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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 28, 2024 2:35am-3:21am MSK

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i just looked for a point in the history of my country where it was, perhaps, even more difficult for people than it was for me in the nineties, and i found this point, i realized, for whom it was very difficult, these people who survived that great war, and this , excuse me for a second, it’s just that my grandfather and my grandmother and grandmother are still alive, and that means i can ask, how did you do it, how did you cope, yes, you were young, young, you were 25-26 years old there, and you have to live, love and give birth to children, and so on. why did the boy become the main character in this case? i i somehow intuitively understood that i wanted to look at this through the eyes of a child, as if with my own eyes, that is, since this is my grandfather, yes, then i needed to make a point of view, below the horizon, these are adults, and this is the view of a child, firstly, he is not yet clouded by evaluative categories, and despite the fact that he is integrated into the entire soviet ideology, he is delighted with military heroism, he
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absolutely loves it all, and he dreams of dying in the war, for his homeland, for comrade stalin , but nevertheless, he still has very strong objective understanding of good and evil, yes , uh, he is not yet clouded by complex social interactions with the universe, with the world around him, he is not yet ready for compromises, this is not a readiness for compromise, i really like my song, she was dear to me, and that’s why i actually wrote on his behalf, that’s why i started writing the novel with such trepidation, with anxiety, it was important for me to understand what, what was happening to my homeland, to my grandfather. my grandfather also fought, but he never said anything about the war, he left quite early from life, and if he had lived a little longer, i would of course have tried to get him to talk anyway, but at that moment i was a child, but a person doesn’t want to tell, that means he doesn’t want to tell, but... we had such a
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very curious history at the school where i studied was an ordinary moscow special school, but there was a museum in it, a museum of military glory, it was some kind of informal, not like some kind of formal, bureaucratic thing, no, it was really a very serious story, we had such a wonderful teacher there geography, olga alekseevna gorycheva, her name was, so she came up with the idea of ​​​​making a museum of military unit 9903. i must say that this military unit was very unusual, this is the same unit in which zoya kosmodemskaya fought.
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those of them who survived, they came to our school, met with us, and i remember one veteran, so cheerful with gray hair, and he said: well, how can i tell you how it should be or how it was? she says: how it was, that’s what exactly he said, i don’t remember now, it’s a pity that i don’t remember, but i remember something else, these people came veterans, it was always december 6 , the day when our counter-offensive began near moscow, when the germans were repulsed, some of them came right here... many, many, that means, orders, others have almost none, well , the consciousness of a child, that means, this one fought well, but this one maybe fought worse, i remember someone once said this thought out loud or asked some question, why does this guy have so many medals, and this guy has so many , i remember the harsh answer that it doesn’t mean anything, that very often worthy people don’t received medals, i, for example, never knew, my grandfather, like yours, also didn’t talk much about the war, but...
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he told some things, but, for example, he never said why he received the award, here now some years have passed, even after the publication of the novel, and one of my good friends helped me find documents in the archives , award sheets in the archives of the ministry of defense, award sheets for my grandfather, which means i received the etypi with trepidation, i began to read and continue to read , which is september 15, 1945 .
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and below it is written: in the red army since 1943 i didn’t participate in hostilities, so i ’m starting to think, that is, this is the first battle, that is, a person arrived and found himself in a combat situation. the person there at that moment is 26 years old, and this is howitzer artillery, i always knew this from my grandfather, the howitzer battery is located, alexey nikolaevich, always slightly behind the infantry, they hit over the heads of our soldiers, at the enemy, further there, they are slightly in the rear , which means that in the battle formations of the infantry, it turns out that the infantry rolled back here, then he personally repelled the enemy’s counterattack, but it’s clear that there was a breakthrough on the japanese side, the infantry... moved back, reached the howitzer battery, and these artillery people sitting here smoking, suddenly seeing that all this was rushing, instead of, which means grabbing their heads by their helmets and running away, they began to lower their howitzers , and their barrel should be slightly at an angle like this, because it hits with a canopy
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far away, 20 kilometers away, and it says, once again i say direct fire, and i understand, they have time in these fractions of seconds, minutes, seeing, that means that the enemy is rolling towards them and retreating ... that is, well, maybe there was no need to tell them about it, that is, they didn’t want glory, maybe it wasn’t necessary, but it just really turns out that this is our idea of ​​war, it’s really incomplete, here it is interesting to see how different generations react to the same events, that is, if in the prose of lieutenants
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we hear the voice of a participant in the events, and there the objectivity of what is happening is directly felt, you are specifically in this situation, when you read, in bondrev you meet phrase.
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so we arrived near st. petersburg, which means that this is where the nut fortress stands, there is a railway station nearby, and there is a small one there that seems to be practically private, but it is clear that it is not private, but such a small museum of this railway station where they were formed these trains that came from the mainland, delivered, as soon as the opportunity arose to extend the railway line and break the blockade, then these trains were coming, and... this museum worker, he asks, they were shot at at that time, when they were building this, she said , yes, all the time, that is, bombers fly all the time, howitzer artillery hits, it
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’s located 15 km away, and there, behind the bastard , it hits right where the crossing is being built, where the railway is being built, and it was this road is extremely important, because the first one went along it... i remember the surprise of my students and these photographs of the people there , the drivers, who were just like some kind of hollywood superheroes, alexey nikolaevich, she told me about one, he says, he was just an ace, you know what he did, as soon as the train left, german intelligence received information there from their reconnaissance planes, attack aircraft immediately flew out to bomb this train, which means they were flying out. so what, he says, he learned to do, he maneuvered, can you imagine maneuvering on rails, neither left nor
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right, you cannot turn, therefore you can only maneuver with speed, he hears attack aircraft coming after him, carrying bombs, and machine guns and so on, he slams on the brakes, she says, backs up, and releases clouds of steam in which the locomotive is hiding, imitates being hit, the mesters say , they will circle, circle, leave, he quietly, quietly does not... the fire and crawls on, i saw his photo, an amazingly handsome man, these people cannot be defeated, yes, yes -yes, yes , well, thank you very much, andrey valeevich, for this conversation, it was a podcast about the life of the wonderful, with you alexey varlamov, writer, rector of the literary institute, we talked about the heroes of the great patriotic war about modern writers who write about the war.
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hello, i'm still dmitry bag, i'm i still host a literary podcast with a very catchy name, let them not talk, let them read. today's episode is very special because this year we are celebrating. the wonderful poet rasul gamzatov, it’s hard to say, he is a russian, avar, dagestan, soviet poet, he is the poet of the planet, i am convinced of this, that is why we decided to talk about rasul gamzatov in the anniversary year, that is why among our guests there are wonderful, important people, first of all, of course, this is the daughter of rasul gamzatov, salekhad rasulovna gamzatova, director of the dagestan museum of fine arts named after patimat saidovna gamzatova. hello, salihat
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rasulovna. good afternoon. also our guest today is the actor of the moscow theater named after nikolai vasilyevich gogol, anatoly prosalov. hello, anatoly. hello, dmitry petrovich. let's start with alekha tarasulovna, and i know that the very name of our podcast has something to do with rasul gamzatov, right? rocked it. let them not talk, let them read, i remembered that i had something like this with my dad case, on his eightieth birthday, they showed films about him, and i saw that he somehow passed, and he didn’t really like it, and then schoolchildren came and read his poems, and i saw that he was very touched, and i i was somehow surprised and asked him, dad, why did you when they showed the films, did you somehow not particularly like it when they read? you were so touched, he said, why show me, let them read, so
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this is almost, almost a quote, we will assume that our podcast is named after a quote from rasul gamzatov, which is honorable, pleasant, wonderful, well, of course, you have absolutely invaluable experience, because you grew up in a family of wonderful artists, creators, and i would like to first hear your... story about your grandfather, about hamzade tsadas. hamzad tsadasa is an absolutely legendary dagestan poet, cultural figure, have you been told about him, who is this for you? of course, for me hamzad tsadasa is first and foremost a grandfather, but when i was born, he was no longer alive, he died, but that’s why i perceive him so indirectly, but i always saw, firstly...
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this is his father, this is the criterion of what one should be, and dad was a very devoted son, he was not obedient, they told him about him...
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little dad always went to meet him and one winter his grandfather was late and dad sat waiting for him and he even froze, and so to speak, my future other grandfather, my mother’s father , he walked and saw such a frozen child, took him and brought him home, maybe that’s where it all started, there’s probably some kind of connection, but he is a very good son-in-law. yes, yes, but i just want to say, i thought, this is how a little boy sits, waits, and he gradually falls asleep, but he doesn’t go home, where it’s warm, so he wants to wait for his dad, yes, it’s so touching, that’s when we see hamza tsadas and khandullay gaidar beggadzhievna, his wife and your grandmother, and i think this is
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a great photo, look at the faces, well, he’s a grandfather...
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named after the arts. patimat saidovna - gamzatova, well, here we see rasul gamzatovich, and we also have a photo of the gamzatovs, your mom and dad, here this is a wonderful photograph, these are funny , i even remember how they took it at our house, well , our very famous photographer,
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kamil chutuev, came, and he took some photographs, then he asked dad to wear a burka, then he said:
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and they didn’t want to get involved in museums, i don’t know who these people were, but i know that they changed a lot, and as if there wasn’t a person who wanted to do this, and my mother went there,
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she turned out to be a very good leader, she herself said, that when she arrived, she was surprised that money was allocated for acquisition of exhibits, they were written off for non-use, as if they were not engaged in this collecting activity.
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performed by anatoly prosalovo, this hour has come, and now we will listen to a poem that is dedicated to the mother, it is so called mother, because the mother for rasul gamzatov and in general for people from ... the russian engineer who created the tram, in the world, is not an eagle whether it was a russian two-faced man, and also how a large-scale action by western intelligence services was thwarted by russian journalists.
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antifake, premiere on monday, on the first. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team, what? you're in the mood to sing, but you're bored, we'll fix the house, you'll find students, the title is a loser athlete found a champion in tide , you'll go to a sports school, then if you're lucky you'll go to the olympics, everything will be fine, than it's broken by these fishermen, i don't want to go to your olympics , i want to kill vitya.
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with anyone next saturday on the first, mountain boy, i had a reputation for being unhearing in the family circle and rejected all your instructions with stubbornness to adults, but the years went by, to participating in it, i did not slave before fate, but now i often slave like a little one in front of you, here we are alone. today in the house, i don’t hide the pain in my heart, i bow my gray head in your palms , i’m sad, mom, sad, mom, i
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’m a prisoner of stupid vanity, and you felt so little attention from me in your life, i’m spinning on a noisy carousel, where- then i’m rushing, but suddenly my heart sank again, did i... begin to forget my mother, and you, with love, not with reproach, looking anxiously at me, sighed, as if gently, secretly dropping a tear, a star sparkling in the sky flies on its final flight, your boy is in the palm of your hand, laying his gray head, it would probably be appropriate to ask you, well, how is it? it so happened that you began to read rasul gamzatov’s poems professionally, what happened to you when you started reading rasul gamzatov’s poems, what about translation, you know,
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you were interested, well, in general. tell me a little, this is terribly curious, you know, as if from the other end, not from the family, yes, not from dagestan, from your side, it seems to me that like most, let’s say, soviet children, it all started with cranes, because i, the grandson of front-line soldiers, my grandfathers fought, my grandmother was sent to a labor camp, and the theme of the great patriotic war, it is very close to our family, so the song cranes, it has
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been since childhood... maybe , well, they have absorbed a lot of meanings, it’s not even literature, because that’s right, it’s something more than literature, it’s already a part of each of us, it’s inside, so without this victory holiday, we were in makhachkala in dagestan, in makhachkala, here's an amazing story, in 2010 we were with the gogol theater on tour, we have already seen
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the erected monument. i remind you that i am dmitry bak, and here now is a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, please tell me about your dad’s travels in dagestan.
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around the country, around the soviet union then, around the world , they somehow responded to the family , he brought gifts, told something about where he had been, who he liked to meet, because well, his fame had grown, he didn’t tell the children like that, so well, mom too, when they met with adults, she somehow didn’t tell me, but i remember that almost all of my childhood we waited like this, that my parents...
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you are mine, my diary is not signed, she signed it for me in 2 months, another month in a pill, this is wonderful, you can get two grades, i’m kidding, here’s a wonderful photo, the gamzatov family, and here are three sisters, yes, yes, and again you can see that these are happy people, yes , maybe tell me about your sisters, where are you, well, here i am in my mother’s arms, next to my older sister, my middle sister, just a classmate who was crying. you didn’t understand why she was crying, like in chekhov, three sisters, yes, yes, let's now , according to tradition, uh, move on to the author's section, in this section we either read something from the classics of the 19th century, or comment on some poems that are also classic, or show books, this section is called an old book, well , it’s somehow not very correct to talk about gamzatov as about old books, these are
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books... living ones that are with us, but still they were published a long time ago, so i have three collections in my hands, rasul gamzatov, just from my bookshelf, as always happens, not from the museum, museum items. in the fourth year, in the same series , a book by rasul gamzatov was published, and this is a very important fact, it means that he is already in the frame of not only avar, dagestan literature, but in russian literature. and the second book
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that i would like to show is a book that was published in a series of collections that meant high awards for this book of poetry, high stars, it’s called stars again. by the way, i just realized this, high stars, a book published by a soviet writer, it came out a little later, a few years after the first one, but it’s already a book laureate of the lenin prize, that is, several years pass and rasul gamzatov becomes such a recognized poet, a classic during his lifetime , one might say, if i may, i want to add that after all, gamzatov has his own view, his own attitude, this is also a flight garina into space and... the name was very fashionable then, it’s a space theme, and he has high stars, but these are people, people, high stars, if only i could reach you. it’s great that you mentioned this, i was born in the year sixty-one, so in my generation everyone was jurassic, that is, a lot
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it was yuriev, because gagarin is an absolutely cult figure, and of course, this title is in the spirit of the times, here is a dagestan book, it’s also very interesting, again there’s space here. as long as the earth turns, yes , by the way, i will read this poem, of course, of course, i think maybe now we will do it, yes, that is, we see that it is no coincidence that this formulation is the poet of the village of the planet, because rasul gamzatov , based on family, traditional, rural, korsky values, he, of course, enters a different orbit, if we continue this style, this the book was published already in the seventies in makhachkala, but in russian, which is important. and it may be important to mention the translators , as far as i know, the translations were made into russian by his classmates at the literary institute yakov kozlovsky, naum grebnev, and it seems to me that the wide
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audience is in their translations, the most accurate, it seems to me understandable to the russian reader, i do not i know whether you will say this later or not, but i would like to say that it is for the avar people.
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i drank the sun like people drink water, walking across the highlands of the years, towards the red sunrise, following the red sunset, in the land of steep and proud peaks, where hearts have a special fervor, i
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drank the stars from behind the mountain rivers, from the springs of icy saws, from the blue heavenly cup in the green thickets and meadows, i greedily drank the sweetest air, infused on the clouds, i drank snowflakes, where the paths intertwined over the steepness, i remember the snowflakes melted on the way i sipped, i drank the spring, when the ashes in... the mountains baked here and there, where the north is strong in degrees, i drank the frost like vodka they drink when i used to drink thunderstorms, whose glory is dear to the lands, as if the top edge of a glass the rainbow arc sparkled, the prickly rosehip blossomed again , hops oozed from the dark rocks , i climbed the steep slope, inhaled the intoxicating smells, i reveled in the earth’s beauty , blessed its destiny, fell in love more than once, was killed and...
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the joy of a buzu made of honey, in the hour of grief - bitter wine, and if i drank with my heart, i didn’t drink, fun is a complex nature, i drank with friends at the same time for the sake of joy, i saw the ashes of kheroshima, i heard laughter at festivals, and blew sharply as if on beer to... empty foam blow away the saw of life , it is not false, it is true, life is the essence, i love and rejoice and suffer, and i drink my day to the dregs, i feel thirsty again , life alone is to blame for this, let me leave the world one day, i have not quenched my thirst in it, but people will thirst for this thirst as long as the earth turns. wonderful
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, thank you very much, in my opinion, it is very consistent with the nature of these strict ones, yes, this is a translation by yakov kozlovsky, this is kozlovsky, of course, kozlovsky, one of the best translators, think about what a poem, indeed, it is about a lot of things, yes, are named here, and the photograph is very consistent with all this, because this a man flies , in fact, and collections that are called k... the stars are mentioned, of course, what does he see in the mountains in the caucasus, like an unclean sky, and stars, so this is peace, transparent air, such farsightedness, at the same time hospitality , family, kindness, that’s another thing that’s important , yes, you know, that’s exactly what i like about my dad in his poetry, there was even such a famous poem, the song was yellow leaves, the leaves keep falling, falling, people trample ears, dull ears in clay and or people have forgotten how much good these
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leaves were once given as a gift, i know that new leaves will form, there will be new gatherings, but for some reason a lot of things seem unfair to me in the laws of nature, you know, it’s so touching to write about these leaves, and he seems to be saying, well, new and we , too, well, autumn found them, they fell, what else were these, they should have been new, and he was like that with such pity for these sheets that people forgot how...
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how nice it is, i wanted to ask you, and i it was a little inconvenient, suddenly you remember little or don’t remember, but it’s visible, remember the elements father, this is so wonderful, i remind you that i am dmitry bak and here now is a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, gamzad. was a friend of his readers, gomzatov
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was naturally a wonderful father, husband, son and so on, but he saw a lot of people, let’s just look at these faces now, here are muslim magamaev, tikhan trennikov, oscar feltsman, yes, very recognizable people, that is , representatives of different types of arts, wonderful photography, let's look at photographs from...
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yes, a very famous figure, well, finally indira gandhi. yes. here we have another wonderful photograph where rasul gamzadovich talks with fellow countrymen, well, with ordinary people, apparently, yes. and it is clear that these elders are wonderful people, not young anymore, and
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they are very attentive to rasul gamzatov. it is clear why lenin street was renamed. he knows how to joke, he knows how to be witty , he knows how to be ironic towards himself, and he, of course, is always in love, or rather his lyrical hero is always in love, this is exactly what is said in the poem that we will now hear performed by anatoly prosalova, and are there thousands of men in the world, that’s what it’s called, anatoly parosalov. if there are a thousand men in the world who are ready to equip matchmakers for you, know that among these thousand men i am also, rasul gomzatov, if you have long captivated 100 men whose blood rushes with
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a roar, it is no wonder to see among them, a highlander called rasul, if? that means rasul gamzatov was buried in the mountains on a basalt plateau, and how did your dad feel about fame, he understood his scale, understood the degree of his fame, he felt like a great poet, dad, he said that the poet
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there must be more doubt than conceit, and indeed,


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