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tv   Blokada  1TV  January 27, 2024 2:50pm-4:46pm MSK

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the task is to surround the enemy's burburg-senyaev grouping. how many enemy divisions are pinned down near leningrad, according to your information? the bets and assumptions are the same. can we hope to reinforce the bid. there will be no reinforcements. the situation near moscow is very tense, all reserves are going there. on the left bank of the neva, in
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the area of ​​nevskaya dubrovka, there was a small bridgehead captured by our troops in september 1941. here the accumulation of forces for the upcoming offensive took place. look, commissioner. everlasting place, the division commissar called, asked if the fighters were well fed, i suppose, if they gave an increase to the ration, but we are going to serious business, he said, and under moscow , why did he report to you, to raise the spirits of the soldiers before the battle, presumably for educational work with you.
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you educate others, if you educate others, that means you too, you are the commander, we will be able to impose a big battle on the germans here, he will weaken the knife on moscow, the logic of war, it is very important that everyone understands this, report readiness, the first company is ready, the second is ready, the third is ready . went, there’s such silence, don’t croak, but what, comrade major, if we are the first to break through to our kaput blockades, i don’t know. must
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break through, this is it.
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is major zvyagentsev here? here, here. captain soldier sukharev. the losses are big. i don't know, i didn't count. well, never mind, you can count it later. begin loading the wounded. mine? it will be your turn later. i will load those who have been lying here since yesterday. waiting for your boats. this is the kind of conveyor we have here. that's it, major. what task should i give you? take arbuzov to connect with fifty-fourth. task. friend, yesterday morning arbuzova was ours, the day became german again, the commissar, the company commander, come to me, where to position the battalion, place it here, right on the shore, we don’t have any other apartments,
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so the eyes look sorrowful, but...
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out of town lenina, hurray! oh, you bastard, where are you going, fifth, fifth, give a friend
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a light on the machine-gun bunker, 100 m to the left of the burning house! as if there are no shells, follow me, comrades, forward, forward, forward!
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we are going to the baltic plant for the rig builders, we want to organize the production of pontoons for transferring tanks through it. what's new on the heel? over the past hours, we managed to push the enemy back by half a kilometer. direction of the eighth gress and the village of arbuzov. thus, they expanded the bridgehead for the upcoming offensive. will you allow me? telegram from the commander of fifty whose army. read. at 4:00 on october 16, the enemy forces of the thirty- ninth motoko.
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or maybe information about our intentions leaked to the germans? did they hit earlier? i don’t think so, andrey alesandovich. advancing on moscow, this is now hitler’s main goal, the enemy can carry out diversionary maneuvers and pull away our main forces. translation is on his side. elementary strategy. what if everything is more complicated? it’s a stone’s throw from tikhvin to volkhov if the germans
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unite with the finns, because the last thread connecting leningrad with the country will be severed, and we will find ourselves in a double ring, as you believe, comrade voronov, this is the worst of the options, especially since we are obliged to provide for it . how many times have you been burned by underestimating the enemy ? arbuzovo they took it, but no, they can’t do anything there without tanks, they lift it, push it a little,
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let’s go, well, doesn’t it hurt anymore? it became easier, only everything was in some kind of fog , why are you smiling, then in the forest, remember, when i saw you, i thought it was a miracle, but for miracles to be repeated, you have to be too lucky, what kind of luck is that, wounded a second time. do you remember that may day evening, on the eve of the war? i don’t want to remember anything at all,
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alyosha. sometimes i have the desire to completely lose my memory. there is such a disease, amnesia. this is when a person doesn’t remember anything, i it seems that you are hiding something, sister , drink, the stakes are incomprehensible, the slowness of the actions of your front, comrade stalin ordered to convey that you, apparently, are not aware of the exceptional danger emerging to the southeast of...
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in moscow, yes, yes, in moscow, starting from yesterday, we will try to do everything in our power, not so quickly, major, we are still on our way, you gave veri’s letter, yes, i would
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if i were you, listen, i’ve already told you somehow i advised him not to meddle in other people's affairs. says headquarters, local air defense, air raid alert, air alert, and you, military comrades, are waiting for a special invitation, hurry up, everyone, down, quickly, quickly, quickly! come out, sit down here, run over there, please, sit down, who knows when the all clear will be, what to hear from the front, there are battles, but we ourselves know that, every day we read about new directions, they say, and
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the government from moscow has gone away. government and stalin in moscow, mommy!
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find out, guest, what will happen now, here, and if he can’t stand it, he’ll fall, stop chatting, put on the lamp, go away, you yourself, i i do. do what you're supposed to do, work
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, it seems to me that i'm lucky, but you shouldn't test it, if only for the third time, maybe we're not destined to meet again, so you know, i love you, vera, maybe this is my first letter to you will be the last , i wish you happiness, alexey! okay, okay, i'll think about it, yes, come in,
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however, it seems that i have a suitable comrade. well, hello, come in, sit down , now in my hand, yes, but not very seriously , the bones are intact, on the other hand, yes, i unsuccessfully stuck my head into a bomb shelter, you’re the one who got me somewhere i've wooed you, so don't you think you'll be asking to go to the front line again? i will be, i want to determine to fedyuninsky, here at headquarters, i will stay, but the general is no longer here.
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the germans will capture tikhvin, it will be completely bad for us , the real deal is breaking, general, you figure it out, well, once you figure it out, get ready, where the hospital next door was bombed , a fire broke out, walkers jumped out of the windows, well, the rest. carry, hey, you, put away your weapon, i'll take you away,
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again, i'll take you away, who is it, probably his wife? a shell to pieces, and he demands to go to the hospital, katya, mine, they don’t want her bastard to go to the hospital for surgery. and katya, where is katya? calm down,
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she is undergoing an operation, you yourself wanted this, yes, yes, an operation, how did it happen, faith? “we haven’t met since the beginning of the war, then they gave me leave for three days, i told him through a friend that i would be there today, and she came out to meet me, i already saw her, she was running towards me. she was running, there was a shell, right in front of my eyes, you see,
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right before our eyes, and i stayed, i stayed, because, oh, go away, everyone go away, faith, his gun. your name is comrade captain, you have a husband, no, that’s good, wait until
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the war is over, you can understand that i didn’t take the child because of the money, somehow they forgot that you are a murderer, and your daughter will visit you, well, i just heard she’s there a young man appeared, it seems to me, and has no time for you at all, she’s not an adult, bro. you want to live a good life, chicks, clothes, cars, right? well, do you want me to give you money so that you leave her alone? seriously? name the amount, don’t yell, i say, where the grandmothers pulled off the scheme together, it turns out that there is a common debt, container, new series, tomorrow, after program time, here’s everything you need to sign, and we’ll go our separate ways, as you wanted, or can i destroy you? return to where steersman picked up bourbon, a product of the stellar
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group. in difficult conditions, we are about to celebrate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the october revolution, despite temporary setbacks, our army, our navy, and growth does not repel enemy attacks throughout, the spirit of the great lenin, his victorious banner, now leaves us for the patriotic war, as well like 23 years ago, is there any doubt that we can and should to defeat the german ends, is not as terrible as his, the german invaders are straining their last strength, a few more months, another six months, maybe a year... irov’s
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germany must burst under the weight of its crimes, give me credit to lenin, go ahead, like this, markelych, maybe a year old, and you ’re already clueless, maybe it’s the other way around, maxim, what are we doing with our legs, did they save us? we’re holding on strong, maybe they came up with a parade to keep up the spirit, but no, no, the markels, no, they’ll give them the heat near moscow, you’ll see,
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tolya, tolya, my son, hello, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, undress, undress, closer to the fire , there’s nothing to treat you with, oh, no, no, i probably haven’t had enough boiling water yet, there’s boiling water, oh, there’s two whole cups, that’s enough for you and me , that’s great, now you and i will arrange a royal feast, sugar, the guys shared their rations
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when they found out that they were... launched, by the way, the commander of our construction battalion , an architect, listened to your lectures, he gave me his leave, tell him deepest bow, well, how much does a person need, does a person need a lot, tolya, it is humiliating for him to realize that his brain, work, thoughts are for...
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“you have always been a man of common sense, but for some time now i have ceased to understand you, but why did you need to join the militia at your age, why did you i didn’t go to evacuation to my mother, well, explain to me, from the point of view of common sense, no, i can’t, well, what good can you do here, who needs your triumphal arches, have you even thought about this yourself, i’m thinking about
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destroying his treasure , leave us without the warmth of light, but they are not allowed to destroy faith in souls of people. no, it’s not given , i’m sorry, dad, but all these are big words, you used to hate them yourself, i see how bad you feel, we are all on the verge of death, and you, a man with a clear mind whom i admired, cannot if you don't understand this, lie down, you're tired. i think i’m trying to remember when it appeared in you, that your selfishness, it appeared before the day when you left the germans,
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leaving this girl, faith, again you stubbornly bring me back to what was decided by the war itself, she merciless to illusions, no, there is people.
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where is the brother from under the watermelon, where else, again from under the watermelon, come on! forward, where the fuck are you going, forward, come here. after the fall of tikhmen, under the threat of volkhov,
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if earlier we were waiting for help from outside the blockade ring, now we have to help the volkhov front ourselves, i want from you, comrades. what leningrad produces, the workers in the factories work with all their might, but you cannot , however, demand the impossible from them, and those who are on the patch can, so what do you
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propose, give the bridgehead to the germans? we will to fight for this cry of earth for the crossing while we are alive, but here... and it is preferable to die, who needs us, the dead, for a month we have been trampling around this damned watermelon and suffering huge and unjustified losses. no, it was not in vain that the blood of the defenders of the neva patch was shed, three enemy divisions have already been ground to smithereens here, there is information that... the enemy is forced to throw another fresh division here, but as if hitler needed it somewhere else, near volkhov and near moscow, and we are still suffering heavy losses, and
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not only at the front, you ask colonel byshevsky, why are we taking sopers from him, are they on the sand fish? mass graves are torn off with explosives. just yesterday, about 6.00 people died from hunger in the city. just compare, losses have been suffered. you in battle with those who are carried by the population, but women, old people and children do not go into attacks.
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thank you, how's your mom? well, how can i tell you, my heart has stopped complaining, well, very weakly, and you, verochka, gave in, and the duty today was difficult, we carried the wounded all night, but i but during the day we were lucky, a ticket to the philharmonic was allocated to our department, but we played it, yes to me...
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hello, vera, i was at your house, a neighbor said that you are here, what’s wrong with you? how strange, how strange that i see you now, i was just thinking about you, about what happened then, then with us, about krovtsov,
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he was killed, you know, yes, he was shot by zhogen on... but not i need to talk about this, i’m glad i met you, it would never have occurred to me that music could be playing here at this time, but how you managed to be saved, vera, i find it difficult talk about it, but in general.
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it’s strange, how strange everything is, we’ll wait it out, i was afraid of our meeting, ver. it’s hard for you to imagine how much i’ve been through, but i can forget what happened then, but i can’t, wait, forgive me, it’s time for me to go to
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the hospital. you are the same as my dear dad, you should be glad that you remained alive, that you did not die in this nightmare, yes, i remained alive, but no one has the right to reproach me for this. the enemy is pushing into the breach, regardless of losses, trying to break through to moscow with its tank wedges at any cost. georgiy konstantinovich, are you sure that we will hold
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moscow? i ask this with pain in my soul, speak honestly, like a communist. we will certainly hold moscow, but we need at least two more armies and at least 200 tanks. it's good that you have one. confidence, call the general staff and agree where to concentrate the two reserve armies that you are asking for, they will be ready in a week, but we won’t be able to provide tanks yet. we have about 200 mortars of various calibers.
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pass it on. today we will calculate our capabilities. pass some more we are asking for a rate so that the planes that fly to us are loaded with additional food, we understand that we are burdening you with our request, but it is very, very difficult for us.
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what about the plan? it’s a bit difficult, you can see for yourself what the shots are like, but they try their best. meet
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vasily vasilyevich, he gives you one and a half norms per shift. that means you are, vasily vasilyevich. me: well, hello. vasily vasilievich, hey! but now, if i don’t sweat it alone, where is the aristocrat, in the cold you can’t part with your tie, you should still have a patent leather boot. otherwise you look like a stuffed pea, huh also instructed by the boss, yes, yes,
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hello, comrade, great, alekseevich, great, what did you come with, oh, he’s cold, let’s go to the stove to warm up, well, what’s new? we would like to appeal to kirus with a request to increase the volume of guns produced by 25-30%. new armies are being mobilized to defend moscow, but there are not enough weapons, you know, at the limit, i haven’t said everything yet, starting tomorrow, we are forced to reduce supply standards again. pleasure, the workers will receive 250 g of bread, and 125 grams of daily wages
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. there is no point in holding a rally here, you know it yourself, the communists of kirovsky will work and support others as long as their hearts beat, how to live on such rations, tell me, we need to register the sick, send young people, komsomol members home to those who can no longer go to work, for those who are in particularly difficult condition, we will organize hospitals in production, we will feed them little by little,
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for a week, a week and a half, eh? well, how do you look at this? you need to act, look carefully, do you recognize him? we are a coward, i am not interested in money and gold, you will go to russia today and return the sacred treasures of the nation. from monday after the program time, mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
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is there anyone alive? markelych, yes. are you, ivan maksimovich, no, not me, it’s the holy spirit instead of me, how does this happen, markelovich, old st. petersburg. and
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a worker, a truant, i was hungry, maksimich, i was hungry, i was hungry, i lost my cards, or they were stolen in line, a card. why didn’t you notify the plant? are you laughing or what? who restores the cards now? i had five crackers, right? a piece of
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carpenter's glue lived for 4 days, already at the factory if they would help you somehow, they would open the hospital, i would lie there, refresh myself, i don’t have the strength, maksimich, i won’t be able to get to the factory.
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where with you, where else, maybe you’ll give it to me, the doors are open, there’s no one, maybe you’ll die, why, but if you’re alive, you should remember that a communist doesn’t die in bed in difficult times, he has no strength, vanya. and i brought you a packed lunch.
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this. are you tearing me away from myself, well, i’m not a benefactor, i sent this to you in my trouser, take it, don’t be shy, bite it, and i’ll go. i'm checking on my wife,
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please, i'm the only one working. maybe another day forward, it’s not supposed to, you know, one-child, one-time employee, bread, bread, but what is there, lord! stop , you won’t leave, it doesn’t matter, oh, ah, parle, get up
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, get up, what is this, you scoundrel, so, it ’s like i stole from my mother, but i don’t have a mother and no brother either, father, it’s been a long time since the funeral was. at the kirov plant you will go to the komsomol office, ask soelyev, say korolev sent him, you will go, i will go, wait! eat, go, thank you,
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hello, tanechka, hello, where are you going, to get some boiling water at the utility office, they now boil 3 kopecks a liter for everyone, very good, very good, my wife is home, right? at home, just anyuta, anyuta, she’s sleeping, well, let her sleep, why is the clock standing, mom stopped it, huh?
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leningraders, my children, leningraders, my pride, come to you in steel. he will die at your outposts, without teeth and without scales, the snake will hiss in his writhing, the nightingales will sing again, our family will be free, leningraders, my children, leningraders, my pride. the ice can’t support
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the weight of even an empty car, it’s fallen through, we still can’t get it out, it takes at least a week, it’s hard to even imagine, there are thousands tons of flour, cereals, sugar, and then, even worse, if volkhov goes, then latoga will come.
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“keep fighting, colonel, you failed to keep the enemy at the proper distance , fight on your own, zamirovsky, zamirovsky , allow me, commander, to go to the division and duplicate the order, go, take the car, go, pass on the order, hold on to the last, otherwise we will ruin the magi and..."
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the film epic blockade, operation iskra, today on the first, what is this, believe me, it doesn’t let you know about yourself, it means it’s alive, alive, alive, from the front line, comrades, where else, where there is a battle going on, who knows, answer more precisely, you’ll get there yourself, comrade moyer, you’ll see what’s going on, molchanov, there’s nowhere else to go, there ’s a battle ahead, and we’re not on a tank, are you? i’m a coward
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, brother, i’m not in a hurry to fall into the clutches of death , i can’t get by with a pistol, i need to go to the left, violet, violet, i’m a daisy, violet, violet, i’m a daisy, chamomile, violet, i need a connection, give me a connection. all the signalmen are on the line, there’s no one else left, just the colonel, it’s just me, violet, violet, i’m daisy, daisy, violet, where is the division commander, well, i’m the division commander, and you keep calling, keep going, comrade colonel, major zvyagentsev from the army headquarters , drink, yaromat, there are soldiers with you, no way, only the driver, the commander asked me to tell you, under no circumstances leave, his connection with you has been interrupted, but i know, i myself have with the regiments there is no connection, what to convey, where
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is the battle going on? didn’t you see it? that’s where you are standing, there is a battle going on, my entire headquarters is in action, clerks, cooks, hairdressers, everyone is in battle, comrade colonel, report to senior sergeant kholopov, the senior lieutenant of the special forces asked to report, the battalion commander was killed, the commissar was wounded, not ori oglok, or something, there is a little, shell-shocked, well, speak calmly, which one? colonel, allow me to take command, have experience, come on, come on, if. what kind of slave, lead the major, there is, let's go, comrade major, and you come back, i can't, comrade major, the situation demands it, i also have it, wait, wait
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, machine gun, come here, quickly, comrade general, the column is ready to leave, how ... when driving, order the drivers to keep the doors open and strictly maintain the established distance. eat. well, captain, good luck. thank you. allow me to start moving, comrade. general i allow it. eat. went.
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stop, wait, blind, or something, a detour, it’s no better that you’re crawling under the wheels, swerve, swerve!
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keep the steering wheel straight, like you would at the source in the garage, you should get out, comrade captain, open the door, let's go forward. where are you going, bread, i ruined the bread!
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they're coming, they're coming again, the bastards, the seventh, the seventh , you see, i see, don't rush like last time, it's no use throwing shells, let them get closer , they'll run yours, they won't run, calm down, guys, calm down, calm down, guys. let me get closer, shoot on signal, green rocket, pass it on, shoot on signal, green rocket, roberts,
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why are the russians silent, maybe they ran away, welcoming tactics, keep moving, shmit, and i ’ll go around,
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kirimov, kirimov, look. where is the major? comrade major, a platoon of the sailor flotilla has arrived at your disposal. platoon commander, first class sergeant major, tall. this is good, stomp your head, tall one. it’s okay, i’m under a spell. that's it, machine guns, let's go to the flanks. kholopov, solomatin, show us your positions. eat. you will leave the machine gunners here. eat. come on guys, act, act to take a position. points behind me, quickly,
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fire, fire, and my homeland, zasteina, hurray! well, what have you, they pushed the enemy back a whole kilometer, thanks for the sailors and machine guns. okay, i understand, if every 2 hours you throw the enemy back a kilometer, then i hope that by evening your cape will be at the proper distance from the front line. so exactly the commander? wait, i sent the major, did he get to you? got there, combat major,
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why the hell is he hanging out there, he’s not coming here, he took command of the battalion, commander, who gave permission? i allowed ivan ivanovich, the situation demanded it, order him to return immediately, i can’t hear something, i can’t, commander, he is fighting, wire him up for something. once again the connection is broken, comrade commander, and majoro, you leave it to me, and we ’ll drive the german even further, i’ll make him a regiment commander, zamirovsky, zamirovsky, out of sight. 40 km and even in purga, the task is not easy, but
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maybe i will move with my regiment without waiting for them, if the trucks with bread don’t get through, what can you do with your guns, comrade captain of the first rank, you commander 54 is calling, the cherokee is listening, thank you for the sailors and the ship’s machine guns, they helped us a lot, we defended ourselves...
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well done, congratulations! on december 9, 1941, with an initial assault, the troops of the volkovsky front under the leadership of general meritsky liberated the city of tikhvin and continued to develop their offensive to the west. on december 10 , the fifty-fourth army of general felyuninsky went on the offensive and drove the enemy away from volkhov. thus to hitler's generals. it was not possible to cover leningrad with a second blockade ring.
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the legendary road worked day and night life, but so far she could not provide even 1/3 in a day. daily norm of food and ammunition needed by leningrad. at the beginning of december 1941 , major zvyagintsev was unexpectedly summoned to
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the headquarters of the leningrad front. are you secretive? why? you got your second star and shut up. how did you know? i noticed just now , i just received it today, for that battle, for that one, congratulations to you, comrade major, as they say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, and what did you receive? if drivers are given medals for every ride, there will be no silver and gold left in the country, i will definitely write to the division headquarters. you will receive an order, i don’t want an order, i want a medal for courage, one for the whole war.
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comrade, you will freeze, listen, a person here is frozen, tomorrow they will take you away, just like tomorrow , what do you say, according to the schedule, the car picks up the dead every other day,
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hunger was raging in the city. leningraders were dying, but they gave their lives as heroes, defeating the enemy until their last breath, their death called the living to a persistent, indomitable struggle, and the struggle continued with unprecedented tenacity. that's it, guys, take off.
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well, markelych, you became a circus performer, you work on tropezia, your legs can’t hold up, but i came up with this myself, my work, oh, woe to the inventors, you couldn’t cook it yourself , we needed a noble tokol, but we could, markelych himself insisted, here experienced comrade. won’t immediately understand what’s going on, here, meet the famous turner, guberev, vasil markelovich , this is zvyagentsev, major, he came to the plant to strengthen the defense, guys, let’s go, we need help there, well, how, market, we live,
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hospitals, climate, a little, and here you are , maksimich, take away the guys' grocery items cards, hand them in to the canteen, now you know how they do, they take away food for the week ahead. they eat it up in 2 days, children, okay, little markel , let's think about it, ivan maksimovich, i understood everything, but i received an order to create a fortification from the gulf of finland on the approaches to the plant, yes, yes, it's threatening, don't agitate me, let's gather people , you will tell them, you will outline
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the situation, and that in the summer the balfleet guarded the bay, now... if the germans throw a large landing force across the ice, it will cost them nothing to approach your plant on the hardening ice, they must strengthen dozens of existing bunkers, build hundreds of new ones, dig about 3 kilometers of trenches, i can’t do anything alone. we need people, 150 people, well, at least 100
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, the secretary of the city committee, comrade kuznetsov, has the floor , it’s difficult, very difficult, comrades, there is no light, no heat, we are starving, there is no military secret here that more and more people are dying every day. and here’s something else that comrade zvyagintsev just talked about. strengthening the coast of the gulf of finland. and maybe someone will have this question. isn’t it all in vain, here’s a letter came to smolny, now i will read it,
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our dear leader, comrade dan, i am an ordinary worker writing to you because i no longer have the strength to endure this torment, we are all doomed. and you know this well, people are dying in the thousands, a hunger riot will soon begin , wait, wait, i’ll read to the end, as a devoted proletarian, on behalf of the same ordinary people, i ask you to declare leningrad an open city, following the example of civilized france. our newspapers wrote that it was just such a city. and well, no one went hungry there, and no one died, everything that was cultural in it was preserved, and we have no
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less culture than in paris. therefore, on behalf of the proletarians, i ask you to act civilly and announce on the radio that leningrad is now an open city, for that matter. andreev vv. worker at the kirov plant. quiet, comrades. are you wondering where this bastard is? “i report, she walks around with impunity,
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why, why, because we don’t have such a bastard at the plant, and in general there is no such person in all of leningrad.” it seemed fake, but someone delivered this letter to leningrad dropped it in the mailbox. “so we need even greater vigilance, comrades, vigilance and vigilance again, but what do we answer, comrade mayor, of our western front, having exhausted our opponents in previous battles near moscow, launched a counter-offensive against his
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attack flank groups, as a result of the launched offensive, both of these groups are defeated and hastily retreat, abandoning their weapons equipment and suffering huge losses. those who go to build fortifications must gather at the defense headquarters.
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“we will make new victims without any sense , do you want to say that my victory was stolen from me this time? first von leib stole it, and now von god, thieves, all of you thieves are cowards, not only of people, but all of you, you keitel “you saw that my brave soldiers were led by cowards and were silent, why are you carrying
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a pistol, keitel?” “you should have fired at least a single shot from it long ago, but quickly, you will never shoot yourself, you are all cowards and thieves, okay, you will receive my order, you will receive it today.
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alyosha! you received my letter, let’s sit down and talk in in the yard, you know, we will talk, it’s hard now, alyosha, to think about the future, but how can there be no future, for the sake of this there is no need to talk about it, the suffering of the people is heavy, ours, daria vlasyevna is with you, oh, howling at night.
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if you have enough patience, well, that’s it, you’ll endure it, you’ll endure, you’ll live, daryavna, a little more, the day will come. the last one will fly over our heads, the last one of a distant, long time ago, war will seem to you and me the moment we push
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with our hand, you didn’t understand me, i was instructed to invite you to speak on the radio, me, why and about what, well, now as you understand, they will capture a simple one, just like this, bold on a hastily weaved scarf, like this, when under an ortho-shooter you feel the silk in your hand, please, just don’t forget to take the text of the speech with you, yes, yes, of course, what is it, you
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feel bad, no, no, no, no, your parquet is just polished, uh-huh, goodbye, yes, yes, a comrade has misfortunes, yes, he returned from a business trip, his father and mother are all
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dying at home. today is our family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents, that’s it, let’s relax, i started acting when i was seven. honestly, i'm not helping her, she it really works on its own, it’s definitely perfect. in general, at first she stood in a line, sang like everyone else, i said, can i put her near the microphone? we thought we had a super genius kid, and that was a defining moment in my career. i just always believed in him, looked at everything soberly, well, after all, i’m a narcologist, i looked at everything soberly, tomorrow.
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watch after the program time gin сnop product of the stellar group. that i was given the honor of speaking to you, speaking to you, then i thought: who am i, to ask you, warriors and friends,
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to listen to me, what have i done in my life? built several houses, two of them were already destroyed by german aviation and artillery, wrote several books on architecture, but this is a drop in the ocean, after all, i was proud that even after my death, the houses i built would stand for a long time, but today i am only proud of the fact that i am wearing a soldier’s overcoat, which i received when i was in the militia, i want to tell everyone who listens to me, today there is no academic robe that i would prefer to this overcoat. all of me life seemed to the world as if everything was perishable and relative. only what is made of stone is eternal, but the war made me understand that
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there is nothing higher than man, the bearer of the defender of a great idea, i used to think that hunger and cold, the threatening scythe of death, makes a person cling to life at any cost, but i was wrong, more than 60 years. i have lived in the world and i have never wanted to live as much as i want now, i want to live to see victory, i want to see the victory of truth over lies, and do not believe those who tell you that lies can win at least for a while, drive this person away, no matter how close he was to you before. if doubt has crept into your own soul,
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then you are already dead, and do not believe that the temporary victories that the enemy boasts of can save him from final defeat, there will be a holiday on our street. have you listened to the speech of the architect fyodor vasilyevich validsky? you can’t leave us here, comrade major! come to your senses, comrade major, you can’t come here, you’re a military man! when yesterday evening, and people,
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people, that people, raked all night, only there are only a few left alive, that’s all, alyosha.
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in april 1942, the new commander of the leningrad front , lieutenant general govorov, arrived in leningrad. maybe
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we’ll stop and wait, comrade general, lieutenant, no, how did the city seem to you, comrade general, it’s clean, i saw leningrad in photographs, in the snowdrifts, the other day there were windows.
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hello, andrey alesanovich, hello, leonid aleksandrovich, and me. i asked the chief of staff to make a circle around the city, i haven’t been to leningrad for a long time, welcome, thank you, why do you think should we start, leonid alexandrovich? first of all, i want to understand for myself where the enemy is. that is, i must know exactly where, what units are staffed, as well as the state of our fortifications and communications in places where the enemy may break through. have you visited comrade stalin? yes sir. the supreme
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commander-in-chief called me before the appointment. the essence of his instructions boils down to three tasks: the first is to prevent further destruction of leningrad by enemy siege artillery, the second is to turn the city into an absolutely impregnable fortress. leningrad is already called a fortress city. i saw the defense area of ​​the zanar outpost; it may not withstand a new assault. the third is to accumulate forces for future offensive ones. boev, do you know that leningrad is still in an extremely difficult condition? yes, we know, are you in a hurry? yes, andrei alexandrovich, we’re off the road, do you want to rest? no way, no. i obviously did not
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calculate the time and ordered the chief of staff to send the intelligence chief to me at 20:30. it's 20 o'clock now. 22 minutes, well, i won't keep you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye dates, like a professor at the department, an exam is about to begin, and zhukov gives an excellent description, st. petersburg is suffocating in the ring of our blockade, no, it was the bolsheviks who blocked my two... for 11 months they have not given the opportunity to hundreds of thousands of german soldiers to take part in operations that would decide the outcome of the war. you hold a living person by the throat in a dying way. leningrad from stalingrad is the personification of bolshevik russia. the fate of stalingrad,
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one might say, has already been decided. but leningrad pierced the body of the german army like a poisoned arrow. i'm asking you.
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do this manstein, and germany will not forget your feat. you need to meet him in full force. homeland. our own conscience, if we allow it. take advantage of this, it is necessary to transform leningrad into a fortress city as soon as possible. for leningraders, this sounds familiar, i would even say, too familiar, but it seems to me that the concept of a fortress city is perceived by some as a category, well,
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let’s say, purely emotional, but it should become an engineering category, measured.
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allow me, alexey alexandrovich, please. i came to the light, it turns out that i’m not the only one who can’t sleep at such a late hour, or rather, at such an early hour, please sit down, i ask you, thank you.
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what's new? the enemy storms stalingrad. i believe that after the fall of sevastopol, hitler will transfer the released siege artillery here against us. we must speed up the construction of new fortifications. understand. i think that the country is on the eve of great danger. if we lose the south. the situation will worsen sharply,
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if you allow it, on a personal issue. to the primary organization of the leningrad headquarters front, i ask you to accept me into the ranks of the all-union communist party of the bolsheviks, in some i can’t imagine myself in the decisive days of severe danger for my homeland, dialects. hitler called the new operation of the assault on leningrad vöhrerzauber, magic fire. manstein ordered the start of the operation. on september 1, 1942, and on august 27, the roar
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of artillery announced the beginning of the soviet offensive of the volkhov and leningrad fronts against the sinyavinsk-mginsk group of germans. as a result of stubborn fighting , another carefully developed german plan collapsed, capture leningrad. the time has come to prepare for the decisive breakthrough of the blockade. a full-profile trench has been dug along the entire shore, with a large number of long-term points embedded directly into the shore at different levels, behind the ramps there are gas cannons and mortars. further on, the second trench is half a kilometer from the shore, a reinforced defensive structure, to this should be added a large number
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of pillboxes in the basements of destroyed buildings in populated areas, some ishmael, comrade, front commander, allow me to contact the major general, please, what happened, lieutenant colonel, but noise was noticed in the disposition of the enemy troops, tanks, reconnaissance has established, pumps are pumping water from the neva and flooding the shore, it’s not easier yet, now at least put everyone on skates. you’ve been here for a long time, lieutenant colonel, for the second month, what is your impression? i think, front commander, that the concentration of our troops did not go unnoticed by the enemy. dukhanov to strengthen the secrecy of the concentration of troops, fire the dugouts only at night,
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and deliver ammunition and food to the front line by hand. and so that there are no surprises during the assault, it is necessary to work out everything down to the smallest detail with the soldiers during the exercises, every maneuver, every detail, clearly, comrade commander, one thing i don’t understand is how many stairs we are preparing, they say they will send them to leningrad to the remontevsky cathedral, you say, what is it like to climb to the sky. svegenza, alexey, ivan maksimovich, hello, dear! how did you end up here? and i, friend, you are my golden one, always find myself
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where i need to be, here i am.


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