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tv   Segodnya vecherom  1TV  January 27, 2024 9:35pm-11:25pm MSK

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we are the absolute leaders in the export of nuclear technologies, today 25 projects in the world are being implemented under the export scheme of nuclear power plants, of which 22 projects are ours, but the leader in electricity generation in our country remains thermal power plants, now in russia the modernization of outdated power plants is in full swing. . i authorize power units at the perm kostroma gusino-azerskaya gres. perem kostroma and buryatia are in touch. for the first time, directly from the pavilion of the russian international exhibition , a command was given to launch three modernized power units. today at vdnkh there are industry leaders and heads of all the largest energy enterprises in the country. energy accounts for 30% of gdp and more than 50% of the federal budget. that is why the main blow of the sanctions was aimed at the industry. but russia's energy sector not only survived.
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continued its development even in those areas where it had previously lagged behind. our plans are ambitious; we must reach the production of 100 million tons from ghg per year in the next 10-15 years, occupying 20% ​​of the world market. speaking of other major exports projects such as the power of siberia, we must not forget that the main market for energy engineers is domestic, for example, most of the gas remains in russia, the main consumers are utilities, thermal power plants and the population. and of course, an important task set by the president is gasification of our country. we have gone from 53% to 708% gasification in the country. the goal is to complete and gasify all our regions as much as possible by the thirtieth year. this means that gas comes to those regions where there was either no gas at all or very little, and pipes are laid to the boundaries of the plots at the expense of gazprom. only for 2 years of implementation of the presidential program for additional gasification. houses
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have the opportunity to use gas in everyday life, this is mainly gasification of rural areas, remote areas, towns and villages. one of the leaders of the program was the moscow region, where historically it so happened that there are houses without gas even in gasified settlements, laying pipelines through long-inhabited areas can be more difficult than in an open field, which the president set the task is to accelerate the pace of gasification and change. to the gasification model, now it is social. the moscow region today is the largest region in terms of implementing the instructions of the president of the russian federation. we already have 1 million connections in our country, 1 million, contracts have been completed up to the boundaries of the site, more than 10% are in the moscow region, although the country is large, it is clear that the level of gasification is quite high, but every new house is...
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the main gas distribution point samarovka in korolev, moscow region. tap open it, turn on the gas. russia has a unique energy balance. npp, heat generation, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy is actively developing. and visitors to the russia exhibition can learn about each of these directions. well, energy day is over today. presidential candidates continue to travel to the regions; the chairman of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, visited the gagarin aviation plant in komsomolsky namur, where su-35 fighters and passenger superjets are produced. for us, visiting such high-tech industries immediately indicates that we for this purpose, we must... create appropriate
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preferential conditions for workers, increase salaries, and review the tax component. so that the enterprise has more financial independence, applause from the pillar lenin 100 years later, state duma deputy nikolai kharitonov and his supporters plunged into the role of personality in history, he is running for president from the communist party. the generation that was born and raised in soviet times and today probably knows what greatness it was, and that today such a gala evening is taking place. state duma and a single candidate from new people and the party of growth, vladislav davankov today in
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barnaul met with representatives of the local business community. the questions were on a very wide range; we talked today about a moratorium on inspections. we talked about the problems that entrepreneurs face, this is a matter of personnel, now training personnel, finding new people for business, and they talked about the fact that, of course, local and regional entrepreneurs should have priority over those federal players who come to the region. texas, the governor of the rebellious state, declared his readiness, if anything, for an armed confrontation with the security forces that washington may send. however, the hot phase. is not going yet, without removing the question of where the american state machine will be taxiing, reporting by georgiy alisashvili. the ultimatum that joe biden put forward to the governor of texas had expired; local authorities ignored the demands of their federal colleagues; however, to everyone’s surprise, no action was taken by washington
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followed, but conservatives seemed to be seriously afraid that federal troops would attack texas security forces. why joe biden might be going. commander-in-chief, when will this happen? by the way, if the soldiers had obeyed, press secretary jeanpierre had no answer to this. by the evening, biden released a statement in which he blamed the problems with migrants on the republicans blocking the vote in congress, without mentioning that the democrats included funding for ukraine in the package of border laws, which they opposed
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trumpists speak out. the crisis is in full swing, biden was last seen live on thursday, speaking at a brewery in wisconsin, the american leader for some reason put his ear to the barrel, and then... opinions differ, some believe the president misspoke, others that he was simply talking nonsense. by the way, beer was previously brewed from this water; beer was brewed here at this oil refinery. oh eosrider, thank you for the great lakes, i wish i knew why. at the same time, there is a bottleneck effect on the border on the mexican side . crowds of migrants push against the barbed wire, but they don’t want to retreat. get rid of, we should be given a chance to fulfill our dream. the texas governor is prepared for a potential escalation of the conflict with washington. the word mobilization has not yet been heard, but the state is already paying volunteers with experience in law enforcement agencies. except for the texas national guard. we also have other armed
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personnel from various state agencies working at our border. these are people from the texas department of public safety, officers from various law enforcement agencies, as well as national guardsmen from other states.
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the armed group, which controls most of yemen, has promised to continue
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attacks on the court, which it says are linked to israel, demanding an end to the military operation against palestinians in gaza. the united states and britain have already fired at houthi positions several times, by the way, without the authority of the un to do so and thus fueling a crisis due to which shipping through the bustling canal has already sharply decreased and the red sea has increased the cost of transportation, and this in turn affects prices . and back to the main topic - 80 years since the blockade was completely lifted. about half an hour ago , the multimedia performance leningrad in the name of life ended on the palace square. pictures of how the city lived and fought, how it was reborn after the war, appeared in three-dimensional projection on the façade of the main headquarters. and in moscow, in the cheikovsky hall, in memory of the victims of the siege, verdier’s requiem was performed by the russian national youth symphony orchestra.
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today in the first channel program for the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad there is a big premiere at 23:23 blockade ronda, the theater of musical comedy, the artists refused to evacuate and performed on stage for all 872 days of the siege, and also gave concerts in hospitals and factories. 15 premieres in this terrible time, tickets sold out instantly, in the posters, which were written by hand, there were operettas, they were dying of hunger, but they danced and sang, most importantly they gave leningraders hope, in the film there were unique songs. well, right now, tonight, the parents of the stars are in the family history studio.
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behind every great professional is the work, love, care, and faith of their parents. if our today's heroes are known by millions, but their parents have always remained behind the scenes, today we will correct this injustice. i didn't really want my daughter to become.
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i’ll give it, well, sing me something else, this was his first income, now i want to invite father and daughter alexander and miroslava mikhailov to our stage.
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by the window, a bird cherry tree is swaying, opening its petals, a familiar voice is heard across the river. they let the nightingale sit across the river all night , and a familiar voice is heard. yes, sing salami all night long, oh you song, salami song, why? well, you are sinning your soul, because the path to love
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is long. if you fall behind a little, you won’t get there anymore, because the path leads to love is long, if you fall behind a little, you won’t get there anymore, if you move away, you won’t get enough happiness. from good, great love, may the bird cherry always sway, may the kulaks sing all night long, may the bird cherry always
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sway. i’m dripping salavi all night, under the window, whose fluttering flutters, spreading its petals, a familiar voice is heard across the river. yes, the saloons across the river sing all night long , a familiar voice is heard, and they sing all night long slavia
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your daughter looks incredibly similar to one of your movie daughters. just as if , as if all these years had not passed, get out , i say, did you buy it or not, parasite, zero , come on, say, mother, as if in spirit, i bought it, pigeon, no, do you hear who i’m talking to? well, yes, well, here’s some dresses for ice cream for you , miroslav, tell me, this is your choice of profession, is it still a dad or something, well, in any case, it seems to me that when you live in such a family, there will most likely be a choice
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to relate there rather than to something anyway to another. but in any case, i would never, if i had not been there with my dad on the set and so on, i would not have even found out what kind of profession it was, and in any case, i would not have gone into it so early, i probably graduated from college there i already started working then, and i started acting when i was about seven years old, i like it and why not, but there is one interesting little detail that has already been filmed. and such a director mesadze two winters three summers in my opinion yes yes such a film we go and someone heard her that she has been singing since childhood she has a small timbre-voice like my mother’s on such a siberian eastern siberian baikal i was always born there when there was a very hungry time, i was born during the war
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for forty years and i always fried crackers there and waited for my mother for 20 hours.
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this little girl was in this for eight years, she sings this song, the boy chops with his hand, you can understand that i didn’t take the child because of the money, somehow they forgot that you are a murderer, and your daughter will visit you, well i just heard that she had a young man there, it seems to me that she is not at all before you, she’s not an adult, bro, you want to live a good life, chicks, clothes, cars, so, well, if you want, i’ll give you money so you can give it back to her, seriously, call the amount, don’t yell, i’ll tell you where grandmas? we worked out the scheme together, it turns out that there is a common debt , a container, new episodes, tomorrow, after
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the program time, here is everything you need to sign, and we go our separate ways, as you wanted, or i can destroy you, return you to where i picked it up, monte shococa cognac, product with... as far as i know your biography, the path is long the cinematography was not at all difficult , but it is like that, for my daughter it’s the other way around, 21 years old, and already 20 rolls, answer russ, answer, okay, stop, cut, uncle vitya, uncle vitya, dear, what’s wrong with you, i crazy, i got into character, how did you teach me? danya, lisa , let's go, go home, otherwise mom is worried about you both, mom doesn't worry about anyone, only about what dad will say, so, i know
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who took her, who, the forest devil, dad says the girls who sinned are taken away by the forest devil, please, are we really going to go, of course, sit down. well, let’s count on the spot , go out, close your eyes, please come back, don’t open until i tell you, now you can, anette, you will become my wife, tell me, you are spoiling in general, now you are compensating for what you did not have, yes, so that, first of all, i initially.
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tenderness, she has a very sharp character , now she’s doing one of her graduation performances, i ’m going myself, honestly, i’m not helping her, i ’m telling her, i’m telling her, you make your own profession, make your own face bleed , whatever you want, break through your wall, but do it on my own, i hope, in the world , you know, i’ve been watching acting children for many years, to be honest, i don’t like acting children, because... i , as an actor, i think you too, have been greatly hindered, so far, while you walk and climb to your peak, they interfere, but you know, i observed two
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categories of them, one category is the one, those who go in full peak to their parents, that they don’t like when they are reprimanded, they don’t they like to listen to them, but on the contrary, there are those who believe only in their parents, so which one did you choose more, let her s'? rather, in this life, in principle, i want to find a balance in everything, but dad’s opinion for you is like this is what dad’s opinion is - it’s very important, but it’s still accepted, it’s very important, but there’s just a small nuance, i practically don’t notice it i’m asking, are you afraid of opinions or are you just not, i don’t even have the opportunity in principle to do this, because... i’m so busy with work right now, we haven’t lived together for many years, so somehow we can call each other, i can do something ask there to find out, but basically i
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’m just for...
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two young guys meet, she starts filming, love is playing, everything is fine, suddenly something happens between them, it’s a voltaic arc, that’s it, and a lot, a lot is lost, they they can’t, they begin to clamp down, because love, it does not tolerate an unnecessary third glance, be it from cameras, be it from a lighting designer, be it from a director, very interesting things begin, difficult things, playing love
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is much easier than experiencing it. let's see some very touching footage. alexander, they dance much better than you in the world. but she went, ilza liya pushkova, like no one else. and what a waltz, what a waltz, yes, the music is amazing, you know, in general you can see how touchingly you lead your
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lady, how much do you love her? and how you want to match her, it’s very touching, but peace, you know, i have another question, when you kind of take on the role, what is the most important thing for you to take from your dad, from your dad, i don’t know, i can’t to answer this question, rather, it seems to me that everything is already genetically laid down, then what believe me, no, i am your teacher. i say, not at all, but there is an expression that only some children have a rest, you know, judging by the way she sings and dances, she didn’t rest, that’s me for you too, well, no, she didn’t rest, look at how she dances , this is a disaster, oops, it’s not like dad can’t do something like that dad, you’ve never seen this, where
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are you looking at it from, come on. je suis pas tout seul à être tout seul ça fait déjà ça de moins dans la tête et si je comptais combien on est beaucoup tout ce à quoi j'ai déjà pensé dire que plein d'autres y ont déjà pensé mais malgré tout je me sens tout seul.
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it was this gift that was very strongly passed on from my father, well, it’s like some kind of workaholism, i can even say that you are so, well, that is , everything looks very professional, everything you touch, it’s really very cool, both dancing and vocals, well the guys were just really cool with it, right after the commercial we find out what our star guests were like as children, their moms and dads talk about it in the zone.
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i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together, there was someone to look at, to whom imitate. premiere of the documentary, tomorrow on the first. today there is a very sincere atmosphere in our studio, we are getting to know the parents of our celebrity guests. i'm very glad that you joined ours.
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i'll take you by car and this was the decisive moment in my career. why did you decide so? well, because she had all the data to really grow into a creative person and start singing.
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yuliana karaulova, my feelings remained somewhere on the shore. freezing in the distance, freezing in the distance, of course, this is a breathless phrase, we want get to the factory first to prove it. myself and those around me, that i am capable of much, secondly, to test my character in a rather extreme situation, when you are 17 years old, only there is love, there is no other, you are the children who swept away, the happiest of all. what did you bring? i brought
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the artist’s first fee, which was awarded to yuliana when she turned 11 years old, that is, it was a children’s music competition in which she performed, so it was planned that this would be a serious investment, but... she was offered to perform, so she came out, we
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watched, were touched, tears rolled down, so we thought that we had a super brilliant child, in general, all parents think so, then the creative path actually existed, and the road was determined, lucky again with the school, there was a music teacher at the school, valentina karlovna udre, many thanks to her, she simply charged everyone with her enthusiasm at the school and there were holidays for any reason. may 1, may 9, march 8 is the new year there, and it so happened that the base group for yulina’s performance was great, in general , at first she stood in the line, she sang and sang like everyone else, then i went up to valentina karlovna, asked, i said, why does my daughter stand like everyone else, dad has been solving the problem all his life, i i say, can i put it near the microphone, am i saying or do you think not? god, how i don’t love such parents, if
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only someone knew, god, well, because everyone, all the parents in their children see only primoballerina, everyone seems to want - well, i’m exaggerating, naturally, i understand, but i not i’m exaggerating, you experience all this all the time, i’m joking now, i’m being ironic, of course, in many ways, the persistence of those people who believe in you, it plays the most decisive role. you watch all the programs, it’s not possible to watch all the programs, yes, i watch the recordings, but of course i try to watch everything, we watch, we are happy, we enjoy, in general we are proud, my dad is my main fan, we recently flew together on vacation, he got me on the plane ipad, he just has some... my archived old performances, some
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program, and he started turning it all on, reviewing it, and he told me: you’ll watch, i’ve even forgotten that all this happened in my life, the suns are burning in the sky, when you’re next to me, i’ll give you 100 times in a row, you're not like that, you're not like that, catch me every day and i'll be the coolest, people always say something, but you don't... very often they say that well, a parent is not the one who gave birth, but the one who raised, and this is very, very important, anya, i know that your grandfather raised you, thank you, but i didn’t order this, mom, this my order, this is your order, yes, eat it, why is it so sweet, if you ordered it yourself, it would be your crime, but i’m the criminal. but this crime
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doesn’t make it any easier, my grandfather raised me very well, why did this happen, this happened because my grandmother married my grandfather, and he raised me, he’s younger, my parents just didn’t have time, they were young there was no time, it’s just that my grandmother was also an actress, she was busy, my parents worked, and my grandfather, he was, was 13 years younger than my grandmother, he had a lot of strength, my grandfather gave me so much, he is such a smart, intelligent person, and he always loved me very much all his life, and much more with me. spent me a thousand times more than my father, for example, that’s why my grandfather, my geologist, showed me all sorts of stones, interesting excavations, well, let’s invite your grandfather, oleg georgievich, to the studio, sit down
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, my, see how... so this you brought us such an interesting oscar, so where is it written, to the best grandfather, this is anna from the gospel, and here’s another, well, also this is anya 3 she's like a doll here at one year old. anya hasn't changed at all, she's only matured a little. well, the most important thing is what your grandfather taught you since childhood, grandfather taught me everything, yes grandfather taught me everything, how to teach, how to say, what he taught, he taught everything, you know, i just talked about what, what needs to be invested in children initially in general to parents, and just invest them in teaching them to see, hear, feel some simple things, then they themselves will decide where they want to go, what they should do, that’s right,
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my grandfather taught me what i did, i didn’t i swear to you, i told myself not to do this. i know that there are grandmothers and grandfathers there who take them there specifically to exhibitions or to some clubs, well, i ’m telling you that we must first teach the child there to listen to good music, for example, so that the child can then hear and be able to distinguish, you know i have a child, my middle son there, i don’t know vysotsky, he heard vysotsky there at the age of 5 , his mother said, this uncle sings with blood, you know, well , he heard it, it was my mother who taught me no matter how many times we played vysotsky all the time, i told her i said it's possible turn off this hoarse old man, and... i later, when i grew up and realized something completely different, because they gave you, and if they gave you, you know, something, that’s why you heard at some point, even it doesn’t happen right away, you have to do it, but grandfather , who laid it down, grandfather began introducing art to anishka, literally from the age of 2, because she became an actress, but i’ll tell you, it means
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the story is like this, well, since my wife is also an actress, grandmother, so, yes, we had a lot of portraits. i have absolutely no voice at all, well so this is my favorite repertoire, i would dream of performing all this too, it’s not too late , wait, but i won’t break through to silva. to say, well, for edwin you are suitable in appearance, for edwin, yes, but with the voice not very well , we’ll work on it, no, i’m with you, well, that means i’m anya, she was literally 2 years old, i put her on my shoulders, carried her around the room , he said, this is such and such, this is such and such an artist, there were a lot of them there, all from st. petersburg, and that means, then i asked,
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anechka, who is this, she doesn’t answer, in one case she always told me right away that misha. what kind of misha? misha baryshnikov. i have three gorgeous photographs. but you didn’t take anechka to russia. where? have you tried going to architectural street? she was engaged in horocratic activities in the palace of pioneers. i danced like a snowflake, i remember with great pleasure. and then, you know, yes, i wouldn’t have been accepted into ballet. well, well, and so for me, this was her first acquaintance with the acting world all the time. they always say that they love grandchildren more than children, what do you think, or well, probably grandchildren, maybe, yes, here is our picture here, and you are like grandparents or parents, i agree, i agree that grandchildren are loved much more, yes, vanechka, and
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you, my grandmother, yes, my pockets are empty, there is wind in my head and it feels like by... well, my grandmother was recently reported for the theft of a car, well, some person there thinks that my grandmother recently stole a car, this is really somehow similar to mine, our program takes on some different shade, my grandmother she also, i’ll tell you this, but of course she didn’t steal the car, but... but we’re in this grandma recently stole a white mazda and look how old is grandma grandma 70?
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someone came up with this idea, well , it was clearly some person who came up with it, well, it’s just amazing to me, she ’s kind, she does good to everyone, that’s it. someone decided to joke with her, i think it’s simple, she always supports me, i try to call her as often as possible, to her right is my brother, uh, here’s danya, not my own, he’s not a cousin, that’s nice, can i applaud my grandmother, not every grandmother, you know, she steals a car, when you saw her for the first time on stage, i saw her on stage when she just entered college, you applauded, well, i don’t remember this anymore, but... alive,
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but i kept saying, well listen, well, all the normal parents are applauding, you are sitting alone like this, looking at everyone , she says, well, imagine, and if someone finds out that i am your mother, she will say, and i applaud you, she will say, what an ill-mannered woman, how can you applauded her child, you know, but it’s different for everyone, i can understand her, but i too, you know, so reserved. well, it used to be that it was not accepted at all, it seems to me that there was a time when it was not customary to praise your children, there were some kind of encouragement for him, like now, it seems to me now that everyone wants all their own complexes, everything invest everything you can into the unfortunate children, yes, before it was not customary there to say that there are girls there, that they are so beautiful, we didn’t know that, as if i don’t know, thank you very much, but before it was serious, it seems to me used to be like this now, probably, everyone has probably already spoken to you childhood, this was not accepted before and we grew up like that, i see.
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tell us about your childhood, you know, my childhood was spent in the company of my grandmother, grandfather and mother, the three of us lived, who took more care of you, grandfather , grandmother, grandmother, grandmother, mother and grandfather worked, and grandmother devoted, that’s 20, 9 years something in your life.
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hello, please come in, antosha grew up here. we lived here as a big family, but it happened, we separated from his dad, he was 3 and a half years old, after his dad left, i had to, well, somehow a little bit of masculinity began to be introduced into his life, we started making a horizontal bar, made a punching bag, peten started singing somewhere, probably from the age of 2, and he sang with perfect pitch, he was 3.5 years old, we went to my friend, here he is once he was sitting on a potty singing songs , an older woman, she was antosha, i ’ll give you a ruble right away, that means i’ll give you money, well, sing me
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something else, this was his first income, probably in 3 years, they were in restaurants on some holidays, there was a place to sing, anton always sang. of course, he took her leaving very hard. life, he sat with her for over an hour,
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asking no one to let us go in there, that’s how he was. holding her hand in my hand, i said goodbye to her like that, so i always, you know, i tell him this, you know, son, there’s probably no better person in the world than you, you’re probably the best son on earth, and it’s true, this is so, your mother and stepfather came to us from rostov-on-don.
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well, come up with a task at school, so we came up with such a turtle, we dried watermelon seeds, wheat, buckwheat, made paws, claws from poppy seeds, here we got an a, do you remember, yes, first class, yes, but still you beat me, of course, yes, yes, you yourself, well, you tried, thank you. that means musically, there was no need to instill anything, he sang himself, you know, he sang himself , and he was about two years old, so he sang, well, our whole family was so musical, my grandmother took first place in the city in her youth, competitions, my grandfather sang, played the trumpet, i sang, my older brother, the school had its own ensemble, well, in general, somehow such a singing
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family, let's say, here he is... always, here everywhere, in the shower, and he sang everywhere, i also sang everywhere, but it didn’t work out, everything worked out differently for you, unfortunately, it would have been better to sing, i would still be performing, in the story we learned that anton i was 3 years old when my dad left, yes, my stepfather appeared, as anton accepted , you know, my stepfather appeared already at a time when... i was almost 13 years old, can you imagine, this is at the most terrible age, the most terrible age, naya woman, and you know, since he was mainly raised by his grandmother, like anechka’s, grandfather, because we they worked, his grandmother spoiled him very much , his beloved grandson, well, of course, when eduard came, of course it was difficult for him at first, but nevertheless he taught him what
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the difficulty was, eduard, share, the difficulties, i will say. so there wasn’t much difficulty, i always tried to make it all semi-humorous, democratic, as if, well, a person would grasp the word, so i, for example, really took advantage of the fact that my father was ready to buy me anything , mom, naturally, she’s the same, well, moms used to bargain, you read this, you get this, you learn this, let's do it, and i immediately went up to the kochem and said, i want this, everything, instantly, yes, yes, yes, yeah.
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such a guy, you might not have washed the dishes like this, surprise me, something like this, but you weren’t punished for anything, there was no such thing as a direct punishment, no, everything was somehow like that, there weren’t any situations to punish him for something, he quite sprouts, well, practically the truth, the truth, there were, of course, there were, of course, and parents’ meetings came and a lot of things happened, you studied poorly, no, he taught, i can’t say , that i'm bad, i can't say that i really loved studying, i more. i probably loved being in society, i liked this school movement, classmates, parallel classes, juniors, seniors, and how, when you finally accepted edward, right completely, yes, on your mother’s fiftieth birthday, that, that was so long ago, 5 years ago, 5 years ago, you experienced all this for so many years, you know, as soon as i started living separately,
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we became best friends, that’s true, as soon as... i already appreciated it, maybe, yes , well, eduard has invested and instilled in me a lot of positive things, well, naturally, i pay a huge tribute to the person who is not with us, who laid down all my qualities with which i go through life, i am honestly stronger than a person, no, i am now i met an equally strong person in my life, a woman, but until a year ago i had never met such a strong person as my grandmother, i had never met a person with such a core, who simply went towards her goals in general, she was a leading engineer builder in rostov, here so for me, of course, she is a huge and ... a great example, you are familiar with a new strong person, of course, but who, yes, but this is a secret, of course, you know, my grandmother devoted a lot of time to him, when she put
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him to bed, she to him, she is a child of the war , she always told him stories of her life , i’ll tell you, she always told me about her grandparents, she told me so much about them that it was as if i knew them, and he always went to bed and said: grandma, will you tell me a story today? in my life, i was always small, well , here they are, well, you know, it’s interesting, when we announced our program, we sort of called it the parents of the stars, yes, but it turns out that we mention a lot of grandparents, and it’s true this is impossible, because after all, there is something in this, that without grandparents, parents, well, they say grandchildren are the first children, there is such a thing, let's see.
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he studied from the age of 5, so he became an artist, how did you react to the fact that he became a very famous person? and you know, somehow i i was probably ready for this, he believed so much, yes, because he was so sociable, in general he has always been very sociable since childhood, his zodiac sign is leo, well, can you imagine what a leo is, yes, well, of course, that’s why he is always ahead. the whole planet, all attention was paid to him, and he always tried to achieve the goals that he set for himself, so of course, the school director said, at graduation, when they received their diplomas, and anton was awarded a diploma, she
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said: you know, we still have this last name, we will hear this name again, just imagine, they praised the boy, on the contrary , they told me, we won’t hear anything about you, but now i have to listen to them about me, every evening. bestowed with love forever, i don’t catch your gaze, but you won’t notice, and i won’t hear a word
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from you, the sun sets behind the coriz, distant lands carry me away. laughter, tears, everything is my home, i will remember, while the earth is spinning, maybe you can return, after terrible dreams, an adult, but the soul, carelessness and tender words of yours, you know, we won't meet again. bestowed love forever, i don’t catch your gaze, but you won’t notice, and i won’t hear a word from you,
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i waited with trepidation for every call, and i was all busy in no hurry to get home, you were in a hurry, you left me, now i can’t find peace for myself , you know, we no longer meet. in a dream i catch your gaze, but you won’t notice, and i won’t hear a word from you, you know, you and i are no longer...
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you know, when i remembered my grandparents, what they grew up with, what music, here it is joined this song, thank you, thank you, vanechka, let's invite your mother to the studio, finally, hello, sit down, right here, uh-huh, hello, hello! svetlana, you are not empty
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-handed either, yes, what is this? well, this is a magic microphone, the first, the first wireless , the most significant, probably more for me than for vanya, because he was 7 years old then, well , that is, there were diplomas, there were medals, and the microphone is where you could sing, well, he used to sing into a comb, or wherever the microphone goes, roughly speaking, my first award, yes, yes, the competition is truly magical microphone, it was held in krasnoyarsk then and now - vanya was a first degree laureate for this he was awarded a microphone. great! svetlana, your move to moscow was due precisely to vanya’s successes, right? yes, precisely vanya’s successes. we were at a competition in sochi , there was a generation then, and just evgeny petrovich arlov, when it was all over, he said that krasnoyarsk is probably already nevanin’s scale, if you are ready to move, then go ahead, i’ve arrived.
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you are moscow, i am st. petersburg, people, help, come, you, venus, i am jupiter, you are moscow, i, hello friends, you are in krasnoyarsk, and behind me is the krasnoyarsk regional palace of pioneers and schoolchildren, the place where vanya dmitrienko began his creative journey at the age of 5, singing this song so that he stands every time. well, this is our
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big hall, the first performances took place here, he felt the energy of the hall, and well, he’s still rocking to this day, well done, vanya’s story began with his older sister, she came first to the theater, and vanya always accompanied her, wandering around here... i remember there he always tugged at my skirt and said: take it me to the casting, take me to the casting, but he was still small when the time came for his age to enter, of course he came. our teachers, we are all very happy that vanya has found himself, he is such an integral, complete, cool person. i was 13
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years old, at some point i came up to my mother and said this thing, i said: mom, i really need a computer in order to write music, a laptop, but we had just moved then, we have, like, there has not yet been any prosperity or peace of mind financially. and mom, you cried and you say that, like, vanya, i so want to give you everything you want, but just now, she says, i really hurt you, you say, now i just don’t. opportunity, i then said: “mom, i promise you that with my work i will achieve everything i want and will definitely give you everything you want.” so, and after that, and after that , about a week and a half later, i got a job handing out leaflets to some bar, at the age of 13, i
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did it in secret from my mother, initially at -30, and i handed out leaflets, after which something like this work shift, i return home at night, well , i told my mother there that i was staying at the studio there or somewhere else. where somewhere , in short, i was earning money to help pay for the apartment, in my opinion, so i came back, i really loved writing songs at night and wrote this song, i just sleep the chorus, okay, the verse too, okay, so be it, i left home too early, went to seek happiness on the streets of deception and you told me the truth that i was... an idiot, but i wanted to follow the goal, because there was something waiting for me there, in my head stuck, one chorus, i wanted to go back to the beginning , but there is no point in this anymore, and if you believe in the dream, then i hope you’ll be lucky, mom,
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i’m not five for a long time, i’m not 10 for a long time, i live as i want, as long as i can fit in, you will find me in our family album, you are there on the right, i am there on the left and... in the palm of your hand, well, you understand , it was, it was like a song, like my inner protest that all i want is to be independent, i i i want to fulfill my mother’s wishes myself, and not to ask my mother to fulfill some of my chewing gum, let’s do it let's see a little story about how independent you have become and the main thing is that you are still grateful son, tomorrow is my mother's birthday, today we are going shopping. her a car , i will give her a car, this is a very exciting day for me, because this is very important for me, mom, it was my mother’s dream, in general it’s simple, we arrived in yaroslavl, that’s it, we’re already halfway there,
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in general, i’m just very happy, i really like the way the car looks, this is my favorite brand of car, this is my mother’s favorite brand of car, now when you’re sitting in the car that most likely, here... ugh, it seems that you will now buy, hard-earned money, congratulations on the purchase of your first car, thank you, good luck on the roads, thank you, these are such emotions when you just understand that you 15 years old, and you just bought yourself a car, we are all going to the dacha, mom doesn’t know about it, mom thinks that i will come tomorrow evening, we are going to congratulate mom, the beginning, what time is it 4 in the morning, probably 3: 36 to you.
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sanechka really asks you to perform one song, i think everyone will join her request, so vanya stage to perform his hit about venus and jupiter, you are venus, i am jupiter , you are moscow, i am st. petersburg, people, help, breathe, you are venus, i am jupiter, you are moscow, i am st. petersburg in the same orbit, again you are venus , i am jupiter, i am st. petersburg, people, help, breathe, you are venus , i am jupiter, you are moscow, i am st. petersburg, in the same orbit, again in papi, there, we follow each other, somehow in my phone, for good reason, can’t
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figure out the passwords to your heart, or something, say thank you to the cities that they separated us, why should i be separate from you, because i’m so don't want. you and i walked to find our place together, you are venus, i am jupiter, you are moscow, i am st. petersburg, people, help, you! again you are venus, i am jupiter, you are moscow, i am st. petersburg in the same orbit
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, again you are venus, i am jupiter, you are moscow , i am st. petersburg, people, help, breathe, you are venus, i am jupiter, you are moscow, i am viter, in the same orbit , again! for example, to rent to the americans, moreover, he further developed this, you need to learn
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how to trade culturally, solve problems culturally, confiscating all property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion. lenin's gold chervonets became the most influential currency in europe, and the woman received 21 privileges; it is certainly impossible to say that lenin was a supporter of family values. one of the first lenin decrees was to facilitate divorce. well, i read einstein. and he said, people like lenin renew the conscience of humanity, he fought for the happiness of working people, putting a very large number of working people, while, i think, no one in our country outside the country will deny, that this is a great figure, a man who changed everything, the premiere is on the first tomorrow. rum, castro, product of stellor group. today in
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our studio we are talking about parents who raised very famous people who brought our society a lot of joy and victories.
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i almost fell out of my chair now i’m remembering these memories again, this is the victory at the olympic games in tokyo in the team final, this is the highest achievement, probably olympic gold for every athlete, i think it’s incredible now my heart is beating i have, thank you, thank you for finding it. well, we will soon meet my mother artura and find out how to raise an olympic champion. so, marina, are you empty-handed too? yes, i'm not with the empty ones. tell me what's in the box? this is my jewel. these are the first medals that arthur dedicated to his mother.
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two-time olympic champion evgeny rylov. tell me how you got there? it seems to me that i’m
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just boring my parents at home. did they take you? well, my mother took me to the pool, of course. i was a very active child, plus every day, well, until the age of six, this is mom, i want to take a bath, it’s 2 hours of just swimming in the bath, every day, every single day, and you’re just telling me mom, you’re probably wasting too much water, go for a swim, let’s invite your mom to the studio, marina rylova, marina, you, too, with some kind of surprise, yes, this is our such a significant bear, evgeniy couldn’t do it for a long time, put us in a seat for everyone to see, the first adult category, for
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three years it just didn’t work out, he was already about to quit the sport, so well... it so happened that we got to the popov cup, alexander popov and there he performed his first discharge. you also moved from your hometown for the sake of your son, but it turns out where were you coming from? yes, from the orenburg region, from novotroetsk. i was in a class where there was a boy who received awards, well, he went swimming, he always received some kind of award every month, where he went to a competition somewhere, and i thought, i should go. why are we friends next to each other, and he was all with medals, and i was without, i went too, signed up , went, went, went, went, then only after 3 months my mother found out that it would be me i go swimming, but for you it’s the other way around, what a great fellow you are, look how proud the whole country is now, thank you, look, this is the cat mask that you became famous for besides
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the gold medal, why exactly did you do this, but not... some kind of super idea or task, my wife and i just love cats very much, madly, we know this, and we filmed a story about it, oh little one, you missed me, hello girl, hello girl, i have now 15 cats and two dogs. cats are love, they are a constant charge of positive energy for us, here it comes the most positive thing about this, yes, where is my wobbly, where is he so ugly, at first we got our first two cats, this is malyaska and
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mine, here he is running, that’s all. he is now our main cat after me, mostly all purchased cats, we only took one cat selim from the street, this is just a yard cat, we have one... two three four black cats , i think we have cats bring good luck we have here when there was darkness i two gold two gold medals took luck one around and cats when zhenya performs it was at the olympics they started running around the whole apartment, that is, when he was swimming, uh, well, they are such energetic creatures, if i may say so, they feel it, that for example, i’m nervous, they ’re nervous, they’re on... they start rushing back and forth around the whole apartment like that, i think that cats they felt him many thousands of kilometers away, where he was in japan, and not in moscow, but they still supported him
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with rage. the story of the mask at the olympics was, well, the simplest story, we loved cats, we still went out in a mask, but we went out in a mask that i liked, well, my mother wanted it, so that i could somehow stay with the cats, but there are no grandchildren, i haven’t asked for grandchildren yet , my father is asking me for grandchildren, and what’s more, they don’t hand over the question to... they don’t hand over the question, it’s not he who has already switched, it’s useless to talk to me, i can solemnly say, mom, she won’t be ready anymore, but maybe there will still be sneezes, no , we don’t take dogs either, she doesn’t want more dogs either, only if you, no, that’s it, we won’t have any more cats or dogs, we have two participant in the program voice, well, dar, let 's start with your mother, happiness loves silence, silence. but he won’t know about this, between heaven and earth, i’ll drown obediently, the clock will stop,
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my heart will beat, it won’t get any louder, and i ’ll understand, happiness loves silence, so what can i tell you, what he was like? well, i didn’t have any difficulties, to be honest, nadar was a very good boy, why was he?
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well, when he’s little, i mean, yes, yes, when he’s little, very pretty, yes, calm, and to be honest, i thought he would become so famous, yes, yes, i had such a premonition, because 3 years old when he was there, look, there is a photograph. so under with a guitar, who sang along to the song "bambolya ", just at this age, i noticed that he had such talent, hearing and sang along to the song "bambolya", and after that i began to develop him, you take him somewhere they took me, but to which one, i took me, we had such a life change that we left for 5 years in tbilisi, that’s how we developed it. yes, such a folk and artist, let's watch the video, and let's poor მაწ
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invisible, invisible.
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it’s not my decision to move in with my mother at the age of 28, that is, i’ve been living alone since i was 18, like this it turned out that at the age of 28
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, during a pandemic, i decided to move in with my mother, so we live in... ს წყალობა, გზა დაგვილოცე, გზა დაგვილოცე, ვევედრე ბით ყველა წმინდას სალოცავს, გზა და გვილოცე, გზა და.
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.. is your path closer than the milky road, oh , e, argo, what losses are the oncoming birds crying about, the carus above you, raised by fate, this is a flag, the sound of passion in the eternal banner , the sails of you, raised by fate, this is a flag,
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sounds, passion in...
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after the advertisement, we find out what sacrifices parents make for the sake of their stellar for the eightieth anniversary of complete liberation.
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sometimes there are bombs, but we don’t go down, just like the artists in the bomb shelter, the performance continues. premiere. siege runda, today on the first, it was a feat, a feat in the name of art, vodka veda, product of the lar group,
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master of sports, member of the olympic team of our country. what are you up to talking about? yes, you're bored , the house is fixed, you'll find students, the title: a loser athlete found a champion in the taiga, you'll go to a sports school, then, if you're lucky, you'll go to the olympics, but everything will be fine, than... he's broken by these fishermen , i don't want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, you have pity on the little one, you still won't bring your father back, game, let's do it, training four
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times a week, three running, one rotting , then i'm in, i mean, well, let's kill him together, counterfeiters, a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people, there are crimes, and love, and most importantly, ethnography, which one is the hero? a boy or an adult is also a big question, and the initiation rite that takes place there. this story could happen to anyone, the following saturday on the first. today there is a very friendly mood in our studio, because we are telling the parents of our wonderful celebrity guests. tuesdays, now tell me about yours, how you started singing, who is to blame for this? i started singing very late, i know. dear, don’t be bored, you are in my soul, in my heart, i remember like yesterday, tender eyes, my
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mother, you, my first steps on earth. we are connected with you, god bless you, my mother sent me to different clubs as a child, but i became, in general, a professional athlete, this is, in general, the sport of freestyle wrestling, then in in general, this talent was revealed in me. and before we call my mother to the studio, i want to tell you one story, if possible, we watched the voice show, a georgian comes out, and we are sitting at home with my mother, the georgian found a voice, we’ll watch it now, but i was already an athlete, i didn’t sing , we look at
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one woman in this georgian’s waiting room, and my mother says: don’t you remember this woman? i say: no, it was the woman who taught you georgian dances, everything is eco, but what do you imagine? the person it turns out taught taught me georgian dances in childhood, but i didn’t remember this, and after that i already become, you ’re a little bit my colleague, yes you and i su, wonderful, but before your mother appears, we’ll look at the plot, hello everyone again, we are at my house, or rather in the kitchen, mom... explain to the audience what we are going to cook now? let's cook khachapuri. we have an assistant, my mother, grandmother tornike, her name is valentina. this happens in our house as much as possible. rarely only when there are guests, because i always eat
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practically breast and buckwheat, constantly on diet, he doesn’t even allow me to eat a lot of khochabura, although it’s very easy to prepare, all you need is flour, really, water, and lots and lots of cheese, and we sold this recipe, interestingly, singing comes from his father, and
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father... mom, you are the only one for me, when he became popular, i myself received gifts, flowers, from whom, well, from your fans, and yes, i still think, suddenly some fans, don’t let god, no, that’s understandable, yes, and they wrote, yes , they wrote, oh, this is her main theme, now, before i wanted health, now i’m getting married, yes? it’s time, that’s it, i went, yes, yes , i went to look, and dessert, we pissed everyone off
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with georgian food, but didn’t treat anyone, so you’ll make a show, studio, especially for st. nicholas, with pleasure, so, let’s go to the studio,
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thank you, after all, wrestling is such a difficult sport, he fought often, very much, mom, don’t say that, he was very active and energetic. and an uncontrollable boy is interesting to you, he was like that, and thanks to sports, thank you, wait, the bride should know everything, and her relatives too, what they are going to, yes, and thanks to sports, thanks to sports, that his energy was directed in the right direction, since he knew all the moments of this barbie elements, he accepted them to school. yes, and he fought, every time
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, every time i was, even every day, no, in my opinion, every day i was called to school, it’s not my mother, it’s an actress, please don’t now, yes, they called me to school when they asked him , why did you do this, well, you said that you were protecting the girls, every man should do this, stand up for the girls, so we always got it, lala, i want to touch on another thing, but that you lost your wife early and did you raise your son alone? yes, i was 38 , when i was left alone, it was very difficult, but i knew that there were children i needed to put them on their feet, yes, yes, well, it happened, now look, yes, now it’s showing on tv how i’ve outgrown , in general, from a wrestler to a singer, yes - at the age of 16, my mother, so that we would not
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forget our georgian roots, installed three georgian tv channels, and we studied the language, and there was someone singing in some kind of, well...
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god bless all our parents, i drank from adulthood early, now i wish i could run away, run away to childhood, how i want to see you snuggle. tell mom and dad secrets, tell secrets, you will forgive me the sin of separation, time has twisted, skidded, let
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them keep it. love and tenderness into your home, they are from my childhood, my childhood, let's pray for my parents, for all living and celestial beings, at the hour when it gets colder, warm your soul with candles, let's pray for our parents, to our guardian angels, let's pray when someday the children will pray for us, i have become wiser
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a long time ago, but now just fast, fast the truth. may god grant you to leave a minute earlier, your children have been abandoned for a long time, we have been abandoned for a long time, you will forgive i feel like separation is a sin, time has spun me, i’ve been carried away. let your home be protected by love and tenderness, they are from my childhood, my childhood, let’s pray for my parents, for all the living
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and the sky’s inhabitants, at the hour when it starts to get colder. warm your soul with candles, let's pray for our parents, our guardian angels , let's pray someday, children will pray for us, let's pray for our parents, our guardian angels, let's pray, how... children pray for us , dear friends, thank you for you were
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all with us today, i am very glad that we heard so many wonderful stories, indeed, the older you get, the more you understand. what contribution did your parents make to you, and god grant that everyone who has done something very important in life, achieves, wins, always remembers who...
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