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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  January 31, 2024 10:00am-10:50am MSK

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big, just like artistic and military, because, for example, my grandfather, he was a participant in the great patriotic war, a veteran, he was an artist, and when i found old photographs where he was in military uniform at the front, painting a picture, a portrait of stalin, and despite the fact that we are not fighting with a machine gun in our hands, yes, we are with brushes in our hands, but we also make our contribution, our mite to our common cause in... here you have another wonderful touching work about maria pirogov, who just died under shelling of the ukrainian armed forces in donetsk on december 6, 22, why did they decide to raise this topic at all , why did this story attract attention, our subscribers sent us a song by maria pirogova, and we heard it, we were very touched when we found out that we had just heard it when she died very recently, and we put everything aside, all our creative plans and immediately... began to draw
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and let's listen and see, then if we add anything, so that our viewers are aware. my mother is on my way early, through the hail rain, rumbling, now closer, now further, i will be. a deadly echo echoes to a foreign leader in every little childhood dream and the shaggy sky with prophecies again listens to the anthem of the war, my city smells of gunpowder, my city with tears, my minds are desolate under the hail sky.
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the unconquered stands, my city is lost in powder, my city is washed with tears, you are torn apart by the sky, your unconquered. it’s touching, really, i always take it very close to my heart, especially such wonderful creative works, let me know about your future plans. well, now
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we have a plan until mid-summer, we we plan to create about twenty video arts, and they will be dedicated to memorable dates in the military history of our state , thank you very much, all the best, i want to say to all our tv viewers that today we have sorted out the fake that galina, our viewer, sent us, you can too follow her example from... all the information that raises doubts in your mind should be sent to us by mail, and of course, send us reasons for pride too, all the best to you. the first channel presents. be healthy, don't cough. remove the medicine from
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cough. vodka's birthday. if it is of any use. storm in a vessel. what happens during inflammation. the program to live healthy helps everyone. so, dear friends, i stand next to the lungs. and our entire studio is... mixed with cough medicines, these medicines without a prescription, a great variety are sold in pharmacies, but we don’t want to start with the lungs, with the stomach. so, if you are an adult and you have a cough, what is this connected with, german, it may be due to reflux disease, when the contents of the stomach rise into the esophagus, in principle it can reach to the vocal cords, burn the cords. and
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a cough is caused, this cough is characteristic that it is very strong in the morning, so adults, if you cough, but do not have a cold. don't think your cough has anything to do with your lungs. you must answer two questions for yourself: first, do i have acidic contents from the stomach refluxing into the ligament, so i cough, cough, especially horizontally, second, this is also important, have you been prescribed a new drug to lower blood pressure, because drugs from group of atp inhibitors or...prils causes a painful cough in a certain number of people, i will specifically return to this model of the lungs to tell you the following: if you take medicines that end in pril, captapril, enalapril,
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rammipril, lesinopril, then the center of the cough reflex will be irritated. and you will cough, this has nothing to do with purchasing cough medications, you should see a doctor if you are taking medicine with the ending adj. say: i’m coughing, something needs to be done, most often doctors change these medications for others, because the pressure needs to be lowered, now we have guests, this is a family with a child, a mother and son. come to us, please, what is your name, my friend? misha, how old are you, it bothers me, seven, do you go to school? yes, how do you study there? very cool, great, yes , well, well, that is, the school is in complete order, great, do you
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ever cough or not, does your mother treat you, yes, she succeeds, but does your mother succeed? well now it’s not very good, why? she has been coughing for more than a week, we are using pulmicort without a bulizer until we get better, to unfortunately, first of all, we don’t hear a single coughing movement, here he is sitting, he’s standing, his mother says he’s coughing all the time, we’re not getting better, at least he coughed once, really, well, yes,
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they thin the phlegm if a person it is difficult to cough them up, then in this case it is simply to liquefy the sputum without the ability to allow this macromite to be removed from the lung, this is very problematic, this is a problem mainly for children and elderly people who cannot cough effectively. this means, look, such drugs cannot be given to children, all drugs liquefying.
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and we consider such a cough to be defective, and these medications are tragically dangerous for elderly children. let's look at the screen. so, look, an inferior cough. the child does not have enough muscle strength to take a deep breath to push the macrota out of the lungs. therefore, macros are getting bigger and bigger, you give substances that dilute the macros, there is more and more mucus, coughing and that’s it. at the hospital so that they wouldn’t give her these medications, i just checked because she’s not able to cough up,
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so this can’t be given to her, this is yours mom is smart, really, andrey petrovich, why, because it’s the most effective. a way to deliver medicine to the respiratory system, to the bronchopulmonary system of the child, this is how we give it, we make a mask for our young man... in the mask he breathes in the medicine and it gets into all the clothes and lungs. let's see what happens, because this is the only way to ingeniously deliver the drug to the lowest parts of the lungs. so how does a nebulizer work? here's the baby through the mask inhales the medicine, this medicine rushes down through fear. into the bronchi , into the large bronchi, into the small bronchi, and reaches
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the very, very lower parts of the lungs, because there is a very high degree of fragmentation of drug molecules, and the mother does absolutely the right thing by giving this to the child, of course there is an effect, because he coughed once ordered by the mother to support her story: the child is coughing, he can’t manage it, and he doesn’t cough on his own. thank you very much, please sit down, a gift for our misha, misha, look, your mother-in-law, mikhail egorovich is giving you a gift, but what can i say, sit down, please, i want to invite one more guest to us, come to us, please, you are an adult with a cough, that’s right, that’s right, we’re asking two questions, you are taking blood pressure medication.
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then you need medicine to stop the cough. we have two groups: central action, which acts on the brain, and peripheral action, but essentially it’s the same thing, we turn off that, hermansch, we turn off the cough reflex. here we activate the vagus nerve and it turns off the cough reflex, i don’t know how it is in israel, in russia we have made the best cough medicines that contain cadeine strictly prescription, well, because it’s true, kdn belongs to the group of narcotic drugs, there are no better cough medicines it was, now it’s strictly prescription, do you also have a prescription?
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you need to read this on the packages, this drug is called dextrametharphan, we have it here, it ’s written here, too, without a prescription dextrametharphan, it’s a centrally acting cough blocker, since it’s the second one we have too hanging, here it is, this substance is called butamirate, butamirate is already of peripheral action. it also blocks cough, these two components need to be looked for in
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the composition, but i want to add that if you do not have a cold, you have porridge, you must rule out heart disease, if you have a cough while lying down, take a photo of your lungs at a minimum, so as not to miss tumor collections, that’s right, because with tumors there will also be a cough. in general, a cough is not as simple a symptom as a fever; how to lower the temperature is much easier. if you if you cough and you are an adult, then everything is much more complicated. there are many more reasons for coughing. it’s clear that you just have a cold, so an x-ray is necessary, not because we are looking for pneumonia, because we are afraid of cancer, which causes a constant cough, gastroscopy, if in a lying position, if shortness of breath, think that it is cardiac insufficient, in general there are many reasons, not everything is so simple, and if you are a child or an elderly
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person, medicines that dilute macrotases are more likely to cause harm, but they are beneficial, this is how we talk about coughs, about over-the-counter pills, let's take a short break, and then continue, not for the sake of drinking, this medal, with this hoop, pressed on the neck, the person left a mark here, and they showed him that he was an alcoholic, he was a drinker, it was vodka's birthday, is there any... what's the benefit of this?
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our expertise is that it will probably take a week to travel here by car; you can do it for two weeks by car. vladivostok, a city of bridges, water, lighthouses , delicious sea food, it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, well, only if it’s from the taste, there were also welders asking for help, this is the amur tiger, the biggest brush. in the world and even is it possible to click somewhere now, of course , they love goats, we can send you there , if you click something, something might change, we don’t need that now, we’ve almost survived, this is literally the end of the world, look , what a beauty, let's go,
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the premiere is on saturday on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle. as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10 are, well, very cold. in marilsk, friends, we see such a beautiful, beautiful draft. what is the temperature of this the entire mass. how do the guys withstand this temperature? metalga, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's make an iron man, if this iron man is tired after his shift, hasn't washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh my god, cut it up, throw salt in it , you start shaking the pepper like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and straganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing, i
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’m cold, as soon as i start, you’ll get used to it, you’ll like it right away, you’re great, give me your hand i'll shake it, it's warm. imagine, she is still warm. the life of our own. premiere. on sunday on the first. well, what do you think, dear friends, we are pouring vodka here. today is considered to be the unofficial birthday of vodka. why? interesting? because in 1865 dmitry ivanovich mengeleev defended.
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from a medical point of view, there are benefits to vodka, why? because there are two alcohols: ethyl, which is found in vodka, and methyl, which is also similar in smell, color, and which, unfortunately, sometimes people also drink, according to by mistake, by mistake, and this alcohol, it is quickly absorbed in the intestines, in the small stomach, and decomposes into formaldehyde and... usually to blindness, and ethyl alcohol is
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an antagonist of methyl alcohol, so in the hospital these conditions are treated with ethyl alcohol, that is here's 30%, let's drink, and drink, too, and thirty percent.
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absolutely officially in all countries of the world, including intravenous administration to replace methyl alcohol in case of poisoning with surrogates of alcohol with methyl alcohol, that’s all about the good things, now let’s give the floor to our colleagues, immunologists and cardiologists , let's go to the models, and andrei petrovich, we have a medal for drunkenness, what is it, this is the medal that was awarded or actually...
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and that he is an alcoholic, he is a drinker, this is a movement so far it just symbolized the fact that we have peter the great, yes, but it was, as it were, a reflection of the fact that he wore such a heavy medal for drunkenness, let’s have a drink, let’s have a drink, here, it’s clear, well, let’s go to the bags, the influence on heart and immunity, german shaevich, first word to you, heart, heart, alcohol and heart, what proven what? alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing arrhythmia, look, this is the heart, this is our force conductor, then the impulse spreads throughout the heart, when we
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drink, we experience atrial fibrillation, chaotic excitation of the atrium, and this threatens thromboembolism and stroke, people who drink , the chance of developing arrhythmia is very high, moreover... we have such a concept, the fibrillation threshold. this is the situation when you drink alcohol. i directly emphasize that it’s not that you got drunk , you should hang an 8 kg medal for drunkenness, but you just drank. the arrhythmia threshold decreases, and arrhythmia usually develops in the morning. therefore, of course, all the stories that a glass of vodka is beneficial are nonsense. i. if you are a person with cardiovascular problems, in the morning you can develop arrhythmia, strokes and nothing good will happen to you, you just need to remember this, ethyl alcohol lowers the threshold.
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pepper is absolutely illiterate, because the immune cells will be suppressed, so for christ's sake don't do it. and the last conclusion is that vodka does not warm you up. in the cold , the superficial vessels are narrowed so that all the blood was in the heart in the brain. when you drink vodka, the superficial vessels dilate and you
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begin to give. another little myth, because we believe that vodka is a good disinfectant and kills microorganisms, this is also not true, why? because only alcohols with... more than 60, and preferably 90, are effective disinfectants, this kills, and 40% may not take the bacteria that you want to kill, in general, there are still benefits from vodka in cases of methyl alcohol poisoning , there is ethyl alcohol, not vodka, but ethyl alcohol becomes a medicine and is administered intravenously, saving people’s lives, that’s what we wanted to tell you about vodka on
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vodka’s birthday. glory to mendeleev for the periodic table, this is all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine. joe biden, the apostle of moracobesia, where he is dragging the rest of the world. because of this, guys, the third world war will begin. from the point of view of globalists, all countries should disappear, wanting to destroy the whole world, they could not save their country, texas, protests, uprisings.
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joe biden, apostle of the era of obscurantism. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. i never asked the lord to become a patriarch. i have always asked the lord to make the right choice. who , besides god, doesn’t know how things are going there, how much time is left, you need to put yourself in god’s hands, you need to work so that you have the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly, everyone is equal before god, god won’t ask me who you are was, he will ask, you visited a sick person, you came to prison to see someone who is suffering there, you shared a piece of bread, that’s what he will ask, thanks to you for your
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... as a result of which this injury received, i wish you god's help, strength, strength, mental, physical, but also a speedy recovery, i see a lot, i feel a lot, a lot. this signal that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life, on the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service, the premiere of the documentary film is on the first tomorrow. so, friends, we have this mutilated vessel in our studio, and we go. to our medical site, where an ultrasound examination is currently taking place. our topic is vessels, this is an artery, these are veins, what happens to vessels when
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inflammation, inflammation is inflammation; inflammation affects the vascular wall. let's look at the vessel here. unfortunately, in the literal sense of the word, the vessel becomes. full of holes, and the person is covered with a rash, right now on our screen there is a rash from the life of a real person, and dr. gandelman and i want to ask our experimental nine a question, what is herman shaich like, have you ever had a rash of this nature, as a rule, it occurs all over the body, if such a rash is white, click. red screen if it was not there, green, please click on the screen, and the person with the red screen, we immediately invite you to come to us, please come to us, yulia danilovna, in fact, we
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showed you a photograph of yulia danilovna, she is so small, wonderful, and the disease that she has yulia danilovna - is it inflammation of blood vessels, like yours? the disease is called vasculitis, vasculitis, how long have you had it? not very long ago, how long? well, about two years, two years ago, they noticed at the very beginning, what happened, they changed my medicine, prescribed a new medicine, ssarelta 15, after that i thought that after that i started to have problems, i began to see a doctor, but they started sending me to all the doctors and...
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what about the vessels, this is yulia danilovna, a vessel, when there is inflammation, they eat it, corrode it holes appear, and then blood sweats into and through these holes. hemo is blood, ragia is a course, hemorrhage is bleeding, hemorrhagic rash, rash due to developing small foci
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of bleeding, what kind of disease is this, hermann schaitz, what is it associated with, here is our immune system, this is due to the fact that immune cells attack ours. a blood clot may form during an inflamed vessel, a stroke, heart attack, myocardial injury may occur, or an aneurysm may form; the vessel may rupture, absolutely true, so the fact that you were consulted by many doctors suggests
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that you are being seen by competent people in a good place , where, as you put it , they drove you, from our point of view they examined you in detail, it was in moscow. one tablet in the morning and evening, and i felt much better, no, it didn’t completely go away, but there are many complaints about your medicine.
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what is the name of your local therapist? romanenko, irina, romanenko. but due to her age , she has the right to call the doctor irina, even irochka. irina romanenko is also a great guy, because all the primary diagnostics fell on her shoulders. this is what we think, yulya danilovna, about moscow hospitals and clinics, they are the best in the world today. grandchildren. are there children, grandchildren, how many? one grandson. grandson, how old? a lot, well , how much, well, i, i’m hiding, god, she’s still
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afraid that we’ll find out how old she is, well, that’s in general, an anecdote, just a complete joke, here people, we give you 38, we agree, it suits you, that is, you are younger, no, it doesn’t suit, well , as far as you agree, 65, 65, you look great, your eyes are still blue. then i’ll tell you, then you’ll tell me, let ’s talk to no one now, i hope no one heard, thank you very much, please sit down, yes, of course, please sit down, this is the kind of patient we have, you know, a whole series of programs we are called vessels, and i want with you, german shavich, to return to this leaky vessel, a lot of problems occur here, atheroscler develops here. here dissections of aneurysms can develop, and
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today we told you about inflammation of the blood vessels, this is really a storm in the blood vessels, the diagnosis of vasculitis, sometimes it is not just about the cause of this skeleton, because the treatment depends on the true cause, so the fact that our julia they helped danilovna, they were really great doctors who figured it out step by step. let's take a short break and then continue. a word from an advertisement. enamels. these creams do what our skin does not. our expertise. modern man, this has already been absolutely proven. was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world,
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language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal, reached the rank of general, he entered the russian elite. in 1960 , under immediate pressure. premiere, film two, africa, tomorrow on
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the first. gene sheaf, a product of stetellar group. what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries, on the love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love. love of people to each other, at all costs, love. vedechka loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because he went through all sorts of veronikas, i was in pain.
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a little bit of a boy on the contrary. matador eduard savenko in search of love. on friday on the first. this is a program to live healthy, friends. and this is the skin that gives us a lot of trouble. a word from an advertisement, this is the name of our conversation today. before you hear the commercials, let's see how ours is. the skin is moisturized, mikhail egorovich , it is moisturized through the first thing, the sweat glands, so they secrete, and through the sebaceous glands, here are the sebaceous glands, here is egor, look, here they secrete sebum, and here is mikhail igorich, do not tear the hair out of the skin, leather fat and sweat mix to form a film,
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a water-fat film on the surface of the skin, so that was the introduction, and now our main project... enamels must be used at least twice a day. enamels. let's start with the fact that this is the first advertisement where i heard such an unusual
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combination of emollient and diathesis, which is unusual for ordinary advertising, that is, it seems like these are over-the-counter drugs, but we are talking about diseases. about neurodermatitis, about exudative diathesis, and i thought, well, people have completely lost their conscience. so, once again, everything is sold without a prescription, all cosmetics with emollients that supposedly protect and slightly whether diseases such as neurodermatitis or exudative diathesis are not treated. mikhaila egorevich, what are emollients? emollients? what it is? elements are substances that moisturize and soften the skin. well, for example , let's say, let's go to the screen, for example, let's say, what are emollients, why, because they contain substances that retain moisture, this is glycerin, one molecule attracts 7-10 molecules of water, this is
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urea, too approximately 7-10 water molecules, and hyaluronic acid, which can attract... up to a thousand water molecules, but hyaluronic acid, it is not used , it is too expensive, urea and glycerin are present there, these are one of the most famous emollients, here we can all stop and give the floor to professor prodeus, because he is the very doctor who deals with and.. myrodermatitis, and he is also an exudative diathesis, here, as they say, we are silent, andrei petrovich, that’s it, we are silent, they work or is it a lie, is this a word from an advertisement, is it true or not, i will answer first, yes, it is true, and we are without these products do not currently treat atopic
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dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis and even psoriasis, why? because one of the basic rules. treatment of skin inflammations is nourishing the skin, moisturizing the skin , because without this, relapses occur, what we see here now, this section is called medicinal cosmetics, it is mainly sold in pharmacies, these are pharmaceutical cosmetics, and in order to become sold there , it is necessary to do clinical studies, just as they are done with drugs, for example, i can cite... and such a multicenter study and meta-analysis, which was published in a very respected journal called the lancet, this is one of the top journals, and this... a study showed that they took several different emollients and showed the effectiveness of how in patients with children under
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12 years of age with atopic dermatitis, it is possible to increase the period of remission for the disease, in this case, they showed that we can lengthen their remission by 2 and a half times if we use imalents every day, so the word from the advertisement in this case is absolutely true, i can. i'll go back to this layout again, we with mikhaila egorovich have already shown that our skin itself strives to moisturize. sweat is , well, roughly speaking, water, slightly salted there , and fat is the top film, so that the water does not evaporate, it creates a film on the surface of the skin, roughly speaking, when you buy medicinal cosmetics with emollients in this case. you should read some important things, the composition should contain glycerin or urea, that’s absolutely right, this is the first, these are
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substances that will hold water, and what will prevent this water from evaporating with this patient skin, most often, most often these are a certain type of fats, or lipids, as we call them, or cyramids - this is what then covers the surface of the skin. and does not allow moisture to evaporate from the thickness of the skin, so take the jar directly and read what, from your point of view, is really the so-called occluder, that is, urea or glycerin holds water, and so that it does not evaporate, it should be covered with a fatty film on top, the first inscription is cyramidyramid, or there will be oils, written oil, if in english or any other word.
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from the sebaceous gland, so if your skin is all inflamed, it doesn’t produce anything , that’s why these creams are added, i want to ask a very serious question: can a healthy person buy such a cream and use it just every day, it’s definitely possible, moreover, these medicinal cosmetics pass more thorough testing, and what i especially like about it and even in those samples that are there, look, jars of ordinary cream, you unscrew it, put your finger in it and after a while this jar becomes infected, when we are talking about the vegetative
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cosmetics, then most often yes, then most often these are certain dispensers that allow you, without contact with the main contents of this tube, to give you the opportunity to receive a dose of emollient to apply to your skin, and in winter this is especially important. than simple cosmetics, i’ll correct you, simple cosmetics don’t undergo any research at all, none at all, this is a pleasure industry, no one spends a penny to study simple cosmetics, it’s a lot of money, that’s cosmetics.


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