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tv   Bolshoi dom  1TV  January 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:51pm MSK

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and he told his subjects, if they were tormented by toothache, he could remove their tooth, that is, he participated in operations, and after some time military doctors appeared, that is, so that the army was healthy, yes, strong, about how difficult it is to be pioneers, they said at the congress of the movement of the first, in pavilion 57 , the minister of finance, anton siluanov, met with schoolchildren , you have money, you know how to spend it, well, that means you are already financiers, well, they are already preparing to spend it.
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rudolph, rudolph, kukma, look, this is not our cemetery.
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why not, my father came from the war, i ’ll come back too, i’ll come back, what can you do, we don’t need witnesses.
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hey, look who? get up, fritz, get up, you'll come with us,
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come on, come on, fritz, get up, just stand there. hey, guys, where are you taking these little guys , they took them prisoner, we’re taking them to headquarters, okay, you, who needs these bastards at headquarters, come on, go away, go away, he said, there’s still only one left, kolya, if... well, commander, well, let me bring at least one to the headquarters, do you feel sorry for something, but i’m the commander, the germans, follow me, go to the detachment and tell me what happened here, and i
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i’ll lead the germans to the shab, come on, lie down, i ’ll come soon. “i brought your german there, he’s in shit , wounded, he needs a doctor, let’s go, rudolf, what
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’s wrong with you, dear, where, oh my god, katya, be quiet, i missed you, we’re not saying anything.” just don’t say anything, kolya, kolya, water, dirt and a sheet, quickly! rudolf, rudolf, are you,
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are you dying, rudolf, kolya, he’s dying, what are we going to do, i’ll quickly, i’ll do it now, i’ll take him to the hospital, to the germans, it’s impossible, mother, they’ll find out in the village, quickly, quietly, quickly, well, mother, quietly, quietly, soulfully, only...
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and what are you going to do? this major will definitely start looking for me, i need to find the abwehr headquarters and tell them everything. they may not believe me, but i will have a chance. don't go to avver, do you hear? you will tell them everything, as if in confession. and your story resembles the ravings of a madman. they'll find me anyway.
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don't worry. now i'm with you. everyone in our barracks will be happy to see you. are you rudolf müller? looks like he's a lucky guy. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team.
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happens, this story could happen to anyone on saturday on the first. bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group. modern man, this has already been absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking. happened there for pushkin , ethiopia and eritrea are fighting among themselves. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in
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russia, africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of mineral. he entered the russian elite. in in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence. he envisioned the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live.
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on the throne of the usurper there is an impostor, a rootless german, i had no illusions, i knew what power was, i knew what i was doing, but i was
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sure that i could stop the intrigues,
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he said that he would send me. i resisted, but rudolf insisted. he said he couldn't leave russia until he did what he had to do. he was very stubborn, ralph, your grandfather, very stubborn.
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tell them, daughter, tell them, they still won’t calm down. i work for one of the intelligence agencies, i can’t say more. who reported our visit to germany? can not say. herbert scherhorn is behind it all. why don't you
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arrest him? it's not time yet. i've already heard this somewhere, it's not time yet. the criminal who killed my father is walking free, he is making an attempt on anton and me. i can only add one thing, what? i'm responsible for your safety, which is why you drugged me . and you didn't want this? not now.
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what happened to the old man who lived in this house was shot, a woman from the house opposite
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saw two men enter his room, ich muss, ich muss, ja gut, reinlassen, who? we are forced to detain you, gershakov. listen, you, you are mistaken in suspecting me. we're doing something completely different here.
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if ralph isn't here, that means he's been kidnapped. and i’m sure that you broke into this house to rob an old disabled man. by threats you forced him to sign a power of attorney for your accomplice. then you went to the bank to pick up your valuables. your a friend, meanwhile, killed the old man, and judging by your expression, i suspect that your friend and your girlfriend set you up. let me explain. went. the american journalist who dared to say that the bloodthirsty murderer zelensky was a nazi, what was his fault, he was telling the truth, why did the ukrainian authorities refuse
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to hand over the body of the tortured man? he wouldn't have died in a free country. zelensky's rats killed my son. in his first interview with russian media, gonzala lira, sr. exclusive. antifake. premiere. today is the first one. joe biden, the apostle of obscurantism. where does he pull everyone else? the world because of this, guys, the third world war will begin. from the point of view of globalists, all countries should disappear, wanting to destroy the whole world, they could not save their country, texas, protests, uprisings. why did they rebel? america is led by a sect of satanists. where are the 85,000 immigrant children? in the us, child trafficking is a huge business. these children are simply used for ritual purposes. america is mired in transgender people; 30% consider themselves to be people with non-traditional values. what a normal parent
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want? to send a child to such a school, the american government has long, long ago been rotten , declaring a state of emergency and canceling the elections will be the only way to prevent trump from coming to power, this, to some extent, is the plan of the globalists. and their real goal is to eradicate religion, to create a slave class. we are engaged in an existential battle between good and evil. we are doing everything to protect ourselves from this external infection that is ready to destroy us. joe biden, apostle of the era of obscurantism. heir dolls.
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who were you? he will ask: have you visited the sick person? have you come to prison to see someone who is suffering there? you shared a piece of bread, that’s what he ’ll ask. thank you for your feat, as a result of which you received this injury. i wish you god’s help, strength, strength, mental and physical, but also a speedy recovery. i see a lot, i feel a lot, this is the signal. which i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life on the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal ministry, the premiere of the documentary film is on thursday on the first. sit down please. what language
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do you prefer to converse in? i would like to in russian. in eastern germany, everyone learned russian. i am the commissioner of wajda. very nice. you are anton ushakov. live in moscow. yes. the purpose of your visit to germany. fine. your friend ralf müller has disappeared, do you know where he is? i already told you, it seems to me that he was kidnapped, i already heard this story, you want to say that he was kidnapped by a girl, your messages, i want to say that the girl works for one of your special services, join the bnd, they should know , who is entrusted with the investigation into the murder of ralph's father, and it seems to me that the father
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mr. ralph, ralf müller himself and mr. schultz, this is the work of your hands, mr. ushakov, some kind of nonsense, i warn you, lies will not make your fate easier. mr. ushakov, you understand all the facts against you. what was in the safe, what was there?
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made me laugh, mr. ushakov, can’t you come up with something more reliable? i'm telling the truth, contact the bnd. we have already contacted the bnd. they don't know any rita there. no one was assigned to investigate the murder of ralph mueller's father. and fyi, this case is still pending. my competence. please, let's go. i ask
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how you feel, anton, i’m fine, i feel, herkomissar, except that no one here believes me. but why doesn't anyone believe? sergey sergeevich, anton, sergey sergeevich, how are you here? sergei sergeevich, i explained everything to the commissioner. and ralph, where is ralph, have you found him? not yet, and i think he's in serious danger. if we assume that your friend rita works for sherhorn, he... is being held hostage, what should we do? well, bye to you and ralph, unfortunately from you can’t get rid of the investigation , now a lot will depend on you, so the commissioner and i
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believe that as soon as you leave here, the kidnappers will come after you, yeah, you’ll have to be bait, anton, you should know this. they may try to kill you. normal perspective. we will provide you with security. but they will understand everything right away if i really am not alone. khertikhanov told me about your exploits. we will give you a special beacon, it will help determine your location. well , yes, and return your passport, please. yes yes. sorry. thank you.
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get into the car quickly, mr. commissioner, they are leaving.
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yak anton, we lost them, they found the beacon, then things are bad, i think anton will be able to give us a signal.
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i was introduced into sherkharn's circle.
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only a few people in our office know about this. that's why the vaids responded that way. let's say. i know what we should do. we 'll try to free ralph. he's probably at sherkharn's. and it depends only on you, anton. will he see tomorrow's sunrise? so what, shoot everyone? that would be quite like you. i suggest you go see him tomorrow.
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a criminal, first he shoots, then
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he thinks: do you know where i found him? i once bought him out of a thai prison where he was imprisoned for drug smuggling, now he doesn’t owe much so he may overdo it, i just told him to take the notebook and disappear, your father was at the wrong time, in the wrong place, i’m sorry, you will answer for the death of my father, ah...
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and anton, where is he? what's wrong with him now? if we rush now, i'm afraid we'll do some damage. perhaps you are right. sherkhar is very dangerous and will do anything now. yesterday someone was shot dead in a park in munich giacometti. in criminal circles associated with the underground trade in works of art , he was called the old man. is the name familiar? also, rita, about whom anton always talks, is a dark
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horse. that's all i have for her. but what if she is really excluded from b&d, i found out, although it probably took a week to travel here by posture, by car you can do everything for two. vladivostok, a city of bridges, water, lighthouses, delicious seafood, it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, don’t worry, but only if it’s a taste, there are still welders asking for help below. this is the amur tiger, the biggest kitty in the world , and they even love goats, we can let you go there , is it possible to press somewhere now, naturally, if you press something, something may change, we don’t need this now, we almost survived, this is literally
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the end of the world, look how beautiful it is, let's go! premiere on saturday at the first, this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well, very cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see such beautiful, beautiful blister copper, what the temperature of this entire mass, 1,200°, how do the guys withstand this temperature, the fortitude of a real metallurg, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum.
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on sunday on the first. read to me in russian. fine. what night? i can't. i can't sleep. lunarity, as if still cherishing the lost youth of the soul, a friend of the cooled years, do not call the game love, it’s better to let this moonlight build towards me like a goat,
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let it boldly outline its distorted features, because you won’t be able to stop loving. how could you not fall in love? these are poems by sergei yesenin, he loved american dancer -
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you brought what i need, you will receive a card, but first i want to see ralph, your friend is in the car, we are not harming the target, still i would like to make sure of this, please.
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also keine lebenszeich, we missed where to look for it now, in russia, of course.
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the most important part of the map, rudolf could only entrust to one person, katya
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zaitsev, he needs to find out if she is alive.


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