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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 31, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] organize on your own, i would applaud this woman, you will get back on your feet, you will have the opportunity to communicate with everyone, come, pick up, help, time will put everything in its place, from where we started the program to what i want to return the children, i will not comment, you just need to forget about it completely. i would also like to say on behalf of our team of the state duma committee on family. kirill, you know, if you don’t mind, we will take the procession and continue to support you already stage of adult life, you have a wonderful, real mother, she will support you greatly, and we will help her. thank you. and about the children’s text, they didn’t ask me,
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what about? am i a blood woman? three children and what is younger, it was necessary to raise my son in such a way that later he would not go around the world looking for his grandchildren, but i have a good son, no need to say that he doesn’t drink anything, if drivers take a drunk person or something, listen , you may have a good son, but as a dad he was not successful, what are you mom explaining, what are you explaining, you owe god to thank that this happened, the children are still at such a tender age that they will survive this, they have already experienced it, much easier, the older ones are worried, the children are lucky, you know , because this mother is no longer in their lives, thank god, in fact, yes, this is the absolute truth, you have done nothing to get your children back, children constantly walk past horses that are dying, behave aggressively, all animals walk within the city, they create emergency situations,
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why don’t they live on the farm? ? because i didn't have the means to hire a person, my son and i ran around all summer, forget it, at least we won’t have to feed you, you are scammers, how many people did you take money from, well , how many salaries did you not pay, the child was bitten by a horse and dropped, thank god that you didn’t start trampling on him, rather all in all, she will need an operation, they will give her eight years in the colony, well, when things had already reached the extreme, that the cattle were simply pulled out by the legs and buried in manure, and how... it is to blame for the death of your mother, the big game is live, and i vyacheslav nikonov, good evening, these minutes, russian president vladimir putin is holding a meeting in moscow with his proxies for the presidential elections
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in the russian federation. there is a big conversation going on on all issues of the development of our country, this is what the president responded to the initiative of the co-chairman of the election headquarters mashkov about the education program. here’s how to organize such end-to-end work, it would be very cool, it would seem, in soviet times, which you mentioned twice or three times when you spoke, this is what was done: the octobrists, the pioneers, then... somol, then all the members of the communist party and such members we had about 20 million people, but the state collapsed, here’s the system, apparently, there were also some flaws in this monotony, of course, we need some fundamental reference points that are uniform will be understood which will be perceived by society as having no alternative, which is
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what is best. in the literal sense of the word , love for the homeland, patriotism is called differently, well, how can you not love your homeland, it’s the same as not loving your family, not loving your mother, their children, the same with the homeland, this is what is happening now due to the fact that russia is forced to defend its interests, including through armed struggle, and what has begun to happen in society in this regard, that this is historical russia rose, still suggests that we have the foundation of education. strong enough and so solid, all this foam, which is always present in any society, is slowly, little by little washed away. yes, there is a strong foundation, but there is also foam in relation to foam, the state duma made a decision today, having already adopted in the second and third reading a bill on confiscation of the property of those persons who, well, actually work for the enemy, this is also
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education in rubles, among other things... i think it is very, very effective, an important event of today there was an exchange of prisoners of war , it did not take place, we know a few days ago, when ukrainian prisoners of war, intended for exchange, died as a result of the ukrainian armed forces shooting down an il-76 plane, today the exchange took place, and the ministry of defense emphasized that the mediation humanitarian mission was carried out by the united arab emirates, and 195 people is a lot, this is probably the largest exchange in the entire history of a special military operation. its progress is monitored by boris aleksandrovich rozhen, our permanent military expert, boris aleksandrovich. what news do you have, good evening, the floor is yours, and good evening, and accordingly, the last night intensive attacks were carried out on ukraine, there were several very powerful arrivals, first of all this concerns the kharkov region, kherson,
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the right bank of the dnieper and central ukraine, that is, geranium was especially active , the enemy, despite the statement that he was knocking everything down, as usual, missed a whole series of attacks, for example in kharkov all the time. previously, we calmly reached the target, hit everything , as for the situation at the front, our troops still retain the initiative and attack in most directions, if in the rabotin area in the verbovoy area there are still no changes, positional battles continue there, then in the area of ​​the vremevsky salient, our troops have recently advanced 2 km north of priyutnoye in the direction of novodarovka, here the enemy is quite strong. retreated, our troops are also pressing in the staromaisky area, our troops are advancing in the ugledarsky direction, south of novomikhailovka, our troops have advanced about another kilometer, our troops are also attacking northeast of novomikhailovka, in
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the marinsky direction our troops attacks continue in the georgievka area, there is progress somewhere 100-150 m on the outskirts of the village, which means tougher positional battles continue in the donetsk direction... kleshcheevka, there is also an advance in the area south of artyomovsk, our troops have advanced in bogdanovka, positional battles continue, towards krasny, where the enemy also recognizes deterioration of their positions, which means that in the solidarsky and seversky directions our troops continue attacks at the razdolovka. in the belogorovka area, in belogorovka there are battles for the ruins of industrial buildings near the chalk quarry, and well, in svatovo-kupyansky direction, our troops continue attacks in the area of ​​​​tabaevka and krakhmalny, which
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were occupied not so long ago, the enemy has now thrown reserves here to stabilize the front, nevertheless, our troops continue to press in the direction of berestovoye and kislovka, there are small advances, but well there are small advances in the kupyansk direction... it remains, the enemy admits this and states that, in general, we now have the initiative that it will remain in strategic defense for a long time. thanks a lot, boris aleksandrovich rozhen with an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts of the northern military district, where our strategic initiative is, of course, and ukraine, not counting on much help from the west, is now counting on new secret weapons, which, as promised in washington, should be in ukraine today. for
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long-range precision bombs , the pentagon has successfully tested the new ukrainians, which are expected to be delivered to the battlefield as early as wednesday, two us officials and two sources familiar with the negotiations said: ukraine will receive the first batch of small ground bombs. will open up significant opportunities for ukraine , one us official said, giving them the ability to strike deeper, he said. well, another one? by the way, we saw last summer, just
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in the zaporozhye direction... just like the highmars, they fly with high precision, but over a greater distance. this was an innovative development by boeing, it was tested for the first time in ukraine, and now, apparently, ukraine will continue to test it. in addition, there is information. that great britain is going to supply two mlrs installations to ukraine, these are 12 guides each, and i think that they will become the main operators of these projectiles, that is, they will try to carry out terrorist attacks deep into our territory, but i repeat once again that air defense systems have already been shot down this type of ammunition, but i think that such a notification that they are about to appear, well, of course, will be taken into account, ours, i think this means that it has appeared a long time ago, yes, it has appeared, i
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think that most likely , they already have it somewhere they tried, as they had practice, when it appears, it falls somewhere, then they say, well, we are going to install it, they are already in ukraine, they are already working, but the air defense system is also working, the fact is that this the ammunition will most likely be tested during a tactic that they call a combined strike on enemy territory or forces, when at the same time... several groups of air attack weapons are involved in the strike and somewhere behind there are something like high-mars flying, which must carry out my task, either to hit a particularly important object , or to hit the air defense complex itself, which may be reloading, that is, they are combining, this is within the framework of a global task that they have been solving for a long time, the global task is called a joint operation to destroy the enemy’s layered air defense, and ukraine is the same testing ground where... they are working out various scenarios, well, ukraine really
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is a testing ground, they talk about it openly for testing american weapons, so far we enough of its weapons, which, as it turns out, are both qualitatively and quantitatively superior to the western ones, well, we also have important allies, and above all china, today the first meeting in video format took place between the defense ministers. and china are experiencing the best period of their
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history, a key role in strengthening strategic ties is played by trusting contacts between our leaders, president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin and chairman of the people's republic of china sedzenpino. coordination of our efforts has a stabilizing effect on the international situation and helps reduce the potential for conflict. russian-chinese relations in the military field are steadily evolving. we are working in all directions, we regularly conduct joint operational combat training activities on land, at sea and in the air, and we successfully practice combat training missions of varying complexity. i would like to emphasize that our actions are not directed against third countries; unlike some western countries, we do not create military blocs. i count on the closest and fruitful cooperation with you, i am convinced
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that today. representatives of the navy, and i think that we
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have certain reasons to draw from this, well, certain conclusions, because the leadership of ground forces and naval operations are, in general, quite different areas of military art, but as for the relationship between russia and china, that including in the military sphere, it was once again emphasized that this interaction continues, economic cooperation continues, i think that the americans understand, but... stop in your tracks, the more they put pressure on russia, the more boorish they are towards china, the stronger the relationship between
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russia and china becomes, and the more open it becomes. sovereign equality of the state. so, the slogan, now we know of our chairmanship, is strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security. yes, the modern world has long been demanding justice, and this is expressed, first of all, of course, in the activities of brix. this year , five more states joined the brix member state, well we know that in argentina, argentina is still thinking a little bit. over annexation, we will not annex, because with the arrival of the new president the situation there has changed a little, but this does not spoil the overall picture, since very serious, generally well-developed, in fact, states have joined the brix membership, which will certainly bring benefits, i remind you for statistics that
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, firstly, the brix states make up approximately 30%, this is the territory of the earth, about 45% of the population, that is, this is really in brix concentrates representatives of the world majority, those states that, with the increase in their contribution to the global treasury of economic development , require a more respectful and fair attitude from, let’s say, the united states of america, their allies, and the fact that today sergech lavrov met s... indeed, this suggests that the contacts that we have with these states are taking on wider and broader forms, and this will certainly bring benefits for both state members, it will serve as a very serious proposal or, let’s say, a very
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tempting idea for other states to join the member state, well , as far as i know, brix is ​​not planning to expand this year. but it has been postponed until next year, we still need to deal with these countries, plus we need to resolve a really very important issue, they talked a lot about the possibility of introducing a single currency, but now this topic has kind of faded into the background; they are already talking about other different mechanisms of mutual settlement, that’s what you think, how can my heart calm down here? bye that, vyacheslav alekseevich, the line is to use digital forms of one’s own
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currencies, the use of national currencies. advocated discussing this issue longer, while the recipe for the brix currency is obvious: it should be a reserve currency, it should be a currency with an emission limit, that is, it should not be a currency that is issued limitlessly like the dollar, but it should be clear how many units of this currency are in circulation, how many are added annually, approximately at least so that we can imagine it, well, maybe it should be a gold -backed currency, that is, it should be similar to the dollar of the golden age of the dollar, before it arose... the currency crisis of the western world and dollars in the sixties of the 20th century, that is, technically the issue can be made political. the ruble, which worked very well for the council for mutual economic assistance , cannot be a reserve currency, we need to take another step forward, yes, indeed, this is an issue
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that will be at the center of discussion, of course, at all forums that will be held in the brix format this year , well, today to in the evening, the world, frozen in anticipation, awaits an answer to the question: will war begin between the united states and iran? we'll talk about this after the commercial. she calls herself a dissident and a humanist, but in fact she is ready to deport the inhabitants of crimea if kiev asks for it, my fees go to ukraine, what do you think people feel about this, i live in a social circle, you can’t call them ordinary people, i i give all my money to ukraine, but where are you selling, and why are her books still sold in our country? attempt killing him, i can’t say that i really like it, but you have the right to it, there is already some kind of disgust towards them, i don’t
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know if i will now advise that they read the street, she’s like a woman, a mother , well, this is simply absolutely inhumane , what do you think, who can you, well, trust from those who left, fathers of the world, it’s impossible to seriously count on these guys, this is not a partner, it’s as if they are already unnecessary and not scary, well what can they do? sorry guys, you are on the sidelines of history, van and lexus show, premiere, today on the first, mencacher whiskey, product of the lar group, i never asked the lord to become a patriarch, i always asked the lord that the right choice be made. no one except god knows how there is still how much time is left, you need to surrender yourself into god’s hands, you need to work so that
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you have the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly, everyone is equal before god, the lord will not ask me who you were , he will ask, did you visit a sick person, did you come to prison to see someone who is suffering there, you are a piece of bread shared, this is what he will ask, thank you for your... tomorrow on the first. this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle. as
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the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10 are, well, very cold. we are in norilsk, friends. we see such a beautiful, beautiful, brand new sword. what is the temperature of this entire mass? 1.200°. how do the guys withstand this temperature? the fortitude of a true metalhead. ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum. let's break up iron man. if this iron man is not yet tired after his shift washed, then it should smell like this, come on, oh my god, you chop it up, throw salt in there, pepper and start shaking it like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and straganina, i’m just in shock because i i’m standing, i’m cold, you just have to start , you’ll get used to it, you’ll like it right away , you’re a great fellow, let me shake your hand, it’s warm, can you imagine, it’s also warm, the life of our own, the premiere, on the first anniversary of
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the massfilm motor film studios they started, how many acting destinies, dreams, suffering, hundreds of people, thousands, here comes torkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, mastfilm - this is generally a place where there is a lot of humor, it has always been, it remains the same, this is my version. saya, how long have i been looking for you, i already wrote this. having a card on a mass film was equivalent to a lottery ticket. there were no cell phones, the assistant, seryozha, was running into the frame, quickly! mosfilm used to be shrouded in mystery. we walked around these sets the way people walk into the armitage. mosfilm today is not just a movie, it is a film and television studio. mosfilm birth. legends, on sunday on the first. americans have hollywood, we have
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massfil, a factory of happiness, a factory of fairy tales. what worries you, your majesty, why all of europe is up in arms against me, your majesty, the fact is that the fact is that my orders are not being carried out, replacing barge labor with the achievement of science, this is a great idea, it’s not enough to take the throne, you still need to hold it , similar. i don’t have any personal hobbies, i don’t have time for them, and don’t torment me with your stupid jealousy. great, golden age, big premiere, from 5 february, on the first. big game
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live. today we are waiting for an answer to... the question: will a war begin between the united states and iraq? in any case, in america the mood in favor of striking iran is very, very strong, there is essentially hysteria, and abc has already announced that biden has made a decision, but what, let’s listen. joe biden said that he has decided how the united states is going to respond to ... a drone attack on an american base in jordan: “you have already made a decision on how you will respond attack?" biden was asked as he left the white house for a fundraiser in florida. "yes," he said. us retaliatory strikes have so far failed to deter any iranian-backed factions in the region. when asked whether the upcoming response would really deter them, he replied: “we’ll see.” the white house would not confirm or deny the question of direct strikes on iran, but
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another senior official said president biden has deep... concerns about retaliatory strikes directly on iran, well, iran warned the united states that if an attack hits its territory, then let's listen to what the guardian writes. iran, through intermediaries, conveyed to the united states that if they launched a direct attack on iranian territory, tehran itself would retaliate against american assets in the middle east, drawing both sides into a direct conflict. the warning comes at a time when iran is in a position. joe biden's response to the deaths of three american servicemen is unprepared. iranian media openly discuss the nature of possible retaliatory measures, both sides emphasize that they do not seek open war, but tehran believes that a us strike on its territory is a trait, a step for which it will receive an appropriate response. in this regard , i would like to draw attention to one tweet made by jonas daner, a political activist and blogger, this is what he wrote, let's
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listen. if usa. is it allowed to attack iran because iran is supposedly helping rebels in the middle east, is russia also allowed to attack germany and the us because that they supply weapons and money to ukraine. yes, such a good rhetorical question, which, if we can, why can’t we. but the fact is that it is clear that russia adheres to certain norms of international law and tries once again not to discredit the united nations organizations, which are now in the most vulnerable and weakest state. well, everyone understands that the americans got involved in this adventure in the middle east, connected with the gas sector, with the kussites, and the fact that american bases are now in iraq in other places are being fired upon by certain , as they say, iranian groups, although everyone knows that there are different groups in the same iraq, they are faced with a choice of what to do, because in theory, by and large , it was necessary to do what was proposed
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once donald trump, withdraw troops from iraq from syria anymore. there, the sheid or pro-iranian groups that they choose will say that three american servicemen have been avenged, but i think the result will be, the effect of this strike is not as expected, because here they are yemen will also be constantly punished every day, yes, but there seems to be no effect , everyone expects from the hegemon that after his blow everything will stop abruptly, this will not
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happen here, well, of course, the united states is now for the first time faced with the situation of the american presence in the middle east east, but biden almost got involved in another war, already inside the country, in texas, where he gave 24 hours for the national guard to clear the border for his federal border guards, well, the ultimatum was ignored, naturally by the locals authorities, biden, is tearing his chest that if he supposedly had the powers, he would of course protect the border, however, why he... you didn’t do it in previous years is unclear. i did everything i could. let's listen to biden. i did everything i could. just give me power. i asked for this from the first day in my post. give me border guards,
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give me people, judges. give me people who can stop this and quickly take control of this. well, i must say, he is the president of the united states, actually the most the most powerful man on planet earth, as they like to say. it turns out he doesn’t have people to guard the border. or something, well, the governor of texas, by the way, is a disabled person, a wheelchair user, abbot, continues to rock, let's listen. your fellow republican governors have been amazing. they all came to your defense. they offer guard troops, they offer to install wire and any other help. they understand that you take the brunt of it yourself. they also understand that their states are suffering too. open border policy, and now joe biden is proposing to federalize your state's security, what would happen if he actually tried to do this, he had a deadline until friday, but as usual he did nothing. if
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he tries to do this, then first of all, as you know, this is the number one issue in america, americans want a secure border, if joe biden transfers our national guard to federal ownership, it will be the biggest political mistake he can make , so i think that he will not do this, and if... they do not make such a mistake, i am ready to do everything so that texas can continue to guard our border. i'd like to thank my fellow governors; half of america is now opposing the biden administration, as are most attorneys general across the country. biden is not against texas, biden is against the usa. it must be said that these attorneys general of most states, and the governors of republican states, violate, among other things, the decision of the supreme court, which was adopted at biden's insistence. this is an unprecedented situation in the history of the united states, is a compromise possible under these conditions, but if the house of representatives agrees with this, that’s what the speaker of the house of representatives
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, republican johnson, says, let’s listen to him. it seems that the decision to close the border will only be made after 500 successful attempts to illegally cross the border every day. why, on what basis should we allow this, it would be an absolute defeat, we must strive to... the measures proposed in this bill are not enough to protect the border, they are talking about a constitutional crisis in the united states, that this could have very far-reaching consequences, in your opinion, how far it can go, i assume that actually speaking, for a long time now , biden’s plans, which he outlined, are giving some kind of, let’s say, glitch, he is in a state of some kind of fiasco. this also applies to the money that was planned to be allocated to ukraine for the protection of the southern territories. bye that everything costs, there is no money. and this concerns the conflict that has emerged in texas.
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this is also an indicator of the accumulated tangle of problems that exist between democrats and republicans. and partly, how it will be resolved, it will show how much of a chance biden has to continue the further race over... the last few months indicate that neither trump nor biden will be in the presidential race, that it will be a completely different story, here are the latest events generally
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show that many in america are inclined it’s precisely this option, well, in any case , the campaign to smear biden is gaining momentum rapidly, when comedians are already getting involved in this, this is serious, let’s listen to terence williams. i just want to start by saying that other people don't want to say because they have a job and they don't want to get fired, so i'll say it for them, fuck joe biden. president, he is not my president and not your president, because no real president would allow an invasion, no real president of america would order a state to retreat and allow illegal immigrants to come to this country whenever they want, i have nothing against people wanting to live in america, but i am against people coming here illegally, people smuggling drugs , they are involved in the sex trade, all these people come here. .. murderers,
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drug dealers, dangerous people, terrorists god knows who else, our president is begging texas to back off, he is completely stupid. joe biden wants a civil war. do you know why? because it's election season, they will do anything to stay in power. this could be one of them clever ways to interfere in the 2024 elections. this is why we need president trump back in power. we need someone who is not named joe biden, we don't need democrats at all, he can actually speak because he is not afraid of losing his job, and there are people who have lost their jobs because they spoke like tucker carlson or megan kelly, here's megan kelly, she was interviewed by the new york post, this is what she said, let's hear if mrs. o can get into the oval office, her husband is helping her, obama has already contacted donors, his plan, around may biden announces that he will not run, michelle will be nominated at the august convention. biden
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continues to pretend to be a candidate, their plan is currently being finalized, it is these people who are responsible for most of the failures in congress. now the nation needs a centrist, a strong, tough leader of the majority of independent voters. voters overwhelmingly blame both sides. mrs. obama's team has already sent out a survey to major donors with asking how they would feel about her candidacy. the process has begun. here's a replacement for biden. that is, the process is already clear.
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he's confusing something, he's repeating the same thing over and over again, he's not the same person he was in 2016, he's in a recession, and joe biden has failed in the last 2 years of his presidency, the party that comes will appoint the leader of the new younger generation , this is the party that will win, that’s why i’m running, i don’t want my children to live like this, if you want stability in the next 8 years, you can’t put 80-year-old guys there, that’s the man, who was a national adviser. security in the trump administration is flesh and blood of the deep state, john bolton. why do you think a second trump term will cause a lot of international problems? i don't think trump is into politics, that was clear in his first term now 3 and a half years later. perhaps he will do things that could be extremely harmful to us national security. he may want to withdraw from nato and leave taiwan to his mercy. china, i think he will support
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putin's position on ukraine, i am also extremely concerned about what trump's position will be on the middle east. i'm not defending biden, he's just as terrible, maybe even worse. do you think nicky haley is a better option than donald trump? yeah, look, i'd rather vote for a dummy than trump. i would like to say right away that the situation in american elections has probably never been so confusing. i probably wouldn’t want to touch technology right now. how there will be no biden, how there will be no trump, because here they are possible options, look, can already be traced through the statements of, well, quite high-ranking people, in fact , nicky halley herself, a certain scenario, how public opinion is being prepared for this, is based on facts that are obvious to any american, biden cannot cope in poor physical condition, this is a fact , fact, niki halley speaks as a representative of the other party, biden cannot. but she immediately
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attaches trump to this, but biden can’t, the american nods his head, he can’t, but trump can’t either, here the american is already i'm worried, why? nicky haley emphasizes her own, her own difference from the candidates, i’m young , she says, without uttering these words, this one can’t, this one is about the same age and also can’t, the american begins to doubt, at this moment the handsome mustachioed john bolton comes out , who worked with trump. he says: yes, of course, biden is bad, i don’t say anything about him, but trump is from our party, he too, comrades, is no good, therefore, that’s why nicky halley, on the other hand michelle obama, that’s why i think. that after all we will be watching a fight between two women, two people who do not come from anglo-saxon circles, representatives of two parties, but representatives of the same deep state, so you and i, as usual,
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don’t care at all who wins, and i was so rooting for biden , i still don’t know, but here the democrats are solving one problem for sure: responsibility for the current economic state. the author of the book black swan, nassim taleb , said that the us budget deficit is growing to such an extent that it would take a miracle to "to mitigate the damage, if congress continues to increase the debt limit and make deals because it is afraid of the consequences of doing the right thing, then eventually there will be a debt spiral, and a debt spiral is like
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a death spiral," he said. the reason for this , he said, is that the world has become much more interconnected due to globalization and problems in one region can ricochet around the world. taleb expressed concern about... growing us debt obligations along with a number of wall observers the street is beyond. on when asked how the american spiral might ultimately end, taleb responded: “we need something to come from outside, or maybe some kind of miracle.” "it makes me look gloomily at the entire political system of the western world," he added. there are different miracles, miracles happen in favor of one country and or in favor of another side. so, the miracle that nassim taleb is talking about, this... financial philosopher, yes, let's call him that, and this miracle may not turn out to be in favor of the united states, we have already seen in recent days a gradual recovery in oil prices, an increase in the cost of gold, and this is apparently a consequence
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of the failure or inefficiency that the united states demonstrates in the middle east, and at the same time its internal situation, growing internal contradictions. and a strange state before the elections, which is very similar to what happened on the eve of the civil war in the united states, because they also armed themselves, there were also disagreements between the center and a number of states, there were also circumstances that made the elections themselves very strange, because in general it was not very clear whether the southern states were voting or not voting and whether they would recognize the result of their votes or not... recognize, that is, the united states was already close to a break in those elections 1860, now this financial spiral, it really can still twist, that is, the democratic administration expects to increase the government debt, this does not bother them at all, last year it amounted to $ 3,700 billion, but if it happens
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a major defeat for the united states somewhere on the big map or somewhere else within the united states itself, then the structure may begin to collapse and inflation may increase in the united states. this is a really serious problem , and of course, in 1860 the united states did not have such a national debt, yes 34 trillion and already 151 billion, that is, the counter continues to tick the situation with the economy the united states is actually at the limit, in europe oh, farmers are on fire throughout europe, more about this after the advertisement. joe biden. apostle obscurantism, where is it pulling the rest of the world? because of this, guys, the third world war will begin. from the point of view of globalists , all countries should disappear, wanting to destroy the whole world, they could not save their country, texas, protests, uprisings. why did they rebel?
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is america run by a satanist sect with 85,000 immigrant children? in the us , child trafficking is a huge business. these children are simply used for ritual purposes. america is mired in transgender people 30%.
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gin сnop product stellor group program live healthy again with you asparagus, why did the ancient egyptians paint on its walls? read the tests correctly: uric acid. let's take care of the breasts, what you need to know about the mammary gland. tomorrow on the first. what else? either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love, idechka loved himself very much, at times it was even simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries, i have a broader horizon than any soviet writer, and
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it made me wiser, love friday on the first. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team. what are you up to singing? yes, i missed you. the house is repaired, you will find students. and the headline, the athlete, the loser found a champion in the taiga. you'll get in. to school , then, if you’re lucky, you’ll sing for the olympics, everything
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will be fine, than him, crowbar these fishermen, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya , you have little pity, you won’t bring back your father anyway, game, let's do it this way, training four times a week, three running, one shooting, then i'm in, you mean? but let's kill him together. accomplices. a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people. there are both crimes and love. and most importantly, ethnography. which of them is still a hero, a boy or an adult? also a big question. and the initiation rites that take place there. this story could happen to anyone. on saturday, on the first. this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle. as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10 are, well, very cold. we are in norilsk, friends, we see such a beautiful, beautiful dark copper
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, what is the temperature of this whole mass, 200°, how do the guys withstand this temperature, the fortitude of a real metalg, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's make an iron man, if this iron man is still after the shift , tired and haven’t washed yet, then it should smell like this, come on, oh my god, you chop it up, throw salt and pepper in there and start shaking it like this, it’s called dolba today we learned two dishes: dolbanina and straganina, i’m just in shock because i i’m standing there, i’m cold, i should start , i’ll like it right away, you’re a great fellow, let me shake your hand, it’s warm, can you imagine, it’s still warm, the life of our own, the premiere, on
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sunday on the first. police cordons have already lined up there and
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protests continue to grow, that’s what the journalist reports. the police are afraid that the protests will continue for at least 5 more days and that by the end of the fifth day the movement will grow with french people who are not farmers, well, about not detaining anyone, this is of course a strong word, because the blame is already in full force, there are already cadres, are doing, and i think there will be severe repressions, while the farmers’ union tried to come to an agreement with the government, with
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the new prime minister, atalim, thirty-four years old... it means living in a country that is fighting for global stability, for justice for peace, to be french in 2024 means living in a country that just 10 years ago fought for brothers for all for the opportunity for an openly gay person to become prime minister, how do you like the kind of prime minister who has to deal with this farmer movement and
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agree with the farmers' union, it was a good country, what? we can say, it seems to me that any statesman should be assessed, as they say, by other qualities, regardless, i’m not sure that he is a husband, here, well, i mean this is broader, of course, but when the prime minister is new in his keynote speech to the national assembly, the main thing he talks about is his sexual preferences and invites all of france to be proud of it, but all that remains
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is... so that everything is clear what the values ​​are now there is in the west , well, it’s impossible to call it values, what criteria are used to select the leadership there, and it won’t all end well, not such a prime minister at all, god forbid it happens, well, the president, i must say, speaks strongly, of course, there really in france the events are generally serious, but he travels, he traveled in india , he traveled all over india, now you know where he is, now he is already... in sweden he communicates there with the swedish royal couple and makes various statements from there about how it will be to fight farmers' problems, let's listen to macron. we need to develop sustainable agricultural policies to support the independence of our food industry. on thursday, i will ask the president of the european commission about specific things for our farmers:
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clear measures are needed regarding imports from ukraine, as regards the scale and quality of this. therefore, it will not work to punish, rather this is a decoration, that’s what concerns the french farmers, they are acting quite interestingly, surrounding paris, destroying supplies cities, the movement of vehicles, naturally this means food supplies to paris and the same thing happens, as far as i know in many other centers, this will lead to the fact that there is a kind of compulsion to include
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a large number of french people in the movement of others, that is, they will have to support , stop hesitating and... led against russia, that is, this is a direct result, it was not the economy that they expected that turned out to be ruined, it turned out that the german economy was now ruined, if in france they have themselves there if they draw at least some kind of zero growth, then germany is already in recession, a recession is two quarters in a row of negative growth, here are the official statistics from the german international monetary fund, two quarters in a row, the german economy is going downhill. these are the consequences of sanctions, what do you think? yes, well, in general , the term “tractor war” has already been introduced into circulation, this really applies to france and germany, in my opinion, this
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is really the consequences of the illegal sanctions war that they they essentially conducted the case against our country, and what they got, they got exactly this situation, completely unpredictable, non-guaranteed, and no one can predict how it will end, well, well, except of course, that’s all. knows everything , will sort it out, naturally, but these sanctions that were imposed against us, yes, among other things , they hit the industry of these countries, which should support ukraine militarily, and now all the weapons there are either not produced or are produced according to such prices, what supplies do, well, just absolutely unbearable for the european countries themselves, that is, they also drove themselves into a dead end here, well, they drove themselves not without the help of the united states of america, because at a certain point... it was not enough to eliminate competitors, they somehow absorbed
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great britain, but two resisted countries such as france and germany, they have their own military-industrial complex, their own developments, quite successful, even advanced compared to other nato countries, they were started when this conflict began slowly but surely choke, that worked out best. germany, germany, when they appointed people who don’t understand anything about military policy as ministers of defense, they installed the same government, as they say, they practically strangled the defense-industrial complex, they almost strangled france, then it turned out that ukraine is actually not capable of winning , the americans could not maintain it for so long, because they thought that the warehouses were so endless that a huge amount of weapons could be drawn from there, it had to be produced, but when they were strangling military-industry... the complexes of europe, they strangled the specialists, and now, well, as they say, in the absence of fish, even if there is cancer in the fish, there is not even this cancer, yes, and even more so the fish, well, when
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more than 18 thousand sanctions are imposed on the country , yes, more than the rest of the world, when the country is really surrounded from all sides, when the enemy is supplied by 50 states with military relations, including the united states, the european union, and the country continues to grow. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main ones
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subject. how to respond to global challenges, maintain sovereignty in all areas, teach,


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