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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  January 28, 2024 9:20am-9:41am MSK

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but you know, the life of ballet dancers is such that literally in a few years they have compressed what in the life of an ordinary person lasts for decades, how they live, what professional secrets allow us to maintain the health of our musculoskeletal system, this is the topic of our conversation, it will begin from the labor of ballet dancers, from which beautiful ones are born... russian ballet, at the dress rehearsal everything is like at a real ballet, a full hall of ballet connoisseurs,
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is beautiful, but this beauty is possible only thanks to the unique structure of cartilage and ligaments and joints. let's look at the structure of human joints. so, here is the joint. the bone surfaces are covered with cartilage, and between them there is joint fluid. there are ligaments around the joint that form a capsule and do not support the joint.
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has flat feet, like this. artists walk on pointe shoes or on half toes, this leads to flat feet, so they take special care of small joints. so what kind of exercise is this for the foot? you raise all five toes, yes, then the big toe separately, then all the rest, and just like that slowly, meditatively. and how long should this be done? is it sit or stand? we sit, we can stand, we don’t have to sit. problematic feet in ballet, i repeat once again, are due to walking on pointe shoes and half-toes. but the main reason for flat feet and foot deformities in ordinary people. heel, look, we also walk on half toes. normally, the foot rests on the heel, in heels - on the toes. as a result of flat feet, a bunion near the big toe, pain in the foot. this requires surgery. they are operating. doctor kabretsov, in order to
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put the bones in place, will carry out figured osteotomy or controlled fracture. we have now, in fact, eliminated the displacement and are fixing the bone fragments in a new, correct position, using special screws made from chetan aluminum-anadium alloys. the result is immediately visible, we see that the finger has become straight. she moves beautifully, a person can walk immediately after the operation, how beautiful the ballet is, look how nobly the dancer lifts the dancer, it seems that she is weightless, it’s simply amazing, it’s as if you, and you just have the feeling that she has no weight.
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meanwhile, the thinnest ballerina weighs approximately 50 kg. it would seem, what is the connection between an ordinary person and a ballet dancer who wears a ballerina? so, we also carry extra pounds, but it’s not a ballerina, our obesity, the main destroyer of joints. and the main reason for joint replacement. so that this doesn't happen to you. you need to lose weight and know about procedures that restore joints, these are intra-articular injections, these are injections of hyaluronic acid, a substitute for intra-articular fluid, and not only, directly now you see a procedure that restores destroyed cartilage, this is an injection of one’s own plasma, first they take blood from a person, centrifuge it and extract it...
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well done, we breathe, a little bursting, in general the process is painless, reminiscent of an intramuscular injection. such plasma has active cells that enter the joint, in the literal sense of the word, patching defects and restoring cartilage. here's another newer procedure, the injection of stem or dendritic cells, which are isolated from the patient's fat. that's fat. removed from the abdominal the walls are only 30 ml, and then, through complex procedures, stem or dendritic cells are isolated from it, and this mixture is injected into your sore knee, the result is exactly the same, restoration of the destroyed cartilage. sometimes
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it seems to us that in ballet there are celestials, but in fact they are hard workers, only they have rehearsals and classes from morning to evening, 6 hours a day. by the way, it’s a myth that ballet dancers don’t eat, with such loads it’s simply necessary to eat, but rehearsals come first, it’s already evening, and kai, roman, hasn’t rested yet and i didn’t even have lunch, make the heel one more time, please, twist the heel on the pyrotics, we only grow upward, sama, sama... i wanted to tell you that kai didn’t have lunch, didn’t take a shower, didn’t sleep, he’s just busy in two teams in different roles, i went to the cafe with kai, there was something to eat, i came to see what
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katya would eat, here you go, a modest salad with an egg, what else rice, a cutlet and a cutlet, soup.
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movement and normal weight, that's what your joints need, then life will be wonderful. snow is falling on the stage, gerda hurries to her i promise, everything is incredibly beautiful, fabulous and wonderful, just as it happens in life, when behind the scenes or behind the scenes there is a huge, huge amount of work, let the beauty continue.
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in our favorite program, in our favorite program, elena vasilievna, our kisses , here we are, yes, now we will find a worthy place here, so, so, so, it would be more, oh, the very first, the most beloved zaitsev sisters with our beloved elena vasilna, look. health programs on channel one,
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these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov, hello, when we found ourselves in the mordovian village of urusovo, the responsible comrades were collecting wool for felting, or rather sculpting... the tallest felt boot in the world, to make such a felt boot, well, 6-7 m high, you need 150 kg of sheep wool, as it happens, we will show you, so mosovo. in the nineties, the entire male population of urusovo went on shifts to bashkiria, to the orenburg
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region, you take an abandoned house, equip it, start playing, says the creator of the museum, viktor pavlovich kudash, you take the tool with you, what is the next year in the house you leave, a sock and a breather are always with you , they never left the felts, the wedge of the choke could be made on the spot, only autumn shearing, spring shearing, new ones, socks are used for felling, in each perzyan family in soviet times there were... 10 sheep on the farm there is the same amount of wool, will a pair of felts come out of a sheep or not, oh, that’s another question, one and a half kilograms of wool are cut from one, well, yes, for children’s felts you need about 200 kilos, for a female pair it’s about 700 kilos, for a male pair it’s 200 kilos, but and handmade felt boots are worn for 10 years, moreover, all year round, it is not hot in summer, not cold in winter, and bees do not fly with felt boots, so when mordovians and bashkirs are going to the apiary, they wear felt boots with a special suit. shoes were felted twice a year, after maslenitsa, when such chaos began that no kalemaga could pass, and in the fall,
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when the harvest ended. they worked for 3.5 months at the wakt, in a day you could make a couple, it was a profitable business, during the season you could buy a wall with the proceeds, the coveted dream of all homo sovietticus, and dress up all over family. viktor pavlovich went to work for 22 seasons. he remembers the times when in the nineties they used tools to defend themselves from bandits and... the time when the collective farms collapsed, factory production replaced manual work and craftsmen stopped going to work. felt boots are not machine-made , but handmade ones will be a little more expensive, and the work itself is for very strong men, a stove, a hot water tank, you stand naked with only trousers, an apron and rubber boots, water, sweat flows from the master, everything in the boots, periodically it was necessary to remove it and pour it into water, this is a process called felting felt boots, blank. on dry, six is ​​laid out on dry, here we get a felt boot from several layers,
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these layers cling to each other when scorching, everything will be as if one whole, without a single seam without a single scar, and hot water, the back and falls off better, this the ruble in mordovian style, rough, freshly dumped shoes are dried in the oven all night, and before closing the damper, the master baptizes them good luck. recently, a mysterious story happened in these parts: one of the craftsmen threw the failed felt boots into the reverse, well, godbu with him, but this little kozhel, from a strange animal, his color is brown with yellow spots, but just like teaching a ram, that’s what they call the bird
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bikas in irzyan, well, i don’t know, a bird, no, he rather looks like the famous cheburashka, and somewhere this malady lives, has now given birth to offspring, not his own, and it is unclear whether to give them to the forest orderlies, or to put them in the red book, the famous admiral fyodor fedorovich ushakov, who did not suffer a single one defeats in battles, without losing a single one ship, was born on the territory of... the modern yaroslavl region, but mordva still continues to consider him a fellow countryman, because it was here in the village of alekseevka that the admiral settled after retiring, as the sailors say, he threw a yak. here in the sanaksar monastery is his grave and relics. the monastery was founded in the middle of the 16th century, 3 km from the district town of temnikov. the monastery was poor, fell into disrepair over the years, and this continued until the monk theod appeared here in 1759. ushakov, uncle admiral of the russian fleet. the monk theodore himself was supposed to be a military man. upon
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reaching adulthood, jonosha was sent to serve in the preobrazhansky guards regiment of st. petersburg. but one day, during a cheerful party, his colleague fell dead. this made such an impression on the young man that he decided to devote his life to god. why did he hastily leave the city, change into rubishche and go into the northern forests. after 6 years, he was caught by a special detective team and taken to empress izoveta. petrovna, but she forgave the fugitive and offered him to return to service, but he refused, saying that he wanted to die as a monk. he was buried in good faith near the walls of the church. after 1809, next to the monastery. admiral fedor fedorovich ushakov settled, his life was very modest, solitary, until the end of his days he was a parishioner of the monastery, during lent he even lived in kielje. fyodor fedorovich bequeathed to protect himself next to his uncle. in 1930, the sanaksar monastery was closed, the domes were knocked down, the cemetery was dug up, the chapel over the admiral’s grave was destroyed, however, as estate in alekseevka. these lands
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were returned to the church only in the ninety-first year. now there is a functioning nativity of the theotokos monastery here. to the temple. icons, hidden by local residents from desecration, were transformed, the righteous warrior fyodor ushakov was considered a clique of saints, his relics were transferred to the temple, now they are kept next to the relics of st. theodore and another of the abbots. once 7-8 years, the moksha river overflows so much that the water approaches the very walls of the monastery, then the senaksar monastery becomes like a ship, sailing on the sea, a sea so familiar to our admiral. most of the exhibits dedicated to fyodor fedorovich ushakov can be found... in the temnikovsky historical and local history museum. over a thousand specimens are related to the admiral, including one of the most valuable plaster busts by anthropologist mikhail gerasimov. yes, yes, the same one who opened tamerlane’s grave in june of 1941. during the great patriotic war , a commission came to the sanaksar monastery. it included anthropologist gerasimov, known for his method reconstruction of the external appearance from the remains. in
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march of forty-four, the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr approved the order of ushakov and. and unexpectedly it turned out that there was not a single confirmed portrait of the admiral, there was a lifetime portrait of an unknown artist made on the island of corfu, but how close it is to the original is a big question, then the authorities decided to restore the appearance of the admiral from his remains, the grave was exhumed, the skull was found in a very good preservation, despite the fact that the burial was previously hidden, well, most likely for plunder, they also found fragments of a uniform, gold embroidery , an admiral's shoulder strap, in soviet times this find... ushakov to the townspeople, it is noteworthy that during the war of 1812, in the building where the museum is now open, a hospital was equipped with ushakov's money. admiral takasse was a wealthy man, one of the richest in the county. he donated
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about 30,000 rubles for these purposes. there are other artifacts in the museum, for example, a description of the feat. alena arzamaskaya, russian jeanne de argues. nun led one of stepan razin’s detachments, she was captured and burned in temnikov. those were the times, right? one of the unique items is an ancient russian sword from the mid-tenth, early 11th centuries. it lay in the ground for about a thousand years and is perfectly preserved. the sword was found by accident in the eighties of the last century while mining crushed stone. they were digging with an excavator and got caught. and in these places, as in everyone else. russia did not have a single wild bull. later in 1927, there were 48 bison left in the world; in 20-odd years they were found in various zoos 48 animals began to restore the population.
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up to 60, to the beginning 2 in good times, there were zubors here : pumpkins, apples, cereals, various vegetables and fruits, post-flood trees, that is, they eat everything. the zubar is a non-aggressive animal, if it doesn’t like something, it will start digging with its hoof, snorting very loudly and will leave to attack a person, no, we didn’t have anything like that in our family.
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teeth have matriarchy. in the spring after mating, the males leave the herd for the summer, and the oldest ones leave the herd. you can look at the work of the center’s craftsmen for a long time, for example, bast shoes, previously in in the villages they were worn all day, one pair in the summer was enough for, well, four days, so in the winter the whole family was engaged in weaving shoes for themselves for the summer. children were also attracted. mordovian bast shoes differed from russian ones by having scallops on the toes and ears. strings were passed through them and wrapped around the leg. it takes a couple to weave.


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