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tv   Blokada  1TV  January 27, 2024 1:25pm-2:51pm MSK

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alyosha, vera, alyosha, alyosha, follow me, you are wounded, now i will do everything, be patient, be patient, now i will do everything. now, well, how is alyosha, better, good, vera, how did you end up here, then, i ’ll tell you later, but how could it happen that you are alone, why anatoly? he is not there, the germans
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shot him, what, but he is in leningrad, what did you say that you are either alive, alive, he was walking with those retreating from the south, i saw him, no, no, no, this is already... maybe be where is he now? where is he now? i said, in leningrad, at home. yes, here we are, like a battalion? everything is fine, major. the battle is in place,
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varvara semyonovna, hello, fyodor vasilyevich, hello, hello, but you are in no way wounded, isn’t that nonsense?
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you will be on the verge of complete defeat, so we will now strengthen your armies at the expense of the center group. this is all.
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cruelty, but we are already, no, danwitz, we must be so cruel that humanity shudders, remember, cruelty, more and more cruelty,
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from july 10 to august 8, 29 von leib divisions,
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1,200 aircraft, almost 1,500 tanks, 12,000 guns, stormed, bombed. and fired at fortifications created by leningraders and troops of the leningrad front. on august 8, near kinggesep, the enemy broke through our defenses and rushed forward, outflanking the luga group of troops. a mortal threat loomed over leningrad.
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brother sailors, altians, my military comrades, you should tell me about loyalty to the oath, about
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loyalty to the homeland, you have absorbed these sacred concepts with your mother’s milk. after all, i crushed the white guards with your fathers, are you really unworthy?
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it hurts, but not here, it hurts.
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oh, what is this bombing? no, it wasn't bombing. the germans first began shelling the streets of leningrad, and on september 8 the enemy captured shlisselburg and thereby closed the blockade ring. on the same day, german aircraft carried out their first daytime raid on the city. cognac monte shococa, product of stellor
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group, come in, hello, comrade kuzentsov, hello, comrade stalin, have you seen zhukov? i didn’t go to the people’s commissariat, directly. the airfield has gone to you, we are recalling voroshilov from lening, shukov has been appointed commander, obviously you missed each other, the enemy has broken through our defenses north of the red village, he is shelling the pulkovo heights and the city, a difficult situation has arisen in st. petersburg. very heavy,
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it’s unclear to what extent the ships of the baltic fleet participate in the defense of leningrad, naval. artillery is crushing the enemy on the near and distant approaches to the city, will you allow it, comrade stalin? yes, here, between the islands of ezali daga, the khanka peninsula in the west and the island of gogland and other islands in the eastern part of the gulf, both shores and the entire water space, at the present time. is in the hands of the enemy, during transition from stalin, we lost 60 ships.
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59, comrade stalin, 59 out of 197 ships, very large losses, but they could be much greater, yes, comrade stalin, the germans expected to sink the entire fleet after stalin left. our squadron was subjected to a fierce attack, it was hell through which our ships passed, i am sure that there was and is no light.
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so that the germans can break into leningrad. order the ships to be prepared for the explosion. not a single ship should fall into the hands of the enemy, not one. you are personally responsible for the implementation order.
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go to shapochnikov and prepare an order with two signatures, the chief of the general staff and yours. no, no, my dear, this is a purely naval matter, and i will not put my signature. perhaps you think such an order is premature? no, nikolai gerasimovich, i don’t think so. why? because war is war. and anything can happen in war. you are ready to guarantee that, having received our order, some hotheads there in the baltic will not carry it out before absolutely
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necessary. boris mikhailovich, for the present sailor it's easier to shoot yourself in the forehead than to sink your ship. i have no doubt, my dear, believe me, i have no doubt, so whose signature should i put first? yours, mine, the supreme commander-in-chief. okay, leave the text with me, we need
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to go to smolny, i can’t do it without a pass, comrade army general, i must call the chief of the guard. this is general zhukov, the sentry is right. comrades, the new commander of the leningrad front, army general zhukov, has arrived. general khozen arrived with me. sit down fellow generals. what issue is being discussed at a council of war? at the moment , there is a mining operation at the most important military-industrial facilities. on the subject. in case of emergency, georgy konstantinovich. the enemy is known to dodge the city. that’s right, andrei alexandrovich,
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i propose to remove the issue from the agenda. war council, interrupt for now. i need to familiarize myself with the situation in more detail, don’t mind, andrei alexandrovich, please, the invited comrades are free, members of the military council and the head of the communications department, please stay, where are the operational reconnaissance maps? now, kliment efremovich doesn’t have time for unnecessary formalities, the military council is in sight, let’s finish. if the members of the military council agree, then we will continue the meeting, say,
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at 23:00, where the negotiation point is in the basement, comrade commander, enter. a distinguished commander during the civil war, a commissar by his character and temperament, varoshilov belonged to those communists who go ahead and fall first with faith in the final victory. and here, near leningrad, neglecting danger, he appeared on the front line , slept in fits and starts in a car, held meetings, but from a military leader leading battles with an army that has vast experience in modern warfare, today he demanded... something more, there is a connection between the troops, that’s right, comrade, army general, convey, at the apparatus of the beetles, i
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ask you to report to comrade stalin, command of the front has been taken over, period, by the beetles, units of the newly formed forty-second army, adjacent to... the other fifty-fifth defended leningrad from the south, but after grueling battles they were forced to leave red village and retreat to the pulkovo defensive line. the situation is complicated by the fact that the main forces in this area are parts of the people's militia, which suffered heavy losses. the twenty-first division of nkvd troops was hastily transferred to poduritsk to help them, but this is clearly not enough. major sidan, who is he? i ask, who are you and why are you showing up without permission? colonel korolev, head of the operations department. commander, a message has just been received that
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the germans have broken through to the kirov plant area. what other germans? i don't know, but just now reported by phone, and i decided that it was necessary, who reported? on the line is major sidorov, commander of the fighter battalion. he said the germans? forces, i can’t know, i ordered the necessary, without wasting time , to immediately report, and ordered the battalion commander to be by the phone and wait for further orders, communications chief, switch this alarmist here, there is, listen, you, alarmist, who has appeared there? ? “i’m not asking you, germans or turks, i’m asking what forces, what do you command, a kindergarten or a fighter
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battalion, but if it’s a fighter battalion, then destroy it, besides, i haven’t seen them myself, now listen, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on..." tanks , even on sticks, i’ll shoot you, i understand, i’ll shoot you, nothing doesn’t really know, the platoon commander , the witnesses reported to him that tanks were moving from somewhere in the west towards kirov , and not tanks, it seems, but a tank, or maybe a wedge?
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so, why the hell are you keeping the same density of troops across the entire front? the germans are advancing with tank wedges to kuritsk and pulkovo heights, it is from here that they expect to break through to leningrad, here our main force should be concentrated. georgy konstantinovich, the situation that is marked on your map developed literally in the last hours, but... you are no less right, the distribution of troops now no longer corresponds to the current situation.
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louder that you whisper like a girl's boyfriend, comrade commander, colonel korolev reports by phone, no enemy was detected in the area of ​​the kirov plant, a small group of reconnaissance motorcyclists infiltrated to the trout hospital area, but was immediately destroyed. okay, go ahead, don't bother me. there is, therefore, we need to change the boundaries between the 42nd and 55th armies, the 42nd defends the urit and pulkovo directions, the main thing for today, so i order the front of the 42nd to be strengthened at the expense of the neighboring 55th army, but comrade commander, with this we
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will weaken the kolpino direction. that sooner or later enemy intelligence will establish. what do you intend to do when the germans break through uritsk or pulkovo? the troops have orders not one step back. i know your orders, as well as the fact that they are not being carried out. i ask what will happen if the germans actually break through to the kirov plant. and not by a few motorcyclists, by large forces. however, you don't have to answer. do you know that the depth of defense is limited to the combat zone? there are troops, but there are really very few of them, comrade commander, we were forced to throw all our meager reserves into the battle zone, including cadets of military schools and fighter battalions. i know about the great work that the party has done organization of the city, i know.
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how many guns and tanks do you think can be obtained today at kirovsky? here's the latest data. i agreed to take everything, the composition. how many anti-aircraft guns can be removed from the air defense and transferred to the combat formations of troops? well, comrade commander, the city has been subjected to a fierce raid for a week in a row. answer the question: what's the point of protecting the city from aviation if german tanks invade? on the street, in 15 minutes report to me how many guns you will give and which ones, okay? that's right, comrade commander, i believe, georgiy konstantinovich, we urgently need to create additional borders, in addition to the ring road line, you are right, we really need additional borders, but with what forces to hold them? we will once again mobilize among communists and komsomol members, we will once again announce an additional recruitment of volunteers at
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enterprises and institutions. it is proposed to release colonel gorodetsky from his duties as chief of staff and appoint lieutenant general khozin as chief of staff of the front, general fedyuninsky will be my deputy for now, there are no objections, the issue with the headquarters has been agreed upon, everyone begin to implement the orders received, look carefully, you will recognize
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it, grandfather, rom castro is a product of the stellar group.
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soldiers, we are in st. petersburg, follow me, come out, gentlemen, we have arrived, come out,
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lange? report to division headquarters that my regiment was the first to reach the outskirts of st. petersburg. i obey. comrade kuznetsov, yesterday you decided to transfer 40 tons
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of explosives from the reserve of the engineering department to the regional troikas, the explosives were received, received, however, at a meeting of the military council, during which they so suddenly appeared.
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surrender, i understand well that we cannot defend the city with an excellent organization of defense, so we will always help you in everything. but as for the issue that was discussed, georgy konstantinovich, there should be complete clarity between us. andrey alexandrovich. in today's difficult situation, we are faced with the task of not just defense, but of active resistance to the enemy. if yesterday the germans captured a village, station or height, then today this village, station, height must be taken back. if you failed today, attack tomorrow, but no matter what it became, take it back. to wrest and... the initiative from the enemy, that is the task, otherwise death
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, we will mine, and the idea of ​​​​the inevitability of retreat must be knocked out of people’s heads, by any means necessary, knocked out, allow it, alyoshka, alyoshka, alive, alive. alive, well , come on in, come on in, tell me where you disappeared, why are you telling me, i was in the metambat, then in the hospital, now here’s to you, a combatant godink, this is great, we need operatives, no, i’m now a combatant commander , i’ll ask to go to the front line, yes, i’m going to fidyuninsky, whatever new for the last hour, here is the latest report. general fedyuninsky the day before was
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appointed commander of the 42nd army defending the pulkovo heights. what's happened? major zvyagintsev from our engineering department. why is an engineer hanging around here? comrade commander, i was carrying out a combat mission on the luga line and was wounded. now from the hospital. someone dressed you up. where did it hit my leg? he doesn’t want to work at the headquarters, he asks to join the ranks again. come on, come on in. shkandebai, send her to kirovsky. i obey. clear. let's commander, what does this have to do with the plant? i ask you to send me to the front. i know. do you know that machine guns are firing at kirov? you will have to build barricades on the street there. from kirovsky to uritsky square. the tank runs for half an hour, today i’ll send it to
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kirovsky, i’ll listen to what’s burning, the dingel forge caught fire not long ago, it was hit by an incendiary shell, and now the bastard has flown into the fire.
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we weren’t sent here to play with spillikins, we are hastily constructing emergency water supplies, suddenly, despite all my categorical protests, 30 workers are being taken away from me, you and i agreed that on all technical issues you will contact the chief power engineer, but this is not a technical issue, you understand, these are defense, defense, workers who were taken from you and went to occupy military positions positions on the approaches to the plant, you understand this, i understand, yes, but alone. the task should not exclude another , we will take measures, we will take measures, labor
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will be allocated to you, thank you, thank you, here we have a repair area, straight from the front the tanks are coming here, that’s where the second defense sector is, so let’s get through, yes, yes. alexey, after, ivan maksimevich, how did you get here? hello, wait, ber said that you were wounded in the leg, but you’re already out of the hospital, yes, and now come to us? you, and here you are, they returned it, like the specialists returned it, and now look you’ll have to fight again, i’m from the front, and the front is to me, these are the things, friend alexey, bad things, ivan maksimovich, absolutely, air raid alert,
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air raid alarm, a german plane dropped paratroopers on the territory of the plant, soldiers fighter squad immediately. will head to the area of ​​​​tank workshops, air raid, air raid, thief, thief, no, this is not a parachutist, don’t shoot, this is a bomb, lie down, lie down, this parachutist, this, strong parachutist! lie down, lie down, heal, turn on, lie down, come on, alive, okay.
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dad, dad, well, verk, where are you from? the wounded were brought to the hospital, now back to the front line. alyosha, alyosha, why didn’t you call, why didn’t you come in, but wait, i just got home from the hospital yesterday, come in. lyoshenka, i’m not far from here, promise me, if we’re alive, we will definitely meet, please, i only now realized how hard it is to lose loved
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ones, okay, vera, let it be as you want. wie konnte das geschehen?
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on the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. i lost it. cards or they were stolen in line, i don’t have the strength, maksimich, i won’t be able to get to the factory, and if i can’t stand it, i’ll fall? stop talking! the film epic blockade, leningrad metronome, is on the first today. i'm glad i met you.
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how did you manage to escape? veda vodka, a product of stellor group. zhukov says: state, finally cranstats. all the artillery of the fleet suppresses the fire of these hooligans, the coastal naval artillery conducts continuous fire on the batteries shelling the city, but enemy planes bomb the ships, and we have to fight them off. why did you want the friedians to allow you to shoot like at the firing ranges? concentrate more fire on the areas of voroni mountain and otradny, there are heavy enemy batteries there. i'll give you half an hour to shut them down. maybe i should also call novikov? no need, andrey aleksanovich, that's it
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the fighters were already in the air, and tributs didn’t need to call, he knows well how to fire at which areas without us, i called to reassure you. sit down, please. so, that means we have no choice but to sit and wait. andrey alexandrovich, you and i are unable to change anything up there. people up there do what they have to do. there is no point in urging them on. and rush from place to place under fire, too. from enterprises, sit and think, i want to understand what the germans are planning, it is very
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important to know whether fonley will be there again storm the city on his own, or hitler is transferring new contingents to him, as you believe, intelligence did not report any information about the transfer of new enemy units , firstly, the scouts could have missed, and secondly, hitler could have started transferring now, simultaneously with a massive raid on city, why do you think that the keeper will do exactly this, i’m trying to put myself in his place, for more than two weeks fonleya has been trying to break into the city, rushing like a dog at... the fences are falling down. i don't believe that hitler will tolerate this for a long time. for hitler, leningrad is both a strategic and prestigious issue;
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the germans will try to take it at any cost. will hitler give von leib new significant reinforcements? all the dates outlined by hitler for the capture of leningrad have long passed. but the same time factor dictates to the germans. the need for a speedy attack on moscow, winter is ahead, and so to speak, a purely military side, but there is another equally important one, this is political, then whether the germans will be able to capture moscow or not depends on a lot, the behavior of the satellite countries, the further position of turkey and the behavior of our allies for further supplies, in a word... hitler needs moscow at all costs, and since he will not risk withdrawing troops from the moscow direction, i am sure of it. well, logical, logical.
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svedyuninsky, how are you under pulkovo? so, have reinforcements arrived? yes, the bros with their damn code. how many infantry and tanks did you receive? so the sappers finished their work? okay, attention to the flank, understand? especially to kuritka, don’t take your eyes off him! at the first change in the situation, i report to me immediately; at the first, i have everything. i am sure that von ley will go around, around what, the central pulkovo height,
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andrei alexandrovich, but why did you decide so, look. from here from the south to pulkova along the gulf of finland, the directions have become standard, here we are used to reflecting, this is taken into account, which is why this time we will enter the entrance from the southwest. kolya, boss, do you think the maneuver will be so primitive? well, invent something grandiose, fighting with this german probably considers russian boors beneath his dignity.
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tell the baltic fleet headquarters and the artillerymen to be ready to set up barrage fire, i understand, i understand, i’m acting, georgy konstantinovich, fedyuninsky told you news that confirms your assumption, no, everything is quiet with him so far, why then do you think that the germans will go andrei alexandrovich will go around the height, von leib would not be von leib if he had not gone, i am this prussian. sniffing distance, i’ll be upstairs with you, zhdanov, are you already you’re sitting in zhukov’s place, comrade stalin, zhukov is upstairs at headquarters, i’ll tell you to switch the apparatus, there’s no need, what’s new at the front,
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there’s no special changes, then... do everything possible and impossible to not only defend st. petersburg, but also further pin down the enemy’s northern grouping, we will henceforth help you as much as we can. today the headquarters decided to transfer an attack air regiment to your front, the order was given to intensify the actions of the 54th army, i understand that all this is not enough, but the headquarters cannot do more now, i understand, and we will fulfill our duty,
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comrade stalin, goodbye, goodbye. be worthy of the heroes who knew how to fight for their homeland, honor and truth, who knew how to go into the fire to suffer the torment of testing, so forward, comrades, forward, youth, forward, leningraders, let us remember the one whose name the great city bears, and the undaunted lenin, and rush forward with all our might, we can... we must win, and we will win. smyrna battalion, to the left, to defeat the fascist occupiers, to defend their hometown, tag, march, right, right.
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we kept saying, leningrad is behind us, behind us leningrad, and now it’s clear that it’s behind us. our task is not only not to let the fascists come here, but also to counterattack at the first opportunity, i think this is clear to everyone , it’s clear, this is not the first time, why not the first time, have you already been here or something, but i ’ve had my eye on this high-rise for a long time , more than 20 years ago, how is it more than 20 years ago, believe me, captain, so you
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fought with yudenich here? it was here, here that he was driven into the coffin, but young people, of course, don’t remember this, and i even have one document preserved. "fight to the last drop blood, comrades, hold on to every five lands, be steadfast to the end, victory will be ours, this is lenin’s proclamation, yes, lenin, don’t lose it, all fighters must read this, i keep my party card, but i’m not supposed to lose my party card.” in the battle for leningrad, that decisive moment came when everything was thrown at the enemy, deadly
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fights were going on everywhere, which had to decide what was stronger, the offensive line of the nazi soldiers, who were several kilometers from the desired goal, or the defensive tenacity of the soviet soldiers who were defending. .. the last frontier of my hometown, comrade battalion commander, i’m listening. eat. karelov. understood. well, then i'll start.
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ratier company, for the homeland, for the city of lenin. hooray!
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so the high-rise, did they defend it, ignach, did they defend it? our high-rise, as it was, is, ours. now, that means, too.
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comrade, commander, another attack. repulsed, but a cloud of smoke is moving toward us from the area of ​​finnish koirova. what did i say? now it’s clear to you that they want to bypass the heights under the cover of smoke. immediately order your artillerymen to lay barrage fire in front of kiskin and finnish koyrov. you kronshtat aviation will help. if you let the germans break through, we will both die. comrade general of the army, air force chief novikov reports. my pilots are observing
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burning cars in the finnskoe koirovo area. tanks, broken guns and german infantrymen running away in panic. fine. they use every opportunity to retaliate. i know that you always demand only the truth from your faithful soldiers. therefore , i believe that von leip is not capable of coping with the task assigned to him. he is old, and as it turns out, weak, but still i don’t see need to replace it. any new commander will start by asking for a return.
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a month ago i was supposed to be in st. petersburg, and today i’m already in moscow. your fuhrer, i believe that by ceasing attempts to immediately capture st. petersburg, we will preserve the tens of thousands of german soldiers we need to take moscow. and st. petersburg will be finished off by hunger, artillery, and blockade. do not accept such a surrender, no white flags, comrade commander, intelligence information has been received, a column of enemy motorized infantry is moving away from the vluga area towards pskov, tanks are marked, leningrad, do you understand what you are saying, either your intelligence officers are lying, or enemy agents slipped you data, no way, comrade team. i know my people
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, they won’t pass it off as a fact if they haven’t seen it themselves, no, no, we need to check it again, once again, a mistake can be costly, georgy konstantinovich, but it may be so, the limit of time and effort has run out, next up for them is moscow. i wish you good health, i report that the enemy’s repeated attempts to take leningrad by storm have failed. the enemy suffered huge losses
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and is now unable to take the city, the front is under leningrad has stabilized. i ask for your permission to fly out early in the morning on october 6th.
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what, from the second week of september 1941 , began to be called the siege ring of leningrad, was not a ring in the proper sense of the word, it was three huge arcs, one of...
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for violent guns, just like leningrad itself.
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the brave people are ready, like a worker!
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how about you, fine, thank you.
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what orders will there be, comrade stalin? go now to the headquarters of the western front and thoroughly understand the reality. business cases , call me from there at any time of the day and night, there is that
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revas bakanidze called you several times, who is he, claims that he has known you for a long time, asks to see you, he is passing through moscow, revas bakani. hello, comrade stalin, hello, ryzo, hello, koba, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, a very long time, yes, about 15 years, maybe we’ll have dinner, or rather breakfast, you’re probably hungry. in 40 minutes i should be at the belarusian station, the loading of my division will begin. are you in command
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of a division? no, i'm a commissioner. let's sit down. how's your wife? keto died in the twenty-ninth. yes. “we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but son, you had a son, he died, he was called up on the first day of the war, he was killed near leningrad, i remember him as a boy, well, how are yours, yakov? yakov, no, probably too died. “
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don’t rush, they will deliver it to you on time, tell me, commissar, what your soldiers think, you yourself about what is happening, we believe you, koba, you party, still i want to ask, the germans are approaching moscow, very large forces, and near leningrad, they are 4 km from the kirov plant, if we do not break the blockade in the near future, famine will begin in the city, on south? rushing to donbass, do you have any more questions for me?
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you have paper, sit down. “do you know what kind of force has fallen upon us?
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now i can tell you everything, according to intelligence data, no less than 190 tough german divisions with experience of the war in europe are fighting against us, they are armed with 500 aircraft, about 4 thousand tanks, and we have fewer, much fewer, but why, why? do you know how our defense industry grew in the pre-war years? no, of course, this is secret data, yes, secret, but now there is no secret in it, by 39% . every year, little means little, little.
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in your opinion, this is small compared to what, with germany, on which the whole of europe works, answer, commissioner, answer, now i want to hear your answer, it means that history itself has clothed us, no, history is for us, and not against us. “not a single state in the world could have withstood a blow of such force that fell on the soviet union, but we withstood it, i understand, but why, explain why the war for which we were preparing all the time fell unexpectedly, like an avalanche, and we are already suffered such losses
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the attackers always have an advantage." we did everything we could, ryzo, almost everything, however, a miscalculation was made, there was so much information that hitler would attack us not now, but several later...
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"are you relying on reserves, koba? my division was formed in the urals, i saw that not only the germans will not be able to withstand such tension for a long time, our soldiers fight bravely, very bravely, but in this war a lot depends not only on the number of people, this is a war of machines, we need weapons, a lot weapons, it will..." then it will come a turning point, but for now, i understand, but for now we must endure, the last question, koba, send me to moscow, this cannot be allowed, under no
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circumstances, in the debriefing area... especially for the film, the design lifted a plane weighing a ton and then spun , i can imagine how you felt during these evolutions, when your wing was burning, oil in your face, and also smoke, in fact i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, i just got a lump in my throat , i believed, podcast lab, today on the first.
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old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. there are about 3 million people in leningrad today. the evacuation of andrei alexandrovich, as you know, was carried out quite intensively. we managed to send 282 into the interior of the country
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. the situation could become threatening, we must establish even stricter control over the expenditure of every kilogram, every gram of food is missing, and severely punish profiteers and looters to the full extent of wartime. we need to buy time.
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this will be a surprise for the russians, then you will connect with the army of manerheim to the east lake ladazh, svira, it’s enough for the finns to sit in the forests and bide their time. petersburg will turn out to be tightly squeezed by a double ring. then you will have the main goal: reunification with army group center, which is moving towards moscow, it’s clear to you, i have to think about all this,
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no delays.


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