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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  January 29, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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such as haymars and air defense systems such as nasams, rst, well, of course, the patriot air defense system, which is, of course, located further from the line of combat contact. former adviser to the us secretary of defense during the donald trump administration, retired colonel douglas mcgregor, published a post on social networks exposing the famous russophobe senator linzi graham. our friend lynsey graham said we should be very grateful that no americans died in ukraine, that's a lie. we know that at least 400 americans have died, whether whether they are contract soldiers or they are in military uniform, our administration will not say this, and it will not be published in the media. according to our ministry of defense, at first about 12,000 foreign mercenaries arrived in the territory of ukraine, 500 were destroyed, about the same number escaped, but a number of these soldiers of fortune remain in the combat zone , new ones are coming, and these are not just soldiers of fortune, our high-precision strike on
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january 17 in kharkov killed more than 60 french legionnaires, among them a former alpine shooter and a soldier foreign legion ernesto barbieri. he was considered the best sniper in france. frant mlandin served in the thirteenth demi-brigade of the french foreign legion. alexis drion, the son of a french brigadier general, former french army general dominique de lavarde, essentially confirms that these people fought on the side of the ukrainian armed forces on orders. the french in general. do not support the actions of ukraine, i am sure that if they were asked to choose one side or the other, most of them would probably serve on the side of russia, not ukraine. a here is an american, benjamin reed, who served in the roti of sozen, the chosen ones, famous for their atrocities. speaking of the war crimes of this selected company, my favorite order about leary is that when we entered a trench and could not understand who was russian or ukrainian in front of us, we could simply shoot him.
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becomes a missionary for the world. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, vitaly zaitsev, channel one. let's return to the president's trip to st. petersburg, where he took part in commemorative events marking the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the blockade leningrad. january 27, 1944, day of salvation and sorrow. there are more than a million victims for those who did not wait for this day. the road of life, shastakovich's seventh symphony, the sound of the metronome, the inscriptions this country, the street is the most dangerous with art.
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symbols of each of the 872 unbearable days of perseverance of people who survived the bombings, took care of loved ones and worked on a tiny ration of 125 g of bread during the most difficult days of the siege, i can’t throw away the bread and i can’t, i definitely have to finish everything, don’t leave it, siege habit , after 80 years with it, but even for those who did not see the war, it is somehow awkward to throw away bread, after a generation. the shadow of the suffering of many thousands of residents of besieged leningrad that has reached us. blockade ration, 125 g of bread made from cellulose and mill dust. they ate cakes made from glue and fried them in drying oil and oil paint. one day dad found some frozen food and brought it. we plucked it, put it in a pan, and cooked it. there was millet borstochka, well, somehow
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we survived, the germans bombed the bodayev warehouses, and there was flour and pasta and sand, well, in general, all the weather was good, so it all burned down, and my mother sometimes went there and dug up this sweet earth, or something, well, it seemed like the sugar sand was buggy, but mixed with the earth, well, that's... they cleaned it up, all this earth was besieging and this one they drank muddy water like, well, sweet water, or what? alexandra petrovna was barely 15 when the war erased her happy childhood. her younger brother died during a bombing in the fall of '41. and a year later , the large family recently lost contact with the eldest, the defender of the besieged city. standard line in the response to the request, missing. grief cannot be divided into your own and someone else’s; you just have to look out the window. where there was
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a funeral home across the street, every time there were five cars, these five-ton trucks, we called them, filled bodies. covered with corpses, they drove up to this funeral home and left, i think this was in order to record, perhaps, the number of corpses, and such flights arrived three times three times, so count, 15 cars drove up to this funeral home every day , that’s how the losses multiplied before our eyes leningrad, more than a million and the majority died of hunger, the peskarevsky cemetery, where they rest... the inhabitants of the unbroken city, like a wound in the heart of the country, for the president it is also a personal story: his older brother victor died during the blockade and is buried in grave number 27.
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father the head of state, vladimir speredonovich , fought and was wounded on that very neva patch, very small, but incredibly important for defense. the cities were bridgeheads on the banks of the neva, thousands of fighters remained where the boundary stone now stands. and the day before a new monument was opened near st. petersburg in memory of all civilians of the ussr who died at the hands of the nazis during the great patriotic war. the images were recreated from archival documents and photographs, frozen in bronze, the true stories of those burned to death from... russia and belarus are nearby, the terrible war years were not yet separated by borders, but shared the pain of loss and the joy of one victory for all. january 27, one of the most important dates
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in our common national history. on this day, in 1944, troops. armies completely broke the blockade of leningrad, and a year later, in 1945 auschwitz was liberated. these two events are united not only by one historical era, but also by the tragedy and martyrdom of the leningraders, as well as the prisoners of the death camps, which will forever remain evidence of the monstrous essence of nazism. the unimaginable suffering of millions of innocent, peaceful citizens, for eight decades now our pain has not subsided for these terrible victims, for the crippled destinies, for everyone who went through incredible trials. our compassion
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is passed on from generation to generation, and has no statute of limitations, just as the crimes of hitler... their fanatics have no statute of limitations. accomplices, those who coldly planned and cruelly committed the genocide of the soviet people. these crimes were not committed on the battlefields; the massacres of unarmed, defenseless old men, women, children, and the disabled were well-thought-out systemic punitive actions; of the total number of losses suffered... during the great patriotic war, more than half of the soviet union were civilians, and this is convincing proof that the nazis and their satellites did not fight against a political regime or ideology. no, their goal was
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the richest natural resources, the territory of our country, and the physical destruction of the majority of citizens. they prepared for the rest the role of slaves, deprived of their native culture, traditions and language. there was a death camp here , in gatchina, and nearby there was a camp where they kept children, very small children, from whom the nazis literally pumped out blood for their soldiers, even 80 years later, the memory of these...
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by germany to death, belarusians feel it like no one else. this pain is cast in bronze and carved into stones, on thousands of mass graves, unknown soldiers, in places of mass executions, civilians and selfless exploits of red army soldiers, partisans, underground fighters, from moscow to brest and berlin. each such monument is a witness, an accuser and a judge. each monument is irrefutable proof of the genocide of the soviet people. this is a sentence for the ages. how would someone care?
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nazism, the followers of the nazi executioners, no matter what they call themselves today, are doomed, and
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nothing can stop the aspirations of millions of people, not only in our country, but throughout the entire planet, for true freedom, for justice, peace and security, blessed memory to all, all those who died, glory to the soviet soldier who crushed nazism, 1418. there was a war, more than half of the 872 days of the siege of leningrad are sometimes rounded up to 900, without thinking about what each cost. help was coming to besieged leningrad. in january, as soon as the ice hardened, the trail of life opened up. it made it possible to at least slightly increase the besieged leningrad food supply. the exhausted residents of the city were evacuated in the opposite direction under the bombs of german aircraft. there are still living witnesses. us
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then they said that everything in front of us was bombed, so we were the next ones to pass through and seem to have survived, so oh, if only this would never happen again. the road of life from a long-familiar newsreel is a string of semi-trucks delivering the most necessary things to the city, but the dark water of lake ladazh hid another connection with the mainland. with underwater equipment of that time and a photograph of the one to whom leningrad owed its energy and fuel, the only female diver in the ussr at that time, nina vasilyevna sokolova, she was not even thirty at that time. it’s surprising that in general this was led by a woman, a fragile woman, and if you look at... the diving suit of that time, you will see how voluminous and heavy it was, the total weight
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probably reached about 110 kg, so to speak specifically about her, then during these works she spent about 30 days in total under water, shelling and starvation took thousands of lives every day, but in vain they printed a pass for travel through leningrad. the city on the neva stood, the city lived, factories worked, sending shells and equipment to the front, libraries and theaters were opened, in august '42 , shestakovich's leningrad symphony was performed in the philharmonic hall; the composer began writing it even before the evacuation from besieged leningrad. a quarter of a century later, on the same stage, the surviving musicians again performed the symphony.
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along the street, sitting, sitting, and these are already frozen people, we are hardly able to imagine now what the wait for the blockade to break was like, it is now the topographic maps of the leningrad -novgorod operation of forty-four that have been declassified, we look at archival documents as part of an already distant history, but for leningraders this
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was life, full of hope to see that day, now famous throughout the world, 80 years later, a festive concert... in st. petersburg there is another reason to think about how important memory is about the feat of the defenders of the heroic city. we will never betray the memory and feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. let us never forget their sacrificial path to the great victory. each of us has relatives who...
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his complete liberation, the troops of the leningrad front won a significant victory. january 27, 1944, everyone in the city of nanev, of course, remembered in their own way. if there is a secret to the courage of perseverance, then perhaps it is that this day, alexandra petrovna recalls, seemed to add strength in the struggle for a great victory, which
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was almost a year and a half away. and this is what a holiday with tears in our eyes really means. then the regiment was cleared of mines.
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the air was watched by the chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko, she was the governor of st. petersburg for almost 8 years. this is an absolutely honest film about war, it is not easy, it emotionally difficult, i caught myself sometimes closing my eyes, but very necessary. the film was made at a very symbolic time that it was released during the celebrations of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad. from the fascist blockade, in this i see a sign of such deep respect for the defenders of our city, the siege survivors, for their feat, for everything
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they did, and it seems to me that it is important that this film was shot by alexey german the younger, a leningrader, who, in my opinion, look, understands the city in a special way, it is important that this picture is so modern, but it talks about the war, about the people...
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it would be more correct to call january 22, 1919 not the day of conciliarity, that is, the unity of ukraine, but rather the day of disunity, or what? then the petliurists, who controlled kiev
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after hetman skarapatsky fled with the germans, agreed with ukrainian nationalists from the former austro-hungarian galicia to fight against the poles who were marching on lviv. but not only did they not send troops, but on february 5 they themselves surrendered kiev to the red army, after which the ukrainian lands in the west were divided.
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refuses citizens of russia, where they themselves there are tens of millions of ethnic ukrainians and their descendants in ukraine. prior to this , the post-maidan authorities denied russians the right to be russian, prohibiting education and
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the use of their language in public life in the media. those who did not agree were expelled, killed or burned alive. it was no longer possible to turn a blind eye to this in the hope that they would come to their senses or the western curators would pull the plug. ukrainian society. faced the growth of extreme nationalism, which quickly took the form of aggressive russophobia and neo-nazism. hence the participation of ukrainian nationalists and neo-nazis in terrorist gangs in the north caucasus. territorial claims against russia are becoming increasingly louder. ukrainian neo-nazis announced their goals while fighting in chechnya in the mid-nineties. if we had at least a little equipment, as much as they have, we would have marched across russia long ago and taken moscow. i think that... in the spring we will have our own parade on red square. instead, right-wing activist sashka bily took the maidan in kiev in the spring of 2014 and, together with like-minded people , began transforming ukraine into bandera’s paradise.
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so. i decide to develop for consideration the council of national security and defense of ukraine an action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in the russian federation, including on the lands historically inhabited by them, in the kuban, in starodubshchina, northern and eastern slobozhanshchina within the modern krasnodar territory, belgorod, bryansk , voronezh, kursk and rostov regions of the russian federation. krivoy rog schoolboy vova definitely skipped history lessons. immigrants from the lands of present-day ukraine live
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actually all over russia. regardless of the column in the passport, they are an indigenous people, at least since the time of resettlement to the lands of north-east russia and beyond. when people moved, they often gave cities the name of the cities they came from. vladimir is in russia and ukraine, like voronezh, like galich, like perislavl. in russia, this is pereslavl zalessky. people moved even before the mongol invasion, they moved both in search of free territories for cultivation , and because the south is constant. was under attack from nomads, then the pechenegs, then the cumans, then the mongols there and so on, left, colonization began in the east, if the novgorod region mainly colonized the arkhangelsk region, this north, yes, then everyone else moved in the direction of ryazan, murom, vladimir, and then further moving beyond the urals, that is, these are several waves of migration, which gradually reached the pacific ocean, it is clear that this is one people, national identity
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must be protected. just from the neo-nazis ruling in ukraine. according to some data, up to 2 million lived on the territory of russia ukrainian citizens, as well as migrants , permanent residents, workers, well, after the start of iso, their number multiplied to five, and to 6 million. they can, if they want to study in ukrainian schools, in ukrainian classes, well , accordingly, speak their own language, this is completely different from what is, in fact, today in square, it prohibits...
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stop and don’t move, i dropped you, i’ll kill you. historical continuity of a different kind was analyzed this week by the authoritative american journalist tseymur hirsh, the famous with their investigations, including about america’s role in undermining the northern streams. a unified theory of presidential stupidity, writes hirsch. in '45, harry truman had no military need for the atomic bombing of heroshima and nagasaki, but at least 15,000 japanese died. biden's support for ukraine and israel in their wars, as well as his recent decision to attack the houthis in yemen, have put him in the same club as
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benjamin netanyahu and vladimir zelensky, both of whom are increasingly condemned. in many countries of the world. the irony is that during biden's presidency , respect for putin and siidzempin is growing outside the west. until the end of bidenovsky. the deadline is already less than a year, on january 20 the twenty-fifth there will be an inauguration, who will be shown by the november elections, which will definitely go down in history as a battle between the oldest competitors for the white house. that is, of course, if biden, 81, and trump, 70, are nominated at the democratic and republican conventions, respectively, this summer. the shadow of the former looms behind the back of the current president. first lady michelle obama is written about as the democrats' plan b in case something goes wrong with biden.
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migrants entering the united states from the south. perhaps the richest state began, and half of america joined in cowboy-style disobedience. there is already talk about texit, a divorce between texas and the rest of the country, like britain and the european union. is direct tax appropriate? are washington bureaucrats stronger than those in brussels or not? a simple illustration of how conservative texas is today. dallas cattle drive, something in between
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between a tourist attraction and a city tradition by which you can set your watches. twice a day, in any weather, because that’s the way it is here. this is the mark of my great-grandfather, after him.
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but you are not smart enough to figure it out, but soon you will know about me. it turned out that this man was presumably from azerbaijan, where he had been in prison for terrorism for the last 12 years. texas governor greek ebat sent eight letters to the white house saying
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the situation was catastrophic, help, he didn’t receive an answer and decided to act on his own. the us constitution, after all, gives states the exclusive right to self-defense if federal authorities cannot guarantee security. the framers of the constitution knew that a time would come when the federal government would not live up to its responsibilities. texas has every right to keep criminals out of the state. governor , the national guard took control of the entire border between texas and mexico and unraveled the barbed wire fence. the white house immediately ordered the fence to be removed and the national guard to retreat so that the migrants could be dealt with agents of the us department of homeland security. local authorities refused to carry out washington's order, and even when the supreme court supported the president, they did not retreat a single step. biden has given texas an ultimatum to come to its senses within 24 hours, state authorities said. that they are ready for escalation and will not accept any ultimatums. i will say
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to president biden: you said you want to clean up the border. you can prove it, just don't bother us, you're not needed here. the ultimatum expired and there was silence. at a press conference at the white house, liberals journalists called on biden, since things didn’t work out well, to start talking to texas in a bad way. when the american president comes out and says “enough is enough, these are american soldiers, i am introducing federal control of the national guard.” by this time, the supreme commander-in-chief had not appeared in public for 2 days after a strange episode in wisconsin, where, speaking at a brewery, he first for some reason put his ear to a barrel, and then made a mysterious statement that looked more like a code: they brewed here beer at this refinery. oh eosrider, thank you for the great lake, i wish i knew why? the biden administration apparently doesn't quite understand how to respond to the crisis on friday's behalf. the president issued a statement in which the head of the united states blamed
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the problems with migrants on the republicans blocking the vote in congress, without mentioning that the democrats included funding for ukraine in the package of border laws, which the trumpists oppose. and on the same day, the white house press secretary spoke in the spirit that everyone is to blame, not just biden. these republican governors , are they going to do anything to solve the problems at the border, take any really significant steps to fix the immigration system, which... has been destroyed for decades by the efforts of both democrats and republicans, and not just one president. but the empire always strikes back. washington announced a ban on increasing gas exports and a moratorium on the construction of new terminals, despite the fact that texas accounts for a quarter of american blue fuel production. republicans in congress have already called the presidential decision almost a sabotage. this statement from president biden is outrageous and damaging. lng export terminals not only hinder
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america's economic growth, but empower our adversaries such as vladimir putin. as if in response, governor ebat went on a tour of india to establish economic contacts, bypassing washington from overseas. he announced a call for volunteers with military experience. texas authorities more and more detachments of armed people are being sent to the border. in addition to the texas national guard, we have other armed personnel from various state services working at our border. these are people from. texas department of public safety, officers from various law enforcement agencies, as well as national guardsmen from other states, and rest assured, there will be more national guardsmen from other states, law enforcement officers from other states. i have signed a new law in texas that will go into effect on march 5th that will allow any law enforcement official to arrest anyone who crosses border illegally. following trump's call to support texas, 25 republican governors volunteered to represent. almost half the country. news about the american outback is like military reports
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about major maneuvers. florida's governor is working to send his state's guard to texas. the governor of south dakota is sending not only the guard, but also razor wire to texas. virginia has already sent 100 soldiers, arizona and snebratskaya have already done this in the past and will continue to do so. the governor of north dakota sent 125 soldiers. conservatives. they are so stubborn because the crisis seems to them to be man-made. republicans fear that their opponents are deliberately trying to flood america with migrants in order to turn it into a country of one party. three researchers from yale university, all liberals, i believe, came to the conclusion that the real number of migrants is not 11 million, but more than 22, 22 million. fact, here’s another fact. the democratic party calls for the legalization of all illegal immigrants in our country. at least 22 million will go to the polls. the biggest difference is
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votes in presidential elections in us history amounted to 17 million. in 1984, when reagan was elected, and now the democrats want to add at least 22 million voters, they are seeking a permanent electoral majority. but before the migrant becomes an american, he will still be in limbo for a couple of years before his trial. as a rule, they no longer appear in court, so think about this figure, in just one state, in one state, in texas , there are 3 million people from practically one country , mexico, which is actually why the governor and speaks of an invasion, the southern cities of texas are completely different from the usa, all the price tags at
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the local market are in spanish, because this is the main language of communication here for a native of latin america to get lost and then get used to it. to american cities. according to statistics, there are 120 firearms per 100 americans, and there are even more gunshots in texas. people buy weapons like this for the home, yes, to protect their own or some kind of shooting competition. how much does this cost? specifically , it's $949. and sales dynamics. you don't need the police here to solve problems, yes, because local residents will figure it out, for example, if someone wants to rob a store in our area, i think several thousand people will come out to explain, uh, no,
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this won’t happen here, but what if there are also serious people on the other side catch up, a film is coming out in march on exactly this topic based on the plot.
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the consequences of a constitutional crisis. in a world where states can interpret the constitution to justify interfering with the federal government, nothing will stop california or vermont from will want to do the same with the republican president. we're talking about a system in which the states have all the power and the federal government basically can't do anything. at the dawn of american statehood, it was the states that shared their powers with the federal government; is it too late to win back? saying that i know for sure about power, if the government took hold of you, it will not let you go, you are finished, but what if the state government took hold of the state governments, this is the question of american history haven't answered yet. georgy lisashvili, pavel nesterov, yulia zagranichnogo, marina melnik, first channel texas. french farmers
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are ready for unprecedented measures. tonight they intend to completely blockade paris and its neighbors. department and blocking the supply of food to the capital. farmers have been rioting for a week now, burning tires, filling city streets with agricultural waste, the reason being the fuel tax, restrictions on field irrigation and a surge in imports at dumping prices. so far , it seems that the farmers have not been heard. on the background protests, the european commission is discussing the possibility of extending the memberless import of goods from ukraine for another year. and again st. petersburg at the baltic plant. vladimir putin took part in the laying ceremony of a new nuclear icebreaker. the siege survivors asked the president to give it the name leningrad. in memory of the immortal feat of the defenders and residents of the city. during the years of the blockade, the same baltic plant produced three submarines and several minesweepers. leningrad is the fifth in a series of the most powerful icebreakers in the world. the arctic,
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siberia and the urals are already working on the northern sea ​​route. over the past year, the volume of traffic on this route exceeded 36 million tons. and from this. navigation will not stop along the way, soon yakutia will join the nuclear fleet, the ship is being completed on the water. russia today has a unique, i want to emphasize this, unique, the largest icebreaker fleet in the world, and this is our huge competitive advantage, enormous opportunities for the development of logistics, industry, and the creation of new jobs for the integrated development of the arctic. towns and villages, implementation of projects of a truly global level for cooperation, international cooperation with our partners, friends, with everyone who wants and is ready to work. and our westernmost region, the kaliningrad region, where the president was on a one-day but very eventful visit on thursday, this region is surrounded
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by unfriendly countries, so the issue of transport links there is of particular importance for industry, tourism, construction, this was discussed at a large meeting on socio-economic development. vladimir putin began his working trip with a visit to the baltic university. konstantin panyushkin will tell you. vladimir putin in kaliningrad, it’s already like march here in the sense that the snow has melted on plyusy street, well, according to the calendar it was january 25, that is, tatyana’s day, and therefore straight from the airport to the students. good afternoon, there is good news for those gathered at putin’s, now the presidential scholarship will be 30,000 rubles. yes, right away a young student family from the audience asks for more? in the year of the family, it was it would be very symbolic to introduce new ones. support measures for student families, will you support such decisions? i do this all the time. did this couple interest the head
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of state? you don't have children? some kind of bureaucrats, i plan. in fact , nowadays it’s common practice to study first, then career. and this is called a delayed first child. as a result, the young parents are now in their thirties. there is no strength left for the second one.
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this is significantly more than the salaries of many certified specialists. the average engineer receives a salary from 60 to 100,000 rubles. at this taxi driver in moscow earns from 100 and above. why is this happening? this is regulated by the market; it is unlikely that a good engineer, even if he earns a little less than a taxi driver, will want to work as a taxi driver, but support people who work in social spheres.
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ministry of transport, don’t delay , the year is just starting, we need to do it quickly, it’s accepted, air tickets to kaliningrad are selling out at lightning speed, in 2023 alone
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, 2 million tourists visited the region, and the new white dune resort on the baltic coast will increase this figure by additionally more than a million guests a year, that’s where else it’s worth visiting, there is a very interesting place, the resort of zelenogradsk, which is considered the city of seals, fur seals, there are no our ordinary cats, there are sea cats too, ordinary cats, there are cats. full-fledged residents , if not to say that they are the owners of this city, there are even traffic lights for cats built for them, children can cuddle them all everywhere, a new cultural cluster is being created in kaliningrad, a branch of the tretovka, apparently, has already been completed, and this is nearby with all its might a branch of the bolshoi theater is being built, a branch of the bolshoi theater will work here , you will want to go to the bolshoi theater, a branch of the tertiary theater will work, you will want to go and see what we have in the russian museum of st. petersburg or ... the hermitage, this is a completely different quality of life. this spherical kaliningrad unfinished construction project
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, called the planet ocean scientific and educational center, will soon be commissioned. we would really like for its... construction to be completed as quickly as possible, i know about this museum, i also know that all the money has been allocated for this, why where, where is the museum, it’s not clear, the body of the planet the ocean should have opened in the last decade, but the rest of the sites of the world ocean museum are working, and in my opinion there is only one world where i once sank to the bottom of lake baikal.
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we see the bottom of lake baikal, very clean, beautiful , all this is already history, the same one that found the world alone back in 2015 became an exhibition item, it is located in the museum of the world ocean in kaliningrad, so god himself ordered to put everything in order, already at a development meeting region, a question from the president to the relevant deputy prime minister, when is the museum ocean will be completed, vladivich, the museum will be completed by the end of the year, this is known to be a long-term construction, what year? the ocean will become 29 huge aquariums of monaco , in my opinion something like this, there is a museum called muria, so it’s small in comparison, it’s about almost 10,000 only closed rooms, they ’re small, so their country is like ours , that’s the truth and the problem kaliningrad, the westernmost region of the country , is divided with the greater russia by unfriendly
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plates for solar cells, but the main thing is to distribute it all across the country. as of today today we do not see any extraordinary or fundamental problems. we live in a complex world, difficult to predict, but i would like to express my hope that both the federal government and the regional government understand well the problems that we have, and we will always find an appropriate solution. vladimir is involved in the launch of this enterprise. putin took part remotely, but he came to the new regional cancer center in person. the whole city, the quarter, yes, good, is impressive, to be honest, five buildings, five buildings, previously in kaliningrad region, in principle, there was no oncology center, but now there are 200 inpatient beds, 60 places to accommodate relatives and patients, a spacious clinic, but most importantly - 28 units of modern, so-called heavy
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equipment for diagnostics and radiation therapy, this whole complex is working... will cover all our needs in the local area, we hope that more people will come to us, this is not available everywhere, all this would have been impossible if the construction of the oncology center had not been supported several years ago the president. on tuesday at vdnkh, at the russia exhibition , the fire of the family hearth was lit at the grand opening of the year of the family. the president gave him the start. this ceremony became the central event of the large-scale forum relatives and loved ones, at which
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vladimir putin had a big heart-to-heart talk with representatives of entire dynasties, winners of all-russian competitions. anastasia kobozeva will begin with a story about one of these talented strong families. three generations of the deichenko family sit at one table. they have been living together soul to soul for half a century. we are going in life with a song, we never lose heart, we believe that, as the proverb says, the song builds us and life helps. so. we live like all normal people, only we have a little bit of a certain musical bias. in our native sukhodolsk - this is the lugansk republic, everyone knows a family with a musical bent, now
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we went to conquer moscow, to a competition, this is a family affair, the president met with its finalists, the eldest son of the family dyichenko told the head of state how and how their small town lives . sergey has been working as a school teacher for 30 years. arts, teaches children to play folk instruments. we received it before the new year. a wonderful gift, musical instruments, these are 10 tula button accordions , an accordion, a two-row harmony, a full cycle of stringed instruments, a fishing house , wind instruments, when the instruments were opened, saxophones, horns, tubas, clornets, even new bassoons came, and indeed we have a separate program for support for schools, music schools, it’s very nice to hear that it really works, as for folk instruments, this is of course special, that the article is called, this is what preserves our history, our culture, it is so diverse, so beautiful, so bright
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, well, of course, in this series, russian culture is of no small importance, to put it mildly, meaning that the state forms the significance, which is played by the russian people
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, so this is the restoration of historical connections, but in fact, as elections and referendums showed, they never lost these connections, but still, in entering into the all-russian space, i hope it will happen as quickly as possible , in any case in this case, we will strive to ensure that this happens as quickly as possible. first-grader sasha and her mother came from the border town of bryansk and presented the president with this talisman of victory. schoolchildren make them with their own hands for the participants of the special operation. vladimir vladimirovich, we can take a photo with you,
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of course. thank you for doing this, thank you, i’m speaking now both on my own behalf and on behalf of our soldiers to whom you are sending this, you know, well, you’ve probably heard it many times already, like this. crafts, letters, drawings, our guys are in the combat zone at home - in the conditions in which they are, they are hanging out. not as a work of art, but as part of the heart of those who remember them and wish them good luck in victory, to meet with the president there are large families from different parts of the country , we are a multinational, large family, we have four children, very large, i am the father of three children, a grandfather of five grandchildren, all these families are not indifferent to the fate of the country.
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by the way, at a meeting with the president, yulia uvarova raised another important problem. in past year we came to moscow in the summer for a competition with our eldest child, we decided to visit the moscow zoo. we were able to do this completely free of charge. in our region , this benefit works somewhat differently. uh, preferential visits to this institution for large families are provided on wednesdays, there at some specific time.
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all the territories of the russian federation, it is unlikely that this will be done at the click of a button from today to tomorrow, but we are aiming at the decree to even out all these things. for the first time, the decree establishes a unified concept of large families family is one where three or more children are raised. they are now guaranteed state benefits, payments in connection with the birth and upbringing of children, early assignment of old-age insurance pensions, and vocational training for parents with many children. you also need to think about additional things.
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to care for the baby, maternity capital will also increase, it will amount to more than 630 thousand rubles for the first-born, almost 834 thousand for the second and subsequent children. about how in russia they don’t put words on, support the institution of motherhood and childhood, preserve strengthen traditional values, as many foreigners know.
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in russia, everything is different - says aren feinstro, they pay special attention to the upbringing of the younger generation, how to raise the individual first of all, the president also spoke about this at a meeting with families from different regions. vladimir putin remembered his childhood; his parents never gave him any instructions; he was brought up by his father’s personal example. first of all, never.
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there was an electric meter on the site, i remember how he crawled and wrote out, you know, there ’s every penny you need to pay for electricity to do everything on time. paid, then i remember how he met with his fighting comrades, with a friend who pulled him out of the battlefield, saved his life, putting his life in danger, all this together, well, of course, an atmosphere
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of goodwill, but an atmosphere of love, kind attitude towards each other , support. this is all the environment in which we live, well , at least i lived, this is what educates, this is what lays the foundation for the moral and moral foundation of a future full-fledged person. while the meeting was going on with families, the president was expected at the concert. vladimir putin officially launched the year of the family in russia at vdnkh. the main purpose of the family is the birth of children, continuation of the family, and therefore the continuation of our people, our centuries-old history. our culture, identity, national character are rooted in the family; the family teaches, educates, passes on
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traditions, knowledge, including professional experience. in all russian regions there are famous dynasties, military personnel, engineers, vars, doctors, teachers, cultural figures, families, people of different nationalities who remain faithful to their chosen calling and are proud of their work. here at vdnkh the fire of the family hearth was lit. the fire was brought from the holy troitsky monastery to murami, this is the birthplace of saints peter and fevronia, patrons of families and marriage. lamps from moscow were sent to other cities, one of them is already there. flew to yakutia, then from here to other far eastern regions. anastasia kobuzeva, lyubov filippova, mikhail kunitsin, alexey isaev, natalya radionova, channel one.
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arina sharapova is with you with great morning joy. on the calendar monday january 29th, get up, wake up, hurry to live here now. this morning there will be something to do, early in the morning we will prepare instant porridge, at the same time we will figure out whether there is anything useful left in them , we will calculate how much the day has increased, we will find out how to save on cyber ​​monday, we will remind you something important about electronic receipts, we will wash with a special ball for washing, well , in general, the morning promises to be busy, now it’s time to warm up, fitness trainer anatoly malish is already waiting for us, and not with empty hands. with dumbbells. good morning, to pump up all the muscles of the body, exercises should be varied. today i will show you a new movement to strengthen the buttocks of the press. we place our feet wider than our shoulders and hold the dumbbells in front of us at hip level, using the so-called parallel
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grip. if you are new to the sport, then take light equipment, a maximum of a kilogram. we squat to a right angle at the knees. don't round your back, take risks. overload the spine, instead, slightly tilt the straight body forward, move the pelvis back, smoothly without jerking we get up, continue to do squats, if you want to strengthen the muscles even faster, then the exercise will have to be complicated, we squat, hold in this position for a couple of seconds, once or twice, stand up. the exercise will help strengthen your legs, buttocks and abs. include new movements in your morning routine more often and you will look great. so,
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the second winter month is coming to an end, the days are coming, but they are getting shorter, in general, fasten the mica soon. what determines these wonderful pink sunsets and sunrises that we see from the window, and how is it that there’s still a month until the end of winter, but no, it’s already spring, spring. how is a day added? for an answer to the moscow planetarium, researcher lyudmila koshman, to help teluri, the device shows. how the earth moves around the sun, you see, always at an angle. let's imagine that we are at the point of the winter solstice, the twenty-second of december is the shortest day of the year. we see that it is very long.
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true, very conditionally, it continues to get light later and later, but at the same time, the evening is moving away. since the end of december it’s also interesting, almost 2 weeks the sunrise is at the same time, in moscow at 9:00 am. we see that the day grows with the evening, let's see what we have on february 1st. the sun rises almost half an hour earlier, and sets at 17:2, almost a full hour later. it’s already noticeable, something like this in kazan, yekaterinburg, novosibirs. and krasnoyarsk, they are, plus or minus, at the same latitude as moscow. the further north the latitude, the faster
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the day will grow, for example, in january in moscow the day will increase by 1 hour 26 minutes, in st. petersburg by 1 hour 51 minutes. in mormonsk, the polar night is generally pushed back to 5:00. did you know why in winter they are like this? bright sunsets and sunrises, because the sun is low on the horizon, the rays pass through a larger, thicker atmosphere than... if they passed through the atmosphere from above, so they are refracted a little differently and we see a reddish color. but while the nights are still long, astronomer elizaveta kameneva recommends at least once looking through an amateur telescope or binoculars. in the february sky in the march sky, a large number of deep space objects, the constellation leo, and the constellation virgo, become available to us. these constellations contain a large number of galaxies, quite difficult objects to observe. this particular time of year is the best for observing these objects, and to get on skis or
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skates, if you haven’t already, there is a lot of snow, and the frosts are already weakening. yulia molstova, dmitry likhochev, konstantin leonov and anna ryabova - channel one. veda vodka, a product of steller group. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team. and the headline is that the loser athlete found a champion in the taiga. you will go to a sports school, then, if you’re lucky, you’ll go to the olympics. and everything will be fine. than
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these fishermen crowbar him, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, take pity on the little one, you won’t get your father back anyway, game, let’s do it, training four times a week, three running, one fire, then i’m in, in i mean, well, let’s kill him together, accomplices, a thriller built on the collision of two real ones. balms and masks are good, but the health
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of your hair directly depends on what you eat. for breakfast we prepare fried eggs or an omelet. eggs contain substances that promote keratin synthesis. this is the main structural component of hair. we also put spinach on the plate. the vitamins in its composition are necessary for the appearance. new hair follicles. we don’t snack during the day; we always cook meat or fish for lunch. these are sources of iron and protein, they are responsible for the strength of our hair. add red beans. legumes contain biotin, which is also called the beauty vitamin. the substance strengthens the hair structure and makes it elastic. in order for vitamins and microelements to be better absorbed, we need
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vegetable mixtures, can be frozen, sprinkle with rogu before serving. ground walnuts, they contain a lot of vitamin e and polyunsaturated fatty acids. with a deficiency of these substances, hair roots become thin and weak. for dinner, i would recommend a large portion of vegetable salad with pumpkin seeds. they contain a lot of zinc, this mineral stops hair loss. such a diet will only benefit them. now it’s hard to believe that once upon a time, by historical standards, quite recently, humanity simply washed with soap. today we have a lot all kinds of laundry detergents, powders, and gels, in bags and capsules. another newfangled thing is laundry balls, and they themselves are not a detergent, but
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manufacturers claim that they save powder and literally take care of your things... so interesting, let's check it now. let's figure out whether laundry balls are really a useful gadget or whether they are of no use together with expert danila novikov. designed essentially to increase mechanical impact, that is, when the laundry is washed in a washing machine, the drum rotates, and due to this turning of the laundry and friction against the drum itself, a cleaning effect occurs, mechanical cleaning. manufacturers also promise savings on washing powder. and they say you can fill the machine less, let’s check: we stain two white t-shirts with soy sauce, ketchup, foundation and eyeliner. the worst thing, it seems to me, is with a pencil with foundation, because they are created in order not to be washed off the skin for as long as possible, accordingly, this persistent pollution to water to chemicals, well, that
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is, even a ball will not help, you need to look, but it seems to me that the larger the quantity it will not help. the better the effect, one definitely won’t work, so we throw in several pieces at once, fill in the minimum amount of powder , load the second machine as usual, so well, let’s see, this one hasn’t come off, it’s foundation, foundation, as i said, it hasn’t washed off anywhere , the rest of the stains came off well, there was no difference, but let us remind you that we used much less powder, so the balls worked, but the expert emphasizes that we didn’t have much laundry, and that’s good. even if one burrows, some balls will remain on the surface and act accordingly. if the load on the machine is more than 50%, there may be no effect at all: there is not enough space, there is nowhere for the balls to jump, plus there is a risk of even ruining clothes with such a quantity, they bury themselves in it and stretch it, experienced housewives will confirm this. well, if you and i take an ordinary knitted
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t-shirt, yes, it’s enough to place it in a wet state, this structure is broken. it was already impossible to fix the t-shirt in any way, because it was all in such stretch marks, it’s ugly, no one will wear it, so the t-shirt went to waste, but for drying outerwear with fillers , we safely use it, there are no contraindications, so that the fluff inside does not remain in clumps and distributed evenly. anastasia, sergey morin, channel one. well, let's move on, paraphrasing the words of one famous cartoon character, to buy something you need. you need to sell something unnecessary, like an old one laptop, it may be useful to someone, but first it needs pre-sale preparation, everything is not as simple as it seems, you decided to change the laptop, let's prepare it for sale, we need to delete all information about ourselves, we don’t want so that the new owner finds the password to
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the bank’s online account, so where to start, we transfer all the personal information. to another drive, ready, now click on the start icon, go to settings , look for the control panel, there should be a function to uninstall a program, here it is, open programs and components, attention, manually, one by one, we kill all the programs that you used, including browsers, this is especially important, because a couple... are most often saved in them, now we need to empty the trash bin into which we sent it all, what’s next, we’re looking for tab my computer or this computer, right -click on drive d and select the format function, don’t touch drive c, here are the system files, you are unlikely to have changed them during use, now our laptop is ready
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for sale, great if you have a device in another operating room. system, find in on the internet, read a clear video instruction and repeat it, then you will be sure that selling a laptop will not lead to undesirable consequences, good luck! chicken in dough is a popular and very tasty dish; the dense bread shell acts as foil, protecting the meat from drying out and preserving the juiciness of the aroma. write down the recipe from chef stepan alekhin. and bon appetit. what if you wrap chicken fillet in dough, you will get a hearty and very tasty lunch. rub the fillet with salt and pepper and fry for 3 minutes on each side. piece of puff pastry i roll it out to make a 20 cm square, brush the edges with beaten egg
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, put fried onions and mushrooms in the middle, sprinkle the filling with herbs and grated cheese, put chicken fillet on top, that’s it, the dough can be wrapped, brush the workpiece with beaten egg, put it in a hot oven. for 20 minutes, bake at 200°, the dough is browned, which means the dish is ready, it looks appetizing, thanks to the dough wrapper with a juicy filling, the fillet turned out tender and aromatic, please come to the table, in winter you need to strengthen your immune system, this is, as they say, general place, truth that does not require proof, the question is how exactly to strengthen it? we make a lot of mistakes along the way, do a lot of things wrong, how can we properly support the body? my mother-in-law arina anisova found out.
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in winter , it becomes more difficult for the immune system to cope with the load, all processes in the body slow down, most of the energy is spent on keeping warm, but where can you get the strength to fight bacteria and viruses? immunity is formed due to the correct lifestyle, probably this is somehow true for someone we are already tired of this word, but in fact it is... so nothing new, we remember, physical activity, better on the street. together with coach diana ksinofontova, we warm ourselves up and go for a run. while running, we breathe more intensely and deeply, the body is actively saturated with oxygen and the functioning of immune cells improves, dopamine, serotonin and endorphin are produced. they not only lift our spirits, but also stimulate our immune system. well, you know, i’m already feeling a little hot, actually, and that’s good, it’s getting better blood circulation, that is, protective cells will quickly reach all tissues. how often do you get sick yourself? and i rarely get sick. in cold weather, the most important thing is actually to go outside, because this is the best way to strengthen your immunity.
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if not jogging, walks in the fresh air will do, and don’t forget to ventilate the house. the next stage is nutrition. first of all, probably, vitamin c is tangerines and citrus fruits, right? not only do fruits contain vitamin c, it is also found in red bell peppers, many vegetables, white cabbage, broccoli. by the way, vitamins from carrots. glass pumpkins after heat treatment are digested even better, we don’t ignore frozen fruits and berries, they are picked at the peak of ripeness and therefore are also useful, especially girls suffer from cracking nails, skin, hair, breakage, what should i do, should i take vitamins? no, it’s not at all necessary, carrots all contain a sufficient amount of vitamin a, which moisturizes the skin and hair, and omega-3 fatty acids also help in beauty, vitamin d, which regulates the functioning of the immune system, is all found in fish.
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this is another test, so we help the immune system without fanaticism, add a couple of sports activities a week, walks, healthy sleep and voila, the immune system is ready for battle again, the new one was opened , completed 7 months ahead of schedule, and now the m12 east highway between moscow and kazan, its construction , the travel time from moscow to kazan was reduced by almost half. from moscow to kazan by car, it used to take about 12 hours, now it’s much faster if m12 east highway. a completely new road, with permission. speed of 110 km/h , not a single intersection at the same level, not a single traffic light, at least two lanes in each direction, 810 km of road were laid according to
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the national project for the modernization of transport infrastructure, construction took less than 3 years, i will say that the m12 is truly a modern highway, autotourist from nizhny novgorod, alexander has already traveled along the m12, but this is his first time here in winter. along the way we saw cars that... eat and just take a break from the road, not just gas stations, and multifunctional areas , food court, shops, playgrounds , there are already 18 such service zones on the highway, soon there will be even more - 32, they will be located on average every 50 km, the number of artificial structures can also be counted 323, almost every 3 km of interchanges, stacks or bridges, the most grandiose bridge across the volga in tatarstan,
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its length is. moscow, vladimir, nizhny novgorod regions, chuvash republic and tatarstan. new travel routes have appeared, for example, if you turn off the highway and drive just 25 minutes, you can see the historic viaduct.
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and further along the road are tatarstan and kazan, what is its famous kremlin worth, and this is not the finish line, the extension highway to yekaterinburg and tyumen, in the future even further. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. our military disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations in the artyomovsk direction of the special operation. the movements of the ukrainian armed forces units were detected using a drone. the coordinates were immediately transferred to headquarters, and in a matter of minutes the enemy units were hit from grad multiple launch rocket systems. the enemy lost more than 30 militants. in the southern donetsk direction, crews of the kintnd self-propelled gun destroyed two american ones.
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two dozen russian soldiers forced almost 200 enemy soldiers to throw down their weapons and flee in one of the battles, which lasted 5 days. under the footage of that battle, filmed from a drone. 30 people leave through the fields, damn it, along the road, commander. the ukrainian bill on mobilization, which is expected to be considered in radi in the near future after finalization, has caused serious disagreements not only in society, but among the deputies themselves , the american newspaper new york times reports about this, the document , which proposes to put another 5,000 people under arms in ukraine, has already been called thoroughly corrupt, parliamentarians planned to consider it in early january, but in the end returned to the cabinet of ministers because of some
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provisions. directly violated human rights, the document, in particular, provided for service for women and excluded deferment for some groups of disabled people. so, according to the authors, even amputations are not a reason to stay home. zelensky was afraid to be responsible for such decisions. president volodymyr zelensky appears reluctant to take responsibility for introducing a large-scale conscription, instead asking his government and army to come up with more arguments to support the move. the military assumed. that mass mobilization is a problem for the civilian government, and that this reaction could exacerbate simmering tensions between zelensky and his commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny, in the fall of the ukrainian the president reproached general zaluzhny after he declared that the war had reached a stalemate. europe's energy system is vulnerable and unprotected, writes bloomberg. having lost russian gas, the european union is forced to buy more expensive american gas. this led to new risks. in the us they now
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have much greater influence. on europe, which has found itself dependent on one supplier and the prices it sets; as a result, consumers’ electricity bills are inflating, and the introduction of more environmentally friendly products is being delayed. energy solutions, it is extremely important that energy supply is now entirely dependent on events occurring 500 miles away, which brings instability and chaos to markets. europe's decision to replace russian gas with american lng instead. a tougher transition to renewable energy means its energy security still depends on factors far beyond its control, such as the atlantic hurricane season. or political games in washington to buy fuel, which is the key to heating homes in europe, power generation, power and industrial, energy traders must now consider events happening 100 miles away; a power plant outage on
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the gulf coast or a cold snap from houston to guan jaw can change the map of profitable trades overnight. residents of germany are massively expressing dissatisfaction with the current government course. also , the economic policy of the cabinet of ministers, which the protesters opposed , is focused on aggressively pushing the green agenda. in people's hands were posters: we are afraid for our future. european politics is making us poor and sick, we don’t want to finance your holes in the budget. it is noteworthy that some leading german media tried to pass off this rally as a demonstration. against the rapidly growing popularity of the opposition party alternative for germany. in the last couple of weeks , the german government has been organizing such demonstrations throughout the country. one of the last took place in dusseldorf. at these rallies, a negative image
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of an alternative for germany is formed, the impression is that almost the entire country is against them. today, french farmers , as a sign of protest, are starting a transport blockade of the capital of the republic and the country's largest food market. located near paris. they warned about their plans several days in advance. they intend to hold the siege until the end of the working week. in connection with the upcoming action, the french ministry of internal affairs sent 15,000 police officers, armored vehicles and helicopters to reinforce paris. farmers express dissatisfaction with falling incomes due to inflation and increased import of agricultural products from ukraine. farmers are also seeking a relaxation of european regulation of their industry. protests have been ongoing across the country for several weeks.
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on the calendar, january 29, by the way, is monday, and not just monday, but cyber ​​monday, yes, yes, again again, in general it seems that we live in an era of some kind of continuous discounts, promotions and special offers, even unclear... why then so much money is spent on them? elizaveta nikishova decided to figure it all out. discounts are not just everywhere, but now always already. did you notice? and again , cyber ​​monday or cyber combo promotions in marketplaces do not end. if
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at one fine moment one of the marketplaces removes discounts, they will simply stop having sales, because it is always nice for a person to come to an offline store and look at the assortment of only twenty products, rather than go to market place and see. everything you don’t even need from thousands of products. there are also discounts in regular online stores; to track them, you can add items to your favorites and take screenshots. these earrings, cardigan and boots, i noted in my favorites four weeks ago, 2.5 weeks, i followed the price changes and, as it turned out, i waited for the peak of the biggest discounts, purchased all this beauty and only lost it with shoes, now they even cheaper, but oh well. he also takes screenshots, and before purchasing, he always checks the prices in the offline store and online. here we get it now with a 30% discount of 9,300, on the marketplace 5,700, well, that is, this is significant. how are things going with technology? we
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watched two tvs for a week, like this they are standing now, but they were like this a week ago. the discount has become smaller, and often the promotions are for new equipment. it will be important for them to promote the new tv, because perhaps plastic is cheaper there. and in terms of purchase price it is much more profitable for the brand, because what brands do with a product, they improve it, in the language of the brand, they make it cheaper for themselves. with furniture the story is completely different, discounts are only on what is in stock. it’s easier for them to sell everything from stock, and then sell from an order, yes, because from stock - it’s here now, they’ve already spent, but the friend is not for sale. and one more important nuance: discounts never drop to the cost of the product. even the lowest price. profit to the seller, the more goods they buy at discounts, the greater the turnover, the turnover is tied to many factors, for example, the purchase of goods, that is, the discount on the purchase of goods from the manufacturer can... be much greater, however, this works with
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online, in ksenia noticed in regular stores that the discounts have stopped working, do you want to buy a t-shirt at a discount, like the old collection that is already coming out, they put it on also 2,000, and next to it hangs the new collection 2,100, 2,200, the question is, why take then what has been on sale for 3 months, yes, when you can take a completely new one, this is also worth paying attention to. in general, you need to monitor not only the quality of things, but also the quality of discounts. no one has canceled the increase in prices before the price drop either. elizaveta inkishova, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, yulia bykova, channel one. weight up to 700 kg, height up to 2 m at the withers; these are the impressive parameters an adult elk can boast of. you understand, to face such a big beast. it is very dangerous on the highway , natalya kovaleva will tell you why animals
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come out of the forest, and what to do to avoid a collision, elk on the road in winter, there are reasons: first - lack of salt, roads are often sprinkled with golite, well, this is such a natural salt, and of course , this makes it easier for moose to find salt. another reason is migration, migration in search of food. in addition, in winter there are sakhatoms along the road. it’s easier to move around than through snowdrifts. the average weight of an adult male is half a ton. in a collision, due to the long legs, the elk gets caught into the windshield and, as a rule, ends up in the cabin. the airbags do not always deploy. even just a blow at 100 km/h can be fatal. therefore, if wild animals see a sign, it is better to immediately slow down, look not only in front of you, but at the side of the road. an elk appears, we turn on the emergency lights, brake, stop and wait for... it to go away, this is ideal. under no circumstances
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should you honk your horn, blink your headlights, try to get out of the car, shoo away the animal, you should not shout, this can cause aggression, he may damage a vehicle and also harm a person, but more often than not the driver simply does not have time to stop. denis dushin, a trainer in counter-emergency training, assures that the most important thing is to avoid a direct collision. there is such a law: the car follows the driver’s eyes. if we look at the face of an animal, we are likely to... let's turn the steering wheel in the direction of its movement, if we look at the hind legs, we will move in a straight line, a collision will not occur, this is if the elk is crossing the road, if it is standing, we try to steer to the side, so that it does not skid, we have the principle 1 2 3, i turn the steering wheel to the left, i only turn to the right and put the wheels in a straight position, the car can do this a little, well, we are talking about chatting on the road, then we stabilize the trajectory with short movements, this is provided.. that there are no oncoming cars , at a speed of 30 km/h i succeeded, but now
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at 40 km/h, the car is already starting to skid, they didn’t even increase it to 50, it’s dangerous, let alone the 90 km/h allowed on the highway. in real conditions such a maneuver would be done it’s extremely difficult, so once again we saw such a sign, we reduce the speed, the collision still happened, we act in the same way as in any other accident, we call the traffic police officers, our car.
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apply for a tax deduction, now stores
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are developing various promotions, yes, that is, you can return to them for cashback or for additional bonuses. paper ones immediately at the checkout; in order to receive an electronic one, you need to provide your email address and phone number or download the store app. the seller may refuse to issue an electronic receipt because that, for example, his device, his cash register is not currently connected to the internet, but he is obliged to issue you an electronic receipt from the moment of 24 hours, from the moment he opens a cash register shift, otherwise he is breaking the law. the shelf life of any receipt depends on the purchase, some for several years. paper receipts, as a rule, are printed on thermal tape, thermal tape fades over time, which means that after 3 months, maximum six months , you will not be able to distinguish what you bought at what price in which store. of the minuses electronic checks, they are stored in the mail, among hundreds of letters or on the phone among other messages, as well as in applications of different
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stores, it is easy to get confused. to collect all checks on one platform, the federal tax service has developed the platform my checks online. launched in test mode, but now you can download and use it, you see what you bought, when you bought, what you spent your money on, then i understand that it will be convenient to receive the same tax deductions, even on these checks, for example , if we buy, make some large purchases, large expenses, yes, that is, the same warranty periods for these checks can also be tracked, so these are quite convenient things, all electronic checks get here automatically, so you need to show paper ones at the checkout. qr code from the application my receipts online or scan it yourself like this and add it to your purchase history. someone else's check was also scanned, and i can add it to the list of my checks. no, well, actually, if you think about it like that, but if, for example, the children spend money, and if the husband spends money, yes, it’s you
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where should all this go? do you want to manage the family budget? delete any receipt, change your email address, block your profile altogether so that no one can see it. all this is also possible. this is one of the smallest regions of russia, only half a million people live in it, but despite this, it is a republic with a huge heart. moscow - the capital of russia is famous for its...
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strange and majestic, thank you! good morning and bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, i am absolutely sure that many on the other side of the screen are now eating porridge, here you are now you’re eating porridge, i know for sure that among them there are quick-cooking porridges, and what’s convenient, open it, pour it in, pour boiling water over it, it’s ready, fast, tasty, healthy, but however, on social networks many people doubt whether it’s really that healthy, well, here you go what... to actually answer this question, yulia kozlova, together with culinary college students, decided to conduct a delicious visual experiment. let’s compare porridge in 30-15 and 5 minutes, which one tastes better and what about the benefits with culinary college students using the example of buckwheat, sofia has it by weight. necessary
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first, rinse the buckwheat under running water to get rid of impurities and dirt. then calculate the ratio with water. don’t do any fraud, that is, you just need to hang the bag in it and some other water, that’s all. fundamentally, cereals in cooking bags and cereals by weight are no different, both are peeled from the shells, polished, at this stage some of the useful substances are lost, then hydrothermal treatment, this is when the grain is treated either with steam or infrared. or micronization, any processing that under the influence of temperature, water and pressure. thus, the grain is disinfected and its preparation time is accelerated. as a rule, cereals in bags undergo a longer heat treatment, and therefore cook faster, but this does not affect the content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. the difference in
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the amount of vitamins and minerals is also insignificant. another thing is the instant porridge that yulia prepared. method of preparation. very quick, we take a glass of cereal and pour boiling water over it. the key word is cereal, to get it, the grain is crushed and flattened, then steamed again, then. dried with proteins and fats, nothing happens, the carbohydrate part of the starch is destroyed, destroyed starch is obtained, it becomes more accessible, and accordingly this porridge is a porridge that contains fast carbohydrates. the feeling of fullness is short-lived, after an hour you will want to eat again, but in general it’s not for everyone. buckwheat flakes seemed to me to taste very similar to oatmeal, for me it is a very viscous consistency, i like it more crumbly, this is exactly what it turned out to be. buckwheat tasty, but of course more hassle with it. if you have cooked buckwheat porridge, the first thing to do is soak the pan, because then it will be a very
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big problem to wash the buckwheat. they are not available with cereal in cooking bags, the consistency is crumbly, the taste is traditional, you don’t have to be afraid of harmful substances. polyethylene packaging is heat stable. yulia kozlova, mikhail karasev, svetlana ovsienko, channel one. a comfortable, practical, versatile sweater is always in fashion in winter. organizer. space elena dorofeeva will tell you and show you how to store a sweater so that it doesn’t wrinkled, did not stretch, did not lose shape, and at the same time was always in order in plain sight. in the cold without a warm sweater, nowhere to quickly find the right thing, i not only allocated a whole shelf for jumpers, but learned to store them in a special way, not in a pile, as usual, hardly like a card index, i grow the sweater, fold it into... combine sleeves, lay it on top of the sweater, remove the neckline under the sleeves, tuck the neckline with the sleeves into it, it turns out to be a tight
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package, you can put it on the bottom of the shelf, and i ’ll put it vertically against the wall so that the item was in plain sight, i’ll fold the next sweater differently, fold the thread like this, lay the sleeves on top of each other, fold the sides to the middle, fold the sweater in half , turn it over, finish the bottom, tuck the bundle into it, done, i’ll show you how else you can fold it sweater, i rub it, fold the neck and bottom to the middle , fold it in half lengthwise, connect the sleeves together, fold it to the middle in two layers, insert it into the pocket, all three methods are good because the bundles are very tight and can be stored vertically, in the end i'll call you again you can easily get the sweater you need without turning over the entire shelf, which means it
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’s even easier to maintain order. self-employed, this word in our vocabulary, appeared relatively recently, but quickly took root. there are more and more self-employed people, including self-employed pensioners. ksenia loginova will now tell you what kind of pension self-employed pensioners can receive, how not to lose social benefits and indexation. pensions: irina is retired, but continues to work, teaching italian online. registered for self-employment 3 years ago, and additional earnings affected payments, which are calculated based on monthly income. i was paid a subsidy to pay for housing services, housing and communal services for this apartment, 2 years ago it exceeded the amount at which a subsidy for an apartment is paid, so i lost the subsidy. but everything remains the same, the size of the pension, self-employment does not affect, the pension increases, is indexed every year along with everyone else, such
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pensioners also have the right to a social supplement when the pension is below the subsistence level, so if you work in a classic thus, this additional payment is not required, and until dismissal the pension remains without indexation, but why is there such a difference, a self-employed person also works officially, from the point of view of the social fund, a self-employed pensioner is not... working, because he does not pay insurance contributions for mandatory pensions insurance, he has the right to indexation. in classic employment , contributions are made by the employer, due to which the length of service and the pension coefficient increase, and the greater this is, the higher the pension after dismissal. can a self-employed person do the same? maybe, but you will have to take on the function of being an employer yourself. a self-employed pensioner who pays insurance premiums is treated as an employee. this is relevant
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if you have social insurance and not insurance, the amount of which is larger, but do not go through the conditions for receiving it yet. in the twenty-fourth year, women retire at 58 years old, men 63 years old, and they must develop an insurance record of 15 years and at the same time have. coefficient 28.2 , it is possible to switch from one type of pension to another using the same contributions in order self-employed earn one additional year of experience, their amount for 12 months should be slightly more. 5,000 rubles, when the goal is achieved, it’s not enough to just stop paying. you need to write an application for termination of legal relations under compulsory pension insurance. until you write an application for termination, you will be a working pensioner, that is, there is no application, no indexation with additional payment, and without contributions , the pension coefficient will stop growing. ksenia loginova, mikhail karasev, channel one. this is one of the largest cities in
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world of the field. all around, as the locals joke , it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well, it’s very cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see such a beautiful, beautiful battle sword, what is the temperature of this entire mass, 1,200°, how do the guys withstand this temperature, strength the spirit of real metal, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let 's make an iron man, if this iron man is tired after his shift, hasn't washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on... oh god, cut it , throw salt and pepper there you start shaking like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two bleds, dolbanina storganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing, i’m cold, you just have to start, get used to liking right away, you’re a great fellow, let me shake your hand, warm, imagine , she is also warm, the life of her own, premieres on sunday on the first. old
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barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. you are an empress, katya. that's it, and that's what i want to be. it seems to me that 50 guards will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long. there are practically no friends near the empress now. but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, god help me, god, who, wait, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i am your emperor, i am a woman, you don’t have to
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love. it was all your parsley, who you play tricks with, i won’t tolerate it, understand? let me say this, do you want to rule under the present your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, russia has no friends in europe, and will never it will happen, where does such confidence come from, and you forget where i was born, you and i still have so much to do in life?
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in recent years, people have admired the performance of daniil medvedev. the twenty-seven-year-old native of moscow consistently maintains a high level and regularly makes it to the decisive matches of the main competitions of the season. at the australian open, he became the nineteenth tennis player in history to reach the final of a grand slam tournament at least six times. at the same time, during the performance, medvedev had to fight three five-set matches in two of which managed to win back with a score of 0:2. well, in total, over six meetings, daniil spent more than twenty on the court. his opponent in the title match, janik sinnar from italy, in turn, lost only one game, spending less time, 14:44 minutes. this situation forced the russian to take risks from the very beginning in order to complete the matter in his favor as quickly as possible, while there was a certain margin of safety. medvedev took the first two sets with the same score 6:3, spending less than an hour and a half. in the third
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game the nature of the fight changed. daniel became to be careful while he was being exposed. janik korota's backing band, fans dressed as carrots, provided a deafening amount of noise. at grand slam tournaments. medvedev, who already won the 2021 us open, still made history. the russian played a total of 31 sets in melbourne, an absolute slam record. he established another achievement based on
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the amount of time spent on corti, more than 24 hours in seven matches. roland goros, wimbledon and the uis open are ahead, as well as the battle for regaining the title of world number one. let me remind you that on the calendar january 29 is monday. country in the world by this hour, and i give the floor to my colleagues from the news service. hello, there is news on air, time to find out what new happened in the studio of sergei tugushev. two american tsm77 howitzers were destroyed by our artillerymen in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. in a matter of minutes the enemy units were hit
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, the coordinates were immediately transmitted to headquarters later from grad multiple launch rocket systems. the enemy lost more than thirty militants. the armed forces of ukraine suffered heavy losses in the kupinsky direction, where crews of d-30 howitzers hit ukrainian strongholds. leave it alone, they’ve worked hard, they’ll let you know in a minute, are you tired? no, no matter how tired we can be, russia doesn’t get tired. soon information came from drone operators who made adjustments to the aiming. all camouflaged enemy fortifications have been hit. the ukrainian bill on mobilization, which is expected to be considered in the rada in the near future, has caused serious disagreements not only in society, but among the deputies themselves. the american newspaper new york times reports this. the document, which proposes to put another 500 thousand people under arms,
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has already been called thoroughly corrupt in ukraine. parliamentarians planned to consider it in early january, but in the end they returned it to the cabinet of ministers, since some provisions directly violated human rights. the document, in particular , provided for service for women and excluded the father. pen for some groups of disabled people. so, according to the authors, even amputees limbs are not a reason to stay at home. zelensky was afraid to be responsible for such decisions. president vladimir zelensky seems unwilling to take responsibility for introducing a large-scale conscription. instead, asking his government and army to come up with more arguments to support this move. the military has suggested that the mass mobilization is a problem for the civilian government, and the reaction could exacerbate simmering tensions between them. in the fall, the ukrainian president reproached the general with his commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny zaluzhny after he declared that the war had reached a dead end. ukrainian schismatics do not stop trying to seize orthodox churches. another one happened in the khmelnitsky
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region. the rector of the svyatopokrovskaya church in the village of pecheski was pushed out by the burglars with complete inaction of the police. and then the priestly ocu came to establish new orders, with parishioners who tried to stand up for their own. he did not stand on ceremony when approaching shrines, despite his rank, he showered curses and did not skimp on the rudest, obscene expressions. the european union intends undermine the hungarian economy if budapest refuses to agree on a new aid package to ukraine, the british financial times writes about this. according to the newspaper , brussels is going to collapse the exchange rate of the national currency, the forint, worsen the situation with jobs and slow down the growth of the hungarian economy. moreover, the eu authorities may publicly announce a complete cessation of funding for budapest in order to reduce the country’s investment attractiveness, the article says. hungary itself has already reacted, declaring that it will not give in
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pressure will continue to negotiate changes to the eu budget. let me remind you that in december, viktor orban blocked amendments to the main eu financial document for the next 4 years, which provided for the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine. hungary proposed. provide assistance to kiev once a year and at the same time strictly control where these funds go. residents of germany are massively expressing dissatisfaction with the current course of the german government. in munich, tens of thousands of people took to the streets. they called for the resignation of chancellor olaf scholz of the entire ruling coalition. the protesters also opposed the economic policy of the cabinet of ministers, which is focused on aggressively pushing the green agenda. people had posters in their hands: we are afraid for our future. “european politics is making us poor and sick, we don’t want to finance your holes in the budget.” it is noteworthy that some leading german media tried to pass off this rally as a demonstration against the rapid.
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the opposition party alternative for germany, which is gaining popularity. such manifestations in the last couple of weeks the german government is organizing throughout the country. one of the last took place in dusseldorf. at these rallies, a negative image of an alternative for germany is formed and the impression is created that almost the entire country is against them. three american soldiers were killed and more than thirty were injured as a result of an attack on one of the us military bases in the middle east. as stated in washington. we are talking about a location in jordan on the border of syria. however, vamani is assured that the attack was not carried out on the territory of the kingdom, in the syrian province of ettan. by according to cnn, eight wounded american troops had to be evacuated abroad for medical care. according to arab media, an unmanned aerial vehicle launched by shiite groups from syria was used in the attack on a us military base. in this regard, us senator. graham called on
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president joe biden's administration to carry out strikes inside iran. it is the islamic republic, according to the congressman, that is behind this attack. that's all for now, stay tuned us. the program will continue to air on channel one. good morning. good, cheerful morning. in arina sharapova's studio , january 29 is on the calendar, and this, by the way, is monday. and right in the morning early, this is such an interesting and hot topic. studies that claim that each next generation looks a little younger than the previous one, but simply because the standard of living is rising, medicine is developing, and progress in general, suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, a message appeared on the internet that the generation born after 2000 looks older than the previous one, with what all of a sudden? let's figure it out, discussion of the month on social networks, why do people
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born after 2000 often look older than the previous generation at the same age? the photo has spread around the internet, on the right is forty-four-year-old actress bianca lawson, on the left is molly mae, a blogger, at 24 years old she looks objectively older, although in fact she is 20 years younger. ioanna popova came with her mother to the cosmetologist to figure out what to do to prevent this from happening to her. there are several bloggers on the internet who are my age. but they look much older as if they are not 17, but 25, 27, that is, they are already women, from my point of view, they are already women. cosmetologist elizaveta matveeva reassures our heroine, at least this is not a threat, because everything we see in the photo is the results of injection cosmetology, and seventeen-year-old ioanna has not yet resorted to it. if we now enlarge the lips of a seventeen-year-old girl, fill her cheekbones, give her a lift. with such a clear outline,
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as is now fashionable, she will immediately add six years to her seventeen years. cosmetologist warns against excessive injections fillers stretch the skin and it begins to sag faster. to find out the risk zone, we do 3d modeling of the face. the computer will predict changes in which features, with the help of cosmetology or surgery, will make our participants older. incorrect surgery can lead to overcorrection, which means it can worsen the face. make him probably more tired and older. it is the cheek-zygomatic area that is responsible for the perception of age, plus more, compare these photographs. and yet the question is why this happens earlier in the zoomer generation. the goal is to be on someone resembling some idols or not being like anyone, but being some kind of exclusive person, led to the fact that they began to experiment on themselves, and often go too far, to do. hypercorrection
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using injections and even performing plastic surgery on yourself that was not indicated. while the millennial generation, on the contrary, learned to take care of themselves, do massages, masks, and put on makeup correctly. speaking of makeup? look how quickly a few clear lines added to joanna, at least a few years, on the contrary, shaded borders, fresh blush again reminded her that she was only 17. maria kuskova, dmitry roshkov, yulia bykova, channel one. well, what is this, then a plus, then a minus , then a plus again, it’s a thaw in winter and it’s overseas, well, they just replace each other several times a week, but we seem to have gotten used to it, well, it’s even interesting, every day something... something new, here’s equipment, including a car, such weather surges are very poorly tolerated, winter this year is so fickle, weather dependent people are the first to feel pressure surges, temperature swings.
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why temperature changes are harmful, let's look at the example of this passenger car, check the body, you see chips from small stones from under the wheels, this winter there is either water or ice in them, because of the frosts the water turns into ice, it lifts the paint in cold weather , it simply cracks the coating and damages the varnish and paint of the car. it can, in principle , break its drive due to the fact that the glass is simply glued to the bottom of the rubber seal overnight. the seals themselves are also slowly failing, crack, moisture gets into the cracks,
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freezes and sticks tightly to the metal. an auto expert's advice is to treat them with silicone grease; oily rubber definitely won't stick. unstable weather also spoils wheeled vehicles. during a trip, the wheels can accumulate up to 2 kg of snow inside; if the plus changes to minus, it will freeze there. a piece of ice forms. in the morning, when you start driving, this imbalance can lead to the car shaking, it drives poorly, you definitely need to clean it, you can use a brush yourself, it doesn’t help to wash the wheels. now about the fact is that inside the car, temperature changes affect the engine, of course, it won’t fail so easily, that’s the service life... temperature swings are reduced due to condensation, worst of all, if it occurs on the contacts in the ignition system. this is fraught with the fact that the engine will work unstably, the traffic lights may stall, or the car will jolt while driving, which bothers drivers and passengers. condensation can appear in the tank, even if it is
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plastic; most fuel pump elements are steel; moisture causes them to rust. expert advice to fill the tank full in winter, so its parts, in simple terms, will be hidden from... a very healthy berry, varvara fedorova was once again convinced that everything is new, it’s well forgotten old. water with lemon is no longer fashionable, a new beauty trend, cranberry water in the morning, or cranberry juice, tea and in general cranberry - the most winter berry, well, not so
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sour, by the way, and it’s not bitter, and it’s wonderful, but get ready, it liar, such a pleasant, refreshing taste. there may be a little sourness, and then after a while it’s just this bitterness that can be compared to, it seems to me, just like some kind of painkiller pill, but it’s useful, the zoomers invented cranberries, they tell one after another on social networks that it shrinks windows and even makes pms easier. everything new is well forgotten and old, yes, of course cranberry has benefits for our body, but it doesn’t help, at least scientifically. what is certain, cranberries are fiber, and where there is fiber, there is comfortable weight loss. fiber ensures smoother glucose levels throughout the day, slows down absorption of fatty acids, cholesterol , here again is a benefit, and improves the digestion process, but there is a nuance, the fiber is in
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the peel, and we filter it in the peel, in the pulp itself, mm, well, in general, whole cranberries are still healthier than k yes, but as an alternative to water with lemon, why not, the maximum benefit is in combination with cabbage, carrots, parsley, apple, wine vinegar. we almost always have all the ingredients, they are available, they are inexpensive, so there is no need to say that in winter there is no place to get vitamins from, here please, cabbage, cranberries, let's go, but this is my grandmother's recipe from childhood ; non-tea tea is in fashion among bloggers, we translate it as a hot drink. i came across it in the recommended one. an incredibly useful thing, cranberries, tangerines , the amount of vitamin c is just off the charts in this combo, yet how much vitamin c is there, cranberries are 14 mg per 100 g. the weight of one berry turned out to be convenient to count exactly grams in total, in one such
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ascorbic acid dragee there are 357 berries , in general, we need more salad and tea, though not everyone, but there are people who... in a big way quantity of cranberries regularly, it is undesirable to consume a lot, for example, people who take the anticoagulant warfarin, it’s just that cranberries also contain vitamin k, they are not friends with warfarin. but they are good with calcium , there is a lot in cottage cheese, cheesecakes with cranberries instead of sugar, well, nothing, but that’s all, let’s still say that it’s delicious, it’s tasty, but it’s beautiful and so winter-like, varvara fedorova, konstantin struchkov, alexey nekozakov, channel one, women's hairspray, our expertise, even if you don't use salt, that's how much salt. in your body, what to do? is it leprosy, are lepers dangerous? the program
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is live, great, answers all questions, today on the first. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. you will go to russia today and return the sacre.
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there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german. today is after the program. let me remind you that today is january 29, it’s monday, and how important it is to hear the horoscope. horoscope on air. january 29, the eighteenth lunar day meets the 19.5 day of the sun, very powerful, energetic, businesslike, enterprising, knows how to think constructively, has an excellent understanding of technology, and at the same time he is a master of his word, you can rely on him, he will add ingenuity to us , help engineers, scientists, it specialists, everyone who works with all sorts of complex devices, and this is also a wonderful day, to put things in order, about the minuses, he is ambitious, ambitious, sometimes too straightforward, energy on such days is overflowing, we easily
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get carried away by everything new and unusual, forgetting about caution, women and men can it’s not easy to understand each other, aries , keep this in mind, try not to sort things out with your other halves, aries ladies can be a little capricious, men, you ’ll forgive them for this, be careful with large purchases, the day is fraught with all sorts of temptations, and besides, today it’s easy to run into hidden brother good news shines for taurus, most likely it will be brought by someone you know well. in general, it’s one of those days when something pleasant happens, although he’s a little distracted, so be more careful while driving too. the word non-sparrow resembles stars gemini. keep your secrets to yourself, refrain from criticism, and generally watch what you say. otherwise, everything should work out. feel free to make a date for the evening. and the crayfish are having a good day. something in your personal life, to agree on something with someone, to settle some misunderstanding. the advice
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was clear: don’t demand too much from others, we all have shortcomings. leos today are in the spotlight in the center of events, and lionesses are simply irresistible, the other side of the same coin, they can fray your nerves, some gossips, but this is nonsense, seriously they won't be able to harm you. devils today are very active, their work is in full swing, their heads work well, so in the business sphere the stars promise success. on the personal front , some nonsense is possible, such as undeserved reproaches or claims. however, the stars believe that the evening will improve everything here. overall, libra is having a good day, although a little hectic, there may not be enough time for everything, you will have to choose the most important thing, a small profit is possible, maybe you should repay the debt more carefully with fire. scorpios are planning some movements at work, in this regard some intrigues and behind-the-scenes games may begin. stay away from them. publicize the details of your personal life too much, including on social networks. it’s not a bad day for sagittarius,
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although it’s not very predictable, when everything changes often, so be prepared to rearrange some of your plans, but it won’t be boring, the evening seems to be about to introduce you to someone. capricorns have a fairly smooth day without any special surprises; it will help them understand something, think it over, decide something problem, delicate, meticulous work will go well, the evening will be simply calm and homely. for aquarius, something may suddenly go wrong or not work out, which is called due to force majeure circumstances. the stars do not advise you to worry too much about this, perhaps it’s even for the best, with money. be careful and don’t get carried away with alcohol. a very positive day for pisces, public speaking will be great, there will be a chance to present yourself in a favorable light, make interesting, promising acquaintances, and money loves you, guests may come in the evening. good luck to you. now it’s hard to believe that once upon a time, by historical standards, quite
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recently, humanity simply washed with soap. today we have a lot of all kinds of laundry detergents, powders, and gays. in bags in capsules, another newfangled thing is laundry balls, and they themselves are not a detergent, but the manufacturers claim that they save powder and literally take care of your things. oh, so interesting, let 's check it out now. laundry balls, whether these are really useful gadgets or whether they are of no use, let’s figure it out together with expert danila novikov. created. essentially to increase the mechanical impact, that is, when the laundry is washed in a washing machine, the drum rotates due to this turning of the laundry, friction against the drum itself, a cleaning effect, mechanical cleaning occurs, manufacturers also promise savings in washing powder, they say you can fill the machine less, let's check, stain two white t-shirts with soy sauce,
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ketchup, foundation and a pencil for eyes, it seems to me that this is with a pencil with foundation, because they are created in order not to be washed off the skin for as long as possible, accordingly, this is a resistant stain to water and chemicals, well, that is, even a ball will not help, you need to look, but it doesn’t seem to work for me, the larger the quantity, the better the effect, one definitely won’t work, so we throw in several pieces at once , fill in the minimum amount of powder, load the second machine as usual, so what are we looking at? and this is not sux, this is a tonal, tonal, as i said, it is not anywhere washed off, the rest of the stains came off well , there was no difference, and let us remind you that we put in much less powder, so the balls worked, but the expert emphasizes that we didn’t have much laundry, and that’s good, even if one gets buried, some balls will remain on surfaces and will have an effect accordingly, but if the machine’s load
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is more than 50%, there may be no effect at all, the space is not enough, there is nowhere for the balls to jump. plus, with such a quantity, there is a risk of even ruining clothes, they bury themselves in it and stretch it, experienced housewives will confirm this, well, if you and i take an ordinary knitted t-shirt, yes, it’s enough to place it in a damp state, this is the structure, it is broken, the t-shirt could not be corrected in any way, because it was all in such stretch marks, it’s ugly, no one will wear it, accordingly the t-shirt went to waste, so for drying outerwear with fillings from... east between moscow and kazan, its construction was completed 7 months ahead of schedule, and now the travel time from moscow to kazan has been reduced by almost half, from
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moscow to kazan by car, it used to be occupied. not a single intersection at the same level, not a single traffic light, at least two lanes in each direction, 810 km of road were laid according to the national project for the modernization of transport infrastructure, construction took less than 3 years, i will say that the m12 is a truly modern highway, a motor tourist from...
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service , soon there will be even more - 32, they will be located on average every 50 km. the number of artificial structures can also be counted 323, almost every 3 km there are interchanges, overpasses or bridges, the largest bridge across the volga in tatarstan, its length is 3,362 m, the height of the supports above the water reaches about 45 m, 4,500 tons were used. moscow, vladimir, nizhny novgorod regions, chuvash republic and tatarstan. new ones have appeared. travel routes, for example, if you turn off the highway and drive just 25 minutes, you can see the historic viaduct. now we are near the mokrinsky bridge. by the way, this bridge is
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an architectural and historical monument of the 20th century, and the font is also located under the bridge. there is a holy spring there. anna stepanova, herself from chebaksar and travels a lot around the chuvazh republic. driving along such a road is a pleasure, no snowdrifts. no holes, you can always stop in special pockets, also on the m-12 there are many exits and connections with old roads, you can build interesting routes, for example, chuvash park in arman, we have a bird's eye view or the st. troitsky monastery in the city of alatar. and further along the road are tatarstan and kazan, what is its famous kremlin worth, and this is not the finish line, the extended highway to yekaterinburg and tyumen, in the future even further. well, let's move on, paraphrasing the words of one famous cartoon character , in order to buy something you need, you need to sell
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something unnecessary, well, for example, an old laptop, someone might find it useful, but first they need pre-sale preparation, that's not the case as simple as it seems, you have decided to change your laptop, let's prepare it for sale, we need to delete all information about you. we don’t want the new owner to find the password to the bank’s online account. so where to start? we transfer all personal information to another medium. ready. now click on the start icon. go to settings and look for the control panel. there should be a program removal function here. here she is. open programs and components. and attention, manually. one by one, we kill all the programs that you used, including browsers, this is especially important, because passwords are most often saved in them. now
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we need to empty the trash that we sent all this to. what's next? are we looking for the my computer or this computer tab? right- click on the d drive and select the format function. we don’t touch disk c, here system files over time. now our laptop is ready for sale, great, if you have a device on a different operating system, find a good video instruction on the internet and repeat it, then you will be sure that selling the laptop will not lead to undesirable consequences, good luck! every minute the world wide web finds new heroes, with some of them the brightest and most interesting, for now we... opens our small video parade
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with chinese resident wang li and his mini-mansion for cats. there is an elevator in the building on several floors, water flows from the taps, you can cook in the kitchen, watch tv in the living room. true, cats don’t use all this; they prefer to lie on the couch and eat canned cat food. our next one. the hero, a dog named mako, also apparently considers himself a bit of a cat; according to his owners, for some reason he is always drawn to climb somewhere higher. macko loves to sit on the table, bar counter and even on the refrigerator. no one really knows why the dog does this. well, then, perhaps, you will hear about the most stylish monkey in the world, her name is isabela, every morning she picks up a comb and makes herself beautiful. everything is like people. 3 million users have already appreciated isabella’s fashionable look, and more and more are joining them. and finally, about one unusual
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musical group, it’s called the typewriter orchestra. there are six people in the team, all of them are musicians and amateurs. the group has one album to its credit. well, the videos that the orchestra members shoot and post on the world wide web receive hundreds of thousands of views. well, let me remind you. that today is monday, it's january 29, our broadcast will continue to broadcast news on channel one, so stay with us. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. our military disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations in the artyomovsk direction of the special operation. the movement of ukrainian armed forces units was detected using unmanned aerial vehicles. the coordinates were immediately transferred to headquarters, and within a few minutes the enemy units were hit with hail from multiple launch rocket systems. the enemy lost more than thirty militants in
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the southern donetsk direction. self-propelled crews destroyed two american m-777 howitzers, on in the zaporozhye direction, attack aircraft from the vostok group of forces captured six strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. in one of the battles, which lasted 5 days, two dozen russian soldiers forced almost 200 enemy soldiers to drop their weapons and flee. and here is footage of that battle, filmed from a drone. 30 people leave. the ukrainian bills on mobilization, which, after finalization, are expected to be considered in the rada in the near future, have become the cause of serious disagreements, not only in society, but among the deputies themselves. this is reported by the american new york times newspaper. the document, which proposes to put another 500,000 people under arms, has already been called thoroughly corrupt in ukraine. parliamentarians planned to consider it in early january, but
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eventually return it. to the cabinet of ministers, since some provisions directly violated human rights. the document, in particular, provided for service for women and excluded deferment for some groups of disabled people. so, according to the authors, even amputated limbs are not a reason to stay at home. be responsible for such decisions, zelensky scared. president vladimir zelensky seems unwilling to take responsibility for introducing a large-scale conscription. instead, asking your government and army to come up with more arguments to... support this step. the military has suggested that the mass mobilization is a problem for the civilian government, and the reaction could exacerbate simmering tensions between zelensky and his commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny. in the fall, the ukrainian president reproached general zaluzhny after he said that the war had reached dead end. europe's energy system is vulnerable and unprotected, writes bloomberg. having lost russian gas, the european union is forced to buy more expensive american gas. this led to new risks.
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energy decisions, it is extremely important that the energy supply is now entirely dependent on events occurring 500 miles away, which brings instability and chaos to the markets, decision. replacing russian gas with american lng instead of a more stringent transition to renewable energy sources means that its energy security still dependent on factors far beyond its control, such as the atlantic hurricane season or political gamesmanship in washington, to purchase the fuel that is key to heating europe's homes, power generation, power supply and industry, energy traders must now consider events happening 100 miles
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away. a power outage along the gulf coast or a cold snap from houston to guan jaw can change the lucrative trade map overnight. residents of germany are massively expressing dissatisfaction with the current course of the german government. in munich , tens of thousands of people took to the streets. they called for the resignation of chancellor olaf scholz of the entire ruling coalition. the protesters also opposed kablin’s economic policy, which focused on aggressive planting.
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with the alternative for germany, it seems as if almost the entire country is against them. today, french farmers, in protest, are starting a transport blockade of the capital of the republic and the country's largest food market, located near paris. they warned about their plans several days in advance. they intend to hold the siege until the end of the working week. in connection with the upcoming action, the french ministry of internal affairs sent 15 thousand police officers, armored vehicles and helicopters to reinforce paris. farmers express dissatisfaction with the fall. income due to inflation and increased imports of agricultural products from ukraine, farmers are also seeking a softening of european regulation of their industries. protests have been ongoing across the country for several years now. weeks dissatisfied people block roads with tractors, fill government buildings with manure, and start arson. some of the more radical protesters are attacking foreign food trucks and throwing them onto the road. farmers in
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neighboring belgium are also blocking roads. also expresses protest against the pan-european policy in agriculture, because of it, in particular in the eu , such requirements are applied that without subsidies the products of local producers cannot compete with cheaper ones. on that’s all for now, stay with us, the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. on the calendar january 29, in the studio of the good morning program, arina sharapova. in winter, you need to strengthen your immune system. this, as they say, is a commonplace, a truth that does not require proof. the question is how exactly to strengthen it; along the way, we make a lot of mistakes and do a lot of things wrong. how to properly support? body, my mother-in-law arina anisova found out. in winter , it is more difficult to cope with the load and it is more difficult to establish immunity. all processes in the body slow down, some of the energy is spent on keeping warm, but where can we get the energy to fight bacteria and viruses? immunity is formed
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through a correct lifestyle, perhaps some of us are already tired of this word, but in reality it is so. so, nothing new, remember, physical activity, better outside. together with trainer... exinofontova we warm ourselves up and go for a run. while running, we breathe more intensely and deeply, the body is actively saturated with oxygen and the functioning of immune cells improves. dopamine and serotonin are produced and endorphin. they not only lift our spirits, but also stimulate our immune system. well , you know, i actually felt a little hot already, and that’s good. blood circulation improves, that is, protective cells quickly reach all tissues. how often do you get sick yourself? i rarely get sick. in cold weather, this is really the most important thing.
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are picked up at the peak of ripeness, therefore they are also useful, well, especially girls suffer from cracking nails, skin, hair, breakage, what should i do, take vitamins? no, not at all necessary, in carrot glass contains a sufficient amount of vitamin a , which moisturizes the skin and hair , omega-3 fatty acids also help in beauty, and vitamin d, which regulates the functioning of the immune system, all this is found in fish, naturally immune cells need protein, protein can be found in eggs, meat, fish, and what if a person doesn’t eat? neither meat nor fish, this is not a problem, protein can be found in beans, buckwheat. we remember that up to 80% of protective cells are located in the intestines. what else is important - to avoid stress? plop down in a hole without preparation, then another test, so we help the immune system without fanaticism.
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we add a couple of sports activities a week, walks, healthy sleep and voila, the immune system is ready for battle again. arina anisova sergey khalendush, channel one. frost, strong wind outside. dry indoor air, in winter it seems that everything is against our hair, so we need to take care of it, my dears, nutritionist anastasia yudina will tell you what products will make your hair thick and silky. balms and masks are good, but the health of your hair directly depends on what you eat. for breakfast we prepare fried eggs or an omelet. contains eggs. substances that promote the synthesis of keratin, this is the main structural component of hair, we also put spinach on the plate, the vitamins in its composition are necessary for the appearance of new hair follicles, we do not snack during the day,
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we definitely cook meat or fish for lunch, these are sources of iron and protein, they are responsible for the strength of our hair, we add red beans, legumes contain: biotin, it is also called the beauty vitamin. the substance strengthens the hair structure and makes it elastic. also, in order for vitamins and microelements to be better absorbed, we need vegetable mixtures, maybe frozen. before serving, sprinkle the roga with ground walnuts. they contain a lot of vitamin e and polyunsaturated fatty acids. with a deficiency of these substances, hair roots become thin and weak. for dinner, i would recommend a large portion of vegetable salad with pumpkin seeds. they have a lot of zinc. this mineral
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stops hair loss. such a diet will only benefit them. weight up to 700 kg. height. up to 2 m at the withers like this an adult elk can boast impressive parameters. you understand that running into such a large animal on the highway is very dangerous. natalia. will tell you why animals come out of the forest, and what to do to avoid a collision? elk on the road in winter. there are reasons: the first is lack of salt. roads are often sprinkled with golite, well, this is a kind of natural salt, and of course, this task is simplified for moose in search of salt. another reason is migration, migration in search of food. besides, in winter it’s best to move along the road easier than over snowdrifts, weight.
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an adult male weighs an average of half a ton; in a collision, due to his long legs, the elk gets into the windshield and , as a rule, ends up in the passenger compartment; the airbags do not always work; even just a blow at a speed of 100 km/h can be fatal, so wild animals saw the sign , it’s better to immediately slow down, look not only in front of you, but at the side of the road, a moose has appeared, turn on the emergency lights, brake, stop and wait for him to leave, this is ideal. under no circumstances should you honk your horn, blink your headlights, trying to get out of the car, drive away the animal, there is no need to scream, this can cause aggression, it can damage the vehicle, also harm a person, but more often the driver simply does not have time to stop. denis dushin, a trainer in counter-emergency training, assures that the most important thing is to avoid a direct collision. there is such a law: cars follow the eyes of the driver. if we look at an animal's face, we are likely to turn the steering wheel in the direction it is moving.
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or under a motor helmet insurance contract, and
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compensation for damage caused to a wild animal, which is state property, goes under the osaga policy. everything is spelled out in the order of the ministry of natural resources, 80 thousand russian rubles. there is no osaga policy or it is expired , you will have to pay out of your own pocket, and it is worth filing an accident even if the moose ran away, they are found wounded, the car is tracked by cameras, and this means leaving the scene of an accident and possible deprivation of your license. natalya kovaleva.
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american doll heir tutti, today on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. chicken in dough is a popular and very tasty dish, thick bread shell. acts as foil, protecting the meat from
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drying out and preserving the juiciness of the aroma. write down the recipe from chef stepan alekhin. and bon appetit. what if you wrap chicken fillet in dough, you will get a hearty, delicious lunch. rub the fillet with salt and pepper and fry for 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. a piece of puff pastry. so that you get a 20 cm square, brush the edges with beaten egg, put fried onions and mushrooms in the middle, sprinkle the filling with herbs, grated cheese, put on top. that's it, the dough can be wrapped, i brush the dough with beaten egg, put it in a hot oven for 20 minutes, bake at 200°, the dough is browned, which means the dish is ready
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, it looks appetizing, thanks to the dough wrapper with a juicy filling, the fillet turned out tender and aromatic, please to the table: so, the second winter month is coming to an end, the day is coming, the night is getting shorter, in general, fasten the mica to the speed of summer. yulia molostova decided to find out why, with a daily increase in daylight hours, only from 4 minutes, it’s already noticeably lighter. what determines these wonderful pink sunsets and sunrises that we see from the window? well, how is it that there’s still a month until the end of winter, but it’s already not until now. spring, spring. how is a day added? for an answer, contact the moscow planetarium, researcher lyudmila koshman, to help teluri. the device shows how the earth moves around the sun, you see, always at an angle. let's imagine that we are at the point of the winter solstice, december 22 is
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the shortest day of the year. we see that a very long night at the latitude of moscow is 17 hours. and a very short day. we remember. in winter, our northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun as much as possible, as if turned away, especially the north pole. days pass, and the pole is not illuminated. here we have a polar night. as spring approaches, the northern hemisphere turns more and more towards the sun; some people are already returning from work before dark. by the way, in central russia the day is added not from december 23, but from the fifteenth. true, it’s very conditional, it’s still dawning later and later, but at the same time, the evening... is moving away, from the end december is also interesting, almost 2 weeks sunrise at the same time, in moscow at 9:00 am. we see that the day grows with the evening. let's see what we have on february 1st. the sun rises almost half an hour earlier, and sets at 17:2 almost a full hour later.
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it’s already noticeable, something like this in kazan, yekaterinburg, novosibirsk and krasnoyarsk. they are, plus or minus, at the same latitude as moscow. the further north the latitude, the faster the day will grow, for example, in january in moscow the day will increase by 1 hour 26 minutes, in st. petersburg by 1:51, in in murmonsk, it’s generally for 5 hours, the polar night is moving away, and did you know why there are such bright sunsets and sunrises in winter, because the sun is low above the horizon, the rays pass through a larger, thicker atmosphere than if they passed through the atmosphere from above, so they are refracted a little differently and we see... a reddish color, but while the nights are still long, astronomer elizaveta kameneva recommends looking through an amateur telescope or binoculars at least once. in the february sky in the march sky, a great deal becomes available to us the number of deep space objects, the constellation leo, the constellation virgo, these constellations contain a large number of galaxies,
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quite difficult objects to observe, but this particular time of year is the best for observing these objects. well, in order to get on skis or skates, if you haven’t already, there is a lot of snow, and the frosts are already weakening. yulia molstvova, dmitry lekhachev, konstantin leonov and anna ryabova, channel one. well, since we're talking about shopping, let's talk about electronic receipts. russian stores began to issue them from february 2020. they have the same legal force as paper ones. last year, according to statistics, every third buyer. instead of a paper receipt, i preferred to receive an electronic one, this is when actually visiting a store, when purchasing online, the numbers are even higher, well, in general, it’s convenient, and you save paper, and an experimental platform has also appeared: my receipts online. karina makaryan will now tell you everything in detail, electronic
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or paper, when purchasing any receipt of your choice, or two at once. they are absolutely identical and... a check and an electronic check have the same legal force, that is, with an electronic check i can return the goods, i can apply for a tax deduction, now stores are developing various promotions, yes, that is, you can return to them for cashback or for additional bonuses, paper ones immediately at the checkout, to receive an electronic one you need to provide your email address and phone number or download the store app. the seller may refuse to issue an electronic receipt. because, for example, his device, his cash register is not currently connected to the internet, however, he is obliged to issue you an electronic check from the moment of 24 hours from the moment he opens the cash register. shifts began to break the law. the shelf life of any receipt depends on the purchase, some for several years. paper receipts are usually printed on thermal tape;
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thermal tape fades over time. this means that after 3 months, maximum six months, you will not be able to distinguish what you bought at what price in which store. among the disadvantages of electronic checks, they are stored in the mail, among hundreds of letters or on the phone among other messages, as well as in various applications shops. it's easy to get confused. to collect all checks on one site, the federal tax service has developed the my checks online platform. it is currently running in test mode, but you can download and use it now. you see what you bought, when you bought, what you spent your money on. and then i understand that it will be convenient to receive the same tax deductions. using these checks, even, for example, if we buy, make some large purchases, large expenses, yes, that is, the same warranty periods on these checks can also be tracked. therefore, these are quite convenient things, all electronic receipts get here automatically, to enter paper ones, you need to show the qr code at the checkout from the application my receipts online
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or scan them yourself like this and add them to your purchase history, someone else’s receipt was also scanned, i can add it to a list for your checks, not really, if you think about it that way, but if, for example, your children spend money, and if your husband spends money, yes, that’s where you owe all this, and you want to run the family. eritrea, pushkin - such a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens.
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the same ibrahim hannibal, reached the rank of general, he entered the russian elite. in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence. i revered the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunity. a lot of people think that in africa we walk, naked, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we are the same people, we are not we are different, all major countries understand perfectly well that it is almost impossible for them to move forward without africa, civilization premiere, film two africa, on thursday on the first, good morning and bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, i am absolutely sure. many people on the other side of the screen are now eating porridge, now you are eating porridge, i know for sure that among them there are instant porridges , and what is convenient, open it,
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pour it in, pour boiling water over it, it’s ready, fast, tasty, healthy, but by the way, on social networks many people doubt whether it’s really that useful, well so, in order to actually answer this question , yulia kozlova, together with the students of the culinary college, decided to conduct a delicious visual experiment, porridge in 30, 15.5 minutes, which one is tastier and what about the benefits ? let’s prepare it with the students of the culinary college using the example of buckwheat, sophia has it on weighed, you must first rinse the mustard grains under running water to get rid of impurities and dirt, then calculate the ratio with water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, and then let it brew. katya with cooking bags is easier, you don’t need it hang it up and do some other shenanigans, that is, simple. bag in water that's it. fundamentally, cereals in cooking bags and uncooked cereals are no different. both are cleaned of shells and polished. at this stage
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, some of the nutrients are lost. then hydrothermal treatment. this is when the grain is treated either with steam, or infrared rays, or micronization, any processing that is subject to the influence of temperature, water and pressure. in this way, the grain is disinfected and its preparation time is accelerated. as a rule, cereals in bags travel more prolonged heat treatment, which is why it cooks faster, but this does not affect the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and the difference in the amount of vitamins and minerals is also insignificant. another thing is the instant porridge that yulia prepared. the preparation method is very quick, we take a glass of cereal and pour boiling water over it. the key word is flakes. to obtain them, the grain is crushed and flattened, then dipped again. steam, then dried, nothing happens to the proteins and fats, but the carbohydrate part - the starch is destroyed. it turns out
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destroyed starch, it becomes more accessible, and accordingly, this porridge is a porridge that contains itself. fast carbohydrates, the feeling of fullness does not last long, after an hour you will want to eat again, but in general it’s not for everybody , i found buckwheat flakes to taste very similar to oatmeal, for me it is a very viscous consistency, i like it more crumbly, this is exactly how the buckwheat turned out tasty, but of course there is more hassle with it, if you cooked buckwheat porridge, the first thing to do is soak the pan, because then there will be very big problems wash the buckwheat, they are not with the cereal in the cooking room. bags, the consistency is crumbly, the taste is traditional, you don’t have to be afraid of harmful substances, the plastic packaging is heat-stable. yulia kozlova, mikhail karasev, svetlana ovsienko, channel one. the first racket of russia, daniil medvedev, lost to the italian tennis player janik siner in the final match of the australian open, but at the same time became one of the main heroes of the last tournament. my colleague,
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channel one sports journalist dmitry terikhov, has all the details. russian tennis fans over the past five years, they have been admiring the game of daniil medvedev. a twenty-seven-year -old native of moscow, he consistently maintains a high level and regularly makes it to the decisive matches of the main competitions of the season. at the australian open, he became the nineteenth tennis player in history to reach the final of a grand slam tournament at least six times. at the same time , medvedev had to play three five-set matches, in two of which he managed to win back from... 0:2, well, in total, in six meetings daniil spent more than 20.5 hours. his opponent in the title match, janik sinnar from italy, in turn, lost only one game, spending less time at 14:44 minutes. this situation forced the russian to take risks from the very beginning in order to complete the matter in his favor as quickly as possible, while there was a certain margin of safety. medvedev
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took the first two sets with the same score 6:3, spending less than an hour and a half. in the third game. the nature of the fight changed, daniil began to be cautious, while his opponent significantly improved his game at the reception, winning the tenth game on using someone else's serve, twenty-two-year-old siner brought the matter to a 6:4 victory; in the next set, daniil began to have problems with his leg. the russian even took a medical break, resorting to the help of a doctor on court. the tenth game turned out to be key again. the italian made a break again and leveled the situation 6:4. in the fifth set , yannick harot's support group, the boys, came into full force. fans dressed as carrots provided a deafening amount of noise. over the course of five games, the tennis players confidently held their serve; in the sixth, medvedev had an accident. another failure. with the score 5:3, sinnar served for the title and used the first match point, winning his debut trophy at a grand slam tournament. medvedev, who already won the 2021 us open, still made history. the russian played a
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total of 31 sets in melbourne. this is an absolute helmet record. another. january, our broadcast will continue to broadcast news on channel one, so stay with us. hello, the news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev. two american howitzers tsm-77 were destroyed by our artillerymen in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. precision strikes were carried out by crews of the geotsin self-propelled gun in the artyomovsk direction, the russian military disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units. and their movement was detected using a drone. the coordinates were immediately transmitted to headquarters, and in a matter of minutes
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a hail of hail was fired at the enemy troops from multiple launch rocket systems. introduced a correction to the aiming. all camouflaged enemy fortifications have been hit. ukrainian schismatics do not stop trying to seize orthodox churches. another one happened in khmelnytskyi areas. the rector of the holy protection church in the village of pecheski was pushed out by the rioters with complete inaction of the police. and then the priest of the schismatic ocu came to establish new orders. moreover
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, he did not stand on ceremony with the parishioners who tried to defend their shrine. despite... he cursed his rank and did not skimp on obscene expressions. does the european union intend to undermine the economy in hungary if budapest refuses to agree on a new aid package for ukraine? the british financial times writes about this. according to the newspaper brussels is going to collapse the exchange rate of the national currency forent, worsen the situation with jobs and notice the growth of the hungarian economy. moreover, the eu authorities may publicly announce a complete cessation of funding for budapest in order to reduce investment.
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are massively expressing dissatisfaction with the current course of the german government. in munich, tens of thousands of people took to the streets. they called for the resignation of chancellor olaf scholz of the entire ruling coalition. also, the protesters opposed the economic policy of the cabinet of ministers, which focused on aggressively pushing the green agenda. people had posters in their hands: we are afraid for our future. european politics is making us poor and sick, we don’t want to finance your holes in the budget. it is noteworthy that some leading german media.
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germany and it seems as if almost the entire country is against them. three american soldiers were killed and more than thirty were injured as a result of an attack on one of the middle eastern military forces. us bases, as stated in washington, are located in jordan on the border of syria, however, amani assures that the attack was not carried out on the territory of the kingdom, in the syrian region of ettan. according to cnn, eight wounded us troops had to be evacuated abroad for medical care. according to arab media, an unmanned aerial vehicle launched by shiite groups from syria was used in the attack on a us military base. iran. it is the islamic republic, according to the congressman, that is behind the attack. this call, which graham published on the microblogging network,
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commented journalist tucker kalrsom. stupid crazy people, to soften the wording, he left such a note under the post of senator. meanwhile, according to bloomberg, the united states is considering various options for responding to the attack, including not ruling out conducting a secret operation. against iran, three states at once - burkina fasso, mali and niger announced their decision to leave the economic community of west african countries ecovas. this organization said in their joint statement contrary to its mission under the influence of foreign powers has become a threat to its own member states' populations. not only did it not help burkina fasso, mali and niger in the fight against terrorism, but it imposed illegal sanctions against them when they decided to take over.
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january, by the way, this is monday, and not just monday, but cyber ​​monday, yes, yes, again again, in general it seems that we live in an era of some kind of continuous discounts, promotions and special offers, it’s not even clear why then there are so much money is being wasted, elizaveta nikishova decided to figure it all out. discounts are not just everywhere, and now it’s always the same, have you noticed? and again , cyber ​​monday or cyber combo promotions in marketplaces do not end. if at one fine moment one of the marketplaces removes discounts, they will simply
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stop having sales, because it is always nice for a person to come to an offline store and look at the assortment of only twenty products, rather than go to the marketplace and see everything that you even want. no need from thousands of products. there are also discounts in regular online stores, so you can track them. add things to favorites and take screenshots, these earrings, cardigan and boots, i marked in my favorites four weeks ago, 2.5 weeks, i followed the price change and, as it seemed to me, i had waited... the peak with the biggest discounts, i bought all this beauty and was wrong, and only with shoes , now they are even cheaper, but oh well. ksenia also takes screenshots, and before purchasing, she always checks the prices in the offline store and online. here we get it now with a 30% discount of 9,300, on the marketplace 5,700, but that is, this is significant. how are things going with technology? we watched two tvs for a week, like this they. that now, and just a week ago, the discount
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has become smaller, and often there are promotions specifically for new equipment. it will be important for them to promote the new tv, because perhaps plastic is cheaper there, and yes, in terms of purchase price, it is much more profitable for the brand, because what brands do with the product, they improve it, in the language of the brand, they make it cheaper for themselves. with furniture the story is completely different, discounts are only on what is in stock. it’s easier for them to sell everything from stock and then sell from order. yes, because from the stock it is here now, they have already spent it, but a friend is not for sale, and one more important nuance: discounts never drop to the cost of goods, even the lowest price is a profit for the seller, the more goods they buy at discounts, the greater the turnover, turnover is tied to many factors, for example, purchases of goods, that is, the discount for purchasing goods from the manufacturer can be much greater, although this works online; ksenia noticed discounts in regular stores. work
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, you want to buy a t-shirt at a discount, like an old collection that is already coming out, they put it on also 2,000, and next to it hangs the new collection 2,100, 2,200, the question is, why take then what has been sold out for 3 months, yes, when you can take a completely new one, this is also worth paying attention to, in general, you need to monitor not only the quality things, but also for the quality of discounts, price increases before... no one canceled the attack either. elizaveta inkishova, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, yulia bykova, channel one. well , what is this, then a plus, then a minus, then a plus again. it's winter, it's thawing and it's overseas, well, just replace each other several times a week. but we seem to have become accustomed to this, well, it’s even interesting, every day there’s something new. but equipment, including cars, does not tolerate such weather fluctuations very well.
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this year’s winter is so fickle, weather-dependent temperature swings are the first to feel pressure surges, motorists complain that the doors freeze, the car has difficulty starting, and some even say their speakers are deteriorating and wheezing. temperature changes are more harmful to a car than consistently wet weather, consistently warm weather or consistently cold weather, that is, if possible, i would want my car to be frozen all the time . temperature changes are harmful, let's look at the example of this car, let's check the body, you see chips from small stones from under the wheels, this winter there is either water or ice in them, because of the frost the water turns into ice, it lifts the paint, in cold weather it simply cracks the coating, damages the varnish and paint of the car, and suffers rubber moldings on the windows, and because of them , the window lift motors, if the window lift is powerful, it can, in principle , break its drive due to the fact that along the bottom
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part of the rubber seal the glass is simply glued overnight, the seals themselves also slowly fail , they crack, moisture gets into the cracks, freezes and sticks tightly to the metal, an auto expert’s advice is to treat them with silicone lubricant, oily tires definitely don’t stick, unstable weather also spoils the rims, up to 2 kg can accumulate inside during a trip snow, if plus changes to minus, it will freeze there and a piece of ice will form. in the morning, when you start driving, this imbalance can lead to the car shaking, it drives poorly, you definitely need to clean it, you can use a brush yourself, it doesn’t help to wash the wheels. now about what’s inside the car, temperature changes affect the engine, of course, it won’t fail so easily, but the service life of temperature swings is reduced due to condensation, worst of all, if it occurs on the contacts in the ignition system. this is fraught the fact that the engine will work...unstably,
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you may stall the traffic light, or there will be jolts of the car while driving, which bothers drivers and passengers. condensation can appear in the tank, even if it is plastic; most fuel pump elements are steel; moisture causes them to rust. expert advice to fill the tank full in winter, so its parts, in simple terms, will be protected from condensation. it is easier for the engine to burn fuel without water, and the fuel pump will last longer. anastasia kremeshina, mikhail karasev, first channel. this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well, very cold, we’re in norilsk, friends! we see such a beautiful, beautiful rough sword, what is the temperature of this entire mass, 1,200°, how do the guys withstand this temperature, the fortitude of a real metalg, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let 's make an iron man, if this iron man is still after shift, tired, hasn’t
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washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh god, you cut it, throw salt in there, start shaking the pepper like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two bleds.
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cranberry water in the morning, or cranberry juice, tea and in general cranberry - the most winter berry, well, not so sour, by the way, but not bitter, yes, great, but get ready, she is a deceiver, such a pleasant, refreshing taste, well, a little, there may be sourness, and then after a while there’s just this bitterness, which can be compared, it seems to me, just like some kind of painkiller pill, but it’s useful, zoomers invented cranberries, on social networks one after another they say, it reduces windows and even makes pms easier. everything is new, it is well forgotten, old, yes, of course, cranberry has benefits for our body, but it does not help from the window, at least there is no scientific confirmation of this. what is certain, cranberries
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are fiber, and where there is fiber, there is comfortable weight loss. fiber ensures smoother glucose levels throughout the day and slows down the absorption of fatty foods. cholesterol acids, here again is a benefit, but improves the digestion process, but there is a nuance, fiber in the peel, and we strain it in the peel in the pulp itself, mm, well, in general , whole cranberries are still healthier than cranberries, yes, yes, but as an alternative to water with lemon, still, why not, maximum benefits in combination with cabbage, carrots, parsley, apple, wine vinegar, we almost always have all the ingredients. they are available, they are inexpensive, so there is no need to say that in winter there is no place to get vitamins, here you go, cabbage, cranberries, let’s go, but this is my grandmother’s recipe, from childhood bloggers are in fashion non-tea tea, we translate, this is a hot drink , i came across it in the recommended one, it’s an incredibly
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useful thing, cranberries, tangerines, the amount of vitamin c is just off the charts in this combo, yet how much vitamin c is there, cranberries contain 14 mg per 100 g. the weight of one berry turned out to be it’s convenient to count exactly grams of total 357 berries in one tablet of ascorbic acid. in general, you need more salad and tea, though not everyone, but there are people who need large quantities of cranberries on a regular basis; it is undesirable to consume a lot, for example, people who they take the anticoagulant warfarin, it’s just that cranberries also contain vitamin k, they don’t work well with warfarin, but...
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let me remind you that today is january 29, this is monday, and how important it is to hear the horoscope, the horoscope is on air. january 5: the eighteenth lunar day meets the nineteenth , the fifteenth day of the sun, very powerful , energetic, businesslike, enterprising, knows how to think constructively, gets along well with technology, and at the same time he is a master of his word , you can rely on him, he will add ingenuity to us, help engineers, scientists, it specialists, everyone who works with all sorts of complex devices, and this is also a wonderful day to put something in order, about the downsides, he is ambitious, ambitious, sometimes too straightforward. energy on such days is overflowing, we easily get carried away by everything new and unusual , forgetting about caution, it can be difficult for women and men to understand each other, aries, keep this in mind, try not... to sort things out with your other halves, aries ladies can be a little capricious, men, you
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’ll forgive them for that, be careful with large ones shopping, the day is fraught with all sorts of temptations, and besides, today it’s easy to run into a hidden marriage. good news is shining for taurus, most likely it will be brought by someone you know well. in general, it’s one of those days when something pleasant happens, although he’s a little distracted, so be more careful while driving too. the word not sparrow reminds the stars of the twins. live your secrets to yourself, refrain from criticism and generally watch what you say, everything else should work out, feel free to make a date for the evening, cancer is having a good day, you can to establish something in your personal life, to agree on something with someone, to settle some misunderstanding, the advice was clear, don’t demand too much from others, we all have shortcomings, the left is in the spotlight today, at the center of events, and lionesses are simply irresistible, the other side of the same coin is that they fray your nerves, some gossips, but this is nonsense, they cannot seriously harm you. devils
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today are very active, their work is in full swing, their heads work well, so in the business sphere the stars promise success, but in the personal sphere on the front, some nonsense is possible, such as undeserved reproaches or complaints, however, the stars believe that the evening will improve everything here. libra is generally having a good day, however, in a hectic little time there may not be enough time for everything, you will have to choose the most important thing, it is possible. a small profit can pay you back , be careful with fire. scorpios are planning some movements at work; in this regard, some intrigues and behind-the-scenes games may begin. stay away from them and do not advertise details of your personal life too much, in including on social networks. it’s not a bad day for sagittarius, although it’s not very predictable, when everything changes often, so be prepared to rearrange some of your plans. but it won’t be boring, the evening seems to be about to introduce you to someone. capricorns have a fairly smooth day without any special surprises, it will help them understand something, think it over, solve
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some problem, delicate, meticulous work will go well, the evening will be simply calm and homely. for aquarius, something may suddenly go wrong or not work out, which it is called due to force majeure circumstances, the stars do not advise you to worry too much about this, perhaps this is even for the best, but don’t get carried away with money and alcohol. very positive. pisces, public speaking will be great , there will be a chance to present yourself in a favorable light, make interesting, promising acquaintances, and money loves you, guests may come in the evening, good luck to you, now it’s hard to believe that once upon a time, by historical standards, quite recently, humanity washed with just soap, today we have a lot all sorts of laundry detergents, and powders, gels, in bags in capsules, another newfangled thing: laundry balls, and they themselves are not a detergent, but
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the manufacturers claim that they save powder and literally take care of your things. oh, so interesting, let's check it out now. laundry balls: are they really a useful gadget or are they of no use? let's figure it out together with expert danila novikov. created essentially to increase mechanical impact, that is. manufacturers also promise savings on washing powder, they say you can fill the machine as little as possible, let's check, stain two white t-shirts, soy sauce, ketchup, foundation and eyeliner, the worst thing, it seems to me, is with a pencil with foundation , because they... are created for so as not to be washed off the skin for as long as possible, accordingly, this is a resistant contamination to
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water to chemicals, well, that is, even a ball will not help, you need to look, but it seems to me that it will not help, the greater the amount, the better the effect, one will definitely not work, so we throw several pieces at once and fall asleep the minimum amount of powder, we load the second machine as usual, so let’s see, this is not salt, this is foundation, foundation, as i say. she didn't wash off anywhere. the rest of the stains came off well, there was no difference, and remember, we used much less powder, so the balls worked, but the expert emphasizes that we didn’t have much laundry, and that’s good. even if one burrows, some balls will remain on the surface and will act accordingly. if the machine load is more than 50%, there may be no effect at all, the space is not enough, there is nowhere for the balls to jump. plus, with such a quantity, there is a risk of even ruining clothes, they bury themselves in it. and stretch, experienced housewives will confirm this , well, if you and i take an ordinary knitted
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t-shirt, yes, it’s enough to place it in a damp state, this structure, it’s on... fucking salt, that’s how much salt is in your body, what to do, it’s leprosy , are lepers dangerous, the program to live healthy, answers all questions, today on the first, you are
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the empress, that’s exactly what i want to be, it seems that 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long, there are practically no friends near the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, god help me, god help me, who? stop , you can’t do this, gentlemen, i’m your emperor, i’m a woman, you don’t have to love, it was all your parsley , who you’re playing tricks with, i won’t tolerate it , i understand, but let you say, do you want rule truly your majesty, or you
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if you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, russia does not. i never will have friends in europe. where such confidence? do you forget where i was born? you and i still have so much to do. life is not enough. great, golden age. big premiere. coming soon on the first one. the new m12 vostok expressway between moscow and kazan has been opened. its construction was completed in 7 months. ahead of schedule, and now the travel time from moscow to kazania has been reduced by almost half. from moscow to kazan by car. previously it took about 12 hours, now it is much faster if you take the m12 east highway. a completely new road with a speed limit of 110 km/h. not a single intersection on the same level,
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not a single traffic light. at least two lanes in each direction, 810 km of road were laid according to the national project for the modernization of transport infrastructure, construction took less than 3 years. i will say that the m12 is a truly modern highway. autotourist from nizhny novgorod alexander has already traveled along the m-12, but now first time here in winter. along the way, we saw cars that sprinkled sand on everything and cleared away the consequences of the recent snowfall. another plus, according to alexander, is comfort. now they have built the most modern gas stations, where... you can eat and just take a break from the road, not just gas stations, but multifunctional areas, food courts, shops, playgrounds, there are already 18 such service zones on the highway, soon there will be even more, 32, they will be located on average every 50 km . the number of artificial structures can also be counted, 323, almost every 3 km of interchange, stacks or bridges
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, the most grandiose bridge across the volga in tatarstan, its length... is 3,362 m, the height of the supports above the water reaches about 45 m, 45,000 tons of metal structures were used, which in principle is comparable to the weight of four eiffel towers m12 has already connected five regions of the country, moscow, vladimir, nizhny novgorod regions, chuvash republic and tatarstan. new travel routes have appeared, for example, by turning off the highway and driving just 25 minutes, you can see the historical viaduct. now we are near the makrinsky bridge. by the way, this bridge is an architectural and historical monument of the 20th century. and under the bridge there is a font. there is a holy spring there. anna stepanova is from chebaksary and travels a lot around the chuvash republic. driving along such a road is a pleasure, no snowdrifts, no holes.
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you can always stay in special pockets. also on the m-12 there is a lot. exits and connections with old roads, you can build interesting routes, for example, chuvash park in arman, flight or holy troitsk a monastery in the city, further down the road... tatarstan and kazan, what is its famous kremlin worth, and this is not the finish line, the extended highway to yekaterinburg and tyumen, in the future even further. well , let's move on, paraphrasing the words of one famous cartoon character, in order to buy something you need, you need to sell something unnecessary, well, for example, an old laptop, someone may need it, but first he needs a pre-sale.
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my computer or this computer, right -click on disk d and select the function we don’t touch the format (disk), here are the system files, you
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are unlikely to have changed them during use, now our laptop is ready for sale, great, if you have a device on a different operating system, find a good video instruction on the internet, repeat it, then you will we are confident that selling a laptop will not lead to undesirable consequences. good luck! monday morning the news will continue. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. our military disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations in the artyomovsk direction special operations. the movement of the ukrainian armed forces unit was detected using a drone. the coordinates were immediately transmitted to headquarters later. minutes the enemy units were hit from grad multiple launch rocket systems. the enemy lost more than thirty militants. in the southern donetsk direction, crews of the geotsint self-propelled gun
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destroyed two american m-777 howitzers. and in the zaporozhye direction, attack aircraft from the vostok troops group captured six strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. in one of the battles, which lasted 5 days, two dozen russian soldiers were forced to drop their weapons and flee targeting almost 200 enemy soldiers. another 500 people in ukraine have already called it thoroughly corrupt; parliamentarians planned to consider it in early january, but in the end they returned it to the cabinet of ministers, since
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some provisions directly violated human rights. the document, in particular, provided for service for women and excluded deferment for some groups of disabled people. so, according to the authors, even amputated limbs are not a reason to stay at home. the answer is that zelensky was afraid of such decisions. zelensky seems unwilling to take responsibility for introducing a large-scale conscription, instead asking his government and army to come up with more arguments in support of this step. the military has suggested that the mass mobilization is a problem for the civilian government, and the reaction could exacerbate simmering tensions between zelensky and his commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny. in the fall, the ukrainian president rebuked general zaluzhny after he said the war had reached a stalemate. the energy system of europe is vulnerable and not... protected, the publication writes about this bloomberg. having lost russian gas, the european union is forced to buy more expensive american gas. this led to new risks. the united states now has much greater influence on europe, which
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has become dependent on one supplier and the prices it sets. as a result, consumers' electricity bills are inflating. in addition , the implementation of greener energy solutions is delayed. and it is extremely important that there is energy supply; now it entirely depends on the events taking place. for 500 miles, which contributes instability and chaos in the markets. europe's decision to replace russian gas with american lng instead of a more stringent one. its move toward renewable energy means its energy security remains dependent on factors far beyond its control, such as the atlantic hurricane season or political gamesmanship in washington. to procure the fuel that is key to heating europe's homes, power generation, food supply and industry, energy traders must now consider events occurring 100 miles away. them. interruptions in the operation of a power plant on
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the coast of the gulf of mexico and... a sudden cold snap from houston to guan jaw can instantly redraw the map of profitable transactions. residents of germany are massively expressing dissatisfaction with the current course of the german government. in munich , tens of thousands of people took to the streets. they called for the resignation of chancellor olaf scholz of the entire ruling coalition. the protesters also opposed the economic policy of the cabinet of ministers, which is focused on aggressively pushing the green agenda. in the hands of people there were posters: we are afraid for our future. european politics is making us poor and sick, we don’t want to finance your holes in the budget. it is noteworthy that some leading german media tried to pass off this rally as a demonstration against the rapidly gaining popularity of the opposition party alternative for germany. in the last couple of weeks, the german government has been organizing such demonstrations throughout the country. one of the last took place in dusseldorf. at these rallies , a negative image of an alternative for
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germany and one gets the impression that... almost the entire country is against them. today, french farmers, in protest , are beginning a transport blockade of the capital of the republic, the country's largest food market, located near paris. they warned about their plans several days in advance. they intend to hold the siege until the end of the working week. in connection with the upcoming action, the french ministry of internal affairs sent 15,000 police officers, armored vehicles and helicopters to reinforce paris. farmers express dissatisfaction with falling incomes due to inflation and increased imports agricultural products from ukraine. farmers are also seeking a relaxation of european regulation of their industry. protests have been ongoing across the country for several weeks. dissatisfied people block roads with tractors, fill government buildings with manure, and start arson. some of the more radical protesters attack foreign food trucks and throw them onto the roadway . farmers in
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neighboring belgium are also blocking roads, and not... also protesting the pan-european policy in agriculture economy, because of it, in particular in the eu , such requirements are applied that without subsidies, the products of local producers cannot withstand competition with cheaper food from ukraine. that's all for now, stay with us. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. good, cheerful morning. in the studio arina sharapova on the “ january 29” calendar. and this, by the way, is monday. and right in the morning, early, here. what an interesting and hot topic, there are many scientific studies that claim that each next generation looks a little younger than the previous one, but simply because the standard of living is growing, medicine is developing, and progress in general, suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, a message appeared on the internet that the generation born after 2000 looks older than the previous one, why all of a sudden? let's figure it out. discussion of the month on social
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networks is why people born after 2000 often look older than the previous generation at the same age. the photo has spread around the internet, on the right is forty-four-year-old actress bianca lawson, on the left is molly mae, the blogger looks like a 24-year-old objectively older, although in fact 20 years younger. ivaanna popova came with her mother to a cosmetologist to figure out what to do to prevent this from happening to her. in the internet. there are several bloggers who are my age, but they look much older, as if they are not 17, but 25, 27, that is, they are already women, from my point of view, they are already women. cosmetologist elizaveta matveeva reassures, our heroine is not in danger, at least, because everything we see in the photo is the results of injection cosmetology, and the seventeen-year-old joanna has not yet resorted to her. if we now
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enlarge the lips of a seventeen-year-old girl. let's inject her cheekbones, tighten them up and create such a clear contour, as is now fashionable, she will immediately add six years to her seventeen years. the cosmetologist warns that excessive filler injections stretch the skin and it begins to sag faster. to find out the risk zone, we do 3d modeling of the face. the computer will predict changes in which features with the help of cosmetology or surgery that will make our participants older. incorrect operation maybe. lead to overcorrection, which means worsening the face, making it probably look more tired and older. it is the cheek-zygomatic area that is responsible for the perception of age, plus neck. compare these photos. and yet the question is, why does this happen earlier to the generation of idiots? the goal of being like someone, like some idols, or not being like anyone, but being some kind of exclusive person, led to the fact that they began
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to experiment on themselves, and often go too far, make hyper-corrections using injections and even do it yourself plastic surgeries that were not indicated. while the millennial generation, on the contrary, learned from... so, the second winter month is coming to an end, the day is coming, the night is getting shorter, in general, brace yourself people, summer is coming soon. molostova decided to find out why, with the daily increase in daylight hours, just 4 minutes, it is already noticeably lighter, what determines these wonderful pink sunsets and sunrises that we see from the window, and how
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is it that until the end of winter another month, but no, it’s already spring. how a day is being added for an answer to the moscow planetarium, researcher lyudmila koshman, to help. the device shows how the earth moves around the sun, you see, always at an angle. let's imagine that we are at the winter solstice point. december 22 is the shortest day of the year. we see that a very long night at the latitude of moscow is 17 hours, a very short day. we remember that in winter our northern hemisphere is maximally deviated from the sun, as if turned away, especially the north pole. a day passes, and the pole is not illuminated, here. we have a polar night. closer to in spring, the northern hemisphere turns more and more towards the sun, some are already returning from work after daylight. by the way, in central russia the day increases not from december 23, but already from december 15. true, very conditionally,
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it still gets light later, but at the same time, the evening is pushed back. since the end of december it’s also interesting, for almost 2 weeks the sunrise has been at the same time, in moscow at 9 am. we see that the day grows with the evening, let's take a look. what we have on february 1: the sun rises half an hour almost earlier, and sets at 17:2 on almost a whole hour later. it’s already noticeable, something like this in kazan, yekaterinburg, novosibirsk and krasnoyarsk, they are plus or minus at the same latitude as moscow. the further north the latitude, the faster the day will grow. for example, in january in moscow the day will increase by 1 hour 26 minutes, in st. petersburg by 1:51 minutes. in murmonsk , the polar night is generally pushed back by 5 hours, and did you know why there are such bright sunsets and sunrises in winter, because the sun is low above the horizon, the rays pass through a larger, thicker atmosphere than if they passed through the atmosphere above, so they
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are refracted a little differently and we see a reddish color. well, while the nights are still long, astronomer elizaveta kameneva recommends at least once looking through an amateur telescope or binoculars. in the february sky in the sky. in march, a large number of deep space objects become available to us, the constellation leo, the constellation virgo, these constellations contain a large number of galaxies, quite difficult objects to observe, but this particular time of year is the best for observing these objects. well, to get up if you haven’t already, go skiing or skating, there is a lot of snow, and the frosts are already weakening. konstantin leonov and anna ryabova - monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, weight up to 700 kg, height up to
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2 m at the withers, these are the impressive parameters that an adult elk can boast of. you understand that running into such a large animal on the highway is very dangerous. natalya kovaleva will tell you. why do animals come out of the forest and what to do to avoid a collision? elk on the road in winter. there are reasons: the first is lack of salt. roads are often sprinkled with golite, well, it’s such a natural salt, and of course, this makes it easier for moose to find salt. another reason is migration, migration in search of food. in addition, in winter it is easier for a sahatom to move along the road than through snowdrifts, the weight of an adult. on average, half a ton in a collision, due to its long legs, the elk hits the windshield and , as a rule, ends up in the cabin; the airbags do not always work, even just a blow at speed. can be fatal, so wild
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animals saw the sign, it is better to immediately slow down, look not only in front of you, but at the side of the road, an elk appears, turn on the emergency lights, brake, stop and wait for him to leave, this is ideal, in no case should you honk, blink your headlights, try to get out of the car, drive the animal away, no need to scream, this can cause aggression, it can damage a vehicle, also harm a person, but more often stop. he just doesn't have time. denis dushin, a trainer in counter-emergency training, assures that the most important thing is to avoid a direct collision. there is such a law: the car follows the driver’s eyes. if we look at an animal's face, we are likely to turn the steering wheel in the direction it is moving. if we look at the hind legs, we will move in a straight line, there will be no collision. this is if a moose crosses the road, if it’s standing still, we try to steer to the side, so that it doesn’t skid. we have a principle of 1 2 3. i turn.
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this is provided that there are no oncoming cars, at a speed of 30 km/h i succeeded, but now at 40 km/h, the car is already starting to skid, they didn’t even increase it to 50, it’s dangerous, let alone the 90 km allowed on the highway. h. in real under conditions such a maneuver would be extremely difficult to perform. therefore, once again, we saw such a sign, we reduce the speed. the collision still happened, we act in the same way as in any other accident, we call the traffic police. the driver repairs his car at his own expense, or under a motor helmet insurance contract, and compensation for damage caused to a wild animal, which is state property, is provided under the siege policy. everything is spelled out in the order of the ministry of natural resources, 80 thousand elk. russian rubles. there is no osaga policy, or it is expired, you will have to pay
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from your pocket. at the same time , it is worth registering an accident, even if the elk ran away, they will find him wounded, the car will be tracked by cameras, and this means leaving the scene of an accident and possible deprivation of your license. natalya kovaleva, ilnur valakhmetov, ilona tikhonova, channel one. on the calendar january 29, in the studio of the program good morning, arina sharapova. in winter, you need to strengthen your immune system; this, as they say, is a commonplace. the truth does not require proof, the question is how exactly to strengthen it, we make a lot of mistakes along this path, we do a lot of things wrong, how can we properly support organism? my mother-in-law arina anisova found out. in winter , it becomes more difficult for the immune system to cope with the load, all processes in the body slow down, most of the energy is spent on keeping warm, but where can you get the strength to fight bacteria and viruses? immunity is formed. about the correct lifestyle, probably
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someone is somehow tired of this word, but in reality it is so, so nothing new, we remember physical activity, it’s better to be outside, together with coach diana ksenofontova we warm ourselves up and let's go for a run. while running, we breathe more intensely and deeply, the body is actively saturated with oxygen and the functioning of immune cells improves, dopamine, serotonin and endorphin are produced, they not only lift our spirits, but also stimulate the immune system. well , you know, i’ve already felt a little hot... i rarely get sick, in cold weather , in fact, the most important thing is to go outside, because this is the best way to strengthen your immunity. if not jogging, walks in the fresh air will do. and don’t forget about ventilating the house. the next stage is nutrition. first of all, vitamin c is probably tangerines and citruses, right? not only does fruit contain vitamin c, it is also found in red pepper, many vegetables, white cabbage, and
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broccoli. by the way, vitamins from carrots, beets and pumpkin are absorbed even better after heat treatment. let’s not pass by frozen fruits and berries, they are at the peak of ripeness and therefore are also useful. well, especially girls suffer from cracking nails, skin, hair, breakage, etc. what to do, take vitamins? no, it’s not at all necessary, carrots contain a sufficient amount of vitamin a, which moisturizes the skin and hair. omega-3 fatty acids also help. beauty, and vitamin d, which regulates the functioning of the immune system, is all in the snatch. naturally, immune cells need protein. protein can be found in eggs, meat, and fish. and if a person, for example, does not eat meat or fish, this is not a problem; protein can be found in beans, buckwheat. we remember that up to 80% of protective cells are located in the intestines. what else is it important to avoid stress? plunging into an ice hole without preparation is another test, so we help the immune system without fanaticism. we add a couple of sports activities in there. about
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the important. the topic of today's conversation: allies of russia. today we are talking about important things with anatoly vasilyevich torkunov. mugimo, academician of the ran, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. hello, dear guys, i’m anatoly vasilyevich tarkunov, rector of moscow state medical university, and today it’s a pleasure to meet you. who are russia's allies? well, you know, the famous formula that our emperor alexander ii that russia’s main allies are the army and navy, but i believe that in general russia’s allies are you and me, the united russian people, and the problems that we must solve, we must solve
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first of all ourselves. but, of course, we have allies, there is a collective security agreement, which includes the former republics. the soviet union, these are formalized contractual obligations, according to these obligations we help each other in cases of emergency. are allied countries and partner countries the same thing? allies - these are those with whom we are connected with the corresponding union obligations and signed agreements; we cooperate with our partners in solving the most important international problems, trade and economic problems, and these are the largest countries. well, i must say that in 1997 we signed. with the people's republic of china a declaration on a multipolar world, and russia and china proceed from the fact that it is necessary to create a world where all states will feel equal rights and will take part in solving the fateful problems that affect all of us, all countries and, in
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fact, every person, this is a partner, of course, it’s not just china, it’s many countries in asia, africa, latin america, the global majority. russia is striving for a multipolar world, what does this mean? a multipolar world presupposes the sovereign right of each state to participate in deciding its own destiny, to determine its own destiny, but to participate in deciding the fate of the world, in international affairs. in principle, a multipolar world was envisioned in 1945, when the organization was created united nations. and the charter of the united nations suggests. equality of all states, and it is not for nothing that such powerful international associations appear that attract more and more countries to themselves, for example brix, today 22 states, very important states, have applied to join brix or the shanghai cooperation organization, this is the organization that is called upon to ensure
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this kind of multipolar world, today they are already doing everything possible so that the countries included in these organizations can decide. any complex issues of international cooperation, issues related to the development of international trade, banking, investment affairs, and much more. what is the main task of a diplomat? diplomats, first of all, must defend the interests of their own country in the international arena, in negotiations, in communication, both with opponents and, by the way, often with partners, and sometimes negotiations with allies are very difficult, how... this or that issue is resolved when you meet your opponent or even supporter, you must try to understand his position in order to find some kind of agreement and come to some kind of decision, today a diplomat must know almost everything, if a classical diplomat must know well there languages, history, philosophy,
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geography, naturally, then today, a diplomat participating in negotiations must have an excellent understanding of the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution. about new technologies, about medicine, it is no coincidence that new terms appear, for example, environmental diplomacy, even medical diplomacy, this term has been used quite actively lately when it comes to solving problems related to, say, epidemics. during covid , even the term covid diplomacy appeared, as negotiations were held on how to promote our vi in ​​the international arena, how to cooperate with other countries in order to... after all, this is a terrible disease, this is a terrible covid virus, when i now meet with our students and with you, with the guys, schoolchildren, i always say, you know, there are no unnecessary items, everything that today can give you a school, you have to take it away from the school , and then the peculiarities, nuances, we will teach you at universities, at universities that train international affairs, and,
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above all, mgemo, of course, gaidar had one like that, here’s a swimmer, a boy, a boy , all the bourgeoisie are throwing it at him, what’s your secret, why are you holding on so firmly? you want, i now have a new dream, to go on a trip to russia. our aquarium is one of the largest aquariums in the world, a beautiful, unique place, it
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is located on a russian island, but more i especially highlight the city of sochi, i dream of moving there because there are mountains and the sea. our favorite city is probably gelendzhik, by the sea, yes, we go there all the time to the sea, but i love russia from north to south, from east to west and in general. my native country is wide, people live everywhere, we wish you the same, dear friends, travel around russia, it is beautiful. right now, let's see what's happening in the life of panda katya from the moscow zoo. mom ding ding never gives up trying to take her daughter out of her usual comfort zone into a big one. world. and katyusha, as you can see, categorically. against, i won’t go, she says , everything is written, in fact, it’s on her face, look, this is her character, good morning and bon
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appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, i ’m absolutely sure, many are now eating porridge on the other side of the screen, here you are now you are eating porridge, i know for sure that among them there are instant porridges, and what is convenient, open it, pour it in, pour boiling water over it, is it ready? fast, tasty, healthy, but however, many on social networks doubt whether it’s really that healthy, but to answer this one question, yulia kozlova, together with culinary college students, decided to conduct a delicious visual experiment. let’s compare porridge in 30, 15 and 5 minutes, which one tastes better and what about the benefits with culinary college students, using buckwheat as an example, sophia has it by weight. you must first rinse the buckwheat under running water. water to get rid of impurities and dirt, then calculate the ratio with water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, and then let it
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brew. it’s easier for katya with welding packages, you don’t need to hang it up or any other to do fraud, that is, just a bag of everything in the water. fundamentally, cereals in cooking bags and uncooked cereals are no different, both are cleaned of shells and ground. at this stage, some of the beneficial substances are lost, then hydrothermal. processing is when the grain is treated with either steam, infrared rays, or micronization, any processing that is subject to the influence of temperature, water and pressure. in this way, the grain is disinfected and its preparation time is accelerated. as a rule, cereals in bags travel more long-term heat treatment, which is why it cooks faster, but this does not affect the content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. the difference in the amount of vitamins and minerals is also insignificant. another thing is the instant porridge that yulia prepared. the preparation method is very quick, we take a glass of cereal and pour boiling water over it.
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the key word is flakes. to obtain them, the grain is crushed and flattened, then steamed again, then dried. nothing happens to proteins and fats, but the carbohydrate part - starch is destroyed. it turns out starch destroyed, it becomes more accessible. and accordingly, this porridge is a porridge that contains fast food. the feeling of fullness is short-lived, after an hour you will want to eat again, but in general it’s not for everyone. buckwheat flakes seemed to me to taste very similar to oatmeal. for me it is a very viscous consistency. i love it more crumbly. this is exactly how buckwheat turned out to be delicious, but of course there is more hassle with it. if you cook buckwheat porridge, the first thing you do is soak the pan, because then it’s a very big problem to wash buckwheat. they are not with the cereal in the cooking bag. the consistency is crumbly, the taste is traditional, there is no need to be afraid of harmful substances, the plastic packaging is heat-stable. yulia kozlova, mikhail
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karasev, svetlana ovsienko, channel one. and our morning broadcast ends, arina sharapova was with you. i wish you good health and good mood. and good news. please stay with us, stay on top. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. reliable, accurate, maneuverable combat players, su-25 attack aircraft in action. the crews are ready to fly out on missions at any moment. we hit all targets successfully, accuracy has increased significantly, and we work effectively all the time. and where else
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have our military successfully hit targets? latest data from the front lines. on the verge of a food collapse. french farmers begin a transport blockade of paris. the authorities are pulling security forces into the capital, bringing in armored vehicles and helicopters. farmers protest in belgium. victims and dozens of victims of the attack on the american military base in jordan. biden promised to respond and how it could affect texas, where the situation at the border is almost out of control. bronzing, truthful, high, how the film was created alexey german junior told at a creative meeting with the audience in st. petersburg he visited an exhibition dedicated to the lifting of the siege of leningrad. and we start with the situation in our zone, a disguised stronghold.


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