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tv   Ishchite zhenshchinu  1TV  January 28, 2024 1:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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pull us out, otherwise elisha and i are a bud, grab the bucket, alyosha, good man, is back , where’s the fun, i have to save her, wait, you’re all wet, you’re not fit for a feat like this, you, come here , serve us , good man, “look, they meet, desperate guys, i, the lord of the east, declare you with my power, wait, aladin, she has a husband, before god and before people, elisha, who does not agree, they will taste bogatyrskaya’s silushki.” take him, what
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fun, elisha, oh you, dad, oh you, arrest the state. criminal help, they are killing.
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for some reason the brothers were delayed, we are right here, alyosha, we need to go to the aid of kilisey, whoever is strong in body. rich and busy, we go to the palace, everyone is afraid, three heroes are working, what?
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i always wanted to say this, well done, reader , not a reader, but a hero, my school, excuse me, vasileus, but we get married by mutual consent, such is the tradition, traditions are good, however, progressive marriages also need to be promoted, but for theft of the treasury conspiracy of state criminals to punish. it is necessary, there is no theft, here is your gold, you’re slandering our elisha, let ’s sail home, and you stay here, i’ll pick you up, get well, nothing will work out for you this time, ilya muromets, everything will be my way, ho! this is a bombard, guys, i
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read about it somewhere, it’s a killer thing, yes, now this bombard will turn you into dust, i have a tactical plan, i surrender, julius, shut up, please, and the plan, by the way, was excellent, great, nightingale. i decided to surrender voluntarily, i decided to come to an agreement, i will return the missing gold to you, and you let me go my partner, and his friends, and we will forget our little conflict, well. as a result of negotiations, the parties came to
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a mutually beneficial agreement. dad, how are you, me, and my priftol, dad! i want to get married, you promised me a wife, dad, they got the gun, oh , it’s on fire, leave it, you fool, it’s on fire, dad, lyonka, i’m talking seriously now, oh
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, eliseyushka, come here, don’t be afraid, well, boy, from now on give you the name hero of byzantium, give you the laurel wreath award and my favor immediately, praise. saved the emperor, elisha, oh, i'm tired today, chinese medicine will come out forever, listen
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, don’t be offended, but it’s not me, it’s all dad ’s idea, i don’t need your fun, to be honest, i don’t like it at all, i want to make love, okay... okay, now you can go home, it’s fun, where did you learn to fight like that, you can teach me, but you ’re pretty good at accounts yourself, forgive me for lying about the service, i was afraid of losing you, you fool, i love you equally, with a sword and with accounts. “let’s hurry up, otherwise we might not make it in time, we’ll sail, and there will be sadness in kiev, they’ll meet us, they’ll say, that’s it, they say, who’s here to he stared, prince, wow, well, alyosha, your tongue is boneless, so why were you silent, don’t
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be angry, it’s fun, we have orders not to talk about the illness ahead of time, that if we don’t make it in time, i won’t see my uncle alive!” headwind , the road ahead is not easy, i can help you, the section is like this, the nightingale, the bill for paying for a ticket to your homeland, we agreed, well, hang in there, brothers.
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how are you, prince, father? oh, bad, anti-gun, either there’s a noise in the head, or in the ears it's whistling, it's clear that my end is approaching. come on, look at what's going on, here's death, it's come for me,
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julius, prince, alive, in time, oh, we were already... sailing, sorry, prince, we didn’t stop the nightingale in time, uncle, uncle, fun, uncle, dear, how are you, what have you got there? needle, needle, so this is your tailor ratozey, sewed on the sleeve, forgot the needle, here i am, in china they say they heal with needles, prince, now i’ll cure you with it, herods, so i ’m healthy, i won’t die! uncle, uncle, how glad i am! what a joy, antip,
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why are you standing there, run and make the people happy, thank you for your service, brothers, well, you’re healthy, how are you doing? hero of byzantium, savior of the emperor, elisha silovich, messenger, savior of byzantium, elisha silovich, so come on! let's celebrate this. here is a paper stating that the state has no claims against you. order. look, nightingale, if you take up the old one, this paper will not save you. even and take care, everyone. see you again! bogatyr, okay, let's go, there's a lot to do ahead,
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heh! may the road and my path lead again,
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just to know when i meet my freedom around the bend, spring will come, spring will come, as in the best dreams, as in the best dreams, southern kick of the voice, southern kick of the voice, remind me.
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in second place, probably, is family, wife, daughter, mother, my dogs, friends, probably somewhere in fourth, fifth place, these are cars, i really love cars, i have owned cars since childhood, the victory was the first car, in which i drove there, i don’t know, a kilometer.
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he failed to enter the leningrad theater theater, but still became an actor. his main film roles can be counted on one hand. listen, just wait a second. but at the same time the whole country knows and loves him, but that hasn’t changed, that’s when my phone rings, that’s jamaica, that’s has not changed, i have the same call today, so it seems that, judging by this call, time has stopped, i don’t have this feeling that
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10 years have passed, there are some additions, there are some...
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a stop on a trip to moscow became a famous hostel, now we are driving into one of my favorite areas, marina roshcha, where my moscow life began in 1972, well, she’s 60, i’m 60, now i’ll change the voice, she’s 70, i’m 70. and the car has gotten older, and i, and this is even more ancient, this is the famous trifonovka 45b, hostel gites, in which the shchukin residents also lived, his teachers were great actors, etush, ulyanov, shirvent, my favorite student, leonid yarmolnik, lenya loved to study, in general
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, people who loved to study loved...
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a bottle cost 17 kopecks, it was the most it was dear, well, as a rule, it’s always these four suitcases, it was somewhere almost chervonitsa, and chervonitsa is a feast for the whole world in the evening, hello, don’t worry, it’s a ermolnik, i recognized you, thank you very much, here’s mine room. she was seventy-third or seventy-four, but i don’t want to bother anyone, first of all, it’s saturday, they’re probably sleeping, excuse me, for god’s sake, for god’s sake, excuse me, i, i lived in this room 30 years
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ago, this is channel one, they ’re making a movie about me, for one second, it’s just that the composition of the guys is approximately the same. no , there’s no catch, there, there’s even someone sleeping there, there’s a bed there, i let him in today, well, the four of us lived here until 1974, this floor was the shchukinsky one, the shukinites lived here, and the number the room was either seventy-three or seventy-four, that's it, guys, sorry, for god's sake, have a nice one, that's all bye, good luck, yes, all the best, cool, but we lived, we are happy, guys, anyway , this is something about which there are no tears, no tenderness, because everything was in joy , how many cute girls were there? what kind of tape recorder did we have, yauza 6? i was courting a girl in a hostel and to complete
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the courtship i needed a tape recorder with music, and there was only one person’s tape recorder, it was on the floor below, he lived, it was, he says, for 2 hours for 2 hours i’ll return it, and i absolutely remember , what then... he taught a lot of good things, i learned a lot from him, well, i taught him bad things, of course, but this bad is remembered better than the good,
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this bad makes up a happy life, let's go, but here's what i'm saying now in the video 10 years ago , i can repeat absolutely, yes, it was bad, or maybe there was such a bad time, from which sasha and i came to be, today, this may be... the best, that’s all. sashka was 9 months older than me. he's '53, i'm '54. in 2008, sashka passed away, it turns out that he was 14, 16 years. sashka passed away on january 2, 1988, and i remember that on the thirty-first, i came to see him at the hospital, and he did not see this
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green victory, i was allowed to drive the car so that sashka could see this green victory from the window of the room, from of those with whom i studied , there are probably five or six people left who work in the profession, but of those you know, this freedom and lightness, it seems to me, is what distinguished lyuni in general. 35 years after graduating from college, perhaps in memory of his
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course, yarmolnik presented the court to the audience the performance is coming, but are we alone or what? and where is such an artist, so half-bald, so neighborly, well, with such a characteristic face of a russian person, here he is, that’s who i ’m talking about, here, here. here’s another thing that has changed over these 10 years, 10 years ago, if two men kiss, it didn’t bode well, but today in the frame, when two men kiss, it’s no longer very good, it was a different time, this has changed for 10 years, well , leonit isakovich is a very demanding person, but he really is a demander in life. man, and it’s good if we play two performances normally, and no matter how we claw, fight, or hit each other’s jaws, behind the scenes, on the third one, it’s necessary, not every
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time i hit you that you knock, the main characters are classmates, whose fate turned out completely differently, you want me to thank you for this, this is what you saw, you saw, you know, thunder, i don’t really like you as a person, well, i don’t like you either. “the artist was great, why was that? but i saw him in a performance at our theater with the upcoming one, i was extremely pleasantly surprised and i’m even amazed that a person who hasn’t appeared on stage for so many years came out on it so boldly, so boldly and so talentedly, and i really liked it, and just by that time i was dreaming of playing something like that, i was so tired of crying stage to sob and fight": something light, something elegant, but some kind of champagne, so that it was, and nothing less, for almost 10 years we
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were looking for material that we could play, so as a result of these searches the idea was born make mila simon, a californian syupie, which we called 203-205, now it's quite a popular performance in the contemporary theater, what a happy person i am, i love you, i know, i know, this is a play about love, about fidelity, about the impossibility of living without each other, regardless of many, many, many circumstances, oh no, come on let's not...
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rum castro, a product of the stellor group, you are not sisters, no, and not cousins, no, and not second cousins, no, but what do you want to become when you grow up, david, you guess for yourself, you guess for yourself. i want to work on my own, i want to give my dad a day off, i want to because i’m alone get medals, how many teeth does a shark have? well , a thousand, or 100, or 13, or, or a thousand, or 100, somewhere like this confusion, yes, well, yes, you confused me, but excuse me, what do you have for breakfast? i love broccoli, shrimp with broccoli, buckwheat, for example, with broccoli,
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pasta with broccoli, best of all, new season, watch after the evening news, but tell me, in the school cafeteria they are already hiding glasses from you, i don’t know, vodka veda , product.
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but the period of my formation as an artist was during that period when with such a face there was not much you play, i mostly played either abnormal people or criminals, if you don’t say that these are the meadows of the marquis of carabas, i’ll send you all to meat, and in general there will be a lot of trouble, well, i actually started with two pictures, by and large i kind of two heartfelt things...
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i think that i starred in the same munchausen film, this is 90% sasha’s merit, because mark anatolyevich zakharov loved sasha very much and sasha loved me. proposed in this picture, it became clear later that no one but me could play this idiot, this is part of my, as it were, image , at least in cinema, i ’ve been acting for many years, i’ve played either criminals or abnormal people, little episodes, little episodes, now i’m already playing the leading role, well, sort of , yes, look who came to us , dad?
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in it leonid played the role he had been waiting for all his life. lena had to sacrifice a lot , at that moment he had, it seems to me, a very important decision to make, that he was in great demand there for television projects, the introduction of mass events, but he, so to speak, promised herman that he would not, except for this his paintings, he denied himself many things. filming began in 1998.
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so that maybe someone can tell me what on this planet, which is absolutely adequate to the earth in the 14th century, what can be done to stop this atrocity, shame, horror, and this false scientist said, lord, don’t destroy us all, because we are unworthy to live, and leni answered him:
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my heart is full of pity, i cannot do this, and he answered so well that he was approved for this, blow us away like dust, like pus, or leave us. in our rot, destroy us all, all destroy, hold, easily destroy you, lousy people, and black people, and even children, my heart is full of pity, i can’t do this, yarmolnik had high hopes for this work, but production.
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everything was always in such semi-conflicts , everything, then i was wildly irritated, angry, offended, now i understand that this is the happiest thing. there was a time in my life, this is not a sentence where the artist doubts whether he will be all right, just a second, we’re filming, goodbye, goodbye, sorry, no, recognition, popularity never bothers me, all the years of popularity and sympathy have helped me do a lot of good things, i never expected anything. it didn’t suggest itself if it was going , well, mostly it was connected with someone, when you had to knock something out, ask, defend, treat, when you’re popular, it ’s much easier to do everything, thank god, he’s
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very light, and the contrast his ease is his devotion to friendship, uh, i don’t know if you know, but also lenya felatov, with... heavenly sasha abdulov, when misfortune happened to them, leonid isakovich grew up, found funding, was there all the time, he was very a devoted friend, when i'm with me... a friend who you can call at night to tell
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leni sakivich, you need a saxophone, you need to know where to go, where, where to get married, i don't know, i'm saying, this is my first time, i have no experience with this, where to carry, what documents, where to take the passport , yes, and of course he helped, contributed, thank him very much for this, i am grateful to fate that this fate gave me such a person, such a true friend. you feel the need to help, even if no one has yet asked you to do so, if you decide to achieve something, but some obstacles arise along the way, then you turn on the forced charm that all girls, women and ladies are reliably caught by. it became popular in 1976, which is when viewers saw the unforgettable chicken tabaka.
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this is where the service entrance was in 1976. there were benches here and here, if the weather was good, they always sat. the participants in the performance breathed fresh air, and i will never forget how vladimir semyonovich periodically asked vitalik shepovalo to tune the guitar, it was for it was rather the rhythm and pulse, it was like the wrong tuning of the guitar, even if it arose, it did not make his performance worse, a wonderful actor, good luck to you, thank you, i respect you, thank you, let's go here, so... is there anyone here alive, hello, why didn’t you
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go, didn’t open that door for me, we go around , but it’s not allowed there, but whoever said it’s not allowed, that ’s who needs to say that it’s possible, if i can’t, who can, let’s go, cool , calmed down, i went out onto the stage, they said, to the right school, i’m catching. he was brilliant in his fanaticism, cynical
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politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life. i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan iv. grozny, vladimirovich’s greatest merit, he saved this inheritance. lenin wanted to allow the lease of our country, kamchatka, for example, to be leased to the americans, moreover, he further developed this, we must learn to trade culturally, to decide culturally. problems, confiscating all property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion. leninsky chervonets, gold, became the most influential currency in europe, and the woman received 20.
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well, that's it, the premiere is on the first day today. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. women's hairspray. our expertise. even if you don't eat salt, that's how much salt you have in your body. what to do? this? leprosy: are lepers dangerous? program to live healthy, answers all questions, tomorrow on the first. now the play by leonid ermolnik 203-205 is selling out on the stage of the sovremennik theater. well, if you're ready, i'll tell you
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to start. are you listening, are you really you think they’re listening to you, you really think so, you want it, i’ll go and tell you now, you really think so, everyone is listening to you. but you listen, i never, i don’t even hear you , thank you very much, you always know how to get me in the mood before the performance, and before the start, in 5, 7 minutes, i have terrible jitters, like a student, as if i had never gone out scene, that's it, gershman turned on, and we agree on this, we take turns with marina all the time, because the hall is already rumbling, rumbling, and we look at each other, oh, i wish it would... end, so that again so, tell me what for what, the happiest feeling is when the performances end and you go out to bow, this, this, this happiness, yes, once at the nataganka theater they only sometimes trusted him to replace his senior colleagues, this was the dressing room, over there is the place
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val, they ran for the trunk, he fell, fell , here you go...
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i repeat once again that this theater for me was like a continuation of learning a profession, there was something to learn here, everything that i was taught here sits in me, glory to god. i was 10 years younger, yes, but which ones are right i’ve already said things, but now that i’m older, i confirm that even now, maybe i wouldn’t have formulated it like that, no, exactly, exactly, but really, ugh, as we called it, i’m lucky, well,
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here i am i can repeat, because i am a very happy person, i was so lucky in life with the one with whom... life brought me together, it was so easy for me to educate, change, train myself, because there was someone to look at, someone to imitate, someone to envy , oh, i said that i'll tell you that it affected not only my creative biography, but on my personal life , the fact is that here i saw ksyusha for the first time, the ksyusha with whom we have already lived for more than 30.
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i am grateful to ksyusha that she has put up with me for more than 40 years, my wife, but the main people in my life are my grandchildren, and i live another life, because there are a lot of questions that i need to be able to answer, and i understand that as an adult, i didn’t notice a lot in my life, my grandchildren notice it, and i live with them once again, as it were, curiosity.
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then this expression is a free artist, she wasn’t anyone at all, how could it be possible not to work anywhere, and my wife was already in her sixth month, ksyushka, pregnant with sasha, so i had nothing, only intentions, you know, here we are then like soviet people, we needed to have some kind of official status, so lenya was the first who began to live outside the system, that is, he began to eat some evenings, earned astronomical money himself, no one understood how he did it, but he already i always had everything, sasha and i
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worked very hard, abdul, we traveled with creative meetings, the main income was - we traveled all over the country, it’s easier for me to list the cities and towns in our country that i have not been to than to list those that i have been to, great joy, i became the first guy, with an electronic bayan fate has passed me, with bayan i would like to dwell on this frame separately, if you hear some other sounds and noise, i remind you once again that we are sitting in the contemporary theater, there is a rehearsal there, so everything is so like life, now we we can't imagine our life without advertising, judging by the way i look, i’m here, probably 25-26 years old, this was my first advertisement for musical instruments. he belongs to the category of people who sense luck very accurately. i don’t remember a time when he stayed in a job that didn’t
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bring him luck, he had some kind of sense of smell , for a second, he suddenly realized that television was not his, good evening, good evening, so he understood, unlike from, say, a huge number of tv viewers, he understood this, turned around and left, this is an act, of course, but how many am i on the first channel, to be honest, i’m probably still somewhere. seventy-seven, seventy -six, that means how long, why are you lying, who did you work in seventy-seven on the channel, who? dear friends, this is a very close friend of mine in the past, and the program around laughter in your opinion, where it came out, is small, but listen, this is not work for, when i was already terribly popular, you were still collecting these watermelons in kherson, i was seventy in the seventh year, unlike you, the white ticket guy, defended his homeland, and you defended your homeland.
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look for a long time, say, at your partner, count until ten, and if they drop another drop into the eye , a tear will creep into the eye, oh, how he played, how he looked, but nevermind, he didn’t play and didn’t look, he counted to ten, and make the viewer laugh. or smile, because in the man from capuchin boulevard, there is a joke on a joke, a gag on a gag, a reprise on a reprise, surikova
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filmed me more than anyone else, surikova is my kind of mother in the movies. this is a chance, every role is an exam, it is very important to be like yourself, i worked with him in the film, my half-brother frankenstein, where he played the main role played such a completely dramatic complex punishment, and i know that he really wanted to jump out of the stereotypes, as if he were a comedian, and it seems to me
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that he completely succeeded, you can’t imagine, pavlik, what a joy it would be for me. was, if you were my son, i’m not even happy, i would be proud, well, for a number of reasons and circumstances, believe me, it’s impossible, yeah, i got this role, it’s of course his merit, his merit both as the producer of this film, and as the main partner, and as just a friend on the set, who...
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my first experience was in the dashing nineties, today on my first walk under the moon, and few people dared to make a movie in those years, my first film was shot entirely in moscow, moscow holidays, it was ninety- four, but three shooting days were in rome , when the previous producer bowed, looked into my eyes and kissed my hands, i realized that this would not end well, because...
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he really burns with something when he wants something, when he realized that yes, here this is his goal, you won't stop, he's real, he's punching wall, while filming pictures from a cart, ermolnik really broke through the wall, because the final scene of the film was filmed on tverskaya street in moscow, all filmmakers know that this is practically impossible, on tverskaya no one there has been allowed
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to film anything for the last 10-15 years, but i needed in general , block the tver one. well, in short, i still achieved that we filmed for two nights, two mornings. age did not play a cruel joke with yarmolnik. at all. it turned out to be a flower that blooms for a long time, but brightly.
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arose from my childhood memories and i i wanted to film something like this for many years, i somehow went towards this year after year, when the script took shape, i already knew exactly who would play the head of the family, i’m terribly guilty, it hurts so much, it’s so insulting, i’ll die, and you will to think that you had such a dad, dad, we won’t think, what are you, and the film odessa is probably one of my favorite films. i believe that from the point of view of my view of my acting, he is the most accurate, and i played my father there, because this is the time, and the character of this
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man, borya, you got through to alochka, her no home, okay, well, in my opinion, when such internal dedication exists, it is generally always valuable for work, which is not what we do at all. it’s not that i didn’t like dad, but i always thought that i cultivated something completely different for myself, dad was strict, uh, harmful, vindictive, for about 15 minutes, and so on and so on and so on, but over the years i understood , what if i am absolutely similar to someone. i began to look like my father, even down to some movements, some reactions, i have a good memory, so i really love this picture and i am infinitely grateful to valery petrovich
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todorovsky that he shot this picture, no , not like that, in fact he should be grateful to me for the fact that we shot this picture, because i am a producer, and his last work made a very strong impression on me, this from andriy sergeevich smirnov in the film... for you and me, he played amazingly, just a hero of this time, but the head doctor was arrested, the role of dr. dorfman, a front-line soldier, was written in the expectation that leonid yarmolnik would play it, he would be happy agreed. where is dr. dorfman , played by leonid, having a scandal with her neighbors
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because an article really appeared that started the famous doctors’ case of 53 years ago, a terrorist organization, so that i don’t hear this, why are you reading this? this is all untrue, this is nonsense. i know these people, grinstein, kogan, these are great doctors from god, he is not pretending to be anyone, this is him, a real doctor, a real front-line soldier. why should i believe you and not the newspaper really? and if only because from july 2 , 1941 to march 1946, i was on front, i have wounds, concussion. we don't always remember what happened yesterday, and it often happens when we step on the same rake. i think that in this sense this picture is brilliant, as a reminder
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that we need to remember our yesterday, create our tomorrow today, well said now, there will be something to cut out, you can understand that i didn’t take the child because of money , still how... did they forget that you are a murderer, and your daughter will visit you? well, i just heard that she had a young man there, it seems to me that she has no interest in you at all, she doesn’t adult, bro , you want to live a good life, chicks, clothes, cars, so, well , if you want, i’ll give you money so that you leave her alone, seriously, count the amount, don’t yell , i say, where did the grandmothers pull off the scheme together, it turns out and general debt, container, new series, watch after the program. time , here is everything you need to sign, and we’ll separate as you wanted, or i can destroy you, return you to where
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shirsman picked up, a product of the stetellar group, he knew how to break through walls from his youth, after failing the entrance exams for acting faculty in leningrad, a year later he goes to moscow and enters the shchukin school, hello, my vocational school, here i received a profession, within these walls... seventeen-year-old lenya came up with and played his first acting ideas, one of which, without exaggeration, gave him a start in life. here i came up with a vulture. the vulture was a classic, and the tobacco chicken is already an invention for a program around laughter, for the needs of the viewer. when was the last time chicken tobacco was shown? a week ago. but
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he is old, chewy, callous and barely recognizable, because in this chicken tobacco, the most important thing is that i had such a neck, i was all thin and bent all over in all directions, i am a very flexible artist, i was, was, and now i can sit wonderfully in a chair, stand near a table, sometimes at a microphone. the issue of the monument was resolved a long time ago, no, not a monument, a tombstone , no one has ever helped me in terms of my career or everyday affairs, there are people who really helped me to succeed, because they believed in me, these are, of course, my teachers, my leader workshop where yarmolnik studied. was yuri vasilievich katin yartsev, with
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which a little later they even starred in the film that same munchausen, we had the twentieth anniversary of the end of the course, with us was the wife, well, then already a widow, elena akimovna, of our beloved yuri vasilovich katen yartsev. when i return, let it be 6 o'clock, 6 pm or 6 am, 6 pm, she was sitting.
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important, and now, finally, a little fly in the ointment. he is very authoritarian, this yokeman, he is often peremptory, he has his own opinion, even when he has no idea what is being said, simply because he did not have time to listen to the end. the only one who can somehow convince him, or prevent his ill-conceived decision, this is, as he himself puts it, his... smart wife, that’s how it is, no one argues with this, it’s just a pity that he is not always under her supervision, our final stop was , perhaps the most important place for leonid in moscow, this is my native land, this is my tsvetnoy boulevard, we are approaching the place where my greatest happiness in life happened, my daughter was born, this is where we brought her from... home here,
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these six windows on the second floor, this is my apartment, good morning, and if you open the door, what’s the code there, like 418 and 39v oh oops, nothing has changed, that’s what this step was like. the apartment number remains number thirty -nine, you will laugh, in my opinion, this is the door that i installed, of course it’s the same one, and the handle is the same, well, let’s take a chance? anyway, this is rudeness with ours, hello, they recognized you right away , they’re just making a movie for my anniversary, and we’re going around to some memorable places, you can come in for a second, i’m actually because of them, i would never
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do this, but i feel terrible, tell me this i probably also installed the door, absolutely, you installed it, everything else, in principle , is practically all left here. the layout remained, which is for the museum, yes, yes, oh , come in, for god’s sake, hello, this was our bedroom with ksyusha, this was sasha ’s nursery, here was her crib, sashka’s crib was, then, and here was the bed too , someone, either i or ksyusha were sleeping here on guard, oh, i’m going to feel bad now, this has its own charm, our wedding was held here, because when ksyusha and i got married, she was in sixth place, and there were about six guests, there was my beloved mother-in-law and father-in-law, who are no longer there, sashka abdulov , he was a witness, we are no longer just friends, we are relatives, i am godfather to his daughter, so i remember when i was on
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hosts in paris, suddenly the phone rang at night, he says, it’s me, i say what happened, he says, i have a daughter, she’s bursting with tears, i say, well, it will be already three o’clock in the morning, he says, just don’t think anything, he called sasha , that’s why i can’t imagine my life without an ermulnik, you can’t have too many friends if absolutely not at all, then they are not there, there is no oleg , there is no sasha, there is no lenya felatov, i don’t want to list them, no, these are the ones that save me is that i am a very amorous person, and i really follow
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what is happening in our cinema and television , theater, and i really love, fall in love with talented artists, i already have to go get dressed, in order to meet again on stage with marina vseslavovna niyolova to please the audience who came today, he is greedy for life, he is greedy for everything, he is in good , again the meaning, and this shocks me, amazes me, the main quality is this here is openness, a person is able to fall in love with people, is able to discover them for himself , the most important thing is the ability to negotiate
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, i think that for a short excursion my life is already enough, i hope that you will no longer bother me until i’m 70, okay, agreed , that’s it, i now understand why you came, but because before the age of 70, the 70th anniversary has arrived. they've come to the rescue again, let's agree this way: you won't bother me for the next 10 years, and we'll meet next time for 80 years, thank you very much, hello to channel one.
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great, hello, hello, everything is fine , yeah, at an affordable price, oh, my god, all day long, this roar, this clang, i’m forced, forced, you know, dear friends, you are greeted by the illustrious team, the repeated leader of the hit rock festival parades, the legendary group uncle alex.
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i turned the edge of night and day, i descended from paradise to gladness, i lost peace again, i would like to meet myself 20 years ago in order to understand. who is he to understand why his river never had a bottom, to understand why he did not release the gas, even if there’s a wall in front of him, to understand why, guys, we don’t run away, we don’t run away, guys, we all stick together, where are we, elena, but we have such a path, what’s good? the light is setting forward backwards, and we no longer count the days, those who didn’t have time are late,
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let’s go, guys, it will be, it will be, it will be, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, catch up, catch up, quickly, quickly, quickly, but no one is better became, but i remember for sure, his river never had a bottom, and i definitely... i remember he didn’t let off the gas, even if there was a wall in front of him, but i went through a hundred open doors, i burst into a closed door, i would like to know where he is now, there was an amazing group about 15 years ago,
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wow, now they ended up here, ah, fate, fate, don’t tell me, but i remember exactly, his river never had bottom, and i remember exactly , he did not let off the gas, even if there was a wall in front of him, guys, let's go, let's go, let's go , let's go, be careful, i would like to know where he is now, i would like to know where his nose is now, i would like to know where his nose is now, i would like to know where he is now.
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popular for a long time, that's when we showed you quite often, and now, excuse me, they don’t remember you, damn, read a funny joke, yeah, now apparently i’ll have to hang out in this damn underground passage until my death, and without a tv today you won’t be able to get through, they already barely remember me , one more year and that’s it, that’s it! don’t make any noise, maybe someday they’ll call us and show us, maybe they’ll show us, maybe they won’t
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show us, what is this, what else will happen in life, what will happen in life besides all this, damn it, how can i care about everything? this is a hundred devils, oh, alik, calm down, alik. that's it, sorry brothers, we are working, we are working, the audience is waiting, what kind of holiday are we having, ledia konstantinovna’s birthday, i didn’t know, congratulations to you, lidiyanov, unfortunately, i won’t be able to stay, i have an excursion. congratulations again, thank you. now tell zauch
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what you did there. oh, how beautiful everything is, so free, we’ll talk tomorrow. lidia konstantinovna, congratulations. seryozha, it’s still early. how early, i didn’t have lunch, i was fighting the seventh century. hello, hello. i'm talking about work. "i know you need a translator, english and french perfect, yeah inyas, japanese, no, unfortunately, no, they’ve already taken it, it can’t be, it’s just yesterday.”
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it’s clear, dear friends, you are greeted by an illustrious team, a legendary group, uncle alya, misha, i wonder where you came from , straight from america, it can’t be, listen , brothers, you can do without your lead singer for a while. in business, what happened? well, i got a little into show business here, everything is spinning, before cars from america i took them to russia, then sausages, then, and now i take famous russian artists around america, creative meetings, all sorts of different things, i want to take our friend for a ride, it’s interesting, i understand right away, i can’t
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handle all of you, roads, hotels, travel, it’s expensive , it won’t pay off, especially since i’m sorry, but...
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they won’t let you in, they don’t like you the americans don’t let people like that in, they don’t keep anything anywhere, very strict instructions on this matter, listen, dear, come on, marry whoever, whoever you want, well, you have someone, agree, in short, that in 2 weeks you have a stamp in your passport, otherwise i... i won’t take on this matter, bear, but maybe screw this america, well, well, well , what am i going to do, and what am i going to earn, a penny, don’t say a penny, but not really, i did
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the math, no damn thing, no, this is the flight number, that means, if we'll have a concert in a day, what kind of idiocy, you have to be married, what's more important to them is the person or what's in the passport? lyalya , dear, understand, well, they are customers, excuse me, yes , tick, we are called a center for training business assistants and managers, and it’s so beautiful, and don’t forget to write that we belong to the ministry of finance, there is state licenses, yeah, that's it, come on. we’re doing advertising, you know, lyalya, in a year 12 young , beautiful women come to the largest oil company, and where it’s full of men and the president is a man, so what, how is that,
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wait, you understand, so, the president has a wife who he's in charge of it all, you know? and it’s one thing if she understands that her hubby is having some kind of romance, a married secretary, a completely friend, if a girl is single and wants to seduce mr. president, you know, hello, hello, so is her husband can. the acceptance of documents is finished, that’s it, i saw it, and i’m saving a place for you here, out of old friendship, i’m persuading you, appreciate it, lala
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, are you going to work at school all your life, it’s very honorable to teach children english, you know it brilliantly, understand - you’re a fool, either you’ll continue to rot in school, or in a year you ’ll be a top-class secretary-assistant in a prestigious company with a real salary, in general, i’ll take you, put you on the list, and study at their expense. and in a year you have a different life, well, be so kind as to be in your passport, ok, natasha, i understand everything, i’ll try , thank you, why have you been silent for the past 2 hours, why am i fighting over you, well, lucy, well , you need a heroic act, go to the zak and say, yes, i agree, put it there, i ’ll go to america, i’ll come back in 2-2 months and we’ll get a divorce, if you want, well, well... why are you silent for 2 hours, well, say something, okay, i’ll tell you, okay , you and i, as they say, have been dating for 2 years, and i feel very good with you, yes, i feel very good with you, i love you, good, well
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and yet for some reason i wasn’t going to marry you, i didn’t even make it clear that i would like to, yes, yes, why do you think, come in, yes, because what kind of husband you are, what kind of husband you are, support, breadwinner ? father of future children, this is not all about you, dear. lucy, use your brain, i ’m asking for basic things. don't you understand? yes, i understood, i understood a long time ago, i need to look for a real life partner, to breathe, not to breathe, this very support, this very breadwinner. get dressed, i’m 30 years old, it’s time not to give birth, so it’s not from you, honey, look for this support, whoever is stopping you, i’m stopping you from looking for what you can, close it. door, recharging , excuse me, i will find this very support, this real person, he will offer me his hand from his heart, and it turns out that i am married, then go and
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tell me about all these machinations, explain , no, thank you, and by the way, you if you could, you could, you could already, instead of getting out in these transitions and getting a normal job, normal earnings, you and i, you were invited like her to the ensemble, to recordings and in general, but i i don't want to what's her name ensemble, i don’t want to be on the recording, because that’s just begging, i don’t beg from the transition, i play my favorite music, and i don’t need america for anything, i just need money to make a video, to put it in a box, to they screwed me up, you have to pay money for everything, the bear offers a piece every other day for a concert, for 2 months.
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that, okay, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, i'll go, it's inconvenient, the guys are playing without me, come on the old tram in the evening, what a favorite, yeah, sorry, but i'm thinking what the such panic in the middle of the worker
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day, right at the big break, we need to decide everything, well, let’s try, so you and i have been dating for more than a year, we’re friends, as it ’s also called, but for some reason you didn’t have the idea of ​​marrying me. i don’t care, after a year of passionate love, you didn’t really take an interest in who i am, kirill is an entrepreneur, and what he’s doing, what’s the difference, not a bandit, thank god, but what kind of person he is, what he thinks about, what’s in his soul, well, that’s it doesn’t matter at all, oh well, this is all nonsense, please, let’s go and sign, i don’t mind.
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but i’m telling you, i refused, little hatch, an infection , or maybe someone else, whom i don’t know, so i don’t know either, natasha, listen, probably nothing will work out, i said, i was offended, shouted, and rightly so, natasha, why do i need
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a husband on the street? look, or what? yes, what difference does it make, i guess, natasha, don’t be angry, i ’ll think of something, but i need it, me, not you, for now. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. the first modern building built at the cold pole of the earth in antarctica was put into operation by the new winter.


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