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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 2, 2024 1:45am-2:31am MSK

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perhaps there was such a legend among gunsmiths that the russians outdid the british, shod the flea, yes, that is, they made a small flea, and the russian gunsmiths even managed to shod it, their work was so more jewelry, but he did not say one important thing in the preface , he added one detail in the text, which, in principle, changes the structure of the entire narrative, and speaks about his ideology, about liskov’s ideology, few people notice this, but this is a very important detail when lefty shows in england. blah, and the english say: “my god, how did you manage to do it, yes, what small nails there must be, okay, a small horseshoe, but the nails are even smaller.” and then one of the creators of this flea comes up to him and says quietly: “ of course, everything is fine, dear russian master, but she danced with us, but she can’t dance with you, yes, because you upset the balance, yes, the balance of power , it’s not embroidered, you did it wrong, yes, you did the engineering calculations, and that is, he says, the whole idea was that the flea dances, makes different things.”
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liberals and radicals did not accept, and after that he was rejected by conservatives, he was rejected by both camps, you correctly say that both of them eventually said, he is not ours, this constant desire to show two views on a subject, it seems to me, determines his whole life, that is, he seems to be chasing for a certain beast that doesn’t exist, but he invents it all the time, this is also characterized, by the way, by the episode of the enchanted wanderer, it illustrates both liskov’s method and his outlook on life, the main character... tells how he,
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uh, curbed the wild the stallion who bit the the riders' knees were directly chewed up by their knee caps, he says: i jumped on him there , began to rub dough into his eyes, which looks strange, and he has a pot of dough in his hand, he breaks it on the horse's forehead, and at this time the foot begins to rub the dough he is whipped in every possible way, and by the way, a direct obvious metaphor, he was looking for quite a long time, obviously , to show the image of interaction in...
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secrets, there really is no secret, and the people passengers on this ship ask flyagin: would you sell him this secret, how would he was the one he says, yes, of course, he would have sold it, but he wasn’t there, but the englishman says, he thought that i had such a cunning russian cunning and said: let’s drink some rum, they went with him to a tavern, got drunk on rum, when the englishman considered his drunk enough interlocutor, he began to ask him again, what is your secret? the hero is no longer able to speak, because they... drank a lot, he decided to show, he bulged his eyes at the englishman, gritted his teeth terribly, made an aggressive face, and, for lack of a pot of dough, grabbed a glass of rum, this heavy toggle switch and swung it, the englishman, thinking that his death had come, simply ran away, uh-huh, here we are right here and we see that there are two sides, yes, there is a conflict of interests between them, as it were, but the englishman thinks , that there is a conflict of interest, and the russian says: no, i really...
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work with language, he managed to find and pull out of oblivion a couple of characters who remained iconic, this is, first of all , katerina izmailova from the lady of magbetsensky district, a left-hander, whom any child that any child knows at school and so further, here he managed to do this and the directors feel this fat, the fat is absolutely true, they fall for this temptation and think, now, well, katya izmayilova fell in love, fell in love. it means there is some kind of carnal passion there, yes, such a good material for art, passion of course, of course, and they also begin to kill the father-in-law of the husband’s nephew, in general, blood flowed like a river at the end, she also jumped into the volga with her homewrecker, hugging her, everyone of course
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said yes we have the material everything but not it almost never works out , at least in cinema it doesn’t work out because of the incorrect calibration of the degree of convention. this is interesting, it is impossible to realistically imagine such a story, and it is even impossible, cinema assumes a strictly psychological and strictly, most often realistic, unless it is an arthouse hard, realistic depiction of a character’s behavior, in liskovy’s characters do not behave like that at all, this is impossible, that is in the sense that they behave unrealistically or not at all, he makes a popular print, that is, it doesn’t turn out may be a master of psychological portraiture, something that directors rely on. to make an ancient tragedy, and lady macbeth is, in principle, yes, quite sophocal, repeats, whatever you want, shakespeare, shakespeare, in fact, yes, research magbeth, although he did not come up with this name, it was an allusion to turgenev’s story, hamlet of the schigrovsky district, that is, here the story was written a little earlier
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and was famous, and here again he plays in reflected light, which was the nature of liskov, but his story becomes more famous than of course, he has already been forgotten, here they forgot, no one remembers the hameltagrs. the performer of the roles above his head , this is he who will hold katerina izmailova, and here her husband, he will commit their murder, it will be done with the required degree of organicity corresponding to the text, when in the cinema
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the actress psychologically prepares for these murders, loses, here natalya andreichenko played for roman balayan, but why does liskov have such an image, at the same time as a soil populist, right? he is, in fact, the author of the postmodern method, the populist’s term has stuck to him, precisely because of his experiments in the field of language, that is, the fact that he relied , as if on the folk language, i still emphasize, this is not quite a folk language, people don’t speak like that, but it was extremely important for him, in some essay from paris he very proudly wrote that i didn’t learn the russian language from conversations with st. petersburg... drivers, by the way, yes, i paid attention to this, because there is a whole genre of conversation with a taxi driver, yes, it still exists, and existed then, i know the people from conversations with cab drivers, yes, but he had in in sight of just their major opponents , togenev, dostoevsky, tolstoy, like these
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people, they are terribly far from the people, like yes, as herzon said, but look, here he fell into a trap that he did not expect, yes, this is so, and for in the 19th century, it probably looked like this. but the fact is that later the social structure of the state and society changed, if he could then reproach his contemporaries for being far from the people, and he was closer to them, yes, then later, literature itself became the people, writers became people, they no longer needed to study this language, the entire 20th century - these are writers and there are people, starting with maxim gorkov, then this game became extremely archaic. this podcast is a must read, yaglan batnikov, my guest today is andrey gelasov, a writer, screenwriter, we are talking about nikolai leskov, how his life went in general, that is, this work as an official, yes, where he worked in some kind of criminal ward, maybe this also gave him material, or well, in general, some kind of
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strange fate, but such a person, like a nobleman, seemingly from the people , it seems like a writer, it seems... it was in the family, that’s why he didn’t finish his studies, because the family was quite successful, he could have quit the gymnasium, because he understood that he would not be lost, he there is no need to make your own way, my father was a fairly large official, and therefore, in general, he could find a place in life and did so, that is, he went to kiev as a young man, lived with his uncle, his uncle is a professor at the kiev medical institute, these are generally serious people, very so significant in society, and he becomes there became the boss, that is, it is clear that not without the patronage of his uncle. yeah, that is , he has no education, and that means he became the boss , as i understand it, it’s like the passport office now , from where, by the way, he flies in with a bang
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because he wrote some essay that his colleagues didn’t like, they, well as they write , they set him up to initiate a bribe case, i don’t know whether there was a bribe or not, but he lost his place, went to live with his other relatives, began to live with his aunt’s husband , an englishman, a scott by name, and began to work in his trading house, he was engaged in business, and liskov, at this point, is about 30 years old. he begins to travel all over the country as obviously a sales agent and here he also collects a lot of material, including a criminal nature, that is, the family played a very large role and i think not always positive, because if he, like maxim gorky, had made his way on his own, he had been among people and emerged from among people, had achieved his own success, then this success would have been more justified and would have given him more reason, a reason to believe into yourself, not to be nervous and do everything normally, but he was very... loving, he created a lot, wrote a lot, that is, it turns out, after all , these internal conflicts, they did not prevent him
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from being productive, yes, thank god, the legacy is very large , he really worked a lot, although somewhere i read from him about this work about how he treated it, payment for this work, including when he wrote the story sealed or sealed angel, i don’t know how i think sealed, that's when he wrote it, they bought it for 500 rubles. sounds like a lot of money. but he writes: i grinded it out for six months, and 500 rubles. in six months - this is not very much, you get tired of grinding, this word grinding also tells us how long, attention, he bothered with all these waterproof cables, yes, yes, expectations, that is, every time he had to sit down and grind this text instead of telling a story, the fact of the matter is that dostoevsky, he made his living from this literature, and maybe that’s why he actually has such voluminous texts, yes, that they paid for... the number of words, and liskov has another source of income, he is an official, and
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accordingly, he treats literature as an art, sits, grinds out words, yes, this is just another life situation, well , there was little money when he , in my opinion, at the end of his life he got a job at the ministry of education, and there he determined what books could be printed for public libraries, he had a salary, he was given 1.00 rubles a year, well, just do the math, well, that’s not much, yes? they just didn’t notice him at all, i think, here liskov's posthumous fate smiled
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on him exactly according to what we were talking about, the state system changed , the civilizational model changed, the people became nominally the ruler of the state, bitter, as the main proletarian writer, he needed to find some tradition in the 19th century, which he would like continues, uh-huh, yes, by the way, this is an interesting fact, you understand, and then he says: look, the man spoke in the vernacular.
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success, yes, stalin favored him, the proletarian press and so on, because he is a singer revolution, a singer of the common people, but it so happened, excuse me, that the revolution lost its relevance, and with the collapse of the soviet union. what ultimately played into his posthumous success, he simply described these people, well, you see, it turns out that at the moment, well , when he lived and worked, it turns out that this was his minus, he was not recognized anywhere, because he did not nailed himself to any
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political camp, it was impossible to format him, but in the end, a century later it turned out exactly what. its a plus now i’ll explain, it was impossible, not only to even format it, but, most importantly, it was impossible to use it for specific political purposes, well, yes, and this often lifts writers to the top, then it raised it now, with gorky it was the same with other writers, and so on, and so he was in no way suitable for any political party to raise him to say, lenin said, literature must be party, either party or not at all, that is, it must express the interests of some group.
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before his death there he literally releases a collection of very critical texts in relation to russian reality, that is, he has a story there, a corral, where he laughs at those people who propose to isolate themselves from russia, because it has its own special path, ours, here we are on our own, not we don’t need any western european states, we’re all on our own. he ridicules this and gives the example of just this husband, his aunt shkott, for whom he worked as a sales agent, he tells a story about him, that either in the sixties or in the seventies shkott, this same one tried to introduce efficient land use for his peasants, they plowed wooden saccharum, and he brought them
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british plows, what happened next, shcott went to count perovsky, he was like that... perovsky, and he was the minister of appanages, as far as i remember , and the minister of internal affairs, he knew him, came to him, said: here, mr. graf, we came up with such a thing there, he went to look and said, it’s wonderful, really, that’s it, i forbid sakha, and he, like this is to say, he did not own, but administered all specific peasants of russia, the ministry of appanages is the ministry that dealt with the affairs of the romanov family, all the peasants who belonged to the romanovs were called appanage peasants, and perovsky said, i guess he says, all...
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where did they come from? then he says: well, from england, he says: from the germans , therefore, i’m quoting verbatim, from the germans , therefore, he says, well, that means from the germans, then this old man says christian: that means from where they buy bread from us, so , that is , they cannot produce so much bread on their plows to make, but they buy from us, and we make it on plows, so it’s interesting, what do you think of the logic, so if he says, we’ll change to them, this old man says, where will we buy bread then? attention, litskov further writes in his story as a corral, perovsky did not find a witty answer, because well, it ’s brilliant that he drove him into a corner for it and perovsky when he arrived, and his officials from his administration are standing next to him, they listen, they watch, they listen, they watch , they brought this joke to st. petersburg and it went viral, everyone started laughing at count pirovsky and then
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he, realizing that he had become a laughing stock, forbade shcott to introduce british plows, and liskov forbade the story. shkot built stone houses for these peasants, they lived in huts where there was no chimney, they walked and walked, they say, our grandfathers didn’t live in stone, and we won’t, stone doesn’t breathe, yeah, wood breathes, i see, yes , remained in their tree, and as liskov writes, he writes very rudely, harshly, that they used the stone houses to go there before the wind, as outhouses, he says, the village stank. scary, he is always looking for an object for a critical attack in all camps, he says: this is what you have, yes, this is wrong with you, this is wrong with you, here they are, the main thing for him is that there is an angle of attack, that’s what is needed.
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but i don’t know, by the way, to what extent he was technically, engineering or military savvy and knew why we really had a problem with guns, but since i was also involved in film, i myself wrote something about the sevastopol defense, i know for sure, he either guessed right, or i don’t know, someone told him, it’s not that do not clean with a brick, the fact is that the british came to the crimean peninsula, literally, with rifled weapons, they had fittings in which there were rifled weapons, which made it possible.
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engineering, we didn’t have rifled weapons, and
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after the defeat in the sevastopol company, reform in the army really began and quite quickly we had modern rifles, but liskov turns out to be strong in legends and tales, well, yes, you can call it that way, he’s at least everything time strives for myth, for some parable, for form parables cool, thank you very much for the conversation, andrey, it was very interesting, it seems to me that we looked a little differently at the classic leskov and his symbolic space. this was a must-read podcast, i’m glaina batnikova, my guest was andrei gelasimov, a writer, we talked about nikolai liskov, an underrated classic of russian
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literature, you know what a thing, stanislav, you somehow... that a hockey museum is necessary, but they criticized him for the way he looks, and what has come of him now, why? an unexpected beginning, you know, a museum , for some reason we think about museums in two formats, but usually, either these are old gray-haired grandmothers who collect the same old dusty pieces of paper that no one needs, or it’s some kind of... it’s such an expensive multimedia space, where mostly children, i don’t know, come.
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yes, there is a super series, which is not really a super series, well, that’s not what it was called, yes, in 1972, we have such a strange bureaucratic tradition, instead of serious and interesting historical works, historical research, it is customary for us to publish expensive gift albums, so that there are many, many color photographs, so that there are 100 copies, to give everything to the right, good, necessary people, well, for the bad, when, but no, nothing, no, if it replaces everything else, yes, if it replaces interesting stories, new... stories about the history of soviet hockey, which, in fact, oddly enough, we have studied very little, well, let's talk about it, this is a podcast on the first channel hockey football, my name is denis kazansky, today our guest is stanislav gridasov,
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journalist. and sports historian. stanislav, thirty-fifth year, yes, the krasny sport newspaper, calls for playing canadian hockey. yes, but somehow it didn’t work out until after the war. why? yes, it was such a big newspaper company, red sport is an organ, so, well, i will speak in a modern way, yes, there is the ministry of sports, and that is, it is a very influential press, which is read both massively throughout the country and by the entire leadership countries, this arose. call, let's play canadian hockey, moreover, this call was made there by a fairly large figure of those years, this is konstantin kvashnin, captain of the moscow bandy team, coach of the moscow football dynamo at the same time, and he explains, since we are now at a new stage in the development of soviet sports, physical education must compete with the bourgeois sports, and there, with their own formulations, with the best representatives of bourgeois sports, that
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is... a sport where we do not compete with them, this is hockey, that is, it is popular there, yes, hockey is already taking place world hockey championships, hockey is included in the olympic program, in the ussr it does not exist at all, but this call actually disappeared, that is , there was a little noise in the press, there were quite a lot of responses, for example, this is also almost a new story, literally the story of this year, before in my opinion, no one published this, suddenly in 1935 it turned out that in the ussr, despite... the fact that there is no puck hockey, and never has been, there are already many good hockey players, puck players, like this, where from, yes, where, these were all the former residents harbin, that is, they were either former employees of the kvzh railway, yes, which at that moment we had already lost, or the children of these employees who moved to the soviet union, who already knew the rules, who had clubs, who already had experience playing on various competitions, we are ready, we are ready
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to support this subordinate, look, we already have... although there were guys who played in beijing, including, of course, in university teams, and there were understandable americans, yes, there were some canadians, there were white immigrants, there were citizens of the ussr, in fact, the fact that there were not only citizens of the ussr, this did not allow the harbin residents, the harbin residents, to become ancestors. latvia , as an independent country, began to play nasko hockey even earlier than the soviet union, and latvia and lithuania understand correctly that without this influence , the puck would not have appeared in the soviet union either, well, it would have appeared, of course, it would have appeared anyway, much more later than this happened, no, no, it would have appeared in any
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case before the war, before forty-one. a if we talk about winter , about team sports, the whole country plays bandy, russian hockey, no one calls it bandy yet, men, women, children play, a huge number of teams, this is a very popular sport, there is no hockey with puck, that is, these rare publications in the press, in fact they are rare there, well , for several hours the students at the institute of physical education were simply explained to them that there is such a game, the olympics are played there, canada is something like that, but no ice hockey, actually why after war suddenly from where? he took canadian hockey, in general the word sport even appeared, it began to be used in the name of our main sports department only in the year thirty-six, yes, we have physical education, we have physical education, we must develop mass participation, but in very rude words, we have olympic champions in figure skating, well, that’s well, olympic champions in tsarist times, but in fact, we didn’t have hockey players, we only had swordsmen, both before the revolution and after and after the revolution, and the task
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before the sport was different...
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allied relations with the usa and england, they gave birth to the idea that now we do not play around, do not isolate ourselves exclusively in working confrontation, but we must. quietly move towards joining the olympic family of nations, then naturally analytical and managerial work was carried out , in fact, what sports are included in the winter olympics, summer olympics, what is prestigious, and a very important parameter of the medal, capacity, yeah, skates, for example, yes , hockey, of course, only one gold medal, but a prestigious one, because many people play hockey countries, canada plays, the usa plays, they play...
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goes deep into hockey, knows his first and last name very well, but still it’s somehow forgotten, yes, forgotten, well, naturally, the man was such a working man, modest, books didn’t write , didn’t give interviews, although he died very late and throughout the eighties it was still possible to communicate with him quite well, listen, well, you know, a little to the side in general, where hockey comes from, well, we kind of know, his father alone, well, in principle, biologically, but he is the father, maybe, well, alone, right there...
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chess, the americans are in their book, in general
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, well, because ballet is ahead of the rest of the world, but naturally, it’s clear, and chess is, strictly speaking, the sport where after the war we begin to compete for the first time, that is, at the level with the best american professional chess players, that is, if if it were. in the first year they would have dragged space here, yes, yes, of course, and gagarin, well, gagarin then, we took him, yes, yes, we took him after all, but there’s definitely hockey there, well, actually , of course, listen, well, no no, there can’t be any one father, this is, well, look, a managerial process, but in fact, the authorities there are not calling tarasov, yes, but nevertheless they say, guys, we need to launch a new sport from scratch, you don’t have rules translated into russian, you don’t have... what to play with, well, that is , the soviet industry doesn’t produce sticks, no pucks, no sticks, no boards, no, no goal of the right size, no nothing, yes, but when yes, there are practically no people there who even know how to do it there
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with the rarest exceptions, there are no video tutorials, no books, no nothing, and this is a managerial task, not just to play, yes, but the task was immediately to play so that in some near future you can become participants. their games are not just participants, but even better to win, all this happens, because 45-46, well, this is famine, this is a destroyed country, and although there is a task to go to the olympics, you understand that we have neither artificial ice nor sports facilities, our infrastructure is essentially destroyed, and money to here’s how to seriously invest in hockey, there’s no puck, yeah, but again you need money, you know, hockey sticks need to be made, you need a drawing, and there’s, well, a plan.
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yes, they trained on the same ice very often, after all, because there was no other ice in moscow. what influence did vasily stalin have on the development of the game? well, listen, it is believed that sometimes it was not joseph stalin who called tarasov, but vasily stalin. yes, but in fact, vasya stalin in 45-46, he is not even in the ussr yet, he still continues to serve, he is a military general. he's going to moscow he returned only when he was transferred from germany, back here, in the summer of 1947 to the moscow military district.
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and a senior lieutenant , a man who did not fight, that is, a rear man, not a celebrity, but not a famous star at that time at all, on the other hand, a major general, a military officer who went through the entire war and the son of a generalissimo, what they could argue about, even there can’t be a conversation, in my opinion either, no, everything is really simple there, because if you just look at the calendar and look at the dates when stalin returned to moscow and how the football air force played with whom can be reconstructed.
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there is documentary evidence that the red car was not a red car for a very long time, and our team won the world championship in 1954 wearing blue colors, but from what moment did red become the color of our team? well, we had and there were several sets of blue and red ones, then in fact, well , no one focused on the term red, red jersey at all, there were generally different combinations of leads in friendly matches, but that the most famous match with the canadians 7:2, this is it. then the white colors were, in general,
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well, we didn’t really bother with this, that is, just red red, because it was not the color of the jersey very often, yes, we have already switched mainly to red, although it came to we are from north america, let 's talk about it, where did this term come from in general, reds, red communists, red communists, bolsheviks, red army. and the car, the red car, and the car, well, at first they were just red, well, just reds, yes, yeah, but initially, but the car again is kind of like this, this is marketing, this is the western press, these are completely different times, this is the seventy-first year - the reds centenati, an american club, which was nicknamed for the coherence of its actions, for the assholeness of the red car , just some canadian journalist, in the seventy-first year, looking at... the soviet union national hockey team in switzerland, decided to use this image and
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transferred it, and it was not just called big, yes, a big red car, so everyone went the seventies, but as in the soviet union to they referred to this nickname, because a little later, as far as we know, viktor ktikhonov said that we are living people, we are not a machine at all, well, this was not related to the eighties at all, well, who cared, this is already the eighties, you already know that, completely at all a completely different era, when we suddenly had a national team in football, suddenly we had some... official nicknames, nicknames, this was nothing in the soviet union, and it couldn’t have happened. okay, please tell toronto maple lives, could come to the soviet union in the fifties? how could this be? well, actually the fifty-fourth year, when the first 8 years of soviet hockey had passed, we went to stockholm for the first time in the world and europe and won, in fact, against the canadians with a score of 7:2, yes, the so-called, as it is correctly said in english say victory, yes vodka, vodka, vodka victory, vodka, vodka victory. ok, that’s what it was called in the canadian press, well
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, you know, we have such a trend in recent years, we say so with some contempt, yes look at it, think about it, they beat a team there , not even a national team yet, a team from the second division in the province of ontario, well , such a suburb of toronto, east york, some kind of semi-amateurs who work there for some car dealer at a car show on weekends plays, some kind of bullshit, but kind of frivolous, well listen, firstly, he has been playing hockey officially since 1890, that is, 64 years at that time, we play eight, and the number of rinks, as now, is then, it is, here in 1954, we haven’t even built luzhniki yet, we have nothing no, there are only six teams in the nhl, this is 150 people, this is the canadian elite
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, yes, the rest of the crowd plays, of course, the first, second division, all the lower leagues, this is actually a decent level, especially for us. he actually threw out a cry there like we are ready, we are ready to come or bring them to us, so to speak, or come to moscow to show who the real world champion is here, and not this is all your european joke, but again like a normal businessman, he said of course we will come, but we have a cup stanley, so guys, excuse me, just
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wait, we will finish the stanley cup, then we will calmly come to you in may, the venturist wrote a letter. so almost to my grandfather’s village, but they politely answered him like this, you know, may, moscow, sunshine, may moscow, the stars are shining brightly, like the kremlin, yes, there is no ice there, the game, we don’t have artificial ice at all, not yet here, so to speak, so stay with yours there, i’ll bring mine, guys, i’ll come with mine, i’ll mount everything, everything, everything at my own expense, though i’ll take it away later, this is serious, you now you say, absolutely, that is, he was ready to show the cards, absolutely, seriously, yes, yes, absolutely. at least he declared it, i don’t know if he was ready in real life, but he officially declared it through the press, that yes, i’m ready to bring toronto and i’m ready to punish these upstarts? tell me, please, the seventy -second year - a super series, which was not a super series then , and, by the way, explain why it was not a super series, well, there was no such name , simply, this is a late transfer, again, that we made, the first
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a super series is when the clubs played, this is a series of matches between clubs, and the nhl and our visitors there, cska, dynamo, korolesovetov, spartak. all the same, they, and we, they learned from us, we , from them, and, we played there more often, an important one can be considered in different ways, but we won the whole factor, everyone forgets that we almost always played there, the district there is an explanation for this, and this is the commercial part of the whole story, someone had to pay for all these banquets, yeah, in fact, there
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was money there, there was money there, but again, why does he ask why in seventy- two you played only in moscow, and where, and at your sports palace, in fact, moscow, leningrad? kiev, do you have hotels there to bring them, i don’t know, to chelyabinsk, yekaterinburg, sverdlovsk, do you have hotels, and where will you accommodate 3.0 canadian tourists, and do you have planes, that is, flights in the required number, to translate all this, do you have so many secret service officers, police officers, so that all this gang is drinking, do you have enough whiskey? in all, there are a lot of logistical tasks that were not so easy in the soviet union in the seventies.


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