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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 1, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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if i may say so with the light hand of vladimir lvovich mashkov, we went on a tour all over russia, we have already had three big tours, now we are going on the fourth, this is a documentary play, the play is based on a book that was published in 2018 donetsk people 's republic, this is a book of people's chronicles, where... people remember what has happened since 2014 in the donbass, we are touring with this play, in addition to this we had a big tour with the play juno and ovos, we toured with our play players, we participate in many festivals, concert programs, we can talk a lot about our work, great, that is , the actors do not...
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this is how a terrible, very terrible time has turned out, we live in a difficult situation, but at the same time for, i i can’t say that only for our theater, probably for all the groups of the donetsk people’s republic, at the same time this is a rather happy period, because we are in great demand, they help us a lot, they support us a lot, and even in such a difficult time.. .situations
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donbass culture continues to develop. are there any restrictions now? because we know that all the same, in the city that we already want, we really want to see peaceful, nevertheless, shelling occurs every day, so what about security, how did you approach this from this point of view? you know, we postponed the opening of our performances at donetsk venues for a very long time, but nevertheless, understanding that the audience was waiting and... we, in fact, live in this, have been living for many years, we decided that after all we we will open, and we have opened, on our site there is a stage on the garden, this is an old mansion , by the way, this building was given to us not so long ago so that the walls of the theater could accommodate all the interested spectators, so our old mansion is now hosting donetsk.
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we are playing on a limited basis, we accept a small number of people, we have two stages there, this is the theater lounge and the main stage, since this building is very old, there are good shelters there, we understand, this is how we can protect our spectators, so we made a decision from. .. open there, to work there, albeit for a small number of spectators, but nevertheless, i really want to see my family, beloved faces, our spectators, their eyes in the auditorium, thank you very much for all the best and safe theater season, thank you very much for coming to us today they came to us, to our viewers, i will remind you, go to good productions, watch good programs, and if you encounter any injustice or some news seems
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dubious to you, send it to our editorial office, reasons for pride, as always, too , total all the best to you, channel one presents the program to live well, again with you, asparagus: why did the ancient egyptians paint it on the walls? we count the tests correctly: uric acid. let's take care of the breasts, what you need to know about the mammary gland. so, female breasts and mammary glands. this is how our artists depicted this human organ so cheerfully. i
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asked to take off my bra, but it turned out that now it’s forbidden to show women’s nipples, here’s the news, as you know, a woman uses this organ, including her nipples, to feed... child, well, this is how morally we depicted the mammary gland, an absolutely outstanding organ of the female body. unfortunately, when god gave us this amazing organ, he did not give us instructions for use, so we can use these beautiful organs, the mammary gland, the female breast incorrectly, then, let's look at the screen, from beautiful and healthy. today we decided to issue instructions for using the mammary gland for all users, our guest and
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expert today, president of the association homologists of russia, professor and doctor of medical sciences, nadezhda ivanovna, come to us. i want to ask the first question to women, women, why do we need this organ, why does a woman need female breasts? i believe that the female breast, and the main function is the production of milk to feed a newborn baby. so what do you say? and i think it’s very important. consider the female breast from an aesthetic point of view, because this is a very beautiful beautiful organ, this breast is beauty, so i also agree that this is beauty, beauty and dot. nadezhda ivanovna, why do users need
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mammary glands? i agree with everyone that the mammary gland is really given to a woman so that she... can breastfeed a child, that not only did she contribute to his birth during pregnancy, but then, when he was already born, she continued to feed him , continued to give it life, so this organ is very important , the second point, of course, is no less, probably important, this is of course, from the aesthetic side, that the mammary gland really should be beautiful, well-groomed, elastic, and for this too... you need to work, it’s not just like that. we posed the next question like this: the enemies of our breasts, our mammary gland, please answer us, what are the enemies of your mammary gland? perhaps the bukater, the bra, is the main enemy, so are you wearing
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it now? yes, so, who else will say anything? please? i think that the solarium, and any possible injuries that we can get? let's say right away about the bra that even the doctors thought that it was an enemy, but it turned out that it was nothing of the kind, it is not an enemy at all, but the doctors and i identified several enemies, here are ours from our point of view, what are the enemies of the mammary gland, who will say, well, the first one, i would say
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, is obesity, since, why, because a lot of estrogens are produced in adipose tissue, and breast cancer depends on estrogen. obesity one, genetics, genetics, two, what else? smoking, smoking - nadezhda ivanovna, these are our doctors, the enemies of the breast, even with an explanation, obesity is really an enemy, indeed the risk of breast cancer is already increasing, yes, indeed, obesity is a very bad factor, and this has been proven, because fat is completely not neutral tissue, as we all think, it complements from...
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that is, the first enemy of obesity: adipose tissue is mammary glandular tissue, this fat is neutral, it produces estrogens, and estrogens increase. the risk of breast cancer, over the years there is more and more fat, and less and less mammary glandular tissue , obesity since smoking, smoking is also the most important harmful factor, first of all we see a woman smoking, this is a sallow complexion, this is a hoarse, masculine voice, this is in general - it’s not a woman, but something a little different some kind of creature, then smoking is toxins
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, that’s it, so, the principles of breast self-examination, let’s go, the first principle - as i remember, you need to stand in front of the mirror and first look carefully - well, is there something wrong or not? , yes, there is something wrong or not, so on, on, well, we have to uh, as if with our fingers, feel the places, that’s how it is, it’s wrong, nadezhda ivanovna taught me, it’s a hand, no, not yes. on the hand up, and this one feels the mammary gland in a circle, then, like this, this is
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the hand down, this is down, this is up, no need, like this, give it here, your hand here, and you feel under the muscle lymph nodes, forward, this is the hand down, we probed, we probed, we probed, there is nothing, thank god, so, yeah, and on. you also know that you probably need to check from here to see if there is any selection, well done, press, and check like this, whether there is a selection or not, but still well done, then raise your other hand and repeat the same thing on the other side, right, then lower it, palpate the lymph nodes, press on this breast, at what period of the menstrual cycle should it be done this examination, in my opinion, is on the second... third day of the cycle, nadezhda ivanovna, when the postmenstrual period, when the swelling
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of the tissues has gone, then a natural, more natural state, on which day of menstruation is appropriate, somewhere from the fifth to the sixteenth day, and the first day of menstruation - what kind of day is it, the first, yes, what day do we consider the first day of menstruation, what is it based on, well, not ovulation, of course, that’s right. nadezhda ivanovna, tell the secret to the women of russia, they have been menstruating for 30 years, but they don’t know what day peta is, the first, well, from the first day of the menstrual cycle bleeding, somewhere.
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because for 27, and maybe 30 years already, she has been engaged in education, explaining to women how to examine their mammary glands, this has led to the fact that the number of early detections of breast cancer in women in russia has increased significantly, and if 25 years ago, 30 years ago, 80% of women came at the third, fourth stage, today 90 come at the first stage, when in situ cancer and even the breast do not need to be removed, this is an honor and praise to hope ivanna rashkova, who dedicated her life to this, thank you very much, please sit down , hope, thank you very much, please sit down, well, women, users of these
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luxurious two mammary glands, i hope that we gave you good instructions today. let's take a short break and then continue. go down in history. this product was considered a royal product, then only the nobility, priests and pharaohs ate it. asparagus, for what merits the ancient egyptians depicted it on the walls, for which people of the 21st century should love it. she knows about that's all of you.
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no, it eats the wall, where the fungus lives in your house, for whom is it dangerous and how to get rid of it, it will probably take a week to travel here by car, you can do it by car for two weeks, vladivostok, the city of bridges, water, lighthouses, delicious seafood , it won’t light up, no, it won’t light up, no more, but only if it’s from the taste, there were also welders asking for help below. this is the amur tiger, the biggest kitty in the world , and they even love goats, we can let you go there, is it possible to press somewhere now, naturally, if you press something, something may change, we don’t need that now, we almost survived, this is literally
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the end of the world, look how beautiful it is, let's go! how many acting destinies, dreams, sufferings , hundreds of people, thousands, here comes torkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, our film is generally a place where there is a lot of humor, it has always been, it remains the same. this is my version of the scenario, how long have i been looking for you, i already wrote this, the presence of a card on the masfim was equivalent to a lottery ticket, there were no mobile phones, the assistant was running, seryozha was in the frame, quickly, earlier, it was covered secretly, we walked around these sets, as
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they go to the hermitage, mass film today is not just a movie, it’s a film and television studio. mosfilm the birth of a legend is on sunday on the first. americans have hollywood, we have mosfilm. factory of happiness, factory of fairy tales. we cut, friends, we cut, as they say, we won’t cut ourselves. saw, saw. this, this is a program to live healthy. today we have a hot topic . we will talk about asparagus. this is such a completely unusual product that the egyptians, as you stated at the beginning, painted walls, out of great respect, since then he has already then. was considered royal, is aspar really he, is it she, she, the product, i said, he, aspar is she, so, so that
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the russian does not forget, yes, so here it is, this product was considered a royal product, then it was only eaten nobility, priests and pharaohs, moreover, officially received the name of the royal product under louis 14. this king of the sun was called that way; in russia, one of the most famous lovers of asparagus was lev nikolaevich tolstoy. his wife, let's show leo nikolayevich tolstoy, his wife scathingly wrote to him, quote your wife. yes, his wife said, he walked, he walked through the fields, returned home and asked for asparagus on the table of the royal product. it’s clear, lev nikolaevich. and he really organized an asparagus greenhouse at his place, sent gifts in the form of asparagus to his friends on holidays
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so that they would have asparagus at their table, in general, lev nikolaevich tolstoy lived a long life, in those years it was not easy, why friends, bring us asparagus studio, and then we’ll tell you why lev nikolaevich lived his long, wonderful life. do not open, do not open, because the question arises, in what form should asparagus be eaten, hot or cold, please answer, i believe that raw is most healthy, raw, why? asparagus is very rich in microelements, vitamins, it is useful in microelements, vitamins, minerals. reduces
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blood glucose levels, reduces cholesterol in the body, like that. well, in fact, there is truth in these words regarding lowering cholesterol and glucose, because this is a green product, these are vegetables, then there is a fairly large amount of fiber, and consumption. this year they published the first article , which describes that the nutritional value of heat-treated asparagus, when
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we say simmering or heat treatment within 90° , has significantly better indicators than raw, the only thing is that there are much more nutrients there, not only nutritious and healthy with the exception of one ingredient vitamin c. vitamin b9 it improves our formation nerve fibers and makes it possible to form these nerve connections and nervous tissue except b9 increases.
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radicals, they try to damage our cell, and if our cell is protected, everything is fine, whoever eats little, it turns out, if you don’t eat asparagus, then nightmares in a balloon are waiting for you, of course, this damage by free radicals to cells even leads to cancer , kills cells and changes the genotype of cells, lev nikolaevich was not simple, now there is another thing that is absolutely unique. and there is a substance in asparagus, quercetin, and it's quercetin, what does it do? quercetin helps our lymphocytes to be active.
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specifically from asparagus, which was simmered at 90° for 15 minutes, the conclusion is simple, asparagus must be thermally processed, three questions, how do you... he
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just grew this green young asparagus, if it is grown correctly, this struck me , it can grow up to 20 cm a day, imagine how quickly it can grow, and mikhail egorovich, then nikolaevich tolstoy, grows like this. it’s his, it turns out, it’s a young spaja, you see how she is, sometimes so plump, that’s why, when you buy it, i just buy this light green, young one, which is so resilient, thin, because it’s an old woman, she’s already older, when she becomes so whitish towards the stem, it’s already tough there, there’s less of it, wait, i understand correctly that this cute asparagus will turn into fat, there are different ones.
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which is already cultivated, it can be like this, it is so thin, and which is narrower, and thick, it is quite white in color, so we despise it, we are a phenologist from this point of view point of view, quercin is the best, so elegant , we understand, light green, so this is a choice. how to properly store asparagus, of course, it’s better to buy as much as you can immediately eat or cook, but if you still took it and you need to store it, you can store it in the refrigerator, just at a temperature of +4 +8°, ​​just like that wrap it in foil, right here, it still has a tip, so that it dries less and for several days it lasts 72 hours.
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frost is generally the best preservative in the world, period, let's move on, it's here to help us our alexey kofba comes, alexey, so , let’s put it here, yes, look, it’s very tasty and healthy and easy to eat and cook, we also say that elegant, it’s better, we choose it correctly, because when it's big, it needs to be
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peeled. that is , well, somehow preserve it, and it literally takes 5 minutes to prepare, look what we are doing here, that is, there is the first variation, we take garlic, take a little cream , just put it under the lid, let the cream boil, close the lid, kill it from the fire, this is true, you see, just this white garlic sauce, but there is a tip, look, we have micro-cookers now in use, you can make it this way, just asparagus, put it on a plate, cover it with cling film or just put it in a bag in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, it will reach a crispy aldento state with its steam, it will be great. mikhail egorovich, that is, this is for salads and for any side dish, it seems to me absolutely gorgeous, here is asparagus, with red fish, with salmon, wonderful, it seems to me, egorovich, go, try it, this gourmet, andrei petrovich, will eat everything now, we won’t let him eat everything, lesh, it turned out delicious, well, that ’s the statistics, but you added pepper to make it
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nice and warm. i condemned you, fat, we are warming ourselves, then there was no pepper, you feel, mikhail yegorevich, pepper is not italian, it ’s too much, after all, this dish is so intelligent. still, asparagus needs less pepper , it seems to me, okay, well, how do you like it, i love asparagus, indeed, pepper overpowers asparagus, like a little soap, olev nikolaevich, you wrote a wave, you use war and peace, of course, asparagus war and peace lev nikolaevich wrote: “friends, everything is about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, the path to your calling is very thorny, what professions have you mastered?”
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“television, senior accountant, senior , you said, hedgehog will be, and what is this, my first entry was in the book, my favorite, night receptionist, it wasn’t a shame that everyone listened to you, but i constantly gave away my voice , one day i was sitting at home having breakfast, there was a radio beacon hanging on my wall, and a girl was singing, and i was sitting there appreciating how it’s good how the girl sings, such a wonderful voice, and then oh my, it’s me who sings. on saturday at the first, today sergei andreevich, theater for young spectators, set assembler, welder, this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining
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10, well, very cold, we’re in norilsk , friends, we see such beautiful, beautiful blister copper, what is the temperature of this entire mass, 1,200°, how do the guys withstand such a temperature, fortitude? real metaluga, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's make an iron man, if this iron man is tired after his shift , hasn't washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh my god, cut it up, throw salt and pepper in there you start shaking like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and straganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing, i’m cold , once you start, you’ll get used to it and you’ll like it right away, you ’re great, let me shake your hand. warm, can you imagine, it’s also warm, the life of one’s own, premiere, on sunday at first. so, dear friends, uric acid
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- this word is written in our studio, i go to dr. gandelman, we read the tests, the analysis shows uric acid, what does this analysis mean, why do we need it? blood, because uric acid is determined in the blood, you know why acid is needed, right now we are taking an analysis here , you need uric acid, what kind of substance it is, you don’t know anything, that is, if we say that it is elevated in you, it will not help you will alarm, that's right, most likely not, this is how our people live, don't worry, we took analyzes of our experimental nine, uric acid levels will now appear on the screen. and we will ask to press the red color for those who have elevated levels, and now you know about this, and the green ones for those whose uric acid is normal, well, one red screen lights up, come to us, please, and we
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are heading to the layouts , so, uric acid, i propose to stop here, german shavich, and you tell us what is happening to you, here it is... a model of where uric acid is formed, that is, in principle, uric acid is the final metabolite of purine compounds, they are mainly produced in the liver, in the intestines, in the vascular wall , globally throughout the body, the main producer is the liver, this is excreted, this is very important, it is excreted mainly by the kidneys, that is , you went through the bladder to pee, what happened to you? well, you know, your uric acid is elevated, you know that, but what happened, how the disease started, how do you know, it seems to me that it most likely started due to heavy physical exertion, but because i was doing very hard work there, that's where it came from, but what
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whatever happened, it all started with the fact that one morning i just couldn’t stand on my leg at all, my right finger was very swollen, yeah, very much, i even touched it, even with a blanket, yes big toe on the right foot, then it went to the forehead. well, they give such a temporary restriction, but mostly they give these non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, that is, they went to our mock-ups, so what our guest describes, this is a typical attack of gout, absolutely true, a typical attack of gout, look, this is your big one.
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a finger is a joint, now we are looking inside the joint, what happens in this joint, crystals of this uric acid are deposited, this leads to inflammation, and swelling with terrible pain, that is, this is literally salt inside the joint very often happens after that as a person ate heavily and abused alcohol, the man told us:
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it is deposited in the form of salts in the joints, okay, just in the joints, let’s go here, now. we will show you a picture of how it is deposited in the joints, tophi are formed,
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such bags filled just like we showed with white cheesy contents, here they are, these are tophi, if they sometimes rupture the skin themselves, from there this white cheesy compound falls out, this also happens, we have seen such patients, place number two, according to which is hit by high uric acid is the kidneys, because the kidney will not be able to reabsorb all the uric acid, it is deposited and forms the so-called urate stones, the end result, if it goes without saying, this leads to kidney stones insufficiency, treatment two, the first in the acute phase, when more non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, any that the doctor prescribes, constant use, drug number one, one of the most famous aloprino. we have few drugs that have been known
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for 100 years, are still effective, still work well, so if a doctor told you that otala purinol increases uric acid, i will never believe it, but he said, based on the test results, it seems there is, and she says during the test analysis, your acid has increased, maybe the dose was not enough, you see, our people, how much did you drink alop oh, for about three or four months in a row, the dose, oh, the dose, i honestly don’t remember, now no, not 100. first she gave me 25, then 50 mg oh gods , you have to start with 100 , and end with three hundred, so you were given an anecdotal dose, yes germansha, 25, in general we don’t have such a dose, i don’t know how to give you 25, there was some kind of analogue of medicine, come on, allah purinul has been proven for years medicine, reduces uric acid levels, prevents attacks under agro formation urate stones, if you want to live, you need to be treated, that’s it. accepted, the first dose
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is 100, then it increases to 300, progressively , we need help, we’ll help, okay, thank you, thank you very much, let’s take a break for a while and then continue, a mushroom uprising, the fungus sucks in everything it lives on, lives on nails, eats nail, on the skin, eats the skin, on the wall it eats the wall, where does the fungus live in your house, for whom? is it dangerous and how to get rid of it? modern man, this has already been absolutely proven by genetics. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting for pushkin. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal, reached the rank
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of general, he entered the russian elite. in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state. premiere, film two, africa. today is the first one. i'm not the emperor's widow. i'm not the emperor's mother. and i am not a regent for a minor emperor. i am
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the empress. and i'm legally right. you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon. in europe they have become more active. radtsy, there is an impostor on the throne of the usurper, a rootless german, but i was confident that i could stop the intrigues and carry my cross with dignity. great, golden age, big
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premiere, from monday on the first. this program is to live healthy, friends, you know, today is an absolutely unusual holiday, such a purely medical holiday, not even a holiday, but a day, or a day of remembrance, or whatever you call it, world aspargillosis day, what is aspergillosis, these are friends, mold, so we can say briefly, world mold day mold and the diseases it causes or those problems that we have in life, mold, comrades, this is a fungus, this is a fungus, where is it? i live and eat, according to this principle the fungus lives, the fungus sucks in everything it lives on, it lives on the nails, eats the nail on the skin, eats the skin, our fungus lives on the wall, it eats the wall, shed some light on the question, look, it’s a fungus , humidity, it doesn’t matter, our skin, something
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on the walls, he drinks and reproduces, on the bars. the next wonderful, favorite place is the rugs, especially under the rug, especially if they are rubberized with fabrics, of course, this is the shower, in the shower itself, if we don't rinse this shower head. in general, he
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can live in the bathroom, anywhere, because it is warm, humid, and there is food. the fungus needs water and food. there is water there and there is food there too, these are pieces of our skin, our epidermis, nails and so on. let's continue the conversation, why is fungus dangerous? andrey petrovich, well, firstly, firstly, it mainly causes bronchopulmonary diseases. aspergillus is indeed a trigger and allergen, especially in young children . what happens when this happens swelling of the bronchi, you see, in the trachea, the bronchi are here, the mucous membrane swells like this, bronchospasm occurs, it narrows.
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chemotherapy with reduced immunity, aspergillus causes fungal infections of the lungs, it’s called aspergilosis, of course, i remind you, today is aspergillus day, which means mold day or fungus day in our house. i want you to show absolutely. unexpected places of residence of this aspergillus, attention of lovers of house plants, where else the fungus can live, it’s on the windowsill, here, it’s warm and there’s enough cheese, it’s carpeting, where there is also a flower pot, is an unexpected place where fungus can live. many people don’t know about this, but i know about this, thanks to the professor , because since i’m allergic, i don’t have any carpets at home, no flower pots,
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nothing at all, there’s a lot of mold living in the pots, which you’re not too sure about , because there is moisture there, there is nutrition, plus, if you have plants with large leaves, such flat ones, mold loves to live on them, of course, so lovers of house plants, it’s not what you’re doing, it’s not what can be done to prevent the development of a fungal infection in your home, it is advisable to ventilate the bathroom so that there is less humidity there, maintain normal humidity at home, then the chance of fungus developing in your apartment will be less, do the second thing regularly repair. next, it is possible to remove mold with the help of such a generator,
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that we should clean carpets with a steam generator, these are the joints where mold can form, for example, these same grates from under ventilation, which is located precisely by the steam generator, because this hot steam will kill the mold, it won’t... understand , that is, you went into the bathroom, not only did you clean the carpet, you went into the bathroom, cleaned the grates around the perimeter of the bathtub, that’s how you did it, there where all of you raised your hands in the bathroom, this is this perimeter, right, you ran it like this with a steam generator, the fungus will die, because it dies from high temperature, so a steam generator is a wonderful thing in general for the home, and in principle there are such - modern construction materials. such silicone putties that also have an antifungal effect, they simply contain
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fungicides, substances that kill fungus, but i ’m warning you right away based on my own personal experience, this helps for a certain period of time, and then it all resumes, you just need them change regularly, that is, do regular cosmetic work. well, in general, i want to say, a fungicide, fungas is a fungus, tsidos is to kill, fungicidal means killing mushrooms, today there are fungicidal putties, fungicidal paints, that is, just like in medicine there are antifungal drugs, we can also call them fungicidal, that’s right, in the same way, today there are all kinds of building materials so that fungus can be prevented. you can process all the joints, that is, you can handle all the dangerous places, so that’s the problem.


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