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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 1, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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sergey and tihan, people who became real symbols of their time, we will soon celebrate the tenth anniversary of the russian spring, the anniversary of the return of crimea and sevastopol to their native harbor, i see this as an excellent occasion to perpetuate the memory of the outstanding participants in those events, the organizers of the heroic defense of donbass arsen pavlov, mikhail tolstykh, vladimir zhoga, olga kachu. and many others. 29 more days of spring. the hydromedical center told us about what weather awaits us in the first days of february. the last month of winter in moscow begins almost march warmth. as an unpleasant weather surprise, sleet with rain and ice. drivers are asked to be as attentive and careful as possible. temperature up to +3°. this will happen until the beginning of next week. but then the situation will change. from february 7th. in
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the capital region, winter weather will return to -5 during the day and until 10:00 at night. by the way, today weather changes will probably be felt by weather-dependent people; atmospheric pressure is noticeably lower than normal. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. welcome residents, lord, residents, well, the residents of our vast homeland, viewers of the first channel, first of all, this is the stream of the popular front. let's go, so friends, by the way, as igor beautifully said , remember, there was such a philosophy , so to speak, the idea of ​​​​russian cosmism, so igor said, he said: now, while you haven’t
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heard us, he says: in fact, we don’t have 89 pavilions of regions , and 90. i say, what 90, he says space, our space, oh, how beautiful, so, in fact, let's introduce our guests, dear ones, alexander nikolaevich klyukin, political scientist, thank you for being with us, alexander nikolaevich and igor stanislavovich ashmanov, member of the russian presidential council for the development of civil society and human rights, as well as president of the analytical company cribrum, let’s start with this, we, i hope, so to speak , with tape and on... some on on on current news, but first, so to speak, news on such a broad scale, large and serious, almost philosophical, exactly, if i were a hollywood director or producer, i would be like this i would have come up with a headline, day, when life stopped, not for long, for a few hours, but still, on tuesday evening, for many people, life really stopped, there was a large-scale failure in the internet, you see the headlines, and
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so on, which means that there are a lot of all kinds of services there from taxis to i don’t know, before the banking applications they didn’t work there, right up to the barriers at the entrance to the yard, they too, so to speak, everything is still connected now to the internet, everything didn’t work, which means it’s surprising that telegram continued to work there, i don’t know who i bow to for this pavel durov, or i don’t know who, then everything was adjusted, and so on, but in general, in my opinion, there was an hour or so. well, or a couple of hours all this lasted, but it’s interesting, and the reasons , the most interesting reasons for this failure, i read, it means there are actually three versions of the version: version number one: a sun flare, and something not, well, that’s really what they wrote, and salt is a reputable publication that this is a solar flare, some kind of radio, which means radiation, boom, everything fell, for some reason, and specifically the domain. precisely the domain, and this is what selective rays are, what kind of sun there is, it means that the second version, that it was, well, this... some kind of massive
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cyber attack, like from the ukrainians there or, so to speak, the combined forces of ukraine , america and the british, and the third version was just a test of the pen, so to speak american ones, which i don’t know, came up like i don’t know how it works, some small switch somewhere in washington, it should work off on normally, we’ll know , i don’t know, igor, please tell me what it is, how do you understand it, reversions incorrect of course no of course. well, look, so to briefly explain, it means that when you enter the name of a site into a browser, yes, or on a mobile phone, then someone has to take this symbolic name, yeah, and turn it into an address, a physical address, this you know, you are triples of numbers separated by points, this is called ipres, this very transformation itself is called resolution.
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he can throw away your request instead , just give you a different website address, that is , replace it, now they are watching, well, that means in for commercial purposes or propaganda purposes and so on, you ask, and they give you i don’t know cnn, but there, well, relatively speaking, this can be done by those who have serious leverage on the internet, some kind of big piece. to the internet segment where there are many, through which, not where, but through which many of these dns requests pass, and so, patches were made, in particular, it is called dns sec, that is, secure dns, which verifies that you you communicate with the right person and they give you the correct address,
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understandable, but uh, unfortunately, these patches what was done was completely different from the super people who did it in the early nineties, and this... structure itself, its architecture is quite weak, this is the failure that happened here, which means this is the first moment, as my experts there tell me , who, well , relatively speaking, sucked in this csn with their mother’s milk, built the entire infrastructure in our country, it is starting to collapse under its own weight of just everyone, but it’s just that these failures are guaranteed to be repeated in the future, they happened not so long ago in australia, they b
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and it was a glitch there somewhere on thursday or friday last year, and they replaced the key for these e-day servers, but they inserted it crookedly, it didn’t get up, and for about five hours they couldn’t fight it, the servers, the sites, the these dns and servers were popular, they also had
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a so-called cache, that is, this was accumulated there, yes, it’s understandable, they still lived for some time, who was asked for the first time there that day, for example, who has the cache? reset, they immediately fell, then the key was installed correctly, that is, it’s quite classic a mistake, because there are a lot of hypotheses , yes, this bloody crap wants to be closed, which means making a sovereign cheburnet, yes, there is no limit to the kgb abomination, yes, and this is an american attack, this is the usual version, nothing there, it’s just an ordinary technical failure , caused by the human factor, most likely that’s all, but that’s not the problem , look,
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well, yes, but the competence of people is falling, when you used to call a technician there to fix a refrigerator or he came with soldering irons, now he only deals with large-block assembly, but he doesn’t know how, he didn’t hold a soldering iron, and so in everything, even among programmers, programmers now download ready-made code, quickly compile it, and download it from somewhere, but it lies there somewhere, they insert it, everything is on patches, that is, here it is a paradox , complexity, complexity is growing -
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the programmer must be quite stupid, must download, compile everything, now the gpt chat will help him, but there is a constant simplification of people and a complication of technology, wait, what if this is a sovereign internet or something in china, we have a person just got through to us, yes, let ’s take care of people after all, yes, that’s how it is oleg, yes, that’s right, yes, oleg, hello, hello, oleg, please, what did you want to ask, say, i don’t know, and complain , so i wanted to ask. regarding the failure, it once again proved how dependent people are on modern technologies, everything is interconnected,
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interdependent, i thought, and if there is not a failure, but if there is a real attack, we will be able to resist this at all, i have two counter messages for you , oleg, forgive me, for god's sake, before to dig up last names, well, this is generally the last thing, but this is yours, your real last name is not a pseudonym, but onfiles, yes, it’s real, look, how old are you, the second question, i’m two, that is, you are, so to speak, from that era , now we also just discussed before the broadcast, yes, yes, a digital tourist, that is, you are from that era when there was still a world without mobile phones, untangled by the network, so to speak, so on, you didn’t catch it, you just didn’t you saw it, you can’t even imagine it, well, i ’m just guessing yes, well, in 2007, well why do i remember my childhood, without a phone in the yard, i realized that now you actively use the internet or maybe even some kind of hacker?
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firstly, but this is a separate topic, my personal , my personal idea that we are entering the third world war, it will still happen, this is the first, second, it means that when you say that life, people’s lives have stopped, well there is no need to transfer life into this device, you understand that i am saying this, a performance, relatively speaking, a robotic taxi driver controlled by yandex navigator, it doesn’t know the city and doesn’t learn it, it doesn’t even have such a task. yes, in addition, well, you need to understand that right now
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, they are giving the ukrainians missiles that have a slightly longer range, or they will have good ones, all this digitalization, it lives when there is electricity, let’s talk about that no one thinks to me, we hit the substations with it, that means they ’ll hit us with the substations, that’s when it all turned off, if you’ve been through your whole life, and there ’s no electricity, what are you going to do? there is actually a need to live without a smartphone . get used to preparing in advance, well , can i ask a question, will you have to live without a smartphone because of the war that you are talking about, or because there will be threats of such disruptions and not necessarily because of the war, there will be threats of disruptions, as i told us we must wait for man-made disasters, because the complexity is increasing, and so is the stupidity, secondly, it means there will simply be a war, loss of electricity, thirdly, of course, there will be real cyber attacks, we must understand that so far... the americans have not entered into direct confrontation, so they conveyed there , well, yes, patriot and we are already there, statements there,
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that means at the un and so on, but now the internet, and mobile phones and bank certificates, they can turn off us in a day or two, but they can turn off the chinese, i mean, they have it from us, but they don’t have a switch from the chinese, we can become chinese, we can do it. the chinese are inclined, like the japanese, to progressive improvement, slow, yeah, i ’ll just give an example, when i was still a director at rambler in the early 2000s, i had mine there, that means technical directors and so on, we decided to buy routers for a large internet project, ramler was then the largest on the internet from
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cisco, that is, from an american company or from huai, they said, well, huawei - i mean, then there they are, this is what they are doing, they have spent at least 20 years doing this, then 2 years ago , comrade si announced, or what he means by the minister of communications, that we will get 25% in 4 years a year it is necessary to replace imports, in 4 years 100%, whoever doesn’t do it, you yourself know what will happen
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igor, what should we do? to protect yourself. in their digital sphere, we actually
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can’t turn off almost anything, we can create problems, we can attack something there and overwhelm them. you wait, i just wanted to watch, we’re just talking so quickly, wait igor, a second, we just need to do it again, yes, that’s when i asked igor when the chinese, so to speak, made this decision and how they came to it, to him we realized that now there is no switch for them, no, this is the work of two decades, you can do harm, this is the work i need two decades, i understood correctly, well
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, at one time comrade stalin said that we have a war on the horizon and we need to cover the path that other countries go through there in 20 years, we need. there for five, otherwise we will be crushed , this is the absolute situation today, or rather it was still there 2-3 years ago, then there is a difference in civilizational approaches, these are slowly, so to speak, mastering the path, but for us until the thunder strikes, man will overlap, but fortunately it thundered at least, well, yes, but it thundered, but i want to say about the upcoming presidential elections in our country, and since i worked in the central election commission in the previous composition , and these are the ddos attacks that were launched on gus.
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in a hood, in a mask, yes , so they put their hands into the screen, this is it , in fact, of course, this is a state attack, of course, but it cannot be attached to the case, so turn off the dns and there is an encryption certificate and a radio module there and a module on cell station, all this is possible, but this will directly be a declaration of war, most likely this can be done either when they they will prepare an invasion army in the so-called baltic states and poland, or there is...
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several years ago, and he somehow regulates this activity, he helps us defend ourselves, he helps us make sure that i also want to clarify, i want to clarify, look , there was this glitch, but you must agree, but in my opinion it was quickly restored, it was stopped, everything worked.
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it’s interesting here that these are just the pictures that we painted, how completely
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hypothetical, fantastic, they were embodied in one thing, well, not in one thing, probably, i think in thousands of films, but here it was just released a few months ago in the usa, this movie came out called leave the world behind, and there, actually in the center, that’s right, and there actually, wow, julie robert, and there in in the spotlight, in the spotlight, in the center. the plot means a large-scale cyber attack on the united states, where they are trying, in my opinion, not unsuccessfully, to destabilize by turning off the internet, mobile communications, navigation systems of transport, and so on, to sow chaos and provoke a civil war, then now i’m not even talking about technical capabilities and everything else, but about look , so to speak, the plot connection in the minds of people , writers, directors, audiences, it’s completely unambiguous, so to speak, direct, so there’s... uh, that means , there’s the internet , oh, julie roberts, i’m telling you, and the producers are michelle and barack obama, here are michelle and barack obama, producers, these are not namesakes or
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namesakes, here they are, this is, this is real michelle and barack obama, they are producers, means this movie, come on, we can watch it small, let's see, but no, we can't show trailers, for some reason, we respect copyrights, friends, we won't violate it, yes, here, here we go. you see fragments , well, actually, nothing is clear from these fragments, only someone drinks whiskey and drinks it for themselves, it seems to me that they come in handy for visualization, but it’s interesting, yes, they all mean one thing, that here it is, here’s how to achieve civil wars precisely by connecting exactly this kind of technical resources, as it were, purely yes, but a movie, a hollywood blockbuster with producers barack and michelle obama, just think, it’s just that i don’t know, they are programming the future for us.
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we have connections with a candidate of psychological sciences , neuropsychologist, chastyakov andrei nikolaevich, andrei nikolaevich, hello, andrei nikolaevich, hello, thank you for being with us, is it really possible to program like this through cinema. emotions are very big and then they can be given a ready-made solution, like bad people did it there, who are there, terrorists there, and so on, and
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war is declared there. with terrorism, let's say, that is the people are already ready, that is, they first watched it, and then great emotions were aroused in them due to the films, and then, well, the solution, this is correct programming, andrey nikolaevich, what do you mean by programming, i just want to understand, this in some, well, i don’t know, in the context there is such a global one, i don’t know some kind of information field and so on, there are ideas floating in the air, self-fulfilling prophecies, or is it just such a technical thing. this is a very important thing that both ordinary people and teachers do not understand, unfortunately, this is what we’re talking about, we believe that if something was said, explained, well , it’s calm there, emphasis was placed there, and that will be enough, this is absolutely not true, this is absolutely not true, that is, when at school they explain that - then maybe a person there
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will even get an a, this is... superficial understanding, deep understanding arises from great emotions, and there the factor of ginesthetics, sensations, smell, tastes, sensations is important, then there will be a deep understanding, so, but the emotion factor is very important, well for example, let's say, yes, well, there are experiments that have been carried out a long time ago, films have been made, but they are unknown to the general public, when with the same dog... the first nobel laureate scientist pavlov, well, with which neuropsychology actually began, yes, but people they don’t pay attention to the fact that the connection of neural networks occurs when there are great emotions, when the dog is hungry, they don’t pay attention to this at all, they think that it is enough to present stimuli through different information channels, i understand, that is, important, important programmable
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neurons. and auditory, so i’ll explain with my own example , i was three years old, maybe four, my mother brought linen from the cold and ironed it, and i saw it for the first time, smells, sounds, steam coming out, i was so fascinated by it that i decided to touch it , well, closer, when we are interested in something, we try to associate, get closer, so that the kinesthetics already start working, i ran, naturally, my mother intercepted me, said,
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i... you can’t get burned, i had no idea what it would be like to get burned, but i realized that my mother was unhappy with her intonations, i sat down on the sofa, i’ve already figured out what i’m going to do, she’s about to stroke the next thing and put it in a pile, and that’s what happened, while she was putting it in the pile, i ran and kissed it, and that’s when i received a sort of portion, andrei nikolaevich, allow the last one question, what do you think, those who make films? i don’t know the same hollywood there, they know that this is how it works, and the films they make, they make for a reason, of course, not only do they monitor the population all over the world with the help of gallop and the like structures, and a striking example is the ukraine film servant of the people, that is, they know that people have a need for justice in ukraine there and so on, yes, they make a film, look at the reaction, came in.
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that’s why the series turned out, and more than one film, series , when they see that the reaction seems to be strong, it’s interesting, andrei nikolaevich, thank you, it’s incredibly interesting, listen, thank you for remembering about the servant of the people, just look, how interesting, yes, by such an amazing coincidence, it means that the distributor of this very servant of the people was netflix, that's when we say they are what they are. they know everything, they, well , here you go, ukrainian cinema, yes, it’s very ukrainian, well, be that as it may, let’s watch, by the way, this is very interesting, a fragment of the film and discuss, by the way, to say, it’s true, ukraine, ukraine as and as a testing ground, and how to say , well, the point of application of these technologies that we are talking about, now they are already, well , they worked, they work, and so a fragment, i don’t even know how to say it, of a feature film or i don’t know
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of some kind there, that means it’s psychological, not know the impact, the servant of the people is called the netflix distributor starring who, you know, please. can i put it more simply, you know, i’m a simple history teacher, this is history, history teachers. got into history, it’s funny , it’s according to plan, i had to promise you all a lot of things, well, but i, i won’t promise, firstly, it’s dishonest, secondly, i understand absolutely nothing about this, but this for now, i
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’ll figure it out, it’s surprising that, it’s surprising that he promised a lot in life, well, no, the feeling is that we are completely in this digital and emotions. no, but as for cinema, what lenin said about cinema, that it is there from the lawsuit that he does not consider the circus to be the most important of the arts, they say there is a continuation there, while the majority of the russian population is illiterate, it usually happens, as with a healthy spirit, a healthy body
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you take away a teenager ’s phone, and he’s hysterical, he’s straight, he blushes, he has tears there, some go out the window, anything can happen, but let’s not talk about teenagers, my mother-in-law is 87 years old, she has a phone, she has an app, she uses them and whatsapp, by mail... and various things there, and in general , she lives in it, she tracks how it goes, she sends us the parcel, she monitors it in novosibirsk, there she hasn’t signed off the apartment to ukrainian scammers yet, well, no, we ’re monitoring this closely, we we communicate with her
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, well, well, there’s no need, it seems to me that we can exaggerate, it seems to me, well, probably it’s necessary to scare someone, and if we take the younger generation, my grandchildren are included in the alpha alpha category, these are what they call them generations, yes, who simply cannot live without there’s no way around this, they just know everything there , just a minute, i want this to be heard on the first channel, wait, we’re not talking about how obesity is there, how to get off it, again a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, paths , no, let ’s now talk about this from the point of view, excuse me, of state security, here we have 40 seconds and please, your formula, i repeat, not from the point of view of our personal obesity from the point of view of state security, we need an import substitution program with one of them. .. the only one condition with responsibility for the result , that’s all, that’s all, and people will use it like this, a catastrophic lack of responsibility for the result, people who fail everything, navigate at the top like the party nomenklatura in the ussr, it’s clear,
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that’s it, that’s responsibility for the result, like said one, as i understand it, a soviet functionary, because every mistake, every shortcoming, problem, failure has a first name, last name and patronymic, this is the correct principle of the approach, in fact, thank you for your attention. friends, see you soon on air. modern man, this has already been absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia, africans have never been considered second-class citizens. ibrahim gonibal reached the rank of general, he entered the russian elite. in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries received independence. i purified the ideal of a free
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society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunities. a lot of people think that in africa we don’t walk around, we eat bananas when they come to africa.
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this signal that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life. to the 15th anniversary of the patriarchal service. premiere of the documentary. today, on the first one. what else could i, or a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom, could finally rest my soul. am i looking for a religious sect ?
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i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this has made me wiser and greater, for example, a patriot of my own country, as a writer, he is a writer of his own beloved, in your seemingly autobiographical things... that’s exactly what i want to be there, it seems to me that 50
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guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for a long time, there are practically no friends near the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup, it will be me who will become the new empress. lord, help me, lord, who, wait, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i’m your emperor, i’m a woman, you don’t have to love, it was all your parsley, who you play tricks with, i won’t tolerate this, i understand, let me say this, do you want to rule? truly your majesty, or do you wish?
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hello, it’s news time at first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now , starting with footage from the dagestan buinaksk, where the building of the central department store caught fire, the fire engulfed it. flames and pillars rose above the roof
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black smoke, several dozen people were evacuated from the building, almost 100 firefighters fought the fire, rescuers from kizlyar and neighboring settlements arrived to help , and by that moment the open fire had been extinguished. on other topics, vladimir putin congratulated the head of the russian orthodox church on the anniversary of internization. exactly 15 years ago , kirill became the primate of the russian orthodox church, the president entrusted the patriarch of moscow of all russia with a bouquet of white roses and thanked him for his many years of service, cordially, good afternoon, greetings you, i sincerely congratulate you on your holiday, thank you very much. 15 years, i think you didn’t even notice how these 15 years flew by, you are right, time is just very fast, thank you for, thank you very much, these 15 years are marked by a very high level of church-state relations, thanks to which we managed to achieve something that in the past was even impossible to imagine is
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the opening of new dioceses, churches, monasteries, but the most important thing is a very broad work with young people, with... children, i sincerely thank you for the support you provide to all citizens of russia, but i would especially like to mention those who belong to our church, you help the church itself as an institution. and today patriarch kirill celebrated a solemn liturgy in the cathedral of christ the savior. according to tradition , the russian orthodox church celebrates the anniversary of internation as a holiday. the clergy were dressed in gold. artillery is activated, the task is to suppress them from the air, they are covered by drones, enemy firing points, then
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assault troops go on the offensive. and this is the kupinsky direction, our military struck camouflaged militant dugouts in the forest belt. arab emirates, our guys have treatment, rehabilitation ahead, and, of course, the most long-awaited meeting with their relatives who believed and waited, no matter what. maria saushkina, more details. the il-76 lands on board 195 of our guys in return, transferred to the kiev regime, the same number of military personnel in
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the ssu, these russian military personnel should have arrived in moscow a week ago. then the ukrainian side disrupted the exchange and destroyed it. il-76 with its military personnel, who were supposed to be exchanged for russians. when, it turns out that we went on the 24th for an exchange, but the exchange then fell through, and it was very sad to come back. the new exchange under the 195-195 formula took place after difficult negotiations mediated by the united arab emirates. i didn’t believe it until the last moment, until i saw the tricalor. and when you saw tricalor, what did you feel? well, the tears were already welling up. what had to be changed? it’s hard for our guys to imagine life, most of all there was humiliation, and they said that well, no one needs us here at home and so on, it’s like that there and they were given that no one is waiting for you , no one needs you, you can stay right here to die, hope dies last, we hoped and waited and that’s it, we waited anyway, it doesn’t matter, well, sooner or later we
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’ll be home, we will arrive, well, this day has come, the first thing they do in their native land is call their loved ones, to tell them that the worst is behind them. nastya, nastya, we’re in moscow, we’ve all arrived, landed, and i’m taking yalur to school, you’re taking him to school, give it, give it to him, give it to him , now come on, hello, hello, son, how are you, they’ve been waiting for this moment for many months, waiting family, this is the most important thing, mother, grandmother, brother, sister, i would like to say hello to everyone who found out, we finally flew home, who we are, russia will continue to be.
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the fighters now need to improve their health. they all went to hospitals ahead of treatment and rehabilitation, and after a long-awaited meeting with loved ones who did not stop believing in their return. in connection with the terrorist attack by the kiev regime, when an il-76 plane with
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ukrainian prisoners of war on board was shot down , state duma deputies intend to appeal to the us congress. the issue is being discussed at this very moment at the plenary session. and this is what the speaker of the chamber, vyacheslav volodin, said about this. we are talking about this specific case, this is a terrorist act, this is an attack on a ship engaged in the delivery of prisoners of war, a humanitarian action, the crew carried out this task, they were shot down, the leadership of ukraine must bear responsibility, as for the congress and those ... that are part of it , they must know who they are supplying
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weapons to. urgent reports: the investigative committee has just confirmed that the il-76 is under belgorod was shot down from the patriot complex, and more than a hundred fragments of two anti-aircraft missiles with inscriptions in english were found in the crash area, the department said. the public chamber and 17 political parties signed an agreement today. honor to organize observation of the presidential elections, the voting process, counting of ballots, summing up the results, so that each procedure takes place in accordance with the law and is transparent and understandable to russians. many experts, including foreign ones, note the possibilities of monitoring the electoral process in our country is the widest. the presidential elections, let me remind you, will be held from march 15 to 17. we return to the theme of the celebration on the occasion of the anniversary of the internation of patriarch kirill, a russian representative for the years of service. the orthodox church did a lot to unite the people of russia, preserve moral values, and strengthen the institution of the family. new
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churches have been built in the country and destroyed ones have been restored. patriarch kirill often travels to regions and communicates with believers. spiritual support is especially appreciated by those who are currently fighting on the front lines. from persons of the union combat unit, we cordially congratulate you on the day of patriarchal internation, from the digs of donbass, to our holiness. a lot and a good summer, a lot of summer, a lot of summer, the orthodox church is where it is most difficult now, and it has always been so, since the baptism of russia. patriarch kirill remembers his grandfather, priest vasily, who spent three decades in prison, maintaining his faith in god and people through trials. he told me this thing. remember, never be afraid of anything in life. "fear only god" is said a man who went through 49 prisons, went
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through a circuit, and how strongly it sounded from his lips, in the fall of 1993, then metropolitan kirill became a negotiator during the bloody events around the white house, and stands, i don’t remember, a lieutenant or a police captain, he says, where are you going father, i say, i’m there, he says, don’t do this, look at the sniper’s roofs. and no one knows what kind of snipers these are, and maybe someone really needs to kill you now, i realized that i have to go, because the church gave me obedience, to see, meet, talk, priests often encounter evil in different guises, their task is to resist it with wisdom. archival video from the mid-nineties, smolensk. a group of drug addicts definitely decided to commit violence; the priest seems to be an easy victim; they managed to avoid this through the power of persuasion. the luminary is called
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to deal with the most vile human traits and feelings, the most, because a person comes to a priest for confession with such mental pain, yes, with which he will not come to anyone. in 2009, patriarch moscow's entire arussia kirill comes to ukraine, despite threats. radical nationalists. active work has already begun to split orthodoxy. thousands of people meet the patriarch everywhere, in kiev, donetsk, in western ukraine. for the first time in history , a synod is meeting in the kiev pechersk lavra, the first orthodox monastery in russia. there were still chances to avoid a schism and humiliation of believers. the patriarch of moscow of all russia lives in the russian federation in the city of moscow. but this is the patriarch of moscow.
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the patriarch is a father for everyone, regardless depending on the color of the passport. the organizers of the 2014 coup d'état are striking the first blows at the church, as an obvious symbol of the unity of the orthodox. those who are usually called obsessives come to restore order to the monasteries in ukraine. what should you call devil, i am torturing you, demon, what should you call him, nit, what should you call him, carrion? you are not a priest, you are a demon, everything about you is black, not ukrainian. prayer based on sincere faith will prove to be a decisive force, the patriarch is confident in the end. ukraine is our pain, this is the suffering of the orthodox people. with with these thoughts i get up and, excuse me, end
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my day. schism is a terrible sin, indelible even by the blood of martyrs. this is what the holy fathers teach us. and a split, organized and provoked by political forces and based on the seemingly free choice of some representatives of the hierarchy, generally seems monstrous in a spiritual sense. after his election to the moscow throne, this was the formation of new dioceses with the goal, and quite specific, with the desire for
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each bishop to be closer to his people, but... it was to build new churches, and if speaking, for example, about moscow, then in recent years a lot of churches have really been built, especially in residential areas, where they are really in demand. the patriarch illuminates many churches personally, constantly travels around the vast country and communicates with parishioners, his work, which in the church is usually called ministry. the sacrament of the eucharist, that is, the consecration of bread and wine, is something that is done with prayer. if you don't believe in the immortality of the human soul. that our life is a completely meaningless matter, meaning man finds only in eternity, if we believe in immortality, everything makes sense, joy, grief, love, marriage, our work, everything makes sense. under patriarch kirill, new orthodox media appeared, live broadcasts of the most important services on television
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have long become the norm, young people began to come to churches, but not only that.
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the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live, we are immediately transported to the front, we have war correspondent arti vladislav andretsa in direct contact, let's let’s find out what’s happening in the krasno-liman direction, vladislav, hello, the floor is yours , yes, hello, the attacks of our fighters in the krasno-liman direction are now increasing, in particular, the akhmat special forces
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are now actively attacking belogorovka and its surroundings. here is the hades group, the commander of the hades group, we worked with him for three days, his guys are now storming the territory of the mill and, in fact, they are surrounding and conducting. operations to encircle the white mountain itself, the white mountain, by the way, was very very interesting during the second world war, this here ait, the group commander told me, when preparing the operation, they read literature , prepared, during the second world war, in 1942, when the fighting took place there , for about a month they tried to process large-caliber guns with guns 205 mm and above, for a month they tried to disassemble this mountain, nothing worked out, they finally came. to the fact that we still need to encircle, which, in fact, is what our troops are doing now. difficult, difficult terrain, terrain, rocks of chalk,
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gypsum, uh, holes in holes, actually, we have to adjust, the enemy is only from the hades group, this is confirmed information, they lose from 10 to 20 fighters per day, sniper pairs work, we could see for ourselves, they come, return... the guys with the rotation show confirmed targets , show confirmed targets, nothing can frag do anything about it, they literally leave at night , rotation occurs exclusively at night, during the day this is impossible, open space, 800 m, respectively, our komikazes work from about a kilometer to one and a half kilometers, sniper pairs, i don’t i can name it - clearly it’s a matter of distance, but the sniper pairs give absolutely no rest, they also control...
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in that direction, he’s right there, he hit her, when the hunt was announced, they tried to shoot, the comikat started working, here’s the last one such agony , everyone remained alive, an absolutely wonderful miracle, i was at this
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point of temporary deployment, you know, it seems that the guys, thank god, kissed by god, are working, working, working, i also need to say about the weather conditions, here 3 days, walked 3 days, 3 days it was snowing, wet. that we have not far directly from the line of contact, the situation with drones is improving, there are 3d printers, everything in large large units we can see what is being done, komikazes are being assembled,
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wings are being assembled, in general, to be honest, it’s nice to watch, the front is moving, our guys are attacking, the initiative is now on our side, and this is nice, thank you very much, war correspondent arti vladislav andritsa was in direct contact with us, the next episode, the denouement of the series about zaluzhny is obvious won't stay put. it means that before american journalists had time to inform everyone that zaluzhny’s resignation was already inevitable, new insights arrived from washington. it turns out that zaluzhny’s dismissal can happen in a matter of hours. well, europe also follows its role in this scenario, it has its own outcome, which risks tying knots around the neck, and such. strong and it is unknown whether someone will be able to untie them or not, today, that means, on february 1 , the eu summit begins in brussels, on the agenda, of course, is the issue of supporting ukraine, head european diplomacy, josep barel
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was already in the forefront of calling on eu leaders to open their wallets, and wider, and to approve the expansion of the european peace fund to supply even more shells to ukraine. and the day before, apparently, without any doubt about his support. colleagues, barel promised ukraine further mountains of gold, according to him, the european union hopes to transfer 21 billion worth of weapons to kiev in 2024. for 2024 , the budget will include 21 billion euros for military support for ukraine. support is growing. last year, eu member states pledged to supply ukraine with 1 million artillery shells within one year. but not all states contributed to the common cause. from march last year until now we have delivered 330.00 shells - this is 1/3 of our goal. i expect another 200,000 to be delivered by march. they're covered in sweat.
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the belts of ordinary europeans somehow slip down their throats in an amazing way, but unlike barel, america is not so generous, the united states has no alternatives to military assistance to ukraine, other than requesting such the grandiose joseph biden, who this request is now being considered in congress has become a kind of bone of contention, that’s what the white house said. if the bill to help ukraine fails, is there an alternative legislative instrument for...
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may cease to become a hegemon, and here he once again began to call on everyone to urgently unite against russia. today our values ​​are being maliciously attacked by external forces who are trying to undermine them, they threaten our free world, they openly challenge american influence, they are trying to change the global rules that ensure our common security. russia is seeking to restore its spheres of influence and build an alternative world.
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drew attention to the phrase: “they threaten our free world, they openly challenge american influence.” vladimir vladimevich, it’s a free world, which is under american influence in terms of europe, for example, where will the money come from for the free world in ukraine. you understand, yes, the free world is the dictate of america, then there are some countries that generally allow themselves to conduct an independent foreign policy. blocs are organized, you understand, and this is called the free world , no one can express their opinion or build some kind of alternative policy if it contradicts the interests of one single country and one single bloc, from which stoltenberg, thank god, will soon resign, as for where the money will come from, well , it seems there is already confirmation there, johnson hints, the speaker of the lower house. that they will disunite
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they will sort out the issue of the southern border and ukraine, which means that america will still provide some kind of assistance to ukraine. why kirby says that there are no alternative sources is also understandable, this is a means of putting pressure on these same congressmen, that is , he shows: look, don’t allocate money to ukraine, we won’t be able to help it in any way, although, although in fact they are helping ukraine, we see how they press, squeeze their hands here, twist their hands there. to other countries so that they supply weapons, we see how tanks go there from the middle east to croatia for repairs, yes, in order to then transport old soviet tanks to ukraine, we see how ecuador talks, and we give away scrap metal of old soviet armored vehicles, receive new american ones in return, that is , in this way the americans bypass their congress, a world based on rules , these rules apply even to the elite. so are
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the americans congressmen and senators. ivan pavlovich, against this background, when we challenge the influence of the united states, we have become quite insolent, i don’t know, but we challenge it nonetheless. europe is looking for money, can the war process continue while there is no funding, these are these cunning schemes for searching for weapons, tanks, ammunition, artillery installations, they still come, there is no money, but there are weapons, but the weapons will run out sooner or later? well, there are plenty. various schemes on how to carry this out there, for example, there is a futures scheme, that is , a certain community is created that supplies volunteers. volunteers from western capitalism who supply ukraine with weapons, work for the future, futures schemes scheme, then everyone will pay, everyone knows that this will not happen, but the system is working now and those who participate in it, they already have their own bonuses, including those on
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the western side and on the kiev side , that is, they divide their money among themselves, this is the main thing, what will happen next, who will pay for all this, no one is interested in this. there are quite a lot of such schemes, and there are schemes, for example, for arms transfers from countries that don’t really need them, well, ecuador has already been mentioned, the middle east too, they don’t really need them, they buy it at the price of scrap metal, very little money seems to be sent there and, accordingly, it is used there, but it is also quickly destroyed, that is, in fact, it does not have a large-scale, decisive significance and is not may have can. collect and support the war until the last ukrainian, but nothing more, but you can come up with a schematosis for complex and expensive systems, well, patriots, ireste, that is, they cannot be sold as scrap metal, probably, or they will also somehow get out, there are old soviet tanks, they are scraped somewhere like scrap metal, so
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the patriot and what to do with them? well, firstly, very small quantities of german patriots and airists were supplied ; there were no more supplies, and some had already been destroyed. how to supply them is quite simple, firstly, there are no end-user certificates , the americans recognized this, that is, in general, in the system of military-technical cooperation, that is, arms supplies, there is this concept: end-use certificate used was to resell and transfer to other persons means. any system that can be sent, it can go through other documents, everything, now what is happening in ukraine, well, listen, if the ukrainian americans themselves say after the audit, we received from them checks signed on paper czechs, that is, no confirmation, but what
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, where, how much was spent, just 500 billion rubles, hryvnias spent here, there, there, like the total amount, that’s all, and that’s... inscriptions in english and the investigative committee also reported the details investigation of this incident of this terrorist attack, traces of hexogen with impurities of up to 10% octogen were found, which is typical for foreign-made explosives, well, in general, there is already evidence,
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an appeal from state duma deputies to the congressmen of the united states is ready, what might be the reaction of america, will they try, as you think, as they do, to always shift responsibility onto the zelensky regime, but this is complicity, all complicity does not in any way relieve responsibility for the crime, you you see, they will say it very well, but it was generally unclear what they are saying now, yes, and there were no ukrainian prisoners of war there at all, regarding the use of the patriot, there are already comments in the comments about the fact that this is an unfounded statement by russia, and we will not even consider them, that is, but in general , yes, we, we need... to draw the attention of those same americans, american citizens, the entire american media community about what you see, the ukrainians told you, we won’t use american long-range missiles in the depths of russia weapons or so on and yet they use it, this of course we need
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to draw the attention of all kinds of public opinion leaders there and so on, so that this topic is exaggerated, discussed and so on, but from the official us authorities i dare to assure you.
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everyone must comply for their sake, this is the most terrible thing for them, that is, hybrid war assumes that you will respond in a variety of directions, and will be responsible for what you have done. i see that in the usa, a terrible understanding of this situation is growing, they don’t know where to expect a retaliatory blow, and this is the worst thing, another thing is that the reason for the crime, the punishment, right according to dostoevsky, they committed a crime. and they will be punished , they understand this, by the way, they all read dostoevsky, and
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look, now the issue of what is happening in the red sea is still being actively discussed, and the middle east is on fire, the usa and great britain launched a series of powerful strikes on houthi targets in yemen, yemen province of saada, is war inevitable in the middle east, experts discussed in the studio stream of the popular front, let's see, the main ball is still not in... the middle east, but the main ball is now in washington, dc, in order to survive at least a little more, yes, the current administration needs to show strength, like him, that he will do this, and he needs a very good picture, in this sense, of course, it will be a media war, for a big war the united states does not have the resources now, so most likely they will... select objects that are so or otherwise in the past were associated with iran, iranians
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most likely they will warn in advance so that they leave there, most likely there will be a night launch, because this is a beautiful picture, yes, then there will be footage from satellites, they hit somewhere, bombed something, here, here biden will try to put an end to it, will they let him put an end to his internal...
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yes, again about these double standards . i just want to draw attention, mind you, to a world based on rules, american patriots have a plane shot down in the depths of russia, no, well, we handed this over to ukraine, we are here nothing to do with it, yes, iranian missiles are hitting them with a boat in the red sea, iran must respond, here you go, these same double standards. extra points for the us presidential candidate, so well, again, a couple of bombings are always given , which has been noticed for a very long time. do they have enough strength, ivan pavlovich? let's just say that they are definitely not planning a war with iran. this rhetoric, which has already been going on, has been going on since the seventy-ninth year, in fact the last
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century, it is virtually unchanged, but it has never led to any attacks, now this it won’t, another thing is that for the americans a terrible phase is coming, when the proxy war is growing, behind it there are forces that are completely different, not always allied, and they must resist everyone, because they have bothered the whole world, and soon they will have to pay for it to answer, the houthis are not hitting because they are allies , it means because they are shiites and accordingly they are considered allies of iran, but no, they have their own, their own tasks that they solve, the americans who are constantly waging... here is a proxy war using different forces, they are already they’re just fed up with everyone, everyone wants to get rid of them, but they can’t, but they can’t, yes they can’t, but the usa doesn’t have the strength, and suppressing this resistance is a problem for them, maybe on the contrary it’s to their advantage, no, for them it’s problem, for them it is a waste of funds, and yes, i agree that before some elections this can be used, of course, but in general
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this is what is happening now, it is happening all over the world, now, they are losing everywhere, they are losing -
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how much time is left, we need to surrender ourselves into god’s hands, we need to work like this, so that you have the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly, everyone is equal before god , the lord will not ask me who you were, he will ask you, you visited a sick person, you came to prison to see someone who is suffering there, you shared a piece of bread, this is what he will ask, gratitude to you for your feat, as a result of which you... i see a lot, a lot, i feel a lot, this signal that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life, on the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service,
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premiere of the documentary film , today on the first. premiere. i love my country. in saturday. on the first. the path to your calling is very cynic. what professions did our guests master on the way to their dreams? i also worked as an instructor in the komsomol district committee, and since there was no such rate. in my work book it says cleaner yakubevich. i worked in libraries for 3 years. i really didn’t like it, but we have a plot about how you returned to your native library, and we can do owls with you, all my professions, be it a cook’s apprentice, a loader, they were selected taking into account so that i had as much time as possible to do what i love business, i worked for central television, senior accountant , senior, you said, hedgehog will be, and
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what is this, my first entry was in the book, my favorite, night receptionist,
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than his crowbar with these fishermen, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want vitya kill, you have pity on your mother, you still won’t bring your father back. game, let's do it, training four times a week, three running, one fire, then i'm in, i mean, well, let's kill him together, fakes, a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people , there are crimes, and love, and the most the main thing is ethnography, which of them is the hero, a boy or an adult, is also a big question, and the initiation rite that takes place there, this story could happen to anyone, on saturday at first, by the way. how many acting destinies , dreams, sufferings, hundreds of people
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, thousands, here comes tarkovsky shukshin, bandarchuk, mastfilm - this is generally a place where there is a lot of humor, it has always been, it remains the same, this is my version of the script, how long have i been looking for you , it's me. prescribed, the presence of a card on masfilm was equivalent to lottery ticket, there were no cell phones, the assistant, seryozha, was running into the frame, quickly! previously, mosfil was shrouded in mystery; we walked around these decorations the way they walk to the armitage. masfilm today is not just a movie, it’s a movie-television. mosfilm, the birth of a legend, on sunday on the first. americans have hollywood, we have masfin, such a factory of happiness, a factory of fairy tales. good afternoon, in this
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project we help the children of our country take their first steps towards their dreams. today i will tell you the story of sixteen-year-old vika from mariupol. my name is vika, i am 16 years old, i do circus arts and want to become a coach, but my main dream is to see the city of st. petersburg. this is the iskra recreation center, where i used to train, but during the fighting it was very badly damaged, there was a direct hit. this was the main entrance, but now, of course, it is unrecognizable.
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vika spends all her free time training, but i was struck by the fact that she herself does not dream of performing, she wants to become a coach, she already has a group of her students. in 10 years i see myself most likely as an acrobatics coach. i devoted a lot of time, effort, perseverance to this, i strived for this, reach out, pauline, come on , i’m out of my knees, straighten your back, here’s a smile from ear to ear, it’s a delight when children show everything they’ve learned from you, come on , that’s it, well done, good, well done, well done, now it’s your turn
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, coach is like a second mother, she will support, and warm, scold, i’m also ready to become the same as my coach, to immerse myself in the lives of children, well, with vika we're tight we've been working for probably 6 years now. a church group is not just a group, it’s where we get our future profession, the wiki has all the data to get into this cohort. nikolai anatolevich, i don’t want to be an artist , i want to become a coach, i need to study anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, i can’t say that i’m an artist, because an artist is a person who shows himself to the public, and i don’t want connecting my life with this is exactly what i want... to work with children, i like it. during the fighting in mariupol, 80% was destroyed city, but vicky’s house survived, they were very lucky.
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this is my apartment, in which i live with my mother, it is small, it is two-room, while we are renovating here, the doors, here are the walls, all stripped and only my room is ready, it is small, the only thing here is the bed, basically mine ... textbooks from school, well, that's all you need for studying, vika's second year can be without tears, to be honest, she hasn't met children who... were good friends, well, that is, she somehow went and killed my girlfriend, with which we very much collect water for our family in the well, her they shot me, every night i was worried,
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now... i was most afraid for my dad, for the most part i was afraid that he would be killed, or just there, as they say, you don’t know who they will shoot at, i have connections with i wasn’t a father, no, we met after everything got better, people started coming out of the basements, when dad arrived on a bicycle in... i naturally hugged, kissed, everything. faced with the real danger of losing her family, vika realized that the most important thing in life is love and family. thank god, vika’s father was not injured, although the girl’s parents have been divorced for a long time, they continue to support and guide their beloved daughter together. we already live together.
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years old, we are divorced from my husband, well, vika and her dad maintain a good, wonderful relationship, well, how can you separate a father from a child, of course not, vika was a capricious child, vika herself had to make the choice that she liked, and not which mom liked it, mom, i think this is not bad at all for a wife, of course it’s not bad, after all , it’s very important to have your own opinion, a girl with character. last new year i made a wish to go to moscow with my coach, and my dream came true, at the moment my dream is a trip to st. petersburg, i like the people there, that’s without a doubt, yes, these are the people, because in st. petersburg the people are completely different than in other cities of russia, they more sophisticated and they immediately know what they want. having learned about vika’s story, i really
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wanted to give her a trip to... st. petersburg, i told vika’s mother and her coach about this surprise, and until recently they did not tell the girl where she was going, and vika learned about her cherished trip from our team, to see such a reaction is a real reward for our work, honestly, i’ll go to st. petersburg, you ’re glad, the dream has come true, it’s great, so what to do, everything’s fine, why are you crying? i’m shocked, thank you very much, once upon a time everything was a little different with us, remember? and your mother always supported you, i always told you to always believe in yourself. i remember. of course, vicky’s acquaintance with st. petersburg began with a tour of its main attractions. the girl was interested in absolutely everything, but the thing that amazed me was the most important thing. she was happy like a little one child with snowy street.
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i haven’t skated like this for a long time, it was cool , hello, hello, my name is egor, i’m vika, it’s very nice, today we will get to know the history of the city and the history of st. petersburg, how it all began, well , let’s go, yes!
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few people know ilysetto, but if you look closely, the pupils of peter and the horse are made in the shape of hearts. i prefer the version that peter ii looks at his brainchild with loving eyes. i love history very much, i have been interested in it since an early age, always have been. learn an interesting story about st. petersburg about the winter i heard about the palace, my father actually served there after the winter palace on the square, i was interested in visiting there, i don’t know where, where we are going, at least that’s for sure, vika, hello, hello, we are for
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you we have prepared another surprise, it will be professional make-up and styling so that in the evening you will have a professional photo shoot, you are ready for a transformation, but unexpectedly. i thought whatever i wanted, really, but not this, let’s go, i’ll introduce you to the master, i hope everything will be fine, i’m sure, ok, oh, makeup, what in general, when they took me to a beauty salon, i didn’t expect it, i really liked the master, in fact, it was the makeup of my dreams. hello, vika, hello, i’m very glad to see you in this studio, we will have amazing photos, let’s go change clothes, here you
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have a ray of light, you stand approximately in front of this piece of paper, pose, great, straighten your hair with your right hand. wonderful, smart girl, photo shoot - it was a new experience for me, since i had never actually been photographed before, it was very interesting at first i...
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you still had the ground ring, yes, but today you will also try aerial gymnastics, are you ready? yes, let's go take steps towards your dream, put your hand in a preparatory position, get ready, head to the right, back taut, raise your leg forward, back taut... yes, hold on, hold on, come on, come on, i'll help you, yeah, fingers outstretched , taking out the heel to the side many times, uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah, well done , i didn’t like the ballet part at all, we didn’t do ballet, well, not even ballet, more like
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in total, even the choreography is 2 years old, since we were destroyed by our builders’ recreation center, in which all this was carried out, you don’t want to try, that is, they staged a test, here i am alone, come on, i’ll support you, i suggest you just initially stand. stand, yes, great plan, stand in the first position , your back should be straight, your face inspired, we stand naturally, enjoying the moment, i’m enjoying myself, i see, i share with you, let’s go, one, two, three, colossal work, girls, just well done, good, now walking in a standing position in their hands, well, and the girls are really very strong, they... whom even little girls could be pumped up , it’s just that in each of them i saw such a twinkle in the eyes when you want to work and want to strive for something new. now begins the most interesting part of our training, aerial
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gymnastics. polina, seriously, yes, come on, come on, come on, let’s take it from the side with a different grip, go in a circle, and bend the legs, great, right. in general, it’s great how everything stretches out, but what else can we try? turn around with your back to the crossbar and place your feet on toes, start swinging, and we take off the legs in this direction, straighten your elbow, that’s right, if you hold on with your head, you can let go of your left hand, and raise it higher, yeah, now we’re pulling away from the ring, great, now we will have a demonstration performance with you, we will show the result of our training, so let's go change clothes.
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vika, we were very glad to see you as our guest, we wish you success in your career, i know that you are going to become a coach and we wish you victories. i didn't know that i was is waiting here, i probably went with, you know, new sensations, emotions, yes, i got my emotions, because the city of st. petersburg is a beautiful city, but it doesn’t give the same emotions as the people who surround you give, i liked all the film crew, because it was fun with them, there were jokes , there were conversations, it was all very cool , it was very interesting, everything was exciting, i would really like to thank those people who helped me come, i really liked the presenter, people gave me
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unforgettable emotions, it will all remain in in memory, in photographs, everything was really very cool. i think vicky will be an excellent coach; she even helped me overcome my fears of trying myself in aerial gymnastics. vika, make it easy with a smile, let everything work out for her, and we will be happy. hello, the news is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio. the results of the investigation into the crash of the russian il-76 plane with ukrainian prisoners were made public today by the investigative committee. based on the results of the examinations it has been established that the humanitarian aircraft was shot down from... the american patriot anti-aircraft missile system, as the president said the day before, but
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not with one, but with two missiles, 116 fragments of shells and mechanisms from shells were discovered, inscriptions and markings were applied to them in english. the attack by the ukrainian armed forces was carried out from the village of leptsy in the kharkov region. here are some other details the investigative committee provided. the seized fragments are clearly marked in english . studies using methods of ion mobility spectrometry, gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection and high-performance liquid chromatography with mass selective detection made it possible to detect traces of hexogen with impurities of up to 10% octogen in washes from objects, which is typical for foreign-made explosives. according to the conclusion of the examinations carried out during the investigation, the fragments seized from the scene of the incident, according to... design features, geometric characteristics
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and existing markings, are structural elements of the anti-aircraft guided missile (miim-104a) of the us patriot complex, developed by reiteon and hughes corporations and produced in reiteon. due to the fact that the attack on the il-76 aircraft in the sky over the belgorod region was carried out using american weapons. the state duma today at a plenary session adopted a draft appeal to the us congress. chairman of the lower house vyacheslav volodin emphasized: the west should know into whose hands the american weapons that biden is supplying to ukraine fall into and how they are used. this is terrorist act, this is an attack on a ship engaged in the delivery of prisoners of war, humanitarian aid. the crew
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carried out this task, they were shot down, the leadership of ukraine must bear responsibility. as for congress and those within it, they need to know who the guns are being supplied to. not only members of congress, but also ordinary americans should know where their money is going, this was stated by the russian foreign ministry and the us presidential administration. biden made americans accomplices in the bloody tragedy with the attack on the il-76 plane - emphasized official representative of the department maria zakharova. 195 russian soldiers and officers released from captivity from kiev-controlled territory have finally returned home. the road really turned out to be long for them, everything should have happened just a week ago, but the ukrainian armed forces, as we have already said, shot down a transport ship with their own prisoners. and that night our fighters flew to the moscow region, ukrainian. in the very near future, russian military personnel will undergo treatment and
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rehabilitation in hospitals, but the most important thing is to see loved ones and relatives who have been waiting their long months. tears welled up. and now there is new footage from the special operation zone. offensive actions and assault on strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, north of the village of priyutnoye in the zaporozhye region. the unit advanced to the designated location in infantry combat vehicles. operates under the cover of drone tanks. at this time, enemy firing points are suppressed by artillery. thanks to
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coordinated actions, we managed to occupy the required area. in the southern donetsk direction, mortars are striking the enemy to get the job done 5 minutes. aim, shoot, curl up, then take cover to avoid being returned by militants. in the donetsk sector , su-25 attack aircraft hit clusters of ukrainian armed forces with unguided aircraft missiles, then release heat traps to evade enemy air defenses and return to their home airfield. at an emergency summit in brussels, eu leaders agreed to allocate a tranche of 50 billion euros to ukraine. long-term support program. for 4 years - said the head of the european council, charles michel. most of the money will go towards purchasing weapons. moscow is monitoring information on the summit, said presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, noting that problems continue for the kiev regime and the entire collective west. by the way, the meetings in the capital of belgium are taking place against the backdrop of mass protests by farmers. farmers from several
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eu countries gathered in brussels to bring their claims to the authorities. they demand to stop cheap imports from ukraine and reduce fuel prices. otherwise european agricultural workers will be on the verge of ruin, but the minds political elites, apparently, are busy with the wrong things: their citizens suffer, and billions flow to ukraine. on other topics: within 6 years the standard of living in our new regions should reach the all-russian level. vladimir putin discussed the development plan until 2030 at a meeting the night before: measures of social support, healthcare, construction.
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social system of these regions, i ask you to act here with the utmost caution and responsibility. the renovation of the healthcare system is in full swing in mariupol, on behalf of the president, a multidisciplinary center of the federal medical and biological agency, vladimir putin appreciated the scale of construction during a trip to mariupol last spring, when i was there, looked at
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this complex, to be honest, it is so grandiose, huge, big, well... and this is only the first stage, this is only the first stage, very much counting on the fact that the second stage will also be quickly implemented, all the people who are planned will work there. will live, will be able to fit into this environment, will enjoy what they do, because they will help there is nothing more noble and satisfying for people to do than what a person does. a huge four-story diagnostic and treatment building of the new clinic of the federal medical and biological agency in mariupol. military builders erected it in just six months, almost the same amount of time. it took technical specialists to install and adjust all the necessary equipment, there is so much of it here,
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there are only 10 operating rooms, each equipped with the latest medical technology, including so-called hybrid ones, where surgical interventions can be carried out simultaneously by several specialists, the mariupol medical center is designed to provide high-tech care; for this there are ct, mri, endoscopic and laboratory diagnostic devices. a hemodialysis center, an inpatient rehabilitation department and a separate disinfection service unit. it is very
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important to receive high-tech medical care, directly next to home, that is, in difficult cases, people will not need to go to the federal clinics hundreds of kilometers away from the capital. in the capital of the republic, donetsk, they completed the reconstruction of the prosthetic and orthopedic center, the oldest medical institution in the city, it is almost 80.
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svetlana anobchenko, a teacher at the lugansk pedagogical institute, told the president about her new apartment via video link. the house was built thanks to engineers from moscow, for which lugansk is a sponsored region. i am sincerely grateful that i was among the first recipients of housing. the life of our entire region is improving, as a teacher at lugansk state pedagogical university, i want to say
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that the region is being restored in all areas, including education. vladimir putin, in turn, clarified the temporary acting head of lugansk, yana pashchenko, who else will get apartments in this building. this is a good example of resolving issues related to and with specialists who. who come to work, in this case to lugansk. as far as i understand, yana valerievna, you are planning there, among other things , to provide housing for visiting specialists in the field of education and healthcare, right? yes, definitely, this is a very important moment for us. i think that we in mariupol and other cities and towns should act in the same way. i ask my colleagues to keep this in mind for participation. in the meantime, it is important to grow your staff, as they do at the melitopol multidisciplinary college, where more than a thousand students study, future programmers, commodity experts, accountants, recently moved into a renovated dormitory. i would like
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to wish you success, in general i would like to thank everyone who was involved in these objects, first of all, of course, builders, local authorities, helped to do, we have been waiting for this moment for more than a year, this project is the most global within our college, i want on behalf of all the students of melitopol college...
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since there are so many of us, we everyone has gathered here. it seems that all of us present here, since we, about forty social payments the increase will affect more than 20 million will be indexed from today in russia. citizens, the increase will be 7.4%. the february changes will primarily affect people with disabled, combat veterans, participants in the great patriotic war and other federal beneficiaries. the amount of maternity capital will increase. for the first
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child, a little more than 630,000 rubles will now be provided. and for the second, if they did not receive for the first, almost 834 thousand rubles. the unified allowance for children will also be increased. and that ’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the “big game” program. good afternoon, “big game” is live and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today is the fifteenth anniversary of internation his holiness, his... holiness the most holy patriarch of moscow all russia kirill. this is a truly important event for the russian orthodox church, for and for our entire society, our entire state, because his holiness is one of the pillars not only of our spirituality, but certainly of our statehood, on this day.
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in the past it was even impossible to imagine, this is the opening of new dioceses, churches, monasteries, but the most important thing is a very broad work with youth, with children, the fact that indeed, it was banned for many years in our country, and what is now actively developing, i sincerely thank you for the support that you provide to all citizens of russia, but i would especially like
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to mention those who... listen to his pastoral word well, definitely at least a million people came out, this was the time when our church was still united, now, unfortunately, this division is happening, but his holiness patriarch of moscow of all russia, kirill, is a symbol of the unity of all peoples of the orthodox world,
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head of the largest orthodox church. therefore, with all my heart, a lot and good summer , as for the kiev regime, it is going through far from the best of times, there is no one to pray for it, and there is scandal after scandal, among others, of course, the story with the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, cnn reported, these are no longer some kiev garbage dumps. dismiss the zaluzhny, well, we will wait for the development of events, and boris aleksandrovich rozhen, our permanent military man, is monitoring events more closely than others expert, boris aleksandrovich, good afternoon,
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the floor is yours, and good afternoon, but if the situation is at the front, then indeed, despite attempts there to make bravura statements that they are going to go on the offensive there, in practice the situation is exactly the opposite... fierce fighting also continues in the rimyevsky ledge and on the rabotinsky ledge, where our troops continue to press in the rabotin area, on the vremyaevsky ledge in the staromaisky area north of priyutnoye, where we recently advanced 2 km, and we continue to press in the direction of novodarovka in the field, here the enemy was forced to retreat, which means that in the ugledav direction fierce battles continue in the novomikhailovka area, both to the south and to the north. from the village , our main advance has been recently in the direction of mikhailovka, which means that in the maryinsky direction the main battles are now continuing on the outskirts of georgievka north of georgievka, that is
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, our troops continue to move with emphasis in the direction of kurakhova, which means the main battles are in the donetsk direction were in in the pervomaisky area, well, in the direction of krasnogorovka, there are also positional battles there, in the artyomovsk direction there is progress towards ours. positional battles continue in the artyomovsky area north of kleshcheevka in bogdanovka, which means that on the northern ledge the main battles were in the area of ​​razdololovka, sporny and belogorovka, which means in the svatovo-kupyansky direction our troops advanced in the torskoye area, there is an advance to the northeast of village, also our troops continue to attack in the direction of... standing and kislovka occupied occupied positions in the tabaevka area, the enemy is now successfully transferring additional forces here, there are also small advances in our favor in the petropavlovka area, and at night missile
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strikes were carried out on various regions, that is , sumy, kharkov, the right bank of the dnieper, zaporozhye region, clusters were hit equipment, fuel and lubricants warehouses and ammunition. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our permanent military man. expert with an accurate analysis of what is happening on the fronts of the northern military district, in kiev victoria, 10 years have passed since she distributed cookies on the maidan, now she is reaping the fruits of her own labors, which i really like, judging by the expression on her face, ukraine is at war, a huge number of people have lost their loved ones, but american policy is advancing, advancing successfully.
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also understand what will happen if you fail to continue to not only defend yourself but to succeed, i am absolutely confident that understanding this will affect the outcome of the congressional vote on president biden's request. yes, well, besides, she, of course, she continued to inspire that now a new one will appear and everything will fall into place in favor of ukraine. i must say that i am leaving today. inspired by the unity and determination for 2024, it is an absolute strategic necessity for ukraine, and i also leave with great confidence that as
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ukraine's defenses strengthen, mr. putin will have some nice surprises on the battlefield, and ukraine will achieve very serious things this year success. well, all this without cookies, and it sounds like there is no money, but you hang in there. in fact, you clearly noted. that there is no plan b, there are only slogans, that americans who admire the ukrainians, although this is not so, and ordinary americans do not think about ukraine at all, they are focused on their internal problems, so, but there really is no plan b, and there are not even european partners it turns out to force ukraine to pay instead of the united states, but the biden administration does not draw conclusions from past events. let me remind you that jake sullivan did exactly the same thing last august. pretentious reports that we will now see the defeat of the russian army, we will see how it is the counteroffensive that we are preparing together with ukraine, how successful it will be, they did not draw the conclusion that they cannot strategically calculate us.
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il-76, which transported ukrainian prisoners of war, i think they can still provide us with a lot of such surprises. today, the state duma adopted an appeal to the congress in the united states on this very issue, indicating that the american side is going too far. this is true. well, we are in direct contact now - our permanent program participant. and in this case, a war
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correspondent, igor vladimirovich kimakovsky, who is there in the donbass. igor vladimirovich, good afternoon, what news do you have? uh, good afternoon, vyacheslav alekseevich, i had one today, an overnight morning voyage to the south donetsk direction, this is the area where our donetsk people’s republic meets the zaporozhye region, and you know, in this case i want to support boris aleksandrovich. yes, indeed, we have very good ones, there are successes and news from south donetsk direction, in the area of ​​the village of priyutnoye, the enemy himself is actually leaving his positions under the onslaught of our artillery and our drone pilots, that is, they themselves are leaving their positions, leaving their wounded and dead in their positions, and are not evacuating. lines of combat
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contact, even the wounded and the wounded die bleeding and from hypothermia, that is, ours don’t even have time to reach the positions, and the wounded, the wounded are already two hundred at once, our guys even say, well, that’s why we could save them, evacuate them, but let’s say we didn’t have time, we’re also glad within the framework of the vostok group with the guys from which i am friends with many, this is the famous 155. kamchatsky, where i began my military service, these are the guys from the fifth combined arms army and i talked with the guys of 394 of our famous regiment, who took over in just a few several days of enemy positions, and i saw video footage, and i was struck by what we are adopting...
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the enemy has all the newest, well, what is called combat technology, that is, under the control of reconnaissance uavs, our guys the four of us advanced to the enemy’s positions, creating the appearance that our large unit was advancing directly, occupied more than four positions, and in this way completely demoralized the enemy, so when i returned, i rode along the front line. i would just like to support andrei fransovich, who is in the audience, you, well, in the studio and you, that indeed our guys, our scouts are now working superbly to the mark, unlike their scouts, who are really working, one might say, at deuce, now vyacheslav alekseevich, the important thing is not what they will deliver or what surprises they will deliver, what is important is the spirit of our guys, and it exists, the important thing is that...
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the front line is being saturated with new equipment and ammunition, when i was returning back, but now, i’ve already stopped by to donetsk , we can hear the canada, the front line is alive, within the framework of this canada we are only now hearing some sorties towards the enemy, that is, i was driving almost everything, i drove the southern phase from the zaporozhye direction to the south donetsk from the zaporozhye region to marinka - everywhere audible.
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more than in the last 13 months, so there is indeed obvious progress; in the united states they have already stopped the cap-and-paper. yes, our thinking originated there. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia , africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of mineral. he entered the russian elite. in 1960, under
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direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries received independence. i was looking for the ideal of a free society, in which... what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, no matter what, love. vedechka
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loved himself very much, it was even simply charming at times, because he crossed all sorts of boundaries, i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer and... this made me wiser and more, for example, a patriot of his own country, as a writer, he is a writer of his own beloved, in your seemingly autobiographical things, what is the percentage of fact and what is the percentage of literary fiction, everything is true and at the same time fictional. limonov is bored walking with everyone else. a little bit of lemons, boy, on the contrary. matador, edward. owl in search of love, tomorrow is the first one, i want to stay on the pose for probably a week, by car you can do everything for two. vladivostok, the city of bridges, water, lighthouses, delicious seafood,
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it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, just if from taste, there were also welders asking for help below, this is the amur tiger, the largest kitty in the world. and even kozlov is loved , we can send you there, is it possible to press somewhere now, of course, if you press something, something might change, we don’t need that now, we’ve almost survived, this is literally the edge light, look how beautiful it is, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. come, please, listen, let's go fell from the roof, either you get one and a half lyam, or end the conversation, and this is the end will be very bad for you, you are in his apartment, where he did not transport you, with his child, whom he did not give to you, you had a conflict with vadi mirovich, we would like
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to come to an agreement with you somehow, they act according to a special protocol, they are afraid of the hype, considering the level of the victim, they don’t want to attract attention, we have a warrant for your arrest, open it. or will we be forced to break down the door? container. the final one in the series. on sunday on the first. i'm not the emperor's widow. i'm not the emperor's mother. and i am not a regent for a minor emperor. i am the empress. and i. in legal law, you argued that catherine was a temporary phenomenon; hostile forces interested in overthrowing the currently reigning person have become more active in europe. i hate him, whom orlova, and my mother, i hate too, they killed my father,
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you’ll go to her, she doesn’t love you, grisha, you need to overthrow this german adventuress and establish a legitimate inheritance on the russian throne. i had no illusions, i knew what power was, i knew what i was going to, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry it with dignity. your cross, great, golden age, big premiere, from monday on the first.
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many participants in the great game program are, in principle , acquainted with william burns, he was ambassador to moscow, he is a fairly authoritative expert, political scientist, specialist in the middle east, we met in moscow, at various conferences, i am sure, not only me, but also others participants in the program, he now heads the central intelligence agency of the united states of america. published an article entitled espionage and statecraft in an influential foreign affairs magazine , which is the mouthpiece of the american deep foreign policy state, the article is very remarkable, the main thing, probably, is that they already recognize that the unipolar moment is over, that the united states is not omnipotent, and that in fact the world has become trilateral, three . superpowers, there is china and there is the russian
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federation, which, as it turned out, is not torn apart, but poses a serious threat to the security of the united states of america, but the truth is not as serious as china, which impossible to ignore. let's listen to what burns writes. no one monitors support from the united states and ukraine more closely than chinese leaders. china remains the only us rival with any intention of changing. national order, so to increase its economic, diplomatic, military and technological power for this. the country's economic transformation over the past five decades has been extraordinary. this is something for which the chinese people deserve enormous praise, and something that the rest of the world has widely supported, believing that a prosperous china is a global good. the problem is not the rise of china as such, nor the threatening actions that increasingly accompany it. chinese leader xijing ping began his third presidential term with more. than any of his predecessors since mao zedong, rather than using that power to bolster
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the revitalization of the international system that helped transform china, xi is trying to rewrite it. in the intelligence community, we carefully study what chinese leaders say, but we pay even more attention attention to what they do. his growing repression at home and his aggressiveness abroad, his unlimited partnership with vladimir putin, a threat to peace and stability in the taiwan strait cannot be ignored. with china occurs against the backdrop of strong economic interdependence and commercial ties between china and the united states. these ties have served the two countries and the rest of the world very well, but they have also created critical vulnerabilities and serious risks to american security and prosperity. in today's world, not one a country does not want to be at the mercy of a single supplier of critical resources and technologies, especially if that supplier intends to weaponize that dependence . well, sergei genadevich, that’s how he reads it. any kind of partnership between the us and china . there are no opportunities for this at all . in general, an interesting idea, but
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in general he always expressed quite serious analytical approaches, in his article, firstly, there is a clear analysis of the problem of a kind of new strategic competition, or more precisely, china’s entry into more high tough positions in terms of competition and... containment of the united states, b, as he says, these are risks from further rapprochement, there is no such term, but from the russian-chinese strategic partnership, that is, these two sides, they are, as it were, in development what the late kisinger said, as they say, when he repeatedly emphasized and noted the danger, well, for the americans of the american leadership in general, the rapprochement between russia and china there in different interpretations, and another point, look, disappeared completely in... in the context of the thoughts of berntsed and other analysts,
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all even hints of the big two of the united states and china , which once existed under obama, seemed to have sunk into the summer, and we now see the formation of, well, if a small russian-chinese two, then at least , as you correctly noted in the summary of the two centers of russia and china, in this sense , this triangle of russia, the usa, china, it is rather transforming. into mutual opposition, competition, strategic competition, say, between the american in quotes world and the russian chinese center, well, if you like, you can call it conflict bipolarity. anxiety, strategic anxiety, and not only from china, which is called a strategic rival, but also from russia, which is a current rival, that is, as if we are performing a function, the first line, so
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to speak, of danger for the united states, and china is strategic, long-term threat and... of the enemy, in this sense , this configuration that he outlined is absolutely accurate, it’s even difficult to argue here, because, but he understands argues from the point of view of america, the cia , there, he says, technology has arrived, they make work difficult, these are like details, but strategically, of course, of course, this is this, this is the confrontation between the american world and the russian-chinese, conditionally the center, it, of course, it takes on more diverse forms, it seems to become voluminous. does not mention europe at all, it doesn’t exist , it follows that the role of europe as a geopolitical player has been reduced to zero, for which they only fought for centuries, suddenly god and this europe does not exist. but
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there is russia, it is presented in quite a large number in this article, and there is not a word there that the economy there can be torn apart. in the clump, it seemed like they were planning just recently that ukraine could win there on the battlefield, they also seemed to be planning to inflict a strategic defeat on us, not a word about that either, but nevertheless they will fight russia, but how? well, let's listen. the cia has about a dozen mission centers, task forces that bring together officers from across the agency. in 2021 we opened a new missionary center, exclusively oriented. in china, as the only mission center for the entire country, it provides a central mechanism for coordinating work on china that today extends to all areas of the cia. we are also quietly strengthening intelligence channels for our colleagues in beijing, an important means of helping policymakers avoid misunderstandings and unintended clashes between the united states and china. meanwhile, dissatisfaction with the war continues to corrode the russian
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leadership and the russian people under a thick cloud layer of state propaganda and repression. this is hidden dissatisfaction.
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it’s as if europe is already completely under american colonial control again, all this bragging that they supposedly know everything that’s happening in china, everything that’s happening in russia, and they’ve boasted about this repeatedly over the previous year and a half, this is all an absolute lie, they they know very little about what’s really happening in china and russia, because in china we’ve generally gotten worse. that free spirit, all sorts of correspondents there, a bunch of non-governmental organizations in which the cia is in the swamp.
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russia, well, let them work there. the americans promised yesterday to deliver a decisive retaliatory strike on iranian targets somewhere in the middle east after the death of their military personnel, but the strike was on the houthis, which was inflicted, which had nothing to do with the attack on this base, iran, naturally, said that if if they hit our territory, we will respond. the houthis responded with a strike against the american.
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from texas to try to take those national guardsmen who guard the border from mexico, but in fact it’s remarkable here
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two points: first, we remember that before the attack on their base, which for a long time was impossible to understand, either in syria or in jordan, they denied everything there, there were more than 180 attacks on their bases, and people were injured, well somehow it all went downhill, and at the same time the americans always know how to very beautifully hide their own dangerously, iran immediately stated that if you hit us or our units, there would be an immediate response, and moreover, they said, in the twentieth year, we have already proven this, we hit american bases in
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iraq, the operation martyr of sulaymaniyah , the americans did not respond to this, so now the americans are choosing which victim, which shepherds to call iranian proxies in order to hit them to do this operation, in fact the situation for them is only getting worse, all american military bases are turning into spartans. because they are under the gun of iranian very high-tech missiles, which are guaranteed to overcome the air defense system, and most importantly , the civilian naval component is all under attack and the americans themselves are beginning to withdraw from the red sea their aircraft carrier, i pointed it at the british, they now said that this operation would be exclusively american, because they understood that they would hit american ships, well, the british are not participating in this operation, which means this attack will not be on them, in general for the americans, the situation is quite difficult from their point of view...
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who cares, farmers are talking about one thing, the leaders of the european union are talking about something completely different, about this after the advertisement. i never asked the lord to become a patriarch, i always asked the lord to make the right choice. nobody but god doesn’t know how much time is left, you have to surrender yourself into god’s hands, you have to work so that you have. that you need to do a lot quickly, everyone is equal before god, the lord will not ask me who you were, he will ask you, did you visit a sick person, did you
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come to prison to see whoever is there? is suffering, you shared a piece of bread, that’s what he will ask: gratitude to you for your feat, as a result of which you received a wound, i wish you god’s help, strength, strength, mental, physical, but also a speedy recovery, i i see a lot, i feel a lot, a lot, this signal that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life. the easternmost point of the chukotka peninsula, we are from dezhnev, dezhnev, songs about flowers, pink roses, lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, well done, you understand about us men, but there’s one thing you don’t know,
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what? let's get married, that's it, that's the answer, yes, he's wearing gold shoulder straps and a bright order of honor, the premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first, the path to your calling is very clear, what professions our guests mastered on the way to their dreams, i also worked as an instructor at district committee of komsomol, and since there was no such rate, my work book says cleaner yakubo. i worked in libraries for 3 years, i really didn’t like it. but we have a story about how you returned to your home library. oh, tatyana, can i take a selfie with you? all my professions, be it a folwar student or a loader, were selected taking into account so that i had as much time as possible to do what i loved. i worked at central television, as a senior accountant. seniors? you said there will be a hedgehog. and
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what's that? the entry was in the book, my favorite, night receptionist, it wasn’t a shame that everyone was listening to you, but i was constantly giving away my voice, one day i was sitting at home having breakfast, there was a radio beacon hanging on my wall, and a girl was singing, and i was sitting there appreciating how good it was as a girl he sings, such a wonderful voice, and then, oh my, it’s me who sings, on saturday at the first, today sergei andreevich, theater for young spectators, mantirovka scenery. welder pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team, who came to poke around and got bored, home fixed, you will find students, the title is an athlete, a loser found a champion in tide, you will enter a sports school, then, if you are lucky,
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you will go to the olympics. and everything will be fine than he’s broken by these fishermen, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, you have pity on the little one, you won’t bring your father back anyway , game, let’s do it, training four times a week, three running, one fire, then i'm in, i mean, well, let's kill him together, accomplices,
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hundreds of people, thousands, here comes torkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, the film is generally a place, where there is a lot of humor, it has always been there, it remains the same, this is my version of the scene, how long have i been looking for you, i already wrote this, having a card on a mass film was equivalent to a lottery ticket, there were no mobile phones, an assistant was running around,
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the big game live, now receiving footage from brussels, where farmers are protesting. and the farmers of holland, in general, farmer protests, they have spread throughout the european union, due to the fact that farmers there are simply going bankrupt en masse, agriculture there has become over the last year unprofitable, largely due to the fact that
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subsidies for agriculture have stopped , the money goes to ukraine, and today there was a question: after all, these 50 billion for ukraine, which the european union promised, will be allocated or not, was decided at the summit. the summit ended with a decision to allocate $50 billion to ukraine for 4 years, this decision was made contrary to the opinion of hungary, which for a long time... sabotaged this decision, but you can see the dodaville in this picture, this is the only picture from this summit, or after the summit, everyone is sitting happy, well with the exception of viktor orban , who is not very happy, but nevertheless the reaters agency reports that his condition has been accepted
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that every year the allocation of funds will be separately voted on by state members, who still have the right to veto these decisions, so... europe, a painful decision that was very difficult to make, was revealed as this decision was made, it was revealed how hypocritical the position of many european countries is, how dishonestly these transatlantic elites are playing, even against it would seem like our own, because orman, he is the same member of the organs here.
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people, excuse me, 99, 99, yes, 99 said that it means we don’t want a continuation of this brussels, brussels policy , including on the issue of supporting the kiev regime, the kiev regime, brussels doesn’t care about this at all, absolute blackmail, even in relation to your own, absolutely dishonest, but for some reason it seems to me that you remember how we had in the classic cartoon, that you ran to take a picture of him, and now you run. to give the photo, perform this decision will also be extremely difficult, and especially given the fact that with a high degree of probability the americans will shirk the level of support for the kiev regime, which they
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actually 50 billion for 4 years, this is much less than what ukraine has received from the european union so far, i’m not even talking about america, well , europeans are naturally extremely dissatisfied with the policies of their leadership, this discontent breaks through the walls of parliaments, that’s the wall. responsibility for the collapse of our country lies solely with an incapable government, in this it is your destructive policy of artificial deficit and rising energy prices that is to blame, as well as endless fraud with taxes
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, bans, expropriation, waste of money , fairy tales about a rich country. hundreds of citizens receive heating bills; they often do not know how to pay them. ordinary workers, pensioners, you cannot govern germany with dignity and do not want it, you are destroying our country, and i will tell you why, because you hate your own country, this government hates germany. give me at least an opportunity carry out a democratic change of power and liberate. for new elections, well
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, the government's democratic response is that they are now going to ban the alternative for germany party as an extremist branch, you know, in fact, i remind you, twenty-first year, the germans created a joint command of the bundesphere police on the streets, understanding that the events that lie ahead will cause clear discontent among the population; there is a high risk that businesses that will lose their factories... will begin to finance extremist groups that could lead to an armed change in government policy, and we understand that this works quite effectively. germany is now in the state of a cash cow, with the production of enterprises leaving for america, no one hides this. america prepared for this in advance, but the most aerobatics that the americans did was they blocked access to cheap hydrocarbons from russia and hooked europe up to three times the price of theirs.
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that's all, we'll give you some money, we’ll give you a little weapons and hold on, fight, because that’s what the west needs, but ukraine definitely doesn’t need that, and we will never forget this, our cause is just, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you. again at 17:00, don’t miss it, hello, news time is on the first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. at the beginning of the special operation, avdiivka is a key defense center of the ukrainian armed forces, from where residential areas of donetsk are constantly being shelled. our.


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