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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 29, 2024 12:50am-1:40am MSK

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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. i’ve already arrived, i’m at the door, and i’m on the roof, i went out to see how they were walking with our child, there ’s no one here, you don’t know where they are, i ’ll get up now, come on, the weather is wonderful, the view is gorgeous, i’m waiting.
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i don’t know who else to call, so i need to find, sisters, brothers, parents, i don’t know, but i don’t have any sisters or brothers, no... hey, hello, quiet, i didn’t mean to forgive you, like
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you the mother is registered, the father, well, i can’t find him. and you are without a child, are you afraid of me, or have you finally realized that this is not the best place for walks? who are you kidding? why do you need a child, you want to talk about finances? yes, but neither the child nor the finances, i don’t see anything, i’m afraid to upset you, but you won’t see it either, so you come to the negotiations, let me outline the situation for you, sasha signed.
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refusal, of course, you forced it, she always obeyed you, that’s good, the child is now ours , how will we divide it, no way, listen, i understand, you are in despair, you have nothing to lose , no reputation, nothing, but not me for you tell us what country we live in and that any court will leave the child to the mother, i’ll tell you i propose to come to an agreement among ourselves, well, in the best case scenario, you and i will never see each other again.
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honestly according to the law, look how symbolically our relationship ends, almost the same way it began, i saw you here for the first time, you were visiting natasha, remember, she appreciated you, despite and even turned to me with a request , the path... to moscow was winding, work in spark, if i'm not mistaken, no, well, of course natasha said that it was not you, that you were set up, that these were the mistakes of youth, asked to count the history, what can’t you do with your beloved wife, i’m talking about natasha, of course i cleaned it up, and just in case i left myself an archive file, a profile...
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whores, photos from a yacht in dubai in an interesting company, how i married someone like that, and love and the truth is evil, apparently, that’s what i care about... the right to see the child, you can and so everyone is trying to slander the wife who is fighting to speak, but people will have the facts, you have to be a fool to think that this is a fake or my revenge , it’s true, marin, and you know it, with such a reputation, i don’t know, it’s hard for you there will be someone to... get involved, but no one , it’s in vain that you’re behaving like this, i really have no one else to call, you’re really kind of small, you know, your friend has cheated on us twice already,
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there’s no trust in him, so ask yourself , please find someone to call. the number is unavailable, leave a message on the answering machine.
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accomplished, i am her mother, here is everything you need to sign, and we part ways, as you wanted, no longer sees each other, i am a man of my word, so everything that i have about your past, i can also tell you, or i can . return you to where you picked it up, lord, what it was necessary to use the wife on the temptress.
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hello, this is the chronicles of the end times podcast, and i, evgeniy dodolev, will tell you about gastronomic corruption in the soviet union, that is, about bribes with food. the fact is that now many people of my generation, both older and younger, very romanticize the soviet era, everyone has forgotten about the total shortage, and often people are unhappy when they remember these... rather humiliating moments when it was impossible buy some basic things, including edibles, this shortage does not level out in any way and does not diminish the importance of the social state, which was the soviet union, with its free medicine, free
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education, stability, and i also think that this is what is important to talk about, what i talk about is always my personal experience, i just.. i’m talking about what i remember, that’s what i noticed, that everyone remembers the same things differently, when i was working on memoirs about perestroika journalism, i was faced with the fact that the same people talk about different things are remembered differently, that is, the same ones, i mean the same age, the same social group, colleagues who worked together, and we are not talking about just some , let’s say, but... relatively speaking , selfish moments, no, some completely insignificant moments, well, like the fact that it was cloudy that day or , and someone says: no, it was sunny that day , the weather was wonderful, or there is this table, it was made of oak, not ash, well
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, relatively speaking, that is, some things are absolutely remembered in different ways, i want to emphasize again, i will talk about what i remember. and as i remember, so, bribes with food, actually, when i sat down in this chair now, i thought that i would have a thesis that... the end of times came when this phenomenon of bribes with food actually disappeared from my profession, only now i realized that no, they look a little different now, let’s say , well, once upon a time it was a loaf of sausage, and my last journalistic bribe, it was tai, this is when sushi, or as the japanese call them sushi, succumbs to a girl’s naked body, this is not a waitress, this is a specially trained people, they lay out the sweets right here, starting
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from the knees and ending with the nipples, where they put the most delicious things. i’ll tell you about this bribe at the end, first about my first bribe. how it was? i then worked at moskovsky komsomolets, heading the student youth department. and students from one of the moscow schools approached me and said that their teachers. accused of pedophilia, i met with this teacher, my students came for the second time with their mentor, of course there was no internet then, that is, i just had to go to this school, communicate with the director, with the teacher, with colleagues, i heard a lot of different things, as a result i wrote a fairly neutral essay, with the message that in general one cannot make accusations without solid evidence and grounds, that this is how it is... paste from tube, it’s impossible to turn back the fascination , you can slander a person, and then how
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to correct this reputation, in general , very carefully, because the topic was very dark, although the devoted students, teachers, they were ready for him in general break, that is, most likely there maybe there was no smoke without fire, maybe he once looked at someone somehow, but in general there was nothing significant to show him... well, i wrote, i wrote, so on the day the newspaper was published, i came to the editorial office, they tell me that they left it for you there , on my table, in my opinion, there was, in fact, in the newspaper, in the issue with this publication, there was this stick of servilata and a bottle of cognac , in fact, this is a thank you, a gift, but they said that we congratulate you with your first bribe, in fact , there was a shortage in the soviet union, a shortage of everything, absolutely,
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including food, tangerines appeared, say , only for the new year, bananas and pineapples, some people simply tried it once, two or three times in their lives, there were formats such as trips to moscow for food, for sausage, where entire electric trains went to provinces, people came to buy delicacies and varnish. there was even such a joke that when we build communism, everyone will have their own private jet, but why is it needed , imagine that they found out that in kaluga they threw out a balyk there, you flew there and from the goods, bought 10 beams, this is how it looked, that is, there was literally a shortage of everything, including food, so offering food was a very common format. precisely in the form of corruption, i remember one episode, this is also from my journalistic biography, when i wrote
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about the so-called sochi-krasnodar case, this is the case of sergei medunov, well, the investigator called it the case of sergei medunov, because he headed the krasnodar region and was one of the suspects and accused later, and so there he drew attention to a number of very interesting episodes, some very clever georgian, he came up with this format in... that is, he brought a basket of offerings as if from his so-called garden, from his farm, well, these were seasonal things, there were strawberries, gooseberries, honey , churchkhela with pomegranate juice, and as if he didn’t buy something somewhere, his wife just collected him a bribe for his brother, that is, the person who accepted it, it was, well, it was easier to measure, well because well, this isn’t a bribe, there’s a man coming from the house, here he is captured there on... god, what’s not good for us, he has these raspberry bushes there or
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he would have collected strawberry plantations, that is, perhaps one of those whom he gave these gifts understood, in fact, the essence of what was happening, but my conscience, in a certain sense , was clear, especially since this, again , was not arranged in the form of a classic bribe , that i brought you this basket here, the specialness of such a basket, by the way, was very decent, it was commensurate with... monthly salary of a soviet employee on that stage, it was the eighties, the beginning of the eighties, in the seventy-ninth year a very loud, so-called fishing business thundered.
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employees, all gifts that cost more than 300 rubles, they must hand them over to some kind of storage facility, because it is considered indecent to take some kind of gift that costs more than 300, then there were no such norms in the soviet union, but there were other norms, absolutely amazing, i remember my business trip was very long, about a month and a half, in my opinion, i went to central asia. where then the largest investigative team of the ussr prosecutor general's office in the entire history of the soviet union was working, headed by telman kharinovich glyan and nikolainovich ivanov. investigators for particularly important cases under the prosecutor general of the soviet union. and,
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that is, in addition to some of these episodes with melons, there with grapes, there were also bribes with food. in the form of a treat, that is, when the clearing was covered and the issue was resolved, also as if, well, you might say , well, is it really a bribe when they treat you, but - here, firstly, the amount of the treats was significant, and then again i repeat, the fact itself, you, uh, ate, drank, and after that - changed your decision or made some decision to the right one - the one who treated you, so it struck me there that with on the one hand, given the scale of the bribe... the order of lenin was the highest award in the soviet union, it was simply the most prestigious order. so, i don’t know how it is in other republics, but in uzbegestan there was a clear tax, it cost 500,000 rubles. it's a lot, but it's just very
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a lot, the car cost 5.00 rubles. that is , it’s like 100. park, that is, well , there were salaries - let’s say i had a so-called half-time job at moskovsky komsomolets, because the rate was 130 rubles, that is, i received 65 rubles a month. and then i moved to the central committee of young communists, a shift magazine, from this shift i just went to central asia on a business trip, and there my salary was 150 rubles, well , it was considered very, very good, so here’s 150 rubles. and 150,000 and or 5000 5000 rub. that is, you had to work all your life in order to get it. there were a lot of bribes connected with ocean stores, in every major city there was such a fish store and it was impossible to go there
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to buy, say, black or red caviar . they also joked about this, that why are you there, no one sells black caviar. doesn’t ask, but at the same time this caviar was supplied and sold at prices , let’s say, not those that were on the price tags, bribes were given for this, so that it was possible to hide this product, the can of caviar itself was an excellent bribe, especially if we were talking about relationships with foreign partners, women's hairspray, examination, even if you don't use salt, that's how much salt is in your body, what to do, is it leprosy, are lepers dangerous? the program to live healthy, answers all questions. tomorrow on the first. this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle.
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as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well, very cold, we in norilsk, friends, see such beautiful, beautiful blister copper, what is the temperature of this whole mass. 1200°. how do the guys withstand this temperature? strength of mind a real metallarg. ore, iron , metal, copper, platinum, let 's make an iron man, if this iron man is still after his shift, tired and hasn't washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh my god, cut it up, throw salt and pepper in there you start like this in thirds, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and straganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing, i ’m cold, once you start, you’ll get used to it, you’ll like it right away, you’re great, let me shake your hand, it’s warm , imagine, she is still warm. the life of our own. the premiere is next sunday on the first. this is a podcast chronicling the end times.
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i, evgeny dodolev. and today we remember how in the soviet union they gave bribes with food. in the early eighties there was a high-profile case, it was called the tregubov case, because it was the name of the moscow official who was protecting the case. sokolov, the director of the so-called elysee store deli number one, this enterprise was officially called, 15 thousand people were brought to justice in the case of deli number one, he was involved in this case state security committee, although in reality the semi-geeky things were supposed to be dealt with by the obkhss, that is, well, relatively speaking, the police. but since there was such a pronounced political aspect here, it was a confrontation between grishin, the then master of moscow, the first secretary of the moscow city
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party committee, who was applying for the position of leader of the country in the future, because it was already clear by that time that leonid ilyevich brezhnev was not a scumbag, he left at the end of the eighty- second year, but already somewhere since the end of the eightieth year. it was clear that he had there will be a successor, and yuri vladimirovich andrpov, the former head of the kgb of the ussr, saw himself in this position, and accordingly, his task was to somehow neutralize grishin’s ambitions, grishin’s ambitions. in any case , there was such a version, including in the western press. my acquaintance. western colleague george krymsky, who, as far as i remember, was a representative here in moscow, he wrote an obituary at the end of the eighties,
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then every 3-4 months, every six months he simply updated what is called, that’s it everyone understood that sooner or later leonid ilyevich brezhnev would no longer be with us, the end of times would come, many of them, by the way. the end of times, this became a very indicator that it was in 1985 that i managed to get a job at the moskovsky-komsomolets newspaper as a journalist, that is, get this
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certificate, because i was not a komsomol member, and my biography just happened so that i was expelled from the pioneers, from the pioneer organization, and uh, it was at the ceremonial line that was assembled at the pioneer camp uh forest republic. camp this one, too, in my opinion, was part of the structure of the central committee of the soviet union , because my dad worked as a correspondent for komsomolskaya pravda, which was the organ of the central committee of the komsomol, so i was caught smoking portagaz, there were such cuban cigarettes, very cathedral, and i was expelled at the ceremonial assembly, in the morning they collected ruler, they put a tie on me , which i... wore as a pioneer, well, because it was meant that already in the senior detachments it was somehow not a camelpho, that is, it means that the little ones wore it there, in short, they put a tie on me that wasn’t
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mine, because i didn’t have one. and they solemnly removed him there to the beat of drums, they said some words about the fact that i’m not worthy, and they just laid down a program for me that i would never be a komsomol member, i decided that well, that’s how it will be, screw you, i’ll never i won’t be a komsomol member, i didn’t join the komsomol, so i’m saying that the end of times in my mind has come, i realized it when my documents were accepted and i became an employee... of the organ of the moscow city committee, mk in the komsomol, as the newspaper was called then moskovsky komsomolets, and before that , not being a komsomolets member, i could not get into the educational institution where i wanted to study for any bribe, for any cognac or for any sausages, i was fond of mathematics, i saw a future for myself as a mathematician and dreamed about the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of moscow state university, they simply did not accept my documents there
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then, they simply said that since i was not a komsomol member, i... where i could do mathematics, it was a pedagogical institute, i entered the lenin moscow state pedagogical university at matfakt, that is, in the then the system was considered to be unreliable a person cannot be involved in space or aviation, but children, children, please, for god’s sake. so, it means that the scale of this business of the elysee grocery store, the number one grocery store, amazed not
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only the imagination. journalists, but lawyers also discussed it very much, from happiness this scale was postulated by the fact that the kgb security officers, lubyanka, who were involved in this case, they at the same time also settled scores with the employees of the ministry of internal affairs, who were very immersed in this corruption topic, and the kgb in every case it was considered so even academician sakharov, who was generally a dissident and an opponent of the soviet system, he emphasized that... there was no corruption in the kgb, in the state security committee, the security officers, when they started this case, they at the same time not only brought down trade workers, but and their competitors and opponents from other security agencies, including from the abkhss, because it was the abkhss workers who took bribes in
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food products. of course, there were real bribes, that is, these thick envelopes that were delivered to sokolov, the director number one grocery store, but they were also products , because often a person had money, let’s say, but he couldn’t buy with that money, well, let’s say, the same caviar, that is, you had to know people in order to so that with this money i can buy something that is in short supply, because i repeat there were stores.
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it was possible to obtain these things, and at the same time very many, my acquaintances and journalists there, and in general, like comrades, amazed the imagination of their foreign acquaintances, especially those coming from the west, by the fact that they could roll out these some unimaginable delicacies, because even now i don’t take mine, how much did such a small jar of iranian or russian caviar cost, in the city of london or in the city of
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new york, here at the very least. for some rubles, even if not for what it was officially worth, you could buy it and, as they say, cover the clearings, bribes with food existed not only in the form... when these treats took place at someone’s dacha, at home , a person could taste, for the first time in his life, some unprecedented delicacies, in my
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family, since my dad worked in, like i already said, in komsomolskaya pravda, there were things that could be bought at the editorial buffet, and there were all sorts of... quite rare things, some for a set of three tin cans, it was meat , moose, it was bear meat and wild boar, by the way, this was done in the soviet union, i don’t remember where, but i remember very well what it looked like, and i remember that i also solved some of my problems, because this it was beautifully packaged, that is, it was such a gift set and... and i remember that there were a couple of moments where i was no longer the person who took the bribe, like going back to the first episode with the sausage and cognac, but the person who
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offered the bribe, well, that is, well, these were quite innocent things, again but in order to buy sunglasses, you could give a bribe with these products and... the so-called hit parade of the sound track, then dima shavirin - who was the presenter of this sound track, he had a fairly clear fee for some... then the last places in
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this hit parade, and the first places there are the first five or ten, in my opinion, were not for sale at all, he was an honest, principled journalist, that is, all this was decided by reader letters, not email letters, letters just... paper letters arrived, the letters department sorted them out, some kind of honor was held there , here is the lower part , it was sold, and there was a clear tax , in my opinion, it was measured in some kind of alcohol, i honestly didn’t dive into these nuances, and somehow it wasn’t considered a bribe at all, because again it meant how with... the order of lenin in tashkent, in uzbekistan, it was not meant that any musical team there or some performer, simply generally unknown and who had not created anything, could come to the editorial office on 1905 street in the moscow komsomol, there
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bring shavyren a box of chocolates and or a bottle of scarce whiskey and receive this the desired line, no, he had to be more or less known somehow. there were some so-called magnetic albums, but in principle they were sold ; there was an attitude towards this that now seems completely impossible to me, then eating very indulgently , that is, well, it was considered, well, yes, well, you kind of want to eat, there the salary is 65 rubles, here it’s like it was still eaten and then drunk by the entire editorial staff, that is, we were all, in a way, accomplices, like this is usually said in criminal...
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they stepped out of him, no one there shook him off on a bench, didn’t sit him down, not to mention rummaging through his pockets, as i read, it happens, now there almost every day. that is, on the one hand, people were kind of more honest, on the other hand, they were very condescending to those things that now seem to me from the perspective of today in general, well, not that outrageous, but well, unacceptable, let’s say , by the way, in order not to get up twice, as they say, i must explain about the sound track and moscow, how i got there, i - with my mathematical education... got a job at the state committee
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for information and data science, the computer center realized that i don’t do mathematics there, i only study there, there are potatoes, these are potatoes - this is when people, employees left collect there some sulphur-based products , they sent us to some subbotniks, well, that is, in general , it was not about mathematics at all, i quit there, it was impossible not to work in the soviet union, that is, if you don’t work anywhere officially, then you’re here. .. it’s not a joke you could get a prison sentence for this, that is, first there was, in my opinion, some kind of fine, and then you could get a real prison sentence, so i had to get a job somewhere so that my work book would be somewhere , here is my friend - zhenya fedorov, who was dima shavirin’s deputy on sound track, he offered me a job at a newspaper, which for me, as i will repeat, once again became evidence that times are ending, because even there 2-3 years ago it was impossible for
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a person not being the lksma, fell into the structure of agidprop, especially since then , if we are talking about food and alcohol, then vineyards were cut down, a shortage was created, an artificial shortage was created in wine stores, that is, the party top leadership of the politburo, in general, did everything possible to just finish off the country in order to restore it. population against themselves as much as possible, that’s why it’s so easy, in fact, the country fell apart in the ninety-first year, because no one was ready to defend it, by the way, it’s amazing that the same zhenya fedorov, who also worked on the sound track, he, as a matter of principle, never i 'm talking about him like that, not because he's my friend there and got me a job at the newspaper, but because in general all people don't condemn, let's say, this gastronomic corruption. differently to her treated, someone thought that he
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could do without it, maybe because zhenya fedorov was a graduate of gmo, his dad was there in the military, and he saw all this sausage in the right quantities all his life, maybe therefore, i don’t know, i’m not going to dive into this analytics here, what i mean is that this phenomenon existed, when i started this conversation, i wanted to say that the end of times means: the fact that they stopped giving bribes to journalists, then i i realized that i was very mistaken, because i mentioned in at the very beginning, it was the last bribe, or rather an attempt to give me a bribe from, well, let’s say, an oligarch of the light category, it was 2000, the seventh year, and i then worked for the oligarch sergei sergeevich radionov. such a publishing house of radionov, where there were a lot of magazines and business magazines, such soviet
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brands, as the mass was like peasant women, the brownie magazine was bought already in my memory, but there were so-called men's magazines, one of them was licensed and two of our men's magazines, in at some point i headed this publishing house as a publishing director, that is, in general , somehow he managed it lightly and... he was very jealous of this, this one
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began to become familiar, invited me to treat me to this very thing - don’t tell me, that is, when you come, he asked, do you like sushi, i said that well, yes, in general i love sushi, and there was a surprise waiting for me, because we arrived at the establishment, when i say we, i mean myself and the main editor of one of these men's magazines, we arrived at the establishment, there was lying on... there uh the products themselves do not lie directly on the body, on such green leaves of something or grape leaves, i don’t remember now, that is, you don’t, not from the body, as if you take it with chopsticks and only with chopsticks, naturally , you could take it with no hands, i i immediately understood where the conversation was going when we
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were joined by a singer like this - at that time - a rising star, a very quickly descended star, i uh... immediately figured out that we were actually being introduced to her because she was a candidate for one of the covers so that right here the conversation was approaching this, and i think, on the one hand, it seems kind of stupid to refuse to drink sake and eat sushi, in general , on the other hand, as if i had received this gastronomic bribe, i would be obliged to do something, to be honest, i was indignant to the depths of my soul. because the cover in the publication in which it was meant that an acquaintance of this oligarch could appear, it cost 30 thousand dollars, and the covers, i will explain officially, were not sold, but the advertising service always had such an option that they sold a whole package there
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advertising, for 30,000 dollars people bought some kind of modular advertising in some publications, as a bonus, this is not anywhere... we ate sushi and drew conclusions for ourselves, so gastronomic corruption, as i suspect, has remained in the global scale, the scale and ingredients just changed, it was an end
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times podcast, and we were talking about food bribes. hello, dear tv viewers, you are incredibly lucky. today my guest is a man who is celebrating a milestone this year : leonid yarmolnik, seventieth birthday leonid isakovich has arrived. you're very welcome. sergei asokin is helping us, he masters the instrument, which, by the way, you also mastered as a child, i know that you are a distinguished aquardian player here, i have a podcast melody of my life, we have known each other for many years, and i just want our dear the tv viewer learned a little more about you and so that
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it wasn’t somehow callous, but in a friendly way, with music, well, let’s start, to be honest, i was very surprised, i... for some reason i knew that your i spent my childhood in lvov, but the place you were born much to the east, significantly, significantly, tell me, this is the primorsky region, this is a village that still exists, it used to be called grodekova, now it’s called border, it’s literally 2 km from the chinese border, because after the war it was very fashionable , young people, everyone entered the military school, my dad entered, he was given a lieutenant later... with my mother already pregnant - they were sent to the far east, there they walked on foot to the maternity hospital, there i was born, so i am so, so handsome there was, yes, well then question, a melody from childhood, well, like the radio we always had hanging on the wall, and this one with a rag, i remember, do you remember, yes, what do you remember, you ’re younger, of course, and i
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had my first contact with the song already at that time, 4 years old, decided significant there’s a gap, of course, if you’re getting beer, then you’ll be running, that’s all. the first song i performed was in the early sixties, we already had a stove in our house in lvov, and before the new year on a stool, i always wanted to do something to attract the attention of my family, i still somehow to me since childhood this was sitting, no, look at me, i, i, i will entertain you here, the most popular song, which was repeated many times, was the buchenval naba.
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wow, now we definitely need to tell tv viewers that you can only sing like that at night, you know, yes, we just sang the song
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in a different key, it’s okay, to be honest, i’m downright surprised, but you actually have a wider range than me, i can somehow on three notes, yes, as they say in the profession, you ’ve been doing this song for a long time, this is an association with childhood, this is with childhood, of course, for a long time did you live on... in general, the wire is wrong, but you can imagine, this is how it should be assembled with metal so that the end of this wire gets into my nose, and that is, not like that, no, like that,
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yes, it hit me in nose, this was the first , second, in my opinion, in the fifth or sixth grade, i used the saved money that i won in gambling, there was such a game , clink, such, but such a bat was made of lead and small change was piled on the ground. i hit the wall, i have about a month, this point is this, it was one line, then i got this belmandovsky
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bend, yes, bend, yes, yes, this is it, it was my childhood that even as a child i really loved showing pantamimes, i naturally adored ingebarov and copied what he showed, by the way, before entering the shchukin school, when i had already arrived in moscow, i met angibarov and... i wanted him to take me to his theater, and it was just his seventy-first year, just at the russian concert they gave him a theater, they gave him opportunities, so he said , well, if you don’t get into shchukinskoye, come, he told me, so, but i entered shchukinskoye, and after shchukinskaya taganka, taganka , of course, yes, taganka, taganka, all the film roles, they would already have you already been a taganka artist or while you were still a student, what no, when i was a student, films... there were those that i had very small episodes.


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