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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  January 31, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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he must, as it were, want to please himself, invest in yes, otherwise it is very easy for him to leave you, and so, when he paid for your nails, paid for your eyebrows, like this, it’s already mine , where will it go, just like how to keep a man, no cooking, no cleaning, nothing, you just force him to invest in himself so much that he will greedily leave you, that’s all, and you’ll be together for the rest of your life, even if you don’t like him, how wise you are, i know that you for a surprise, but... we need to prepare, please, we will wait for you, maybe she will show some it’s a surprise that he’s so wow, this is my destiny, oh, mommy, what about inheritance, what about son, do you have one or do you have other children, i have another daughter, i have more children, it’s not, well, he’s according to him apparently he’s so well-fed, no, what , don’t show this on air, sister, no, no, but what about him, he’s young, handsome, walking, walking
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, bye, walk, bye, young, in fact, what is this, not get attached, now you need this collar around your neck, and if she gets pregnant, the children will go to their mother, mother, and by the way, you are ready for grandchildren, in general, i very easy to climb in general, and it seems to me that it doesn’t matter to me where to live, it’s important how to live, if you feel good, comfortable and you’re happy , you can be with anyone, and depending on who you’re with, you can get along everywhere, it seems to me that’s generally the case with me the feeling that where... i haven’t been, i create such energy around me that i feel comfortable everywhere, i actually noticed this trend, the groom comes and says: i have two apartments, a car, but my parents have a yacht, and when he came to get married, nikola is not at home, poor parents, he says, i have two apartments, a car, i have a very promising job, my parents have a yacht, their own business, and why did you come to get married, there is nothing, you save up first son, i think the rose lives in some kind of parallel world,
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now they are going out somewhere in my dreams with a stroller, with a little granddaughter for a walk, there are such interference, interference in the form of grooms or brides, i say, rose, rose, everything is fine there, a boy came from a family where everything is fine, he wants to get married, he’s a wonderful age, 28 years old, why do you need this, son, take a walk, it’s okay, no, it’s already mother, yes, well, who from are you going to push your children away, mothers? why does he have to go there i don’t , well, i don’t fantasize at all, leave the laughter to me, i’ll make him laugh larisa, oh, my mother is interested, she’s listening like that, so i’m just larisa, it’s like we’re friends, why aren’t you making friends at the same time, i can’t call her by her patronymic name, she’s too luxurious woman, that's what i wrote, that's what i wrote, i'm broadcasting it please. at the age of 29, apart from my
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own teeth, i had nothing at all, you know, and not a single filling, so what, but the bride wants whatever she wants, that’s what you’re on me, but what about a house, an apartment, now everyone is renting, why, why not, it’s convenient, i ’m such a creative person, here and there, a car, by the way, very much, i give you materials for your stand-ups speeches. you can’t imagine what good material this is , then share it, and how do you feel about the fact that he doesn’t have a stable job, and the work is so seasonal, the earnings are also unstable, in fact, since i myself come from such a creative field, where we also make money on projects, that’s what i really think it seems that if you are, first of all, each other ’s friends, support, you will insure each other in such periods when someone’s something... sags, so in general i
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’m fine with it, the most important thing is that the person does not sit still , was purposeful, and this is already well, because in general, in principle, there is no stability in our life, but how do you feel about the fact that young people who meet before marriage live 50/50, it seems to me that this is normal, but how to survive... to another, there should be an equal contribution in the family, that is, if you you earn... you should also bring it to the family, even if you are a woman, i just sincerely don’t understand where this consumerist attitude comes from, i swear, i don’t understand, for example, i can’t imagine how i would eat black caviar, and my husband’s pasta or something, they’re cool , i like it, i’m in awe, i already want to be there, well, how can this be, it’s a family, even i can’t do that with my friend, that is, if, for example, i don’t have a wealthy friend , they have her dignity, but don’t pay. in half, i will never take it
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expensive dish, well, you just have a feeling of compassion, well, somehow you ’re normal, you have brains, and you won’t go to the most expensive restaurant, well, is there a whole beloved here or? a whole husband, it’s one thing when a man sits, a man does nothing, does not strive for anything , then of course i don’t welcome this, but if a person is purposeful, achieves something, but everything is not great for him right away , there are all sorts of periods, it seems to me that this is normal, in general it seems to me that close people should be with each other exactly then, well, not just then, but in general to be each other’s support, support in such periods when not everything is sweet and smooth, in joy in...
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you are my future husband, then you had some influential man, older than you, you were young, i was 19, and he was 72, well, 67, you won’t be tormented by the fact that you are older than alexander, how old you are, 28, 28, is abnormal, but there are no age complexes, that you probably don’t care anymore , no, and if you haven’t done plastic surgery, you need to do plastic surgery, well, i would do some kind of well... i would straighten my nose, but why does zoya have a wonderful nose, corey, just be corey, don’t do like michael jackson in recent years, alexander, i’m already 30 years old, i’m ready to settle down, i ’m ready to find female happiness in male despair, a woman who jokes endlessly,
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for me this is the most, well, just unsexy , what could happen in nature, if you connect your life with me, then perhaps you will have materials for stand-up for a long time, when the pirate is fixed in your head? he insults me, i don’t like it, it makes me sad, depressed, as he said, yes, what are you going to do? the main thing is that you bring money, at that moment i was so moved, and i just thought, well, the person who loves you won’t say that, sit down, you ’re pulling me a little, and now i’ll pull you, you raise your left leg and now lean forward, no, once we’ve started, come on, come on, come on, let’s talk about... well, let’s try below, like mothers are not a poster, don’t tell me anymore, when they don’t raise their children and don’t see them, i ask you to return my grandchildren , what condition
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was put forward for you to restore, so that i i did cosmetic repairs, spent 3 months in a narcology clinic, but why were they drinking then, i’m not a drunk, what state were the children in when they came to you? kirill said that i will never forgive betrayal, whose betrayal, my mother’s? well, haven’t you asked the children whether they want to come to you or not? lisa agrees, i bought a new phone for my daughter, but did you ask kiril? no, i didn’t ask my son, but we asked, he is so ready to answer that he will now enter this studio. good afternoon, you can leave work, here you go you wanted, you left work, and then come back, this, by the way, does not mean that you are
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a bad employee, well, you’re just tired, took a break, rested, you can leave the company of friends, well, you wanted to be alone, and then you can her to come back, and that’s okay too. you can’t leave the life of children, being a mother, and then come back , i woke up, it doesn’t happen like that, i agree, today in our studio is a resident of the orenburg region, gulsum salekhyanovna, hello, hello, please tell me what happened to you, i ask you to return my grandchildren so, where are the grandchildren for taking this away? illegal, we don’t even know where i am at all, that is, you don’t know where your grandchildren are, but at first they were in an orphanage, makar, how many grandchildren do you have, three, and these are the children of your son, that’s right, my son, yes, my son’s children , from whom they were seized, where were the children at
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the time they were seized, were they married, your son separated from her, no, in the same place, they lived together and live together, they still live together, they still live together. he was not there, their children were taken away on march 12 march in the twenty-first year, 2 years ago, and you still don’t know where the children are? well, they took them to orphanages, and you visited them at least once, i always visited them myself, the children were sent to an orphanage, all three of them, not to an orphanage, they were immediately in a rehabilitation center, so the children were in a rehabilitation center, you were there visited them every week... i went to kuandyk, so when you lost your children, already in
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the month of july, the last time i saw them with them was this year, twenty-first year, so you haven’t seen them for 2 years, yes, i haven’t seen you for 2 years, and you haven’t you know where they are, no, all the children were divided , all three of them, scattered, who, where, i understand that your son and daughter-in-law were deprived of parental rights, that’s right, i was deprived of only one son , the son was deprived, and the daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law ... in three, she and your son were deprived of rights to whom? on makar, only on makar, only on makar, but why? but because these two girls, their paternity has not been established. did your son go to court? i contacted him and contacted him several times. and what? what did the court tell him? left unchanged, without consideration. well, that means the court had that’s the beginning of spring, we didn’t get to court, but we turned to the guardianship authorities. we were not denied detailed comments about your son's family. let's get a look. since december 2018
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, the family of oksana gennadievna mlikova and rafis petrovich karzanov have been registered with various prevention services. we visited the family several times. we saw all the conditions in which adult children were kept. on some of our visits, the children were at home alone, and we talked to the children through the window. well, when they got into the house, naturally, they saw these ones. sanitary conditions, the children had no toys, there were no clothes according to their seasonal age and gender, the house was a mess, dirty, in principle oksana did nothing to put her house in proper shape, due to the malicious use of alcoholic beverages, abandonment of children alone at home, in january 2021, and mlikova oksana gennadievna and karzanov rafiz petrovich were limited in parental rights in relation to all children. minor children were placed by us in state government educational institutions mlikova oksana neither
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for the entire period from the twenty-first year after the restriction of parental rights, i did not visit the guardianship authorities of the city of kvndk on the issue of restoration of parental rights, but at first they were limited to us, and then six months later we deprived them of them, because the parents did not make any attempts to restoration of parental rights, did not work, continued to abuse alcohol when we... the children were taken away from her by a court decision on restrictions on parental rights, our children ended up in alyonishka, this social rehabilitation center in our city, when they got there, elizaveta mlikova had a helminthic infestation, and according to the attending physician, these infections can occur due to proper child care. mlikova, oksana gennadievna, as far as we know, the orphanage is not in the city of orsk or the city of suleletsk.
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alina, this is my first husband , is a live-in partner, that is, his dad’s live-in partner , yes, a live-in partner, and you are deprived of rights to him, and also to all five of you, yeah, ah... where? lisa is staying with her grandmother. and you are on her also deprived of rights? yes, i am also deprived. and then at first they limited everyone? yes, they limited it. what conditions were put forward for you to recover, for me to get some cosmetic repairs, get a job, and spend 3 months in a narcology clinic in orenburg? did you do it? i spent time in narcology in
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novotroysk. and then the doctors, when they admitted me to narcology, told me why you need me. they sent you here, wait, you - everything that the court told you, did you do or not, yes, did, you were not restored to your rights, no, but you appealed, i didn’t, my husband appealed, well, the guardianship authorities they said that they didn’t see you anywhere, no , he went, your husband could only appeal about makar, because he is not the father of everyone else, we even went to court with my husband about dna, and that, well, we once went with husband to court, then why do you need to go. regarding dna, well, so that he would do this dna for you on his two children, on victoria on origina, we could go to zaks to write a statement that he is the father of your children, and he would be included in the birth certificate, just in your hands there would be two documents: a birth certificate and a document called establishing paternity, well, i don’t know everything, they told us
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so, we applied, well, you probably only went there only when your rights were limited, well, yes, why did you... only write it down to makar father, now i will explain to you, he is not your husband, but a cohabitant, husband, why, i was registered when you signed with him on november 7, why my girl is registered with mlikov vitaly vitalievich, since i cohabited with karzan rafis petrovich, i was born a girl mlikova regina vitalievna from karzanov rafis petrovich, so it took 9 months for me to divorce him and it didn’t become legally valid.
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joe biden, the apostle of obscurantism, where is he pulling the rest of the world? because of this, guys, the third world war will begin. from the point of view of globalizers, all countries should disappear. wanting to destroy the whole world, he could not save his country. texas, protest, uprising. why did they rebel? america is led by a sect of satanists. where there are 85,000 immigrant children in the us , child trafficking is a huge business, these children are simply used for ritual purposes. america is mired in transgender people 30% yourself towards people with non-traditional values. what normal parent would want to send their child to such a school? american power has been rotten for a long time. declaring a state of emergency and canceling the elections will be the only way to prevent trump from coming to power.
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this is, to some extent, the plan of the globalists. and their real goal is to eradicate religion, to create a slave class.
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who is suffering there, you shared a piece of bread, this is what he will ask, thanks to you for your encouragement, as a result of which these are the injuries received, i wish you god's help, strength, strength, mental, physical, but also faster health, i see a lot, i feel a lot, a lot, this signal that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life. on the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service, the premiere of the documentary film will be on the first tomorrow. your majesty, what is this? letter,
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count grigory grigorievich arloveli to convey, in more words, that they are waiting, and this, and this, a symbol, a symbol, he is now himself a tempting serpent. great, golden age, big premiere from february 5, on the first, you won't torture me, it’s really not crazy for you to fight with all of europe, europe, europe , my dear, far away, what is your duty to the police? there in front of the children, i don’t know , don’t go , i don’t find out, but you want to restore your rights, why, in order to raise children, i don’t want to find out the child support debt, i’m not interested in this, i
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don’t go, but how do your children live? how your children have been living all these years, it’s not interesting, it’s interesting , no one will restore your rights until you pay off your child support debt, and your child support debt is more than 700 thousand, and this is impossible, you you're not working, are you? that’s right, you haven’t had children at home for 2 years, but you don’t work, why? i worked, but i quit, you told us before the program that you got a job at a clinic, yes, but they began to write off 15,500 from your salary and there was nothing left for you, so you quit, of course, they won’t write off, there’s only they paid 15,500, well, that’s right, so what kind of debts do you have, why did you give birth to them, answer my question, educate them. so what? but what were they drinking then? i didn’t drink, i kept cattle, but where in our sarah's work? we don’t have it for sarah. once i went
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to the elevator to get a job, they asked me: what did you work for? i told them, after all , the insemination doctor, who do you say we will inseminate here? that’s all, she turned around and left, they had everything on their farm, i had everything on my farm, everything was there, there were two cows, there were goats. how much does your husband earn? about 160,000, but how did his alimony debt to the child grow so much, if his salary is such, or is it not official? officially works
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officially in the city of ufa, he first worked, the salary there was small, and he was also cheated on his salary, so he fell out of business from there, now at the moment he officially works in the city of ufa, let's assume that in some unknown, completely fantastic way... your children will be returned to you, where are you are you going to live with them? in an apartment, we rent an apartment, we bought a house, give us maternity capital, we’ll now see how you live now in a rented apartment, and a house on maternity capital, what about that house, yes, which was bought with maternity capital, let’s take a look, this is it our apartment is rented, look, we want to bring the children to live here, we have children, they will live and sleep here , regina will sleep here, victoria will sleep here, approximately we will sleep here, when we remove the wall,
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we will buy a sofa, makarik will sleep, this room will be for three children , this is where elizabeth will sleep, since there’s nowhere else to put a bed here, we ’ll buy a sofa here, here’s our kitchen, here we have smoked lard, this is the chicken, there’s minced meat, we always have all the food, it’s always full everything is packed, the children never they will walk around hungry, they will always walk around well-fed, they walked around fed up, they will walk around well-fed, i just ask, please, return the children to us, the guardianship authorities require that there be shampoos, uh, powder, soap, everything is there, everything is there. we have a washing machine , we have living conditions, everything we have created is clean, tidy, not a speck of dust, not a speck. yes, i
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have a house that i bought with my maternity capital, i took it in bad condition , everything was flying off under the windows, the door was falling off, i bought it like this, we will demolish this door, of course, we will put a new one, we want to finish gluing the ceiling tiles in the living room, paste wallpaper, lay linoleum there, we want to install interior doors, and gradually buy new furnishings. repent , we want to live in an apartment, here, here, but when we make a house over time, we will go to our own house to live, the children remind us of this happiness, they cry, but you can’t do anything, like a mother is not a poster, tell me when they don’t raise their children and don’t see them, their heart hurts , sometimes you can’t sleep at night, i didn’t sleep all night today, then the pressure, then the heart, then the head, then i can’t get out of my dreams and i can’t rest. i
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i even cry in my dreams, yes , please tell me, are you going to have children in an apartment or in a house, in an apartment, in an apartment, with a house, that we are going to renovate the house, and what stopped you from renovating this house all 2 years while there were no children , because my husband didn’t have such a job at first, this house was bought with maternity capital, this is a children’s house. yes , i’m adding 50,000 here as a personal note, he was a trash heap, a kolidor there, a trash heap for the children, completely departed from the kolidor there, i ask the question again, why did you buy this trash heap for the children, but because i have my first husband, he drank and me i kicked the children out of the house in the middle of winter, and i had nowhere to go, i had to buy this house, and where is your first husband, he died, firstly, why are you deceiving now, that i am deceiving,
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that he is deceiving you. he left for moscow from the old house and he left them there , then this house was bought without him, but you still came to visit them, what kind of relationship did they have, well, at the time when i arrived, there was a normal attitude, then my brother moved here, i don’t know what happened there next, only... when i came on vacation and also saw this new house, so when you came to them on vacation, she was already living with rafis, that’s right, yes, but i didn’t see him, it’s the same thing that was shown just now, everything is here , i had one case when she hit lisa, and what kind of situation was it, why did she hit her, honestly, i don’t remember exactly what happened there, i remember that she hit her, she fell against the wall, she fell i took it, at
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that time we had already seen it on... at least that’s what the neighbors who lived next to you say, we are with them let's talk, let's see, i don't know, they used to hold everything for cattle, and the kids played here, they ran there. somehow i wouldn’t say dressed buts anymore, but they worked or lived on benefits, no, they were probably not good people, but the drinking family was children, it seems to me that they were even hungry, they were somehow dressed, as if all sorts of unknown people were visiting her and they see that the children are hungry in the neighbors.
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we went, bought food and fed the children, everything there was covered in darkness, the children were taken away, ok , mom, i was going to renovate the house, they tore everything down, kissed me , they were going to renovate it, somehow everything stalled again, but they mowed it down, but they don’t do anything , what are you, but they worked, but they need children, they need money, not children if they lived well, the children would not have been taken away; now we don’t see them. they just arrived, we’ll live here, they turned around, they turned around, they turned on the light, that’s it, and for some reason they left again while they were living here, if she had been good, the children would not have been taken away, i think so, seasoned children, children hardened, they could have jumped out, ran around naked, why didn’t she dress them, dressed them, but you don’t know why they took the children, drank, but left, abandoned them.
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they lie, they lie, they lie, lies, lies and provocation, your behavior does not surprise me at all, since this is not the first time we have seen such a mother, in quotes, in the studio, and i want. the next woman really surprised me, honestly, your brother died, these are his children, lisa and kirill, and his partner, even without being an official wife, that’s right, just a partner, for some reason took care of these children herself, from kirill, kirill, as i understand it, she still has plans for liza, yes, that’s for now kirill, alina, come to us, hello, are you raising your eldest? oksana's son, at the moment, yes, one. kirill, yes. do you have legal guardianship? unfortunately, not yet. i have exams today, if i pass successfully, on saturday i will receive official documents from the school of foster parents. and exams at school for foster
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parents. yes, that is, my training period is already running out, it lasts 2 months. yes. and in order to formalize guardianship on with a guy official. i have to go through foster parent school first. yes. all medical evidence, certificates of no criminal record , rent and wages - this is all nonsense, but of course, under what circumstances did you take the children with you? you and vitaly took them when he was alive, but we took them more than two years ago, when they were taken from an orphanage, and kirill called from alyonushka and said that they were in alyonushka, it’s like a repcenter alyonushka. yes, a rehabilitation center, and after that, sort of in anticipation that the mother would take them, uh -huh, they waited, she would take them, she wouldn’t, and then, when the children were transferred to an orphanage, we decided that
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the children should be taken away, because this would lead to deprivation of rights, she calls herself a dissident. and a humanist, but in fact i’m ready to deport the residents of crimea if kiev asks for it, my fees go to ukraine , what do you think people feel about this, i live in a social circle, you can’t call them ordinary people, i give all my money to ukraine, where are you selling? why are her books up to are still sold in our country, zakhar prilepin, there was an attempt to kill him, i can’t say that i really like it, but... you have the right to this ; there’s already some kind of disgust towards them, i don’t know, i will should i now advise that they read ulitskaya , i am now like a woman’s mother, well, this is simply absolutely inhumane, what do you think, who can be trusted, well, of those who left, dear fathers of the world
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, it is impossible to seriously count on these guys, these are not partners, they seem to be unnecessary and not scary, well, what can they change, sorry guys, you are on the sidelines of history, show. vavan and lexus. premiere. today is the first one. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. to the centenary of the massfilm film studios. motor. let's start. so many acting destinies, dreams, sufferings. hundreds of people.
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“many things make me happy, first of all, traveling, traveling around the country, when everything is fine with your loved ones, our lands, our fields, our forests, our
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daisies, meadows, flowers, trees, this is all our native, this is the only country in world, whom i love and will love very much sincerely. as a child, i loved to braid pigtails and pigtails for dolls. i want to become a hairdresser now, i have a house in the center, and i am surrounded by five churches, when the bells ring, the mood becomes even better, love our beautiful, huge country, there are a lot of opportunities in it, once you understand this, they will come to you. i am incredibly glad that i live in such a country and can travel around our russia. what condition were the children in when they came to you? you understand, when children, even from not very good conditions end up in an orphanage.
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they didn’t get anything back, listen, well, it’s about the life of the children, when the stepfather, kirill, appeared, what he told, kirill told how once he ran to larisa with a bum in rubber, well, in the sense without socks, in rubber boots, because rafis kicked him out of the house because something in his mobile phone , some 400 rubles were missing, aliza told me what she said, she is a silent fox, she loves her mother very much, she is very eager to communicate.
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that they laugh at her, here in krasnogorsk there is such a constellation school, an amazing school, an amazing director, we passed all the tests of wexler, psychologists, psychiatrists, this is a school for children with disabilities, for special children, this is the strongest school in the entire moscow region, yes, yes, i ’ll go there determined, not me, we, she studied there for a year, dad died, that’s it, and the child was taken back to the orphanage, no, dad died, grandmother took the child, she gave
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temporary guardianship to kirill, kirill, and liza, right, and grandmother is unable to drive the child to this school, they live in the orenburg region, in mednogorsk, aliza, there with her grandmother in the orenburg region, whether she goes to a normal school or not, now she is studying remotely, that is, they send her homework assignments, the actual solution, i worry about the child, because it seems to me that the grandmother is not quite. is she able to pull it off or is the situation there such that they want to grant temporary guardianship to the grandmother, but elizaveta will live with vitalka’s younger brother and alexei, firstly, their age limit is very good, they are up to 30 she’s years old, and he has a wife, and a wife and a child, and well, okay, a full family, there’s a small child, then we’ll come back a little later, because my grandmother and i talked about how lisa. lives with her, now we want to see how you live with kirill.
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this is our apartment, we have been living in this apartment since the moment we took the children from home with vitalka. now we live together with kiryukha, well, somehow everything seems to be working out fine for us. some of kirill’s things lie and hang here, here are things that, well, he often uses, it's computer. behind which kirill simply does his homework, a sleeping and relaxation area, there are two of them, because we have a heated balcony with light, so if he wants to sleep on the balcony and the temperature allows, he sleeps on the balcony, if not, we have one more sleeping place, it’s in the kitchen, in the summer, for example , you can’t kick it out of here, well, it’s like its own cell, its own corner, where no one walks, no one looks at anything, and there’s another place here in the kitchen, that is, it also moves apart here, here ... our freezer is also full
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absolutely to the top, even frozen red caviar is also lying around, now i have a moment, the fact that i can cook a hot meal so that he doesn’t wait for me, here it is in the oven, today we have a casserole, the child is not hungry, that’s for sure , because even if suddenly i understand that something is ending somewhere... i say: kiril, wishes, wishes arrive immediately on my phone, and this same evening always appears on his table. this is our best friend, he always meets, sees off, waits, we often play with i hit the ball with her, i move my feet, and he tries to take the same thing, only he takes it in a completely natural way in a different way. basta is our youngest cat, we also have a medium-sized cat, the largest cat, an adult,
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it’s quite fun to live with animals, you don’t have to be sad , they can make you happy, you have someone to play with. alya, give me your paw! give me your paw, smart girl, well done, i like living here, our family is friendly, we love each other, we live calmly, peacefully. oksan, you want to take the children for yourself, right? yes, well, you didn’t ask the children, they want are they coming to you or not? no, i didn’t ask, lisa, i agree with mamiti, it’s clear that i even took her to my place on weekends, she came to me, i bought my daughter a new phone, and did you ask kiril? no , i didn’t ask my son, but we asked, he is so ready to answer that he will now enter this studio, kirill, hello, hello, tell me how you ended up in the orphanage, but i can tell you, it all started with that... that
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my mother started drinking, and after that, well , she started visiting us, of course, naturally guardianship, social care, then and this... somehow is it connected with the appearance of rafis in her life? well, probably yes, you can even say so, well, that is, she started drinking when he appeared or not, this didn’t happen before, you were growing up in a diaper, you are shameless, it’s a pity, you should have been raised so that he could raise you , a profitable drunkard would go to prison with him, i was raised well, at least he will raise me well, he sent you alimony, okay, i won’t answer these questions, in short, just no alimony. at first i took small children from the main house, there were two cars in total,
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then they went for lisa and naturally came for me later, we were taken to a rehabilitation center, naturally you know, no matter how... because you came somewhere unfamiliar , you were taken from your home, and according to larisa’s aunts, it turns out that the mother continued to drink the same way, she visited you at the rep center, yes it was like that, she visited for three or four , just like my son came for, well, the woman just turned away from her child instead of hugging, she turned away and began to attack, eat.. .a rare category of women who give birth to children, but can live without them, who, well, they live calmly, without thinking about where their children are, how their children are, but please tell me, did your mother even try to do something to take you from the orphanage, i think so, no, because that if they had tried, they wouldn’t have continued to drink, they probably would have pulled themselves together and tried to somehow recover, arafiz,
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how he treated you and not only you, but also, you don’t know, how he treated liza. .. how to say it correctly, i don’t know, well, it ’s not particularly friendly, that when you know, once upon a time there were such hands , there was assault, there was assault , there were also screams, there was swearing, and he worked for rafiz when you lived together, and well, it was such a thing that he worked at some times, at he worked at a shaman, on a car, in a quarry, but he worked for me for a long time, he worked there for a month, he worked there for a month, are you lying to me, who is teaching you to lie? no one teaches me to smoke, i’m from my point of view, i have my own opinion, why should i, who should smoke you, who taught you to smoke, drink, shameless you, i’m telling you, now you’re like that, when mom’s not there, you can get your elbow, but you won’t get his son, just like now i don’t have a mother, she’s actually dead, she’s no longer here,
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how is life with alina, well, we’re living well with alina , because we have good trust, we trust each other. then, also with training , everything is fine with her, we study, we support each other in any situation in fact, we fell in love just like that, look, it turns out that after dad took you from the orphanage, you only communicated with lisa, with other children, you have lost contact, yes, i only communicated with lisa, well, i would probably like to make an appeal. so that i can contact your channel, so that you can help me, so that i can communicate with these children at least for some reason.
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what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern men , revolutionaries based on love and devotion , to whom my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people to each other, at all costs, love, very ...
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that's all you understand about us guys, that's it you don’t know one thing, why, why we love some and marry others, that’s all, this is the answer,
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he has gold shoulder straps and a bright order on his chest, premiere, i love my country, on saturday at the first, pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member our country's olympic biathlon team. what are you up to singing? yes, you're bored, the house has been repaired, you'll find students, the title is a loser athlete, you've found a champion in tide, you'll go to a sports school, then, if you're lucky, you'll go to the olympics, and everything will be fine, than him? these fishermen, i don’t want to go to yours the olympics, i want to kill vitya,
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you have little pity, you won’t bring your father back anyway , game, let’s do it, training four times a week, three running, one angry, then i’m in, i mean, well, let’s kill him together, counterfeiters, a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people, there are crimes, love, and most importantly ethnography, which of them is the hero, a boy or?
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here are berries, cherries, i make compotes for her , here are peekaboos, she eats them well too, soup, here we have, zucchini, this is the kind of cabbage she has, she loves beets, and here we have meat, frozen, all kinds, beets, carrots , i do all this, i pack everything here, my child is not hungry, no, we force her to eat, lisa has been living with us for six months already on the fourteenth, lisa and i like to live. yes, the three of us live , we have someone to take care of, i told ksana, i say, you take at least a piece of paper, you will have at least one child left, yes, yes, yes, i say come to
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court, here, file an application for our mednogorsk lisa doesn’t want to go to her mother, because she has the opinion that if her mother takes her, then she will start drinking again will end up in dedon, we want to raise a worthy person from lisa , give her some kind of specialty, she will not follow in her mother’s footsteps, she said, i will never drink in my life, i will not smoke, she says, i will not give birth to children , and my husband asks why? she says: i don’t want my children to be bullied, just like i was bullied, bullied as a child.
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oksan, you are sitting crying, as if everything is lost for you, unfortunately, these three children, who may have already been adopted, there is no way to return them to you. because they have already undergone adaptation in the families where they already live, and this happened not a year, but almost 2 years ago, you had the opportunity to correct the situation, when you were given six months to correct those circumstances, it did not work out, i understand that you are in pain now, maybe you didn’t want to, i understand that you are
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in pain now, but now you have... the opportunity to establish contact with your daughter, with elizabeth and your son. oksan, you now have a unique opportunity to say sorry to your son purely from the heart, to try to at least take a small step forgiveness. forgive me, son, this will never happen again, forgive me. you need to gather up a little courage, you are already wise beyond your years, from what we have heard, you have a very good start in life, you already want to join the army, you are already studying, with you is a person who is trying
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to organize all this on his own, alone , i would applaud this woman. "you will get back on your feet, you will have the opportunity to communicate with everyone, come, pick up, help, time will put everything in its place, from where we started the program on what i want return the children, i will not comment, you just need to forget about it completely, i would like to say one more thing." we will continue to support you at the stage of adulthood, you have a wonderful, real mother, she will support you great, and we and we will support her we’ll help, i thank you, but the heketov project, they didn’t ask me about what? i’m a blood grandmother.


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