foremost science. thank you. thanks a lot. the performance lasted 38 seconds. hello, dear ryapak. hello, yuri pavlovich. the arctic is a huge part of our homeland. with its scale and mystery, it
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attracted researchers from all over the world. scientists made their discoveries guided by one goal: to bring benefit to all humanity. many of them sacrificed their lives for the sake of science, because science is primarily about dominance. second place, i would give it my all anna's confidence. kirill, your statement was accurate, but still, we need
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to pay more attention to the arctic topic here, because science is everywhere. guys, thank you. before they choose a path, i just want to explain to you what this girl is doing here. in the last meeting, she chose the red carpet, or rather you got it, right? at first everything was fine, but then there was a mistake, she went to the bank and couldn’t cope with it, so now she’s resting. and this was the red carpet. but the red carpet is the fastest two stages.
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no, the green one has been smiling at me since the regional stages. smiles from the regional ones, well then , no objections, please, the green path, and let it smile at you, another thing is that other paths do not smile at your friends, competitors, there is no choice, i really like the choice, the red one is yours, i think there is a choice always, yes, but in this case there is a choice, it is to choose the red carpet. this is a very interesting topic for us, here in the arctic. the competition will go in stages, that is, you will have a choice of three keywords, then
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the number of words will decrease. ice, city of peoples. i will take. which city was founded in 1584 by decree of ivan the terrible, on which cape? what was it called then, why did the residents themselves call it, tell the judge , what if he doesn’t know, although i strongly doubt that this is so, but the city is now called arkhangelsk, and before that it seemed to be called novoarkhangelsk, but what was novoarkhangelsk, no?
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mountains, the residents themselves called it the arkhangelsk city after the archangel michael monastery. yuri pavlovich, we mean definitely purnalovok, and the order should definitely be given, but from the point of view of the fact that our girl is from arkhangelsk, everyone in arkhangelsk knows, even small children, but why did you say so well about the orders, and then you began to say something like this this, all arkhangerod residents know the purnalovo fishery, yes. we should be proud of this and we should celebrate this, because here
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it turned out to me that the kamchadals don’t know the kamchatka region at all, let’s not talk about sad things, we have a morning program, give the order urgently, so ice people, what are we taking? maybe these are koryaks, like koryaks, you
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can you imagine what the west is, no, the west , yes, the koryaks are kamchatka, and this is the east, east, east, no, gold with a strong penalty point, you move on to the next stage, dear girl, and where does terik serve, you know, in caspian sea, thank god, what? but point, please move on, arseniy arev, the city of orenburg, the european lyceum, a suburban village, this people are sami, like the sami, the name itself, and as they are usually called, karelians, there are several names, but these are definitely not karelians, laplans, this the word plan, glider, glider, yes, no, lapland, well if lapland, then what do they mean, lapland, well, lapland.
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the total mass of arctic ice has decreased by 70% compared to the 1980 level. well, that's what he reports anyway. internet , experts suggest that in the 21st century most, i say carefully, most, not most, just in case, the water space of the arctic ocean will be free of ice, that is, this will open up such good prospects for the transportation of goods, passengers and so on,
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it seems good, yes, yes, but on the other hand it’s bad. because the arctic really needs ice, two questions, what are they protecting our blue planet from? and what role do they play in the world's oceans? as for the world's oceans , they cool it down, they do not allow it, how to say, to constantly heat up, and as for our globe, the northern ice they seem to... take the blow of the northern sun's rays , in my opinion, you like the answer, well, they're like would reflect them and also prevent the planet itself from heating up, in the ocean concerned, they do not allow the flora that is there to die, along with the animals and plants located there, i have
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this assumption, your part he passes to the next stage? yuri pavlovich, i think the answer is correct, the correct answer, its own trait, i ask, on the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. brag is heading to leningrad, and you are looking for excuses. this is the siren that... sounded on the air, the feeling of hunger is terrible, it’s when you want to eat all the time, but there is nothing to eat, there is no strength, it was hell, hello, hello, can you hear me, tanks and infantry broke through
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our positions, i ask for support, well, here is a familiar room. you are not sisters, no, and not cousins, no, and not second cousins, no, but what do you want to become when you grow up, david, guess for yourself, guess for yourself, i want to work on my own, i want to give my dad a day off, i want to get medals because i’m the only one, how many teeth does a shark have? well,
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either 100, or 13, or, either a thousand, or 100, somewhere like this, yes, well, yes, i was confused, but excuse me, what do you have for breakfast? i love broccoli, shrimp with broccoli, buckwheat, for example, with broccoli, pasta with broccoli, the first child on channel one who loves broccoli is the best, new season, tomorrow after the evening news, tell me in the school cafeteria? is already hiding glasses from you, i don’t know, bay, vice admiral and exit, i choose vice admiral, this wonderful polar explorer, vice admiral and heroic person, was one
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of the initiators of the use of icebreakers for the development of the northern sea route, and i would generally said him... called him the main initiator, he led the commission to draw up technical specifications for the construction of the world's first arctic-class icebreaker, he invented this called an ice tooth, well, first of all , explain what an ice tooth is, and then what was the name of this admiral and what was the name of the first icebreaker? let's start, let's start with the name of the icebreaker, yes, and the icebreaker was called ermak, that the tooth we were talking about is, in fact, well, the ship had a sharp
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protrusion in front, which cut the ice with it , allowing it to pass through when it was frozen, like lermantov's, yes the tooth hurts, chops, cuts, the beat of a drum, screams, grinding.
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she hands over the medal and receives an order, because the medal is on a shelf, and the order is already full of points, well i definitely have a fine here, because i have to pay for the schmid, well, the yarmak is just a yarmak, it’s very simple, that means no, there was also a tooth, there was a tooth too, well, the tooth is also simple, but of course you need to know the admiral , we still have a second mistake, but unfortunately, cherepovets, please gather, you can make mistakes twice on the green path , that is, you are very...
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1932 schmidt’s expedition started from arkhangelsk on the icebreaker passage alexander sibiryakov, they wanted to go through for the first time in one navigation the entire northern sea route, in in the chukhov sea, the propeller broke, and not just the propeller, but all the blades. researcher, i will assume that oto yulievich schmidt, in general there was such a theory that you can
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go out on a shelf of ice with the help of it to direct the ship, i will assume that he somehow tried to crash into some kind of ice floe with the help of it to change the course of direction ship, that is, you are offering some kind of your own completely option, i don’t know how much... it works, but this is not the option that shmit used, that is, apparently another there was some way out. there is a third way out, go to the bank, think about it. and, gleb korzov, gordvogda, school number 30. the second time, when their propellers broke and there was nothing to move, they used coal bags and made sails out of them, with the help of which what? the parusha on the ship, well, with the help of which they tried to move on, was almost ninety.
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as if a pirate ship continued its journey and reached petropavlovsk-kamchatsky. i think it's wonderful. i think this answer will be counted as correct. order we have there is an opportunity, if such an embarrassment happened to a person, he can win back. to do this, he must go to abank. let's go to the bank, yes, but there is a choice there , there can be different things, there is no specific topic here, history and geography and all sorts of things, out of fear i don’t even look at what you are pulling,
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so we read. what is the name of the largest european lake? ladoga, ladoga is the biggest, lord, kirill gladchuk from the city of ulyanovsk, winner of the regional final, got even, he said absolutely correctly, therefore, unfortunately, for me, it leaves us going to the semi-finals. good girl, kirill, to the stands, please, the game continues, there are three questions left, we have overcome it, what and how?
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exactly what and how the expedition of dmitry igorevich overcame shparo in 1979. anastasia nokhrina, boarding school, boarding lyceum, city of kaliningrad in 1979, the expedition of dmitry shpar, which was called shparo, called komsomolskaya pravda, reached the northern policy on skis for the first time. this is an expedition led by a soviet and russian traveler, honored master of sports dmitry shparo, in 77 days she overcame 1500, almost. what does almost mean?
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almost two, and the first in the world to reach the north pole in dogs, okay, on skis, on skis, let’s do it in the city? yes, yes, yes, icebergs is the last key word, a strange picture, sometimes you can see in the arctic, i haven’t seen it myself, but they write: imagine, there is a ship in tow pulling an iceberg, why, they are protecting something in such a way that we get up, that’s right, it protects oil rigs that are stationary in the arctic ocean and pumping oil, i'm viktor myshansky from the city of kaliningrad, what are you talking about, yes, a very pleasant
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meeting. the last verse: whose mind guessed through the ice the long-desired path, where no one’s tracks went , where the mercury freezes, there every moment every hour, the end is ready for everything, but the sensitive hearing and keen-sighted voice of the soviet sailors, the most dangerous of all roads, entrusting their ship, not weakened, not
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exhausted, that fiery mind, the poems are called tsev, pestilence, path, who wrote them in 1950? evil tongues say: the author curried himself, gleb korzov, vologda city, school number 30, i dare assume that this is konstantin simonov? no, anna andreevna akhmatova, as i say, evil tongues said that she was currying favor, because at that moment she was having difficulties with her son, this is completely unlike him. “glory to you, breathless pain , the gray-eyed king died yesterday,” well, of course andreevna, question number one, who opened
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the strait between asia and america, what is it called, but he has nothing at all, it was the russian who opened the strait between asia and america. berling discovered it, why do you, why do you? you still have only one medal, i don’t know, you hand in the medal, you get an order, absolutely right, question number two: the weather is cloudy,
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snow and fog, we arrived at the cape , the seims are from a stone, average height, around one the ice is smooth and there are no hummocks, here i named the cape, eastern, northern, i set up a lighthouse, one log that i carried with me, oh, how they traveled then, your honor, such is the record, the mouse was discovered in 1742, by whom it was discovered, what is it called now and what generally famous,
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the northern tip of the continent of eurasia, everything so that this was established 177 years after the discovery, we are not giving anything away, it’s just that chelyuskina and i are very simple, everyone knows this, and you were recently, it’s beautiful, and the place is very picturesque, yes, the real arctic, the mainland arctic, and how did you get there, by helicopter, did you take the log with you? and more than one, thank you very much, your honor, and finally , question number three, how is pack ice different from iceberg? igor vinogradov, vologda, vologda multidisciplinary lyceum. let me start with
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the fact that pack ice is significantly less thicker than icebergs, and icebergs calve depending on what kind, right? i would immediately say that the answer is wrong. i went. arseniy orefeev, city of orenburg, european, village of prigorny, i will assume that iceberg is broken ice, as already said, which floats, and pack, apaque ice is coastal ice, which is frozen, why is it coastal, the shore is covered with it, no, guys , all this is very very bad, everything is very wrong, no, friends, read out the correct answer, please, i won’t read it out, you can in your own words, yes, pack ice, guys, that’s the second type of ice that forms in the sea. surface, uh-huh, everything is very simple, well , this is for you, you explained it perfectly, and an iceberg, and an iceberg is that piece of large ice that broke off from a large ice floe located on land, they fall so beautifully,
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this is the ice that crawled off the land, i can come talk to you about you, about the arctic, now i announced to tv viewers, the epilogue is over, the judge allowed me to talk to him, we are looking at the advertisement for vladimir vysotsky’s birthday. pala rass play clean gold, we rely only on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a broken hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, became my affection, i carried my misfortune through the spring on the ice, i loved the sad moments that passed by. everything tender in me
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without wings, you with a tripod, i spread the fields to lovers, vladimir semyonovich, what difference does it make to you, it really wasn’t possible to live longer, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, and our sons are leaving for battle, premiere , own track, today. at first, you can understand that i didn’t take the child because of the money, but somehow they forgot, that you are a murderer, and your daughter will visit you, well, i just heard that she has a young man there, it seems to me that she has no time for you at all, she’s not an adult, bro, you want to live a good life, chicks, clothes, cars , so, well, if you want, i’ll give you money so that you leave her alone, what’s serious, call the amount, don’t yell, i say, where the grandmothers pulled off the scheme together, it comes out and... a common container, new episodes, tomorrow after
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the program time, here everything you need to sign, and we go our separate ways, as you wanted, or i can destroy you, return you to where picked up, modern man, this has already been absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world, language originated,
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first, the basic question, what is the arctic, life, life in space for you, when you visit the arctic islands and archipelagos, it can be compared to flying to the moon, although i have never been to the moon, it is also difficult, also inaccessible, also lonely, but there is still interest here, interest that... is generated by this territory, this
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territory of the unknown, and territory undiscovered, that is, you always understand that you can step where no man has ever set foot, there are still such corners on the globe, they answered very well, i ’ve just never seen this arctic, such beauty, but in general i’m ready to easily imagine , impossible in pictures, pictures are just what you perceive visually, but this... when my wife gave birth to your first child, i left for france the next day and answered your question, yes of course, but i i understand that in general this the fate of all polar explorers, by and large , well, with the exception of probably those who do not have wives, the fate of polar explorers, but you are engaged in... from the field when his son or daughter is already several
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months or years old, then get to know your child. well, are you involved in climate change? experts deal with the climate, but we are working to organize the work of these specialists, so that they can get to the arctic, so that they can conduct their scientific research, so that they can then draw conclusions about what is changing. so at the moment it’s definitely going warming, a period of warming , and of course the ice area is definitely decreasing, but to say that and how some on the internet claim that in the coming years we will have the simarput highway free of ice, this is of course not,
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wrong , because thank you, god, in the coming years the route of the northern sea route will not be free of ice, and of course, within a year... there are quite difficult ice conditions, of course, there is quite a lot of ice forming there, that’s all that ’s happening now in dynamics, of course, if to compare with previous periods, then the area, yes, it is shrinking, and the ice-free period is longer at the moment, so you can start shipping a little earlier, you can have it a little longer at the end of the season, but so now...
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there are a lot of spots there, one might say, that the arctic attracts us as a great mystery, yes, because global changes are taking place there associated with a decrease in iceberg ice, new ones are opening up under large masses of ice that used to exist, new territories are opening up, new straits, islands, you can still make a geographical discovery there, to paraphrase one german, we can say that the longer you look at the arctic, the more it begins to peer into you, definitely, yes, but not everyone can see this reverse reaction , well, you see, otherwise i wouldn’t work here, the main dangers of the arctic, and for a person, for
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a person, the main danger is, of course , recklessness in the arctic, that is, it’s not
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very easy to arkhangelsk, to this wonderful man of mercy please arkhangelsk gate, you won’t regret it, all the best, montechoca cognac, a product of the stelar group.


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