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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 2, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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are being made and posted on social networks, but we thought about it and even found the author of this painting, the artist pyotr popikhin is in touch with us now, hello, greetings, dears, well, i’m very pleased to see my image made by february 23, 2023, as a congratulatory poster to our to the knights-defenders, here is the broadcast and why it’s gratifying, well, it means that the russian blood in ukraine is once again wonderful... the magpies dragged this into their twitter nest somewhere, and this specifically, what kind of image is this, it depicts a collective image protector of russia, past , future, present, with a girl who protects him, he is also hers, and he, and she is him, she protects him spiritually, mentally, he protects her in all other areas, and the girl personifies the real, future russia, of course well, why... did they use yellow and blue colors,
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you know, whatever one may say, our culture, it is sunny, everything that we are rich in spiritually is inside us, on our mental level, it is very often painted in these tones , gold sunlight permeates our entire culture, and the heavens have always personified the desire for spirituality, yes, that’s just how we look at your work, yes, yes. what topic do you mostly draw on? my main task now, in this wonderful time, when there is an opportunity to restore culture, truly human, culture, bright, ours, my task is to create a series of images to participate in the bright wave of restoring our culture, the foundation of which is the main human values russian character: nepotism, friendship of clans. love for children, respect for elders,
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veneration of women and mother earth, military brotherhood and sobriety. your work is interesting , i see that you also touch on the multinationality of russia, cultures, cultures of other peoples, and not only russia, probably, the cultures of peoples are intertwined here. well, of course, i am from a caring generation that knows all the delights of the soviet union, it is the friendship of the clans that we are sure to have. of course, we, it seems to me, my opinion, we must definitely return it to our future, and naturally, uh, our multinationality - this is our very great asset - the victory of the spirit. thank you very much, it’s very nice that you inspire with such creativity, tell people the most important thing about our multinational country, about those things that humanity has carried through its entire history, and which our guys are now defending on the front line. all the best to you and by all means. creative success,
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thank you, he’s a very bright man, just listen to him and it’s clear that the man is passionate about his work, a thought just came to mind, to be honest, how the artist interprets zhevtoblakytnoe and how the ukrainians interpret it, he says that this sky is the sun, warmth, gold , they have such material values ​​as to eat, and we have values, warmth, light, and well... they have there is a second, like a bandera flag, red and black, so there is death and blood, well, like all the captions for any works that we see, but here, of course, the author shows our diversity and says that in the unity of this diversity there is strength, this is what unites all of us now, we are all different, we have some common values ​​that we we protect everything, and this is the most important thing, a huge hello to all the guys who are now on the front line defending these values, we will also work tirelessly to...
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i always remind our viewers that if you have any doubts about the news, send it to our editors, reasons for pride , of course, all the best to you, channel one presents. isometric exercises treat serious illnesses. chemistry of food, why do we need choline? great laser power, get rid of plus points. the program to live healthy will help everyone. so,
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dear friends, there are beautiful women on our screen, and looking at these amazing portraits, we want to start a conversation about balzac’s age. in fact... the whole story begins with the novel by anare de balzac, which was dedicated to a thirty-year-old woman, in the novel it is a vicantess, in life it is this russian beauty, she was married for the first time, gave birth to seven children, six children died, because that this was the era before vaccination, the famous evelina ganskaya, corresponded for 19 years. with balzac, then she married him and a year and a half later he died, life expectancy was low then, mortality was high, so there was no fault of her in this death, she was an incredibly interesting woman. this story, in fact
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, was forgotten by everyone, because the novel was about an independent woman, over 30 years old, but from then on women of balzac’s age. 100% was married, 100% suffered the death of more than half of her children, in general, she was a serious, experienced woman, who nevertheless had enough strength for love, today's women, from 30 to 40. completely different, and one of these we want beauties invite us, anastasia makeeva is our guest today. don’t take away evelina ganskaya,
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because they are similar, only nastya looks much happier than this woman, but there are similarities, however, germanshevich, well, nastya is smart, beautiful, a singer, brilliant, her... when makeeva sings, he says : well, listen, nastya kazachka, you listen to her, and we are listening backstage , nastya is holding her breath, well, it’s all true, i’m telling the truth, because i think, praise from alexander razenbaum backstage, she’s in a thousand times more valuable than all praise, because he doesn’t lie, he’s not interested, and if he loves, then he loves, it’s true. alexandrevich, our love is given to you right now, we love, love, love and appreciate it very much, between thirty and forty, how does a modern woman feel? okay, well, i don’t know, it seems to me that the key to success is to love life, to move, not sit at home, but lead
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an active lifestyle, and of course, after all, friends, miracles do not happen, of course, you need to watch your diet, you need to watch your sports uniform, and i want. you know, i want to confess my love to you, however, your program, it helps a lot to keep yourself in the right shape, and i don’t know, maybe you’ll cut it out, or maybe you’ll leave it, i want to say that it’s your programs, it is your advice , it is your competence, especially yours , elena vasilievna, because elena vasilievna practically saved my mother’s life, just recently, and i directly ask you to applaud, because it is expensive,
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unfortunately, it most often manifests itself in at this age, what is it? is this stomach reflux disease? heartburn, why this happens, because acidic contents from the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, this leads to heartburn. besides, wait, let me ask the beautiful star actress, by the way, just came out on screen.
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and maybe i don’t eat at the right time, probably because of this, but i had an examination and a gastroscopy, i had a colonoscope . it’s very good that nastya was examined and
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nothing was found, this is a great, great joy, so elena vasilievna, i can’t see my husband she’s afraid to talk about these examinations , i thought she’d say i can’t find my husband, no, i have a husband, he’s wonderful, i went through the examination, and men are just straight up kicking it, although all this is now done very painlessly under anesthesia, right here stands andrei petrovich, a prodeus whom i can say i personally dragged by the arms and legs. for examination, because he also did not walk, was tied up, carried on his shoulders in a bag and thrown in for a gastrocolonoscopy, i advise you to do the same yourself, it seems to me that you should just open the section, family contract, you you say, together, you say, today, i don’t know what your husband’s name is, what’s his name, novel, today we are walking naked, doing an examination, the whole problem with holonoscopy is that preparation is needed.
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priceless, how does a modern woman from 30 to 40 live? let’s show some portrait of a handsome woman of that time, they were all painted by artists and we will find similarities with agne, but of course they didn’t wear trousers, they exposed their chest and shoulders, this was conceptually to show that everything was there, everything was available, seven children had to be fed , get drunk, how is life today woman, what she lives in between.
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bastard up to 90, but it will happen, no , i’m just showing, this is how nature created us, we are animals, uh, women are born with the planned number of eggs, at puberty less than half are already left, at 30 years old only 12% of the eggs, from 40 years - these are single percentages. why are we saying this? because you need to give birth before the age of 35. can you imagine what
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the requirements are for us? they need to give birth, they don’t need to, they have these hormones for up to 90 years, justice, at least traces of justice there is, we need to give birth, thank god i’ve already given birth, girls, who puts it off for some reason? there are a lot of reasons. career, life is different, it doesn’t matter, you need to donate, freeze your eggs for storage, the decision is there today, is there anything you can wish for a woman?
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at any age, thank you very much , please sit down, and i want to invite one more beautiful guest to our studio, ekaterina porubey is coming to us, and another portrait, please, on the screen, especially for katya, to remember the beauties of that time, whom they also drew, they are different, they have a tired expression on their faces, they have lived longer.
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i can say that i’m just going through this period when you’re a child, when you can’t really take care of yourself, it’s already coming to an end, so to speak, because the youngest is already seven, seven , 11 and 15, this is generally a free time that’s why for me this is the age when you can turn to yourself, when you can take care of your health, well now, of course , there is an understanding that health... is not forever and that if you don’t do anything, it will it will end, well, in 10 years, you won’t be able to raise your leg where it needs to be, that’s why you want a comfortable life, when you feel yourself, when you feel your body, when you have nothing, thank god it doesn’t hurt, so that it it took a little longer, german shaevich, well, let’s put your fly in the ointment in our enthusiasm for ours, at this age the number
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of problems associated with women’s health increases or... a woman should know clearly. there is one doctor whom you visit at least once a year, this is a gynecologist, and he solves all your problems. now let’s ask a mother of many children, by the way, she has free parking in moscow, it’s very convenient, a mother of many children goes
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to the gynecologist once a year, and lately, yes, well done, before that i missed it, so to speak. well done, well done, you can’t say anything more , what can you say from the 21st century, girls, to your peers, balzac’s women of our era, love yourself, and because when you love yourself, you feel in harmony, in such a kind of elevated, elevated condition, it is distributed to the people who are around you, and you want it, you don’t want it, but you you will give this one.
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show, modern technologies for the treatment of farsightedness, we make a more convex cornea from this cornea, in the center we get such a tubercle, of course. we do this with the help of a laser , for a few minutes you no longer need glasses, entertaining gymnastics, i sat down, raised my legs, tensed
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my muscles and stood and sat, the best exercises to reduce blood pressure, driving here in a pose, probably a week, you can do everything by car two, vladivostok, city. coasts, water, lighthouses, delicious seafood, it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, but we, but only if it’s a matter of taste , there were also welders asking for help downstairs, this is an amur tiger, the biggest kitty in the world, and even loves goats, we can let you go there, is it possible to press somewhere now, of course, if you press something, something may change, we don’t need this now, we are... almost at the goal, this is literally the end of the world, look how beautiful it is,
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let’s go, premiere, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary film studios massfilm, the engine has begun, how many acting destinies, dreams, sufferings, hundreds of people, mosfilm was shrouded in mystery. we walked around these sets the way one walks through the hermitage. mosfilm today is not just a movie, it is a film and television studio. mosfilm, birth of a legend. on
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sunday on the first. americans have hollywood, we have masfil, such a factory of happiness, a factory of fairy tales. well, friends, here it is. we have such a chemical laboratory in our kitchen, we complete it by preparing molecular food of molecular cuisine, but we want to tell you the most important thing that the best laboratory is you and me, a biochemical laboratory, a laboratory unique, millions of reactions per second and no smoke from the ears, everything is beautiful, everything is compact, everything is waste-free, although in fact there is waste. that’s why we go to the toilet, but everything there is compact and beautiful, this is how i feel about our body, this is how a special project of our program begins, the chemistry
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of food, and today we will talk about a substance that is contained in foods called haline, without this halina our brain does not work because it is formed from it. cut off khalin, the main transmitter of excitement and information in our brain. bring us products super rich in haline to the studio. that's it, let's list foods rich in haline. mikhail egorovich, what catches your eye? these are yolk, yolk, red caviar, two, and beef kidneys and beef kidneys. now the question is, why do we need choline?
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there are several extremely important functions, maybe let's go to the poppy and show you, yes, because here, of course, we have, first of all, a brain. so, khalin, andrey petrovich, and the brain. this is the central nervous system. any signals from the periphery to we’ve arrived, we need to convey these impulses. haline is involved in the construction and formation of acetylhaline, acetylhaline is precisely the main substance that is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to the central one from one nerve cell to another, from one to another, from one to another, from one to another, and thanks to acetylcholine in general it functions .
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can you imagine how economically our body exists, from choline alone it makes acetylcholine, so that we can think, for the tape, so that excitement goes along the nerves where it is needed, and so that we make meaningful movements, he creates substances that allow. bile to move and break fats into small pieces, all this is from one substance, one more thing, we would not be able to breathe without choline, because we have our alveoli, our small these respiratory vesicles, they would stick together if not for the substance , called surfactant, what lines the wall of the alveoli collapses like a balloon, it is always inflated, it’s clear, here
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’s the haline, here’s the yolk, we return to the kitchen to understand how much to eat, so that we have enough haline, here is the biochemical laboratory of our body, well, let’s start with the yolk, how much choline? we need and how much yolk to eat to get the daily dose, one and a half daily norms per 100 g of yolk, that is, this is the minimum amount that needs to be given to the body per day, if we take it, we count it per one yolk, on average two yolks, two yolks per day completely satisfies the need for choline, if you decide to use the yolk, you can do it easily, scrambled eggs from two eggs, here you have two yolks
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got. the hottest caviar kidneys have one daily requirement of 100 g of product, 100 g of red caviar, if you didn’t have enough money for two eggs, then splurge on red caviar, or 100 g of beef kidneys, if something didn’t work out with two eggs, of course , now half of our viewers think, well, how do they advise us eggs, but eggs increase cholesterol, germshavich, a word about their eggs... that is, it has been globally shown recently that there is no serious connection between the consumption of eggs and cardiovascular diseases systems, if you consume one egg per day. meanwhile, our wonderful molecular gastronomy chef, vlad yablonsky, did something extraordinary and went broke on a whole yolk, and even on real red caviar, and
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mine. chicken yolk, it is prepared using a special technology, it is dried, this is a long-term simmering in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances in it, and i also made a cheese sauce, which i froze in liquid nitrogen, this is so that the yolk is not dry, and of course, on top i decorated with a little caviar and added a little microgreens to fully highlight the taste. dear doctors, this is for your efforts, so that you can think better and digest everything, andrei petrovich. almost almost whole, yes, tasty, tasty , tasty and healthy, everything is delicious, and the doses are microscopic, so we sniffed, ate, three coffee spoons, and that’s enough, comrades, the next molecular gastronomy session is in a week, it’s
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all simple. it’s time for us to talk about medicine, and you know, on the medical platform, now mikhail yegorovich will support us, because today he plays a huge role in the lives of doctors. in the laser show program, and then the laser, tamed by professor kanavalov. be very serious about your calling. what professions did our guests master on the path to their dreams? i also worked as an instructor at
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the komsomol district committee, and since there was no such salary, my work book says cleaner yakubovich. i worked as a library for 3 years, i really didn’t like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your home library. tatyana, can i take a selfie with you? all my professions, be it an apprentice cook or a loader, were selected taking into account the best possible i had more time to do what i loved, i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, senior, i told you, there will be a hedgehog, but what is this? my first entry was in the book, my favorite, night receptionist. it didn’t hurt that everyone was listening to you, but no one knew.
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this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10 are, well, very cold. we are in narilsk, friends, we see such beautiful, beautiful dark copper, what is the temperature of this whole mass, 1200°, how the guys can withstand this temperature, the fortitude of a real metal guy, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's make an iron man, if this iron man hasn't washed after his shift, he's tired, then he should smell like this, come on, oh god, you chop it up, throw salt in there, pepper, you start in thirds like that, it’s called.
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well, dear friends, we have a tamed laser, now dr. kanovalov’s young colleagues will continue to watch you, you can stay here. mikhail egorevich, you have
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a laser pointer in your hands. they say that if she shining light into your eye can burn your eye, is that true? if you shine a laser into the eye, naturally, the rays hit and refract the retina, which can cause damage. so i want to say that, of course, the great power of modern ophthalmology, i don’t know , if i shine something into the camera, the camera sees, our operator shows me, don’t shine, don’t shine, something terrible will happen, but this is the it’s actually very interesting, a laser, because even such a pointer has great power, well, mikhail egorovich, today we have the topic of farsightedness, farsightedness, mikhail egoryevich - it's me, your beloved patient. who likes to read with two glasses, and you are trying in every possible way to encourage me to get rid of this, i propose to go straight to our mock-ups and say that today we will talk about how a laser with its beam changes the corneal
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crevasus and treats farsightedness, at the same time let’s say up to what age can this be done, so, farsighted people, people with glasses plus, people with glasses and eyesight who lack diopter, that is, their focus, when the rays are refracted, falls behind the retina, because that they have a short eye, that’s normal. no, this is a normal eye, farsighted people have such an eye, short, look , yes, mikhailovich, i’m in a normal eye, the rays are here, here they hit the retina, and in our farsighted people, the ray hits here behind the retina, according to the retina, there is such a blurry spot, and a person sees poorly, a person sees poorly just like this, but close up, in the distance like eagles. but our life goes on and we need
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a plus lens to see well, so in order for us, for a person to see ok, we have to modify this part of the eye called the cornea, change the shape of the eye - it will remain as short as it was, but we can interfere with this optical system. change one lens , add a little hill here, a small hill , that is, we make a more convex cornea from this cornea, it’s very similar, because in the center we get such a tubercle, and we do this with the help of a laser, but mikhail egorovich says so , in fact the cornea is 600 microns, the thickness is 600, the thickness is 600 microns, and from this needs to be carved out, highlighted and formed.
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are carried out without anesthesia, but there is no pain, the drops are a local anesthetic, it completely anesthetizes the eye, the essence of the operation is to change the curvature of the cornea and cure farsightedness, now the exemer laser is the instrument that evaporates the cornea at every point where the laser hits, a micro-explosion and evaporation occurs. and
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forms its correct bend. this operation is an absolute miracle because the thickness of the cornea is only 600 microns. the operation lasts 5 minutes. and the patient has absolutely one hundred percent vision. look, mikhail yegorevich, people are now looking at us and saying: why haven’t you taken off your little professional glasses? yes. this is an operation for laser vision correction, to change the cornea, up to what age is it done? laser correction, it can be done at any age, but there are rules here, when we understand that elena vasilievna at her age has laser correction, a man has offended a woman of 30, why? insulted, because even if you see. far is better, close up you will still see poorly, because
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explain, but a 38-year-old woman wants to be 38 years old , you can do this operation, the fact is that ... here is our task, look, let’s just explain, this means that it is advisable to correct the cornea until your crystals, the elastic lens, have hardened so at what age does it start to harden, it starts to harden after 35-40. in my incomparable 38 he will turn 40, 50,
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60, his lens will harden, he will be unable to read, this is called age-related farsightedness, presbyopia, he will have to change the lens, so this operation, this is a brilliant, wonderful , laser vision correction, nearsightedness and farsightedness for those who are from 18 to 30. and eight, well, up to 40, okay, up to 40 years old, up to 40, then it won’t be a matter of this lens, but another , in the lenses, that’s right, but you offended a woman, caused sexual trauma, mikhala. well, that’s why i’m no longer at the age when it’s necessary correctly, he explains everything correctly, to change the cornea, i need to change the lens completely, i can even take off my glasses if they put me on a lens with all the lenses, but this
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it’s a different story, we’ve already talked about this, but today we’ll once again shine this beautiful green ray, i’ll shine it directly into our cameras. so they look at me here, here, i don’t know what you see there, but we see this green ray, this green ray - this is a weapon in the hands of a doctor, a super-precise weapon, super-thin, with an amazing result, thank you very much to the wonderful doctor konovalov, let's take a short break and then continue, premiere, i love my country, tomorrow on the first. uglich is one of the most ancient cities in our country. the corner of the volga gave the name to our city, the city on the corner. this is an ordinary house of an ordinary city dweller of the 19th century. the main thing is, of course, the pies.
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there are pies that are quite unusual with pickled cucumber. i liked it very much. your task is to undress and have fun. catch, catch, catch. but there is, this is the fish of my dreams, i want to find local grandmothers and see what they sell from their products at the market, cranberry, blueberry, you immediately feel that wild berries, cabbage are simply gorgeous, try it, timochka, sweetheart, try it, timochka , try it, there will be quail, potatoes, pearl barley, the guys in town here have great goat cheese, i'll beat it with cream, bake beets and make some cool sauce from local berries, well, let's start cooking, premiere, cooks on wheels, sunday on the first, what's worrying you your majesty, why is all of europe up in arms against me, your majesty, the fact is that the fact is that my orders are not being carried out, replacing barge labor
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with the achievement of science is, this is a great idea, viva, it’s not enough to take the throne, it’s also. .. need to be kept, similar? no, i don't have any personal hobbies, i don’t have time for them , and don’t torment me with your stupid jealousy, the great, golden age, big premiere from monday on the first, so, dear friends, this is...
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to this question, absolutely right, i want show now such a table where they compared the most, very different exercises, look, and isometric exercises, combined, dynamic, aerobic, such and such fifth and tenths, first place with a decrease in pressure by 8 to 4 mm hg was taken by isometric exercises, who knows , what are isometric exercises? take the microphone and tell me, these are classes like pilates, yoga, what is the essence of the exercises? the fact that they are aimed at stretching the muscles, the essence of the exercises is that there is no active contraction, when the muscles, let's show, when we stretch, contract, in this case it tenses, but does not
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stretch, but the length does not change, for example, a dynamic exercise, one, two, one, two. and isometric, for example, so i sat down, raised my legs, tensed my muscles, and stood and sat, this is isometric, and you squat, squat, here andrei petrovich is squatting, this is a dynamic exercise, of course, this is an isometric exercise, what turned out to be, friends, firstly, why is the pressure reduced during isometric exercises. because nitric oxide is produced, it is a natural vasodilator, the vessels are dilated, it is clear that blood pressure
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will be lower, it is clear, now we come to the moment of truth, the best isometric exercise that actually reduces blood pressure to 10 mm hg, we invite those interested to join us, who andrei petrovich wants... to try , we show the best control, we lean with our backs evenly against the wall, create an angle of 90°, crouching, straightening our arms, leaning our back against the wall, and i stopped in this position because my lower leg muscles are tense , muscles.
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depending on age, and you do these four sets, four approaches, move away, man, stand up, let's go, so, so, we all rest our backs, that's who is laughing, we now also invite our legs at 90° below, now he's sitting in a chair, please note the time for those who can’t be there, man, go, you wanted to sit down, for those who don’t expect that everyone in the hall is doing this now, hold on to the chairs with your hands, stand up, stand with your legs at 90°. well done, body forward , don’t fall over, like this, like this, so that your back is, don’t rest, and why are you standing up,
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resting, like this, we’re sitting, we’re sitting without moving, for how long, german shaevich, the same thing, let's count down at least 10 seconds, let's go, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 5 4 3 2 1 don't lower your legs, feel the tension in your back, for advanced ones, arms forward, fingers yourself, again from ten on the way back, tv viewers, let's go, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. 5 4 3 2 1 and you are good
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people, and we think, yes, we have a man, this man is a champion, you are great, just well done, sit down, thank you all, please sit down, dear friends, i repeat once again, isometric contraction, there is no such muscle movement, okay? “the muscles are in one position, like this, in this position it freezes into tension, reduces the pressure, sit down, my dears, they did two more approaches, then, well done, but for 2 minutes, well good exercise, that’s just what we wanted to tell you today, dear friends, it’s time for us to finish, and as always , in the end, only one thing: we had a good time. may you live a healthy life!


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