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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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hello, live on channel one, time will tell the program. today, as always , we will talk about the most important, most current events, and discussing these events, we will try to understand what, strictly speaking, the current situation in the world is, and what are the chances, what are the trends, prospects, where can all this go... .to develop in different directions in different regions, well, in general from the point of view, in the broad sense of the word, of humanity, and for me in this conversation today is a very indicative example of the fact that since yesterday day, continuing to this day , one of the most discussed topics in the western world, and not only, of course, in the western world, since this concerns everyone in one way or another, is that in the middle east,
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not in their own country, that is, they in fact, they are on a combat mission, no matter who their opponents are, and they have them, they regard them as military, and in general they kill in war, against this background, this afternoon , three civilians, civilians, were killed by ukroreich rszzo strikes in donetsk, more precisely, three more civilians. killed by the conscious
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shelling of ukroreich, which is supported by the same americans, and this for , in the case of donetsk, for almost 10 years, it is said, well, either it is not noticed and not discussed, or it is said, you know, somehow, well somehow this is how it happened, this happens, this is the inconsistency that the death of three american military personnel... on a mission in one of the most dangerous regions of the world causes such surprise in the west, and the death of three civilians in a city that was shelled consciously, as peaceful, it is considered something, well, almost, well, like, sorry , it happens, it seems to me, this is a manifestation of a very important, very complex, very unfair quality today.
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german. today is after the program. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. i never asked the lord to become a patriarch. i have always asked the lord to make the right choice. no one except god knows how it is still there, how much time is left. you need to surrender yourself into god’s hands, you need to work so that you have the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly, before god everyone is equal, the lord will not ask me who you were, he will ask: you visited the sick, you came to prison to the one who is suffering there, you shared a piece of bread, that’s what he will ask: thanks to you for your feat, as a result of which this wounded,
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dies, in this girl she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, to
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unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, he, only he knows, is big. responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i had everything so i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory about a famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday at the first, you are the empress, katya, that’s it, i want
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to be her, it seems to me that 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne for long with the empress, next to the empress now. there are practically no friends , but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, god help me, god help me, who, wait, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i am your emperor, i am a woman. no need to love, it was all the same to your parsley , with whom you play tricks, i won’t tolerate it , i understand, let it go, you’re saying, do you really want to rule, your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members imperial council,
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russia has no friends in europe, and never will, where does such confidence come from, and you forget where i was born, you and i still have so much to do. life is not enough, great, golden age, big premiere, soon, on the first, the program time will tell, we continue to work live first channel, and as i said at the beginning of the program, we are trying to understand, discussing the events that happened, and the reaction of different... parties , it has been discussed more than once that no one knows today what events in which region these events can serve as a source, where in general it is moving our world , where events in different regions are moving, and we are the impetus for the fact that the entire system of international security, no matter how we describe it,
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there is a cold war there, a hot cold war there and so on, has not moved into some other more alarming quality, considering that in in the european region, for example, already... of the main news in connection with which this possible development of events is being discussed is the death of three and the wounding of thirty american military personnel and who became victims of some kind of attack, i emphasize, no one
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yet knows what and where it came from drone, given that this base is located at the junction of the territories of jordan and syria. and iraq, and moreover, everyone is discussing that this is , as it were, on the territory of jordan, despite the fact that official representatives of jordan state that this is actually on the territory of syria here.
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that is, to answer in their cases means that to restore the balance as it should be, that’s because it is not supposed for anyone to answer the americans, they can do what they want wherever they want, let me remind you, a couple of weeks ago, probably even 2 and a half , the same biden, regarding what is happening in the middle east, attacks that, as they believe, are coming to them from either iran, well, a proxy of iran, we heard the following words: do you have a message for iran? i have already conveyed a message to iran. they
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know they shouldn't do anything. that is, 2 weeks ago he had such a thing that that’s it, we told them all. this is such a familiar story, yes, we told everyone , everyone lined up there, that is, the guys, of course, still have it in their subconscious that, yes, from time to time something stirs up something, but they, they sort of rule the roost. they are addressed, as it were, to iran , despite the fact that iran has already made a statement that , well, we have nothing to do with this, with attacks on an american military base, the conflict is between the united states and resistance groups in the region, which they are fighting against each other, which in many respects, of course, has to do with reality on the one hand, on the other hand it is a talented, as always in this case , iran’s foreign policy diplomatic game.
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today's background in the united states , this is a particularly sensitive situation for them, because on the one hand , the lince grahams are animated there, as always, so collective, who, not yet knowing where they came from, intuitively, that means, begin to shout, give it to iran, give it to iran, hit him with strength, remark, linsigreb is about 12 years old, in my opinion, he performs any reaction to everything that happens in the middle east like this, this is on the one hand, on the other hand. iran understands perfectly well why it is so calm now, i still consider it, in
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a sense, even trolling, guys, but this is not us at all, a lot of things are happening there, in parentheses it reads like this, you are the hegemon, you are like the king of the hill , well, it’s not clear what’s going on there, well, it’s like this is your problem, and at the same time, in the same brackets there’s this, well, whatever you have there, you have donald trump there, who, of course, could not ignore this situation once again and...
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that is, until the whole world has yet shown them or pointed more precisely to the door, but in principle that akela missed is now becoming obvious, and the east, as always, goes first to the main skirmishers, because it tests strength, in this case, the loss of the americans will mean that not only will everyone stop...
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attacks on the american military, and we will take the necessary steps to us protection of our forces at the appropriate time therefore, we will respond at a time and place convenient to us, the president and i will not tolerate an attack on american troops and will take all necessary actions to protect the united states. i’ll leave aside his version about the iranian-backed forces, but what ’s very important here is this phrase that we won’t tolerate there, we’re la-la-poplars. but we will take the necessary steps, attention at the appropriate time in the right way, this can be understood in two ways, either that we can do everything we want, whenever we want, or, as many people perceive it now, that we are generally very not we understand how to answer and whether we can answer and what will happen next, and we prefer, saying that we will answer when we consider it necessary, well, how
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not to answer, and this is not the only example, here’s kirby. on options for responding to the attacks, the president is still working on that, we are not looking for war with iran and we don't want to escalate the conflict in the region, we have to do what we have to do. how quickly will the us respond to an attack? we will certainly respond, and we will, as in the past, do so at a time and in a manner that we choose. note, the same one, it seems that they were sent this memo there, they don’t answer the question. like when you answer everyone, we will answer when we deem it necessary and how we deem it necessary, that is, it is not a question of whether we will answer or not, we may not answer at all, when, and maybe never, but we need to puff out our cheeks, now literally from the tape news was brought to me that austin also stated that neither he nor biden would tolerate an attack on the us armed forces and would take all necessary actions to
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protect them, he repeated this again, but apparently he believes that if you say this twice when communicating with stoldengo, he has already said it, and if you repeat it more often. bases immediately after the death of soleimani and in the data that has already been released, the truth is now already a year after the explosion at the red grave cemetery on soleimani and this did not cause the destruction of iran, provided that iran, i note, well , just a purely factual fact: iran has confirmed confirmed, that there is hypersound, iran has nuclear warheads,
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no one fully knows their power, but at least 10 kilotons for sure, which is quite enough for the destruction of american bases in the middle east of which... they have 8-9 units there, from this point of view, if the states get involved in a confrontation with iran, in any case the states will lose, for the simple reason that if they enter and american military personnel die, this will mean that america did not physically protect them , they died, and accordingly, in principle, america can be ignored, or america should immediately go, as nato says, to paroxysm, they were raped, this is their expression, it sounds beautiful in french, in this case this
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... is about the fact that there is a collective security agreement, our cst, and there not only our interests are represented in the region, but we, in principle, are responsible for the entire collective security agreement, well, look, this is not the first time he has flown to damascus , arrives from the direction of israel, once again israel struck the center where the iranians were located, well, i don’t know whether they were advisers or whether they were instructors, but nevertheless it’s a feeling. because once again
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iran also has them, only america doesn’t such a delivery vehicle, and if two, excuse me, aircraft carriers that are flying around the syrian coast are destroyed, again i don’t understand, and i’m also appealing to you, but how can you and i understand, well, if my interception system works on three swings, and hypersound will arrive. and hyper begins with five swings, and what will happen next, it will be a disgrace to the whole world if two american aircraft carriers drown in the middle sea, but then i return you to the beginning of our conversation and ask this question again: that’s everything you just described, and there are potential heads there, hypersounds , swings, fucks in the good sense of the word, now you are austin or you are there, god forgive me, kirby, or anyone else, so you sit and think, well, yes, that means our three. .. that means they failed, 30 more were knocked out, now it’s unclear whether we need to start reacting harshly about this, risking hypersounds, swings and fucks, or whether it’s better
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now to keep silent and not get involved in all this, and well, this is real , that is, everyone says, no, they don’t answer because that’s it, it’s not the same coat, well, everything is still thinner here, just put yourself in their place now in the light of what you described, so would you answer in their place? i will say this : it’s not the time for laudan to deal with iran , with his own prostate, don’t ask, because the very moment when everything happened, the uncovering took place or whatever, the opening of nato arsenals for arming ukraine in the budgetary line of the american budget, the decision of the 20th december presence in washington, excuse me, luet austin urgently remembered his health, so say, his lower regions, that is, he was not enough to participate. the meeting disappeared and, as they say, our sokol is clear, he didn’t sign anything, here i’m sorry, the war, which will still provoke instability within the united states, you, artyom
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grigorievich, excuse me, in my opinion , it was completely natural to show trump, trump will not miss this situation , and we understand what ’s going on in texas now, that is , half of the states there are for the president, no matter what the reason, half are against, it’s about to start, it won’t deal with the death of american military personnel somewhere very far from home, but what about stability with... that’s exactly why i don’t particularly discuss this remark from trump, since this is what the contender for the presidency of the united states of america says, he
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can say anything now, he can say it now run anything he wants, he can say that he will soon stop, that he will give money to everyone or take money from everyone, so yes, and he can stop all the wars in the world, feed all the hungry, give everyone bread, so that’s it, yes , he can do everything now, that’s why i say, discuss this without... the place of kirby, kostin, those who take a very correct question, stand up for a decision, i’m not talking about biden, because i ’m not very sure whether he makes a decision, these people understand something, then, as we usually say, their position is worse than the governor’s. cannot help but say what they are saying now, they are obliged to say, we will answer, then a very interesting story begins, and the essence of this story...
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is this, a colleague mentioned that there was a blow - iran after famous tragedy at the cemetery, when three iranian missiles reached iraqi kurdistan, they flew more than a thousand km, 1,200, yes, and one of them exploded next to the american consulate under construction and even cut it a little there with fragments, yeah, question number one: what if
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iran has the rear sight... the heads, but the fact that iran has missiles that hit the target from a distance of 1200 km, they know this very well, just like about the houthis, they have to calculate everything on a calculator in the worst case, but rather on the computer, and what will happen if they do what what are they promising now, and if we are making noise about iran, listen, the consequences of this strike are even difficult to predict, well, in an abstract sense, yes...
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fashionable, i even sometimes catch myself thinking about this, well, so a little bit so malicious that like that yeah, the hegemon is no longer the same, they have already begun to think and, as you said, take a calculator and so on, well, here i am calling myself to common sense, i say: and we are sure that the hegemon, who has already learned, yes, due to circumstances beyond his control, he has learned take a calculator, count and calculate the consequences. of their actions, that this is a weaker hegemon, more of a kind of shaky hegemon, thank you, lord, i didn’t even want to induce you to think about this, that the united states of america today is not the number one power militarily, let’s admit it , that number one is a very strong militarily power that has one big
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historical... minus: it is not able to play all instruments, on all boards, win all sports everywhere and to win, that's what was possible for some time... countries to participate in this race, to produce at home, sometimes on their knees, yeah, sometimes with the help of technologies that are taken from nowhere, everything has begun to work out on their knees in recent years better and better from those who make them, no one can answer the question of what technologies iran uses to make these missiles, where it gets them, whether it produces them itself while under sanctions. being under sanctions, but there are missiles, and the missiles work effectively, the americans cannot take this into account, they still the king of the mountain, but the king of the mountain, who suddenly realized that it is very difficult
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to be on this mountain all the time, and you see, there will be someone who will push you aside, by the way, regarding the king of the mountain, who began to understand that this is already a little another mountain and you need to... be a slightly different king, if you want to remain a king, this is a very important conversation, because i hear, i say again, even in myself sometimes i catch such, well, like that’s it, that means this is a dog, that means died and then, this is now the question, how is this - so to speak, hegemon, how will he be counted, adapts or does not adapt, and so on , despite the fact that of course they probably cannot help but think about such things, but how, for example, that’s just what the wall street journal brought me with reference to officials, writes about this attack drones , that the us military could not prevent an attack on a base in the middle east, the same one, because they confused an enemy drone with their own, well, yes, it’s clear that in this
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situation you need to already understand, statistics say that this is still possible again and again and again, again and again, and this is a situation in which someone already has such drones that they can... confuse with their own, this is also a reason for thought, i’m saying all this to mean that this is now the question is how much the united states today is not only strong or weak , but how reflexive it is, and can use this reflection to maintain its position by simply changing it, this is the main question, and not just to lament there, the pendos are blown away , well, it seems to me that this needs to be discussed, and it is necessary...
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all kinds of photographs they showed us, and even photographs of european generals who fell from a cliff there, and so on, it means that if you had an approach from a military point of view, well, in my opinion, it was extremely simple,
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then who did it, first, second, approximately punish in order to discourage everyone else from wanting to take stupid revenge, thirdly, find out what led to such a decision in order to eliminate the reason. making this decision by someone else sometime later, but mikhail gennaevich, this is a scheme, and we just with respected the guests discussed that this scheme is not very feasible today, now we are moving from the territory, i emphasize somehow we forgot, illegally occupied by syria by the americans, because in jordan they are formally present under the agreement, in iraq, excuse me, they are formally present under the agreement, in syria they are simply stupidly occupying the territory , absolutely, but the jordanians, mind you, i started with this, do not admit that...
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they are managing this fire in such a way as to ultimately correctly formulate the position of american society in this regard any misfortune that happens to an american abroad. it is a technology because anyone can use
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it, not only americans use it, and the strategic helplessness lies in the fact that inside america everyone and anyone is using it, inside america, because yes, of course, there are democrats, there are republicans, and a third force led by comrade kennedy, by the way, i would like to hear what he said about this, since we both remembered, but there are various political groups and groups. and this situation, these weaknesses, will be able to
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understand, reflect, analyze, begin to correct. as far as, for example , today, the witch is seen with her broom, she is simply a puppet character in a puppet theater, a grandfather, i don’t know who, or a representative of some kind of action that continues to operate a political, let’s say, position in the states, well let's listen to her just for an example, otherwise she hasn't flown on her broom for a long time, but here we go. those who call for a ceasefire in gaza are spreading mr. putin's messages. this is his message, you can be sure. the protests are directly related to what he would like. and it ’s the same story with ukraine, this is putin’s message. of course, some of these protests are organic, spontaneous and sincere, but others are associated with russia. i say this because i have been observing this for a long time. you claim that some of the protesters work for russia. i don’t think so, i think at the very least it is necessary
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to investigate who is financing them, i want to ask the fbi to look into this. well, you see, when grandma says, well agree, firstly, you forget that she is a year older, in my opinion, than grandfather, in my opinion, a year older than grandfather, which suggests that age is not a matter of age, but a matter of condition, yes, but you , when you listen to this witch, you think, it ’s her... she speaks on behalf of that america, which for 30 years could afford this, for her the story is that the fbi will go somewhere and deal with something in another country, who wins, she is real to her, she is not crazy, but the question is, america is starting to change, that’s it such as america, or is it already inertia that cannot be stopped, that is the question, is it creating grounds for declaring the state of texas and those who...
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attitude towards this when the hegemon declares that he will respond to iran that he will find an effective answer, if this answer is not found, this is not only a signal.
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chubais is to blame for everything, now iran is to blame for everything, but i remind you that the houthis are also an american attack on europe, because it has become more profitable for europeans to take american oil rather than middle eastern oil, europeans are now scratching their turnips, excuse the expression, because for them this is a question, their turnips are finished, so to the question that everyone is scratching their turnips, is this the hegemon, is it not the hegemon, this is an interesting question, and i say again, we... when with malice, when we look with interest at how the hegemon is indecisive or misses or shows weakness somewhere and so on, but this is the question, what will the world be like in which the hegemon is no longer a hegemon, because what is behind all this news about the dead american soldiers and some
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there are blows, no blows, who is swimming where, who is going where, i was surprised when i discovered, well, actually i discovered... today, that on the 25th, for example, and this news should have been, as they say, in all the headlines that on january 25, at the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, the special representative of the president of the russian federation for the middle east and african countries, received representatives of the yemeni movement ansar allah, those same ones. and here the question arises: in order to rejoice in what... is blown away, you need so that an alternative appears, because the houthis are very good guys when they hammer at the anglo-saxons, but the question is who controls the houthis and what role, since we are in a russian studio, and what role in
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this whole story we can and will play, this will require huge efforts, huge investments, we are now talking to them about aircraft. cannot exist by definition, not because putin or any of us present here in this studio don’t want it, this is an objective reality, americans cannot be hegemons not because they have few missiles, not because they have a weak economy, i still have a lot of fingers now, but because the whole
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picture of the world is changing, africa is changing, asia is changing, china is changing, and most importantly, if you want, in russia a mental revolution is taking place. today we are undergoing a process of historical recovery, and we are also part of this world, which is changing, when we accept the houthis, this is not because we are playing against the americans, yeah, because we must understand what the motive of the bites is, what they are doing, quite it is possible that they can be our partners in some matters, why not, this is how the modern world works, and if you like, the old feudal logic, my friend... the united states of america is a country that supplies weapons to kill russian soldiers, officers and civilians.
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why haven’t the houthis sunk a single us aircraft carrier yet? everything will still be there. the question of how the world is changing and how approaches are changing, and today, when i wrote about this situation with the americans, with the strikes and so on, it seems to me that this formula has already appeared in the world, it was voiced by the president of the russian federation, who are you anyway? it seems to me that this question, which many people start asking when they try to boorishly teach everyone, who are you anyway , this is a very important universal formula, now we will continue after advertising, observance is simply in the blood of the minister of foreign affairs of poland radoslaw sekorski . russians are inherently vicious, ill-mannered and pose a threat to civilization. this is a product.
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my soul, or am i looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other friend, by all means, love, idichka loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries, i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this made me wiser and bigger, for example , a patriot of his own country, as a writer, he is a writer of his own beloved. your seemingly autobiographical things, what is the percentage of fact and what is the percentage of literary fiction, everything is
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true and at the same time fictional. limonov is bored walking with everyone else. limonov a little bit, the boy is the opposite. matador, eduard savenko in search of love, on friday on the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, that’s it. he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he almost does not recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his most precious thing, his mother. i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that he experienced that moment, that evening, he only knows... he, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after
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her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i had everything so i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed. i always. next to you exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. what worries you, your majesty? why is all of europe up in arms against me? your majesty, the fact is that the fact is that my orders are not being carried out. replacing barge labor with the achievement of science is, this is a magnificent thing. it’s not enough to take the throne , you still need to hold it, it looks like i
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don’t have any personal hobbies, i don’t have time for them, and don’t torment me with your stupid jealousy, great, golden age, big premiere, soon on the first. program time will show, we continue to work live, in the previous part, where we discussed the events taking place in the middle east, which for many different reasons give reason to really wonder whether the hegemon is already the same, and what it means if the hegemon is weakening, what does this mean for balance of events in the world and not only in this region? and naturally, speaking about this, we remember what mikhail said at the end of the first block, that the united states can
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be reflected, analyzed and discussed in different ways, here in the middle east, they are like this.
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and despite the fact that you and i all understand perfectly well that this tobaevka is quite possible, on the ground, well, which of you knew that tobaevka existed a week ago, just like two weeks ago, none of us knew that it existed starch , and yes, without starch without tobaevka it is impossible to solve much more important problems, but for now very difficult and may god grant them good luck and health success through the efforts of our boys, we are solving problems with tobaevka, starch, senkovka, klescheevka and... many others, this situation really not simple, here a very interesting question arises, how difficult is it assessed by that side, including the united states of america, well, for example, the washington post, which is considered a mouthpiece, well, something , in short, a mouthpiece, like this writes, please, after 2 years in kiev they still continue to turn to their partners in the west with
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a long-standing request: give us more weapons, more... help. the ukrainian authorities are finding it difficult to hide their feelings of despair. american officials and their western counterparts expect a lean year. increasingly exhausted strength ukraine will be more focused on strengthening its defense. the west may have already missed its best chance to give ukraine the opportunity to completely liberate its territory. we have argued more than once, and debates continue on telegram, among the expert community, whether such articles should be considered disinformation or whether they should be perceived as something else.
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in a slightly broader sense, i would say that after the delivery of 20 million shells to the front, and we have now delivered 20 million shells for 2023, the situation with artillery is observed very, very good, i would even say not satisfactory, but good, that the replacement of barrels is now established at a rapid pace, that everything is fine with the work of armored vehicles, and what’s more, the t-90s are already in a modernized form, more than a lot. we have problems, i’ll talk about them briefly , i hope i’ll say them in a creative way, but really, air supremacy and thanks to the editors, which shows that we have been confirmed, and today, by the way, the k-52 worked very well, in terms of positions, destroyed an entire opornik, covered 30 nationalists there on the move, that is, there are no problems here, so in principle we are already standing not far from kupinsk, not far - this is within the limits of almost non-visual control, i hope that both
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kupinsk and izyum will be liberated again very soon. it’s not all done right away, the story is told quickly, so we have something else to use as an argument, again my favorite adabs, i apologize for the utr iskander of mass use, but this , as they say, the agent staff will say, that is, from the point of view combat work, offensive impulse, especially in serebryansky forestry in the oskal region, in fact, all those adjacent points that we are partially talking about from tobaevka to now, the kharkov region, yeah. while in the zaporozhye region the calm is nothing more than the very same, as they said in the 19th century, turkish shootout, remember, here a person is protected as in a turkish shootout in something that really is not very good, i think these are drones, because today ukraine has switched to a terrorist struggle, that is, due to the lack of shells, they are now in a massive famine of shells, i said 20 million, but
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the maximum reserves in arizona are 2 million . all the reserves that they have accumulated there for themselves, they still need to be delivered, the gun barrels still need to be changed, they also have guns, i counted them, i may or may not even have said them on your air 36 system. well, it’s more than difficult, but then they decided to make drones in any village and launch them at our positions. now the question arises, how to deal with this? i know what experiments are currently being conducted, naturally,
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no one will say anything about this, i can only say what has already been revealed, but so far in experimental form, this is an overexposure laser , but not with just one laser, because overexposure burns out the guidance optics, that is , no matter how much it is, everyone’s optics will simply be burned out and... by the way, overexposure is not stationary, it’s quite mobile, but we won’t say everything else, it’s silence , especially since today, as far as we know, sergei kuzhugech visited several research institutes, and he did this not by chance, but again let’s remain silent here, in my opinion, here we have our uavs, there are no problems with this, ukrainians there are more of them in the air right now, let’s not lie , they listen to us more at the front too, but from the point of view that this is not a decisive argument, this is a terrorist argument, it comes to the point that... it
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concerns the entire military-industrial complex of finding adequate decisions that were beneficial, including, excuse me, economically, because it is important to do this not in one separate place on the training ground, but so that it is available to everyone at the level of military units, but there are the simplest answers that have not yet been applied , actually. i’ll make connections, strengthen the fire productivity, bring the density of fire to such a state that excuse me, the earth flowed like water, of course, this can be done with the help of adabs, this may in some ways not be a very humane decision, but excuse me, we are talking about the lives of our fighters, no, when it comes to the front, all human decisions, they end at the front, they begin later, when a person raises his hands, calls the volga, surrenders, there are none in the middle, yes, that’s the only way. accordingly, as a result of what is described, thank god that the problems are being solved, and problems are posed and so on, but we understand that the situation is not simple, complex, not fast, and so on, against this background, of course,
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every time, well, it’s impossible not to pay attention when a negotiation topic comes up, it is surprising, in general, quite unexpected for the image began to sound to me again, because just a few days ago there was a tragedy with l76. it was said that we now do not understand whether there can be contacts at all, or there cannot be contacts, not in terms of the exchange of prisoners of war, i hope they will continue, but in terms of contact with the regime, today on this, let’s say, within the framework of this topic, and new statements have appeared, the assistant to the president of the russian federation, yuri ushakov, made the following statement, please, vladimir putin’s visit to turkey is being prepared, i can say that ukrainian topics will be of high quality, probably one of the main subjects of negotiations. we respond to requests from different countries about our readiness, we say that we were ready from the very beginning, and it was not we who interrupted these negotiations, and we are now
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ready, but there is no one to talk to, because the ukrainian side forbade itself from negotiating with the russians. this statement was made in connection with president putin’s upcoming visit to turkey, and rio news they have information, it’s theirs. information that vladimir putin may visit turkey on february 12, but other dates are also being considered, in this case it is important for us... that the presidential assistant says that the negotiation topic on ukraine will be one of the important ones during this visit, words are heard about this from the other side, here is one of the high-ranking american officers, commanders of their troops in europe, suggests that towards the end of this year, probably after the elections in the united states, there will be a moment for potential negotiations, well, you and i are better, i’m worse, but we understand that in order for at the end of the year there could be some negotiations, of course.
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negotiations as such, or some well, i don’t know the outlines of something may already be discussed , especially if we say that the ukrainian reich is not ready, so every time people hear about negotiations, they say: what are we talking to them about again, but on the other side it is clear that...
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in our vocabulary such concepts as negotiations, the future format of these relations, our goals are the absolute norm, the absolute norm of diplomacy, the absolute norm of politics, and let's stop, you know, you said it right, hearing the word there negotiations, someone immediately grabs the gun, shouts, no, okay , grab the gun, someone immediately grabs the head , starts listening to this, let ’s understand that there is a different way to build this very complex, you know, the ligature of international relations, forbidding himself to speak , forbidding himself to say things that need to be said, including about negotiations, it would be simply absurd, and ushakov is doing everything absolutely correctly, and putin will speak, he will probably tell erdogan: “listen, we are for negotiations , only you should help us if you have influence on those parties." so that we
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return to the format of negotiations that, you, once upon a time, you are the collective west, you to a lesser extent, mr. erdogan, everyone else, you too, because you supplied bayraktars there, more than 90 pieces, and not only bayraktars, and not only bayraktars, yes, but you reset this topic, and now you yourself say that through the mouths of some - including western european or american politicians - that negotiations are needed, and we also understand that negotiations are needed , about what, with whom? on what terms? this is the main thing, this is the main thing, that is, now , when we hear about negotiations, we need to understand that these are negotiations about what the negotiations could be about, you saw that the paper that you showed when you said what we were talking about agreed then, that’s one of the goals svo - demilitarization, right there, in this document, under which an initial signature was placed. ukrainian country
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, the problem of demilitarization of the future of ukraine was practically solved on our terms, because it was said there, you will have so many tanks and no more, you will have so many aviation and no more, you will have so many troops and no more, only for solving problems, certainly not the northern military district , certainly not the defense of an effective ukrainian state in the future. can be solved, here are the tools of this document, so i to i am absolutely calm about this, by the way, if you read ushakov carefully, he said two things, we are for negotiations, but so far there is no one , yeah, what new have we heard, nothing, we are surprised that this topic is being raised today when it seems the war is in full swing and ukraine is shouting no negotiations, i repeat once again, we... we are diplomats, we are the right diplomats,
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the president is going to turkey, and there it will be quite possible to discuss this topic, i don’t see any problem, i oleg viktorovich don’t care about anything i'm surprised, because i'm even for these 2 year, well, i once wrote about this , that you know, it’s like military service in the army, that at the beginning of your service you understand one by one, being a young soldier, just drafted, having served for a year, then having served for two . you look at many things differently, in the same way i , of course, learned to look at the things that we are talking about differently, but it is important to say this regularly, i agree with you that this...
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by the way forbade himself to negotiate, then we, of course, with all our hearts, yeah, yes, but not with whom, yeah, that is, translated into russian it sounds like this, guys, we are good, these are the bad ones, that’s it, that is, we are trolling, now, no, this is not trolling, this is an arrangement of positions, we are good, yes, you you’re calling us for something, we don’t care what you’re calling for, we’re for it, but your clowns are disturbing us, calm down, then maybe something will happen. now, by and large, this means that there is a big anglo-american conflict, which now, due to america’s weakness, has come to the surface. what we saw in all the episodes. americans by domestic reasons they say: so, guys, we have basically achieved our goals, we need to shift the center of gravity to the improvement of china, let's
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freeze something, somehow, no matter how, when they start to freeze, the brave english guys come with a bucket of kerosene, and grief, it comes again.
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could provide sufficient support to ukraine, but the united states exerts influence when the signals are not
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very positive, they have the same influence on some european leaders, and if assistance is not provided in the end, and russia advances in ukraine, in europe and nato may a split will occur that threatens new divisions of the world. well, to be fair , he says that sometimes he apparently has some kind of stress, no, he’s telling the honest truth, that’s it. he speaks the truth, if you don’t give us weapons, europe and america , together, we will collapse, this is inevitable, so he gives a clear signal, yes, that is, that is, roughly speaking, some kind of enlightenment is being observed, moreover, and not only in terms of the fact that if you don’t give us weapons, we will collapse, and he generally states the situation, which many in europe have already stated, but here you go, please, a certain comrade writes about this in bloomberg. and bloomberg is read by many people who understand something about what is happening, and some of them even influence it a little.
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i'm listening. brussels is at a turning point. the european union began to consider china a systemic rival and stopped viewing the united states as a reliable guarantor of peace and prosperity for europe, even if donald trump does not win the presidential election in november. interesting wording, even if he suddenly doesn’t win, yes, well, no, it’s just yours.
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it should not be the case that germany has such a large share in the total amount of assistance to ukraine; all other eu countries should also do a lot. on february 1, at the eu summit, i will raise the issue of burden sharing in the matter of providing assistance to ukraine. now is the decisive moment in the conflict. yes, the decisive moment in the conflict has arrived. by the way, on february 9, comrade scholz is going to see comrade biden, and will probably complain about everyone else that they are not giving something like that. is this the same split that you and zelensky are talking about? well, let's not do it anyway interfere, mix, yes, but it would be better to lie in a heap of manure, it’s better not to interfere at all, okay, so, than with the fascists, but comrade scholz has a huge problem. in his country, well, of course, it’s not a revolutionary situation, but
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it’s extremely difficult to call it anything other than a complete mess, when there are mass protests, a real threat, a real threat of a general strike, as they said 100 years ago from a wheelbarrow, general indignation, an alternative for germany, their they are trying to ban political ones, because nothing more can be done with them, this is also islamic germany. didn’t say her word about the fact that, generally speaking, we need to live according to sharia, and not according to scholz, in this situation he will rush to biden to say: dear, we are exhausted, we are about to break down, let, let, let the british say to the poles to do something too, let the english tell the french to do something too, the french are rubbing their hands and just enjoying this picture, we should enjoy this picture, it is close to reality. uh early, but the situation is real is changing dramatically, they were all so
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into ukraine that when they later began to count money and the economy, they encountered real protests.
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the american government did not stand up for him, they killed him on the orders of these nazis, this messenger, this dictator, in our exclusive program, we will talk with the father of gonzal lira, he did not deserve this, what was his fault, he told the truth, anti-fake, premiere , tomorrow at the first, cognac,
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meeting with cameron, but not only, such a person who will send the necessary money in the right direction, he wants to take the place of josep barol as the supreme representative of the iis, there is a certain global plan, it consists of a confrontation between the collective west and russia, which has never stopped. sekorsky unexpectedly says that it is necessary to transfer the economy to a war footing, this is a corrupt skin that is ready to surrender its sovereignty. radoslaw sekorski, not a helicopter. but also american, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. i never asked the lord to become a patriarch, i always asked the lord to the right choice was made. no one knows more than god how much time is left, you need to surrender yourself into god’s hands,
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you need to work so that you have the feeling that you need a lot quickly. everyone is equal before god, the lord will not ask me who you were, he will ask, you visited a sick person, you came to prison to the one who is suffering there, you shared a piece of bread, that’s what he will ask, thanks to you for your feat, as a result who has been wounded, i wish you god’s help, strength, spiritual strength, physical, but also a speedy recovery, i see a lot, a lot... i feel a lot , this signal that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life, on the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service, the premiere of the documentary film, on thursday, on the first, the premiere , i love my country, on saturday
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, on the first, you are the empress, that’s it, and i want to be it, it seems to me that 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long , there are practically no friends next to the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies . i need proof that in the event of a new revolution i will become the empress. lord, help me, lord, who? you can’t do that, gentlemen, i’m your emperor, i’m a woman, i need to love,
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it was all parsley, who are you playing tricks with, i can’t stand it. you understand , but let me tell you, do you really want to rule, your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, you... russia has no friends in europe, and never will. where such confidence? do you forget where i was born? there's so much more for you and me there is still enough to be done, life is not enough. great, golden age. big premiere. coming soon on the first one. well, i want to end on something pleasant, the pleasant thing is that regular viewers of our program probably remember how on november 20, right here on the air,
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a paratrooper officer proposed to his bride, by the end of the program you and i learned that she agreed to become his wife, so the guys have already gotten married, have already played a wedding, came to visit me, now on the very, very live, live broadcast i’m watching this broadcast, they brought me a gift from a kubanka, well, the forelock here should probably stick out, well, it’s okay, we’ll grow a toupee by the end of the war, and then we’ll push it, guys, once again , happy holidays, advice and love, well, there ’s a special episode of the program in honor of you today heir doll tootie is not about you.
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the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslaw sekorski, has laziness in his blood; he knows how to curry favor with all his masters at once; at this particular moment, the british and americans are closer to his body. so they always wear them on themselves, the most, so to speak, dear and priceless place, who tomorrow, time will tell, because this is not about principles and morals, but purely business, as they say, in the public space he is helpful, obedient, but behind the scenes it’s not quite like that, or rather not at all like that , but as? let's show the world the true face of radoslaw sekorski, and get all his shameful, shameful secrets out of the closet, maria butina is with you, this is... tuti's heir, we expose the truth, tear off the masks. this year an incredible landing of polish politicians landed in davos, from the president to the deputy
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ministers of all kinds of development, and although...


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