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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 30, 2024 10:50pm-12:01am MSK

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disappeared, we drove 200 m, i looked back, and she was gone, like no, gunther was with her, and what is he saying, she stunned him and disappeared, rita, what happened to her, she stunned the orderly and disappeared, well, calm down, anton, she was wearing a bulletproof vest, perhaps she is exactly who she says she is, but if she doesn’t even work for the bnd, she could be an employee of some international intelligence service, so what? it's time for us to know the honor, we need to return to russia to continue the search where? while they kept me in contention, i thought about it a lot. sorry, the most important part of the map, the ores could trust only one person. katya
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zaitsevaya, we need to find out if she is alive, if she has relatives, there is a big game on the air , the situation in the world is very interesting now, on the one hand we are hearing more and more. that the ukrainian offensive not only suffocated, but that it failed, that ukraine has no chance of a new offensive, even after they receive new types of weapons, even if they receive the money that the european union and the united states, on the other hand, promise kiev , so i'm always trying to find some...
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dreams, i don’t see anything like that, i don’t hear anything like that, but if to the maximum, i see articles by individual reasonable people, and experts, retired military officers, who say that maybe we need to humble our pride somewhat, moderate the ambitions of the west and admit, that... crimea, that several other regions that came under russian control became part of russia, that this will not return to ukraine in the foreseeable future. well, i still wanted to see the conclusion after this, because of this, let’s tell zelensky that these are the realities of life, we need to come to an agreement with moscow. and in general all this, this whole situation.
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step in a more extreme direction, more radical, for which they can scold, but the slightest step towards common sense turns into accusations that...
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i’ll come to zelensky and tell this guy that no one will buy your, which means, conditions, that’s why you let’s agree, and then i’ll come to putin and tell him that if you don’t accept what i propose, then we will arm ukraine like no one has ever armed it before, then it won’t seem a little to you, well, it’s clear what to compare our president and zelensky, this is just nonsense, but nevertheless... this is some kind of, i would say, cheap talk, which in reality, and no one takes it seriously, but i think that one can only agree with dmitry peskov , who literally yesterday or the day before yesterday
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, answering another question regarding the possibility of some kind of negotiations, asked with whom, in fact, to conduct these negotiations, but there is simply no one to conduct them with, well, that... without some kind of ... then there will be no signal from above at all, this is quite obvious, there will be no signal from above, unfortunately , there is no need to wait for the current situation, from above, i mean from washington, well, look, general koltopolov, you are the chairman of the state duma defense committee, a colonel general in the past, deputy minister of defense, so i’m interested in your professional opinion, that...
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tense, they don’t care about that, there’s jordan , there’s the gulf of adana, there’s yemen, there’s the houthis, there, there’s something he’s just not involved in the issue, so the collective west today continues to put a good face on the bad game,
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since there are no new narratives that need to be disseminated, they continue to tell what they were told, although there are none... after all, we advanced in so many directions, the depth of advance is more than 1 km in some of these directions, but somewhere it’s harder, there a hundred meters, two, and somewhere more intense, that is, ukraine
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is moving backward all the time, and we are moving forward all the time, but defense, it then brings results when it is... active, when you yourself impose your will on the enemy, when you constantly pull it when you constantly you put him in a difficult position. today we at least don’t see this in the tactical zone, and what remains for the west, it can only rely on these next wundervafons, long-range missiles there, these f16s, about which probably only the most narrow-minded and uninterested in politics people have set their teeth on edge, but after all, this will not change the situation, they understand this perfectly well, but they cannot say anything, so as in that famous
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saying, we cried, took injections, but continued to eat, how? well i would really like to i agree with your very encouraging assessment, but i seem to be by nature in strategic matters, i am always an optimist, but in tactics i am always a pessimist, i always expect that... they will, if they agree with orban, be obliged to vote annually and unanimously approving
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the next tranches, but at least they solved the immediate problem in the european union with hungary. now, explain to me what is going on with these american nuclear weapons that are going to be delivered to the uk, including nuclear charges that are supposedly much more powerful than kerosem. i certainly don't expect that these charges will fly towards moscow, but i expect that this will give russia's adversaries, if you want more confidence in themselves, more readiness for some kind of pressure on russia, you don't expect them to make a real, serious attempt, again, if not defeat russia, then at least somehow drag russia into a very painful situation. dmitry, you see, they think that they have already
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done it, but our task is not to dissuade them, let them stay in this imaginary little world of theirs and think that they are defeating someone there somewhere and somehow , well, they want for god’s sake, let them think so, as for nuclear weapons, look, well, we deployed them at the request of our ally. god knows where from the possible
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collision line, but somewhere closer, but they don’t go for it, they don’t go, why? well , let’s hope that somewhere in the depths of one of their politicians, or or or even deeper, something is stirring that there is no need to do this, someone still knows. what is kherossim, what is nagasaki, what does this all lead to, and what will happen if a more powerful charge there explodes several times the same great britain or next to it in the ocean, what will happen to this island, and here , you know, here is the dilemma, i liked, by the way, the next american, in my opinion, politicians, commenting on the situation in the middle east, said, our answer will be
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harsh, lengthy and indescribable, an answer to whom, well, supposedly iran, because they were hit in jordan, no one has proven that iran was involved in this, but this is the answer, blurred in time. in place suggests that there is essentially no answer there will be something that needs to be said, something that needs to be depicted, they are in this very thing. look, they struck at some targets in the same period, they hit somewhere, we cannot say, they provided some kind of objective control data, with the moment of hitting the target, with something else, but no, they didn’t provide where they shot,
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where they launched the missiles, no one knows except those who, in general, launched them. therefore , today they are pursuing more of this information policy, pressure, hoping that we will falter, but this hope, it absolutely groundless, we have never flinched in front of them, so let them flinch, the fact that russia did not flinch, for me this is certain, that russia will not... flinch, i am sure of that, do they understand this in washington, brussels in london and whether they will be guided by our understanding or their own, less reasonable, this is a question, at least to which i personally do not have an answer at this stage. ruslan pukhov,
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leading military expert, american statements have just been mentioned. according to iran, in general, they really give the impression that they really want something, they want it, but they haven’t fully decided. excuse me, i ’ll ask you a direct question: do you think they will strike iran, or will they not dare? you know, in my opinion, this would be very unwise on the eve of the election campaign, on the eve of the voting decision, because it is already quite obvious that iran, if necessary. can answer very powerfully, yes, it will probably be difficult for him to answer on the territory of the united states itself, but on the territory of the allied countries in the united states the states, primarily in the region, especially where there are shiite minorities or, like in bahrain, the majority, given the influence that iran has on them and how hezbollah is an example, they will not leave this unanswered and can
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cause serious damage, sorry, so i don't think, or i would like to believe, that this won't happen. i beg to differ with you here, although , although usually i rather agree with you than disagree, the cold war is not something to be afraid of, the cold war must be earned, the soviet union was equal or like the americans they say that nepi is almost equal, so no one dared to make a word, now we must earn the right to a cold war so that no one flinches, in my opinion, iran to some
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extent, well, in its coordinate system , in the second league, in which he plays, he deserves this right... he deserves, i will say more, biden, uh, with all his shortcomings and his administration, uh, still plays to one degree or another by the rules. let's remember obama, the man was such a newbie that no matter what they sang to him, he agreed to almost everything, somewhere it worked, a reset with cuba , somewhere like with us, he also tried to reset with china, that is, he was so tied up by this establishment, in my opinion, biden has already demonstrated several times that he... can go to take some non-trivial , unpopular steps, well, the same withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, on the one hand, of course, is a great shame, on the other hand, what the americans call damage control, cut off the cat’s beloved tail, something that three previous presidents were afraid to do , so on my look, the same biden may well non-publicly, excuse the unprintable expression,
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squeeze certain places from the same zelensky and force him to sit down with us at the negotiating table, well, as one of the options. now, although it is quite possible, this is just mine, my good wishes, no, this is not, not only your good wishes, i want to repeat, i completely agree with your logic with the logic of the general, the whole point is that one reason, which i stand at this table, that i very often disagree with washington’s logic, and they do not agree with ours logic, let’s listen to what he says about the situation with iran. secretary of state antoni blincon. we will respond, we will respond decisively, we will respond at the time we need in the place we need, and this response can be multi-level, phased and ongoing. i would say that we have not seen such a tense situation as the one we are facing now in the region, at least since 1973, perhaps earlier, as i already said, we are not seeking
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a conflict with iran, we are not we strive for war with him, but we defended and will defend our personnel and take all necessary measures for this peace, including a very harsh response to the latest attack. senator, you are well aware of, let's say, the specific language of american public diplomacy.
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either on the territory of jordan, or perhaps syria, somewhere there is some kind of, so to speak, american military personnel on this some kind, how, in fact, these points died, about which no one knew anything before, he it’s even depicted as a dot directly, right on the border, so, probably, here for now it’s still mostly a war of words, i think so it seems, let's summarize this part of our conversation, if i understand you correctly, then there is a consensus at the table that with regard to american intentions in the field of confrontation and more broadly the intentions of the collective
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west, there is more smoke than fire, intimidation, but to real actions, dangerous for their opponents, be it russia, be it iran, they are at least not ready, let's start with you, slanna. well, what this is called is this famous phrase of churchill: the argument is weak, you need to work on your voice, and we see how blinken, in fact, juggles beautiful phrases and makes a complex face. i really want to hope that this rhetoric will stop there, because iran has already proven several times that it will not allow a real threat to its interests, and the recent attack on the territory of pakistan is proof of this, few people know. the context is that for almost 10 years, the iranian leadership has tried in various ways to convey to pakistan that it is necessary to put an end to, or at least suppress, this activity of the belush separatists,
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they could not reach out, well, this was due to many reasons, and the crisis around imrankhan and the unstable situation, it is difficult for the central government to reach balochai when there are other problems, yes, then iran decided to raise the stakes, but struck and... then he missed a blow on the same belushian terrorists from pakistan, that is, he seemed to be in the black three times, but showed his reputation from a military point of view, at least partially destroyed the infrastructure, so i think that these are people, i’m talking about the iranians, they behind the word in they won’t reach into their pockets, but these are, first of all, people of action, and only then people of beautiful rhetoric, that they will reach into their pockets for words , i have no doubt, but what do you, general, think, not about words, so that iran reaches into your pockets why - it will come to this more significantly, well, if they force iran to do this, then
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of course it will come, you know, there are several aspects here, first, if we take the situation as a whole, then military specialists, believe me, they are in the west, you are you know well, normal, serious, they saw, what a modern high-intensity armed conflict is like , using the example of the same special military operation, remember here , even in this studio last year we were still waiting for them to collect this million shells for ukraine, and so they are still they didn’t recruit, they can’t recruit, why is there no capacity, there is not enough capacity, because... the front consumes much more than they can give there today, that is, they are in conflict today...
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they are impossible, by the way, that’s what this base does on the territory of jordan, what is it like? performs tasks there, let them explain, there was no isil in jordan, it seems like never before, so if they are not fighting with isil, what are they doing there, they are there monitoring the training of militants in the camp, which is located on the territory of syria, which they supervise they continue to train there, it is unclear who, it is unclear for what purposes, that’s all, and
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today... everyone is looking at the sky and waiting for it to arrive, this drone, which they supposedly confused with their own. well, listen, well, well, well, well, to put it mildly, it doesn’t fit into any gates, that is, dogs lie like they said, well-known cinematic heroes, so the situation for them is serious, they are vulnerable, i emphasize once again, all these bases are land-based, american ships in
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the gulf of adon are very vulnerable. in general in the persian gulf, because iran wins here not only in quality, but in quantity. even the yemen houthis, they show that a large number of missiles, it overloads the capabilities of the air defense system of modern ships, still one out of ten can easily fly to the target, iran much more than 10. this is all very serious, again, i cannot with you...
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the european allies of the united states, well, they are somehow, in my opinion, in this situation specifically connected with the fall of a drone on an american camp, they somehow have the feeling that they are hiding, that is, i don’t see anyone there demanding, even the most radical ones from the americans, to strike there, apparently this will not happen, in general, what is happening is all some kind of, some kind of phantasmogoria, and even
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some details, parallels. they simply cannot help but evoke all sorts of associations, see this little camp on the border is called tower 22, like it or not. i remember, catch 22, yes, catch 22, some parallels, then look - who fell victim to this explosion, well, uh, the loss of military personnel, whoever it was, especially not in combat, not in combat conditions, purely humanly can only evoke sympathy, especially since all three of them, as we just saw, this is the first time i’ve seen these shots, these are african-americans, moreover, two of them look like girls, that is, women. female american staff, well, that is, this is clearly not some kind of notorious navy seals or some kind of rambo, it’s most likely something like that, you know, similar to either the rear guards, or some kind of auxiliary unit, and
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nothing more, it seems to me that now all this is on the sly , slowly with all the bellicose statements, without which, well , where will it be, it will somehow be like this, well, not just swept under the rug, but slowly put on the brakes. they will look for some opportunity, well, from the first, as they say, from the first, columns to take them somewhere, somewhere far away, but the most important thing, and i’ll end with this, the fact that this is not at all reflected in the situation related to ukraine, this is one thing, and this is another, and as for ukraine, all the same bellicose statements are heard, and nothing even remotely visible. i would like to say something else, you know, if smart people get down to business , then even with all the given positions , some notes of common sense still slip through, an article was just published, well, just a day or two ago, by william burns, director of the cia, and with all
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the givenness, a thought is expressed there with which one cannot but agree that the era of us dominance has passed, although the conclusions drawn from this are, in general, quite definite, that all this with... happened because of the hegemony of china, the revanchism of russia, but nevertheless the conclusion has been drawn , it’s good that at least, at least such thoughts sometimes fall on paper. thank you, well , i’ll sum it up in one sentence: not only we are at this table, but also reasonable people in the collective west, including the current director of the center for regional development, the former ambassador. moscow, william berntz, that they have an implementation, where we are now, where, to put it mildly, we still do not have the same position, what should we do about this? and on the one hand, we see the limitations of western
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capabilities, but on the other hand, we do not yet see positive initiatives. does anyone disagree with this? we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in a few minutes. joe biden, the apostle of moracobesia, where is he pulling the rest of the world? because of this guy, the third world war will begin. from the point of view of globalizers , all countries should disappear. wanting to destroy the whole world, he could not save his country. texas, protests, uprisings. why did they rebel? america is led by a satanist sect. where there are 85,000 immigrant children in the us, child trafficking is a huge business, these children are simply used for ritual purposes. america is mired in transgender people; 30% consider themselves to be people with non-traditional values. what normal parent would want to send their child to such
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a school? american power has been rotten for a long, long time. declaring a state of emergency and canceling the elections will be the only way to prevent trump from coming to power. that's kind of the plan globalists. and their real goal is to eradicate religion, to create a slave class. modern man, also absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. zapushkina fights between ethiopia and eritrea, pushkin is such
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a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia, africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal, reached the rank of general, he entered the russian elite. in 1960 under direct under the pressure of the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence, i purified the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports
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, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team, what can i say, but i’m bored, we’ll darken the house , you’ll find students, from the title , the loser athlete found a champion in tide, you’ll go to a sports school, then, if you’re lucky, you’ll go to the olympics, everything will be fine. what are these fishermen using to crowbar him? i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya. you're too small i'm sorry, you won't bring your father back anyway. game. let's do it this way, training four times a week, three running, one training. then i'm in. in terms of? well, let's kill him together. accomplices. a thriller built on the collision of two realities. two people, there is crime , and love, and most importantly ethnography, which
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of them is still a hero, a boy or an adult, is also a big question, and the initiation rite that takes place there, this story could happen to anyone on saturday on the first, you empress, huh, that's it, and i want to be her, i it seems that 50 guardsmen... will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long, there are practically no friends next to the empress now , but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, god help me, god help me, who, stop! you can’t do that, gentlemen, i’m your emperor, i’m a woman, you don’t have
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to love, it was all your parsley, who you play tricks with, i won’t tolerate it, i understand, let you say, do you want to rule the right way ? truly your majesty, or you do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, russia has no friends in europe, and will never... where does such confidence come from? do you forget where i was born? you and i still have so much to do, life is not enough, the great, golden age, big premiere, from february 5, on the first, evgeniy schmidt is with us now on skype.
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i heard that there is such a simple coincidence of rhetoric against your party and against donald trump, such a coincidence of methods, such incomprehensible investigative groups, such some very strange accusations, which in themselves, even if they were true, do not necessarily prove anything, but seem to create, if you like, a situation,
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yes, indeed the situation is quite unpleasant for our party, but we all remember that not so long ago in germany there were mass protests of agricultural workers , farmers, who were joined by all the broad masses of other people, that is , they were already followed by transport workers and so on, so in order to suppress this information
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agenda, it was done there's no one like this stuff such a publishing house.
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not easy, given the fact that voices are already being heard openly that our party should be banned, which is, of course, a very big blow for democracy in the country, well - in the united states, where they do not assume until still ban the republican party, but they are actively trying to remove the trump race. the methods are the same, and as i understand it,
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soros’ money appeared in the campaign against your party, which is naturally now being used against donald trump. yes. by the way, this team, the correction that allegedly rolled out, in quotation marks, investigations , is actually financed partly by the german government, partly by soros funds, that is, the customers are known both here and there, that is, all the same political forces are fighting against, well, let’s say, democratic parties in country, that is , here in the usa, and parallels can really be traced, and as i understand it, he is trying to...
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he is accused, he is accused of going around carrying money from the kremlin and handing it over to members of our party, that is, completely ridiculous fairy tales, but nevertheless, all this is being spread in every possible way throughout the german central media , literally today i received another request from spiegl magazine regarding this assistant of mine, they have already come up with some kind of connections with the fsb, i think literally the other day another one will come out incriminating.
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using chemical methods, including even using the services of the so-called antifa militants, literally last week i held a number of speeches and meetings with voters. the police were forced to take me under guard so that i and other deputies from our party could in order for these
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antifa militants to attack us, to get to their cars, that is, to go home, that is, literally everything is going on under the threat of physical violence, that is , there is actually a very difficult situation in the country, constant attacks, and it’s really very hard to work, i will not wish you luck in order to...
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work so that you have the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly, everyone is equal before god, the lord will not ask me who you
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were, he will ask: did you visit a sick person, are you came to prison to the one who is suffering there, you shared a piece of bread, that’s what he will ask, thanks for your feat, as a result of which you received a wound, i wish you god’s help, strength, strength, mental and physical. but rather recovery , i see a lot, a lot, i feel a lot, this signal that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life, on the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service, the premiere of the documentary film on thursday on the first, what else am i or a brotherhood of stern men. zioners on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i i'm looking for a religious sect that preaches love,
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people's love for each other, love at all costs. edechka loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because he crossed all sorts of boundaries. i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this has made me wiser and greater, for example, a patriot of my own. this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well, very
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cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see this beautiful, beautiful rough , what is the temperature of this whole mass, 1200°, how do the guys withstand such a temperature, the fortitude of a real metalluga, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's make an iron man, if this iron man ... tired of the shift, you haven’t washed it yet, then it should smell like this, oh my god, you chop it up, throw salt in there, you start shaking it like that, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and stroganina, i’m just in shock because i i'm standing, i'm standing it’s cold, once you start, you’ll get used to being liked right away, you’re a great fellow, let me shake your hand, it’s warm, can you imagine, it’s also warm, the life of your own, the premiere, on sunday on the first. for the centenary of the massfil film studios , the motor began, how many acting destinies,
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dreams, sufferings. hundreds of people, thousands , here idkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, the film is generally a place where there is a lot of humor, it has always been, it remains the same, this is my version of the script, how long have i been looking for you, i already wrote this, presence of a card on masfim was equivalent to a lottery ticket , there were no cell phones, an assistant was running
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around, there’s a big game on the air, let’s start with you, ruslan, you know, i wanted to bridge the gap to the words of the american military, what the senator was talking about, but the words of evgeniy shmit led me on a thought, i recently read, including, by the way, in the spiegel magazine, that in germany a new type of voters has appeared, so to speak, these are people who vote with their feet, the country is so confused in a number of internal problems. with security, with migration, even with the environment, that 80 thousand german citizens, officially registered, leave for permanent residence in neighboring countries, primarily in the netherlands and switzerland, because there they see an island of stability against the backdrop of what germany is becoming. if you multiply this by, say, 5-7 years, you get a very solid figure. i would like to remind our viewers that after the start of a special
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operation, there are about a million of our compatriots. germany, so basically those who leave do not return, and if we return to the conversation about the military, i tell all our viewers i urge you to look on the internet for a translation of a wonderful interview with eric prince, a well-known figure, so to speak, a supporter of the republican party.
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he led them, this is the man who always compared black water, said that there is dhl or fedex, courier delivery services, private, efficient, and there is the sclerotic, so to speak, american mail, for some reason everyone prefers fidex. so, among other things, he attacked the american military establishment, saying that it had largely lost what it was previously, in particular, for example, now almost everyone is promoted, if previously only... three, or even two captains had a chance to become a colonel, now everyone reaches the rank of colonel, that is, the meritocracy is gone, now the standard for attracting recruits to the armed forces has been lowered, and by the way, i looked at the biographies of these people, about the dead, as you know, either well or not at all, about these three african americans, two women, but
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apparently their grades in school were not very good, right? however, nevertheless, the americans are forced to attract already quite bad human material, so in fact we see this kind of systemic crisis in the united states, not only in politics, not only some problems in the economy, but even in the holy of holies, in the army, which has always been one of the two pillars along with by printing the dollar of this , as it were, pillar of american hegemony, general, well , germany is quite close to me, i was born there, i served there, so, you know, this is what scholz and people like him are now trying to tell here what is possible in a future conflict in germany will play a role transport hub, this is complete nonsense, the germans will not be allowed to play any role, no hub, everyone will be pushed to the front line, and i want to remind you that in the first world war
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germany lost 2.36. there is still some time in the second world war, here the data differs a little, there from four and a half to five and a kopeck, and other data say that only on... on the soviet-german front they lost 5,600,000 people, well, if let's call the number five with a small tail, i think that we will be approximately close. so, and that scholz wants germany to lose 10 million or more, but then what kind of armies did kaider’s germany, hitler’s germany have, now, what is the bundeswehr to what level?
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well, besides switzerland, there are also normal ones trying to show that there is no need to joke with this, countries, come to us in russia, back to altai, we have many places where the germans lived, we will be happy to meet you, show you, we need workers . we constantly talk about the heroism of our guys who are at the forefront in the immediate depths performs tasks, showing unparalleled courage and heroism, but look, after all, we essentially have a labor feat... ammunition, missiles, that's forces, we have significantly increased the production
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of products that are necessary for the armed forces , our industry, having increased production in soviet times, i i know a lot of examples when enterprises that showed such serious results were awarded, they were awarded orders, the red banner of labor, the order of lenin. were awarded with challenge red banners, i think we might think about it, look and come back this is a practice so that labor collectives know that their work is appreciated, noticed and needed, and i will consult with my colleagues in the state duma, i think we will come up with such an initiative, if our colleagues of the federation council support us, we will be very happy. thank you, will you support me? absolutely, without any doubt. look, today is january 30th. a month and one week have passed since christmas, less than
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a month after the christmas holidays, but not a trace of such traditional christmas goodness remains at all, not even memories. look what's happening. there is a migration crisis in america. we will remember what trump has. this will come too is unknown, and how can one not remember the chairman’s poem with these lines: look, the whole world is going upside down, so against the backdrop of all this chaos
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, instead of music, i would remember what is close to me, about taiwan, this topic, which was recently on the front pages, look, it’s completely gone, as they say, as if it doesn’t exist, but it does exist, i won’t go into depth, but i’ll remind you, i think it’s necessary remind you that the fuse is smoldering, and this is also a potential crisis, it persists, it has not disappeared anywhere, at least in the foreseeable future until may, maybe everything will be more or less manageable, but in may the inauguration of the new head of the taiwanese administration, and that there may at least be a reason to inflate the situation, we won’t... thank you, but if we are talking about the factorer, i should mention that where i live, or at least lived in
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united states that the first busload of national guard members departed today state to support to support the brothers of the state of virginia in texas in the conflict.
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words tortured an american journalist who dared to say that zelensky is a bloodthirsty nazi killer, biden did not stand up for a us citizen, the whole truth about the terrible death of gonzal lira in the dungeons of the sbu will be told by his father, who was not allowed to meet or even just talk with his son, and also why the ukrainian authorities refused to hand over the body of the tortured journalist, what became the true cause of death, who is to blame for it, these questions will be answered in the first interview for
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russian media by gonzala lira senior exclusive in a special edition of the antifake program, this is an anti-fake program, here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation, now we will discuss the rather famous journalist gonzalo lira. which many russians and many americans probably followed, and his fate was not easy, he worked in ukraine for many years, unfortunately, after expressing his absolutely objective position, he came under persecution, he was arrested, unfortunately, this story ended tragically, all because he openly called zelensky a criminal, let's listen,
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russian journalists, all russian people, we lost a lot of our colleagues in ukraine who suffered at the hands of the zelensky regime, your son is among them. tell me, when did you find out about your son's death? this was through the us embassy. we were informed that my son was killed in ukraine. they killed him on the orders of these
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nazis, this localist, this dictator, i am extremely upset by what they did to my son, because my son was born in the usa. yes, i worked as a research assistant in the field of economics, my son gave his opinion, provided his analysis of what was happening on the border of russia and ukraine, he talked about the war, he was accused of being an agent of russia, lord, but really can you say something even more stupid?
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about him that he was a us spy, but this is completely different from what happened with my son, my son was a free reporter, he...
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when he was detained by this gestapo, who serves zelensky, zelensky's rats killed my son, under the leadership of this old biden, and let me tell you more, because i want the world to know, my son was detained on april 15, 2022, my son was detained first for 7 days, then he was released, without nomination no charges, but during the 7 days while my son was locked up, they searched his premises,
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stole all the equipment on which he processed the video, stole all the money that was in his apartment, stole his personal belongings, other things, because these are... real savages, they acted like animals, they stole from everything, and after my son was released on april 27, 2022, when he finally received all this equipment, he still had to buy new equipment and he again returned back to the information space and said what he was thinking about, and zelensky, what he did. now he called it a russian attack on ukraine, he, my son , talked about what was really happening, but i must say, zelensky is a product of the cia. they threw out the previous president, installed this dictator, this
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butcher zelensky, who promised in his company that he was a peace-loving person. so he is not a peace-loving man, he is a terrible bastard, that’s who he is, and he killed my son, a special person, an intellectual, a very smart intellectual, who was a graduate of dartmund university with honors, this is a special university, the president.


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