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tv   Zdorove  1TV  January 28, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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try to put on yourself like a t-shirt , please, there is a little excitement, well, we’ll try to do well, well, the arrow gun only shoots, it’s not so scary, not so dangerous, the guys deliberately refuse personal armor protection in order to be as mobile as possible, everything is legal, come on. they're about a kilometer and a half to two kilometers away from the front line.
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chervonets, gold became the most influential currency in europe, and the woman received 21 privileges; it is certainly impossible to say that lenin was a supporter of family values. one of the first, just lenin's maternity leave - facilitating divorces. but i read einstein and he said, people like lenin renew the conscience of humanity. he fought for the happiness of working people, putting a very large number of working people, and, i think, no one.
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civilizations premiere, film two, africa, on thursday on the first. seconds count, our guys can be seen from everywhere, they are in full view. enemy intelligence can detect them at any moment. mechanics do not rule out the possibility that this could be a trap, that the enemy side may be trying to catch the bait. so come on let’s get up, the signal disappears, yes, it’s an open field, that’s what’s dangerous about the gray zone, everything is mined everywhere, they can also fly in from above at any moment, the jurassic is quick!
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broke, the cable broke, we have a tank without a caterpillar, get out, get out, let's quickly, quickly, faster, faster, hook, catch, faster, pray, rope in your hands, hold it, stick in your hands, hold it, faster. in those positions where they were literally 5 minutes ago, there were already artillery explosions, faster, that is, they were literally
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ahead of the enemy by several minutes artillery, don’t pull it slowly, let’s go. we’re leaving, we’re leaving, we’re leaving, yura, guide me, guys, we’re literally on the verge of death, every such departure is mortally dangerous. they did it in 2 minutes, in 2 minutes, it flies somewhere nearby, it flies.
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i see a tank, they brought you back from production , great job, congratulations, thank you, how it was, well , i can’t convey the emotions yet, the main thing is that there’s such a jitters inside, well, by the way, i didn’t expect you to do it so quickly, but how could it be different? no way, we’ll hesitate, then i’ll put it right there, it’s basically there. we’ll take the equipment now, restore it, we ’ll put it in order a little, install a caterpillar, repair it and send it for repairs. the crew of this tank was covering
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the advance of our infantry, when they discovered several armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine, they were the first to enter the battle, immediately to... the left side rimbata, here simple repairs are carried out right in the open air, if the military equipment does not need any strong mechanical intervention, and it can all be fixed here on the spot, here they do it and immediately send it back to the front line. this is an infantry fighting vehicle, bmpp-2, it
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has problems with electrical systems, the guys from rimbat solve them on the spot, they manage to fix a lot right on the spot, well, about... 40-50, but in general the enemy can’t reach you, here too i see they are shooting in the area, periodically there are arrivals, we hide, try to disguise the car, sometimes we change the location. trips to the front line are a common thing for rimbat fighters; they are soldiers like everyone else; when necessary, they exchange wrenches for machine guns, or sit behind the levers and sights of combat vehicles. one more stage evacuation, now the faulty combat vehicle is being pulled onto a tractor using a cable.
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from the outside we look quite menacing, big, long, and also a tank on top, it just feels like our tractor right now. of course, he really makes an effort when you’re sitting behind the wheel , as if there’s a weight on your shoulders, it’s hard work physically and mentally, it’s hard both physically and mentally, here no one is immune from anything, anything can happen, a military tractor, correctly called a tractor unit , we've been on the road for several hours already, i can say one thing is that... civilian vehicles respect our dimensions and the cargo
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that is now on the platform; if someone beeps, it is only as a sign of greeting. we are driving through the liberated territories, here again we can honor the memory of real heroes. in this mass grave lie together ukrainians and russians, those who fell in the fight against fascism 80 years ago. the monument has been restored, the eternal flame is burning again. the inscriptions in ukrainian have been preserved, and even now we respect our common history. moving forward is our job, transporting equipment across the border, i think, is an important matter; it cannot be done without us. to the seventieth birthday of leonid ermolnik.
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requests to him, i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together, there was someone to look at, someone to imitate, the premiere of the documentary film, today on the first, this is where huge trawls from the front line drag damaged equipment, and then its revived again they're taking me back to the front line, right now they're rolling. is preparing another vehicle, you can immediately see where this tank
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came from, a sunflower, it is clear that this tank drove through the sunflower meadows of donbass, the t-80 tank, and this is exactly what the troops love, because it is fast enough and equipped with a gas turbine engine, which is very loud at the back, but if somewhere this tank is driving through forest plantations... since the mechanic -driver to work on the car, dim, well, tell us who you were in
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civilian life, what was your profession, you studied to be an auto mechanic, graduated with a four, it turns out that he even works partly by profession for us, an auto mechanic, here a tank mechanic, dmitry is from from tula, he is 22, he loves equipment while his tank is waiting in line for repairs, and helps rimbat’s fighters with other vehicles. in this case, you are not just a technician, not just a master, but you are a real combat tanker, yes, and you have been fighting at the front for a long time, for a year and a half, that is, this tank is your combat tank. it says something like its malfunctioning, yeah, faulty electrical wiring , now what are the actions, how long will it still be here, you need to find a plus, if it is there, then the tank will work , you so affectionately call it the tank, but what about everything, although it’s like that in general the tank has its own call sign owl, owl yes, yes, how much combat merit does the owl have, so to speak,
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we destroyed two fire units, uh, fortified ones? why - the tank broke down, you said that it was attacking, attacking you, but the enemy hit the tank , well, it flew, let’s say, you heard the term baba yaga, yes, yes, it’s a big copter, yes, it arrived, dropped three pieces , uh-huh, one fell nearby, one crossed through, the second turned out to be just about here, there, there was a penetration, and that is, it still hit the zone. yes, yes, yes, the engine itself survived, then yes, it turns out, it then started, smoked, smoked, i turned it off, then again , and this is cumulative, yes, it turns out, it passed, yeah, dima says, the engine of this tank will be sent for a rebuild, within a few days the car will be like new, in the meantime, dima helps both as a mechanic and as a driver, driving the tank out
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for rolling after repairs. over the entire time of the north military district and how long we have been here, the guys and i have already gone through quite a lot, we communicate closely, so sometimes the guys come from nowhere, so follow the established rules to the right, from behind zero they come and say that that car has such successes, that car even has those malfunctions, the tank has a soul. the soul of the tank, the soul of the tank is the crew, so only a person is probably able to skillfully handle it and make the machine alive, all the work of the gun is fully checked, hence the tanks
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come out 100% serviceable. well... the system works properly, the loading mechanism too, the rangefinder clearly shows the range, that is , the tank is ready, the tank is ready, you can send it to the front line, that is, today the guys can to pick him up, of course, in rimbata, anton is a tank maker and mechanic, it’s hard to imagine that in civilian life anton is a lawyer with fourteen years of experience, he was called up for mobilization, appointed as a tank commander, and given. crew, together with the crew we went through, so to speak, a baptism of fire, from which we came out damaged, well, due to the fact that there was no way to put the car into operation there with the forces and means, we were sent to rimbat russia, it so happened that sixty arrived first btrz, st. petersburg plant,
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the breeders, guys, very, very serious guys, we worked with them, repaired our own car.
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their front is labor, and this is also combat work. is it possible to evacuate a tank to the rear in less than a day, change its engine and deliver it back to the front line? let's say in one of the upcoming episodes, you watched the hourly program, see you next sunday,
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somehow size... happiness is family, it's when everything is good in your family, when you have a loving, accepting family, when you understand each other whenever you can spend time together, because in our country the strongest roots of the russian people's soul. i wish all russians to have more rest, have more free time and not worry about deadlines, because everyone already knew everything. i want to wish everyone good , happiness, good luck, peace in the samara region , the krasnoyarsk territory, the republic of tatarstan, the kobordino-bolkar republic, russia is
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unity, russia is us, this morning, i start by going to the stanislavsky and nemirovich danchenko theater. we are going to a rehearsal of a wonderful ballet, and you know, in moscow snow, ice, a time when literally everything depends on the health of your musculoskeletal system, but you know, the life of ballet dancers is such that literally in a few years they have compressed what lasts decades in the life of an ordinary person, how they live, what professional secrets allow you to maintain health on... the musculoskeletal system, this is the topic of our conversation, it will begin with the work of ballet dancers, from which
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the beautiful russian ballet is born. at the dress rehearsal everything is just like the real thing. ballet, a full hall of ballet connoisseurs. ballet is beautiful, but this beauty is only possible thanks to the unique structure of cartilage, ligaments and joints. let's look at the structure of human joints. so, here is the joint. the bone surfaces are covered with cartilage, and between them there is joint fluid. there are ligaments around the joint that form a capsule and prevent
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the joint from falling apart. and now pay attention, almost all of these structures do not have blood flow, they are nourished diffusely only when they move, so without movement the joints die. due to the lack of blood flow, the lifespan of the joints limited to about forty. advice for those who have flat feet, here are the joints and the body - this is a tool and the first such foot. artists walk on pointe shoes or on half toes, this leads to flat feet, so they pay special attention to small joints, so what kind of exercise is this for the foot, do you lift everything?
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in ballet they know that every joint is a working pain in the foot, here an operation is already needed, into an instrument that is taken care of and cared for. on the stage there is incredible beauty, here behind the scenes you can see the heavy one.
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give this beauty, i repeat once again, in life for a ballet dancer, all the problems that we will face at 50, 60 and 70 are compressed into 5-10 years of their great ballet career. we’ll tell you what to do with bones and joints at the very end of the program, but for now we’ll take a short break to start the health program. so far this life is harsh. endless passions are boiling, waking up healthy in the morning, the guest is real happiness, we need to swim on the stormy waves, take care of both strength and nerves, if we put everything in its place, health will come
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first. word of health to you, dears friends, good morning, well, today at the end of the program we will simply give out instructions on how to preserve your joints, i started this morning at the dress rehearsal of the ballet, just so that there were interlocutors, because professional dancers have a life of joints... .they wear them out faster, but we still have a couple of decades to preserve our joints, here’s how to preserve them , what modern medicine will help you at the very end of the program, so wait until the end, there will be all the instructions and all the details, but for now the program health begins and, as always, only one rule applies in our program, only the
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best doctors in russia and... the world work here in the television clinic of the health program. reading the tests correctly, what is total protein and what to check if the protein deviates from the norm? when the blood vessels are not in order, cholesterol plaques can lead to amputation of legs, but in kaliningrad they have learned how to save limbs. attention to detail, hardware, why you need it, what products to look for it in. well, friends, we read the tests, today we have common protein. so what what is total blood protein? these are two types of protein: albumin, albumin is the main carrier of everything in our blood, everything that needs to be transported through the blood, taken by
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albumin, transported. and globulin is immunoglobulins , these are antibodies, these are protective proteins that float in the blood , this is what makes up the general protein, but in general protein is found in the body in a variety of places, why is our protein needed, in general our entire body globally is protein , first, protein determines our immunity, i repeat once again, even the protein that is in the blood is... it is impossible to break down food without protein, protein, of course, is our muscles, this is understandable, they are made of protein, protein, finally, these are our bones, this is also protein, that is, we are protein beings, therefore the famous expression that
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life is more capable. in color, what is a deviation from the norm, is highlighted or highlighted in bold or something else , here is a protein that is so necessary, so necessary, is it increased, is it bad or good? and protein is a problem with the kidneys, i think, because when it’s elevated, you already need to think about it this, five, protein is increased, we always think about the kidneys, why do we think about kidney function,
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because protein is so important in the body that by... protein, when it filters the blood, it returns, look, here it is in the kidney, like you you know, blood comes in, it is filtered, and then everything unnecessary is excreted, so. whose protein should not be, there should be zero protein, all protein, as well as all the formed elements of the blood, red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, the kidney returns to the blood, but if the kidney does not work, it becomes leaky, then we begin to find protein in the urine, increased protein in the urine, as a rule, we think about what’s wrong with the kidneys, what... when protein can still increase,
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look, in our body, of course, everything exists in solutions, that is, in some solutions with water, of course, because that’s how we are designed, but if a person is dehydrated. then the amount of protein relative to volume becomes increased, this is especially important to understand in older people, and we must also correct this situation. low protein is also bad. low protein indicates that something is completely wrong with your nutrition, you are missing something, protein has left the blood for some reason, this happens during... hunger, protein from the blood goes into the tissues and is pulled along with it water, but there was practically no water in the blood, and the protein in the blood still
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retains a lot of liquid inside the blood , of course, this is also bad, and also requires tests, when this happens, this happens with cancer, with tragic cohexia in the last few years... and so on and so on and so on, in a word, protein is the most important component of our life, and it should always be normal, and our norm is, well, 68, just a five to you all, well done, let's take a break for a while and then continue. women's hairspray. our expertise. even if you do not consume salt, there is so much salt in your body, what should you do? this is leprosy. are lepers dangerous?
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the program to live healthy, answers all questions. tomorrow on the first. genie cnop. product of steller group. i still want to meet so that i can be with my twin brother. but we are different, you are identical, you are like two peas in a pod, sit down, girls, but you are in great shape, both thin, both fit, both with good posture. this means that you...
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a whole box of delicious chocolates and a half when right here on the copper, right here literally, let's see, let's see what 's even more interesting with sugar, you know, the pressure now can make the artist all emotional,
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don't talk, because you need to measure your blood pressure without talking, talking increases your blood pressure, my favorite girls, i came to you during a commercial break, it’s short, so i’m coming back now. and i'm waiting you in the studio, okay, okay, okay, that's all bye, bye, bye, bye , see you, artery is one of the main vessels of our body, because our entire body is permeated with vessels, half of the vessels are arteries, absolutely unique structures whose task is to maintain pressure. and drive the blood
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to the periphery, these are all arteries, so the artery has a huge muscular wall, so something happens to the artery, and a disease such as atherosclerosis develops, who knows what atherosclerosis is? this is increased cholesterol, the formation of plaques, well, a vessel. the blood flow may be blocked by a plaque, well, the blood flow will be correspondingly reduced if the arteries of the brain are affected, what is this disease called stroke, stroke, heart, maybe a plaque in a vessel of the heart, this is a heart attack, here is a plaque in a limb, what kind of disease is this, trophic ulcers, this gangrene in the end, in the end it is gangrene and amputation of a limb, i very often say that the best doctors in russia work in our... program, but they,
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of course, do not work physically in our program, they work all over the country, abroad, but of course, it’s great happiness to know that such doctors who cope with such problems as amputation of limbs generally exist in our country, and now i’m not talking about moscow or st. petersburg, i ’m talking about a small town in the kaliningrad region, which is called the city of gusev, because exactly a limb saving center has been created there, and a wonderful young doctor works there, who lived and studied in st. petersburg, and then went to create such a unique center in the city of gusev, a limb saving center, that’s where we go to see how the wonderful doctor maxim vasil works talentedly.
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are not protected, well
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, as if there are no such direct restrictions, they entered, yes they entered, this is how maxim vasilyevich agarkov works, irradiating his hands to save the sick, a conductor has already been inserted into the vessel, this is a thin wire, it must drill a huge path, so now we have entered, but now we are just trying to get through these 25 cm of a closed vessel, the doctor needs to go through. a huge path, this is not such a plaque as in the heart, for example, but this is 25 cm, through these 25 cm of atherosclerosis, you need to penetrate with a metal conductor, so that you can then insert a canister along it and inflate this entire closed vessel, yeah, how much have you already walked, well, about 10-15 centimeters, well, half yes. a few more minutes pass in the operating room
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quietly and calmly, and i can’t believe that this 25 cm distance can be walked at all. now our task is to perform a balloon for angioplasty, what did it do, it made its way through a tunnel clogged with atherosclerosis, simply clogged, it went all 25 cm, we have such specialists, are you from kaliningrad? no, where are you from? now you you see how the balloon is slowly inflating in the vessel, the pressure in it is up to twenty atmospheres, the calcium in the vessel is like concrete, a very hard material. when the balloon has completely opened the vessel, doctors wait another 5 minutes to confirm the result, then they deflate the balloon, remove it from the vessel and check the blood flow. thank you very much, now you can relax and fall asleep, sleep, you want to cry, everything is fine, dr.
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agarkov performs such operations every day, every day he saves 5 or more.
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family atherosclerosis is severe, my mother was sick, my older brother, who is no longer there, amputees, no, some have heart attacks, some have strokes , my brother had a stroke, then my younger brother had an amputation, at the same time in serdlovsk, he also had an amputation, this year he had an amputation. legs, this is a huge drama, the drama begins with the fact that people do not know what cholesterol they have, and there are hereditary forms of hypercholesterolemia, when cholesterol is simply produced by the liver, it bombs with this cholesterol, because 85% of cholesterol is from the liver, and people about they don’t know this, everything is closing, closing, someone is having a heart attack,
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someone has a stroke, someone has gangrene, two brothers with gangrene, one, yes, this is atherosclerosis, two brothers, one in kaliningrad. we were faced with such a problem, so the kaliningrad region, the city of gusev, dr. agarkov, golden hands, i repeat once again that we have these stand through a vessel clogged with calcium, it’s like a concrete tunnel, you have to break through there, how many of these stents have already been installed to our guest,
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there are not many stents, one stent was placed, but many balloon angioplasties were performed, but what is the size of the stent? stand here is a small 8 mm by 80 mm, but angioplasty balloons were performed over 50 cm, that is, 50 cm were restored, the vessel was inflated to restore blood flow, 50, half a meter, half a meter, that is, if he had not done this, this is an absolutely predetermined amputation, a foregone conclusion, right, yes, when a person should come to his senses and run to people like you, right? limits movement, that is, you have walked 200 and are forced to stop, you need to see a doctor, say that i have intermittent chroma, i cannot walk without stops, at this moment you already need to think
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about undergoing an examination, maybe they will prescribe medications, maybe they will select hypercholesterol therapy and... and this is the first stage, then, of course, you need to perform an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the lower extremities, register in general, a separate group is being observed - these are, of course, diabetic patients, they must all be registered in the diabetic foot office, then they will be able to get to our procedures on time and their leg will also be saved. so i, as a therapist, will add, it all starts with the fact that you must know your cholesterol level, do you have children? yes, sons, daughters, daughter, here she sits , daughter, wave your hand to us, here she is, daughter, daughter knows her cholesterol level, i don’t remember the exact number, but... the norm, i’m keeping an eye on it, i don’t remember the exact number, but the cholesterol norm which? it means he doesn’t remember anything, doesn’t know anything,
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that the first thing in a family where there is at least one person under 50 years old with a heart attack, with a stroke, with gangrene, all children must be examined, all children must be examined for hereditary hypercholesterolemia, if you have high cholesterol, and you should know cholesterol in numbers, for...
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i have endless respect for people like you and your colleagues from all over the country, they really gathered young talented guys there and now they are simply saving 600 saved legs, these are friends, amazing, thank you, maxim vasilyevich, let's take a break for a while and then continue. this is the caspian sea, we will play a dagestan wedding. this is our wedding suit imitation circassian mountain tuxedo. thin and delicate organza that will cover bride. shuana and ahmed are ovars. and we will have a wedding according to the customs of one of the most ancient settlements in dagestan, an aul, czech. and here will be our carpet photo zone.
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the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslaw sekorski, simply has sycophancy in his blood. russians are inherently vicious, ill-mannered, and pose a threat to civilization. russophobia is a product of the work of, including sikorsky. it all started with the fact that he received political asylum sometime in the uk. and in this case, is it a deep-lying agent? he finds himself in close acquaintance with cameron, but not only that.
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well, friends, this is how a chemical laboratory works in our studio, but each of you and i is an outstanding biochemical laboratory, created so uniquely that there is no smoke coming out of our ears, all the processes inside are going on, something that is not necessary. is broken down, dissolved and excreted, what is needed remains, all the substances we need are synthesized. today we will talk about food in
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detail. in general, medicine does not determine all microelements in the blood. but there is microelements that we determine without fail. and one of these microelements is iron. in mengeleev's table it is designated as ferum, ferum. here they are these two letters. without iron we cannot breathe, inhalation and exhalation are the absolute function of iron, how much iron does our body need, only 4 g. if we represent it in coins, this is four coins by weight of iron dissolved in our body, of course, primarily in blood, today we will understand the complex functions of iron together with... wonderful singers, sisters twins, tatyana and elena zaitsevs,
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the evening will end, the candles will melt, they will fall on... heals, chance meetings, in the early nineties, the duet of twins, the zaitsev sisters, did not leave the first lines of the russian hit parades. surprisingly similar in the blonde videos, lena and tanya turned out to be not a miracle of editing, but real twins. they were born in boronizh with a difference of 15 minutes, in the family of a military doctor and an opera singer. together they received a musical education, together they came to moscow when they were 16. come, fly, the rain is knocking on the window, our house is waiting for your return, let's come and celebrate, as in childhood long ago, on our one-for -two birthday, it seemed that nothing could separate the twins, but fate prepared a surprise for them, one fell in love with a german, the other with an american, the sisters
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separated, but they haven’t stopped being together, they ... live in moscow, they are still busy with creativity, give concerts, participate in television shows, and not so long ago they got another activity, tatyana and lena became volunteers, they help find owners of abandoned dogs. tatiana and elena zaitseva - our guests today. i just want to say that i really love twins, no, well,
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you have to stand between you, of course, why? because i myself am one of the two. i have an older brother , half an hour older than me, but lena and tanya, i want to say lena and tanya, but in fact no one knows where tanya is, where lena is, except for themselves, and they are identical twins, they are clones, absolute copies, my brother and i are fraternal, he is a boy, i am a girl, and we are not alike, well , although we have a lot in common in character, in some features, but in general we are twins - this is a rare thing, i really love twins who are friends, my brother and i are very friends. we also have an older sister, that’s why girls, i love you very much, report back on the tests, tatyana, who is 15 minutes older than lena, glucose 6.3, and i literally had a whole box of chocolates before the shoot, well, this is of course with magnification the figures can see that they don’t eat in boxes, no, a box for two
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was 100%, i want to say that this is generally the norm for us. below six, but after you've eaten something sweet, maybe up to seven, at tanya's 6.3, this is the norm, yeah, and i have 6.0, also the norm, cholesterol, cholesterol is on the verge, girls, 6.4, 6.1, on the verge, well, that means we need to increase physical activity, blood pressure is 120.80, 130.70, and you know why 130, i have about. well, okay, well, no , look, the pressure norm is lower than 130 and 80, look, my dear girls, well, we see you on the air of various programs and love you and so on, but of course this is a special thing about your figure, even though you hid it from everyone our age and date of birth,
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but we didn’t hide it, just uh. tell us how old are you or not? no, why? this is what we look like? we, you know, to say it means to stop everything, we don’t stop, but what they gave us on the internet is 100%, we would really like to look like this in these years, how many they write there will be 70, let’s go, here we come, let's go, today we are talking about a substance called iron, the most important thing that iron does in the body is to protect us from infection and provide us with breathing, that is , access of oxygen to the blood without iron is impossible, it’s clear, now look, where contains iron, these are products that should be in the diet, first, duck and goose liver, here it is, here are three daily
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norms in 100 g. duck goose liver is three daily norms in 100 g. i emphasize that these are bloody and red products, because that iron is contained in hemoglobin, hemoglobin. in erythrocytes, erythrocytes are red blood cells, three daily norms in 100 g, which means 30 g is enough for your daily requirement to eat every day, 30 g of duck and frog liver, since these are animal products, heme iron is absorbed from animal products well, there are two champions in plant-based products, this is ours, this is where we live. six daily norms, in oatmeal there are three daily norms, but, but girls, iron is practically not absorbed from plants, no
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more than 1-2% is absorbed, so if you eat these products, well, good, we are happy for you, you can eat them , but nothing will be absorbed, yeah, so in the morning you don’t need it, i have porridge in the morning, two spoons without... salt without sugar and go with water or let’s put a small teaspoon of olive oil in water, everything is so tasty, here therefore, such figures, therefore such figures, such figures are not genetics, they are a person’s personal contribution to his figure, which means the first place we go is here, iron provides us with muscle mass, then what comes out, what is enough... that’s all iron, look, here it is a muscle , that’s how we provide the muscle with iron and the muscle will now begin to grow before our eyes, yes, that
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’s normal, yes, that’s it , there is iron, there will be muscle growth, no iron, muscles will not grow, so food with iron should be tutina goose liver, just liver in general, red meat. also contains a daily breathing chamber, but you say, well, a breathing chamber, without a breathing chamber , oxygen will not reach us at all, which means , look how the act of breathing occurs, girls, look, this is a red cell , an erythrocyte, inside there is hemoglobin, inside the hemoglobin iron, blood flows through the lung, so we took a breath, this is oxygen, iron attached oxygen balls to itself, so the blood floats further. in all our organs, where the oxygen balls are disconnected, to the iron balls of carbon dioxide joined , oxygen began to be used for muscle growth, for this, for that, and carbon dioxide went
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out, this exchange occurs all the time in the lungs, if there is no iron, everything is destroyed, you have iron, i feel, in plenty, that’s why you are so active, tell us, women of russia, yours? principles of life, this is how we can achieve such figures in our implausible, we do not believe in this figure, 70 years old, in fact 24, then, tell me, no, well, you said 70, as if we were 70, lord, seriously, here is your life schedule, we get up at 5:00 in the morning, so, we go to bed at 13, no later, well, if there are no filming, concerts and so on,
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but he can barely walk, i’m always ahead, then, the main thing is to sleep, good, and you know, when you sleep well, like a dead sleep, when i can say it in russian, you get so lost that you can barely get up to the second floor to your bed, not that i turn over, i’m already dead asleep, no, what’s more, tatyana is here for me recently he called and said: “you know, i was going home and will fall asleep!”
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a story about a person living in such a mode, that it’s time to sleep, the person has fallen asleep, which means going to bed until 11 pm and sleeping until 2-3 am - this is the most important time when immunity is formed, when... tanya kills her, but lena will now say wishes to all of us, ordinary women, living haphazardly, but every evening, making an oath to myself that from tomorrow my life will change. so we're on the verge of the next vow. first, i want to say that having lived our life like this, we are incredibly grateful to our parents, grateful to our dad, a doctor, a military man, who did exactly this... we are on him
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the teaching was collected when you remember, the teaching is everything, and we collected it, party girls, lenka was looking for pants, we had all this since childhood, so mommies, instill this in the children, don’t sleep for a long time, got enough sleep, got up and started studying, so our mother had everything . we raise our legs up, that’s right, return the blood to the heart, first i lie down and do it like this, with my legs, then with my legs like this, then like this, then i’ll stand up, then we lie down with our legs on the wall, legs up. then
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the exercise begins: rolling pin, roll out the entire foot, as they say, glass of warm water, first glass, i drink three or four glasses of water the morning before i go for a walk, this is all great advice, and if the girls get joy from moving away, we get joy from eating, so you have something to learn, not only that.. .definitely something for stretching , definitely, definitely, if i lie down, it will be a lot, everything is tightened up, this, by the way, exercise tightens the buttocks, there are no words at all, linus, just bravo, i don’t know, so which one, i accepted , yeah, now the most important thing
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is to get up, i’m holding, no, myself, well done, girls, dear, thank you for coming to us, and believe me, here you are, i worked out, and you see how normal my breathing is, even shortness of breath. let's take a short break and then continue. if i lived in shanghai, i would probably feel like the heroine of some reality show. cameras make our life comfortable, we are not afraid for... bicycles and scooters
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left on the street, look at the material, at the perfect seams, this is the original, why is it cheaper, but you don’t buy them on the champs-elysees, the locals love to throw dust at eyes and wear, albeit fake, but branded things, if you are a minute late with delivery, then you will have some problems or yes it is, so the guys sometimes beg clients to forgive them, sometimes they even fall to their knees, and you are a unique man, a manicurist on... and here a lot, do you like going to a man for a manicure? i love it and recommend it to everyone. here is this phrase: ice cream for children, flowers for women don’t work, because ice cream with vodka, it’s a bestseller for us, listen, there’s deception all around, just ice cream with lemon, the lives of others, the premiere, today on the first, montechoca cognac.
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eritrea, pushkin is such a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens, that's why. reached the rank of mineral, he entered the russian elite, in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries received. independence, i purified the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunities. a lot of people think that in africa we don’t walk, go naked, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we
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we are the same people, we are no different, all major countries understand perfectly well that it is almost impossible for them to move forward without africa. civilization premiere, film two. africa on thursday on the first, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother. i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her parents and ex husband, beloved daughter, vera. i said that unfortunately, i have a lot. news for you that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i ’m somehow very mega-strong,
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somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what became, to become a star in memory of the famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. health is with you again, dear friends. let me remind you how our morning began? this morning, i... know from a trip to the stanislavsky and nemirovich danchenko theater, we are going to a rehearsal of a wonderful ballet, and you know, in moscow there is snow, ice, a time when literally everything depends on the health of your musculoskeletal system, but you know, the life of ballet dancers
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is such that literally in a few years they have compressed what in the life of an ordinary person lasts for decades, how do they live, what? professional secrets allow us to maintain the health of our musculoskeletal system, this is the topic of our conversation, it will begin with the work of ballet dancers, from which the beautiful russian ballet is born. at the dress rehearsal everything is like at a real ballet, a full hall of ballet connoisseurs, ballet.


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