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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 2, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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here we have a man, this man is a champion, you are great, just great, sit down , thank you all, please sit down, dear friends, i repeat once again, isometric contraction, there is no such muscle movement, it is clear, the muscles are in one position, in this position, freezes in tension, reduces pressure, sit down. they did two more approaches, then, well done, but not for two minutes, well, it’s a good and simple exercise, that’s what we wanted to tell you today, dear friends, it’s time for us to finish, and as always, in the end, just one thing, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy.
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hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, studios ruslan astashka, olyava. the conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny has reached its peak, or the bottom, it is not clear how this is happening there, they write that the resignation of the commander-in-chief will still take place, the media are giving insight. he was so closely involved with zaluzhny, because behind his back he was negotiating with western curators to negotiate peace with russia. meanwhile myself zaluzhny wrote an article and talked to cnn, he hinted there at zelensky’s incapacity and called for the creation of a new rearmament system in ukraine, and, as zaluzhny says, it can be created very quickly, literally in 5 months and the whole... the world
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is watching with interest the outcome of a new season of the series servant of the people, which has now turned into a real reality show. zelensky is trying to settle scores with each other, while living at someone else’s expense, to trample each other. this is the slogan of the ukrainian leaders. who will come to finish first, immediately after a short advertisement. what else am i, or a brotherhood of stern men , a revolutionary...
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it will probably take a week to travel here by car, maybe two weeks by car. vladivostok, the city of mostov, water, lighthouses, delicious seafood , it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, well, only if it’s from the taste, there were also welders asking for help below, this is the amur tiger, the biggest kitty in the world, and even loves goats, we can let you go there. is it possible
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to click somewhere now? naturally, if you click on something, something may change. we need this no need now. we're almost there. this is literally the end of the world. look how beautiful it is! go! premiere, tomorrow on the first. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of the olympic team of our country. why is it getting warm? yes, i'm bored, we'll fix the house , you'll find students, headline, athlete , loser, found a champion in the taiga, you'll go to a sports school, then, if you're lucky, you'll go to the olympics, everything will be fine, than i...
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scrap by these fishermen, i don't want i’m going to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, take pity on the semolina, you still won’t bring your father back, game. let's do it this way, training four times a week, three running, one shooting, then i'm in, i mean, well, let's kill him together, fakes. a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people, there are crimes , and love, and most importantly, ethnography, which of them is the hero, a boy or an adult, is also a big question and the rite of passage that happens there, this story could knock on anyone’s door, tomorrow on the first. ulich is one of the most ancient cities. of our country, the corner of the volga gave the name to our city, a city on corner, oh winter, my winter, this is an ordinary house of an ordinary citizen of the 19th century, the main thing is of course the pies, there are quite unusual pies with pickled cucumber, i really liked it, your task is to undress and have
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fun, catch, catch, catch, op, op , oh, oh, there it is, this is the fish of my dreams, i want to find local grandmothers and see what they sell from their products at the market, klyukovki. blueberry, you immediately feel that the forest berry, cabbage is simply gorgeous, try it, timochka, sweetheart, try it, timochka, try it, there will be quail, potatoes, pearl barley, the guys in the city here have cool goat cheese, i’ll cream it, bake beets and make some cool sauce from local berries, well, let’s start cooking, premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday on the first, the muslim world. took the place of the rip world and byzantium, developed the received heritage further, and then through spain, italy transferred to europe, and what is algebra, from the arabic word aljabr, multiplication, achemy, alkymia, even alcohol, alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, what makes a person decrepit. up to 1917
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years, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia, the most precious thing he has, that is, himself, trusted only the russians. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, the line of combat contact continues to shift deeper into ukraine, telegram channels report that our army has advanced in the zaporizhzhya direction,
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such advances are of course not easy, the activity of enemy drones is not decreasing, so another video has hit the network fight between our fighter and a ukrainian drone, confident with a movement of his hand, our guy simply saved the life not only of himself, but also of his comrades, colleagues, the result is that the ukrainian drone is defeated, our guys continue to carry out their assigned tasks, we learn about the situation in the zaporozhye direction from the special correspondent of the battalion, georgi mamsora, who comes to us in direct contact. georgy, hello, how is the situation and are drones really making a difference now and are, well, if not quite a key factor, but a very, very important one. hello, indeed. fighting in the zaporozhye region are now reduced mainly to unmanned warfare and, as a result, to artillery strikes. and it must be said that the zaporozhye front is simply seething. against the backdrop of our attacking actions in other areas of the ukrainian armed forces, attempts are continuing to strike the center of the zaporozhye region in the orekhovsky
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sector. the attacks of the 128th mountain assault and 33rd and 65th mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine were repelled. it didn’t work against the enemy. only artillery, unmanned aircraft, our usual aviation was working on the enemy, this all happens against the backdrop of strikes to the rear areas along the front-line takmak , in my opinion, they simply indicate, they imitate a breakthrough to the city, because they have absolutely no real chance, and also against the backdrop of all this there is information that the enemy is hastily building a fortification behind the backs of his attackers fighters and... they even say that it is somewhat similar to our chaotic defense, which the fifty-eighth army actually set up in the zaporozhye direction, so it becomes clear that they are trying to gain time and are afraid of our real counterattacks. regarding drones,
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still, please explain to us how important this factor is now, because there is a lot of video evidence of this now, especially against the backdrop of the fact that ukrainian artillery is in short supply. ammunition, but with drones, as the military correspondents say, there is generally complete order there, there are hundreds of them launched every day, if not thousands, i’ll tell you from my own example how... if before the dangerous zone of work was somewhere 5 km from the line of combat contact , then now drones and unmanned aircraft of ours and the enemy fly in and there up to 15-20 km beyond the combat line contact, yes, this seems to me to be the main indicator, this is what comes to me, so yes indeed, and if our front ahead is saturated with means of combat, this is a drone detector and... means of suppression, then 15 km from the line, yes it’s already possible
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, yes, it’s a little complicated, and specialists like me may not have these means , it’s simply physically impossible to cover such depth with rap, but ukrainian telegram channels write that we have some progress in the zaporozhye direction, these are positional while fighting or we can talk about a trend, this is a positional trend. over the last 2 months, this will be most accurate, because no one is flying anywhere, no one is striving for anywhere, so to speak, yes, there are no breakthroughs, we are just burning out step by step, we have already returned those positions that were given to the enemy during actions for maneuverable defense, during the counter-offensive, now in some places we are already going beyond this line, thank you, thank you very much, georgy mamsaro was in direct contact with us, well, it was not for nothing that i tormented him so much. georgi, about drones. ukrainian drones today are one of the main problems for our fighters - these are new technologies, new challenges
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of modern war on this topic, how to counteract this, were actively discussed in the popular front stream. let's get a look. our production began to produce invisibility cloaks. is it really true, i ask the experts to answer, that they can protect our russian soldier from the drones that they detect? more news about our military-industrial complex, how we
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counter modern technologies, the military, how we develop our technologies, read in the telegram channel stream popular front, qr code on your screen, be sure to subscribe. the european union finally found money to sponsor terrorist ukraine against the backdrop of thousands of protests at an emergency summit in brussels, european politicians agreed to allocate an additional 50 billion euros from the budget. let's start with breaking news: european union leaders have agreed on a new financial aid package for ukraine, the announcement was made after negotiations at the european leaders' summit in brussels. we agreed, all leaders. seven countries agreed on an additional assistance package for ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros within
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the eu budget. this will ensure stable long-term and predictable financing for ukraine. the eu takes leadership and responsibility for supporting ukraine. we know what is on kanu. there was a lot at stake here. this funding of 50 billion euros gives ukraine some stability and the ability to plan for the future. not only in missiles, ammunition supplies , sanctions, all this, of course, is important, but speech it's about money just to keep the budget afloat, just to continue to pay pensions, salaries and keep warm, so this money really affects ordinary people, it's about financing the business of running the country. the agreement was reached after weeks of opposition from hungarian prime minister viktor orban. ukraine faces serious problems due to infighting in the eu and the us delaying aid deliveries. eu leaders
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agreed to two compromises. first: the european council will hold discussions every year, if necessary, after 2 years a proposal will be prepared by the european commission for revision in the context of the new eu budget. second, the european council will withdraw its opinion on the application of the rule of law mechanism, approved in 2020. it suggests that brussels could stop funding to a member country if there is a violation.
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the mission is completed, the funds in hungary will not end up in ukraine. our position regarding the conflicts in ukraine remains unchanged, we we need a ceasefire and peace talks. as they say, every compromise has its price. orban bet on discontent, knowing full well that it pays very well. nikit, well, of course, now many are wondering who pushed whom, but for me this is just another proof, confirmation that...
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why orban could not push through to the end, indeed, over the last week there has been more and more information about that bypassing all the rules, norms, legal and so on, hungary could actually be deprived voting rights when voting, orban understood this very well and made a certain compromise, what it is: firstly, 50 billion are not issued right now, it is 50 billion until 2027, secondly, the structure, yes, the structure of 17 billion is conditionally non-repayable subsidies for up to the twenty-seventh year inclusive 33 exclusively loans further this money, not a single cent of euro and so on will not go to the purchase of weapons, this is the money that allows, well, the so-called state of ukraine at least some social functions to clear, first of all pensions, first of all salaries of state employees, the state apparatus, and so on.
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and the last thing orban has repeatedly said: okay, you allocate money, but every quarter... we look at how it is financed, we look at whether it complies with a certain european procedure, so what orban has now voted for does not mean at all that those same tranches will absolutely calmly be sent to ukraine in the twenty-seventh year, by the way, economists have calculated ukrainian economists that this so-called country needs 4 billion euros in about a month, 3 and a half somewhere,
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a year, and maybe even earlier, those same tranches may stop due to the fact that where to send, so orban is actually and correctly shows that he won, because this story is about money in a black hole called ukraine, they theoretically could, of course, end up there in this black hole, but with very great difficulties, obstacles and problems, which orban, by the way, for ukraine created. sperinone pavlovich, it seems to me that there is some kind of trap here, it could turn out to be a trap for zelensky, because on the one hand, it seems like the european union... voted to allocate money and some part of the money will be given, including for social payments, and therefore pensions and benefits should be paid on the other hand, viktor orban pushed the issue of control of a very small amount, that is , in the information space it sounds like europe is allocating money, but in fact, what zelensky will be able to allocate to his citizens will he want to,
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well, i think they will still be in the first quarter -that will close, i don’t know how the funding situation will develop further, i just see that... to save face, because the reluctance to finance them is due to the fact that at the initial stage the tasks were set, not so much conviction, but what -hope that these tasks can be realized.
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yes, in ukrainian, yes, well, roughly the same thing is happening now, the americans in general have practically stirred up an internal struggle there, as if between
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republicans and democrats in relation to the issue of ukraine, although in fact i think both of them act in the interests of the united states of america, it’s just that all this is presented , how to say, well, you know, we wanted it, but the republicans don’t give it to us, well, this is an old scheme that has been used a thousand times in politics.
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with water cannons, the police disperse the participants of the emergency summit of european farmers , at which the fate of ukraine was decided yesterday , to the european parliament building, they had to make their way through special cordons guarded by security forces.
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as you can see, there are farmers protesting right around me. let me show this picture: there are fires burning everywhere with a pungent smell, the tires that were thrown there are burning, black smoke is rising, and this is the european parliament surrounded by protesters, and this...
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after all, the europeans once voluntarily agreed to a bankruptcy procedure, not understanding that behind the spiritual and spiritual bankruptcy moral
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, financial bankruptcy will certainly follow and now they are against this... they take to the streets and burn tires, well, by the way, this is the same viktor orban who has been persuaded for so long, which means in the european union , the first thing to do is to bend over backwards to allocate 50 billion euros to ukraine came out to the protesters and said that it was high time to change the entire leadership of the european union. the european commission should represent the interests of european farmers against ukrainians, and not vice versa. we need to find new leaders who will truly represent the interests of the people.
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media, but i ’m primarily interested in how the protesters reacted to the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine against the backdrop of farmers being shown a donut hole? and you know, they say that this is unprecedented for european residents, which are the heart of the food industry , which were simply taken, pushed into the background, and quick unanimous decisions were made by the pro-financial...
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especially those associated with those countries from which goods are imported, and which themselves do not comply with the norms that they impose on the local agriculture. tell me, did the authorities make any attempts to get in touch with the protesters, or at least enter into some kind of negotiation process? yes, the minister met with the protesters. and the ministers are also different, but so far they have worthy decisions it was not accepted, except for the promise to create working groups where everything would be discussed, but in this case it has not been seen that our north-south have united, that is, both the flemings and the volonians are holding a rally for
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belgium, which is divided. language border , this is simply an unprecedented process, it seems to me that unification is taking place not only between north and south, but also social strata, because yesterday we were told, now in the picture behind you, as i understand it, there is a police car there, all this is agreed upon, and this feeling is right it turns out that the police and security forces support the farmers, because the demands are fair, you are absolutely right, not only the police support, but people who... stand in traffic jams for hours, and because they are forced, let’s say, to go around these closed large arteries, of all social classes, they understand that the heart needs to be supported within the country, inside europe, and not try to diversify it all with a purely capitalist world, that’s good, there are assumptions about what all this could
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lead to as a result ? than a farmer's soul will he calm down? the farmer's soul will calm down if they are finally allowed to begin to earn their fair value, or rather, how to receive a fair wage for their labor, which they invest daily and hourly in their business. if they don’t allow it, then they intend to stand here until the last, more and more, these places of farmer road closures are like drills, because they strengthen, strengthen them and are not going to budge, because they are waiting for decisions to be made in their favor , ekaterina, which importing countries? the main complaints, who is violating this one
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? do you know? the normal process of agricultural production, poland, maybe ukraine, where do cheap agricultural products come from, including belgium? well look. cheap products come from everywhere, from south america, from morocco, but one of the trucks that was stopped by farmers and opened, they found, for example, ukrainian eggs, the packaging of which was written that they do not comply with european union standards, where they went further, to what production inside europe or for sale, of course it remains a mystery, but the fact remains that all this is imported, thank you very much. ekaterina sizo was in direct contact with us with a detailed story, but in order for our viewers to understand what the problem is there, europe was strangled with various norms, regulations, ecology, rules, taxes, as a result , farm production became very expensive, and at the same time
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american corporations from ukraine, from south america they transport cheap agricultural products that do not meet the requirements of the eu itself, to that same europe, so now, friends, the fire in european society is burning even more. but it seems that the leaders of the eu countries are not going to put it out; european deputy harald velimsky called on his colleagues to prepare for even larger protests. bad news for european taxpayers. eu citizens, including austria, are forced to send another 50 billion euros to ukraine. nobody believes that kiev will return this money. the ip is not interested in finding peace in ukraine and does not have a strategy to end the conflict. well, generally selfish interest. yes, closer to the body, the opinion of ordinary european citizens is of little interest to european leaders, in paris the situation is similar, there are also burning tires, fireworks, police, which means empty shelves in stores, people are stocking up
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on food, farmers are not going to stop, they are already joined there in france by teachers, students, it’s against this backdrop that emmanuel macron and his wife are having fun at a dinner party in stockholm, and the french... are furious. while french farmers besieged paris, emmanuel macron and his wife brigitte visited a luxurious holoudin in stokolm in the company of the king and queen of sweden. bridget opted for a structured powder blue dress with sequins around the italian neckline and accessorized the look with diamond earrings. the dinner featured a variety of french dishes with marinades, while protesting farmers camped on the highways and barely cooked sausages over an open fire. despite the unrest in france, macron decided not to cancel. his two-day visit to sweden, which had previously been postponed. a government source said another cancellation would be a signal of instability and would damage the authority of france. holding a sign reading macron, answer us, french farmer geraldine grillon said the french president simply did
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n't care about farmers. this is just too much and really fed up - she was indignant. macron doesn’t feel sorry for others, in general the situation is, of course, very interesting, andrei frantsich is unfolding because european farmers can. demolish the european golovers, including perhaps even the ukrainian ones, then you understand how everything is it’s shaping up in a surprising way, how do you think all this could end up for both europe and ukraine? i want to start with the prerequisites for the emergence of these demonstrations, this is a demonstrative deafening victory of the americans over the european continent, what kind of compromising evidence or what kind of evidence did they reveal to european leaders that, despite just these... rallies of filling their capitals with manure, they continue to follow the american line , because what’s remarkable is that these 50 billion that were allocated for ukraine, firstly, the total the european budget is 80 billion, that is, 50 were taken out of there, but this is money for everything, it’s just
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agriculture, which is not receiving enough subsidies that were cut off for them, the same germans say: guys, there wasn’t 500 million for us, they found it for ukraine, in the same place a huge amount of money, 3,000 children will not receive benefits. for complex diseases, a huge number of social categories are not received there, and passionate collective farmers were able to go out on tractors, which means filling it all with manure, it’s just that children with children with parents do not will come out, and this suggests that this process will intensify, most likely it will lead to the inclusion of new categories of groups, we see that there are strikes of railway workers, air traffic controllers, wherever you poke, there are problems everywhere, but the americans are a very competent solution .
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they will accuse us of being behind the farmers' protests, this is our soft power, soon, uh, september of twenty-one, the germans made a joint command of the bundeswehr and the army, realizing that the new... the actions they will take will lead to huge demonstrations, they united these street ones, they had already prepared for this in advance, the main problem for them was when big business, which was losing money, would start financing the opposition, they were afraid that the ter-corporations, those steel foundries that survived two world wars, now they are closing that they will finance these, relatively speaking, such aggressive young guys with weapons that came uncontrolled from ukraine, and they will try to overthrow the government, and i feel that everything is already... close to this, well, here it is possible remind our viewers of the story
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of the mercedes plant with showrooms that imposed sanctions against russia in germany, as a result , mercedes closes in germany, they sell their assets, including and primarily to the chinese, but this is actually ukraine, yes, well, of course without ukraine, because all this served as if this was the reason for trigger, trigger is ukraine, and zelensky adds fuel to the fire, he becomes even more impudent, he said here, it turns out that the same 50 billion that... the pro-union agreed to him highlighting, you see, won’t be enough for him. our intelligence confirmed that russia will receive a million artillery shells from phinyang. meanwhile, the implementation of the european plan to supply ukraine with 1 million artillery shells is, unfortunately, delayed. and these two events signal a global competition that europe cannot afford to lose. that is why today your unity in creating a fund to help ukraine is so necessary. as part of our european peace fund. this is the
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kind of reliability and long-term support that we now have to counter appropriate call. at least 5 billion euros per year for a period of 4 years, this is an obvious priority. you know, friends, we here often wonder why zelensky has become so excited lately, and in general budanov is making absolutely insane statements, more and more completely unthinkable statements are coming from ukrainian politicians and officials, and it seems like the answer has been received. smiling and laughing, perhaps under the influence of certain psychotropic substances, cannabis was legalized in ukraine. dear colleagues, dear colleagues, has the time come? i i am putting forward a proposal to adopt in the second reading a draft bill on regulating the circulation of plants such as hemp in medical, industrial, scientific and technical activities. i ask the people's deputies to vote, for 248 for 248, the decision has been
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made, the law has been adopted, the whole point is that they decided to finally offer the ukrainians the easiest way, to change their lives for the better, well, at least for a while, but meanwhile in the united states they are beating alarm, they calculated the scale of theft by corrupt ukrainian officials, while president... joe biden and senate leaders of both parties are trying to find a compromise that would allow congress to allocate tens of billions more dollars to help ukraine; ukrainian defense ministry officials are accused of conspiring to steal military funds. the sbu announced that officials conspired with employees of a ukrainian arms company in an attempt to embezzle almost $40 million intended for the purchase of 100,000 mortar shells. five people have been charged, each of whom faces up to 12 years in prison. there was one more person detained while trying to flee the country. the investigation relates to events that began just a few months after
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the start of the war. americans, of course, are strange people, they must understand that theft is either small or large, this is a purely american business, ukrainians follow these rules by law. nikit , i really wonder why now, understanding perfectly well that before this , corruption was flourishing there, no one tried to stop, suddenly now they say, look, “what a disgrace, how much has already been stolen, yes , indeed, this is such an ideal information occasion, and to show that, well, in principle, we are actually ready to come to an agreement, to say that help will still be allocated, but this corruption, you see, we have turned a blind eye to it for so many years, but now, especially on the eve of the election campaign, which, of course, is taking place, which really can affect any candidate, i will remind you that
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when there is no election campaign, then in in fact, the winners are the republicans and democrats, who in one way or another are all affiliated with the military-industrial complex, just with different, let’s say, companies, different conglomerates, but when the election race is in full swing , a whole mass of material called americans is poured out on your opponent in the public space sponsor ukrainian corruption, well, in fact, ukraine only condones this. this is very dangerous, which is why now more and more materials will come to light, first of all, it seems to me that in the republican press, and in the conservative press, that the very help that seems to be due. was to protect ukraine, in fact, nothing more than a black hole with the help of which they make money , first you see they are warming up the story about ukrainian officials, but i am deeply convinced that the closer the presidential elections get, the tougher the election race, information will appear that some structures affiliated with the democrats, with the white house,
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with biden in the end also received certain kickbacks, in this sense, by the way, such materials paradoxically play into biden’s hands, because he understands perfectly well, as my colleagues have already said, that ukraine is a toxic asset, they have already forced europe to pay for these social guarantees and obligations , what my colleague spoke about about britain, britain was indeed one of the first to declare that it would still supply military assistance, but the structure of this military assistance is fundamentally different from what the americans supplied, this is not a story about some kind of strategic initiative, about offensive military operations, no, these are drones, these are unmanned vehicles, this is a story about a terrorist attack. about sabotage, but in no case about victory over russia, so in this case, the more such materials come out, the more likely it seems to me that the republican-democrats will not be able to come to an agreement, and not because the democrats, not because the republicans will not meet halfway, because the democrats themselves will understand
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that this can finally save biden's chances of winning the presidential race if he continues to be associated with ukraine with military assistance with the scale of corruption that they are already... do not hesitate to write about, because previously there was a strict ban on this in the western press, we remember how the ukrainians complained to this or that material or the statement of some official, he immediately apologized, the material was said to be untrue, they apologized and simply took it down, now it is becoming mainstream, but in reality it there may be such a very profitable card that will be thrown in at the right moment, that is , perhaps this corruption scandal that is now being inflated, this is a kind of compromising method.
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if russia sits down at the negotiating table with ukraine, it will be only on its own terms; western journalists are now analyzing vladimir putin’s words about the creation of a demilized zone on the territory of ukraine. on january 31 , russian president vladimir putin emphasized the idea of ​​creating a demilitarized zone in
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ukraine, which he argued would make russian territory, including occupied ukraine, is out of reach of ukrainian long- range artillery systems. putin is also likely trying to respond to renewed calls from russian ultranationalists to create a buffer zone between the kharkov and belgorod regions to keep ukrainian missile defense and artillery away from the international one. and good afternoon, if we talk about the process of moving away, that is, it is important to understand that the current weapons, they have
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different ranges, that is, if we move there, let’s say, at 50 km, this immediately dissuades the enemy from using the capabilities of mortars, conventional rszz, that is, like the same hail, most of the barrel artillery, but it is important to understand that there are nato-style artillery systems that fire at 50-60 km, let’s say . there are missiles that are quite long-range, that is, the same american missiles, and a number of others, and there are operational-tactical missiles that were used, say, including for shelling the belgorod region, these are old ones, this point dot y, that remained in in ukraine's weapons, there are few of them left, but they exist, there are converted s200 missiles, and even more so there are various drones, we see that the enemy is trying to send them deep into russian territory, that is, it is several... 100 km, that is, it is a question of movement , yes, it significantly reduces such a threat, because it’s one thing when you fire at mines and
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shells, it causes serious damage, when you can fire with expensive long-range missiles, occasionally, then of course the result is completely different, but of course, that the enemy will use all his might, well , at least under the regime that is now in kiev, he will one way or another strive to continue various terrorist acts, various attacks, precisely because this...
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is an advance north of the village in the donetsk direction the main battles are still near avdeevka, there have been progress in our favor over the last 24 hours, in the artyomovsk direction we are advancing to the west of the city, we are fighting for bogdanovka and moving north of kleshcheevka, which means that in seversky there is still no changes in the ledge and there has been significant advance over the past 24 hours in the krasnolimansky in the svadovsky direction, where our troops have moved forward for about 2 km, that is, the enemy is now on the defensive everywhere. sometimes launches counterattacks, but he is unlikely to be able to seize the initiative in the near future, they will try to do this with the help of nato
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somewhere closer to the summer, when they expect that they will be given equipment, weapons and money, now, of course, they are forced to endure, waiting for the usa to decide their internal problems. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhin, he was in direct contact with us, but in the meantime the western media are trying to interrupt this not very positive agenda from the front, they propose. for their viewers to take their minds off the strikes of european farmers and switch to the new series “the struggle is affected in ukraine”, the conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny haunts them, they continue to count the hours until the announced dismissal of the commander in chief in vysu. now it is intensifying. his departure would be the biggest
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shake-up in ukraine's military leadership. why is it now that the conflict between zaluzhny and zelensky has reached its climax? the illusion fell, because zelensky brought zaluzhny to such a high position, but valery zaluzhny turned out to be not at all someone who is as easy to manage as other key advisers to the president of ukraine. so this is really a problem. almost from the first months of the war , the local government conducted informal polls to find out about the popularity of the commander-in-chief.
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wants to fire his commander-in-chief, because he knows that zaluzhny has been directly or through aides, continued to conduct secret negotiations with american western officials on how best to reach a ceasefire and agree on an end to the war with russia. of course, zelensky knew that zaluzhny was dealing with the west, but zelensky would end if he tried to continue on his course with the army, which is on the general’s watch, a mutiny awaits him.
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however, even a replacement, a change in the commander-in-chief in the ssu will not help zelensky, as the washington post writes, zalozhny directly said zelensky that his resignation will not lead to victory. in a conversation between zelensky and zaluzhny, the general offered some parting thoughts about the problems his successor will inherit, making it clear why a rapid improvement in ukraine's battlefield position is unlikely. any new commander will still fight. he gave an interview to cnn reporters and stated that ukraine was losing due to internal political tensions and even called for the creation of a new state system. we must fight against cuts in military support from key allies amid
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their own political tensions. time will be spent establishing an appropriate organizational structure, filling and equipping positions, providing training and support, establishing support infrastructure and logistics, and developing a doctrinal framework. it’s true that cnn published an article, that is , it’s not just like that, yes, it’s a whole article like that, and well, perhaps, yes, what system is andrei frantsevich talking about, and is there a feeling that
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he’s clearly hinting from the pages... on march 31, his presidential term expires , he plans not to hold it and move on, who in the country can challenge him? a challenge to say you are not the president , let's have an interim government, only troops, the troops have one leader who can lead this rebellion, this threatens the americans, of course it threatens, and if zelensky reported this competently, said that these are not political things, this threatens what you are doing here, you see how you are bending europe, but there is a strike there, but it’s all controlled, we are bending ukraine, here everything should also be controlled, so
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most likely nulan came and confirmed that the supreme power in washington agreed on these changes, yes , it is important for washington to have an alternative source of information from the general staff to understand what is happening there, zaluzhny was such a person, well, most likely ... in this situation , they will now exchange him for a military man who is unpopular among the troops, but who will interact with them in the same way, who is a military man? left the control of the americans? no, i don't think he left out of control, but if some external forces or just generals want to relieve a little of the burden, including the american one, seeing that cemeteries are growing, that the country is sliding into a demographic hole, it is being completely destroyed, this is already a risk for the americans in a controlled way,
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situation, they understand what they are moving towards, how this ukraine will further weaken both europe and russia, that is, the actual military-political leadership of ukraine is a cancerous tumor, even if we stop its movement, metastases in the form there will be constant terrorist attacks in our direction , this is beneficial to the americans, because it will distract us, resources, money, sanctions, it will be possible to scare europe, sell it their weapons, by the way, the americans closed the twenty-third year with revolutionary simple figures in almost 240 billion
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in the area of ​​​​the settlements of senkovka and petropalovka, we are also developing success in the areas of karakhmalnoye and tobaevka. separately , i would like to now touch upon the actions of the all-russian communist party of the russian federation in this area. they work very actively
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guys and front-line aviation , operational-tactical aviation, in the rear, along the front line, and they work in close conjunction with unmanned aircraft, this made it possible to harvest this week, by the way, a very large harvest, we are amazed... an enterprise in the south of kharkov, which worked for ukrainian militants, according to preliminary estimates, this company was engaged in equipment repairs , we cleaned up the ukrainian pvu very well, again, since the beginning of this week, according to my calculations, two german air defense systems and a rist, one nasa radar station have been destroyed norwegian-made and two ukrainian radars, by the way. explains why the air raid warning is not going off in time in those areas, there are arrivals, but there is just no alarm, this week also
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fuel warehouses, rimbaza, two missile and artillery weapons warehouses, also worked on strong points, our guys and enemy manpower, yesterday our attack aircraft attacked the temporary deployment point of ukrainian militants volchan. and the guards also arrived at the volkhavatka agricultural enterprise, where in the hangars the armed forces of ukraine hid equipment and ammunition, in the sandy area, well, our kamikats drones successfully worked on accumulations of manpower and equipment, so now the depletion of the ukrainian troops there is quite serious, thank you, thank you very much, andrey italievich marochko, was with us in direct contact, but our military-industrial complex is developing, we are producing new types of weapons and modernizing old ones. we shouldn’t forget about this either, they talked about it in the popular front stream, let’s see, we have an rbu 6.000 installation, reactive a bomb installation that produces
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rsi bombs, one bomb weighs about 120 kg - this is the same installation for destroying submarines and bombs, and depth charges, how do you use this ammunition, how effective is it, if one such bomb hits a house, nothing from the house no. this is a depth charge, it has a fuse - so to speak, native to measuring the depth of water, the bomb turns out to be a little hollow, this emptiness... we fill it with destructive elements and increase the power due to the anti-hycogen. rbu 600 is a shipborne installation designed to destroy enemy submarines and torpedoes, but the northern military district gives birth to talent, and the guys adapted this story to destroy manpower, infantry, and enemy dugouts in their direction. indeed, a special military operation, no matter how it may be, may be paradoxical for some.
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we tell you all the new products of our military-industrial complex, well , what can be told in the telegram channel stream people's front code on your screen, be sure to subscribe and stay up to date with the latest news. now short advertising. the easternmost point of the chukotka peninsula, we are from dezhnev, dezhnev, songs about flowers, pink roses, lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, well done. that’s all you understand about us men , one thing you don’t know is why we love some and marry others, that’s all, this is the answer, he has gold shoulder straps and a bright order on his chest, the premiere, i love my country, tomorrow the first, we spent one and a half acres in the cold, millions of dollars on board, two dead and four survivors, all of them should have died,
11:55 am
in theory. the story of a private plane crash who was on an ambulance flight and crashed in the snowy mountains of afghanistan, is full of rumors, secrets and is worthy of becoming the basis for a detective film script. a businessman from volgodonsk was saving his seriously ill wife, but they did not love each other and died on the same day. our main task was to provide assistance and bring and, preferably, cure. it didn’t work out through no fault of ours, the pilots and doctors who transported a woman and her husband who fell ill at the resort from thailand to moscow themselves ended up...
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all my professions, be it a chef’s apprentice, loader, they were selected taking into account that there would be as much time as possible to do what i love, i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, senior, you said, there will be a hedgehog, and what is this, my first entry was in the book, my very beloved, night receptionist, it wasn’t a shame that everyone was listening to you, but no one knew,
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hundreds of people, thousands, here comes torkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, masfilm - this is generally a place where there is a lot of humor, always.
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the muslim world took the place of the rip world and byzantium, developed the resulting legacy further, and then through spain, italy was transferred to europe. what is algebra? this is the arabic word aljabra - multiplication. achemistry, alkemia,
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even alcohol. alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, something that makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. persian. the shah trusted only the russians the most precious thing he had, that is, himself, i met a lot of people who think that a woman should always wear black and cover her face, but this is not so, they asked, do you want to add a point, what he does not have the right to marry a second wife, i say, yes, focus on the future and adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face of islam, civilization premiere, film three of: the islamic world on thursday on the first. passions do not subside in texas; local border guards are not going to give in to the federal government,
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they are opening the borders, and opening the border to illegal immigrants. naturally, texas is supported by its neighbors; curiously, steron desantis, the governor of california, is sending help for the first time in history. rebellious state of texas its national guard, it is obvious that the national interests of biden and the interests of the united states, different states are diverging every day on social networks, for about a week now, i even wrote in my telegram channel, the map of the collapse of america is diverging about this, and of course it’s time to remember that the europeans had their own interests, well, luzyana was sold for 16 million, but the spaniards can get it back, well, we need it too.


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