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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 29, 2024 10:50pm-12:01am MSK

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this is the house, can you imagine, my father and i lived on the next street and didn’t know that shult lived here. it looks like he’s not at home, what are we going to do , i don’t like all this, let’s go, where is there probably a back door.
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er schultz, hey, look, it’s those laborers, here’s friend siegfried. a couple of shots for the story, stand still, one more movement, i shoot.
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and you? you really are mller. you look a lot like your grandfather. there's a big game on the air. as
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usual, there is a lot going on in the world, the united states is threatening to strike iran, texas is threatening to refuse to obey federal government, but still we will start today with you vladislav shurygin, a leading military expert, because i really want to understand what is happening with the ukrainian military operations. and i will ask a very specific question, because what is happening with the brutal battles that are being waged on the territory of ukraine can be understood, a special military operation is taking place there, broad, large-scale military operations have been going on there for a long time and the stakes are very high, well, here i am i read that just today, the armed forces of ukraine tried...
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especially ukraine, this is a very important element with which they support this illusion that ukraine is fighting, struggling, that ukraine is a country that, as it were , firmly holds the initiative and, as they say, sees the future, so for them it’s about the same the very thing that, for example, was for hitler in 1944 was the shelling of london by fao-2, everyone understood that this did not in any way affect the situation at the front, but as an important psychological element. for the germans first of all, that we are shelling london is was extremely important, in fact , today the situation with drones is repeated , as for the front , the situation at the front today is extremely difficult for ukraine, all because they need to recover after the campaign of the twenty-third year, at
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the moment, the ratio of people who are at the front less than 4 months with people who have more than four months of combat experience, that’s 60%. which makes it impossible for ukraine to fully count on any offensive actions; accordingly, for this it is necessary stand in a tough defense and, most importantly , reduce the percentage of losses, because the erosion of the professional core of the army leads to its degradation, and accordingly, today , with the help of especially american curators, there is an attempt to build this new strategy, which they call a war of attrition, its essence is: that we are now sitting on the defensive, we are creating defensive lines, russian we in this case we mean they, yes in this case i simply, since i spoke about them, they speak, and the russians must gnaw them and accordingly, to suffer more losses than we do, so far nothing comes of this, that is , the ratio of losses is still extremely
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unfavorable for the armed forces of ukraine, but nevertheless we can expect to understand why it is unfavorable when russian troops are actually attacking? this is due to the fact that of course. the military-technical superiority of russia is abandoned, russia surpasses ukraine by almost an order of magnitude in artillery, that is, we have a ratio of approximately one to three, that is, for one ukrainian gun, three russian, of course, now ukraine really has big problems with shells, again at the front they are trying to compensate for the sufficient, that is , sufficient number of shells, which is missing with these modern fpv drones and in general, working with drones, that is... such , as they call it at the front, a high-precision point for the poor, and accordingly, in this case, of course, our capabilities for defeat are much, much higher, that is , there is full-fledged work of aviation at all levels, there is work in front-line depth our cruise missiles, our, so to speak
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, long-range aviation, and accordingly, again , due to superiority in artillery, we now have enough, well, the word is confident, it can cause some optimism, i would not want to fall into such optimism, but.. .professional people who are geared to work precisely in the conditions of today’s front, it is all this together that gives such a very unfavorable ratio of losses for ukraine, that is, on the one hand, fire superiority, on the other hand , professional superiority, which we now we have them as troops. vladislav, i
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completely agree that you need to be very careful and not fall into euphoria. the fighting is still very fierce. and ukraine still continues to pump up weapons, but here i will now contradict myself a little , is it possible that although the russian army is advancing slowly, but as you emphasized, it’s true, is it possible that the ukrainian resistance may simply take over unexpectedly in the relatively near future fall apart? i think that until the front is broken through, that is, until it really strategic
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concepts... but the first question i want to ask you is, well, three american servicemen just died in jordan, even more were wounded, in the united states they are presenting this as a serious crisis, and they are even talking about the possibility of an american strike on iran, especially to me i liked the proposals, let’s quietly kill some iranian political figures and not admit it. but we will make sure that iran understands and knows its place, that we are dealing with a serious
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escalation, now between the united states, iran? well, you know, the americans have been fixated on iran for a long time, i just recently, just the other day , just yesterday, we had such consultations there with our old american partners, who seem to be changeable people who understand us a little bit, but regarding iran this is completely impenetrability. the wall is a kind of attitude towards iran, which is absolutely the embodiment of evil, an aggressor state that wants to dominate the entire middle east, or even more than the middle east, therefore, these statements are not surprising , especially when the americans receive such clicks of pus, but this is a completely absurd statement, behind which nothing stands, because to strike at iran, at a huge country where there are 90 million.
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succeeds, the attacks continue, apparently , will continue, and the most important thing is that, again,
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if we talk about some kind of retaliation that the americans are talking about, striking yemen, well, they delivered several strikes, what next, a mountainous country that is inhabited warlike tribes who are already so they hate the americans, that they are all ready to go into battle, they are lucky that they do not have a border with the gas sector, because they could all be there... let's go, well, what will the americans achieve again, well, they will drop a few bombs there, inflict some kind of missile strikes, it will lead to nothing, well, absolutely nothing, it’s pointless.
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well, what’s happening between israel and palestine has already become a factor in american domestic politics, so let’s listen to what nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house of representatives, said about this. we must do everything to stop the suffering of gazans, women, children, people who now have nowhere to go. we must concentrate on this. however, those who call for a ceasefire are broadcasting mr. putin’s message, this is his message, you can rest assured, this is directly related to what he would like to see, as with ukraine, this is putin’s narrative, of course, some of these protests are spontaneous, natural and sincere, but others are connected with russia, i
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say this because i have been watching this for a long time, at least it is necessary to investigate who finances them, i want to ask she talks about the left wing of her own democratic party and suggests they should be investigated in an election year.
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then stop, that means, the bombing, in general, in general, create normal conditions so that it is possible to come to an agreement and resolve this issue, well, 15 out of 17 are generally consolidated, there was one there at 17:00, 16: 1 and 162 and 15:2, 152,
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that is, everything, that is, she is surprised that in her party there are people who a...
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yes, indeed in the united states there are people who listen to putin, and since they listen to him, it’s clear that they support him. let
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me change the topic a little. it turns out that in russia there are quite a lot of people who very often and, as a rule, agree with president biden. and very interesting for me.
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karen chakhnazarov, general director of massfilm, i cannot find a single example where they would be concerned about the actions of the collective west, this simply does not exist, then the question arises, maybe the point is not what to support, but the point is , who to support, maybe for...
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remember, this is famous, there are smart nations , and there are stupid ones, the russians fought with the french, stupid nation, it would have been better if the french had won, well, this is the meaning, well, this is smerdyakovism, dostoevsky is very precise, this , she, she has always been present in ours, our social life, it exists, it is, to some extent even rational, i would say.
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life, in many ways we see this in the example of ukraine, well, in general, ukraine is really very close to us, in principle, it was generated by the soviet union, but this extreme, this smerdyakovism in ukraine, in my opinion, it became a national policy, because in principle, what ukraine did, ukraine generally betrayed, in fact this is a betrayal, this is the behavior of ukraine, leaving to the west. leaving, not just leaving to the west, but, as it were, a desire to cooperate with the west in destroying russia, this is pure betrayal, it’s like a people of one destiny, i recognize the ukrainian people, by the way, i never said this, but this is certainly a people from one seed, from one, from one field, one religion, one destiny, historical, what is this, this is betrayal, betrayal of their parents,
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by the way, they now openly say that they are an enemy of russia, there are no secrets or even any claims to something else, but when it comes to the public that we just talked about, they they are very proud that they, unlike propagandists, as they put it on federal channels, are independent journalists, they reflect their
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the entire dissident movement, i don’t say it ’s all, the entire dissident movement is in one pile, i'm not not not this because among dissident movement there were very worthy people who were in fact completely devoted patriots of russia, by the way , they later discovered that zinoviev was such a person, yes zinoviev, yes i was like them, so to speak, but there was, there was part
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of this movement, which was. focused on the destruction not of the soviet union, but of russia , even then, even then it was, they acted very purposefully, purposefully.
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in soviet times, if you are a decent person, you should be against the state, you cannot support your state , from here, this was the total, one hundred percent line of so many people who called themselves liberals, an echo of moscow,
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there was not a single program where it was not initially said that all this was bad, all this was directed against humanity , all this is inhumane, the russian state is behind all this. that’s why they were frightened by the strengthening of the state, and the west supported it, because the west especially did not need the strengthening of the russian state, i still allow two words to object, because you understand, i i think that we still don’t need all the intelligentsia, this creates completely unnecessary things, but in your words it sounds like all the intelligentsia, by the way, by the way, wait, yes you said, let me finish. by the way, forgive me, the russian intelligentsia of the 19th century, but there was , well, forgive me, pushkin was a statesman, gogol, dostoevsky, but i am a subject of a lot, leskov , there are a lot of writers, turgenev, by the way,
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tolstoy was, in fact, about what are you talking about, the whole flower of the russian intelligentsia, the czechs of the 19th century, all the whole culture, all the revolutionaries who were, these are the raznochin the intelligentsia, well, that’s right, well... there’s no need to say that it’s all the intelligentsia, we don’t, we don’t need, we don’t need the intelligentsia, we’re with you on this issue, but with one... it seems to me, a very important amendment , which only koren spoke about, before the revolution, before the revolution among the russian intelligentsia and among the russian opposition, there really were different movements, they were all critical of the russian government to varying degrees, and there was , by the way, something to be critical of, but this, so that there is general hostility, even hatred, not only... for the russian authorities, not only for the russian state
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, but for the russian people, there was no such thing, and i don’t have to remind you that in fact the russian populists had the opposite illusion, they believed in the people so much that they they often deified him, then there was bitter disappointment, elephantophiles were a whole powerful movement, eurasians, no, it’s not now that we’re going into advertising. maryana bezuglaya, deputy chairman of the national security committee, initiator of the campaign “send women to certain death” women are registered with the military and are exempt from undergoing training for pregnancy or child care; with this law they are digging their own grave and for good reason. no one wants to sign it, why does she declare this? because the americans
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said: there will be no mobilization, there will be no money, she advocates that as many people as possible be killed at the front, while her family makes money from granite monuments. regarding dad’s business in kiev and the kiev region, only they have a monopoly. what is the role of this puppet in ukrainian politics? of course, she has connections in the state department , for a reason, she went through a program there, she is reforming the sbu and further... she somehow miraculously criticizes zaluzhny, they are fighting for money, the concept of fighting has changed to the last ukrainian, and to the last ukrainian, maryana is angleless, anti-zaluzhnaya and not-nezalezhnaya, dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first, bourbon steersman is a product of the stetellar group. "i never asked the lord to become
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a patriarch, i always asked the lord to make the right choice. no one but god doesn’t know how much time is left, you need to put yourself in god’s hands , you need to work so that you have the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly, everyone is equal before god, god won’t ask me who you were, he will ask you ?" "visited a sick person, you came to prison to see someone who was suffering there, you shared a piece of bread, that's what he will ask, thanks to you for your heroism, as a result of which you received a wound, i wish you the help of god's strength, strength, mental, physical, but also a speedy recovery, i see a lot, a lot, a lot i feel this signal that i receive from the outside. it helps me a lot in life, on
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the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service, the premiere of the documentary film is on thursday on the first. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team, i miss you. you will find students , an athlete at heart, a loser, you have found a champion in the taiga, you will enter a sports school , then, if you are lucky, you will go to the olympics, well, everything will be fine, why ruin it with these fishermen, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want vitya kill, you semolina, have pity. father you won’t get it back anyway, game, let
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’s do it, training four times a week, three running, one fire, then i’m in, i mean, well , let’s kill him together, fakes, a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people, there is and crimes, and love, and most importantly ethnography, which of them is the hero , a boy or an adult, is also a big question, and the initiation rites that take place there, this story could happen to anyone on saturday on the first. the big game is on air now with us on skype. professor nelson wong, president of the shanghai center strategic and international studies, and indeed, a very famous and authoritative chinese international specialist is our regular guest, for which we are very grateful to you. i have a quick and
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fairly simple question for you: i recently had a meeting with jake salevan, national assistant to the president of the united states. security and mr. vana, who is the minister of foreign affairs and holds a major international post in the politburo, what do you know about this meeting, what was achieved and what was not achieved there? yes, you know, there were a lot of conversations and a lot of expectations from this meeting, but so far, unfortunately... we do not have any information, specific information about what was discussed during this meeting, but china published its communication, ministry of foreign affairs published a statement following the meeting, it says that minister
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wang yi once again emphasized china's position on the issue of taiwan. the only change is that wangyi demanded that the us speak out in support of reunification with taiwan, and the statement from the us embassy in china, they also published their communiqué and said that the meeting took place in a friendly, constructive atmosphere and discussed.
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australia, india, and what, as a result, in the biden administration it seems to them: that the chinese position towards washington has become more flexible, they say more realistic, but of course they mean realism of the kind that would suit the united states, there is something in this -what do you agree with? i absolutely disagree. in
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fact, our friends in america, they have to give up their arrogance, from their pride, because they are used to thinking that they can command everyone , decide everything for everyone, that they are smarter than everyone else, but let’s remember, over the past 70 years, the west and specifically the usa have said many times that the chinese economy is breathing on. .. that because of the leadership of the communist party the economy is about to collapse, so what, all these, all these forecasts never came true, and in fact , in conversations with my american colleagues,
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i egg them on all the time, i tell them: think about it, think about why this happens? think about why all your predictions never come true, mind your own business, look at yourself, so yes, i can say that certain difficulties in the chinese economy, of course, arise from time to time, but this is all predictable, it is not just taken for granted out of nowhere, now the whole world, if that’s the case. to try to somehow improve the situation for everyone, and not try to take advantage of someone’s
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difficulties in your own interests, try to put pressure on another country, this is the wrong approach, absolutely wrong, therefore, i really hope that china will become stronger and stronger, and this will bring some kind of, i would say, new light, a new philosophy into international relations. you see, there is this approach: i want to be the king of the hill, i want to be the most important thing in the world, and you all worship me and do what i say, this is the wrong approach, and its time is passing, it’s time for our friends in the west to rethink their approaches to international relations, well, here's another idea that recently arose in washington, that china might want to quickly... go for meeting with the united states, because not only in beijing, but also in many other
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capitals, they are afraid of the possibility of president trump returning to the white house, and even the nofes published an article by a very authoritative political scientist, andronik knows him well, graham alison, who says that the countries of the world , starting from china, must think. but on the other hand, when i watch how trump is demonized in america and the craziest positions are attributed to him, i just
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have to ask you, is there any concern in beijing that maybe in the presidency, well, you you know, first of all i want to say that well, we know that every... 4 years in the usa there are elections and a new president comes, so yes, there is a possibility that donald trump could become president of the usa again, so we we know about this, we are preparing, and some measures on the part of the chinese government, of course, must be taken to prepare for this. personally, of course, will there be such
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changes, i don’t think so, i don’t think that china will make any revolutionary changes to its external policy, because china has already outlined its goals, our priority is the development of our own country, in addition, we want it to develop... of course, us relations are important for us, this is certainly true, since there is active interaction between economies, economics china and the us economy, but at the same time china will certainly not adapt to anyone and follow anyone’s instructions and... this has been seen over the past years, what happened with the elections and how china behaved. china believes that china
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conducts its own independent foreign policy, and no one has the right to manipulate us. therefore, i do not think that there will be any radical changes in china's position in relation to the rest of the world, including the united states. professor, thank you very much. please understand that if i fail, i will die within
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30 hours. what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect, preaching love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love. edechka loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because he crossed all sorts of
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boundaries. i have a broader outlook than any soviet. eduard savenko looking for love on friday on the first. i am not the emperor's widow, i am not the emperor's mother. and i am not a regent for a minor emperor. i am the empress. and i'm legally right. you
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argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon. brothers on the throne of the usurper, impostor, german rootless, i had no illusions, i knew what power was, i knew what i was going to, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry my cross with dignity, the great, golden age,
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the big premiere from february 5 to the first. there’s a big game on the air, when you talk about potentially great events, you really want to be reasonable, careful and not predict any disasters, because not only can it... happen, but people will just listen to you and say how frivolous you are man, well, i’ll imagine, i’m trying to imagine someone who predicted if, let’s say, in 1985, that the soviet union was about to collapse, if there were such people, then i haven’t heard of them, but malrik, and malrik, that’s what he predicted, i know of course,
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he’s small, but he thought while talking about a completely different option. about the war with china , which the soviet union had to lose, even i wrote only in 88, and this, and this is a big difference, why i say this, because like all sensible people, i cannot imagine that a civil war will happen in america war, all my instincts are against this, but 25 governors, as you know, andronik, imitated texas in its fight with the federal government, are already on their way. although there are still small, but quite real , units of the national guard of a number of states, texas, to support their texas brothers, and this conflict, even if there is no civil war, is quite serious for russia, because assistance to ukraine is intertwined in this conflict, because republicans have tied up the provision of assistance to ukraine; will it be possible, they say,
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to find some kind of compromise solution on border, if it doesn’t succeed, then they won’t give money to ukraine at all, because as the republicans say, it’s possible to finance another country?
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the supreme court made a decision, this is the first time that the governor and texas have spat on this decision, because they believe that this was a wrong decision made by the supreme court, this is an unheard of thing.
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said this: in general, today there are no prerequisites for there to be a frontal clash, this will not happen, but this does not mean that based on the current situation, and this means the threat of impeachment and criminal prosecution for biden and his son may be pushed to make biden take some radical actions, based on the decision...
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in general monitoring of what is happening. it’s interesting that these figures that are being given now are new, they show that 85% of the gazi population are people who are forced to leave their homes and homes under pressure, naturally from israel, from israeli attacks, this is the absolute majority and an unprecedented situation, completely intolerant. then, i must say, there is also an interesting survey figure, which shows that only 15 people from... 15%, excuse me, of those surveyed believe that netanyaho can continue his functions as prime minister after the end of the war in gaza, it is also surprising, the numbers of victims are growing, 26 thousand have already been killed, of which somewhere,
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as the israelis believe , 9,000 are hamas fighters, and one way or another 17 are civilians, including children, women, terrible numbers, they are growing, this is the trend, it does not stop, and...
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it will become, you and i have survived everything this, after this, is the main result, i made it personal for myself that absolutely anything can happen, there is nothing something that cannot happen, and most importantly , that any event of this magnitude, it seems incredible until it happened, but it seems obvious and inevitable when it happened, this is the theory of black, so this is about this, i would like still return to very important.
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it is present, and it is not an easy matter to redo it all. listen, it took 30 years to redo it in one direction, i’m afraid that it might take 30 years to redo it in the other direction, there’s really no time, so in this sense some correct steps are needed very much on the part of the country's leadership, as they say, our patriotic elite, in order to correctly, without breaking wood, at the same time find some.
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for this there must be a principled state policy, you are right, the fact that in recent decades it has changed, but still, i believe that it, it was still ambivalent.
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it’s very difficult to compete with this, on the one hand we are a vertical country, on the other hand it’s important not to mess things up, well , really, it’s really impossible for me to say better, thank you, it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow. this podcast is a must-read, i’m glaina
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obatnikova, today we’re discussing valentin kotaev and yuri olesha, novels, my crowning jewel of envy, my guest is a writer, editor-in-chief of yunost magazine, we worked together in odessa, did propaganda, then moved to moscow together and worked at goog magazine, in general, somehow their lives went in parallel all the time, but nevertheless, their literary fates turned out differently, because valentin kotaev lived a very long, eventful life until the end of his life
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life, he wrote a lot of books, he had film adaptations and, in general, the magazine youth, and even my diamond crown - this is already a late work, but it is quite on...


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