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tv   Proekt Tsivilizatsii  1TV  February 1, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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opinion of the author and presenter vyacheslav alekseevich nikonov, and today the second part of this project is africa, i ran. the hottest continent on the planet, the birthplace of humanity and the first real writing, several thousand languages, several hundred nationalities, peoples, nations, tribes, clans.
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all major countries understand perfectly well that it is almost impossible for them to move forward without africa. people, even in africa itself, rarely realize how big it is, its area is 30 million km, which is more. usa,
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western europe, india, china, argentina combined. there are a billion and 400 million people living there, and many more will live there. 55 states. this gives the continent the largest number of seats in the united nations. what path will africa choose in a changing world, and what do we definitely need to know about this oldest civilization on the planet? guinean kayu kouyaty adopted the art of drumming from his ancestors.
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the sound is heard at a distance of 7-10 km. drummers are able to pass the baton from village to village. when thousands of kilometers away the message was transmitted through drumming, which quickly spreads across the surface of the water, and for this there is no need for a centralized system, the filgeger service, there is a service that is feasible. in africa, people
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speak 200 dialect languages, but are still able to understand each other using musical rhythms. the population of africa is growing with the same rhythm, on average by 2.5% per year; in 2022 alone it increased by almost 36 million people. egypt's population is growing at almost the same rate as the african average, if in 2000, about 67 million people lived in the country, but now the number has exceeded. per 100
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million. in egypt, the proportion of young people with higher education is higher than in other african countries. they cannot be built for work, because unemployment there is very high. rate of development. he is the grandson of the last egyptian king farouk i and a descendant of the famous russian orlov family. my family ruled egypt for 150 years. it is very important for us to be surrounded by egyptians, to see them and live with them, to celebrate with them.
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mikhail's parents, peter orlov and egyptian princess fadia fouad met in exile in switzerland in bern. in 1952, the deposed egyptian king farouk i fled with his family. it was an accident, because my mother wanted to study russian, my father’s mother, my grandmother taught her russian, and thus she met my father, and this is the result got married. egyptian business council, develops agriculture both in russia and in egypt. egypt is a country that is experiencing very great difficulties. egypt was severely crippled by the 2011 revolution.
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by going out to protest, egyptians spoke out against corruption, unemployment and rising food prices. speculation by international monopolies that were in the food supply business played a role in the arab spring, that is, the increase in food prices that affected all arab countries, including egypt. in the wake of protests in north african countries, called the arab spring , representatives of the muslim brotherhood movement came to power in egypt.
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in 2013, in the wake of new revolts to power the military came, only now egypt is gradually getting out of the economic hole. the first state, ancient egypt, arose on these lands in the fourth millennium bc. it left a huge cultural heritage for... world civilization in egypt those sciences were developed, such as astronomy there, yes, since it was associated with determining the timing of the nile flood there, geometry, mathematics, even the folding bed was invented in africa, the first
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as it turned out, i used such a much-needed bed tutankhamun. 3,300 years later, it would be reinvented once again by another african american, leonard bailey. one of the versions of artificial lighting was also born in egypt, but egypt is generally a treasure, and paper, papyrus, yes, as a means of preserving and transmitting information. the first books also came from ancient egypt, which is known to us from the hieroglyphs of the pyramids. the famous vanity canal was first built by the pharaohs, and the egyptian kings also completed this work a thousand years later.
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it just divides the continent into two parts, to the north and south. everything related to the sahel zone, everything related to the sahara zone, it was all extremely difficult and... the external environment changed, conditions changed, equatorial forests began closer to the equator, and this, accordingly, is a completely different set of insects that carry completely different . togens, the second is completely different living conditions, in principle, in general,
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it didn’t make sense to go further with a camel to conquer the equatorial forests, yes, perhaps that’s why the main part of the civilization of africa did not leave written monuments, wood and papyrus are easily destroyed by termites and moisture. however, by the end of the 15th century, almost all the peoples of southern africa were familiar with iron processing, had their own culture, but it is known that southern... africa became different, africa is certainly the most beautiful continent, everything is here, there are mountains, deserts , jungles, savannas, stunning colors, oceans, there are a huge number of unique animals, there are lovebirds here. there are elephants, rhinoceroses, hippos, zebras, leopards, but in
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africa few people expect to see penguins, but they are also here in south africa. how from antarctic penguins have reached south africa, no one can say today. it is believed that they sailed on ice floes a long time ago and got stuck. of course, penguins are exotic for africa. i never asked the lord to become a patriarch, i always asked the lord to make the right choice. no one except god knows how much time is left, you have to surrender yourself into god’s hands, you have to work so that you have the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly. everyone is equal before god, the lord will not ask me who you were. he will ask: you visited a sick person, you came to prison to someone who was suffering there,
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you shared a piece of bread, that’s what he will ask, thanks to you for your feat, as a result of which you received a wound, i wish you god’s help, strength, strength, spirituality, physical, but also a speedy recovery. i see a lot, i feel a lot, a lot, this is the signal that i received. from the outside it helps me a lot in life, on the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service, the premiere of the documentary film is on the first day today. isometric exercises, treat serious illnesses, food chemistry, why do we need choline, the great power of laser. we get rid of plus points, the program to live healthy,
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will help everyone, tomorrow is the first. uglich is one of the most ancient cities in our country, the corner of the volga gave its name to our city, the city on the corner. this is an ordinary house, an ordinary city dweller of the 19th century. the main thing is, of course, pies; there are pies, quite unusual ones with pickled cucumber. your task is to undress and have fun, catch, catch, catch, oops, op, oops, oops, there it is, this is the fish of my dreams, i want to find local grandmothers and see what they are of their products they sell at the market , cranberries, blueberries, you can immediately feel that wild berries, cabbage are simply gorgeous, try it, timochka, darling, try it, timochka, try it, there will be quail, potatoes, pearl barley, the guys in the city have great goat cheese here , i’ll beat it with cream, bake beets and make some cool sauce from local berries. chefs on wheels, on sunday on the first.
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do african values ​​exist? exist? in south africa you can often hear: i am, because we are, i exist because we exist. we we would call it collectivism, conciliarity. they themselves define this with the concept of... i exist because we exist, man is a part of society, he does not imagine himself outside of it , striving for the common good, this is ubontu. poverty is the first word that comes to mind for many when it comes to the dark continent.
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to build an economy not only in extraction, but also in processing and production, much of what was mined in this country. south africa has developed and is developing science. the world's first successful heart transplant was performed in south africa, in cape town back in 1967. grodschur performed the operation at the hospital.
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perhaps some russians have south african blood; when the second world war was going on, the population of the south african republics donated blood, and this blood came to our country. south africa had a difficult path to independence. the country had been under an apartheid regime since 1948, a system of racial discrimination that gave exclusive rights to white people.
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who spent 27 years in prison, who was not broken and who was able to put forward an idea like this the so-called rainbow nation, yes, which called for a harmonious fusion of all races and ethnic groups that live in south africa. after the african national congress led by mandela came to power and the abolition
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of apartheid, south africa managed to avoid civil confrontation and establish coexistence with yesterday's people. in april 2011, yur came to brix. russia, just like brazil, india and china, has a new partner and ally. initially there was a structure called brick, yes, without the s at the end of the word and there was no ur there, the s means africa, southern africa. later it was decided that this association, which positioned itself as the flagship of the non-western world, which tried to develop truly alternative development concepts, should not... in johannesburg in august 2023, a truly
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historic brix summit was held, to which leaders of 67 countries were invited, and it was decided to expand the number of brix participants from january 1, 2024, iran and egypt will join. the united arab emirates, ethiopia, that is, there are already three african countries in brix. south african republic, egypt and ethiopia. more than thirty more states have applied to join the association, which in terms of the size of its economy has already significantly surpassed the western big seven. african-american public figure william duboy wrote back in the 19th century: africa gives the world something new. but in fact, the new is the embodiment of some old things, like the world. it is not surprising, since it was from africa that humanity began.
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modern man, this has already been absolutely proven, genetics is an exact science, was born in africa, and then began his travel around the world. until now, 90% of the genetic diversity of our population is from it. concentrated there, this is the main genetic bank of humanity in the event of some global cataclysms or catastrophes, our insurance, it is there as a population, language originated in africa, the first tool of labor, our thinking, originated there. it has been proven that all living people are descended from one woman who lived in east africa approximately 3,200,000 years ago. the oldest confirmed remnant of a human homenid is located in africa, this female remains of gamenite lucy, located in
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adisab, found in ethiopia, in the afar desert region. the name itself is africa.
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information mainly from oral sources. due to poverty, many could not afford
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education; local storytellers enlightened illiterate people. one of the few places where you can still find them is marrakech, the largest flesh.
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europeans began to colonize the south of the african continent in the 15th century. to hell with the whole world here and its inhabitants, i speak gold about africa. william shakespeare through the mouth of one of his heroes actually repeated the legend about the treasures of the gold coast. today it is ganna, which has existed since the first millennium bc. it all started.
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in those days when there were physiogrates who believed that gold was the main source of wealth, and you know that all these campaigns, from campaigns to great geographical discoveries, christopher of colombia and so on, of course, everyone went in search of gold. at first, gold was not found in africa. at first, the coast of the continent was considered as a transit territory on the way to india, but then white exploiters.
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the continent is so promising, which can still very well, i will try to say politically correctly, take advantage of these riches. the easternmost point of the chukotka peninsula, we are from dizhneva, dizhneva, yes, songs about flowers, pink roses, lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, well done. that’s all you understand about us men, but one thing you don’t know is that we love some and marry others, that’s all, that’s the answer, yes, he’s wearing gold shoulder straps and a bright order on his chest, premiere, i love my country, on saturday at the first, even if he is very cynical towards his calling, what professions have our
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guests mastered on the way to their dreams? i also worked as an instructor in the komsomol district committee, and since there was no such salary, my work book says cleaner yakuboch, my pain, i worked in libraries for 3 years, i really didn’t like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library , can i take a selfie with you, all my professions, be it a cook apprentice, a loader, were selected taking into account as much time as possible do what i love, i worked on central television, as a senior accountant. to the elders, you said there will be a hedgehog, but what is this? i had the first entry in the book, my favorite, night receptionist, it was n’t a shame that everyone was listening to you, but no one knew, i was giving away my voice, one day i was sitting at home having breakfast, there was a radio beacon hanging on my wall, and the girl sings, and i’m sitting there appreciating how well the girl sings, such a wonderful voice, and then, oh my, that’s me singing, on saturday. on the first, today
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sergei andreevich, a young viewer , a set matter, a welder, come , please, listen, let’s get off the roof, either you get one and a half lyam, or the conversation will end, and this end will be very bad for you, you are in his apartment, where he doesn’t take you transported, with his child, whom he did not give to you, you had a conflict with ademirovich, we would like to somehow agree with you, according to a special protocol, they are afraid of the fuss, given the level of the victim, they do not want to attract attention. we have a warrant for your arrest, open up or we 'll be forced to break down the door. container, the final of the series, on sunday on the first. in 1900, under colonial.
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the only exceptions were ethiopia and liberia, which was patronized by the united states of america. to pay taxes , sales, and not for one’s own , for which it was necessary to produce goods for consumption, millions died of hunger, the colonial authorities introduced forced labor, especially in the construction of roads and railways, the congo-brazzaville railway was built with labor.
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today 101 companies from the us, uk and the european union controls the extraction of the most valuable resources on the african continent , worth almost a trillion dollars, which means that almost the entire raw materials sector belongs to western companies. african states want to manage their resources themselves, but the issue there is complicated, because many representatives of the african elite studied in the west and, accordingly, at the russia-africa summit held in st. petersburg , the figure for the credit burden of the countries of the continent was announced. it exceeds $3 trillion, and as the russian president emphasized
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vladimir putin at the valdai forum, little has changed in the western approach over the past 500 years. the prosperity of the west was largely achieved by plundering the colonies over the centuries. but this is a fact, in fact, this level of development was achieved to a large extent due to the robbery of the entire planet. the history of the west is essentially a chronicle of endless expansion. western influence in the world is a huge military-financial pyramid. the second russia-africa summit was held in st. petersburg in july 2023. the discussion focuses on issues of food energy security and technology transfer.
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lalibela, or as this place is also called, african jerusalem. there are 10 unique churches carved into the rocks here. african. state adhere to the christian faith, the orthodox sense. ethiopia, former abesinia, possible homeland of the ancestors of alexander pushkin. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. there are versions that his ancestors come from ethiopia, eritrea, kenya,
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and the lake chat region. however, pushkin is such a cultural bridge between russia and africa, and in many african countries there are monuments to pushkin. and he is on these monuments. very similar to an african, feglyarin decided, sitting at home, that the black grandfather, my cannibal, was bought for a bottle of rum, originally bought by an arab for the king, not a slave. alexander sergeevich's great-grandfather ibrahim hannibal, was bought at the turkish slave market by the russian diplomat savy raguzinsky and presented to emperor peter the first. in russia, africans have never been considered second-class citizens, and even so say.
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outstanding russian dignitaries , so to speak, that it would be necessary to award ethiopian medals to a number of the empire in order to push the matter of rapprochement, he says: but we don’t have any orders, then leontyev draws the first sketches of two orders, the order of the seal of solomon and the order of the star of ethiopia, all three degrees, several they make copies and he takes them with him. these orders
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are still one of the highest awards in ethiopia. in 1898 , diplomatic relations were established between russia and ethiopia. true, leontyev could not have done it here either. during preparations for the ceremony , it turned out that the country does not have its own anthem. breeder liontiev, without thinking twice, offered to play the preobrazhensky march. shelf. this melody was the anthem of ethiopia until the thirties of the 20th century. ethiopia has always treated russia very well and is still a very good supporter of our country. these are all the factors that are pushing us towards ethiopia.
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matador, eduard savenko in search of love,
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tomorrow on the first day, it will probably take a week to travel here by pose, maybe two weeks by car. vladivostok, a city of bridges, water, lighthouses, delicious seafood. it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, no more, but only if it’s from the taste, there were also welders asking for help below. this is the amur tiger, really. the biggest pussy in the world, and even kozlov is loved, we can get you there, is it possible to press somewhere now , naturally, if you press something, something might change, we don’t need that now, we’re almost there, that’s this is literally the end of the world, look how beautiful it is, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. we spent one and a half acres in the cold, millions
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of dollars on board, two dead and four survivors, lucky, they should all have died, in theory. the story of the crash of a private plane carrying out an ambulance flight that crashed in the snowy mountains of afghanistan is full of rumors, secretly and worthy of becoming the basis for a detective film script. a businessman from volgodonsk saved his seriously ill wife, they loved each other and died on the same day. our main task was to provide assistance and bring and, preferably, cure. not happened. through our fault, the pilots and doctors who transported a woman and her husband who fell ill at the resort from thailand to moscow themselves found themselves on the brink of death, initially they had to escape, how many hours it took, from the plane for about 4-5 hours in the snow, our exclusive today is a lifelong air drama, what happened to the private plane, you were unconscious, i no longer asked for my son to stay alive, he saved four souls, he is already a hero, he is a private pilot, not a professional, you tell me , what is the mistake, mistakes? exclusive with dmitry borisov,
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premieres on saturday on the first. the modern political map of africa looks like a caressing blanket, where the borders are cut as if along a ruler. this is a direct legacy of the colonial past. africa was divided at the berlin conference of 1884, according to which borders were drawn. to some extent they existed until the mid -sixties, when the colonial empire began to collapse. by the beginning of the first world war, the dark continent was divided between several european countries. france had the most extensive colonies.
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great britain and portugal, slightly smaller - germany, belgium, italy and spain. at the end of october 2023, german president frank waltermeier, during a visit to tanzania , asked for forgiveness for the cruelty of the german colonial rulers. i would like to apologize for what the germans did to your ancestors here. i would like to assure you that we germans will work with you to find answers to the open questions that concern you. the germans killed about 3,000 local residents from 1905 to 1907. participants in the first world war hoped its results will once again redraw the map
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of africa. each, of course, to his own advantage. the armies were strengthened by carrying out. the second world war put an end to europe's colonial ambitions. hundreds of thousands of africans also took part in it. it was then that the feeling arose that if we
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are fighting with you for freedom, we probably have the right to freedom in our own countries. this movement, it gradually grew, it... captured more and more countries on the continent, starting at the turn of the fifties and sixties. there's nothing surprising that african soldiers returning from the war began to participate more actively in the political life of their countries. riots against the colonialists then became commonplace. in 1960 , 17 countries came under direct pressure from the soviet state. africans gained independence, to train future specialists in our country, a special university was established in moscow, even a university that is functioning today, this is the peoples' friendship university of russia, the foreign students present here are from 59 countries of asia
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, africa and latin america, let friendship university is growing and developing. nicky didn’t even want to think about decolonization, which provoked numerous armed clashes. and the soviet union began to provide large-scale assistance, but again, under the conditions of the cold war, africa was very quickly divided, since some countries remained firmly in the orbit of the western world, while some countries
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followed the path of cooperation with the soviet union. still a symbol. one of the most famous armed fighters for independence on the continent was josé eduardo.
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when you're poor, it's grief, but when you're diamonds were found in the backyard, this is a very big grief. jose eduardo dussantos from the book the formula of god. natural wealth, as dussantos wrote, turned into big problems for angola. the soviet union and other countries of the socialist bloc came to her rescue. i myself was part of the very first group that arrived in angola in 1975 . why were we there? because the french sent mirage fighters there to bomb the capital, and we were sent for training
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national personnel to prevent raids on the capital. with the support of soviet troops, vangola managed to stop the south african advance and oust them from angola. one of the most brutal was the war for algerian independence from france. it is significant that during the second world war , resistance to fascism as such for france began in the african colonies. many of them, unlike france itself, were not.
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you’ll go to a sports school, then, if you’re lucky, you’ll go to the olympics, everything will be fine, what
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a crowbar these fishermen are, i don’t want to go to yours olympics, i want to kill vitya, you have pity on the little one, you won’t bring your father back anyway, game, let’s train like this four times. “i am not the mother of the emperor, and i am not the regent for the minor emperor, i am the empress,
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and i am in legal right.” you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon. in europe , innate forces became active, interested in overthrowing the reigning person. i hate him, who? i also hate orlov and my mother, they killed my father. will you go to her? she doesn't love you, krishu? we need to overthrow this german adventuress. i am being defeated, the hour has come, gentlemen, brothers , on the throne of the usurper there is an impostor, a german woman without roots, i had no illusions, i knew what power was, i knew what i was going to do, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry
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my cross with dignity, great, golden... age, big premiere, from monday on the first. sahara, 8.5 million square kilometers of desert, almost all without water. one of the versions of how sugar dried up is due to the fact that the water simply went down, that is, it stopped reproducing for various reasons on surface, but it has not disappeared, it is simply located several hundred meters below the surface of the desert. libya became the first
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country on the continent to try to solve this problem without regard to the former colonialists. there is a success story in libya, this is the construction of the great green river under gaddafi, just by using the underground water reservoirs of the sahara, access to water was ensured in libya. muammar gaddafi drilled 1,300 wells and laid an underground pipeline with a diameter of 4 m. the large cities of libya began to receive as usual, as european countries water. thanks to the great man-made river in libya , plantations of wheat, oats and other
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crops appeared in the middle of the desert.
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in 2011, western countries, under the slogan of fighting the gaddafi regime, provoked a civil confrontation. the oil-rich country refused to share profits with american and european corporations. some european leaders, like the president of france, gaddafi essentially said that i am creating a powerful civilization on the african continent, rich in water, in gold, and we we will generally challenge the hegemony of the west; from an economic point of view, he simply crossed the red lines drawn by the west.
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if previously hydrocarbon raw materials belonged to the state, now the french and the united states of america have entered there, and accordingly , resources are exported for next to nothing and there is a civil war, people still have not calmed down.
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they prefer to decide not at the us embassy, ​​but at the brix round table. the united nations in recent decades has become an organization that promotes the interests of gold countries. billion, and accordingly, brix against this background gives some hope, including for the african continent to the rest of humanity. africa has clearly disappointed the west by its reluctance to condemn the kremlin or participate in anti-russian actions. in african countries , the memory of centuries of colonial plunder by western powers is strong, and good memories of relations with our country live on. which built hydroelectric power stations, factories, helped develop transport, agriculture, when necessary, supplied weapons, stood up for protection of the oppressed, they love russia, value its
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help, see us as a support in their opposition to neo-colonialism, and not a single african country has joined the anti-russian sanctions. african civilization is changing, its inhabitants increasingly began to demand real sovereignty. having left africa, being forced after the second world war to give freedom to these states in the following decades, the west retained control over the economy and political system of africa. hence the endless military coups. august 30, 2023 the military overthrew gabonese president ali bong ondimba. months earlier, niger's military also
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removed another pro-french president, mahamet bazouma, from power. i was in niger, they don't have electricity there.
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the new government of burkina fasso has broken off relations with the former metropolitan france and is establishing economic contacts with russia. in august and december 2023 , the deputy minister of defense of russia, yunusbek evkurov, visited the country, discussed security issues and grain supplies from... russia, except burkina fasso, yunusbek evkurov as part of african tour, also met with the leadership of niger and mali, and in december 2023, these three countries - burkina fasso, niger and mali - announced the formation of a military alliance, the alliance of sahel states. in 2020, following a military coup in mali, they also abandoned the guardianship of paris.
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which are the basis of development. africa is important to russia because it stands for a multipolar world and a more equitable model of relations than the western one. and today there is russia, which is directly fighting the west in the center of europe, not hesitating to throw a challenge to him. now the center of gravity of this struggle, this confrontation by the west can be transferred to the african continent. we can stabilize african states by giving them more than just security. economic, but literally military. africa is capable of becoming a dynamically growing region of the world, on which the nature and pace of development of the planet, its provision of raw materials, energy and human resources will largely depend. today, africa is the only continent where explosive growth continues population and where are the countries demonstrating... the highest rates
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of economic growth, albeit from a low level. africa is becoming a dynamically growing region, on which the nature and pace of development of the planet largely depends, its provision of raw materials, energy, human resources, which africans themselves see as their mission, most likely to revive the unity of man and nature, the brotherhood of people with each other friend. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. battle for avdeevka, our filming group.
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the veteran brigade was the first to enter the city along with the fighters. fierce.


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