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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  January 31, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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an interesting historical parallel, and today is january 31, and the anniversary is 81 years since the field marshal, field marshal general , paulo, in fairness, who became a field marshal, literally the day before, surrendered to our troops in stalingrad, what is the parallel with the situation of zaluzhny , well, it seems to me that the parallel that can happen is that the general 'participated not as an accused, but as a witness, it seems to me that there is something to think about, there are many interesting parallels, if anyone is interested, read my telegram, but for all program of the doll-successor tute on the first channel.
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like the devil in the form of a serpent, joe biden has come to feed humanity the poisoned apple of forbidden sin, indulging in endless and unpunished vice, plunging the world into the abyss of immorality and depriving history.
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my father returned to his kibbutz to collect what was left in the ruins, in the ruins, he hid in the house for 20 hours with his daughter and wife until he was rescued. you know, the house is in the same area where his beloved son was brutally murdered. today i applaud china for coming forward, sorry, i i applaud canada, in fact, you know what i think about china, but let’s not talk about that for now. oh lord, where am i? at the baptist church , biden's speech ended the same way at the pub. i got lost in space again and tried to say hello to the void. the joke that in this way he thanks the dead people who voted for him, thereby rigging his victory in the elections, is, of course, wonderful. but what if we imagine that biden really sees them, that he is not at all a feeble old man who has the right, like any person, to stumble on traffic or get caught on a cord, which has never happened to anyone, if he is really a semiconductor and during each of his performances, he only uses portals to hell and from there he draws ideas for more and more new laws, according to which the unfortunate . americans are forced to live,
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the democratic elite has become a kind of satanic sect that is trying to take over the whole world, depriving believers of the voice of truth. the state has become an idol and is worshiped as god. united states under current president joe biden turned into a dumping ground for the rest of the world. in another campaign video, trump trolls biden by calling the white house a nursing home, although it would be more accurate to call it a brothel. washington has been captured by nepotism, everyone seems to be tied by one chain and goal, high. distributed by relatives, a contractor , a member of biden's favorite gulf club, for example, sullivan's wife, maggi goodlander, adviser to the secretary of justice, magee's brother tom, deputy chief of staff of the us secretary of state, and so on. it seems that he even took part in the orgies of hunter’s son obama's daughter malia. talk about her mother michelle being a man in the past is no longer a joke. there is a plan to replace joe biden with michelle obama. bara obama has already arranged sponsors for his wife, according to the plan, sometime in may. erased in advance, gender
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too, the children of ordinary americans are forcibly given powerful hormones, first-graders are forced to urgently decide who you are, a boy or a girl, gender and marriage are an everyday norm, in the army there is gender identity in sports, in prison a man proclaims himself a lady after being transferred to the women's section brutally rapes half of its inhabitants. biden himself, for almost a year out of four of his reign, on vacation, carries a suitcase guard jena in a chaise longue in a state of trance. rachel levine, his appointment as assistant secretary of health. the usa is direct evidence of dysmorphia, a type of mental disorder when a person spends hours looking at himself in the mirror and, dissatisfied with his appearance, goes to change the lower part of his body, and she went to a leadership position. even evangelicals have already come out against the catholic biden, suspecting that biblical
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there are clearly no more commandments for the democrats and their actions. lies are ubiquitous. false evidence of impeachment avoidance, covering up the crimes of an immediate family member, theft, corruption and nepotism, immigration policy. dooming some to a miserable existence on the streets of cities, others to the impossibility of living in these cities, wars unleashed all over the world, like the desire to destroy your neighbor’s house, idol, money, everything is flavored with unbearable vanity, pride and the desire to rule, guys, if i were smarter, i would tell everyone thanks gone, but he still won't go away, and he won't go away, maybe try texas, i have a warning for joe biden and all the nazis in ukraine,
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lord, we put subtitles on the screen because it's hard to understand, rumor, senile demensa, which of the mere mortals , while visiting, has not confused the exits, the garbage chute with the elevator, immortals do this too, a persistent decrease in cognitive activity, since he has already learned almost everything, difficulty in acquiring new skills, old ones have been discredited to him with a dash, loss in one or another to a different degree of previously acquired knowledge in the form of memory, but...
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a code that allows you to blow up the world, you don’t have nuclear weapons in your hands, i would really like that in our program we would now delve into the very depths of the problem, the
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ideology that america created at home, and the ideology that it is now broadcasting to the whole world, because you see, one thing comes after another, they consider themselves... the situation in texas is still, to a certain extent, a rehearsal for some big major upheavals , which the united states of america can expect in the coming years or decades, that is, right now , i still think they will avoid some kind of radical scenario, most likely, but nevertheless, the crisis within the united states remains, yes, this is a split that has been growing
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over the decades, cultural the polarization of society, all these cultural wars that are splitting america, yes, the change in the demographic composition is rapid, this is the fact that there is no longer a single whole, but there is no american society. situations, so yes, these moments of crisis, they will get worse, a crisis of morality, migration crisis
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, which is not being resolved in any way, yes, obviously there are serious problems in the economy, and with the budget deficit catastrophically high, the rapid growth of public debt and the tdp, sooner or later, of course, yes, i think that the nation state of the united states of america can cease to exist, and this , to some extent, is even the plan of the globalists, let’s say, yes, well, this will probably not happen tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, but that’s what america has become. of these processes is a fact, and their victims are also a fact, or maybe to be from the future, let's return a little to the past, because the future is rooted in the past, and america for a long time recognized itself as a christian state, protestant, but christian, when the wave of the emergence of modern totalitarian sects began, america was in the lead in opposition, that is, there was the greatest the number of lawsuits and society in general tried to do something, then a turning point passes and... in the end, obviously someone understands that if something cannot be won, it needs to be led. in in the ninety-eighth year, an act
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on international religious freedom was adopted in congress, where america was proclaimed the guarantor of religious freedom in all countries of the world, in fact, at the same time , practically the processes of sects ceased , in the end, yes, on the one hand, america declares that religious freedom is a necessary element , because it is followed by freedom of trade and so on, everything is quite cynical there, it begins to put pressure on use. trials against sects in different countries, precisely as a bludgeon in order to impose sanctions, put pressure, apply various other measures, but on the other hand it hits american citizens, who become defenseless victims of the sect, now in america no one can resist sects, sects win trials against their former members who are trying to defend the truth, in 2014 in california trial, when a woman , and a former member of scientology, tried to sue for something, the court recognized that scientology: has the right to keep its members under lock and key, has the right to censor their correspondence,
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has the right to force them to have abortions, has the right, if they run away , catch up and convince them to return, it is clear that convincing is an elastic concept, that is, in fact , sanitation is completely exempt from all taxes, that is, despite the fact that the first amendment to the constitution prohibits having a privileged religion, sanitation receives a privilege in relation to all other religions , but senitology is that it is connected with the intelligence services of the united states , only the lazy do not talk about this, in general i have a question for american citizens, but there is generally another america, that’s when you look about the protest, yes in texas, you see we have a huge amount of material and news about it, you open the key american press, nothing at all, is it true or not, i have a question for you first of all: what is happening now in america it is unfortunate that we have american citizens who are struggling with inflation rising by 17%. there are people who cannot afford the basic necessities for their families, we
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have people who are struggling to support their children, arrange for their family have a nice christmas, right? and then there's the problem in texas where people are crossing the border, they're taking advantage of social programs that americans have been paying for for years, and now we have americans who can't even take advantage of these programs, we don't know what's going to happen, whether the game will start, whether there will be something? probably won't happen, but we have 25 republican governors who now support texas. oklahoma sends national guard to texas. nowadays in america there is it's a pretty volatile situation and i'm praying that something will come out of this and i don't mean that in a bad way, i don't mean that i don't want a civil war, i want something to happen on a legal level, but america something needs to happen, otherwise she will have to ask me the next question about religion.
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considering what is happening in the united states now, it is not surprising that satanism has begun to be taught there. these photos were taken in pennsylvania at a meeting of the children's satan after school club. the sponsors of the project are the church of satan, which desires to diversify christian extracurricular activities. satanist clubs are ready to support the intellectual and creative interests of schoolchildren, as well as teach them supposedly christian thinking. solve problems and express themselves, some parents are against it, but they can’t do anything, it is stated that satan clubs after school do not teach satanism, and its participants will be involved in scientific and public projects, as well as in degra
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, the first question that arises for me is this is it true that there is another america altogether, or she is already completely mired in transgender people, satanic schools and other moracobesia. you know, i think you touched on a pressing issue, because what i saw was depravity, right? and not only is this increasing the moral and religious decline, but we are also seeing a war on religion in the united states, a real war. this year , an fbi informant reported that... there is a special operation going on against what they call orthodox catholics and people who , let's say, practice catholicism, calling them, you know, domestic terrorists, applying the same farah law to them. so you see the biden regime is using religion mainly as a point of chaos and attacking people who have family
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values ​​and religious values. and you know, this whole transgender thing. from the point of view of control of society, why is the foundation on which it was built taken away from society, because america became great
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because there was this power, and now it has been taken away, why? well, in the processes of globalization. from the point of view of globalizers, everyone should disappear countries, including the united states of america, they just have to be the last to disappear in the end, and in order for this to happen, the americans must be taken away from them for what and what once prompted them to create this, well, certainly great state, this is freedom, this is work, an image of the future , look, the freedom that was in the american, well , if you like, flag, which attracted the whole world, has led to the fact that now this freedom is gone, you can speak out against all this openly, if you speak out, you will be cut out from the media, they won’t let you in, they’ll freeze your bills, but the future, the future was taken away from americans, and it’s not even just about increasing pensions to 70 years, it’s unclear what will happen to the country itself, children are taken away, and a parent cannot explain to his child that this can
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be done, but this cannot be done, this is something that a certain state is taking over, but the state is not doing this, some strange people are doing this. i like girls. in these shots, james is only 3 years old. he has a brother, jute. when her parents divorced, anna started painting one of the boys’ nails, stopped cutting her hair, and enrolled her in kindergarten under a girl's name. in court, she explained: “my son likes it, a popular children’s cartoon in the usa.” and he wanted to be called like the main character - starfire. but anna chose a different name - luna. then visits to
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psychologists and diagnosis, gender personality disorder. the child's father was shocked. the case was tried by a jury. the jury members were carefully selected, men and women of different ages and races . we showed them a letter from mrs. georgeules, in which the possibility of depriving my son of sexual intercourse was discussed. organ. after 20 minutes, an absolute majority, 11 to one, ruled in her favor. just think about it. a social media campaign has been launched with the hashtag “save james younger.” the governor of texas took control of the matter. congress promised to consider legislation prohibiting the use. hormones that block puberty for adults, politicians also spoke out. it is terribly tragic that a parent would subject such a young child to hormone therapy that would change his life and gender. this is violence. we are not under 21 we allow children to drink alcohol, they also want to allow smoking now from 21, but we want to allow a seven-year-old child to change his life and his body like this, this is violence
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against a child, and the state should take the side of the father who is trying to protect his son. are you a boy or a girl? maybe i'm a boy on the inside, a girl on the outside, right? yes, it's true, only you know the answer to that question. so, if you wanted to grow up and become a man, would you tell me? i don't know, sometimes i think i'm a boy destined to be a girl, would you love me if i were a boy? of course i would love you no matter what, i always would, i will always love you, your child is not trans, you are just shitty parents. by the way, it was. before it was a boy, yeah, now it was, well, that is, not a girl. velina, i have a question for you, you devote a lot of time to protecting the rights of children, i have this internal
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dilemma: on the one hand, yes, freedom, but does a child have a choice if he is sent for example, to a family, to two dads, does he have the right to a normal childhood, if he is bullied in this way, when he absolutely does not understand what is going on, well, you know, here...
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about protecting children from violent he led the action for 25 years, who came up with the law , then got caught in two episodes with thirteen-year-old children, finally sat down, what does this mean, that all this time the program prohibiting violence was dictated, but here we are... by the way, we did not pass this law, we exhibited in the good sense of the word, we are renewing our efforts with these initiatives , we do not have satanism, we did not pass a law on domestic violence, which divorces people, we did not pass a law on
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child abuse, which would lead us to the interests of pedophiles, by and large, we are sex the gap was not missed, that is, we are doing everything to protect ourselves from this external infection that is ready to destroy us. now let's take a break for a short advertisement, and in a few minutes we will continue with all the fun. including testimony from the americans themselves about america after a short advertising. modern man, also absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool of our thinking originated there. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal, reached the rank
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of mineral, he entered the elite.
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thanks to you for your feat, as a result of which you received an injury. i wish you god's help, strength, strength, mental, physical, but also a speedy recovery. i see a lot, i feel a lot, a lot, this signal that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life. to the fifteenth anniversary of patriarchal service. premiere.
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documentary, tomorrow on the first. the easternmost point of the chukotka peninsula, we are from dizhnev, dizhnev, songs about flowers, pink roses, lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, well done, you understand everything about us men , but one thing you don’t know is that we love some, and marry others, that’s it, this is the answer, he's wearing shoulder straps for... the premiere of i love my country, on saturday on the first. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team, why did you come to sing, but you ’re bored, the house is repaired. you will find students
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, the title is an athlete, a loser, you have found a champion in the taiga, you will enter a sports school , then, if you are lucky, you will go to the olympics, but everything will be fine, than him, crowbar these fishermen, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want vitya kill, you have pity on semolina, you still won’t bring back your father. game, let's do it, training four times a week, three running, one is fiery, then i'm in, i mean, well , let's kill him together, counterfeiters, a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people, there are crimes, and love, and most importantly, ethnography, which of them is the hero , a boy or an adult, too a big question, and the rite of initiation that takes place there, this story could happen to anyone, on saturday at the first, on the centenary...
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the massfil motor film studios began, how many acting destinies, dreams, sufferings, hundreds of people, thousands, here comes tarkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, masfilm is generally a place where there was always a lot of humor, it remained the same, this is my version of the script, how long have i been looking for you, this is me already. having a card at masfilm was equivalent to a lottery ticket, there were no mobile phones, the assistant, seryozha, was running into the frame, quickly! mosfilm used to be shrouded in secrecy, we walked around these sets like people go to the armitage. massfilm today is not just a movie, it is a film and television studio. mosfilm, the birth of a legend, on
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sunday on the first. americans have hollywood, we have masfil, such a factory happiness, fairy tale plant, maria butina is with you again,
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his son’s relationship was ethical and his son did nothing wrong. the following are 16 cases in which joe baden lied about his family's transactions for these codes. first of all, i never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else
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anything related to their business. and period. i have never talked to my son about his overseas business connections. you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any foreign transactions of yours. son. yes, i support it. no, i've never discussed business with anyone, and i knew you'd have this lousy question. all this proves that then -vice president biden had conversations, lunch and coffee with hunter biden's foreign business partners, and a recorded fbi interview with
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rob walker, an associate of the biden family, that biden attended a meeting with the chinese conglomerate cefc. additionally, hunter claimed that his father was in the room when he demanded payment from an employee of that energy company. is there any reaction to the gop memo about your family's dealings, which says hunter biden's business associates sent more than $1 million to three members of your family. it is not true. the house oversight committee detailed in its first memorandum on bank records released on march 16 , 2023, that members of the biden family, hunter, james biden, and halle biden received more than one million from their companies.
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from the point of view you're talking about, the only guy who made money in china it is president trump. alexander, this didn’t happen...
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where is its strength, how can it hold anyone back, when, in principle, this country has not been at war for, i don’t know how many years, or if it ever existed at all, i will remind you, that even when america established its independence from great britain it needed russian help. by the way, we sent a whole scene in which korskov, our famous composer, participated. therefore, for me, america is a phantom, at the moment, which has largely stolen a secret from the surrounding world, and asserted its power due to its remoteness from the centers of civilization.
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and what we were talking about earlier, about satanism and the abolition of religion, it's all connected , it's like we're in an existential battle of good and evil in the united states, that's what it's like in my opinion, and i really felt that the russian federation has the best future that it has. the future, a multipolar world is the future. in the usa they do not
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accept such an order either from an economic or political point of view; they want maintain unipolarity, they want power and want self-affirmation, they continue to use democracy and freedom as an excuse. what you see in texas is a constitutional crisis. the national guard mainly opposes the federal government. so if biden decides to lead the national. wins, she comments on her loss in
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a very playful tone, and why? but because she's not really playing for the republicans, she's playing for the democrats, look who's funding her, that's just it this primary election in newhamshi they showed all those foundations and billionaires who traditionally finance democrats, they finance helly, and they openly talk about it, they have already taken it off, they have taken it off, they have taken off their mask and are talking about what is better to see instead.
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he could say anything now , look, now, i don’t dare argue, i’ll just say my opinion, yes, he’ll tell you anything now , he can say anything , and hayley can do anything, it’s just that the situation may change radically, i’m sorry, biden may not to survive until these elections, or something will happen to trump that he will simply be removed from this cohort, this is the story, here, you know, the usa of the eighties is a kind of model of stability, this is something not shaky.
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would you bet on the usa now, if so, what are the prospects for the country in general? texas is worried? the united states is a very complex country, it is complex in its composition, in its nature, in its dynamics, it is a dynamic country both in the positive and in the negative, that is, those dynamics that exist today, yes, they put a threat to the general existence of the united states as a single state, this is not my opinion, it was... one of the leaders of the cia, who said 3 years ago that if the united states loses its hegemony in the world, then the very existence of the country as a single state will be under threat doubt, but very many processes, they occur not by pure chance, but by coincidence of circumstances,
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who is at the head of this country and the main structures, now biden is at the head of the country. see what kind of person is on his attitude towards religion. when he was vice president of the united states, obama had an interesting thing happen, one of the reasons obama took him was because he was irish, because he was catholic, and obama was interested in getting the support of the catholics. so, suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, biden proposed to obama when he expressed the idea that he would advocate recognition. empty marriages, baidem said: “no, don’t, it can hurt a lot, don’t do it now, let’s do it later.” after they agreed, a few days later, biden himself made this proposal, that is, that’s all, there is a contradiction in the foundations of the catholic faith, second, he set up his president,
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and so cheaply, so dirty, this speaks about the nature of this person, what he is capable of, but. .. a person today adjusts the entire state political system of the united states to suit himself, that is , the negative qualities that he had are increasingly spreading in the united states. well, of course, thank you very much, yakov, it certainly turns out that claiming hegemony, setting an example, and they simply become a breeding ground for all these ideas. some countries are fighting back, but frankly , not all. there was an era of damned kings in france, here. the usa, apparently, is the era of damned presidents. sorry, if a society is sick, sick people automatically become the leaders of that society. and now we can literally count on our fingers the representatives of the american establishment who actually produce meanings. because the empire is falling, and this is not very important. we now have to work out our model
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of behavior, because a collapsing empire is not only a beautiful sight, as they say, when you look, but it is also very dangerous, because there are rubble under the rubble. you can bury a lot of things, but if you properly dismantle this building of the empire, then we can get very good things, remember how much europe received from the dismantling of the roman empire, it seems to me that now this process needs not only to be studied, but also directly in it take part, you know, first, first an alarming symptom sounded when analysts calculated this, when they introduced the theory of controlled chaos, any person who more or less comprehends will tell you that chaos cannot be controlled from that moment... everything went wrong, i want to say that there are normal americans, and trump, absolutely understanding the request of this one-story america, he rode it electorally, and so did i. what i want to say is that in order to understand everything that is happening in america, we must determine who the elites are, who runs this country, and if we read carefully
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the liberal press, not the new york times or the washington post, we are not reading the systematic american press, you will see that they are constantly writing about the same country, america is led by a sect of satanists, this actually means a satanist sect and not just a satanist one, which practices... freely penetrated, which means the united states, parents, parents leave in mexico, which means the children are in good
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american families in quotes, and so out of 345 children, 85 disappeared, where they are is unknown, and then 85 85 yes 85 talked it all ended there, but there was an informant, she raised this issue, the hearings died down, where there are 8,500 children. she calls herself a dissident and a humanist, but in fact she is ready to deport the inhabitants
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of crimea if kiev asks for it, my fees go to ukraine, what do you think people feel about this, i live in a social circle, you can’t call them ordinary people, i i give all my money to ukraine, but where are you selling, and why are her books still sold in our country, she was there. sorry guys, you are on the sidelines of history, show vavan and lexus, premiere, today on
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the first, program to live healthy, again with you, asparagus, why did the ancient egyptians paint on its walls, read the tests correctly, uric acid, let's take care of the breasts, what do you need to know about the mammary gland? tomorrow on the first day, you are the empress, that’s it, and i want to be her , it seems to me that 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long, there are practically no friends near the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies. i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, god help me,
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lord, who, stand up, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i am your emperor, i am a woman, you don’t need to love, it was all parsley. you are playing tricks, i won’t tolerate it, i understand, but let you say, do you really want to rule, your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council? russia has no friends in europe, and never will, where does such confidence come from, and you forget where i was born, you and i still have so much to do, life is not enough, golden century, a big premiere, from february 5, on the first, what else am i, or a brotherhood of stern
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male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to...
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it will probably take a week to drive here, probably for two weeks by car. vladivostok , a city of bridges, water, lighthouses, a delicious sea of ​​​​food , it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, but only if it tastes, there are also welders asking for help below, this is the amur tiger, the biggest kitty in the world, and they even love goats, can we take you there, is it possible to go somewhere now... naturally, if you have something press, maybe something will change, we don’t need this now, we’re almost there, this is literally the end of the world, look how beautiful it is, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. america has always claimed
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to be for... pushing away the looming abyss, we find out that since ancient times people have been thinking about how to extend life, if it is impossible to extend life in standard ways, because we all inevitably grow old, people begin to invent , because there is only one life, what radical measures can a person can go, if he believes that there is no god , then anything is possible, then it doesn’t matter at all,
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the moral arrow falls, the only thing that gives... yes, if all this, of course, started, and even after the second world war, the sixties , the seventies and so on, then there was still a certain core, that same silent majority, now it is increasingly called the silent minority, yes, because well, there are fewer and fewer of them in number and of course it is being eroded, i’ll just give you the statistics indicative: at twenty in the third year, for the first time in american history , according to the gelop agency, less than half of americans visited churches,
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and despite the fact that we understand that many confessions... yes, in america, well, they are either sects, or they have moved very far from how christian teaching, that is, they recognized non-traditional marriages, everything else, this , by the way, is one of the reasons, yes, why this very crisis continues, especially among people of conservative views, well, how can we relate to this, here and the problem is that, for example, among young people, but the numbers are much higher, the latest statistics also just about non-traditional relationships show that about 30%. representatives of the younger generation of the united states, that is, generation az, consider themselves to be people with non-traditional values. on the one hand, it all depends on the state. this means that if we look at pennsylvania, where we looked at these , it means that there are children of satan, there is a decline in faith by 18% over 10 years, that is, imagine, almost 20% of people who no longer associate themselves with faith at all. further, interesting, in florida, yes, in one of the districts
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in 49-67. there is an increase in faith and in some places even by 12%, that is, it turns out that some kind of migration is taking place, but before they migrated to america because of the economy, now it is already a cultural war. then we look, if you look at michigan, yes, in 65 out of 83 counties a decline in faith was recorded, that is, after all, a very interesting, unique thing is happening there, this is migration within the country, why did texas burst into flames, because the original reason before the migration was much deeper, texas refused to make transgender people, about this the governor spoke and said no, which the federal authorities in turn did.
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the americans were proud of this, because the maximum expression of freedoms in every religious community, every group of the population, be it mormons, sotley city, be it wasp, white angsony, and i don’t see anything surprising in this for america, for them it’s normal , another thing, why be surprised that they are falling apart, when they are one way or another a confederation for today, the current government, but the conditional biden, he destroys not only future for american citizens, but it also destroys the attractive image of the united states in the world.
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questions, no answer, some unbearable words are heard about freedom, about democracy, which people do not believe in, but that’s not all, who is in charge of all this, a weak physical person, constant accusations of corruption against him and his circle, listen, in resigned a long time ago under the influence of lesser factors, i’ll also add, so to speak, the icing on the cake, he fights with his main political opponent through constant excitement criminal cases, but we still need to put on this cherry... he’s going to put another cherry in this situation once again, going for a new term, victory can only be ensured if his main opponent trump is either imprisoned or killed, well , what an attractive image this is for the world, that’s
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all is collapsing, falling apart, so hence the americans who move abroad, the americans who themselves take control of the state border into their own hands and other states who no longer want to see this, another thing follows from here... consequences, if earlier the united states said: “be like me, i will also give you money, and some freedom, i will share my ideals, now, when there are no ideals, there is less and less money, america acts more and more like a whip, a whip is very bad diplomacy , if there is no carrot at all, that is, biden actually buried america, you know, maybe i’ll come up with a few solutions from the other side, these are problems, when we simulated the situation, the possibility of america’s death, then... we looked at how much america has real jobs, real american the economy is approximately 20-25% of places, more than 70% of places in america are the so-called third sector, that is, the service sector.
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i mean that america lives by transportation, we looked at exactly how many ports america has, it has approximately 12-13 ports, we just need to cut off and neutralize deliveries to 3 tier 5 ports for america to die of starvation. and from the lack of goods, why am i saying these things now, because america is a profitable commercial project in which tncs, a transnational corporation, have invested. for today it seems that the center located in the city considers america no longer a profitable project, if only because california separately can arrange the countries located in the five eyes, new zealand, australia, california, and other countries around the pacific ocean, in principle , arrange it as new. america as such is too cumbersome a project, too big and too clumsy a project to continue investing in, so it will die quietly, because it is unprofitable for those who at one time cheated the american dream, its
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created, in my opinion , there is another element here, because look, those peoples who were so damaged by america, where it destroyed the state, where it overthrew rulers, where it killed thousands of people in so -called super operations, the question is, will they now see? that the king is weak , they will go to take what is theirs, that’s another story, america is divided into two halves, the watershed is where we are...
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and canceling the elections will be the only way to prevent trump from coming to power. imagine texas going on persist, other states join it, what the central government does, it accordingly sends troops there, here you have a civil war, a declaration of a state of emergency by washington, on the basis of this cancellation of elections. still, i’ll remind you, i have a different point of view, that during the first civil war, elections were held in the north, here. that is, no matter how the americans cancel them, well, in my opinion, the elections will of course still be held, but you need to understand that both biden and trump will get, if they both reach these elections, they will get a lot there are a lot of votes, and even there any outcome of the elections , it will most likely indicate such a strong split in america almost in half, so i think that some kind of radical scenario is really possible within the framework of the election campaign, but if they try to theoretically put trump in prison before elections , yes, if the democrats there are absolutely in despair over one of the criminal cases, so either...
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conditionally globalists, there for the united kingdom, for china, for anyone else, perhaps for us too, this opens up certain prospects. you know, we have a state, so it’s not only for russia that there is a saying: don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself, there’s a joke in america. you know, the only country in which there are no color revolutions cannot happen, because there is no american embassy there, is the united states of america, so they tried to outwit themselves. lord god, that
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in the end they themselves fell into the hole that was dug by other people. maria butina, the doll of tuti's heir, was with you, now the program "time". hello, the program time in the studio ekaterina andreeva is on the air, the main events of the day. protecting the interests of the country is the main thing that presidential candidate vladimir putin talked about with his confidants.


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