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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 1, 2024 4:00am-4:57am MSK

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you raise your left leg and now lean forward, no, since we started, come on, come on, come on, let's pose, let's try it below. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. protecting the interests of the country is the main thing that presidential candidate vladimir putin talked about with his confidants. the last day for candidates to submit signatures in their support to the central electoral commission. who managed to get off here? station and what were
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other contenders doing today in the highest post-country? path another 195 russian soldiers returned home from ukrainian captivity, the result of an exchange mediated by the united arab emirates. coalition sv is a new howitzer that is waiting at the front. the ministry of defense will receive the first vehicles in february. sergei shaigu demands that the launch of mass production be accelerated. a killer plan, a new bill on mobilization in ukraine, how the kiev regime is going to reach those who have fled europe and what awaits those liable for military service within the country. there are formidable calibers on board, the newest submarine kranshtat became part of the northern fleet, we'll talk about combat capabilities. russia is going through a very difficult and important stage of strengthening its sovereignty, in all directions. vladimir
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putin stated this; as a candidate for the presidency, he met with his trusted representatives, scientists, doctors, artists, athletes, and public figures. there are a total of 544 people on the list; they will campaign for the candidate and collect orders from voters. key points of the big conversation in the report by konstantin panyushkin. moscow, gostiny dvor on ilyinka, here is the main headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin.
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to fulfill in the future what people expect from us. this work has already begun, vladimir rogov’s phone is ringing, the entire zaporozhye region is connected. as soon as they found out about my new status, yes, they simply bombarded me with messages, proposals, ideas on how we can organize russia, make it better, win faster, and so on. yes, this is what it is, you know. the effect of this, well, one thing and the consciousness of people who want to make our big homeland better, to help faster to the president, well, in the front row is journalist from the dpr ekaterina ogranovich, also known as katrusya, she began collecting wishes for the candidate from the donetsk media community, you know, journalists are such people, it is impossible to agree on anything, everyone defends their points, in in general , putin is really needed to judge you, only vladimir vladimirovich generally comes almost to assault. well
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, it’s impossible to believe, as a result, today ekaterina ogranovich addressed vladimir putin with the most pressing questions about security front-line cities that are constantly shelling the ukrainian armed forces. we all know that the goals of the ied are demilitarization, identification, where that very demilitarized line will pass, after which the residents will be able to feel calm, yes, donetsk residents, belgorod residents, this line should be such a distance from our territory that would ensure security and... in view of the long-range guns , primarily foreign-made, which the ukrainian authorities use to shell peaceful cities, we will do so, and this is the main motive of our the guys who are fighting and risking their lives to protect their homeland, to protect our people, so we will push them away, that’s all. one more question for the journalist about the shooting down of 76, which was transporting ukrainian prisoners. why did they do this and how will it now affect the exchange process.
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why did you ask why they did this? i don’t know, well, i don’t understand, but if you can still imagine, it means why they are shelling peaceful cities, there are several targets, to divert the attention of the sponsors’ own population from the failures of the so-called counter-offensive, to show that they may provoke us into retaliatory mirror actions to strike civilian and peaceful targets on the territory of ukraine itself; what we are doing is that we are using high-precision weapons, long-range, to hit infrastructure facilities. the military first of all and the military industry, they want to provoke us into retaliatory actions , probably, probably, i think so, you can still somehow imagine why they are doing this, although this is a crime without any doubt, a bloody crime, they at one time fired at destroyed some of their
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the military personnel who were under our control on our territory, why did they strike there, does this mean exchanges or not, we will stop exchanges, we need to take our guys, we have a ratio of people who are in russia and those who are our guys , which are located in ukraine, i don’t know, now, it’s one in ten, ours is even more. russia will continue to rescue its fighters from captivity, unless, of course, the enemy is ready for exchanges. they always give us a signal that they are ready, well, ready, please, uh, it’s their business how... to deal with their military personnel, but there is no explanation for this, now, of course, we know there are fears that this will negatively affect sponsors, they will give less money, uh, somehow, well,
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everyone is trying hush up, because look what’s there - in the west, nothing, just a click, everything is immediately forgotten, everything immediately leaves... everything is cleared from the information field, but we will not forget about the crimes that they commit against our citizens, but what about the actual fact of a russian missile attack ? il-76, the plane was shot down, this has already been established for sure - the american system is a patriot, this has already been established by an examination, this is the first, second, the ukrainian authorities somewhere uh defended the phrase: that they would like to conduct an international investigation, we ask for this, we insist on that in order for an international investigation to be carried out, there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity, officially say, we ask you to send international experts and carry out
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this analysis, evaluate the available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system from a specific location - questions regarding the svo at vladimir putin’s election headquarters are supervised by the speaker of the dpr parliament artyom zhogo, his son, the legendary commander of sparta vladimir zhogo, a posthumous hero of russia, and today it is to his father that the heroes turn for help to the families of the victims participants of the special operation. there is a slight injustice, now brothers and sisters of any age of a serviceman receive compensation in the event of the death of a soldier, but... they do not receive, with the exception of children, disabled people reaching the age of twenty-three, they lose the right to compensatory support measures in the event of the death of a svo participant, eliminating this injustice will not require additional budget funds, thank you for the advice, brothers and sisters receive
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social benefits, but children after 23 years of age do not, artyom said that additional no money is required, but that’s not the point, the point is that if everything is distributed equally, then... when certain categories receive less, well, let’s think about it, this is not a problem at all, we can easily solve it, it’s not a question. in addition, putin considers it important to more actively involve special operation veterans in the education of young people. on the direct line, if you remember, the commander of our group of veterans contacted me directly and said that they were already taking part in educational work. by the way, this group of veterans, they not only appear on tv and are not only involved in education, in one of the most important areas where hostilities are currently taking place, this is avdievka, this group of veterans broke through ahead of our troops
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enemy defenses and reached the outskirts of avdeevka, captured 19 houses and held them successfully. the men there fight as they should, they fight properly, because these are the people, of course, who should be involved in educating young people, such as veterans of the great patriotic war, blockade survivors, well, by the way... vladimir putin’s confidants, this is to the same extent concerns their families, olesya shigina, mother of a special operation participant. in the fall of 2022, at
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a meeting with vladimir putin, she offered to support the holding of a film festival to the service to the fatherland. i remember our meeting, i remember you were just talking about these films, for sure. this is vagareva, right? thoughts? yes yes. since then , there have been many more documentaries about the heroes of our time. and the authors of some of them are like olesya shigina herself, the mother of the svo participants, the mother of the hero, one of the last paintings. about the fallen soldiers, these are the most powerful women of our country, i would even now stand up for the whole audience, because there is no one stronger than these women, and we show the culture that will always stand in the service of the fatherland, people who, without doubt, will defend their homeland.
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but not everyone refuses, some work, we must give back to them, despite all the contradictions in the sphere of politics or in the field of security. and since we are talking about achieving technological sovereignty, in the field of aircraft engine construction, 90% is already a completely localized product, 90%. and uh, here we are, yes, thank you for the applause, this is applause for those who do this, or take, for example, the new russian drones. here is artyom vladimirovich, like no one else, knows what aircraft are today in the course
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of armed struggle, they solve many problems that were previously impossible to solve otherwise than with the help of front-line or strategic, even attack aircraft, are now being solved very successfully by these unmanned aerial vehicles devices, cheap and cheerful, very effective, but still the achievement of technological sovereignty depends on
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this is the most acute, the most sensitive, the most dangerous area of ​​the struggle for russia, but for everyone gathered here.
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after some time, the list of candidates was reduced to seven. self-nominated environmental activist anatoly batashov was never able to provide the 300,000 signatures required by law. only three boxes were brought by supporters of the blogger rada of russians. she was
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the last one, an hour before the reception closed at 18:00 moscow time, who managed to submit signatures in her support. the candidate himself seems to understand that these three boxes can hardly accommodate 3,000 signatures. i'm not sure that the country needs, let's say, an inexperienced politician, but in 6 or 12 years i will be wonderful candidate. boris nadezhdin, as a candidate from the party, and not a self-nominated person, for the sake of the russians, needed to collect fewer, 100, and not 300,000 signatures, and then with him more than two dozen boxes were brought into the cycle, here are the boxes in which . signatures of citizens of russia, i emphasize, collected on the territory of the russian federation, because many tens of thousands of people signed for us outside of russia, citizens of russia, boris nadezhdin, according to him, did not bring signatures collected abroad, in addition, according to the election law , how many don’t talk about many dozens, the cec can accept no more than 2,500 signatures
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from russians living abroad from a candidate. in any case, the verification of what nadezhdin brought has already begun. signatures published on sunday in support of the leader of the communists of russia party sergei molinkov. at today's round table on what the ballot for the presidential election in march might ultimately look like,
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political scientists cautiously talked about the fact that the number of candidates might be reduced. lack support from society or hand over quality signatures to people who have pseudo-support somewhere in certain circles, in certain places, where there are some provocateurs sitting abroad, candidates from parliamentary parties who did not need to collect signatures at all, meanwhile they were busy with party affairs. nikolai kharitonov, for example, participated in a joint press conference with the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov. the speech at it, among other things, was about the changes proposed by the party to the law on vocational training for rural youth. there was an opportunity, at least especially
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among the villagers, but the first profession should be welder, tractor driver, combine operator, accountant, girls, cooks, school.
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united arab emirates, kiev transferred the same
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number of military personnel to the ssu. in the near future, military transport aircraft will deliver the released soldiers to moscow. the worst is behind them; treatment, rehabilitation, and support from loved ones are ahead. today , january 31st, we finally changed and returned home. they also tried to exchange, but the exchange did not take place, we returned, now we are happy, we hope to get home faster, my daughter was born, our own land, our homeland is here, this is very good, now the latest data on the progress of the special operation: the russian army has improved the situation in two directions at once, donetsk krasnolimansk, the enemy has lost almost 600 militants, tanks , armored vehicles, howitzers and vehicles, six attacks by ukrainian assault groups have been repelled on...
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a crew, four fighters and a dog, almost like in a movie, with an advanced report by dmitry tolmachev. unlike the flower that gave its name to sau,
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the carnation does not stand out from the gray winter flora, close to the front line, the main thing is good camouflage is a mask net for camouflage in order to blend with the landscape, and an anti-drone dome protects against kamikaje drones. and sometimes a crew of four people arrives, not counting the dog, a faithful friend , one might say, a crew member, when working with us, she climbs into a self-propelled gun and works with us, until the last moment, until the crew leaves the combat vehicle, she doesn’t it turns out that they are working in one of the hottest directions, north-west of donetsk, as soon as they receive... tasks to destroy the enemy, we will work, we will help to the guys on the front line, hail began to appear nearby,
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isao joins in to the noise of the rszzo, suppresses the enemy's window points, one fire, ready, ready, come on, shot, like that, the crew, almost invisible from the air, inflicts a carnation on the enemy. considerable damage , just a few shots, and then shelter, we leave the pen, the dugout, we wait in the country from the combat vehicle underground, we spotted a drone in the beer, took refuge in the dugout, the military clarified the situation, meanwhile reconnaissance records where the return fire is coming from, connects long-range artillery. ready for battle, target fiftieth, high-explosive fragmentation twenty- fifth, high-explosive fuse, charge full, spotters from the front line barely
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have time to transmit coordinates. aimed, ready to charge ears, gun, shot and record the hit, he hit it, well, right there, the gun is covered not only with frost, but with whitewash, winter camouflage, but it doesn’t always save, it ’s impossible to count from enemy attacks, visible they are on the shield itself, and the mechanism itself was also damaged.
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personal comfort fades into the background for him. the advance of the assault groups continues, which means that the battery is firing all guns. gun, shot! shot! dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, dmitry kucheryavets, vladimir belyaev, channel one, donetsk. more about our defenders, midshipman, maxim bobenko, was carrying ammunition to our units and came under fire. i skillfully maneuver, drove a car full of shells from the line of fire and... delivered an important cargo to the front line on time. private vitaly ivashchenko entered into a battle with ukrainian saboteurs who were preparing an ambush. first he destroyed the grenade launcher, then outflanked the enemy and hit an entire group of militants with accurate fire. those who remained were forced to retreat. sergei shaigu checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled at the ural transmash plant in yekaterinburg. it is there that they produce equipment that has proven itself well in the northeast military district zone. self-propelled
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there are also new items: last fall , the self-propelled gun coalition sv successfully completed state tests. serial production has already been launched, the ministry of defense is waiting for a new batch of equipment. sergei shaigu demands to speed up,
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howitzers are very much needed by the troops. you cum just fool around, guys, we got busy with this, so to speak, in earnest in 2022, these machines should already be working at full capacity in 233, but with you everything is so calm, so to speak, good, the coalition is the latest artillery system, such a system can fire at a distance of up to 80 km, the basic ammunition load is 70 shells, and the rate of fire is over 10 rounds per minute, the speed of the self-propelled gun is 60 km/h on the highway. and here's another one. the peculiarity of the coalition is the ability to organize a fire raid, this is when several shots are fired at once , one after another, but along different trajectories; as a result , the shells simultaneously hit the same target. the crew is only three people, all of them are in the hull, and not in the turret, in a special armored capsule, and from there they control the combat vehicle. in february we will receive the first six vehicles; these weapons are in
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extreme demand. is high, so i think that today we will discuss and decide to prepare a long-term contract. separately, shaigu asked to prepare a report on how to further increase production rates. especially new ones guns, here we need to strengthen, in this regard, i would like to receive a specific proposal within a week on how we will reach the indicators that are established by the instructions of the president - the supreme commander-in-chief, and this must be carried out - because all these instructions, they are one way or another otherwise they are associated with a very specific job. working on the battlefield, especially since plans have already been announced for the state defense order for this year to supply troops with many times more equipment and ammunition. andrey goldrev, maxim trubnikov, kristina ivanova, sergei romanov and evgeniy kuznetsov. first channel. sergei shaigu also held
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negotiations via video link with his chinese counterpart today. moscow and beijing are developing military cooperation in all areas, on land, at sea and in the air. during large-scale exercises, combat missions are successfully accomplished. that the united states and europe continue to put pressure on the chinese side. a new version of the bill on mobilization in ukraine has been published by the verkhovna rada, and it can well be called a killer plan. the hand of kiev, as the military hopes, will reach everyone except
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disabled people, although in the original version they were also subject to mobilization. and those who left ukraine and now live in europe are no exception; they will also be called up. and the military commissars, from whom those subject to conscription are running away, have already proposed their own plan, running away. shot through the knees and then sent to the front. clarification has not yet been received with shot legs or after healing. the position of commander-in-chief zaluzhny remains extremely precarious. there are constant rumors about his imminent resignation. rumors are creeping across ukraine, none of those whom they read on his place, he doesn’t really want to command the armed forces of ukraine. our correspondent, kirill brainin, analyzes this extremely difficult situation. the ukrainian ministry of defense seems to be operating in a new genre of military marketing out of scandal. the bill on mobilization disappears the provision on conscription of disabled people, it seems that everything else should not look so bad, but after wading through the confusing wording of the multi-page document, local journalists quickly identified the main points and actually found out that
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the good news for disabled people had ended. all military personnel must appear at the military registration and enlistment offices within 60 days from the date of publication of the law to clarify the data. ukrainians from 18 to 60 years old are required to have a military service with them. ticket and present it at the request of a representative of the military registration and enlistment office or the police. hospital managers must inform military registration and enlistment offices about the hospital stay of persons aged 18-25 years. if you fail to appear on the summons within 15 days , you will receive a request to fulfill your duties in your electronic account. there are judicial restrictions for draft evasion, including including a ban on traveling abroad and blocking of bank accounts. police can detain draft dodgers and take them to military registration and enlistment offices.
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even abroad they will get you without military registration documents; now men will not be accepted at the consulate. and the dispute over who should be responsible for extremely unpopular measures turned into another round of confrontation between zelensky and the commander in chief. insiders had already dismissed the latter, but so far it has been a false start.
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the details, however, are actively discussed by the western press. times journalists are confident that zelensky had to literally turn over in a jump. president zelensky told the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces that he was dismissing him, but... to reverse his decision amid pressure from high-ranking military and international partners. according to senior officers, general valery zaluzhny was summoned to a personal meeting with zelensky on monday, where. stated that the president's advisers assess the military situation more positively than realistically. after this he was asked to resign. when he refused zelensky said he would sign a decree on his dismissal. as is known, the decree was not followed, but the economist publication suggests that this does not mean anything. the ministry of defense and the presidential office denied information about the dismissal of the general, which was technically true, but there were problems, a flawed relationship between the president and his general, as well as suspicion. in the presidential administration, the fact that the general is hiding his political ambitions has not disappeared.
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both appear to be affected by the conflict, disputes between the country's political leadership and its military command are worrying ukraine's main allies, it is not clear how this story will end, but if zelensky retains his commander, he will look weak; if he is fired, a clumsy solution to the problem will only undermine confidence in his leadership. the washington post, in turn, recalls the correspondence debate between zelensky and zaluzhny regarding the required number of new mobilized. zelensky claimed that the military asked him for half a million, zaluzhny stated that he did not give any figures at all, and even earlier he wrote an article that the fighting had reached a dead end, with which, again , the civilian authorities do not agree, for whom it is difficult to ask for western money for such a thing, that is , the resignation of the unwanted general looks like only a matter of time, but all sorts of sources have already managed to say that there were no hunters to share the skin... there was no dead bear in ukraine;
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the head of the military intelligence department, budanov, and the commander of the ground forces, syrsky, allegedly refused the hypothetical position. in general, the mood of the ukrainian elite is obviously hardly suitable for the sale of such an elephant as a corrected one, supposedly a mobilization bill, especially since it has become even tougher and orders everyone previously declared unfit for service to undergo a medical examination again, and then one can look at disability from a different angle. one of the military commissars will probably do it. one more box office, and a certain number of recent white-ticket buyers will probably receive paybacks. kirill brainin, ekaterina koryaka, artyom pekhterev and kiril loginov, channel one. the state duma of russia today in the third final during the reading, she adopted a law on confiscation of property for public calls for action directed against the security of the state and fake news about the russian army. amendments to the criminal code were prepared by 395 deputies, led by the chairman of the lower house of parliament , vyacheslav volodin. come on, this is a long-awaited bill, despite different
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political views, here among the initiators of the bill, you will see representatives of different parties, political forces, faction leaders have signed up. we are with you, accepting today's law, we protect our soldiers, our country. from those who act vilely, from scoundrels and traitors. deputies also approved today in the second reading a bill banning the so-called liqueurs in residential buildings, that is, drinking establishments that operate as shops during the day and sell alcohol at night, as a result of fights with direct entry of rioters in the entrances. additional powers to restore order in this area. all the most important things, the development of the far east and the far north. discussed by prime minister mikhail mishustin at a meeting with general director
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of the regional development corporation nikolai zapryagaev. there is enormous interest in the far east, as demonstrated by the projects presented by investors. business conditions have become much more convenient, so the main goal is to create modern infrastructure and new jobs. details in the report by anna kurbatova. the far east, the arctic, russia begins here. here are more than half of our forests, gold reserves, more than 70% of fish, diamonds, and even... just look at the map: far eastern the federal district is almost 40% of the territory of russia and the development of this part of the country is a strategic priority for the entire 21st century. nikolai zapryagaev, the head of the corporation tasked with stimulating the development of eighteen regions of the far east and the arctic and, first of all, attracting investments there, reported today to prime minister mikhail mishustin about what has been done and what remains to be done. during my work trips, visiting the far east, i meet with investors. with people, and of course, many of them say that
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interest in investments and work in the macroregion is growing; in 2022-2, despite sanctions pressure and other actions of unfriendly countries, our investment portfolio is growing by 1 trillion rubles per year, now there are 3,500 investment projects with a total investment volume of almost 9 trillion rub. the dynamics of investment in the far east is three times higher than the national average, almost 900 enterprises have been created, which means more than 130,000 new jobs. the president determined the development of the far east as one of our strategic priorities. systematic work is underway to ensure. subjects of the district with accelerated economic and social growth , this is very important. almost 4 trillion rubles have been invested in the russian economy. as for the commissioning of enterprises, completely different projects, the udakan mining and metallurgical plant in transbaikalia, various hotels in the primorsky territory in kamchatka, in august a new modern air terminal complex opened in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. and
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here, in almost every region, the capitals of the regions of the far east are now either under construction or have already built a new airport in territory mode. what is very important in the context of the rapidly growing tourist flow, over 9 months of last year , more than 5 million people visited the far east, with primorsky krai, khabarovsk, buryatia, and kamchatka leading the way. more and more opportunities are emerging to discover the kuril islands. it works by subsidizing tariffs, which means that you can fly from moscow via yuzhny-sakhalinsk to kuril for from 22 to 30,000 rubles, depending on the season, and on december 6 a new flight from vladivostok to kurilsk was opened. for this rupa, and how much does a ticket from vodevostok to kurivtsk cost? 6,000 rub. we flew recently, i flew recently myself, smokers, well, we can say that they are really becoming more accessible. the far east should also become one of the best places to live in the country. the capital of the district is actively developing in the project and the construction of a new satellite city just half an hour
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from vladivostok. it is expected that the first objects will appear there as early as 2026. we plan that 80,000 people will live there and at least 2.5 million square meters will be built. meters of residential and commercial real estate. a program to support integrated development projects in the far eastern quarter is being implemented. more than one million square meters of housing will be built in the district. near the new buildings there will be kindergartens, schools, and offices. it is very important to create comfortable conditions for investors, for the people who live there, to build modern infrastructure, to create new jobs . and the main thing, the prime minister noted, is not to slow down. right now a new chapter is being written in the life of the region called.
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already today the level of regional gasification russia is almost 74%. it is the tallest in the world. 78 constituent entities of the russian federation are supplied with natural gas. at the same time, the task set by the president of the russian federation is to bring the level of gasification to the highest possible level - this is 83% by 2030. united russia , together with gazprom, is conducting information and explanatory work on the program. since march of the twenty-third year, we have been able to jointly return to work more than 60,000 of the previously rejected applications, 22 thousand of the resubmitted applications, contracts have already been concluded. in france
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, protesting farmers today tried to seize the range market near paris, which supplies the entire capital region with food. 79 people were detained, according to the data. the collective west is trying to present it as impossible, such a statement was made by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov at a meeting with the sherpas, that is, representatives of the leaders of the brix countries. the authors of the formula do not want an equal discussion, they invite delegations purely formally on the principle of sit here for the crowd, and we will do it for you, or rather, we will solve everything without you. that is, as sergei lavrov noted, any
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attempts at an honest and equal dialogue are brushed aside, but the language of ultimatums is a dead form, like the sumerian language, for example, in such an important matter in...
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in this meeting in davos according to the peace formula, as much as is given attention to these initiatives of the world majority, but they told me: no attention is paid, initiatives are not needed from them, nothing is needed from them at all, just come and sit so that they are counted arithmetically and then presented world a new record figure. all this will be recorded as an asset to zelensky’s peace formula. sergei lavrov made these statements at a meeting with the sherpas of the brix countries. sherpas or
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guides are what diplomats call trusted representatives of state leaders. they are the ones who conduct preliminary negotiations and prepare summit meetings. brix accounts for 45% of the world's population and 30% of the land area. all this is in no way intended to create.
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the international economy is changing dramatically, china, russia, india, brazil, indonesia and african countries are developing much faster, than the economies of the european union and america, and this is a new reality. we believe that russia will help the world understand that in this reality, brix proposes reform of the current system to make it more fair. fair. in total , more than 200 events are planned to be held within the framework of the russian brix chairmanship; a meeting of foreign ministers will be held in nizhny novgorod in june, and a brix summit in kazan in october. dmitry kochitkov, andrey melikhov and nina khoreva, channel one. the footage we just received, vladimir putin is holding a meeting in the kremlin on the development of new regions. the revival of the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye, kherson regions is a large, complex and responsible work.
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other social support measures are being implemented, they have already covered more than 2 million people, by next year about 3 million citizens will receive such payments, the economy is gradually recovering, including industry, more than one and a half hundred enterprises in mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and mining have resumed work, other important industries in all these regions , support has been established... banks and shops are operating, well, as for banks, i would ask you to pay attention to our colleagues, they will hear us, we probably need to, well, there is nothing to be afraid of,
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everything is what they were afraid of before sanctions , everything has already happened, what is there to be afraid of, we need to enter these territories more actively and work there, i am addressing our large financial institutions, they practically don’t talk about real life in the new regions of russia, about the mood of people in the west, here is the correspondent. the news came from the northern capital: the large diesel-electric submarine kranshtat officially became part of the russian navy. the non-
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nuclear submarine is the most modern in its technological characteristics. surpasses all its predecessors, underwater speed is 21 knots, can stay in autonomous navigation for up to 45 days, maximum diving depth is 300 m, reliability, maneuverability, ability to work ahead of the enemy, and during testing the submarine showed all its capabilities that its creators had built into it, first of all a submarine almost impossible to detect, alena germanova with details, for a meeting on the left, when the commander-in-chief appears at the quay wall in a solemn formation, the crew freezes on the fourth generation submarine , 35 people will serve. congratulations on raising the naval flag. hurray, the moment from which the history of the combat service of the new diesel -electric submarine begins , the order for enrollment in the northern fleet is read out from the podium. the st. andrew's
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flag is passed from hand to hand to the commander. the commander-in-chief gives parting instructions. and the honor of glory lead with dignity, now the commander is approaching karma, the command to raise the flag is bored. the first serial submarine of project 677 was given the name of the city of military glory kronshtat, it was there that the country's navy began, from where expeditions departed on world-wide voyages. the city once shared the fate of leningrad during the siege; ships were named after it before, but this was the first time for a boat. our power! these submarines are designed for defense, naval bases, introduction, reconnaissance, from underwater, can strike enemy ships and coastal targets, lay minefields. in terms of its characteristics, is it inferior to other diesel-electric submarines except in size? compared to the same varshavyanka, this submarine is 7 m shorter and half a thousand tons lighter, but it is faster and less noticeable.
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the rest of its body is wrapped in seven layers of special coating. the thickness is only 4 cm, but this is enough to absorb internal noise and enemy sonar signals. it is almost impossible to detect such a submarine impossible. it has more weapons, it dives deeper, it swims faster and quieter. these are its main characteristics. here, the ship is of small displacement. if we said that varshavyanka 636.3 is. a black hole is a black hole in a square, a black hole that carries quite a formidable weapon. the bow includes six torpedo tubes, automatic reloading is controlled remotely from the central post, and you can fire in one salvo from all the tubes simultaneously. and depending on the goals set, the submarine carries on board both torpedoes and missiles of the caliber complex, the range of which is 1,000 km. 20 years
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ago, the delivery of each ship was exotic. today we are beginning to get used to the fact that this happens regularly, almost every month either a surface ship, or a nuclear or diesel submarine is transferred to the fleet , so the truly professional , high-quality work of our shipbuilders allows us to meet all deadlines and build the most modern military ships, three tiers high, five waterproof compartments, the boat itself, which is called compact, can go into...
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