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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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to understand the situation, then, well, this situation is becoming banal, let them decide among themselves, now there is already a court decision, are you ready to voluntarily give up the child, no, in six months now, when the bailiffs come, this story will be forced, they will still come according to the law , as we will only make things worse for the children, try now to give sonya and nastya.
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i can’t do this, i can’t, i won’t give it up , i won’t give it up, i can’t, i won’t give it up, these are my children, i won’t give them up, i can’t, i’m sorry, i can’t, these are my children, i am theirs i won't give it up, i'll kill you anyway, i didn’t give them away, i won’t give them away, these are mine, my girls, like mothers don’t cry, you tell me, when you don’t raise your children and don’t see them, i ask you to return my grandchildren, what condition was put forward for you to be restored, so that i i did cosmetic repairs, spent 3 months in a narcology clinic, but why were they drinking then, i’m not a drunk, what state were the children in when they came to you, kirill said: that i
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will never forgive betrayal, whose betrayal, my mother’s? well, didn’t you ask the children whether they want to come to you or not? lisa agree, i bought a new one for my daughter phone number, did you ask kirill? no, i didn’t ask my son, but we asked, he is so ready to answer that he will now enter this studio. good evening, with the president of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov we discussed the problems of the development of our science on the eve of the academy’s tercentenary, well, we will learn the details from presidential sources, and defense minister sergei shaigu inspected the production of calibers and iskanders at the enterprise. in yekaterinburg, i must say
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that all production tasks are being fulfilled and are overfulfilled, and the growth in key production indicators is multiple, multiple, so i don’t have any good news for ukraine from ekaterinburg, as well as for nato countries, which should catch up, but so far, they are clearly not able to compete with almas antey according to what indicators, here... as for the products of this enterprise and other defense enterprises, today they were actively used by our armed forces to attack the ukrainian military infrastructure, energy infrastructure, and in the kharkov region, we see one of the oil storage facilities on fire, but not only there, the strikes were effective, powerful, as for the ukrainian strikes, yes, they also tried to strike.
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sat is now actively looking for citizens there who helped our intelligence collect information on the facility, which means it flew into a substation in central ukraine, in the area of ​​​​the white church, which supplied energy to a military enterprise, it also received very serious damage, there were arrivals in nikolaevskaya, sumy , kharkov, in the occupied territories of donbass, that is we worked very intensively at night, and as for the situation at the front. then on
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the vremevsky ledge , positional battles are still going on without major changes to the southeast of the work for our troops, well, they are fighting for landings , and relying on which we can gradually begin. operations to bypass work from the east, which means that on the vremevsky ledge our troops continue to lead the initiative north of the shelter in the staromaisky area, here ours are attacking, the enemy is fighting back, in the ugledar direction there are fierce battles in the novomikhailovka area, our troops are attacking both to the south of the village, there are battles for the plantings, which make it possible to advance to the road that supplies the coal miner, and from the north in the area... to the menagerie, there are also fierce battles going on there, the enemy is trying to counterattack, which means there is our main advances in the georgievka area are the marinsky sector, there are small advances in the village itself, and to the north of it, which means there are also small advances in
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pervomaisky, well, in the main areas there are already illuminated positional battles, in artyomovsky direction, our troops advanced west of artyomovsky, too. there are small advances in the area of ​​kurdyumovka and kleshcheevka, in the area of ​​orekho-vasilievka and bogdanovka there are still no changes, there are also battles on the northern ledge in the razdololovka area, where our troops are attacking both from the south and are flying to move from the area previously taken by battles near the chalk quarry in belogorovka, also our troops there are trying to bypass the enemy’s fortifications from the north in order to take control of the severskaya belogorovka highway, and on svatovo-kupyansky direction after the capture of tabaevka, now there are battles in the direction of berestovoy and kislovka, they have not yet been taken, but the fighting has already shifted to these areas, the enemy has essentially lost several tens of kilometers of square territories, is now forced
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to urgently retreat to equip new positions, our troops, well, before in total, the forty-seventh division continues to advance forward here, occupying enemy strongholds and plantings both north and south of the pro-area... and there is also an advance in the petropavlovka area in the forest area near senkovka. thanks a lot, boris aleksanovich with the latest news from the fronts of the special military operation. last night, the ukrainian media, telegram channels, western agencies and even western diplomats exploded with sensational news that zelensky had fired zaluzhny.
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military operations, who , as they say, are a very talented performer within nato, yes, who more than once advised zelensky, as they say, to stop after all, a military leader who has experience in senseless meaty assaults, to switch to a more thoughtful defense in some areas front, that is, he was ambivalent about
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those, say, political initiatives that zelensky designated, that bakhmut is ukraine, mariupol is ukraine, solidar is ukraine, that is, those places where...
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he will generally be an illegitimate president , on the issue of public opinion, zaluzhny is now a much more authoritative figure in ukraine than zelensky, of course, in these conditions, he definitely won’t write a statement to zaluzhny, because he sees himself already in the presidential chair, and if zelensky fires him, and after that failures will begin, they will inevitably begin, then naturally, the figure of zaluzhny will simply emerge as the savior of the nation. and zelensky will be carried forward feet first by the ukrainian armed forces , which in general are subordinate to the zaluzhny
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, then everything will be cooked on him, one of them is the supreme commander in chief, and the other is simply the commander in chief, so there is still such a situation here, so squabble, guys , squabble, we may still be allocated the same money from the european nato countries, but it’s unlikely that anyone will know that he’s still a military authority some money will be allocated, but we will talk about this later. here zelensky, when this tragedy happened with the l76 plane, said that it was necessary to create an international commission to investigate and so on, well, where is this international commission, today sergei viknovich lavrov answered this question, let's listen, the il-76 was shot down, which transferred ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange, zelensky, who they call the president there, demanded an international investigation, and where is this international investigation now? we are ours
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we are conducting an investigation, but we do not close ourselves off in our actions from those who want to find out the truth. zelensky, i repeat once again, called for an international investigation, where are its owners, did they at least somehow respond to this call? no, do you know why? because they don't like international at all. they really don’t like such investigations, especially when they don’t lead them, and the west, of course, won’t be able to lead such an investigation, especially kiev. if i may go to the first topic, you know, well of course, it would be nice for a well-earned person , apparently not untalented from a purely military point of view, to study with us, so to speak, he studied there quite well, probably, but on the one hand, of course, it would be nice for us to remove him, on the other hand
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on the other hand, we must not forget, dear friends, so to speak, that zelensky, that zaluzhny, all these people have blood on their hands, in the blood of the russian people, so everyone must answer, sooner or later, better, of course, sooner, and zelensky will answer definitely, and zaluzhny will definitely answer, he will not be able, i hope, to wriggle out of very serious cracks in kiev, the cracks appeared not because money is not being given yet,
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but money is not being given to a significant extent, because there are our successes, that’s where you started today’s program, our military equipment , the most modern, there is more and more of it, we are taking populated areas, yes, so far gradually step by step, but we are putting pressure and this is causing these cracks to widen, there will be more and more of them, and... by the american elections we will generally be witnesses in kiev there are very interesting events, apparently, therefore it is necessary, we must press, press and press again, which is actually what is happening, well...
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and the regions that have returned to russia, so that they are really preparing for something more, but at first they spiritually lost this war, because that the lack of understanding of what men are and what women are is against traditional values, the understanding of russia that it is fighting in order to liberate russians in the donbass, the increasing understanding of europe and
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ukraine that it has no reason to fight there, purely. politics, ideologically, values, culturally, this degradation of national states, when we talk about multipolarity, which is really such a call of patriotism and reason in world politics, plus a strong state that russia demonstrates, we just talked about ammunition, who produces how much, as they say, they have the main argument is that russia and belarus are 3.3 in the world, 3.3 and produce 40 times more weapons than you, so really, we always end, as it were, our program, that our cause is right, victory is ours , well, obviously in spiritually, victory.
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maryana bezuglaya, deputy chairman of the national security committee, initiator of the let's send women to certain death campaign. women are registered with the military and are exempt from training for pregnancy or child care. they are digging their own grave with this law, and it’s not for nothing that no one wants to sign up for it. why does she declare this? because the americans said there will be no mobilization, there will be no money. they are promoting that as many people as possible be at the front.
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how much time is left is in god's hands to betray yourself, you need to work in such a way that nobody for the life of god knows what else is going on, you had the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly, everyone is equal before god , the lord will not ask me who you were, he will ask you, did you visit a sick person , you came to prison to the one who is suffering there, you shared a piece of bread, that’s what he will ask, thanks to you for your feat, as a result of which you received a wound, i wish you god’s help, strength, strength, mental, physical, but also a speedy recovery. i see a lot,
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i feel a lot, a lot, this is the signal, which i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life. for the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service, the premiere of the documentary. on thursday on the first. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team. what are you up to singing? yes, i missed you. the house is fixed. you will find students. and the headline athlete loser found a champion in the taiga. to school, then, if you’re lucky , you’ll go to the olympics, well, everything will be fine, than
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him, these fishermen crowbar, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya , you have pity on your mother, you won’t bring your father back anyway, game , let's do it this way, training four times a week, three running, one shooting, then i'm in, i mean? let's kill him together. accomplices. a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people. there are crimes, and love, and most importantly, ethnography. which of them is still a hero, a boy or an adult? also a big question. and the initiation rites that take place there. this story could happen to anyone. on saturday. on the first. this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle. as the locals joke, it ’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10 are, well, very cold. we in norilsk, friends, see such a beautiful, beautiful black sword, what is the temperature of this entire mass, 1,200°, how the guys withstand such a temperature, the strength
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of the spirit of the present. metalga, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let 's make an iron man, if this iron man is tired after his shift and hasn't washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh my god, cut it up, throw salt in it, you start the pepper like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and straganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing, i’m cold, you just have to start, you’ll get used to it, you’ll like it right away, you’re a great fellow, let me shake your hand, it’s warm. big game live, the whole idea of ​​anti-russian sanctions was to tear apart the russian economy, after which the russian people would come out with
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protests against their own. russia, and as for subsidies to support prices for agricultural products, all this money went to help. who, well , of course, ukraine, got what they got, now in france, a powerful performance farmers, who are now being joined by taxi drivers, they completely, today blocked the main highways around paris and are not entering paris only because 15 thousand police officers have now been deployed there, it must be said that...
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german farmers are already joining the protests again, which have been absent for some time, belgium, the border of belgium and france is now closed, italy and so on, and of course i will be very interested to see and listen to what will happen at the meeting of the new prime minister of france, the new prime minister is promised france, 34 years old, non-traditional sexual orientation, meeting with farmers, men, so to speak, farmers, i imagine. in general, look at any farmer, i remember in america, it’s like our people who work on the land, it’s their tired hands, it’s getting up at 5 in the morning, you have to, even if you don’t feed the cows with your hands, but you have to include all these here are the systems and so on, so this atal, a handsome guy who seems to be married to
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the minister of foreign affairs.
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still, as far as i could see, visiting often for 10 years in a row, and they adhere to traditional, well, type of food, food, cafes, this is a way of life, this is their own meat, not ice cream, that is, it is not the import of cheap products from somewhere that ensures the french way of life, here is a drink of coffee , sit with a croissant or something, of course it all became.
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here their goal was precisely to blockade paris so that it would be left without food supplies, let’s see, so the defensive structures were already there, the minister of the interior
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was boosting their economy, stokers, that the european union is a global center of economic influence, economic influence, financial influence, and where is this economy now, where is this financial influence, no one remembers the euro at all, the figures for anti-economic growth in the eurozone are terrifying for them, terrifying, there was a little bit in france better, according to zeros, they calculated, the growth is zero, this is considered in comparison with germany somehow. americans, returning to the american theme, this is the dream of the marshal’s plan, so to speak, why all this was done for decades later they europe was being strangled, so they strangled it, don’t forget the communal apartment, which is four or five
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times more expensive, you can’t have temperatures above 15°c in the house, my daughter was a trainer in france, they don’t allow temperatures above 15c in the room, she’s not used to money in them for investment, realistically technologically. i'd like to say a couple of honest words about the financial situation, we just don't have the money anymore, the federal government has paid for
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the last few years through the coronavirus relief packages, through the energy relief packages that we used for subsidizing prices for gas and electricity to 800 billion euros. now it's time for payback. we empty out the latter warehouses, and they steal everything they can. zelensky promised that he would put things in order, but he never did anything. corruption still reigns in the ukrainian army. this makes our help meaningless. we trust them, help them selflessly, but they deceive us. here
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nikolay, after all, indeed, the european package will be for ukraine, and if it is, this is how big it could be, given such sentiments and such a financial situation, the real of france and germany and poland.
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since america itself has started talking about what we will do in a new multipolar world, that is , the multipolar world has already taken place, europe has already collapsed, it is waiting for some new division, i have the feeling, but in any case, for now the united states is simply sucking from europe everything is just stupid. this is what they eat, this is what is considered,
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the gdp itself is large there, they do not count production, production there is minimal, but consumption is at the expense of the rest of the world, for due to emissions, due to the fact that people abroad take dollars , including under their pillows, this is how america actually lives, it sells its dollar bills, and with the emissions that are now being thrown away in israel, who will compensate, look here. this is the main resource of america, while the dollar is there, they are still afloat, they recognize it, but something, after all, the us project may also close, since an event is happening there, it is very interesting how the jeffrey stoys toy store very symbolically closed, this famous the store, probably the most famous in america, a toy store in san francisco, which inspired the creators of the film toy story, a multi-part series,
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is on fire, now there is some kind of factory on fire, a poultry farm, where a million chickens have already burned, and 11 more are ready to burn millions, and the texas authorities are already blaming the federal government for this, well, on the border there really is a national guard from texas, and from other states they have already brought in tanks and armored personnel carriers, taking complete control of the border, contrary to the direct ban the supreme court of the united states and the president of the united states of america. and 26 state attorneys general in america
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, in total, i remember 50 states declared to president biden their full support for the state of texas, declaring that they have every right to do what they do, ignoring the decision of the constitutional court. there has already been talk of a constitutional crisis in the united states; in general, the logical continuation of this constitutional crisis was what happened in congress. usa sound like a statement the one made by mejari taylor greene. let's listen to her. when i said that we need a national divorce, this is what i meant, and there is serious confirmation of this. national divorce is meant, a divorce between republican and democratic states. they won’t allow it, although, well, in general, the term invasion is very interesting.
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is happening inside the country, usually it is always completely ignored, what was thrown at with money, was decided with money, they threw money at blm, they decided
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to increase welfare there, everyone calmed down, somewhere else money, well, that is, they threw in pieces of paper, while no one fundamentally solved any of the problems that arose in the usa, there was... so much of it that now it looks like a dry powder keg, yes, what if suddenly this somewhere a spark may go out and not just jokingly, this is the conflict that is now developing before our eyes in the state of texas, yes, it can develop into a more full-scale phenomenon, that the united states as a hegemon will not die because there are some external circumstances, russia attacked there, used nuclear weapons, they can fall apart due to internal contradictions that no one has resolved for about 100 years, you could even look at examples of the military-industrial complex, the pride of the united states of america, the navy, 100 years of the shipyard, more 100 years, but no one invested in their modernization for 100 years, they produced it the old fashioned way and it will do, this will do just like that, it is now playing in america, let’s say
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such a destructive thing that, in principle , for our benefit, as they say, because what when the hegemon will collapse itself, while the state around it will suffer less, this will be... the best scenario, but the hegemon is still trying to resist, somewhere to develop bloody, let’s say, conflicts, but all this is similar to the general historical picture of the fall of the empire, they died and from the external enemy and from internal contradictions as well. well , at one time arnold toenbey, who studied the rise and fall of great powers and civilizations, said that great powers die from two reasons, murder or suicide.
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compromise sentiments, they are becoming more and more acute, and the closer we get to the american elections, the sharper the contradictions will be, and more than one such texas may arise, especially since the united states itself is again getting into a new military adventure, expanding its military presence in the middle east, more on that after
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the ad. best of all, new season, sunday. whoever is to blame for it, he would not have died in a free country, zelensky’s rats killed my son. in his first interview with russian media, gonzalo lyra, senior, exclusive. antifake, premiere, today on the first. modern man, also
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absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool. our thinking took place there, ethiopia and eritrea are fighting for pushkin, pushkin is such a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal, reached the rank of general, he entered the russian elite. in 1960 year, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence. i revered the ideal of a free society in which... citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunity. a lot of people think that in africa we don’t walk, go naked, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they... africa
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on thursday on the first. what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries, on the love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love.
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how many acting destinies, dreams, sufferings , hundreds of people, thousands, here comes torkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, the film is generally a place where there is a lot of humor, it has always been, it remains the same, this is my version of the script, how long have i been watching you i searched, i already wrote this, the presence of a card on masfilm was equivalent to a lottery ticket. there were no mobile phones, the assistant ran, seryozha into the frame, quickly, before the mosfik was shrouded in mystery, we walked around
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these sets the way they go to the hermitage, masfilm today is not just a movie, it’s film and television studio, mosfilm, the birth of a legend, on sunday on the first, the americans have hollywood, we have this, the factory of happiness, factory. your majesty, this is the letter, count grigory grigorievich arlov ordered to convey, in other words, that they are waiting, and this, and this is what, a symbol, a symbol, he is now tempting himself with a snake. the great, golden age, the big
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premiere from february 5, on the first one, you won’t torture me, you really aren’t crazy to fight with all of europe, europe, europe, my dear, is far away. the big game live in washington real hysteria after american military personnel were killed at a base that, as they said in washington, is located on the territory of jordan, in fact on the territory of syria, but for them, in my opinion , there is no difference between jordan and syria. but now only a lazy politician in washington does not call for bombing someone, iran, syria,
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jordan, anyone, and the talking heads of the american administration are having a very hard time, especially since they have never been able to connect two words, in this the situation turns out to be completely unbearable for them, so let’s listen to karine jeanpierre. what i will say is our deepest, obviously our deepest condolences our sincere condolences to the families that lost three, three brave, three brave, three people who are military, people who are brave, who always fight, who always fight on behalf of this administration, the people of the united states, which is obviously even more important, well, not only that it could not communicate. listen to john kirby,
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strategic communications coordinator us national security council. on friday, a bipartisan group of lawmakers sent a letter to the president accusing him of unsanctioned strikes against the houthis. isn't it time to take into account the opinion of the american people, given the fact that the american people are dissatisfied with the whole attack on commercial ships in the red sea, this is what the american people are not happy with, or they are not delighted with the fact that ...
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citizens, but simply because, that he physically cannot do this, his advisers do this, not because he is busy protecting the american then they somehow dissect the information , upload it to him in one form or another, so here he’s probably right, kirby, in fact he’s right, now, as for the death of
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american military personnel, well, what did they want , they this program was told repeatedly that this was not 20 years ago, now the states are much more vulnerable in every sense, so no matter what the fist. they didn’t gather in the red sea, it will hit them anyway, including physically, but what’s dangerous in this situation, in all of it, is that biden is losing the election according to all polls, and not only according to polls, so he needs a big mess, this is fraught with the most serious complications of international security, a big mess is already planned there, the americans have actually set up all the decorations for this mess, there are several dozen bases in syria alone , where they
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should not be at all, the question of this is not raised at all, even in the united states itself. but confusion is also felt there, this can be seen from what kirby says, what he says jeanpierre, well, let's listen to blinkin now. i think it is necessary to note that these are extremely unstable times in the middle east; we have not seen such a dangerous situation in the entire region since at least 1973, perhaps even before that. and this environment in which we now have to operate was caused by the horrendous attacks on october 7 by hamas. and from the very first day we expressed ourselves in crystal terms. groups in iraq, syria and yemen. at the same time , president biden said that we would like to avoid further escalation of this conflict. we will continue to do what is in the interests of the united states, the interests of the region, and perhaps the interests of the entire world. however, from the very first day, the president said the following: anyone who intends
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to use the crisis in the middle east for the sake of further escalation.
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and how can a younger bush or barack obama say with self-esteem that another teran has gone down the drain or a terrorist group after the events there. september 11, 2001, when war on international terrorism was declared, but something went wrong, there are no results , they got stuck in ukraine, they got stuck in the gas sector, they got stuck with the houthis, now they want to bully with something, it’s clear that there’s a tie, but the middle east, of course, values ​​force that is justified, well coalition, coalition , the united states wanted to create a coalition with europe, including the bulgarian ones...
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the united states, which will force us to stock up on popcorn, well, our cause is just and victory will be ours, we pass the floor to the news, the big game will return at 22 :50, don't miss it. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics.


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