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tv   Umnitsi i umniki  1TV  February 3, 2024 9:00am-9:45am MSK

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on the first, so, the long-awaited weekend, many will confidently go on a visit, or vice versa, they will invite guests to their home, arrange some get-togethers with treats, let's treat the birds to something tasty, they need to be fed in winter, as we were taught at school, remember , we ’ve always made feeders like this, of course, if you haven’t made a bird feeder yet, or maybe you don’t even know how to make one, then we ’ll tell you now, this, by the way, is a very good idea for the whole family, and of course for birds it will be nice, if of course there is a feeder correct and food... it is also good, a feeder, a guitar, a hut and even a gingerbread castle, all these houses for birds from schoolchildren in the kaliningrad region. i am currently working on a cornbox that is on wheels. dima made a real sloop, it took 4 weeks to assemble it, i took sticks, i filed them and dulled them so that the birds would not get hurt, the feeders should be functional depending on the size of the bird, the area for the co.
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i also have nuthatches, i even named them here , one vanechka, i have another one, vasenka, why i don’t know, but i call almost all the birds by the names of the jay that flies are called nelka. the houses need to be hung high so that animals cannot reach them. ten-year-old arseny with his dad and older brother built an entire dacha on a branch. after renovating the house, fiberboard materials remained, and we made our own feeder from it. there are also decorations here, these are maple branches. my dad and brother and i cut them out and glued them here. the feeder will be secured to the tree with ropes so as not to damage the trunk. this is also important. nail sadikov from udmurd.
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i nailed my first feeder to the children's slide, eat it birds, here is a functional feeder , almost automatic, when the seeds peck, here the seeds decrease, they then fall here, the seeds go down, you see, the birds also need to be fed correctly, grains , millet, lard, but not just any kind, salted lard, sausage, salted ...
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today, february 3 , a traditional charity day will take place at the vdnkh skating rink in moscow. anyone can take part in the action; you just need to come to the skating rink and buy an entrance ticket, all funds will go to the wards of charitable foundations. if you are this year haven’t started skating yet, there is a reason, today is the tenth anniversary day of charity for... helping is right, simple, pleasant, useful, this is the law of five, which i derived, this is exactly the same case, you can just come to the skating rink, tickets purchased - this is the same money that goes to the treatment of children, elmira, a ward of the life line foundation, the girl has autism, 2 years ago she did not speak at all, thanks to the foundation there were rehabilitation courses of treatment and we are still undergoing it. after
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that we had a speech, we last year let's go to school in the first grade , let's tell you a story today, look how happy dima is in anticipation of skating, at the age of 2 the boy was diagnosed with a brain tumor, surgery, courses of chemotherapy and expensive molecular genetic studies, more than 5 years dima the konstantin khabensky foundation helps with remission. about everyone they help to continue to live, that is, when we leave the hospital walls, everything seems to have ended well, but you don’t know what to do next, how to live with it, over the past 9 years, as part of a charity day at the skating rink, over 10 million rubles were transferred , a large amount, in fact, which was aimed at helping pay for treatment, rehabilitation for 82 of our charges, as well as for...
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the morning broadcast ends, nikita was with you today pemenov and anastasia orlova, we wish you a wonderful , peaceful weekend surrounded by your loved ones and those activities that fill you, inspire you and, of course, delight you. take care, have a nice weekend, stay with us and stay on the first channel.
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dear friends, hello, smart people from all over russia have arrived to participate in our intellectual telethon. you have been watching them for a long time, and of course we are all very happy about them. our aleopak, let me introduce him to you, judging today’s meeting, the director of the institute for strategic development of the arctic of the northern arctic federal university, candidate of historical sciences, alexander alekseevich soburov, is serving as his secretary. secretary of the panel of judges karina knyazeva, orders and medals come to my rescue assistant, this is gmo university student
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natalya fomenko, she is from saratov. daria baranova is invited. there is such a city as arkhangelsk, the winner of the regional final, anastasia nokhrina, kaliningrad, she is the absolute winner of regional cinema. cherkess, karachaeva cherkesya, is also the absolute winner of the regional final. as is our
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custom, 15 minutes before the start of the competition, i approached our participants; usually i give one topic before the performance. here we get two quotes, but very worthy people, then one complements the other, nothing develops like that mind, your honor, like travel, emile zola, he is echoed, as it seems to me, by mark twain, travel is necessary for those who study. hello, dear ariapak, hello, dear yuri pavlovich. it’s hard not to agree with the sayings of great foreign writers, but i also want to quote from the work of the great russian figure vladimir lenin, study, learn to study, and indeed vladimir iliich himself followed his motto all his life , he improved, educated himself and was an intelligent person, but this is how he traveled
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across the expanses of our vast country , visiting other states, so i dare to conclude that if you want to achieve something in life, you just need to travel, thank you thank you 34 seconds, hello, dear ariopak and yuri pavlovich, with these statements impossible not to agree. after all, travel can really significantly develop a person’s erudition, judge for yourself, we will remember a manor, temple or picture that we saw live much faster than on the pages of a textbook or the internet, and this is especially true for people who study, and as you know, you need to study all your life, because the knowledge that we have experienced through emotions is remembered for the rest of our lives, unlike dry, memorized paragraphs of a textbook, thank you, i have everything. hello, dear ariopak, hello, dear yuri
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pavlovich, it is impossible to argue with the fact that traveling fills a person with new knowledge, develops him spiritually and culturally, this gives the opportunity to meet new people, learn a lot of new things, in conclusion i would like to say that it is better to see once than to hear 100 times, thank you, 21 seconds, big. thank you for the performance and non-standard, interesting ideas, and the first one chooses the track daria baranova, the second one is anastasia nokharina and the third one is alexander tselykh. you have a difficult situation, because the girl is from arkhangelsk, but the fact is that i absolutely agree with you. just please choose the path wisely, because in the past. meeting, i really persuaded him, the young man lost the prologue, they took the green, yellow,
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let him go to the red, how did it end, you remember, yes, yeah, who won in the end, the boy is on the red carpet, and, probably, you are hinting to me to choose the red carpet, i reason, i choose the red carpet, but this is not my pressure, not yours. please, your red, golden mean, yellow, unoriginal, intar color, persuaded, nastya, your green, here we have it.
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yeah, then, other things being equal, we always take the side of mercy, well, you said it, go, my daughter, don’t sin anymore, said jesus christ, please, this is generally a fair decision, because the program called again about the arctic, and we set off on an intellectual journey to this amazing country or... what
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beauty we have here, here are three questions for everyone, well , for now, three key words: pole, scurvy and dog, pole, they say that the north pole is much warmer than the south pole, but why is it warmer? i’ll try, yes, the pole of cold in the northern
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hemisphere is further away from the geographical northern city than in the southern hemisphere. i don’t understand why the cold policy, there is no gold, you don’t know, that’s why go calmly and with a penalty point to the next stage. pavel trofimov, arkhangelsk region, city of kargopol, and there are two reasons, firstly, at the north pole there is no continental land that would cool it, like ... antarctica, which is why the north pole is not quite a continent. the second reason is warm currents, namely the hallstream, it condemns not only the north pole, but also the entire arctic ocean, makes it warmer, not the main reason, they put forward their third, the first, as far as i understand, there is no land there, metric, well what, what is the earth, why is it i asked him why the continent of antarctica is there
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, but it’s not just a continent, there it ’s a serious continent under... sort of mountains, i won’t torment him further, because there were two reasons somehow indirectly sounded, i read the correct answer, but you decide it's a medal or an order, the north pole is in the middle of the ocean, the ocean acts as a heat store of course, not in the center of the continent like the south pole, and secondly the north pole is at sea level, they are at an altitude of 2000 800 meters on the polar plateau of antarctica, yes. the direction of thought was correct, indeed there is a connection between the ocean and the continent from the point of view of climate, but still the reason was incorrectly named the connection, so medals, we choose scurvy, the dog
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is an oceanologist, let him be an oceanologist. this wonderful polar explorer , geographer, meteorologist, oceanographer, in 1928 participated in the rescue of the expedition of admiral nobel, there was an italian admiral who flew unsuccessfully on a ship, in the following 1929, at a meeting of the arctic commission of the council of people's commissars, the council of people's commissars, he first proposed the use .
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what to choose, are you worried? the judge is his own , well, this is bad, yes, well, he gave first place in the prologue, scurvy, dog and girl, well, from the names , of course, nothing is clear at all, well, you’re right, i did it on purpose so that it would not be clear, but how fate, well, like
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a dog - this is understandable, the price in my opinion is more than understandable. this is a very bad , not a good disease, many polar explorers died from it, well, it’s not good to take the centenu, why is it not good, because it’s not a good disease, well, yes, the most important thing is that you win on red, i just i’m hesitating between a dog and a girl, well , i’m hesitating myself, just let’s hurry up, otherwise the dog, oh, oh, the first russian expedition to the northern city is considered to be georgy sidov’s dog sled expedition. she was poorly prepared, and as a result, she walked a little more than 100 out of more than 2000 km to the pole, well , she walked almost nothing. sidov ended among the ice near rudolf island. his companions buried the body on the island and
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set off on their way back. and the owner, it seems to me that this dog deserved to be named by us, the dog’s name was fram, like fram, why did you remember his name? well, because you asked the name, i said , no, why did you remember the name of the dog, tell me that sidov, he was sailing from arkhangelsk, just on his journey, on our embankment stands, as it were... rasidova and with a dog, why fram? as you remember, dasha, admit it, it’s not easy here, it’s just very interesting, i don’t know there.
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if you can’t name all seven, you can name, i can, that there is another option, right? lepedevsky anatoly sergeevich, last names only, and so for a very long time will talk. lepedevsky, levanevsky, komanin, molokov, slepnev, vodopyanov and doronin. queen. thank you very much, move on to the next stage , i didn’t expect it at all, especially for you, because i
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had a backup option, but why don’t we play with you, a question for you, dear theorists, name who was the first to sit in the so -called shmita camp , on what co... matvey chigginsov, city of kamensk-uralsky, secondary school number 34. yuri pavlovich, when i was preparing for the topic, there was such a wonderful chapter, the first was lepidevsky, and what airplane? ant-3, your honor, the plane was ant4, but somehow, i think, let’s not find fault, because it was, of course, lepizevsky, who took it with him. 10 people, can we add more? what for? we won’t give anything more anyway. order, yeah, or medal? this is an order, this is an order.
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tsenga, girl, village. tsenga is a very dangerous disease. it is caused by a lack of vitamin c. and connective tissues, as they say , lose their strength, so during the great northern expedition, a detachment under the command of dmitry lapchev had to stay for the winter in the villages, yes, everyone suffered from scurvy, but dmitry yakovich, imagine, he came up with means of salvation, a very stupid assumption, i’ll make it, but it’s difficult, an assumption, you just need to.
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it’s useless to assume here, you know for sure , masha, i know that you are liars, maria ryzhova, lyceum of the city of volsk, saratov region, it was a plant that dmitry lavtyev himself called cedar slate, now it is called cedar slate or pine slate, mashenka, excuse me me please. because this is the correct answer, and i thought that you were deceiving me, it was dmitry lapev ​​who guessed to give people dwarf cedar, thanks to which the mortality rate
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was significantly reduced and the main thing is that... this was used until the middle of the 20th century. mashenka, you are smart. thank you. order girl, the village in quotes is a bear. last time i doubted between the dog and the girl. now it's time to choose a girl. i have a suspicion that you will answer. on the progoda cheluskin in 1930 i guessed 1933 surveyor vasily vasiliev set sail, he had a wife with him, i there is a strong suspicion that she became pregnant already before this, because on august 31 she gave birth to a girl, this was the first soviet citizen born in the icy sea, yeah. what was
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the girl's name, why was she called that? she was named karina in honor of the kara sea, because she was born when the passage, well, chelyuskin passed through the kara sea. karina leonidovna? were you also born in the kara sea? i was born in warm spring moscow, but still karina. what should i say? anything, we 're waiting. something dashenka baranova from the city arkhangelsk, the winner of the regional final is leaving us because she is smart, she goes to the semi-finals , there is such a program called smart girls, maybe you watch it sometimes, but sometimes you even participate in it, you are already participating well, please continue to participate there in semi-final, clever arkhangelsk.
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was there a correct answer? yes, alone, well, let's play some more, what? let's mark it correctly the second time? yes, mordin. the village of medved in quotation marks, further and further the last one. bear, in quotes. fine. let's go with you so let's agree: translate this word into the nenets language and you will get the name of the fourth most populous city in the arctic circle, i can assume, if not it cannot be varkuta, but varkuta is not a bear.
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well, maybe it’s something in this direction in this direction, if not the top, then it will be like a bear, and coo, coo, and if even shorter, then like a worg or wark, who will now figure out what kind of voice they have in bearish will be wark, hence wark , hence the name of the river vorkuta, which is translated as abundant bears, first the village, and then the city of varkuta, what did i promise you, an order, it’s true, i really promised an order, yes they promised , there’s nowhere to go, let’s get an order, smart girl, sasha, well done, sasha, well done, to the podium, please.
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in the village in 1936 , a factory began to be built next to the nikolo-karelian monastery. in 1938 , the workers' settlement received the status of a city, as this city was called from 1938 to 1957, and what a world-famous plant it was. there is, well, okay, it was called molotovsk in honor of molotov, but you have to earn a medal, get up, alexander karabetsin, arkhangelsk region, the village of shangaly, it seems to me, this is the city of severodvensk, well, of course, to name the enterprise, it seems to me, it’s a star plant, producing nuclear
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submarines, but why did they start with an asterisk right away? there is also another plant nearby, an asterisk - it’s like, okay, let’s not specify, what if everything there is classified, although nothing is classified on earth, absolutely everything is on the internet, the city was named molotov. in honor of the chairman of the council of people's commissars, now severodvinsk, the abbreviated name of the plant sevmash is building nuclear submarines and not only nuclear submarines, i was there on a tour and they showed, well, not a new model, of course, a wonderful city, a wonderful plant, well , a medal is possible, a medal is a must, a medal. last question: poetry: all his exploits have long been known, he is condemned to immortal glory, and not a single soul is interested in the fact that
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he is dissatisfied with this glory, it is not worth one overnight stay, under a wool-smelling sleeping bag, one... pinch of melting snow, one puff of strong tobacco, the poem is called an old man, who is this old man, who is the author poems? thank you, igor vinogradov, city of vologda, vologotsky multidisciplinary lyceum, i assume that the author of these strict varlam shalama. and shalamov is a poet, a poet, what’s my passport name? simonov , well, konstantin simonov, konstantin simonov , absolutely, right, but who do you think this is about, and the old man, the great old man, if
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we are talking about it, ends in the fall, on the eve of freeze-up, a fishing boat, going fishing, found a piece of his immortal glory, a fragment of a burnt wing, immortal glory, that is , which of the foreigners can have immortal glory, and he also died under mysterious circumstances, i went, i’m not interested in communicating with you, so i ask alexander tselykh, cherkess city, gymnasium number 17, i’ll assume that. yes, amutsson, of course, they say that he flew to save nobel, well, the poet simonov believes that some kind of fragment was found there, in fact it’s not clear, they found it there, they didn’t find it, it disappeared somewhere from the radar, and so on , of course, this is a medal, she hands over the medal,
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receives an order. epilogue, ladies and gentlemen, question number one: in semyon dezhnev’s travel notes we come across the expression toothy chukchi, that is, there is nothing offensive if you know why they were called toothy, these are all collections, by the way, polina chidzhemova, north ossetia, the city of vladikavkaz. gymnasium center intelligence, i will assume that they were called toothy, because they could hold two teeth in their mouths, of course, well, of course a medal, question
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number two: on june 5, 2009 , the russian arctic national park was created, the largest in the northern hemisphere birds, markets, guillemots and eiders, walrus rookery, polar bears, greenland whale, arctic foxes, seals, seals, and where is this miracle located, please, andrei solovyov, the city of tomsk, the tomsk humanitarian lyceum, and it was located on the novaya zemlya archipelago, you hand in a medal, you receive orders, absolutely right. question number three, north of the new siberian islands, a ghost island was discovered, the first to report it was a merchant,
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a fur trader, the arctic explorer eduard tol was looking for it, he died in the area of ​​the islands, the great nanson passed by. but i haven’t seen the island, an academician, part-time geologist, science fiction writer, hoops wrote a novel about it. what is the name of the novel, tell me at the same time, what was the name of the fur merchant who allegedly saw this mysterious island. kristina yaroslavtseva, city of polevskoy, severlovsk region, school 4 lyceum intelligence, the merchant who saw the land of sannikov is yakov sannikov, and the novel was called, well... land of sannikov , in my opinion, that’s what it was called and the film was even
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like that, everything is despicable in this raging world there is only a moment there is only a moment there is only a moment and then you don’t know the words for the medals hold on give the medal please. the epilogue is over, in general, we end the conversation with paths about the arctic, but the fact is that an amazing man sat in ariopagus, still sits , i didn’t introduce him as the rector of a floating university, can you imagine ? dear friends, here is the director of the institute. strategic development of the arctic of the northern arctic
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federal university, candidate of historical sciences, and most importantly, he has an amazing university, which he heads, or an institute, if we are talking about the arctic floating university, then this is a university, that is, a floating university with a lot of other university university, that's right, and what is it? in fact, this is an annual expedition that leaves arkhangelsk every summer. i take with me a set of scientists from all over russia, students and graduate students going to the arctic. the peculiarity of the arctic floating university is, first of all , that about half of our participants are undergraduate and graduate students who not only conduct their scientific work, but they also come to a full-fledged educational program, they listen to lectures from leading scientists, but most importantly , they receive practical skills in working with sampling and scientific equipment. and the most important thing regarding safe behavior in the arctic
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, well, you’re circling around the white sea, but no, the white sea is only the first starting point, the city of arkhangelsk, the dvina bay, what do you want to say, that you go out into the barintsev sea, of course, this is the barintsevo, kara, kara, sometimes even the greenland sea, when you manage to reach the svalbard archipelago, and of course, this is not only maritime work, but also landings on the territory of the national park russian artika is an archipelago. new land, its northern part, is the land of franz joseph, and sometimes it is the imal peninsula , that is, an absolutely iconic territory for the russian arctic, what lectures do they listen to, what subjects, the fact is that on board, as i said, there are scientists with all over russia, and these scientists give lectures on their specialties, each expedition involves approximately 6-7 landings and ground work is also carried out, that is, idmonically.
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regions of the russian arctic, and of course, this is the main research the task of the arctic floating university. and what does this practically give them? well, you know, never work in offices or even laboratories. will not replace the knowledge that can be obtained in practice, and we see that a lot of guys, these expeditions motivate them to continue further scientific research, this is great, it’s just that young people are so practical now, you know, they are interested in what it will be, what kind of diploma , then where can i get a job, well, of course, the guys who are doing internships at half-universities, they collect absolutely unique data and then with these publications, and they have a great advantage. it turns out that
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i deal with the arctic professionally and of course i am far from romantic ideas, but ice and glaciers, although the beauty that, and this cannot be combined with practice and romance, and this is an addition, but of course we understand that the arctic exists, its significance is global, its significance for the russian federation, about 10% of the domestic product is formed here, the resources that are extracted are in almost all industries are used and... isn't she romantic? no romance. romance is exactly the emotion that finally persuaded you, this is the emotion that makes you come back here. what kind of ships? our main vessel for the arctic floating university is, of course, a research vessel, professor molchanov, it is an ice
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-class vessel that allows itself to feel quite confident in one-year broken ice, of course, it is not a nuclear icebreaker, but it is convenient. comfortable and most importantly with laboratories and scientific equipment on board. are there any dangers? of course, despite the fact that we are already in the 21st century, unlike the polar explorers of the past, we have satellite communications, we have navigation, we have modern ships or decals, of course, we understand that thousands of kilometers away from civilization, they create risks, therefore very... great attention for students is especially paid to safety, lectures, practical exercises, because how to behave on a ship, and most importantly, how to behave on landings, because the arctic is the habitat of the largest predator on earth, this is the polar bear, therefore safe behavior, and the polar bear is considered the
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largest predator, and a terrestrial predator, not a sea predator, of course, a terrestrial one, that is, at sea it does not pose a danger . represents a danger to humans, but sea predators are cat-shaped , of course, killer whales, purse whales, i think he poses a great danger if he, well , of course, is his head, after all, in general, this is the main diet, but a person also needs to be very careful , therefore in on each expedition, our group is accompanied by inspectors from the arctic national park, who control the area within sight.
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risks are created due to the fact that for the polar bear, sea flight is decreasing, becoming less stable, at least in recent decades, and the polar bear, as an animal dependent on sea ice, yes, of course, dear tv viewers, it may be the one who it’s not clear, you know, because walrus hunting happens when there is ice, when holes and animals float up in order to to breathe, a bear is lying in wait here or calculating, and where he is moving, you know, when...
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god, holy, bread, holy, faithful.


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