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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  January 30, 2024 10:00am-10:50am MSK

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there will be peace, this man in the usa, i think he has covered the united states of america with shame, with him came shame, his cabinet of ministers is terrible, his government is terrible, this is the worst president the usa has ever had, it is impossible to talk to this devil . so you blame biden for the death of your son, including, if now there was another president or another cabinet of ministers in power in the united states, do you think there would be a chance to save your son, there will be presidential elections in america soon, for example, if donald were president trump, do you think he would help save an american citizen from a ukrainian prison?
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i think that no matter how eccentric , he is a patriot, trump said very clearly, i would stop the war in ukraine in 3-4 days, because i am a friend of putin, i will talk to him, i will cut off the oxygen to this bloody nazi dictator. everything and i am sure that putin, he would understand this language, understand the language that trump speaks. i hope our next president will be trump. you know, there are two court cases, impeachment in congress. i i hope that impeachment will fall on the head of the current us president. and secondly, this is his son, he worked for the ukrainians for 5 years in the largest one.
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i ask the us congress, i ask the us congress to conduct an investigation against the biden family, conduct an investigation into why biden’s son earned so much money, where did he get this property that he has, he always has. was a bureaucrat in washington, there are
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new houses that are being built today, with money from companies in the military-industrial complex that make money beyond the profits on weapons and their directorate is living a fantastic life, these are the same people, it is time for the world to open its eyes before choosing. someone for president, you must understand who it is, test this person, because as soon as these people begin to lead the countries of the world, they lead them to the abyss, they become localists, idiots, fools, they used their power to kill my son, he is a peaceful man, he didn’t even know how to fight, he didn’t know how to fight.
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good. then the curators thought that it would be presidential candidate. it can be managed,
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so he was elected, and it turned out that it was also a good business, he could provide for all his children, but thank you very much for finding the time and , most importantly, the strength to have a frank conversation with us, on my own behalf i wish you to hold on, to cope with this great loss, i really hope that justice
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will prevail, all the best to you, channel one presents: and for those who are sick, is pain for the good, which threshold is better, fatty or low-fat? let's let's figure it out. myopia, what fate awaits myopic children? through. scientific prism through real glasses of scientists, we will answer all questions. andrei petrovich parodeus was such an amazing boy. that's how he grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up, and grew up to be a big
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grown-up guy. this guy started wearing glasses all the time, only when he became big. how many cons do you have? a -675, count -7, and he walked without glasses, i began to notice this when i was playing tennis on the wide field, i began to see that the ball was flying out already when i was grid, especially for you we want to invite a little girl, mother, who put glasses on her a long time ago, polinka, come to us, please, and let us go to this layout, polinka, how much? you are years old, 10 , you are 10 years old, polina has myopia, slight myopia, the fact is that this is myopia that arose at a certain age, it usually occurs in childhood, then little by little as the eye grows it increases, look,
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it’s normal what an eye, a normal eye is practically round, and has a length of approximately 23 mm along this axis along... what is it for myopic eyes? it increases in size long long and the farther, the longer it becomes, the more myopic myopia , the more long-eyed, i understand, you are growing, the eye is growing, it is lengthening, lengthening and lengthening, so your myopia will increase, increase, increase, the more we no less praise polina’s mother because polina wears glasses. why do we praise her, why is it important to wear glasses? first, so that the child sees well at all distances and sees the board and could study normally. secondly, by putting glasses on a given child, we make the eye
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work like a normal eye, all the functions in the eye, including this function that we talk about when. near, far. mikhail egorovich, let's go to that board. look, myopic, life and fate. we know everything about your life. these are people with normal vision, they have neither nearsightedness nor farsightedness. until the age of 45, they don’t need glasses. what after 45? and after
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45, pressbiopia begins, we know about it well, people who have normal vision into the distance, they begin to wear plus glasses. and goes up to about +3, that is, everyone in life, no matter if they have myopia, longsightedness, normal vision, will need plus three diopters to see well up close. but you are nearsighted, you now have minus one, if minus one and the person is 45, he reads perfectly well with his myopia at close range, but if he is already 50 years old, then minus one is no longer enough, he needs to add a plus correction, i want to say something else, at first if it was -1 in 45 you need points plus one, at some point people they take off their glasses, their vision has improved, and you told me it will improve, they took off their glasses, and if it was minus three, it means this person
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will live his whole life, will read all the time without glasses, with this, with his myopia, it’s clear, so the first thing for you may lead, and you can get rid of glasses altogether, you will see well in the distance , you will see well near, when it starts, it ’s called senile pressbyopia, age-related pressbyopia or... age-related farsightedness, for example, i’m not lucky, i have it now i’m already a plus, i have farsightedness, i have +6, and i’ve already accumulated these plus three, i still need to add a plus three, and for reading i now have glasses plus three, that is, i have two glasses, you may have this too , if there was a minus one, plus three will accumulate , you will need only glasses, minus one is yours, plus two, yes, it’s probably inconvenient, yes, it’s somehow
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inconvenient for us to live like this, so there are amazing ways, please show us, this is the point that, of course, this problem can be dealt with in different ways, well, first, the simplest glasses are the so-called biphacal glasses, when for distance there is one refraction, for near we add a lens for reading, but now there are glasses, more advanced lenses, the so-called progressive, that is, the lens smoothly changes its strength, so a person can get by only with the help of glasses alone. first, there may be only one glasses, which are called progressive, you are a progressive person, i don’t know what progressive is, progressive, that means that everything comes out for him, he is all. progression points are the same, the curvature of the lens gradually changes and a person wearing only glasses sees well into the distance at an average
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distance near. secondly , there is another way: you can insert a lens inside the eye, not glasses, put a lens directly inside the eye instead of a lens, let's see, mikhailgorovich, show us, you wanted to get it directly, give the child a lens, this is an enlarged version of the lens, you see, this is what she is like, you can see it, right? each refractive power is different, and now let's see on the screen, well, you see, here we see an eye, a greatly enlarged lens, here it has these are rings, not just an ordinary surface, this is a so-called multifocal lens, which has a focus for near, for medium distance and for distance, respectively, three focuses fall on the retina and we see with such a lens... in the eye at all distances, not only that , this is a wonderful
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operation, super-fast to replace the lens, which this doctor, he is a professor, doctor of sciences, microsurgeon, mikhail egorovich kanovalov, he makes it brilliant. marinavna, let's close our left eye and try to count our fingers. i show you my fingers, and you count. well, now i can’t say so, i can’t say it. i see a hand, a woman’s eye will first be operated on by a robot surgeon, here is the screen of the robot surgeon, of course, the entire calculation for vodka, as well as the docking of the robot surgeon with the human eye is done by a real doctor, here we see the iris, we see the pupil, this tomogram of the eye accurately demicron robot calculates the thickness of the cornea. utalis and its capsules determine the location of microscopic incisions, now
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only a laser works inside the eye, white rays make ideal microscopic incisions cut the lens like a cake, everything is ready in a matter of seconds. and now the second stage of the operation. now a human surgeon using a microscopic device that is. uses an ultrasonic vacuum cleaner to suck out crushed pieces of the lens from the eyes, the last fragment remains, this is the same artificial lens that... marina aleksan is now putting into the lens capsule, ideal vision is restored in a matter of minutes. marina aleksanovna, open your eyes, how many fingers? five, now, two, now, one, this is a genius, professor kanovalov, this is
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dr. kanovalov, whom i finally see in detail, i’m just learning. you understand everything, well done, you’ll tell your mother, another child is visiting us today, and also with his mother, kiryusha, come to us, he is coming without his mother, because he is a respectable guy, did you understand everything or not, how much do you have minuses, one, he has one minus, minus two, two, you have minus two glasses, i understand, you wear them all the time, well, sometimes i just take them off. to clean it there, for example, you can’t, that’s another matter, that’s you're great, now look, there is a symptom that all myopic people should know about, because the eyeball is growing, mikhail egorievich, let's open it, yes, the fact is that our eyeball is retinal, but the apple is growing, what 's happening is stretching, stretching , like
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balls, all the membranes also stretch, and sometimes complications arise in the form of... retinal layers, because when the eye is stretched, all the membranes including the retina, a rupture is formed and a retinal detachment is formed, what symptoms should kirill know in order to tell his mother: mom , i need urgently to the doctor, what symptoms should all myopic patients know? the curtain symptom is called when a limitation of the field of vision occurs on one side or another, that is, we then already understand that the retina has already exfoliated. this is the main symptom that you should know, secondly, do children need to examine the fundus of the eye, of course, firstly, we dilate the pupil, look at the refraction, that is , what kind of vision the patient has, and be sure to look at the fundus, that’s the eye bottom, let's open it again, the eye is a ball, here it is this is the bottom of it, i understand, when you
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go to the doctor, they should put drops in your eyes and your mother should. well, i don’t know, i would think about somehow becoming there, for example, a teacher of the world around me, and i also want to be an actor, i’ve already acted in many miracles, yes, yes, but i also acted with us, now an acting fate awaits you , kiryush, we wish you a happy fate, please sit down, my dear, we’ll pause for a moment,
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and then we’ll continue, whoever seeks will always find. korok now, according to all regulations, standards, per gram of weight, it must have million lactic acid bacteria, living. what should cottage cheese be like? and which one is better to choose, fatty or low-fat. about the painful problem, tell us about your pain and then we will begin to act. where does it hurt? here, here, in this place, here. yes, yes, yes, it hurts here. and right here on the side, right? our pain service continues to operate. sports for dummies. anyone who plays tennis, who starts playing from childhood, can play not only until he is 80, but also until he is 90 years old, if he is alive. who, when and how much to do
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physical education. best of all, new season, on sunday on the first. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle. as the locals joke, it’s been here for 2 months. it’s cold, and the remaining 10, well, very cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see such a beautiful, beautiful snowstorm, what is the temperature of this entire mass, 1200°? the guys can withstand this temperature, the fortitude of a real metalg, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's get some iron man, if this iron man
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is tired after his shift and hasn’t washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh my god, you chop it up, throw salt in there, pepper and start shaking it like that, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes , dolbanina and stroganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing there, i’m cold, i just have to start, get used to liking it right away, you... great, friends, we have cottage cheese in the kitchen, with the help of cottage cheese and berries we prepare a wonderful dish, to whom we will treat our wonderful children, progressive ones, to whom some non-progressive people haven’t put any drops in their eyes yet, that’s how i cook, well , well, cottage cheese, and squirrels, and we’ll put some drops in the eyes, if anything, and blueberries, everything is useful, curd
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is the hero of our program in the kitchen today, and of course, we ourselves are interested in knowing the answer to the question: is fatty or low-fat better, of course, should we pay attention to this, and so on, cottage cheese is a unique product because it contains living microorganisms, that’s right, bring us live cottage cheese into the studio. in general, in fact, to make cottage cheese, you need quite a lot of milk, in general according to all standards out of 100 liters, imagine, 100 liters of milk yields only about 15 kg of cottage cheese and about 10 kg of cheese, cottage cheese now according to all standards, standards per gram of weight it should have. a million lactic acid bacteria, alive, of course, in normal manufacturers they put more there, that is , 10 to the seventh power, 10 to the eighth power,
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but it should not be less than 10 to the sixth power. so, children, please have two spoons, try our wonderful cottage cheese and answer our question, hold it and answer us question, living microbes, bacteria? cottage cheese, is it good or bad? kirill, polina, this is very good, because it is very healthy and tasty, especially with berries, in short, you are for living microbes in cottage cheese, kirill, what can you tell us, are living bacteria, microbes in cottage cheese, good or bad? well, in my opinion, living bacteria are not, this is not bad, but is it a lich, is it a lich, is it some kind of certain types of bacteria, because some may seem useful, like that. comrade, some can cause illness, right? he says, so andrei petrovich, check immediately whether this is good or bad, these bacteria are special, they just help
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us make the right cottage cheese, and these bacteria are useful because they help our healthy bacteria in the intestines protect us from infection and help us make the right digest foods, now let's tell it well for children. what cottage cheese contains and what adults and children need to know about cottage cheese, respectively, what cottage cheese contains contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, if we take all these dairy products, then of course, cottage cheese contains the largest amount of protein, look, cottage cheese, yogurt and milk, there is the most milk in cottage cheese, in cottage cheese, of course, there is cottage cheese. contains 20-30% protein, and milk , well, basically about 3-4% protein, kisha, come to us, we have something to show you, look, my
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dear, why do we need protein in the body, what do you think, well, i i think that protein, for example, helps strengthen muscles, i think that you are so incredibly smart, and you also see what it is like with us, do you see such a toothy cell? she can take it like this and am-am-am, what is this this, kiryush, you don’t know, andrei petrovich, this is an immune cell, a lymphocyte, some of these immune cells can produce antibodies, and these are protein molecules, without protein it is impossible to produce them, so we need protein in the body, not only for so that our muscles are strong, but so that our immunity works. so that these immune cells, they, too, from protein, eat all enemies, all microbes, all viruses, all bad bacteria and protect us from disease
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until we leave here yet. that people with low selenium levels have higher risks of developing cancer, and this was the first work, then it was shown that in people with risks of developing cancer, even with the onset of cancer, cancer progressed faster if they did not have enough selenium, and it turned out that cottage cheese is actually a very good source of selenium, we treated you to cottage cheese, but you eat cottage cheese at home, and often, well, obviously at home. let's
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eat today, eat today, because those shown during covid showed that people with low levels of the universe get colds faster, in short, cottage cheese really strengthens the immune system in every sense, got it? yes, sit down, my soul, and we will show one more thing, gifts from professor kanavalov to all our children, and one more important thing for both children and adults, this is what concerns...
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the device is a mobile x-ray, which always in the hands of pain specialists, but i want to ask you, doctor, to take care of the patient’s fate, and i’ll distract mark yakolich a little. mark yakolevich, with you i want to approach our huge model to answer this question: a person has lower back pain, let’s let's look here, where could the source of this pain be? this is the sacrum, this is the sacrum. vertebrae, where could the pain come from? there can be quite a lot of pain generators, these can be facade joints, here they are, these are the joints between the vertebrae, here is one vertebra - this is the upper joint, this is the lower joint, that is , each vertebra has four joints that can hurt once, these can be intervertebral discs that are located between the vertebrae, that is, here they are between the vertebrae, what else could these be two
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joint between. the sacrum, this is the sacrum , this is the pelvic bones, this is the joint , this is it, this is the sacroiliac joint, pain can come from anywhere, so in fact, when a person is in pain, someone has to figure it out, so there is the first principle of pain treatment. before treating pain, the doctor must order an examination, your favorite, the most basic, the most amazingly informative examination.
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now i want to say that we have a pain service and people send us their video messages to the health program website, let's listen to one of them: my lower back hurts a lot, every morning i wake up in pain, it continues throughout the day. such an aching, nagging pain, the whole thing , if possible, help me, please. right now i invite you to the pain clinic, where our wonderful lord of pain, mark yakovlevich golperin, works. yes, you can? hello. oh oh oh. oh, my
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hip joint and lower back hurt a lot . i can't walk, i limp, i can't bend over, i can't walk. like this absolutely.
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this is the so-called ce-arc, a mobile x-ray, the doctor looks at the screen and sees the x-ray, knows exactly where the pain is, and then first of all introduces contrast to make sure that it has hit the point of pain and only now the medicine is taken in order to to anesthetize a person, when the medicine is administered, the contrast is blurred, oh, you see, black blurred.
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so, oh, mark, mark, it’s easier for you to stand, yes, much, i’m standing on my own two feet, it’s just magical, try leaning forward, oh, it’s even easy, easy, well, you see, thank you it’s great that you help people, i ’m just grateful to you, can i hug you, please , thank you to the clinic, thank you, all the best, that’s it, always a touching hug is the finale of the procedure, natalya sergeevna, of course, is our guest. natalya sergeevna , come to us, just look at how women are shrinking before our eyes, from someone so old, unkempt, exhausted, she turns into a completely different person,
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well, the pain has gone, yes, a wonderful doctor, you mean yourself now, but to yourself, how many days i got an injection ago, and a week, more than a week ago, and for a week i felt like a completely different person. i don’t know for how long , but i won’t stop doing exercises, and of course, huge words of gratitude. mark yavich, where was the point of pain, show us the problem was here, this is the sacroiliac joint, here it is, and between the joint of this structure, the greater trochanter of the femur, there is what is called the piriformis muscle, along which the pain is also transmitted here, so we made a blockade here, i will repeat once again that an injection in the butt is difficult a procedure that requires magnetic resonance imaging is done strictly under x-ray control, but this is a procedure that leaves a person a chance to live normally, it’s true, it’s true, i’m a living example, thank you very much, thank you for
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your trust, nothing more can be said, not for long let's break in, and then continue, best of all, the new season, on sunday on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. maryana bezuglaya, deputy chairman of the national security committee. the initiator of the campaign we will send women to certain death, women are registered with the military and are exempt from undergoing training for pregnancy or child care, that with this law they are digging their own grave and it’s not for nothing that no one wants to sign up for it, why does she declare this, because the americans said: there will be no mobilization, there will be no money, advocates that as many people as possible be killed at the front, while her family makes money from granite monuments, regarding her dad’s business in kiev and the kiev region. only they have a monopoly. what is the role
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of this puppet in ukrainian politics? of course, she has connections in the state department, for a reason, she went through a program there, she is reforming the sbu, and then in some miraculous way she criticizes zalozhny. they are fighting for money. the concept of fighting not to the last ukrainian, but to the last ukrainian woman has changed. maryana bezuglaya, anti-zalezhnoe and non-zalezhnoe. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. what am i looking for, perhaps a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest. am i looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for to each other, at all costs, love. vedechka loved himself very much. it was even sometimes simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries. i have a broader outlook than anyone.
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matador, eduard savenko in search of love on friday on the first. you are an empress, katya. that's it, and that's what i want to be. it seems to me that 50 guards will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long.
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there’s no need to love, it was all your parsley, who you play tricks with, i won’t tolerate it, i understand, but let you say, do you really want to rule yours? majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, russia has no friends in europe, and never will, where does such confidence come from, and you forget where i was born, you and i still have so much to do?
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for the elderly and the elderly, we also stand up for them, we want to remind you of one of the very first parades on red square and delight you with simply wonderful music and beautiful young girls-gymnasts. by our contemporaries, children of the 21st century, we
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were born to turn a fairy tale into dust, overcome space and spaciousness, reason is given to us. it was brilliant, well, sports, to whom and
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how much, that’s what we called today’s program, of course, we want to tell you some medical aspects, but you’re visiting us.
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about science, what does physical education give to ordinary people? well, if we talk about science, physical education gives a lot. firstly, well, we looked there according to different parameters, first of all we looked at people with depression, yes, a fairly common disease, they took two large groups, one from this one group was given antidepressants, the second group i studied quite easily, there twice a week for 45 minutes and saw people.
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80, but also up to 90 years old, if he is alive, you understand, and the most important thing is that the game of tennis is, first of all, footwork, if the feet work. then my head works, i’ve been playing tennis all my life from the age of 10 until today, however, i always do it well, it’s always
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exercise, it’s a must, it’s at home, i go to the court two or three times a week, until now, until today , well, everything, yes, this is normal, this is normal, he says, this is a person for andrei petrovich and me, people with a penchant for obesity, who don’t play tennis, andrei petrovich, well... the science about physical education also says amazing things for sure, because the risks of cancer have been reduced by 50%. people who are actively involved in physical education at the age , especially over 55 years old, this bad thing is cancer, look how it is formed, a cancer cell appears, it begins to grow, sometimes this cancer conquers the entire body, but a person who engages in physical education has cancer. 50% lower incidence of cancer if a person constantly exercises, how much do you do, here
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two or three times a day, exercises, how long, the exercises are small, it ’s about 30 minutes no more, i have my own exercises, but the most important thing is that i hold on by taking the racket in my hands, going out on the court i play tennis on the court, what time? if this is a professional player, and i advise him, then i can at least accept his pitch, i can tell him what it is, in terms of time it’s still about two hours, reading two, two three times a week, we are shocked, thank you, i wish everyone those who play tennis play their entire adult life; this is only the only such sport. where you can play uh, well , it will be until old age, thank you very much, and we have another wonderful guest
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today, this is our favorite, irochka slutskaya, our famous figure skater. irina slutskaya is one of the most titled figure skating singles, silver and bronze medalist of the olympics. sevenfold. world champion. ira won her first victory at the age of 8. thus began the road to the top of the sport. in 2003 she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. they thought that their career was over, but ira found the strength to get on the ice again. and she again won top awards. irishka, come to us, our beauty. oh, these legs, oh, this woman , incredibly beautiful, irish, you,
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i don’t even need to ask you if the sport is still in your life, because you are a fan of nordic walking, you have a lot of fans , age 60 plus, who they follow you with scandinavian sticks, how much physical education do you have left in your life, for me it appears and disappears, because now i'm coming. neck health in general you don't need to be an athlete.


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