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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  January 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. unconquered city, 80 years since the complete lifting of the fascist blockade of leningrad. the president also laid flowers at the peskarevskoe cemetery, where there was an endless stream of people. the enemy
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s-300 complex was destroyed, a report from the ministry of defense and footage of a unique operation. our soldiers stole a nato armored personnel carrier from the enemy. let's show how it was. oil, peaceful atom, alternative sources, we are the most important global player. today they talk about the achievements of domestic energy in exhibition russia. french farmers are blocking the entrances to paris, the protest is growing. revolutions in the south have burned down customs buildings, and the police are being flooded with infrequencies. there are large-scale events in st. petersburg today to mark the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the fascist blockade of leningrad. the hero city remained unconquered, having survived almost 900 days of famine and constant bombing. they are still reminded of by signs like the one on house number 14 on nevsky prospekt. in the morning there are flowers and an endless stream of people. part
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family chronicle, as well as for veterans who remember those terrible years, from st. petersburg, report by alena germanova. “i was 3 years old, my sister and i were looking for a piece of bread in all corners of the kitchen, because we really wanted to eat, i was seriously wounded, where were my parents, when a bomb hit our house, they got me, i was already very wounded and immediately went to the hospital, whether they remained alive or whether they remained there forever, i still don’t know, grandfather is here, sister in bolshookhtinsky. there are uncles, aunts, i don’t even
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know in which grave, because they were taken away from doors, from the central alley in both directions there are 186 mass graves; in the first winter of the siege, up to 1000 people were buried here per day. leningraders died on the way to work right in line for that same 125-gram piece of bread, they died of hunger, about half a million residents were buried in the peskarevsky memorial cemetery alone. besieged leningrad. vladimir putin carries burgundy roses to grave number 27; his older brother victor is buried here. the boy was taken from his family by order, they wanted to save him from hunger and evacuate him, but they didn’t have time. small vitya fell ill with deuteria, he died in june 1942, and the president’s family found out where he was buried only after the war.
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year on the day of the lifting of the blockade, st. petersburg comes to kneel at this symbol of all grieving mothers , the bronze mother motherland rises above the mass graves at the foot of the monument, the president froze in a minute of silence as a tribute to the memory of all those who remained forever in that besieged leningrad, an honorary parade passes in front of the memorial in solemn formation karau, the national anthem sounds. at this moment next to the monument there were city residents, they greeted the president, and he greeted them in return. people walked to the peskarevskoye cemetery all day today, in a quiet, mournful, silent procession and it seems there is no end to it, delegations from every republic and region of our large country carried flowers and wine at the monument. you feel the monstrosity
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of nazi germany, the monstrousness of the crimes, nazism against humanity. our memory is endless, it remains alive, it is very important to pass this memory on from generation to generation, and there is no statute of limitations for such a crime. flowers at the foot the monument was carried by the head of the foreign intelligence service, chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin, representatives of the navy of the western military district and the russian national guard and patriarch kirill came to the memorial today. today, delegations not only from the former soviet republics came to lay flowers; representatives from uruguay,
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mongolia, south africa, serbia, china and many other countries came to the memorial. no matter how western politicians try to rewrite history, the memory of that fraternal feat lives on. the people are slovenian, but chest. the czech republic has always stood for russia, stood for true, politics can change in any direction, but the fraternal peoples of slovakia and the czech republic will always stand side by side, because history cannot be changed. towards nevsky prospekt, where the inscription from the artillery shelling was preserved, this side of the street is the most dangerous; the blockade runners arrived early in the morning. more than 100.00 incendiary and high-explosive air bombs were dropped on leningrad, as many artillery shells, every third house was damaged or completely destroyed, the blockade lasted a long 87. 2 days, i was hungry all the time, my the task was to get bread using ration cards , my grandmother was sick, she couldn’t, my mother was at work, so i went for bread, received bread, brought it for myself, of course, i didn’t allow myself a crumb, which means i could pinch off or something, i knew that it was a common piece small in
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the palm of your hand, soviet troops tried to break the blockade in several places at once, one of them was the neva patch, a tiny bridgehead on... and a granite symbol of courage and heroism, the defenders of the neva patch, vladimir putin also came to the milestone stone today with flowers. 2 years ago city court petersburg recognized the blockade as a crime against humanity 1.93. thousands died, and yet around leningrad the nazis built their concentration camps for prisoners of war and children, who were used as blood donors. in the village of zaitseva , a new memorial was built in memory of the victims of the nazi genocide. bronzing faces, none of them are fictitious, all 150 figures are created based on the stories
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of real people and photographs. here is a two-year-old child, he and his mother were burned alive at the kamyshitov plant in the belgorod region, and there the teacher, along with the students, the school staff shot them. the blockade of leningrad was broken in january '43, but it was completely lifted only a year later, as a result of the leningrad-novgorod operation, the enemy was thrown back 200 km. on january 27, 1944 , fireworks and 24 artillery salvos thundered in the city, and the entire soviet union rejoiced that day. alena germanova, andrey vetrov, anna zayakina, ksenia ugarova, oleg goryachev and sergey deev. channel one st. petersburg. and now footage from the village of zaitsevo near st. petersburg, where i arrived today vladimir putin accompanied by his belarusian counterpart alexander lukashenko. the leaders attended together the opening of a memorial to civilians of the soviet union who became victims of nazi genocide during
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the great patriotic war. we see how these days the results of the nuremberg trial, during which nazism was given an unequivocal verdict, are actually being revised. legal assessment, in some countries they not only rewrite history and justify the executioners, revanchists and neo-nazis have adopted the ideology and methods of the nazis. in in the baltic states, tens of thousands of people are declared subhuman, deprived of the most basic rights, and subjected to persecution. the regime in kiev exalts hitler's accomplices, the ss men. use terror against all those they dislike, we will do everything, everything to stop and completely eradicate nazism. the followers of the nazi regiments, no matter how they call themselves today, are doomed, and nothing can stop the desire of millions of people, not
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only in our country, but throughout the planet, for true freedom, for justice, peace and safety, blessed memory to all, all those who died. glory to the soviet soldier who crushed nazism. the memory of the victims of that war, the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers, is remembered by many today. in poland, the baltic states and ukraine, complete madmen, how can you think that by destroying the monument, you...
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found out what the blockade 125 g of bread is. in the leningrad region , a traditional ski trip took place on this day to the places where the defenders of the northern capital fought heroically. in udmurt, tyumen region and other regions of russia where they live blockade survivors, they were visited today by representatives of the victory volunteers movement, they asked veterans and listened to their memories, which are like a living history textbook. i was removed from the kindergarten, and my sister was removed from school. mom and dad remained in leningrad. dad was a physical education teacher at a trade technical school; when the technical school was closed, he went to train skiers
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for the leningrad front. we receive news from besieged leningrad. first, mom writes that dad died, and then the neighbor wrote that mom stole. in mordovia , members of search teams on this day showed a reconstruction called the sursky frontier. they reproduced the feat of the residents who built large-scale defensive structures at the beginning of the war in order to prevent... residents of berlin came to treptopark to lay flowers at the foot of the famous monument to the soviet war-liberator, who is holding a rescued german girl in his arms. and in london, our diplomats, led by the ambassador, took part in laying wreaths at the soviet war memorial. late the night before, vladimir putin held a meeting on the development of the agglomeration st. petersburg and the region, discussed the development of industry.
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accumulated, no more should be paid, and nothing should accumulate, no interest, i agree, thank you, and we will do it. participants in the special operation also appealed to the president with a request to exempt not only the fighters themselves, but their wives and children from property taxes. vladimir putin agreed with this only after, during the meeting he instructed the head of the ministry of finance antonunov to work on this issue. now let's talk about how the special operations are going. our ministry of defense in in the cherkasy region, the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed, in the kiovograd
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and dnepropetrovsk regions, fuel and ammunition depots, including aircraft missiles, were hit, well, in just one day , operational-tactical aviation was hit by drones, missiles, troops and artillery, enemy personnel and military equipment were destroyed in 102 districts. as for the situation at the front, there are positive dynamics in all directions. we are moving little by little. the heaviest battles were in the donetsk direction, where the enemy lost about 250 fighters and a lot of armor. 113. ukrainian soldiers abandoned it when it stalled, and in order to steal the car, ours developed a whole special operation, and then managed to repair it and take it away right from under the enemy’s nose. the fighters told channel one correspondent oleg shishkin the details of the risky foray. our soldiers hunted for this nato beast for more than a week.
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he was spotted from the reconnaissance throne in the gray zone that separates our positions and the enemy’s defensive lines near artyomovsk. this is one of... mortar or artillery fire would have been opened on us, a real special operation was developed to evacuate the armored personnel carrier: the repair team was accompanied by scouts, and the artillerymen were ready at any moment to cover our fighters with fire, they came in, as they say here in gray at dusk, for evacuation we choose the weather , snow, fog, and the transitional twilight
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between morning, morning, evening or night. the car turned out to be practically intact; apparently, at some point the engine stalled and the crew was unable to start it. our fighters they repaired the car in a few hours, every second risking being under enemy fire, and now the armored personnel carrier leaves the ditch where the all-ears had thrown it. come on, come on, come on, oh, let's go, our repairmen are specialists, they can not only start such cars, they suffered there, started it, how quickly it turned out, we oil. changed, the water was heated, the cooling system started up, roughly speaking, immediately on the bar there was the inscription 110 separate motorized rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. the armored personnel carrier was brought to ukraine from the netherlands, it seems, they simply got rid of unnecessary rubbish. such cars have been collecting dust there since the early eighties, inside there are boxes with cartridges and mines, a forgotten plug and
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instructions in dutch, as a rule, such reminders are regularly attached to the body so that they do not get lost, but this one apparently... was put into the car before being sent to ukraine, so that the armed forces of ukraine don’t confuse anything, but they forgot to translate it into ukrainian. according to open data, nato curators delivered several hundred of these armored personnel carriers to ukraine, a significant part has already burned down under the attacks of our aviation and artillery. the m-113 was adopted by the american army in the early sixties and received its baptism of fire during the vietnam war. the light armor still holds the machine gun cartridge, judging by these marks, the fragments are piercing it. literally through and through, that is, the vehicle is intended exclusively for transporting troops, there can be no talk of any assault operations. for dedication and courage, the officer who led the operation was awarded a medal for bravery. the award ceremony next to the trophy car. the award also includes a cash bonus; it will be divided among all participants in the evacuation of the armored personnel carrier, essentially from under the noses of the militants. olek
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shishkin, vladimir krimevich, andrey stoyko, victor adverin, first channel lugansk people's republic. at the grand exhibition russia at vdnkh, today is the day of energy, oil and gas production, electricity production, all our most important achievements over the past 20 years are presented. russia demonstrates success on the world stage and remains one of the leaders in all areas. just today they launched the modernized gres power units in buryat, kostorama region and perp region. among the honorary guests of the exhibition are deputy prime minister alexander novak and minister of energy nikolai shulginov. separately, they noted the results of work in the moscow region. in the last few months of the week, we have seen problems with abnormal temperature conditions with electricity and heat supply in many regions of the country, but andrei yuryevich is the first governor to address this problem cared, he was one of the first to come to the ministry of energy in network companies,
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heat supply companies, and together we are now looking for a way out of these problems that... are not being solved by regulations, maybe we need to change them and change approaches, we need to think about a comprehensive development of the territory, to solve more long-term plans to increase the reliability and heat, electricity supply, the president has set the task of accelerating the pace of gasification, the gasification model has been changed, now it is social, the moscow region today is the largest region in terms of implementing the instructions of the president of the russian federation in our country. there are already 1 million connections, 1 million contracts have been completed up to the boundaries of the site, more than 10% are in the moscow region, although the country is large.


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