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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  January 29, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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somehow they are interrupted and move on to another story. the creative style of herman the younger is immediately recognizable; the film air is not a glossy action movie, where the war is shown as in a simulator game, but a deep picture that makes you think. and the heroine of anastasia tylyzina, until a certain moment she wondered what was more important, a person or a homeland. and at some point she realized, she had found the answer to this question. and he was like that a person and his homeland are one and the same. there cannot be a homeland without a person, a person cannot exist without a homeland, and although war does not have a woman’s face, female pilots went into battle without fear of death and without sparing themselves. about half a million women fought in the soviet army, they possessed all military specialties, the painting air is dedicated to them. i think all the time that someone will remember about us later. maria saushkin, maria emelyanova, alexey simonov, channel one. and that’s all for now, the anti-fake program will continue to air. why did zelensky
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call the original russian regions ukrainian, who is behind one of the most insidious hoaxes in ukraine, and why they decided to erase tsypsoa from the geographical map one of the longest rivers in europe to steal the great russian engineer who created the tram, as well as the news... personally , i really like how russian journalists foiled a large-scale action of western intelligence services, about this and much more in the program today, this is an anti-fake program and here we are his fight against fakes and disinformation about zelensky will now have to be discussed; he signed a decree on russian territories historically inhabited by ukrainians.
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the document states that the lands historically inhabited by ukrainians allegedly include six russian regions, these are the krasnodar territory, belogorodskaya, bryansk, voronezh, kursk and rostov regions. let's look at the document now. the decree is indeed real, but the message of this decree is false. let's read it. in accordance with article 12, paragraph 3, part one, article 106 of the constitution of ukraine, i decide that the cabinet of ministers of ukraine should develop with the involvement of international ones. experts, representatives of the world congress of ukrainians, public scientists and submit for consideration to the national security and defense council ukraine action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in the russian federation, including on the lands historically inhabited by them: kuban, starodubshchina, northern and eastern slobozhanshchina within the krasnodar territory, belogorodskaya, bryansk, voronezh, kursk, rostov regions of the russian federation. the fact is that the very tired owners, curators, of the thesis that
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it may not be possible to preserve ukraine in its former boundaries, come to terms with this idea, they are already starting to prepare, they are starting somehow prepare, but apparently, this concept goes absolutely against not only zelensky’s political plans, but with his plans to preserve himself at the head of ukraine, and even at the elementary level of preserving his own life.
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it extends much wider , and it is precisely in this regard that our territories are marked, but again, in connection with this , a lot of very interesting questions also arise, zelensky can issue a lot of decrees, he can add to the ukrainian area the inhabitants of kamchatka, residents of some american the united states, what does this decree imply in terms of practical actions , how these practical actions will be implemented, it’s one thing, if in the kiev region they are cutting up somewhere, let’s be honest, money for carrying out...
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the national security and defense council with the nbo, then these are not just some lectures, there are bloggers there, yes, this is a military threat to russia and actually in honor of what day this decree was issued in honor. called the day of conciliarity in ukraine, actase is the unification of the self-proclaimed ukrainian people's republic and the western ukrainian people's republic on january 22, 1919, in fact it was only a declaration of intentions and nothing really worked out for them,
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because on january 22 they signed it, and already in february the bolsheviks were in kiev, and in the summer denikin’s troops were already there. well, then, in general, the poles went there and so on, and in the end the soviet government there, well , the next day, then in the nineteenth year in kiev they remembered that on the 16th of the nineteenth year there was a peace conference in paris, where victorious powers in general, decides the fate of the post-war world , they decided to send a delegation there, and the delegation created this... 125 pages there, in which they tell who the ukrainians are, that there is such a upr, their economy, their geography, culture, including a map resettlement of ethnic ukrainians, and there were much more wishes there than even in
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zelensky’s decree, that is, even brest and pinsk, belarusian ones were part of their dreams, gagryz ones. crossing borders was very difficult, when they arrived there, they had already changed conditions, i remind you, the bolsheviks were already sitting in kiev, and the poles, in agreement with the petliura itself, now they had already occupied this western ukrainian people's republic, they
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got a meeting with chairman clemenceau, and of course klimonsov said what kind of ukraine, what kind of nonsense , note, the map is made in french. especially for the french, that is , they prepared, and then independent historians began to issue it in the nineties, but look, this is a map that the powers allegedly accepted at the paris congress the winners, saying that this is ukraine, then the poles, the bolsheviks, basically violated and occupied it all. hodagi beggars who were beating some doorsteps there in a buffet, at best. i propose now to include in our conversation a specialist in the political history of the 19th century and the history of russia and the ussr in the first half of the 20th century, director of the digital history research foundation, yegor yakovlev is in
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touch with us. such an initiative is quite, so to speak, a natural next step in the series of steps that we observe with moment for... the citizens of ukraine - the idea that, as the title of president leonid kuchma’s book said, ukraine is not russia, in general, ideologically, i don’t see anything new in president zelensky’s decree. but kuban, they say, under catherine the second, a huge part of the zaporozhye sich members were resettled there. well, they resettled, of course, and catherine also invited, for example, the germans to populate new territories, but this does not mean that germany should make territorial claims. present in relation to the modern russian federation, is this an audience, just an internal
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audience or an external one? it seems to me that such an act is a bit out of hopelessness, that is , well, the goal, naturally, is to create a certain point of tension for russia, but these are absolutely meaningless and groundless insinuations, this is intended exclusively for internal territory, i don’t think that this decree has any do these narratives have any chance of being promoted between... the popular arena, i don’t think that such details, firstly, are very much of interest in in the international context of someone, and secondly, this has very little chance of establishing itself, it is so ridiculous, stupid and most importantly irrelevant that it is unlikely that anyone will take it seriously. egor nikolaevich, thank you very much for your answers, but from such large-scale, multi-layered, i would even say, stuffing, yes, and this is not just stuffing , a special psychological operation. which has been going on for many years, we will now move on to special cases and individual fakes, the tram,
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who do you think invented it, but don’t answer, you probably know, here are ours during a short pause, viewers can still figure out the answers in their heads, and then they will find out the truth, now there’s a short pause, women’s hairspray, our expertise, even if you don’t use salt, that’s how much salt is in your body. what to do is leprosy, are lepers dangerous, the program to live healthy, answers all questions, today on the first, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, look carefully, you will recognize it, grandfather, refogram in the center. we're a coward, money and gold don't interest me, you'll go to russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation.
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isayetev's treasures, my father, for he is an amateur, you will excuse me, of course, but all this does not look very plausible. there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german, today is after the program. modern man, yes, too, absolutely. genetics have been proven : he was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. pushkin is like that cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia, africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of mineral. he entered the russian elite. in 1960, under direct. under the pressure of the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence, i purified the ideal
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of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunities. a lot of people think that in africa we walk, naked, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we are the same people, we are not be different, all major countries understand perfectly well that it is almost impossible for them to move forward without africa. civilization premiere, film two, africa, on thursday, on the first. what am i looking for, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or am i looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, no matter what, love, i loved myself very much, that was even true.
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with everyone together, a few lemons, a boy, on the contrary, matodor, eduard savenka in search love, on friday on... first, you are the empress, that’s it, and i want to be her , it seems to me that 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long
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, there are practically no friends next to the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies. i need proof that in the event of a coup , i will become the new empress. lord, help me, lord, who, stop, you can’t do this , gentlemen, i’m your emperor, i’m a woman, you don’t have to love, it was all your parsley, with whom you’re playing tricks, i... i won’t stand it, i understand ? let me tell you if you want rule truly your majesty, or do you wish to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council. russia has no friends in europe, and never will. where such confidence? do you forget where i was born? you and i still have so much to do, life is not
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enough. great, golden age. big premiere, soon on the first. this is an anti-fake program, and we continue about the origin of the seas, according to the ukrainian version, we have already spoken, now we will not only talk about the origin of rivers, but about the length of rivers, in general, the length of rivers, we will compare, yes, but the ukrainians, in any case, insist on this and say that the dnieper is the third. not a river in europe after the volga and danube. it is exceptionally picturesque and is associated with many historical places. the ancient greeks gave the river its current northern name, borysthenes. to the romans she was known as danapris, the slavs called her slavutich, son of slava. that is, the slavs have already appeared in mentions. here, of course, the fake is unfinished. and if i were the curators, i would
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fine the authors of this fake, because the volga did not fit into the concept here. now , if here... there was no name of the great russian river volga, then well, this fake could have been introduced somehow, well, more accurately, the dnieper is the third river in europe, after the danube, after something else. the volga stands out from this concept of erasing russia, but for that matter, and the volga is mentioned here as a river that flows on the european side, then in my opinion the ural river is even longer than the dnieper river, that is, somehow they made a fake here multilateral. from all sides, it means that they have something unfinished, in fact it is just an attempt to throw russia somewhere there, they are the largest country in the country and it’s just that it’s not here at all, it ’s not with us, it’s cut off, they ’re responsible for that part, they’re the biggest country in europe, they’re the most there is a fertile country in europe, they are the most and further, further, further, further, this is the most independent, the most
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fighting for freedom, as we remember, the very islands, yes, yes, well, it’s like poroshenko, the globe of ukraine, this. radiansky union, that is, he said 100 times or 150 times, that is almost every speech, he had the main phrase: this is the final goodbye, the final farewell to the russian empire and the soviet union. forgive the radyansky union, radyansky’s passport. our residual and irrevocable separation from moscow -
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to say, for the sake of the west, abolish russia as a european state, in general, this is the whole story there, i propose now to include in our conversation a candidate of geographical sciences, a member of the russian geographical society, leonid grigorievich kolotila, you are welcome welcome, hello, i’m glad to see you too, the length of rivers is measured, as i understand it, what is the scientific data in general about the dnieper, and what are the longest rivers in europe, well , actually. the question is divided into two parts : first: dry statistics, what is the length of this or that river, well, according to all statistical data, the largest river in europe is the volga, the next in length, i mean in length, the next in length is the danube, the third in length is the urals, the fourth in length is
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the dnieper, but first of all, how to measure, but even with taking into account the fact that the length of the dnieper changed several times, and it changed due to the construction of reservoirs. the first change is that at the beginning. the dnieper and its basin 1901, this book, by the way, is from my grandfather’s library, and as for the length, a clear figure is given there: 2107 versts, if you convert versts to kilometers, a verst is equal. 1.67 m, then you get a length there of almost 2400 km. if later the data that
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was clarified, depending on the bends of the river, it turned out to be 2,300-odd kilometers, now it is considered to be 2,201 km, taking into account the reservoirs that were built, these are dry statistics, that is, it is the fourth longest river. in europe, but i would like to draw the attention of those present to the fact that in general it is not entirely correct to say that the dnieper flows through the territory of ukraine, so i’ll take a book, there is such a book, a complete description of the russian empire, but compiled by semenov tianshensky, vol. fourteenth, a complete geographical description of our fatherland, this is what this book looks like, this means that this is 1910 for us. and here, if you look, this volume is called novorossiya and crimea, that is, there is no term for ukraine even in 1910, as you can see,
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regarding the lower reaches of the dnieper , there is the term novorossiya. why the term ukraine is still used for this part of the dnieper is not entirely clear to me, that is, of course, we need to return to the original name of novorossiya. thank you very much as always, all the best to you, goodbye, we've sorted that out, now let's move on to trams and trams they also have encroachments on the tram, of course it’s surprising, but they write that thanks to kiev the world received the first tram, because it was invented in kiev. the first carriage with an electric motor drove at a speed of 10-12 km/h, this invention was stolen by the germans, and its creator fyodor perotsky died in poverty, so it was the germans? claim, i can’t understand, in this case this is another attempt at the expense of someone to get some kind of historical achievement, it’s clear that in the 19th century,
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when there was powerful progress, when the industrial revolution, everything else, everywhere there are disputes regarding this or that invention, and therefore they really can be, but first of all you need to understand, there were no ukrainians, but there were no ukrainians, so he could have invented either a russian conventionally there, or there let's just try to break this down here is a fake about the components: the first carriage was traveling with an electric motor at a speed of 10-12 km/h, where the first carriage was traveling, if my memory serves me correctly, it was traveling in berlin, indeed, the first tram in the world was launched in berlin, the siemens brothers it means they launched it, here it is they stole, they stole, that means the first tram in the russian empire, where it appeared, where it ran, if again according to...
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i honestly didn’t dig into this story, but you need to look, only in the twenty-third year in poltava the street named after perotsky, in 2019 rotsky appeared. kherson
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region, but now this is the territory of russia, let's find out who actually invented the tram, in touch with us, an expert on urban transport, alexander popov, we are glad to welcome you, hello, glad to see you, let's get the tram already let’s decide where the first tram was in kiev or not, well, strange as it may seem , after all, the first tram in the russian empire appeared in st. petersburg, precisely on electric traction, but it was more of a trial operation.
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no matter what province, what volost or somewhere else, he was a citizen of the russian empire, period, naturally he is considered a russian engineer, and no matter where he was born. this idea about siemens, well, it’s hard to say, opinions on this topic are divided, well, that is, it is generally accepted that siemens looked at the idea of ​​a tram from perodsky, eventually patented it and launched it in berlin , or maybe, as it happens, the technical idea was just floating around in everyone’s mind, it was simple and... lucky to realize it, thank you very much, as always, all the best, thank you, goodbye, i think we ’ve sorted this out, ukrainians on the one hand are trying to elevate themselves, and of course, to humiliate us, flash mobs are even dedicated to similar topics, what kind of flash mob is this and how the russians responded to it, we’ll find out in a few minutes, forestry at the minister of foreign affairs
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affairs of poland radoslaw. russians are inherently vicious, ill-mannered, and pose a threat to civilization. russophobia is a product of the work of, including sikorsky. it all started with the fact that he received political asylum sometime in the uk, is he then a deep-lying agent? biringdon club, he finds himself in close acquaintance with cameron, but not only the kind of person who will direct the necessary money in the right direction. he wants.
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it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, so he disappears, even if he dies, in this the girl almost doesn’t recognize the child who lost her dearest mother 5 years ago, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her to her parents and her ex husband's beloved daughter, vera. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what? at that moment, that evening, he experienced, only he knows, it is a great responsibility, to tell your child that his mother passed away, just as yulia’s only daughter experienced this loss, what path did she take after her mother's death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided at all costs to become a star in memory of her famous mother . when you appeared, my life
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changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team. what would you like to sing? yes, i missed you. we'll fix the house, you'll find students. and the headline loser athlete found a champion in the tight end. you’ll go to a sports school, and then, if you’re lucky, you’ll go to the olympics. and everything is better than it is, broken by these fishermen. i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya. just be a little sorry, you still won’t
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bring your father back. game. let's train four times a week, three running, one rotting, then i'm in, i mean, well, let's kill him together, fakes, a thriller built on the collision of two realities. there are crimes, and love, and most importantly ethnography, which of them is still a hero, a boy or adult, also a big question, and the rite of passage that takes place there, this story could have happened to anyone on saturday at the first, this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke , it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well , it’s very cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see such beautiful, beautiful blister copper. how do the guys withstand this temperature, the fortitude of a real metallurg, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's make an iron man, if this iron man is tired after a shift and has not yet washed,
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then it should smell like this, come on, oh my god , you cut it up, throw salt in there, pepper and start thirds like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and straganina, i’m just in shock because i.. i get up, i’m cold, i should start, get used to it, you’ll like it right away , you’re great, let me shake your hand, it’s warm, can you imagine, it’s still warm, the life of our own, the premiere, on sunday on the first, this is an anti-fake program and we continue, but here we go the west is shown a picture of the world in russia in very bleak colors and even launched there such a special russophobic flash mob, prove that you do not live in russia, take a photo that will prove that you are not in russia, let’s see what the european users of this flash mob are flaunting there, it’s like a full refrigerator, i’ll just look at this
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i don’t see anything that we don’t have in our refrigerators, i won’t eat half of it, because it’s chemicals, like a person has a toilet, a toilet, this is also supposedly absent in russia, and well, water and toilets they have some kind of theme. to hammer into the rather backward, already poorly educated european young generation the idea that russia is a jungle, russia is some kind of wild forest, i still want to meet a person who is directly related to such a flash mob, nosna.
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participants in this flash mob, because they can’t afford this luxury, they can’t even dream about it, they seriously believe that all this doesn’t exist in russia, but i thought, well, gee, the idea to do a flash mob was spontaneous she just popped up instantly, as soon as i threw the western trend into work, i knew what i wanted to do, together with my editor we simply wrote: prove that you are in russia, we will start, and we attached photographs from our personal archive, snowdrifts in tatarstan,
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very wide response, i didn’t expect it myself, because we didn’t plan the action, it was just a post in our telegram channel, then it was expanded by colleagues from riya, yeah, and when i looked at the user comments, it just shocked me to the core souls, photographs were from... completely different, someone sent photos of their children from vacation, someone sent their photos from fishing, someone sent their pickles, someone sent some beautiful landscapes from different cities, from different regions, laying flowers at the eternal flame, homeland mother, all this, all this
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is about us, someone wrote about photographs from kamchatka, that he dreams of getting there, in response , the author of the photograph said: come visit, i have never seen anything like this in my life, thank you everyone for every photo you sent, i... i just feel such moments feel happy, in short, our flash mob was more popular than their flash mob, that’s right, yes, thousands of photos, well, thank you very much for launching this, thank you, it was a pleasure. that country, simply because let’s remember what poster the girl stood with on
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the maidan, she said: i want lace panties to europe. this is just a story that clearly shows how people feel about some important consumer things. and propaganda from that country focuses on this, showing what we don’t have. actually it's cool history, because thanks to this we were able to understand what fakes are spreading and spreading throughout russia. in the west , that is, people seriously believe that we don’t have this, even down to some ordinary understandable things, we thought, they thought that we don’t have this, but it turned out that we realized that they have no brains , so it’s like logical thinking and it’s normal to adequately weigh the current situation, so it’s a very cool, clear example that showed not how bad it is for us, but how bad it is for us.
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it touches the emotional lines of the soul user, someone who watches this post and wants to share it, and people share it in the same way as flash mobs, but i’ll show that you’re in russia or i’ll show that you’re not in russia, simply because it offends them, they they want to be a part of, involved in such a big interesting event and... they have something to tell and show, yes, that’s why flash mobs are dangerous, because a lot of audience involvement happens there, and special organizations involved in anti-russian propaganda for a lot of money monitor very subtly in general they appease these are just flash mobs, well, there’s the nafa organization, for example, nato’s analok, yes, that one, which is engaged in just this shitposting. all these fakes, she also took
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part, including in the development of this flash mob fake, but what to call it, and the organization is not easy, here is the question, please tell me, could they, with the help of such flash mobs, test the audience’s mood, what now in russia, that is , having looked at how users answer, what they are thinking about and in general what works, what is there the response was intended, well, that is, they didn’t do it for this, they did it for a completely different reason, it was simply important to them. additionally, this is the information that is posted in foreign media, to give it additional coverage, people will not look at the fact that this is not so, they will remember that russia has some problems there with this, with that that being said, we additionally learned about this, if we weren’t in russia now, i think that many users from russia would have fallen for this information in the same way and perceived it seriously, unfortunately, fakes work in such a way that they get the initial fakes... the amount of coverage, and then
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a refutation, everything that comes next, unfortunately, they already get.


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