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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 29, 2024 4:00am-4:58am MSK

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some kind of psychology or empathy, maybe great, i think we’ll move somewhere there, thank you very much, thank you very much to those who watched and listened to us. hello, the sunday time program is about the events of this day of the past week, fire contact, active defense at the front, attacks on the enemy’s military rear, life after the front line.
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it was to look on the internet, to watch someone’s speeches, but it was another thing to find yourself in the outskirts, where shells are falling, where the fire is whistling, the true face, mercilessly and deliberately, they deliberately hit purely civilian targets, and do not spare their own, the ukrainian prisoners on the way to their homeland were killed by their own authorities, i don’t know whether they did this on purpose or - or by mistake, through thoughtlessness, but in any case, what happened - this is a crime, a blockade diary, on the street, sitting, sitting, and these are already frozen people, without a statute of limitations, both our memory, and the atrocities of the fascists, whose plans they want to repeat, the followers of the nazi executioners, no matter what they...
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call themselves today , are doomed. dreams are not up to the furor. today i signed a decree on the territories of the russian federation historically inhabited by ukrainians. and whose texas: election year talk about secession of the richest state in america. i will tell president biden: just don't interfere with us, you are not needed here. folk wisdom. rooted in the family. our culture, identity, national character, all the best by personal example. the future of all of russia is created in every home of the country. we are a multinational, large family, we have four children, i am the father of three children, the grandfather of five grandchildren. well, let's start with our northern capital from the southern edge of the world, which was connected today by a video bridge. in antarctica, at our vostok station, an experimental test began. operation of the new wintering
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block was started by vladimir putin, joined by alexander lukashenko, russian and belarusian polar explorers received resources that no one else has for research and life in extreme conditions, almost -90 overboard, breathing is as difficult as on on the top of elbrus, night lasts for almost half a year. anton vernitsky will continue. it turns out like this that alexander lukashenko flies to st. petersburg once a month. before the new year on december 26th. he was here at the traditional informal meeting of leaders of the countries of the commonwealth of independent states, here are negotiations with vladimir putin in the konstantinovsky palace before tomorrow's meeting of the supreme state council of the union state of russia-belarus. the temperature here today is -2, i’m only talking about this because vladimir putin invited alexander lukashenko to take part in the commissioning ceremony of the new vostok station complex in antarctica, where the lowest temperature on the planet was recorded -89, although now there...
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i ask for your permission to transfer control to the new wintering complex, please, i ask you, the new vostok wintering complex has been put into trial for commercial operation. inside the new complex is a fully autonomous life support system with modern laboratories, offices and living rooms for 35 polar explorers. the history of the creation of the complex is unique in its own way, from beginning to end, the construction was financed by leonid mikhelson, head companies. novotek, already known for its polar projects, happened to visit vostok station in 1914, and after this trip the idea arose to design the construction of a new wintering complex that fully meets all modern requirements. this proposal was supported
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by you, vladimir vladimirovich, at a meeting of the board of trustees of the russian geographical society, which you head. all equipment for the station was provided by russian. suppliers so that the station does not become covered with snow over time, it stands on huge jacks, all the modules were completely assembled at the factory and individual cases were tested at a temperature of -100° celsius, after which they were disassembled like a construction kit and transported to antarctica. i would like to express my sincere gratitude and admiration to the builder of the station, of course, to the participants in the most complex operation of transporting the modules by the crew of sea vessels and the mill teams.
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whether the continent called it the ice continent. bread and salt, a victory banner and the russian anthem in antarctica, this is how they usually greet a new shifts of polar explorers working on shifts. it is they who conduct unique experiments here, from monitoring solar activity, which is allowed by the altitude above sea level, to studying lake vostok, which is located under the antarctic ice. the drilling rig has already passed more than one kilometer deep into the eternal ice. this is the deepest ice on our planet, this. here is a piece of core that was obtained immediately before the opening of the lake, but the depth is 3.769 m, but there is no depth of ice on the ground, that the lake is in the water under the ice on at a depth of almost 4 km , no one knows to the end, a favorite plot of horror films, however,
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scientists are more concerned about how not to introduce modern microorganisms into the lake, which could upset the balance that has developed here for almost 2 million years, colleagues said that - that’s when kern was studied , then dna molecules were discovered, thermophilic bacteria that live in waters, a temperature that is over 60°, this is what, how to understand this, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, parts of bacteria were found, but not whole bacteria, this is the first, second, why we we want a new project exploring the lake. because the main life understanding of how everything happens happens at the bottom of the lake, uh, currently we can only build - some, well, let’s say, theories, as vladimir putin noted, ice cores that scientists took out of the well,
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showed that on earth over the past 420,000 years, as many as four cycles have passed from warming to glaciation, but such a schedule is being built, as far as i understand, and one can understand where we are moving. it would be interesting to know what period we are in and at what point we are, when this cooling or warming comes to us , so that not during our children’s lives, because we really want not only us, but the planet to exist, i will say, we are in an interglacial period, it guarantees 20,000 years of heat, 10,000 years we have already lived, we still have 10,000 years of warmth guaranteed. russia is the leader in antarctic exploration
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, today no one can compare with this, we had a great country, the soviet union, we worked together, well , if... someone hoped that this was all will die, it turns out, it didn’t die , it has reached a higher level, and here i would also like to thank our russian friends, who all this time... helped and are helping belarusian scientists with accommodation at their stations, support research, share ear data, provide equipment . in antarctica , 29 countries have their own polar stations, while russia has five year-round and five more seasonal ones, and the vostok station, with its new module opened today, is one of the most modern in the world, like the new ska arena in st. petersburg. at the end of last year , the channel one cup was held here.
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such an unusual issue was also considered as cooperation in antarctica, it would seem, where are we, where is antarctica, no, it turns out that there are common interests there, there is something to work on together, and we will certainly do it. i am very glad to have the opportunity to talk with you this evening, slowly, about our bilateral relations, about our
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interaction with the cis, the csto, the european union, we also have a very large range of joint work here, the overall situation we have it is developing very vigorously; in the first 10 months of last year, our trade turnover, according to our data, was 40.2.5 billion dollars, if we speak in dollar equivalent, it is growing constantly. i thought about what kind of country could provide such opportunities to a country like belarus. please come, work , let's work together, take, earn, act, no country would be able to treat the way you treat belarus, which hindered ukraine and the baltic countries. so work with us, this is our world, we are his built for several decades, we
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won this terrible war together, well, let ’s move in this direction, no, i don’t want to, they are looking for a better life beyond the seas, in general , thank you very much for everything that has been done, well, let’s polish the agenda, ours with you holy cause, thank you, and of course, today during our conversation i will inform you in detail about what is happening in the zone of the special military operation, tomorrow the conversation will continue at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state of russia and belarus, although judging by due to the fact that the presidents communicated after the official part of the negotiations, they were not interrupted. anton vernitsky, dmitry vishnevoy, valery sevastyanov, anna zayakin, alexander kovalev, channel one st. petersburg. vladimir putin has been in st. petersburg since friday, he arrived there from the kaliningrad region. we will return to the stages of his great journey more than once. and now in conversation. which was requested by the president himself with students of the maritime technical university of the northern capital,
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volunteers of a special military operation and volunteers. the problems are varied, from rehabilitation to the adjustment of financial obligations not only of the svo participants themselves, but of their families. irina kuksenkova has all the details. at a meeting with the president at the st. petersburg state marine technical university, the people, although young, already had a mature outlook on life. they all visited the front. some volunteers are helping fighters, others were defending the country on the front line a few days ago, there are students here who took academic leave to join the north military district. i think that's it you... "having returned from the combat zone, you probably already realized all this yourself , you will return completely different people, because it is one thing to look on the internet, watch someone’s speeches, and another thing to find yourself in the trenches where shells are falling, where the fire whistles , where the mines are, where the drones fly like mice
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, where the cold is dangerous. this is a completely different story, this cannot but influence a person, his worldview as a whole, this is generally in the character of our people at a difficult moment for their homeland don't regret, substitute shoulder to the country, this once again shows that in our country this is passed on from generation to generation, no matter who says anything in different periods of time, about what kind of youth we have, everything is always life. leaves in place. vladimir putin especially noted that russia has always had a warm and good-neighborly relationship with the people of ukraine, but western curators and the nationalists they fueled only took advantage of this, pushing the country towards conflict. everything that happened there is undeniable, especially in the territories occupied by the enemy, this genocide cannot be called in any other way, but
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the extermination of people is simple. and the russians were declared a non-titular nation there, and the law was adopted. in our historical territories and announced that they would not implement any minsk agreements, at the same time they actively continued to work on creating an anti-russian platform in the territory that is called today ukraine, they just started creating such an enclave, they deceived us 10 times in a row about non-expansion of nato, but all this together simply left us no chance, except...
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with amputations, you no longer need to annually confirm your disability, but it turned out that one gap still remained. i was surprised to learn that when a person is given modern means of rehabilitation, there are some kind of mechanical prostheses, this actually, in fact, replaces, well, a real arm or leg, and they reduce it. in this regard , the level of payments there is some kind of nonsense, but this is written down in documents that did not arise now, they arose somewhere a number of years ago, this, this, of course, is unacceptable, i am already the government pointed out this, i hope that everything there will be brought into line with reality and with
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common sense, the president emphasized that such meetings are important, because the information comes to him directly,
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a month has passed, normal relations with the credit institution begin, well, and interest, payment of personal debt, and nothing that has accumulated should be paid anymore, and nothing should accumulate, no interest, i agree, there are now many benefits and social support measures for defenders, by decree of the president, a fund created is working defenders of the fatherland, social curators take the families of heroes in everyone under their wing. region of the country, but questions arise that are not within the competence of the fund, here is one of these: svo participants are exempt from property tax, and their family members - as if they want three children. i would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for helping large families, you always pay special attention to this category of citizens, perhaps it would be
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possible to raise such an issue as exempting from property tax not only one of the family members, but also their minor children, and we now have a rule according to which... participants in a special military operation are exempt from this tax, but family members are not, this is true, and yes, you are right, then it turns out that if, if, say, minors children or wives, spouses, they are the owners of residential premises, then they must pay, well , in fact, you have to pay for them, so... this is a property tax, this is a local tax, not federal, but what if the state already
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does something must be done thoroughly, i sergei vitkovich agree with you, this issue will be resolved. another important issue: psychological assistance to soldiers returning from the northern military district zone. it’s no secret that our men regard going to a psychologist’s office as a kind of sign of weakness. but it is obvious that after everyday life at the front , not everyone is able to immediately switch to peaceful life. soldiers are faced with an illness called post-traumatic stress disorder. many people don’t know about this disease, they don’t know that there is quality help from specialists, some, due to their own beliefs, don’t want to address. according to international practice , approximately 50%, 50% of people who take part in hostilities need this. psychological rehabilitation, well , this is an average value, about 20% of us only apply from military personnel or former
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military personnel, many do not apply because they think that this is a manifestation of some kind of weakness, character, something else, these are just uh features the central nervous system of each person, how can you do it? now i’m addressing everyone present, such a subtle thing, you know?
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i say who he is, this is your friend , no, he was just nearby and i say, i lost him in the hospital, help me find her, i don’t know, i asked him to be found, special attention to volunteers, a popular front project, everything for victory, to help fighters on the front line and civilians in new regions, he collected more than 10 billion rubles, the whole country united in a single desire to help, the people's front purchased and donated everything they needed, this saved thousands of lives. of course, the popular front is kind of igniting, as they say, organizing this work, systematizes, but , by the way, i think that to a large extent
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due to the fact that it was the popular front that pushed this work forward, it stimulated the whole country, in fact, to this joint noble activity, we will try in every possible way support you, thank you very much. to all those who work in this direction. thanks a lot. danish resident zakhar korniev went to the front at the age of 18, he lived near the airport, from childhood they remember the ukrainian shelling of peaceful neighborhoods, then, when he participated in the battles for the liberation of mariupol, i saw how the ukrainian armed forces destroyed a city that russia is now rebuilding. i know the history of our fatherland and the history of my family, i had to. pull yourself together, get in line and pay your debt. how old were you when you entered the combat zone? 18, 18, your second place of service is solidar.
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this is an absolutely obvious thing. zakhar said that he said the following words: “i’m proud of my father. great. and the whole country is proud of you. i say this without any unnecessary pathos. it is so. and we all wish each other victory, you will certainly find your place in civilian life. 100%. i have no
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doubts. and more than that.
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vladimir putin gave a personalized watch to one of the participants who had a birthday, irina kuksenkova, dmitry tishchenko and alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. and another interesting moment happened after this meeting, one of its participants approached our film crew, as it turned out, in order to simply say thank you for our work and share impressions of the film doctor preobrazhensky on our channel. he was almost accurate with the title of the film story, but
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the main thing... the essence was captured correctly, the beauty institute, honestly, the whole dugout watched, not at first, though, they caught a piece of the last episode of the first season and, by inertia, began to watch the second, very interesting filmed, well done, high quality, the best beautiful woman of television ekaterina berezovskaya, i always watch the news with joy, i’m always excited, it’s incredibly important and pleasant for us that our... work receives recognition from such viewers. katya with news on the air tomorrow. in the meantime from today's chronicle of a special operation, a powerful blow by our military against the rear supply facilities of ukrainian formations. in kremenchug, poltava region , an oil refinery was hit. networks publish footage of him completely engulfed in flames. explosions also occurred in poltava itself and kharkov, one of the largest centers of the military industry working for the kiev regime. as for the front line,
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there is a crew in the kupinsky direction. from a k-52 helicopter destroyed a militant stronghold. the ministry of defense published footage showing the alligator flies up to the target at an extremely low altitude, strikes, and then shoots off thermal anti-missile decoys. on the ground, meanwhile, five attacks by opponents of the kharkov region in the donetsk people's republic were repelled. our correspondent amir yusupov works on the front line north of artyomovsk. solidarsky direction, advanced positions of the volk volunteer brigade. hulls, what resets? yes, it’s gone, now the foggy weather is here, yes, yes, usually quadcopters don’t fly with such poor visibility, but today the enemy from time to time it reaches us and drops grenades, it’s surprising, from the movie, there it flew in from the right, the enemy attacks with drops when we walk, when we drive a car, you didn’t understand the first gap at all, you didn’t understand the first one, but somewhere nearby it was , it’s
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as if something is in my hand, in short, i have it too. i say, i had the feeling that i ran into the cassette, yes, yes, it’s just as if there was such a gap at the bottom right under the wheel, the driver waited, drove the car away, a little later we meet again, but it was intact, when i had time, intact, here you are dropped me off, went back, a bird caught up with me in the field, once there was a reset, i drove further on the gas, here is the second reset, i was left without glass, i was alive, whole, everything was fine, the adrenaline rushed through the wakefulness, of course. inside the car there is broken glass mixed with grenade fragments. our business , swan, we’ll get there normally, i hope, yes, everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe, that’s it, let’s go with
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god, there are through holes in the back of the seats where we sat, there are no windows, now we’re driving with the wind, but in general it’s fun it’s not enough, if a grenade had exploded so close, there would have been shrapnel in the car for sure anyone. it flies, i thought it seemed to me, and the drone bakes, well, the detector, of course it’s better not to stand here in dashes, but in dashes one at a time, our operators lift the drones into the sky, well, now the visibility is bad, but in principle you can fly. the haze gradually dissipates, after a while the soldiers notice: two ukrainian armed forces militants are fiddling around in a trench, ours are working on them with komikaze drones. they watch the position for a few more minutes, make sure there is no movement, and fly around
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other fortifications in the enemy area. field, on the right side there is a small piece of paper, along it, there they fortified the area, plus repeated flights of their birds were observed. everything is visible, the smoke is sifted through two, this is ours now getting ready to fire off one shell after another without even really talking faster, it’s just nowhere they’ve already reached the maximum , reached the maximum, hit without stopping, don’t allow the enemy to dig in, move, throw in reserves , this is called active defense at the front , tonight. it is quite indicative, three ukrainian armed forces militants were discovered during a rotation, they were hit by fire, two were killed, one escaped, after that four more came, remained there, and two hours later
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two more of the same thing came, the enemy is snapping back, conducting a counter-battery fight, that is, in response he is trying to cover the positions of our artillerymen, yes, wow, that was answer , it flew a little far away, well , everything could have been covered in fragments, it turned out that we went together as if to each other, it flies normally, the smaller light here is better in the crowd , because it surrounds well, well, but not like before, they often hit in response or, well, that year they flew more often before the new year there were just sleepless nights, as they say, now they will fade away, they will fade away well, the enemy. it turns out that it’s giving in, it’s giving in little by little. the guys are relatively calmly expanding dugouts, placing firing points, and, in general, setting up defenses. our fighters are strengthening their positions with everything they can get their hands on, logs, these tubes from nato 155-caliber shells, apparently,
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enemy artillery once operated from here, and after these positions were abandoned in the sssu, all this went into action already benefit our guys. they say that when the enemy is driven out of here, discovered hundreds of such tubes. of course, everyone here was stunned, at the end of the forest regiment there was a whole mountain, but we dismantled it all across all the forest regiments, took it away, started making fortifications, started making dugouts from them, they shoot at the ssu less often, our guys more often, the simplest pattern is when one loosens his grip, the other acts more freely, just a couple of months ago ours weren’t working like this in open areas, now they’re aiming an anti-tank missile system, in general , such guided missiles are certainly not fun... the guys there with all the ammunition are cheap they regret it, it’s good, they can afford to work on a group of infantry in dugouts, like now, it goes well, yes, and they shoot several
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, but these are modified laser- guided missiles with a flight range of up to 10 km, it makes 152 splashes, it can be disassembled in one go , if the tank is hit, the turret flies off at once, the tank does not have a turret right away. a normal funnel immediately appears; nothing from the old spg9 or boot can save you from this.
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i now have a commander, my father followed me, at first i went, but i didn’t go alone either, we the whole yard gathered and came here , so we are still sticking together, and god grant that it stays this way, the deputy brigade commander with the call sign fillin, a veteran of several armed conflicts, a man who has long given his debt to his homeland, came to the northern military district zone because of his son, he since february 24, 2022, he has been on the front line, serving in another brigade, suffered several wounds, received many awards, and of course he reprimanded his father.
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first channel. this year the army will receive 1.0 units of modern military equipment, defense minister sergei shaigu said on a single day military acceptance. among the particularly popular models are the k-52 alligator attack helicopters. the latest t-90 breakthrough tanks have already seen them in action today. only in 2022 their production at ural-vagonzad doubled. at the same time , their design is improved taking into account experience. more and more ammunition and artillery pieces are being sent to the front, everything that
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our troops need, we have managed to increase the production of the main in-demand weapons and ammunition many times over, new workshops, lines, and sections have been put into operation at many enterprises equipped with high-tech equipment, in 2023 we will fulfill tight deadlines while maintaining high quality. facilities will be commissioned for the needs of military and special operations. the main efforts were concentrated in creating infrastructure for the deployment of nuclear deterrent forces. improving the airfield network, the naval basing system , and developing new constituent entities of the country. a total of 2,772 buildings and structures were built. among these objects, for example, a residential complex
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nevsky in mariupol, six nine-story buildings, a school, a kindergarten, all communal infrastructure, in sevastopol a new berth for the black sea fleet, a training center for rescuers and divers, as well as a gym. four residential buildings have been completed in the city. the baltic sailors, kaliningrad region, will also note the presence of 265 apartments, landscaped courtyards and playgrounds. belgorod region, where our humanitarian aircraft was hit, is approximately 100 km away. a rocket takes less than two minutes to fly. you can only react to such a blow with...
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they fell already outside the village in kiev, they certainly knew about this flight, they knew about the impending exchange, this follows from the comments to their intelligence, they knew that the prisoners would be transported by air, in the same way... the seventy-sixth also delivered the previous group to the time of the exchange on january 3 , they knew everything, but they struck with nato weapons , the first bang was such a dull bang, and then this explosion and this, well, a big flame and that’s it, here is the trace of the first explosion, such a cloud in the sky is left by the activated anti-aircraft gun
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a rocket, a fallen il-76 is burning behind the village, the second explosion is from hitting the ground, there were six crew members on board the plane. 65 ukrainian military personnel for exchange and three russian military personnel accompanying them. the aircraft was destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​the village of libtsy, kharkov region, using anti-aircraft missile systems. the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles. a little later this was confirmed by the investigative committee: anti-aircraft missile with ukrainian territory, liptsy 100 km from the place where the plane crashed. air defense, since we were talking about an exchange, in this case corridors are opened , they are not controlled, because ukrainian military personnel were flying and were not accompanied by fighters, which in this case could somehow prevent the
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tragedy that occurred. the damaging elements turned the lining of the silt into richeteau, hundreds of punctures, and these destructive elements themselves were found, stuck in...
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there are alien systems there, and no matter how much the operator presses the button, ours the air defense system would not have worked, most likely, these are american patriotic systems or european air defense systems, most likely french, but in a couple of days there will be an exact answer, yes, that means, but in any case , what happened is a crime. what kind of work he has, here you have to be aware and be prepared for anything, as a teenager i often had dreams about how his plane was falling, in all my dreams he was always in it, since a feather was falling, i always
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told him, he always laughed, he said, yes okay, he says, it’s all nonsense, that’s it it will be fine, he always said so, but unfortunately, he flew away, as they say , you know, he flew away forever, he was the best father, i was always connected with him, very close, he always helped me with advice, it started like this in our family , that upon departure they always informed me that i was taking off, and when he landed on the ground, even when they were taxiing, he always wrote to me. there must have been some information from him, i started calling him, of course, well, the call didn’t go through, there were no messages from him, well, my head didn’t i wanted to accept it, i was behind him like a stone wall, we
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have been married for 18 years, we have two children, they still don’t believe that dad is gone. there is a monument to the airplane in the air town microdistrict in orenburg , the unit where the pilots served is based there, they have been bringing flowers for several days now, the dead are remembered by city residents, acquaintances, colleagues, this is a very big loss for the regiment, for our families, because everyone knows each other , everyone is family friends, so this is a personal loss, the main feature. probably what distinguishes a military pilot, the crew commander, to any specialist in this field, this is readiness. to self-sacrifice, for the sake of saving the lives of other people, people, realizing that risking their
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lives, purposefully diverted the plane from a populated area, thereby saving the lives of civilians, so to say that this was somehow trained is inappropriate here, with mother’s milk, everyone passes through themselves such a thing as... humanity, humanity, this was not to be found in ukrainian public pages at noon on january 24, the ukrainian segment of the internet literally exploded with delight and gloating, the ssu immediately joyfully reported about the plane being shot down, notified the media, and then, when it turned out that ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners killed 65 of their own people along with ours, the victorious reports were hastily corrected, like this headline: a plane crashed in the belgorod region il-76 in the armed forces of ukraine said that
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it was trying to come up with some other explanations for its victories, there is no such nonsense that the kiev regime would not voice in an attempt to justify itself, that it was we ourselves who shot down our plane, that there were no people on board at all their prisoners, and a cargo of missiles, in the footage from the scene, as if it was impossible to see the remains of the dead, which means they were not there, in order to stop this flow of lies, vladimir putin gave an order to the investigative committee, there are black boxes there, everything will now be collected, shown, i will ask the investigative... committee to make public, make public to the maximum extent possible all the circumstances of this crime, so that people in ukraine know what really
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happened, the very next day the investigator published a detailed video from the scene, of course, for our viewers we are blurring picture, and the ukrainian side, if it doesn’t see something again, can turn to our investigators for clear footage; on many of the remains characteristic tattoos are visible, similar to those applied by soldiers of the ukrainian national battalions, the man’s face has a trident, so there is no burden missiles, among those released by investigators were documents from the docks, documents of the victims, they also showed footage of prisoners being put on a plane at the airfield, also published by the investigative committee, the list of ukrainians on board appeared on the same day, in kiev recognized its authenticity, the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners confirmed that these were the people they planned to return, here is a video where they are still alive, addressing the person they consider their commander in chief, i am appealing to the president of ukraine, our commander in chief, asking
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for a speedy exchange of prisoners of war , ours and russians, by chance i ask you to say hello to your family and friends, i love you very much, these people were killed by their own government, this is not the first time for the zelensky regime to destroy their own... where the red cross came, where , as they say, they monitored that everything was fine with them, that is, according to this data , the high-precision high-mars system then worked, that is , it destroys its own military personnel, prisoners of war of ukraine, as they say, it’s like ... ordinary in practice, everything is so obvious that even kiev’s western sponsors in any situation, who usually explain all the negativity with the hand of moscow, are now pretending
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that they do not understand what is happening. russia claims that ukraine shot down a military transport plane carrying ukrainian personnel. prisoners of war, does the us have any information on this? no, we do not have such information; we have read the reports, but are not able to confirm them. the permanent representatives of the us allies to the un, as one, have aligned themselves with...
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the agreed upon procedure established in advance by ihl. we also deeply regret that representatives of international organizations, in the spirit of the most extreme double standards, bashfully refuse to comment on what happened. we cannot predict how westerners will behave sponsors of kiev, will they strive to fabricate another fake, like what happened in bucha, or will they try to hush up the matter, in lavrov’s words, sweep it under the rug. we , as always in such cases, will methodically lay out the facts; they already exist and there will be more soon.
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in st. petersburg this week , daria trepova was sentenced; on instructions from the ukrainian special services, she caused an explosion in a cafe that ended the life of military correspondent vladlen tatarsky. several dozen people were seriously injured. the terrorist will have to spend time in the colony is 27 years old, a year more than it lived in the world before the trial. she didn’t know the lawyers’ version that the trepovs used the dark one about the bomb in the figurine they brought, the court didn’t believe it. in addition to serving her sentence, she will pay compensation to the victims in a total of more than 16 million rubles. kiev habitually uses terror to cover up failures at the front, where it knocks out not only its own population, but also foreign mercenaries, and the scale of this is such
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that it is gradually seeping into the western press. ivan kanavalov will continue the topic. in military confrontation, depletion of human resources is one of the determining factors of defeat for the command of the armed forces of ukraine, replenishment of the rapidly declining personnel of the ukrainian army is an existential problem, if it is not solved, it will mean the disaster of the kiev nazi regime, since the collective west, against the backdrop of the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive, with everything they are more reluctant to transfer weapons, equipment, and even more so money to kiev, but from frontal assaults, as from the main one and...
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losses unsuccessfully, trying to expand the narrow bridgehead in the krynok area on the left bank of the dnieper. for the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, the situation is further aggravated by the fact that, in fulfillment of zelensky’s fantasies of resuming the offensive, more than 40% of formations have been withdrawn from the front for replenishment and rearmament. according to various sources , 52 of the 120 brigades of the armed forces of ukraine were removed from the front, but two questions immediately arose: how to rearm them, because the west
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is giving less and less weapons, and by whom ... they go, they catch them, they throw them into beads, i don’t know, to me no one seems, by the way, he went, he ukrainian women are increasingly entering into battle with military commanders, trying to protect their men, no one will go anywhere, those who were at the front do not do this, unscrupulous thinkers, and ukrainians hang portraits of military commissars in style, the police are looking for them, oh, idlers, hello, hello! great bro, go fight, you're giving people a nightmare, a clear example of zelensky's total mobilization in the village of nadlak, golovanovsky district of the kirovograd region, there is not a single man left here, who
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was taken away, who escaped, i'm walking around...


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