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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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young people built new bridges in all directions. a week ago , hockey players trained here, now they are installing a stage for the opening ceremony of the closing ceremony of the festival, the large ice palace, the transformer arena, which seats 12,000 spectators. very soon it will welcome guests: ivan prozurov, victor shvagerus, ivan pokhomov, dmitry baranov, yulia khodorova, maryana soboleva and nika vishnikova. channel one, federal territory sirius and sochi. that's all for now, thank you. that you were with us, right now the program time will tell, hello, live on channel one, program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as we always do, we begin to discuss the most important current news with very important, very topical news, or rather with two. which was shot down over
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the territory of the belgorod region from the territory of ukroreich, that’s who and what it was shot down with, this is one of the statements of today’s investigative committee on this topic, please, during the inspection of the scene of the incident at a distance of 1.8 km northeast and... 8 km southeast of the expected location of the aircraft attack. 116 fragments of hulls and mechanisms of two missiles with inscriptions and markings in english. according to the conclusion of the examination carried out during the investigation, the fragments seized from the scene of the incident, according to their design features, geometric characteristics and existing markings, are structural elements of the mim-104a anti-aircraft guided missile of the us patriot complex. usa patriot complex, and this is actually
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the most important conclusion, now official, confirmed by specialists with references to the material found, which is certainly studied by our specialists, in my opinion, this statement of today’s official investigative committee is all the more important in connection with yesterday’s words of the president at a meeting with trusted officials, that we are not only ready, but we insist on...
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well, you’re not you want, well, this is like a different conversation, moreover, today in the statement of the investigative committee - the russian federation, and a response was given to - other attempts to obscure the essence of the tragedy that happened, because ukroreich first began to say, well, either we, or not us , and then, what is not clear, our prisoners were there, our prisoners were not there, and this also means ukrainian ones , and another very important, very... substantive statement from the investigative committee, please, in total, more than 670 fragments of the bodies of the dead were found and seized in the area of ​​the plane crash site, as well as partially preserved personal documents. when working with detained ukrainian military personnel, investigators must take biological material to establish a genetic profile. thus, the investigation had genetic profiles of all ukrainian military personnel who were on board the aircraft. genetic
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examinations allowed us to make an unambiguous conclusion about the belonging of the seized fragments of the bodies of six crew members, three military police officers and 65 ukrainian military personnel who died in a plane crash as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on january 24, 2024 . so, the statement of the investigative committee of the russian federation regarding this tragedy, regarding its circumstances, the now disclosed circumstances, and which times it's stated. officially we can present and justify, this is a very important new episode in the investigation of this tragedy, which is now obviously involved the united states of america, at least from the point of view that this was done with the equipment they provided, about which it has been said many times that it was territory of the russian federation.
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no one would trust such a level of complexity into the hands of exclusively ukrainian crews; at best, they are some kind of drivers, refuelers, and so on, it’s quite obvious that the people who carried out the launches were foreigners, perhaps, as was stated today, the americans too, but that’s not the point, in any case, whoever was there, they were representatives of nato countries, that is, equipment provided by the americans, ammunition provided by the americans from
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the territory of endless noise about the resignation of zaluzhny, not the resignation of zaluzhny, in which at first the entire ukrainian, that is , the press, participated, then the western media began to come out with endless articles, for the third day they have already done this they are whipping up the foam, even today cnn continues to whip up this foam, what will become known today, by the end of the week will become known, will become unknown, and beat something there, and i discussed this yesterday, i thought to myself, i think, well, some... then there is a strangeness in everything and... in principle, today, when this was published, i honestly, i caught myself thinking, what if, and this is such a logical technology of information warfare, if the ukrainian reich set itself the task of removing history with a downed il-76 and 65 prisoners from
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the ukroreich information field, this is for them succeeded 100%, they also removed it from the western information field almost 100%. and we must admit from our information field over the last couple of days, in general, this whole fuss around the uninvolved uninvolved, this story, maybe it’s not even a coincidence that the investigative committee announced this today, that is, it all this here’s a three-day hectic situation, he waited it out, got over it, now the question is, where can we move forward with this, and in general, how do you like this version, no, i agree with this version, by the way, that the investigative committee waited a certain time, this is another... another evidence of what we are talking about, that in the information war we have learned to respond with dignity and attack and counterattack, this is, so to speak, an answer to those who still sprinkle ashes on their heads , but the fact is that, with the support of western specialists, they designed this series to absolutely
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rightly remove the discussion, because the question is with the relatives of the victims, military personnel, it has not gone away, that is, the guys, the sushniks, or on the plane with ours there and the husband , tova u we’re here for this, they don’t even answer, like, look what’s going on, firstly, how many stuffings were there, and in general who gave this order, zaluzhny or budanov or someone else, and if not zaluzhny, where zaluzhny watched, now zaluzhny is being removed, no, they’re not filming, everything is according to all the canons, it’s a soap opera, daily, it’s drawn out, as far as i remember, it ’s called diverting attention to a worthless object, i think that’s what it’s called. well, yes, in this case, so to speak, they chose a powerful object, including, once again regarding plane, because one of the key questions is that zelensky did not need these military personnel at all, because out of 65, at least 50 are people with
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russian names, surnames, mobilized, captured on the streets of eastern ukraine, sent, most of them surrendered themselves into captivity, in our captivity they saw what russia is and...
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yes, no one talks about this, because the whole world, like the world in zelensky's way, is following the situation with zaluzhny, when all this is so or else it will end, there is a lot of other news, which i think we are today. let's talk about the fact that there is about to be a shower of gold or it will be silver, that's all, this will be another topic for discussion, so that's it, well, there is no plane , someone shot it down, that's it, the question is closed, and here this is another topic, until today, until today , the zaluzhny has been dragging on and will continue to drag on, today, now we will talk about it later, this is 50 billion euros, this is a victory, and another victory, that’s what today.
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please, here is your real candidate, give him a prize, well, he understands, his family is on may 3, because this is a journalist who died for the truth, was tortured in prison, he scolded the united states, he is unworthy, no, he is a us citizen, this is important here, but he scolded the united states, but he scolded zelensky, and he died in prison, but that’s not the point, they won’t give it to him, but we... again, we turn to all these structures, including these fake reporters without borders, without conscience, etc., etc.
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etc., committee to protect journalists, there are a lot of them, guys, you love to tell so much about every sneeze of any foreign agent in our country, we are telling you, guys, tell me, express yourself, why you are not satisfied with the candidacy, do you think it still works , it seems to me until the twenty-second year, until february 24 it still worked, now i it seems that everything has become so clear who is on which... side, that this is bringing them out into the open, it is meaningless, it is already crystalline, there is a normal part of the world, including latin america, and yet a citizen of chile, he was too, let the world see that we proclaim objective values ​​and that the west does not react to this, but there is nothing to object to, there is nothing and no one to object to this story about a candidacy, for example, because he was tortured in prison for his journalistic work, they would simply prefer it not. notice, the question is whether they will be able to, they will prefer exactly in krare it’s clear
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why, the west now, after it has become known that this is only why, also why, so will they be able to silence it, or more important the question is, can we now, uh, not let them shut up about it, can we turn this very powerful move in information, in information confrontation, into something more? first of all, i completely agree with my colleague, because what he told reporters about is simply an attacking position, when we send them this kind of proposal, they still get stuck, they have to figure out how to refuse this, they have to figure out arguments, often delusional, that is, we force an official letter, you know what’s the matter, i won’t argue with you now, since you usually specialists, and i’m kind of not quite, but the fact is that when you...
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take up someone’s time, take away that time, it’s always good, on the front, on the information
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front, on the diplomatic front, now returning to the plane , i only partly agree with your version, about everything about zaluzhny, this is history, zaluzhny, syrsky, budanov, it exists, it’s not the first day that it has existed, the fact that it was updated like this, but we know who updated it , poroshenko’s bots updated it, for the second time, by the way. that is, it is also internal, this stinking political kitchen in ukraine, yes, but pay attention that it is the internal stinking ukrainian ukrainian ukrainian kitchen that has flooded most of our public pages. yes, uh -huh, that’s all to say, well, such a powerful story of the press, while well, absolutely, in general, well , ukrainian and a significant part of the world with the plane, in fact, look at it here, in the story with the plane there is also, as it were, well , here’s another second, third, fourth, fifth meaning,
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one of them, it’s so powerful that everything is already sat down, yes, everyone sat down, they still understood that dear mother, this is an incident beli in general, really, oh, so you said this phrase, i walked around it carefully, about the incident beli, everyone sat down in the day when this happened, even block 95, which never really thinks about it, starts something, was silent all day, but then they sat down, then they scratched their turnips, and then it started pouring , what started pouring, well, yes, they came to their senses , which means they began to work out the usual, by the way, regarding the relatives of the victims in... prisoners of war, to whom, by the way, i express my condolences, because these are peaceful people, in this sense victims, there was a meeting with them, closed, representatives of the main intelligence department met with them, it was closed, but some soundtracks public space spilled out of there, right there, responding to the claims of relatives, dead
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prisoners of war, representatives of the ukrainian special services spoke about... that something happened, after which a new history of the world in general could begin, but this the effect is now somewhat, let’s say they managed to stop it, on the one hand, they used our standard one.
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the entire broadcast, not ours, this one, where all these signals fly, was red-hot, yes, i’m absolutely sure, i have no insights, i’m absolutely 100% sure that there were consultations between moscow and washington, moscow and london, yes, because that everyone understood that - there is one important point, i brought it up, recalled the story with the rocket in poland,
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but i understood, that is, you are saying that these were consultations that we could not to establish what kind of missile it was, and this would have been one conversation, but now this conversation for some reason, and we announced that it was american, because, because within the framework of these dialogues, the other side offered something, i got it, i got it, i got your stuff. apparently not that, but oh, but now we proceed from the fact that based on alexander’s version, and which looks quite logical, he says: yes, this is an aggravation, that is, when we announce that this is an american missile, although there probably really was an option, something like this is the case hush up, we don’t hush up, we announce , the word casus belli sounds, i pronounce it, what are the next options now, then the question arises
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for our opponents - the question of managing escalation, that is, they understand that we can also do something in response, yeah. yes , it will be difficult for us to present something, and this could not even be done by our armed forces, some houthis, and so on, yes, it could happen anywhere and anything, yes, it would be stupid to blame us, because well, let's say, we have nothing to do with it, and you think you could to be part of these closed consultations, their worst thing is, this is what runs through all their think tanks and what was in willim burns's article in foreign affairs, escalation management. this is where the threshold is, they are still trying to find these red lines, they don’t yet understand where they have gone, yes, and they don’t understand what, where it will suddenly come from and fly in , why, why they understand.
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we are now, this is, by the way, proof for the ukrainians, they screwed up, now this is what else can be filled with it, in your opinion, can and should be filled in, but with the fact that
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, again, there are countries that have not made up their minds, but those that are still trying to somehow comply with american sanctions, to get through the rain, yes, this is also a tool for us to work with these countries, yes, this is a tool for working with the elites, and according to your version, now these... “ oh yes, the americans shot down a russian plane with their missile, but the russians did not shoot down with their missiles on american territory, the just question is that this is already working with the elites , yes, with american ones, with turkish ones, for example, then look, there is a scandal that turkish banks are blocking our payments, and for blocking and blocking under pressure it is clear who, which means that some opportunities are already appearing for the fact that..."
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in our country there are many different abilities presented in order to
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was to develop yourself and learn something new. rudina is where you feel good, where you are expected and where you are safe. we came from the village of muvyr, igrinsky district of the udmur republic, this is a unique village, revived, my dad began to revive it 30 years ago.
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impossible, civilization premiere, film two, africa, today on the first, what else
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am i, or is brotherhood harsh? male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love. edechka loved himself very much. it was even sometimes simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries. i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this has made me wiser and more, for example, a patriot.
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on the first, the path to their vocation is very thorny, what professions did our guests master on the path to their dreams, i also worked as an instructor in the komsomol district committee, and since there was no such salary, my work book says yaku cleaner, i worked in libraries for 3 years, i really didn’t like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library, oh, tatyana, can i take a selfie with you, all my professions, be it a student, a cook... they selected a loader taking into account how i had more time to do what i love business. i worked at central television, as a senior accountant. seniors? you said there will be a hedgehog. and what's that? my first entry was in the books, my favorite, night receptionist. it wasn’t a shame that everyone was listening to you, but constantly, i was giving away my voice, one day i was sitting at home having breakfast, and there
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was a radio beacon hanging on my wall. and the girl sings, and i’m sitting there appreciating how well the girl sings, such a wonderful voice, and then, oh my, that’s me singing, on saturday at the first, sergei andreevich, theater for young spectators, so scenery installer, welder, come , please, listen, let's get off the roof, either you get one and a half lyam, or the conversation will end, and this ending will be very bad for you, you're a welk.
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, and just from the conversation about the new circumstances announced today by our investigative committee, or rather the circumstances that have now been officially announced, that our ill-76 was shot down by missiles from an american complex. patriot, and accordingly, inevitably, had the attitude of the military personnel of some countries, perhaps even of the united states of america itself, we are saying that this certainly cannot and cannot but affect in some way and must affect the rest of the structure of our confrontation, change some stakes, not only here, but the conversation, of course, goes along many lines
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and not only about the plane. and not only about some so-called political ones, vika nuland came to kiev, for a short time, usually when vika comes, well, she’s like that, i as i understand it, this is someone who is watching , she has arrived for something, yes, that means i even think that she is not coming to listen, but rather to tell something, to say something, so the question arises, since she has arrived.
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that she came to cut down the tasks, it seems to me, you know, this is the second edition of boris johnson, that is, we remember 2002 , yes, that there seemed to be a fork in the road, so to speak, and don’t relax, we are fighting until the last ukrainian, and so, moreover , it is quite
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possible that she, so to speak, spoke there, said, okay, that’s it, let’s finish this series with zaluzhny already, remove him, because he is, they say, not quite ready until the last minute, yes, he is still trying to do something there. therefore, let’s all install someone who will wage the war the way zelensky wants to do it and prepare these unpleasant surprises, well, what are these unpleasant surprises, so to speak, of course, if they add, relatively speaking, half a million to this meat assault, then they are counting that there will be casualties on our part, and this... will be sold to the west for this victory again, you do you think she means this, unfortunately, for i repeat, citizens of ukraine, yes , i don’t see any other options, she ended with this, that’s what they say, ukraine will show itself soon, well,
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with these words of hers, news came that some there are bombs, shmombs, and apparently they are already there, that is... they are preparing another, so to speak, media sales platform for the west, because ukraine is rushing there with all its might, which means, by the way, mind you, budanov this was also generally stated, that now russia is advancing, is advancing, and then we will show ourselves as a potential endless candidate for commander-in-chief, g. budanov, which means that ukraine will have to go, some kind of weapons, so to speak , have already been supplied to them, something else will be supplied, and then it will begin, apparently hysteria, which is what it is. in europe in the west, all this and the fact that we need to put aside the story with farmers, enough already, you know, dealing with internal problems, ukraine is dying, what kind of farmers, let’s bulldoze everyone into the enemy, and well, this is a well-known technology , every time any
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country, when voters come to the so-called scholz, they say, do you hear scholz, well , it’s impossible, you ruined everything, he says, you are an agent of the kremlin, no, i remember, i remember this johnson in parliament, i was right when he had something there - then, he says, well, all of you now... what is the war on the border of ukraine about, he said it verbatim, you can find it, and this is annalena berbak, who said in 2022, we don’t give a damn what voters think , we will be with ukraine to the end, this is convenient, we see what is happening in france, in other countries already social discontent, which means you are agents of the kremlin, ukraine is dying, and look, they have advanced 100 m, everything here is littered with the bodies of the dead, we must now unite to help them for another 200 m
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. there will be these same surprises on the battlefield, you are all so great, this is what umerov writes to them in response: this week, defense minister rustem umerov wrote to his partners in the european union in which he described how critically his troops are outperforming as they fend off new russian attacks. according to him , ukraine is not able to produce more than 2,000 shells per day on a 1,500 km front. this is less than the third fight. supplies used by russia , in your opinion, his own party, of course , he’s still local, he’s a minister, he has to go around, beg, knock out these weapons, and nuland, she’s talking about something else, she says, i just returned from kiev, there she is
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in general, she just says the mood is like this, not like in 2022, she said it, there’s a lot of spirit right in the ear, what kind of spirit she is, where she saw him, where she was there and saw it, well, there’s no spirit, but we understand that everything is there filled with videos on how to escape. budanov confirm, he nods, you see, the whole country is in one impulse, then umerov comes out and says: give us more weapons, because well, we are absolutely, we’ll go as bosses, by the way, i would advise tsypso to make such a video, it could to touch someone there in the west, yeah, in this sense, it was nuland who arrived, who came to encourage ukryreich or to encourage herself and her people, to whom she will tell about this, umerov, who asks for shells and... talks about what is or talks about how he needs
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to portray this in order to get even more , we know, in principle, in this sense, well, any commander of an artillery division, he behaves approximately the same as umorov, he always says that he has no shells at all, that he has nothing to shoot with at all , then you tell them, well, he says, well, we have a little there, no one knows about it, in this sense, everything seems to be clear here, the surplus can be sold, that’s for sure, and budanov, who says that, well actually, let's just mention it once. let's listen to what he says. ukraine will launch a new counter-offensive in the spring , suggested kirill budanov, head of the main intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense. he stated that the russian offensive would be completely exhausted by early spring. we make a move, the enemy makes a move. now it’s the enemy’s turn, this will end, then we will begin. here we need to collect shells before spring, and noland will be walking around, hitting there, screaming, just about, there are 2 weeks left before the start of the offensive. began to describe, as it were, tell me,
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please, in this situation, which indeed, in many ways it looks like this, you can somehow make it a little more clear, and separate out which of this is tom-tom and which of this has something to do with the real situation, yes, let me try, because it’s clear, saslavich showed it perfectly, that it is important for them to pack all this into tom-toms, it is important for us to unpack it, to understand which of this is tom-toms, and which of this is real. a broken vase can no longer be glued back together, that is, what they have cracked, they won’t sew them back together, they hold them together with all their strength, but this is already a tendency towards splits, but now let's try to tie it all together, why victoria nuland, what is umerov about, what is budanov about, conceptually, inside, what is packaged. that they are hiding behind tom-toms, relatively recently, this
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poor kalensky in davos turned to the western masters with a request, well, almost with a demand: don’t hold my hands, let me do what i want, that is, kill, commit political murders in the center of peaceful cities, there are indiscriminate beatings and so on, for what?
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we can’t hold the line, he says the russians are coming forward, they have an advantage in all
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respects, they will break through us and reach kiev, we will not be able to engage in terrorism on the territory of russia, umerov here says: give us shells so that we hold this defense, and at the same time budanov, who is lobbying for the place of commander-in-chief is london, london generally enjoys it, the saboteur becomes commander-in-chief, that is, the whole army becomes sabotage in general, he’s not... trained in any army , he doesn’t even have a wholesale education, he doesn’t even have an army education, he’s not an army man officer, he a saboteur, and he becomes the commander-in-chief, but that’s it, it all comes together, that is, give us a shell.
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i also wrote in this big article of mine that because, because so far it turns out funny, for two years everything that they do to us comes to them, the boomerang strategy is called, the last, that is , starting with the economic vliskrieg, which in the end we have overtaken germany in terms of economy, they have arranged for nice loved ones, and the last thing is their blue, pink, whatever dream, this is a rebellion in russia, look at france, look texas, where is the riot, boomerang again? well, you understand that i would not overestimate the significance of all these french, belgian , german riots, because they are all rioting there for their subsidies and so on and so forth, well, as soon as you tell them, it’s like the russians, i don’t know how many of them - the russians won’t work for french farmers,
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let’s not overestimate, let’s not overestimate , let’s not overestimate, although well, as they say, god forbid comrades, here’s a question to a question. that this is all so, what are we talking about, but for all this we need some kind of not only promises, support, cookies, promises of surprises, but something real like shells, about the fact that with shells, as the european representative called due to some strange mistake, the representative for foreign affairs, in my opinion, was a long time ago, and politics, in my opinion, he tried on this cap for himself a long time ago, the minister of defense. something, yes, and of course, today’s news is absolutely in the same vein, one of the main news today in brussels, where now brussels farmers are also organizing this mini-maidan, it looks very impressive, it’s all right here in one place,
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that is, it was clear that it’s us, not that we ’re just conjecturing something there, it’s all right here happens in one place, that is , this is all, inside. this means that the european union today decided the fate of the fifty billion , 50 billion that will be allocated to help ukraine, decided, apparently, not without difficult graters, however, as orban has already said, they all decided yesterday evening, about we agreed on everything and today these decisions were simply agreed upon, so jean what’s his name, god, jacques, that damn michel. yes, here he is, today he wrote that all 27 agreed, that is, all 27 - this means that orban, about whom everyone was talking, here is orban, which means it will stand perpendicular, it will not stand perpendicular, i don’t really understand what’s there it was, i wrote today at my place, it’s for 4 years, yes, 4 years, either he
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went to drink coffee, or there are a lot of interesting things, what is it, firstly, these 50 billion, which really singled out and no one flirted, but highlighted...
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it will only be in the case of the rule of law, yes, yes, yes, the rule of law and support and respect for effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary system and the rule of law and guaranteeing respect for human rights including the rights of minorities, that is, already today , people who highlight this, write it down there, insert a fuse into this structure, which they can remove at any time. because it is already clear today that none of these conditions exist in ukraine, simply, in principle, no, here the question arises: after all, this is some kind of forced movement?
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it’s absolutely very difficult to own these napoleonic ones, i think, even with all the crazy quirks, well, he’s definitely not going to give anything away, because when and if the time comes to give, it definitely won’t be him, absolutely, that’s it that’s all, that’s why he has the joy of a billion a month now, so to look at the situation soberly, the previous quote, where is the very last word... so that they are not called up
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to the army, who has a hungarian passport , this is very serious, almost everyone there has one, and we must remember and not delude ourselves, they are based on the laws that generate the kiev regime, in their law russians are not a minority, here they are not.
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i shared a lot of bread, that’s what he will ask , thanks for your feat, as a result of which you received injuries, i wish you god’s help, strength, strength, mental, physical, but also a speedy recovery, i see a lot, i feel a lot, a lot, this signal that i receive from outside makes me very happy
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helps in life, on the fifteenth anniversary... of the patriarchal service, the premiere of the documentary film, today on the first. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team, why did he come to sing? yes, i missed you, the house is fixed, you will find students, the loser athlete found the title. champion in tide , you'll go to a sports school, then, if you're lucky, you'll go to the olympics, and everything will be fine, rather than catching him with these fishermen, i don't want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, you're small, you have pity on your father - you still won’t get it back, bastard,
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let's do this... training four times a week , three running, one angry, then i'm in, i mean, well, let's kill him together, fakes, a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people, there are crimes, and love, and the most important thing is ethnography, which of them is the hero, a boy or an adult, is also a big question, and the initiation rite that takes place there, this story could knock on anyone’s door, on saturday, on the first, this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle , as he jokes... it’s been cold here for 2 months, but the remaining 10, well, it’s very cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see such a beautiful, beautiful black sword, what is the temperature of this entire mass, 1,200°, how do the guys withstand such a temperature, the fortitude of a real metallurgist, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let 's make an iron man, if this iron man has not yet washed after his shift, he is tired, then he should
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smell like this, come on, oh my god! you chop it up, throw salt and pepper in there and start shaking it like this, it’s called dolbanina. today we learned two dishes: dolbanina and straganina. i i’m just in shock, because i’m standing there, i ’m cold, once you start, you’ll get used to it and you’ll like it right away. you are great, let me shake your hand. it’s warm, can you imagine, it’s still warm. the life of our own. premiere on sunday on the first. to the centenary of the massfilm film studios. the engine started. and how many acting destinies , dreams, sufferings, hundreds of people , thousands, here comes torkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, masfilm - this is generally a place where there is a lot of humor, it has always been, it has remained the same, this is my version of the script, how long have i you i searched, i already wrote this, the presence of a card on
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masfilm was equated with lotteries. the program time will tell, we continue live, as always, try, well, according to the course of events, according to some news, trends, and roughly imagine where this whole story can go next, this whole story in the broad sense of the word and do you like it or i don’t like it, but whatever one may say, whether
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we discuss the ukrainian reich, whether we discuss the tragedy with...
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is the most urgent. putin brought the war back to europe on a scale unseen since during the second world war. he is developing new strategic weapons to threaten the united states and its allies. this war
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is aimed not only at establishing control over ukraine, but at restoring russia's influence in the world and forming an alternative world order in which us power is reduced. nato is split, and small democracies are forced to their knees. here. this is one of the theses that burns is actively developing there, he seems to be writing an article, it’s called there, well, that’s how i cited it for myself, state and espionage, and he’s there first , here we are spies, la-la-la-la, then a lot about russia, then a little about china, where it’s also about russia again, then about the middle east, where it’s still about russia again, in at the end again about espionage, so after all, in your opinion, from the article and burns, which you read and from what stoltendr says, which coincides very much with it, at the moment they are... assessing where, where we are all together they, including in relation to possible unacceptable escalation, they openly say, that’s it, the world is multipolar, an era when
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america dominated, it’s over, so there are opponents, but the worst thing is that these opponents have much better technological capabilities than they had when the soviet union collapsed, and we have problems with our own allies. by their own politicians, because intelligence should help politicians, intelligence should help manage the state, intelligence should help manage allies, because how can they be paid if there is no compromising evidence, yeah, intelligence should help, they write to hidge, that is, to reduce the risks according to those countries that may either not join anything, that is, they are now concerned about the global south, that it... does not want to join western politics, so what to do is to ensure that some countries from this majority are snatched away to themselves, yeah, by what methods, well, it’s clear what, then they say, and you know, but regional
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conflicts of even middle powers can lead to collisions with great powers, we must understand this too, well, the last one is familiar china competition significant need to help our state , our corporations, all of our... this is a very influential platform and no articles appear there just like that, and if he appeared there offering himself to someone , probably some elite groups, that
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there is an influential organization capable with experience like that, well, not a pmc, but cooler , yeah, that’s who we need, someone take us, we ’ll help, yes, but this point of view, there really is a feeling that he’s... writing based on this, but here a question arises: does this mean how they assess your situation? yes, that they are no longer the hegemon, there is the global south, there is russia, of course, like a mantra, he repeats, well, russia has already lost. they always have this, here russia has already lost and then there are five paragraphs, there is like danger, both the future and the present from russia, but here the question arises: yes, we state that they no longer see themselves as a hegemon, yes, they understand that there are even regional powers, the conflict between which can be dangerous and they do not control everything, and so on, how can one foresee how this will affect them? subsequent actions, that is, well , they will become tougher, they will become meaner, they will become
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, i don’t know, that’s the question, where will they take all this next, having realized what they realized, let’s try to figure it out, well, first of all , i, as a journalist, will ask such a rhetorical question, the article came out without any informational reason, well, that is, it does not in any way resemble a re-election report, so i wanted to say, that is, there are separate pieces, these are press releases, and there are not enough delicious textures, i’m already saying this as a pr person, then of course there are these dramatic texts of 140. they fell in the cia, i see these stars, yes, he sees a lot of things there, well, okay, but 140 fell, well , dude, well, then tell me about one of two, some story, for example, there , john pupkin committed such and such heroism, stole , i don’t know, some secrets there, somehow saved the world, and this was told in such and such a hollywood film, for those who did not get through my text, just look, there is nothing to cling to, that is, these are pieces of a press release, apparently, he is solving a different problem, yes, well, that is, as if the article is not tied to anything. formally there is no
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news feed, no invoice, but, firstly, i really like this thesis, yes, there were manuals that stoltenberg immediately read, then they will start along the chain, and will end with the fact that, as the cia director said, further, what is important here, because the cia is such a very mythologized structure, so if he said, it means 140 officers did not die in vain, they were there, which means they dug up the materials, now i ’m not just voicing it to you.. .
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nevertheless, so to speak, the new president has appointed a new director of the cia, so it was not in vain that he worked here for 3 years, he dug up a lot, but at the same time he sends a signal , as was once said here, that the politicians have failed, they can’t do anything and military and politicians to do, it means this russia is terrible with putin, but there are us, security officials, others, about those, yes, we have our own contacts, so let us then return, so to speak, to the negotiating table, instruct us, that’s actually what was said, only he... well, not just call him, that’s it let's connect us, he has experience, after all, he was an ambassador, radio , he worked in the state department all his life, he knows russian -2, he mentions there, here i am there in moscow you, here i am there in kiev you, here i am there in the middle east, and there it goes through the whole text, that we could there, i needed to go to kabul there with these, with these, with extremists, we succeeded in a lot, so let’s understand this signal and connect us . yes,
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but, but, here i am now myself, which does not exclude theses for stoltenberg, absolutely true, but the appearance of such a articles with such a claim of his , which seems to me to be read very well, this most likely says that they themselves understand that the quality of management, and as it were , global processes, is no longer very good for them, that is, what is it actually so, well, as they say, that is, as it should be, everything is not very good, so that already the director of the cia. well, really , the state department director of the cia, but nevertheless, here, here, this is very interesting, and by the way, regarding the question of manuals there, not manuals, but this is a very good observation, that it is true that now that the director of the cia said this, it acquires a certain value, and then, when people read it there in the wall street journal, for example, and this will already fall on such a manure-laden, let the bears not be offended by me , this is such a simple word in the russian language, manured mail. please. the fight over
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the ukraine aid package comes as european officials are changing their view of the conflict, from a moral crusade to a battle for self-preservation. the west must support ukraine not only for moral reasons, but out of real self- interest. officials are talking more and more often. russia cannot be allowed to become a powerful military juggernaut that could attack nato countries. if and when us support for the alliance weakens. the era of idealism gave way to a period of harsh realism, said briton. that it seems to be written there, like, guys, we won’t calm down russia, the chinese, he writes, the chinese are looking at russia.
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this article, which is why i immediately discussed it with my colleagues and said that about a third they brought this article to him, they said, he needs to insert it, because there is some obvious nonsense that he simply could not write himself, who tell me those people who can bring something to the director of the cia tell him, beat it and i think, here according to
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alexander that this is not a proposal, but a seal of the deal, i think that he has already found those who need the cia. victory and those, but they can’t, by the way, they really, even if they have the answer, they can’t say it out loud, because it’s dangerous, they’re in this state stayed throughout the end of last year, and the article, corrected, burns, i do not rule out that this is an attempt, the first attempt
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to propose some kind of strategy, what is it, yes, i just now artyom came up with an image especially for you and alexander, for you , so that it’s more lively and... so that no one throws their hats, we’re really talking, and now burns is saying, and before him, by the way, salvan said this as an argument, yes, that we are all no longer a hegemon, but what’s next? the united states of america is still the most powerful country in every respect, and this we must not forget, but there is a high mountain, the united states for a long, long time, more than 100 years, in fact, since the end of nineteen. climbed this mountain, and there was world power at the top, yes, so they climbed this mountain, and there, starting world wars, burning countries, yes, yes, yes, yes, burning everything around, they
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climbed to this peak not yesterday, not yesterday, but the day before yesterday, in the scale of history the day before yesterday, we crossed it, went from the other side. but they are just there, they are at the top, but another trend has already started, they are admit, here, the most interesting thing is that they admit it, but they are at the top, and now we add another image, another way, imagine that this is a cart, and now imagine that you are going down a rather steep slope to carts, and you have a horse there, right? the horse will stand or the cart will carry it away, hold the horse, hold the cart, and so sash, i’m a good image, i ’m asking about this, what’s within the framework of your image, and it’s close, as i imagine their reality, taking into account, what and he, burns describes it something like this, in theory,
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you should really slow down a lot, of course, slow down a lot, so i’m asking about this, does it look like today that the united states is going to or is ready in some way? to slow down a thousand times, and everyone objected to me a thousand times, that for the united states, first of all for them, not for the entire west, specifically for them. in order to get out of this impasse and from this crisis for them, the present one, which is only still unfolding, taking into account economically and etc., they need to formulate for themselves an acceptable image of defeat, retreat, whatever, acceptable to them, but an acceptable image for them of the fact that they are moving down a slope. down, but so that it still looks more like a movement than down, no, they’ll just say, the prize is below, and we’re going to victory, the main thing is not to roll head over heels, like in afghanistan, calmly go down the ramp here and there. .. he talks about
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the growing danger of russia, it is very important, we already noticed when he talks about that the contradiction between the middle powers will involve the large ones and then that’s it, then turn out the lights, rightly so, it shows the new place of america, one of the others, that’s it. but that’s all true, but here there is a question and we discussed this more than once in this studio, too, when salevan spoke about the same thing, blinken spoke about it twice, speaking at different universities, that yes, like, we are dealing with a situation where the world is already multipolar, and we , in general, are already, as it were, not exactly the sole hegemon, but there has always been a thread there, it is more or less clearly demonstrated that it’s like, now we’re not the hegemon, well , let’s see, do you like it? such a multipolar world or not, and in this i always hear the story that now
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the favorite story is controlled chaos, controlled escalation, that they are not coming down from the mountain, and that they are just saying: guys, come on now we’ll demonstrate in a couple of years what will happen if we’re not on the mountain, it’s gone, the middle east is burning, which means that everyone in the far east is waiting for what will happen, it’s kind of unclear here, what, well, guys, you like it without a hegemon, they turn to the global south, but i don’t know what the answer will be? look, if we take the metaphor of a mountain, i once climbed the entire central caucasus in my youth, and so, uh, at the top it’s very uncomfortable, firstly -30, as a rule, there’s no food, there’s little oxygen, uh, and in general it’s a long time there you can’t sit through, accordingly, the imperial overstrain, that is, you need to spend more, spend, spend, but you don’t have enough of these forces to spend, spend, because no, they also climbed to other peaks. other competitors yes they are thucydides' trap, there is also the problem that burns talks about in this article, there are not
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enough brains, he says, there is no human potential, now we are handing over to artificial intelligence, but we cannot prepare these smart human personnel for this competition, we either time is needed, or you need to manage the processes somehow better, but here you are right, manage the processes better, manage the processes of this global south to pull out, pull out, and so on, so that you can put up a new tent there on this peak there. cover it with mattresses, well, a strategy for reducing risk, and well, yes and no, to the question of what we are trying to understand, because in fact, what can they do next, what can we expect from them, you bring up your image about the mountain, since we're talking about mountains, i've also climbed mountains a little, but the difference between mountaineering and horned tourism, which means parachute tourism, is that you're certainly not very comfortable when you're at the top, but if you ...
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in parentheses, but we don't answer, no, this is because what did you want without a hegemon, you wanted multipolarity, come on, well , that’s what i’m talking about, what it is, what it looks like, well, that’s it, we left the mountain, the place is vacant, that’s who is there to freeze in a tent, for god’s sake , that’s what i’m talking about, well, after all , since we... understand that the states are controlled by this one, the deep state, yes,
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then, of course, they are not going to give up any leading positions, they are just, and this is fair, their you can understand that they want smart management, not so to speak, that’s how he broke in, so to speak, there, messed up, broke everything, so to speak, a bull in a china shop, and retreated with losses, they are looking for options, and he gives signals about this, as best he can, well, in principle. stay at the top, but change the management model, the management model intellect, because many people believe that a multipolar world means that they have stepped aside, no, not anywhere, nowhere, no, now the question has been said, but others are rising nearby, so others are rising, so he writes in his article, here russia is rising, it needs to be hit in the head knock on him, china is rising, you need to knock on his head, that’s the whole question, they, in general, this does not contradict, because they are trying to knock on something with russia. by someone else’s hands, well, why is this proxy war going on, that is, they - and many times
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they all talked about this there, that the more russians die, thanks to what ukraine is doing, and actually, who? modern man, also absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia, africans have never
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been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of mineral. he entered the russian elite, in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries gained independence, i purified the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunities. very many people think that in africa we don’t walk , go naked, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we are the same people, we don’t... all large countries understand perfectly well that they can move forward without africa is almost impossible. civilization premier. film two, africa. today is the first one. what am i looking for? or a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest. either i'm looking for a religious
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sect that preaches love. people's love for each other. it didn't become love. vedechka loved himself very much. it was even sometimes simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries. i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this has made me wiser and greater, for example, a patriot of my own country. as a writer, he is a writer for himself. in your seemingly autobiographical things, what is the percentage of fact and what is the percentage of literature? the easternmost point of the chukotka peninsula,
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we are from dizhneva, dezhneva, yes, songs about flowers, pink. and tell me, lilies of the valley, well done, you you understand about us men , there’s one thing you don’t know, what, why do we love some and marry others, that’s all, that’s the answer, yes, he’s wearing gold shoulder straps and a bright order on his chest, the premiere, i love my country, on saturday first, the path to your calling is very challenging.
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i worked at central television, as a senior accountant, senior, you said there would be a hedgehog, but what is this? my first entry was in the book, my favorite, night receptionist, it didn’t hurt that everyone was listening to you, but no one knew, all the time, i’m one of i was giving away my voice, one day i was sitting at home having breakfast, there was a radio beacon hanging on my wall, and a girl was singing, and i was sitting there appreciating how well the girl sang, such a wonderful voice, and then... this ending will be very bad for you, you are in
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his apartment, where he did not transport you, with his child, whom he did not give to you, did you conflict with vadi mirovich? we would like to come to some kind of agreement with you, they operate according to a special protocol, they are afraid of the fuss, given the level of the victim, they do not want to attract attention, we have a warrant for your arrest. open, or we will be forced to break down the door. container, the final episode, on sunday on the first. and a small remark at the end of the program, a video remark, just to what we discussed, this is how the hegemon controls this smart control, which, with smart control, everything is fine with them.
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he himself , farmers will soon fill it with manure, he started saying something like, oh, you know, maybe we’ll introduce duties against ukraine, that is, they are still just thinking, this is about the question of, so to speak, how they rule through such macrons, through such charles michels, ursul fonline, so there will be enough for them for a long time, well, now , you know, there are few things in the world that can distract me from watching the program dolls-heirs of tutchie, the only thing that is a little is... cycle of civilization performed by the author and presenter vyacheslav alekseevich nikonov, today is the second part of this project africa, i ran.
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the hottest continent on the planet, the birthplace of humanity and the first real writing, several thousand languages, several hundred nationalities, peoples, nations. tribes clans


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