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tv   Zhizn drugikh  1TV  January 28, 2024 11:05am-12:01pm MSK

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so the first condition was met, what was the second condition? there is an option, maybe we will offer a shaka, come on , even if it will be better for the young people, the farm will come in handy, the mountaineers say, if they say, you don’t have a donkey, the donkey itself, because like a donkey you will have to plow for the rest of your life, dragging everything on yourself , bring donkey. real, good, will do for a ransom, i think this is the best vehicle today in chogo, accepted, accepted and the following condition, instead of chacha, sagratlinsky tea, oh, the main connoisseur of the body zahradlisko.
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dear friends, what is a traditional mountain wedding, especially a chokh wedding? without homemade sausage, we cut up tripe, we even had a hand in creating a festive dish, we hope that the recipe complied with all the rules, we are treating you, oh, let's try it, try it before it gets cold, because this is a dish that should be eaten hot , the bride prepared avar khinkal, corn puffs, shepherd's, various, enjoy everyone...
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desert! come on, friends, we are now, yes, there will be holwa and chak-chak, and we will now smash it, and there's a pumpkin on the tray, guys, but it seems to me that our real dagestan wedding happened, that's for sure.
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wait, i don’t understand, why is he holding a jug in his hands? well, well, i can’t live without them, guys , well, i like them, they passed by the photo zone, i caught one and left one, you just don’t tell natasha, team, what we’re worth, who we’re waiting for, for a new wedding, forward, one, two, egor , put the jug, put the jug, who is told, if everyone brings a jug from dagestan, you won’t have enough for everyone, eh, okay, bye. it's great to save customs and traditions of our ancestors and pass them on to their children and grandchildren from generation to generation, if this is preserved, if it is played in the same format, then i will only be happy about it, i really feel like such a mountain girl, i remember how ours are.
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.. she was very beautiful, it’s good that i saw the photographs, well, we say goodbye to you and see you again, in our program, we play a wedding, i wish that their family was the strongest, exemplary in our village, let them there is always a fire in the house, in the caucasus they say, if you want to stay somewhere for a month, plant cornfields, if it’s a year, then build a house, but if you want to stay for life. give birth to children, so let our young ones visit more than one corn field, build more than one house and have more than a few children. i wish the young people the same beautiful, clear day as today, mutual understanding of love. first of all, i wish young people to honor
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their parents. we say, the satisfaction of the parents is the pleasure of the almighty. if they honor their parents, if their parents are pleased with them, then they will be pleased with them. the almighty, well then, with the help of the almighty , everything will be fine with them, i wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding, happiness, love and take care of each other, but do you know where it is easiest for local men to get a job, with which of the difficult and ...
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shanghai can often be seen on lists of the very best, and this is not surprising, because in terms of size, population, money, opportunities, it has surpassed many, but
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is life really that good in shanghai? i suggest you look into everything right now and figure it out. shanghai is located in the east of the country, it is the cultural and financial center of china, ahead of beijing and hong kong. the territory of shanghai could fit a dozen famous world capitals, as well as a couple of small african states. therefore, it is not surprising that just over 26 million people live here. and if i were one of them, then like lichau i could work as a courier and make the residents of the city well-fed and happy, because absolutely everyone loves to eat here, or like chen yuan i could lead a men’s team of manicurists and
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help shanghai residents become increasingly prettier and prettier, and maybe i could become andus’s wife and the mother of his children? sirens and cadi, they would all follow me at attention, because women here often lead their families, but whoever i was, i hope i wouldn’t get lost here, because the city is simply huge, often, if people want to meet, you make an agreement , let's meet somewhere in the center, you're going for a walk, and if... in shanghai, then you need to clarify in which center you want to meet. personally, i counted about five centers. the first is the business center in the area
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pudong. the historical center of shanghai is located in the puxi district, due to the large number of universities, youth centers are located in the yangpu and putu districts, and another center is located in the shopping center. huangpu, where all the power of shanghai is concentrated. but let's focus better. those who live in these areas, study, build a career, fall in love, and in the end light appears. you know, before in china they were not very happy about the birth of girls, but today, when a girl is born in shanghai, it is a holiday, broadcast to the whole world. you need to provide for your son not only decent education, which in shanghai amounts to a huge sum. and also buy him a separate home so that he has somewhere to bring his family, but with a daughter it’s easier, he gave
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everything away in marriage. oh, these rational chinese, but so that the whims of parents do not influence the demographics, it is strictly forbidden to announce the gender of the child until the moment of birth. there are no free maternity hospitals in shanghai, public ones cost about 5. yuan, and private ones from fifteen. but there are payments from the state: for the first child 5,000 yuan, for the second - 10, for the third 20, with each subsequently, the amount doubles. this way , if you give birth to ten children, you can pay for university for one of them. it’s better to find a high-paying job, for example, related to cargo transportation. i 'm on my own. the largest port in the world, they are just unloading here now, 4 million
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containers a month, that’s how they work, day and night. every day hundreds of different cargoes arrive at the port. electronics, natural resources, clothing, food, and we transport cars from our small warehouse to the port, the number of people who want to receive such goods has increased thousands of times, so chinese cars are selling like hot cakes. if 3 years ago our company shipped 500 cars a year,
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today there are 5,000 of them and, judging by the number of orders, this figure will soon increase 10 times. now this car will be loaded, it will float away as a surprise to the owner, warm, good. to load such a machine into a container, you need to be a real jeweler. this process happens very slowly, because we must not only properly load and secure the machine on the cables, but also not damage it. but even if the car if it gets damaged, it’s okay, everything is insured. if damage occurs, we do not fine anyone, but simply call inspectors and send the car for repairs. i found a loader, the one who loads containers, let's go find out, let's go find out everything
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, my god, you know, like in the movies, oh, dear mother, so, you know, while here, mihal, how are you doing, oh, listen, how good, you have here, well, well, i see, you don’t have some kind of fancy space cabin here, yes, it’s difficult to control such a thing, it just seems so, before i was allowed to load containers, i completed three months. courses, how many containers like this do you load per day? maximum 200-300 pieces, listen, you’re like this robot man, you know, 200-300 containers and you’re not tired at all, right? well, it only seems so, sometimes the shifts are 12-15 hours long, so at the end of the working day i just collapse. the work is not easy, but after all deductions, the loaders receive approximately 10,000 yuan. that your break is over now, you will work, otherwise you won’t have time to load 200 containers, oh great, okay, that’s it, eh
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there’s a cigarette lying around, look, put it away here , i didn’t see the main thing, that’s it, come on, chow, each car costs around 50 thousand yuan, in the entire history not a single car has been stolen here, can you imagine, a car is not a pen, you can’t smuggle it through a checkpoint secretly , besides, we have so much here... that your scam will be figured out the very second you think about it, and i want to say that local residents are no strangers to security cameras, if i lived in shanghai, then... probably , i would feel like the heroine of some reality show, because here for cameras are watching your every step, that 's where you look, they're looking at you everywhere, hello, in china, the population of which is almost 1.5 billion people, there are more than 700 million
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cctv cameras installed, that's almost one for every two citizens, and that's it’s not final yet, the number of cameras continues to grow every year, as for me, sometimes it looks scary, you just want to hide somewhere, but local residents see only advantages in this. cameras ensure our safety, they are not hidden from human eyes, so everyone knows if you break the law, you will be found the same day. here, within half an hour, pickpockets who have stolen a wallet or phone are identified, but this works in the opposite direction. if... you were in a hurry and crossed the road in the wrong place, then be sure that you will definitely get your fine. but be that as it may, cameras make our lives more comfortable. our packages can be waiting for us at our door for weeks, we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street, and if we have lost or forgotten something, we can find it within a day. china is not only
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leader in the number of security cameras, but also the world's main supplier of these. technologies, but even with all this, the chinese manage to bypass the laws in front of millions of cameras . everyone knows that in china they make the largest number of replicas of all brands on earth. so i have now come to a place where...
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a remarkable place is the famous shanghai counterfeit market, here there is everything you want, from clothes to tea, from souvenirs to equipment, for the seventieth birthday of leonid yarmolnik, my favorite student, leonid yarmolnik, i saw someone so young a boy, slender, very flexible, this freedom and lightness, it seems to me...
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today on the first bourbon steersman - a product of the stellar group. look carefully, you will recognize him. center. we have a coward. money and gold don't interest me. today you will go to russia and return the sacred treasures of the nation. nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team, why
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did you come to sing, but you’re bored. we'll fix it, you'll find students, the title is athlete, loser, found a champion in the taiga, you'll get in to a sports school, then, if you’re lucky , you’ll go to the olympics, well, everything will be fine, than with his crowbar, these fishermen, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, you have little pity. you still won’t bring your father back, game , let’s do it, training four times a week, three running, one rotting, then i’m in, i mean, well, let’s kill him together, fakes.
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i'm sorry, god, there is such a magical place in shanghai where you can buy all this for pennies, well, let's go see, i just need to keep my bag, otherwise i'll lose it, and since everyone here is afraid of my operator like fire, i decided to look into the store and conduct one small experiment, here is an original bag, bought in a company store by me personally for a lot of money and a bag that is sold here, you ask, how is it different? firstly, everything is different, and the material is different, i haven’t opened it yet, but the fittings, to be honest,
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are very similar, it’s true, i open it, it ’s inside, now i wait, here i am now i ’m interested , you understand, inside of course there is a coincidence of 0.2, it feels like the origin with the original is only here... the brand logo, although the price is also very different, but for a second it costs 2,800 euros, and this costs 150 euros, so, as they say, feel the difference and don’t thank me, the locals love to show off and wear, albeit fake, but branded things, as for me, it’s easier to buy an ordinary bag of an unknown brand for this money and not embarrass yourself, nevertheless, who wants to come here to buy such a bag, please, for 150 euros, now the main thing is not to confuse, so that's it, take it, i'll leave you yours,
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i’m leaving, the funny thing is that if you ask any seller whether it’s original or fake, everyone will answer the same thing, look at the material, the perfect seams, it’s original, why is it cheaper, but you don’t buy them on the champs-elysees, they’re made there - they charge three times the price for rent, well , it’s beautiful, you understand everything, everything is like the original, only it’s a fake and costs much, much cheaper, and you say, but the most important mistake you can make in this market is to buy an item at the price offered price, if you were told that a jacket, for example, costs 1.00 yuan, say that you will take it for 100, in the end they will discount you 40-50 percent, all because there is a real battle between the sellers here and... a real battle, they are ready to do anything to lure you to buyers and not allow a competitor to earn
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money, and the chinese know about competition like no one else, and yet from childhood they are forced to fight for success, their public schools resemble the army, here 99% of excellent students, here every paragraph bounces off everyone’s teeth, even if they wake you up in the middle of the night , here it is not enough to learn lessons, here i need to play sports and music. understand art and be an excellent mathematician, but there is another reality , education in china is very difficult, children study from morning to night, and it is very difficult, so if parents have the opportunity to send their children to a private school, then they do it with pleasure . our entire education system is focused on rote learning and the authority
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of the teacher; students in public schools are not even asked whether they understood the material, but in private schools we try to soften this harsh reality. absolutely passes here the same program, all the same exams are taken here, there are also. sports sections and creativity classes, but this school really is more reminiscent of a european school rather than a harsh asian one. many people do not understand us and consider our methods ineffective, but 100% of our students enter the best universities in the country. we have a lot of winners in sports competitions and music competitions, so you don't always need a whip. unlike public schools that cost 6-8 thousand yuan per year, private schools can cost 100, 200 or even 3000 yuan. year, but even for
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with that kind of money, schoolchildren are busy studying all day. school classes run from 8 am to 5:00 pm. when we come home, we immediately start doing our homework, and no one goes to bed before 11:00 at night. and, probably, one of the most pleasant moments of the school day is an hour-long break, during which everyone has time to relax, chat, and most importantly, have lunch. an egg with a tomato and pasta with vegetables, and then there are two types of some kind of soup, that is, these are the apples i see, chopped cauliflower, that is, an absolutely complete lunch, and the children will
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enjoy it? of the children, none, and my mother’s, of course , it’s different, but adult shanghainese love to eat everything in large quantities, so they figured out how to have access to food anywhere in the city and at any time of the day. delivery is so popular in shanghai that no one can
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live without it, but there are such places. where a person cannot deliver food, because, for example, to a hostel or some closed complexes, then when you order food, they deliver it to these boxes, they come and leave it, you know, and then you come so calm, with a phone number they chirp, chirp, you pick up your food, you leave happy, you think, oh, i’ll go eat, and now know-how number two, and at night, when all the restaurants close, there are these magical booths where you can buy pizza, dumplings at night, burgers, the phone chirps and chirps, and pizza comes to you from somewhere, somewhere, i don’t know where it comes from, you know, here you still have to have a higher education to take pizza from the machine, that’s how miracles are, that’s all the fact is that locals don’t like to cook at home, moreover,
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if you are alone... then eating somewhere is even more profitable and thanks to such an appetite, one of the most popular, in demand and at the same time difficult jobs in shanghai is the work of a courier. what is your work schedule? our working day is approximately 10-11 hours. well , i know that if you are one minute late with a delivery, then you will have some problems or money will be withdrawn or you may be fired, is this true? yes, that’s right, customers complain, your rating is lowered. they fine you and then they can even fire you, that’s why the guys sometimes beg clients forgive them, sometimes they even fall to their knees. delivery guys are often not considered people here, i’ve heard stories of people spitting at them, throwing food at them, refusing an order and the courier paying for it himself, well then delivery guys earn good money, i get about 800 a month, but what do you plan for this job?
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work for a long time or do you want to? change it after all, i think i’m here for a long time, my son just started first grade, the family lives in the provinces, and i earn money and feed them, i want to do everything to make my son’s life was better happier than me. most of the couriers, like lichao, came to shanghai from neighboring villages, live in rooms of 10 people, hardly eat, in order to send all the money to their relatives. and no matter how difficult this work may be, you won’t get such a salary anywhere else without a higher education, and even police officers, teachers and doctors with the minimum wage sometimes earn less, while programmers, builders and private entrepreneurs have good salaries in shanghai, and the rest often don’t even their salary is enough, so they...
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have several jobs, but for local residents there are benefits in connection with this, for example, the price of metro travel is subsidized by the authorities, and has not been raised for many years, they say fare. costs three yuan, let ’s check it now, i want to say that if we talk about shanghai, which is ahead of the rest, then i want to add to this list that their metro is the longest in the world, now i ’ll try to buy a ticket, and here everything is as i like, 19 metro lines and about 500 stations, i should remember which god they pray to here in china. so, look, go up to the car, lord, uh, i don’t know , it’s all written here, choose a line for yourself, for example, a green one, uh, choose for yourself,
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for example, some station, well, where do you need to go go, oh, uh, how many tickets are there, one for me, that’s right, it costs three, yuan, oh, they didn’t deceive me. well, that’s it, oh, and the ticket instantly pops up, imagine, that’s it, and you’re off, but for now i’ll get to the beauty salon using the fastest and most reliable transport in shanghai, i'll give you a short tour. apparently, this transport is also the safest, because everyone’s belongings are inspected at the entrance. next we scan. ticket we go down the escalator to the train. about 7 million people use the metro every day, so i expected crowds and crushes, but apparently i was very lucky. by the way, there are no drivers on the trains, everything is fully automated, it blows strongly, but
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there are not many people, by the way, they arrived quickly and, as they say, with ease. beauty in chinese, what is it, what are they like? i know one secret they say that all the masters, manicurists , hairdressers are all men, because this is a very difficult job and it is difficult for women to do it, well, that’s what they say, i don’t know, let’s go see, we have several male masters working with them, we can sign up for them a month in advance. packed, because men are more attentive and careful, they notice details better and can accurately advise the client what men will like more , i’ll be honest with you, i’m 100 years old in the afternoon , a man has never done a manicure for me, never,
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and you are a unique man, a manicurist, manicurist, make-up artist, well, in short, manicurist, manicurist, or are there many of you like that? there are a lot of us here, but this is a difficult job, yes, do you like going to a man for a manicure? i adore i advise everyone to go, you think, yes, with my ugly nails, because i am a working woman, but besides the fact that there is a man doing a manicure, there are many, many other interesting things, but you need to be an athlete to climb three floors in this salon, well, me too. i’m such a woman, fire, follow me, i’ll show you what else you can do, there are simply countless salons in shanghai everywhere is full of clients, as locals
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love to go for self-care procedures. on the second floor, a real spacecraft was waiting for me, it is designed to warm up points on the body with a special one. rays, this procedure rejuvenates, fills with energy, improves overall health and enhances reproductive function. so , life hack, girls, if you want to be young , beautiful, lie down in this capsule for 30-40 minutes, get up, no one recognized you, because what kind of beauty is this, oh, what kind of young, beautiful, energetic, sexy is this, not about me, we close it back, we close it back and... we go to work, it’s cool, so let’s go look further at what you have, cool, you understand, these chinese things, all sorts of torments, you go to bed, go out and there’s this procedure 580 yuan, oh, it’s a pity,
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this device doesn’t heal my legs, otherwise i can barely walk, so now, wait, it’s so quiet, uh , i need to take a break before the procedures , damn, you know, such an old house, she thinks, god, an old woman ... some funny old woman came, let's go, ugh, i also need an elevator, there too i wonder what this is, this is a solarium, well, this is a solarium, i know, word of god, and because i was looking for it. a reason to relax and not go to the very top, i asked to go to the solarium, but it turned out that i said that it was a solarium, but i deceived you, because this is not a solarium , this is a bleach for the whole body including the face, that is, well, i ’ve been lying down all my life, solariums since i was sunbathing, well, like a normal person, it turns out that everything is the same, you lie down and bleach, you bleached, you see how we... lay down to be tanned, and they lie down to
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to be white, just like that, the lives of others, a beautiful local woman should not only be pale, but also have a thin face and healthy skin. we also love colored lenses, since all chinese have only one eye color, and we also do plastic surgery to look at least a little like european women, and as they say, it’s better to see beautiful chinese men once. than to hear about them 100 times, these are the standards of chinese beauty, look, handsome, handsome, hairstyles, what’s that cap, of course, i don’t know, skin, eyes, i don’t know what’s beautiful here, but it’s beautiful, the jackets are beautiful, black, green, well, look, tall, well, taller than me, that’s already good, you know, smile, yes, yes, yes, well, you see, that is, i don’t know, the skin is smooth, and i don’t know what hands folded, everything
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else you need, everything, silent, everyone smiles, neither women nor men spare money on personal care procedures, but even so , food will always be at the top of the list of expenses, what the shanghainese they like to spend money in supermarkets, i’ll tell you now, so look, in general, here, in short, everything that’s here it’s unclear, i don’t even understand , that’s what will be clear to you and me, look, chicken, chicken wings cost 39.90, ordinary chicken wings, here’s a set of chicken legs, chicken feet, like this, oh, look, look, take a picture, take a picture, you see , these paws are so large, it costs much more, it costs 59, because the paws are a delicacy, and there is also black chicken, my cameraman eats only that. he makes very good money, yes, but for the first time in my life
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i see it, and it costs, excuse me, 34.90, but it’s simple chicken costs 25, but let's still go through our standard grocery basket, a dozen eggs cost almost 25 yuan, a package of milk from 18.90 to 29, cucumbers for six per 100 g, and tomatoes for 7.90, a package of strawberries for 29 ,90 out of this this brab is actually bigger than my little dog, and it costs, i don’t know
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how much it costs, 1.29 yuan. today i will not try chicken feet, hundred-year-old eggs and other delights of local cuisine. today i will try to show you something very familiar and familiar to everyone. he was brilliant in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism higher.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. polish minister of foreign affairs radoslaw sekorski simply has laziness in his blood. russians are inherently vicious, ill-mannered, and pose a threat to civilization. russophobia
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is a product of the work of, including sikorsky. it all started with the fact that he received political asylum sometime in the uk. radoslaw sekorski, not a helicopter, but also american. dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. modern man too absolutely proven by genetics, he was born in
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africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. boots. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting each other. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of general, he entered the russian elite. in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries received independence. i revered the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony.
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and now i have come and will eat ice cream, and you will say, i was also surprised by the ice cream, but you know what, well, this ice cream, in his hands he has such a filling, you ask, strawberries, and i will tell you, no, these are not strawberries , a very expensive thing, let's go, come with me, oh, yeah, yeah, that's... so guys, that means this phrase here, for children, ice cream for women and flowers doesn't work, because ice cream with vodka, with vodka, you know, so here i am saying that i i even ate ice cream with just give it 5 minutes to warm up so that it cools down a little, but you see, it’s so very frozen,
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that’s it, maybe i’ll give it to you and throw it away, yes, so, wait 5 minutes and, in short, the best day. today has arrived for my operator, are you happy? well, i want to say that the packaging is very beautiful, and they buy a lot from you with vodka, and ice cream, it’s a bestseller for us, they buy 50 pieces a day, that is, i like ice cream with strawberries, no one is interested anymore, you know, or it's a matter of tinkering, this is the sort of tasting you'd probably expect to see now. but i ’ll disappoint you, now we’ll try what it is, they generally make coffee with vodka, ice cream, like this is the latest trend, and vodka is the most expensive, i was told, here.
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there is deception all around, just ice cream with lemon, the aroma changes more and more each time, but we remember, we remember, guys, yes, that alcohol is harmful to our health, but before the ice cream goes to my head, i have to finish the program when i was going to go to shanghai, you know i i heard and read... so much information that every chinese here has his own personal social rating, that he somehow gets points, somehow, in short, something, i was just scared, to be honest. i think how this is so, some kind of social rating, now i want to find out what it is in general, it’s true, it’s not true, you know, that ’s all that they write, guys, it’s all nonsense, i
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’ll tell you the truth now, look , you see, here he is cleaning, obviously the person will have a good rating, for sure, i myself have heard more than once from foreigners that they say that everyone of us, there are some points that affect the quality of our life for... but it’s printed on a regular a4 sheet in the average entrance, you know what
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’s interesting when you enter a residential building, well , i mean, i personally haven’t seen this, okay , there’s a concierge sitting, that’s right , a security guard, some kind of camera, that’s all normal, there are some rules of the residential complex, that’s also normal, but here, you see, how big is the photograph of a district police officer with a phone number, with qr codes, of course, without a chinese phone, what will they do? everyone knows him face, if something suddenly happens, to whom immediately: hello, hello, nikolai there or whatever your name is, you know, that’s it, he immediately runs like a chipy to the rescue, but it’s also interesting , you know that there are rules here, how to live here in this residential complex, how to properly take out the trash, how to park, and how a husband should treat his wife, the rules were written, not invented by me, this is all stupidity, that he should love, respect, value obeying his wife, let's go, i know everything,
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this is interesting, i’m just going to visit the chan family, this is an ordinary standard family, mom, dad and two children, a boy and a girl, while mom is at work and the children are doing their homework, father will give us a short tour. hello everyone, glad to see you visiting us. i'll start with this room, where we most often gather as a family. we listen to music, watch tv, and communicate. the visual apartment seems very large, although it occupies only 90 square m2, and such housing costs approximately 2-3 million yuan. this is my eldest daughter's room, she is doing her homework in full swing. on this balcony in good weather
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you can make kebabs, and the view from here is simply gorgeous. every month the chan family spends 1-2 thousand yuan on utilities. and here we have our son’s room, i hope we won’t disturb him. even though it's almost 8 pm. the children will be doing their homework for a long time, and next to the corridor is the parents ’ bedroom, there is also a bathroom, a dressing room and a kitchen where the housekeeper is hiding, we’ll talk to her now, but there is some kind of schedule, that is, from what time to what time you are here, i work here from 15:30 to 80 pm, and what and what are your responsibilities, standard, cooking, washing, cleaning, and what do you think you will do? i
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cook either what they ask for, or from products whose shelf life is running out, but i have friends who work in the family and they don’t like it, maybe they don’t get paid there or they treat them badly, something like this happens , there are different stories, there are a lot of dishonest people, but i was very lucky. well, i don’t know, it’s not just home, but a piece of paradise, is everything really so perfect here, how are household responsibilities distributed among you, you are responsible for something there, your wife is responsible for something, your children are responsible for something, this is how you solve this? my wife and i have work in the first place, we do the rest as we have free time, as you can see, we have a housekeeper and tutors for the children, how do you raise your children, do you punish them for anything? no, my wife and i decided never to do this, we just talk to them, in my wife and i’s childhood there was enough cruelty, but well, well, that is, you
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are all so perfect and took off your shoes. yes, not without it, but we know that it is more expensive than us we have no one for each other, we must be a very good example for our children to raise them in love. even with age, shanghai residents cannot get rid of the excellent student syndrome; it turns out that all their lives from the cradle to old age, they are in an eternal race trying to jump above their heads, but in this pursuit they not only do not forget about the main thing, but also set an example for the whole world.
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it's no use living if you're already dead, it's not worth saying if it's already said, even if it all goes over your head, believe it if you want, so keep your eyes on the road and your head in the stars, follow it down the rabbit hole, just a little while longer you can change. anything if you want to, sing it like, if you want to, sing it like, if you want to,
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an hour ago i had a lot of questions, now everything has fallen into place, and now i know for sure that the people of shanghai are the first in everything and always, we are real workaholics who sometimes forget about rest, we are not perfect, but we try to become better every day. shanghai is a city of always rushing forward people who are ready to gnaw out their happiness and, apparently, about the success of shanghai. we will hear more than once, but if you think that’s all, ho, then you are seriously mistaken, look in the next episode about shanghai, how far local technologies have come, here, having a phone, an application, you can rent everything for yourself, i want to take a man, i rented a man, what unusual holidays there are here, shanghai celebrates singles day, which
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the chinese don’t know how to do, so let me show you now how to do it all. and how they have fun local pensioners? guys, i can tell you that such a pension, you know, can only be dreamed of. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. a brigade of elite reconnaissance officers of the armed forces of ukraine, new personnel from the front line, and first of all, sappers, like military pioneers, protect artyomovsk from special
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mines that explode simply from approaching them.


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