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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  February 3, 2024 9:45am-10:00am MSK

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because there is no such rich country in the world as russia, but this russia must, firstly, be protected, and secondly, these riches must be developed and multiplied, then there will be no problems, that’s it, that’s for sure , goodbye.
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easy time, but the difference between this time and all previous ones is in its certain apocalyptic tension, for the power of sin has never dominated the human race as it dominates today, and we know that where sin triumphs, there the devil appears, and we we know that if sin prevails on the scale of the human race, then it appears: and therefore the church cannot
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help but react to the increase of evil, no matter how it is pulled back by journalists, publicists, some politicians, asking with bewilderment why the church invades those areas that are not its areas, and this is in response to the care of the church to ensure that marriages do not break up and that the number of marriages decreases. abortions, so that people learn to dress decently, so that there is no unbridled domination of carnal sin in human life, we will be scolded in the future, and we are ready for this, because the church cannot have any other word than the word that it pronounces, repent, for the kingdom of god is at hand.
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our century, our advanced modern technical civilization, it requires from a person a whole series of qualities that need to be cultivated in oneself, first of all, of course, this is a strong moral sense. handling modern technology, modern technology, the opportunities that so -called scientific and technological progress gives a person, requires maintaining internal quality human life at a very high altitude. so you say it’s the 21st century.
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but all this is directly connected and is again conditioned by the internal state of a person, the state of his moral sense. i would like to say that morality today is a condition for the survival of modern human civilization.
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i may even have said more than once that when the lord visited me with the thought of building 200 new churches in the city of moscow, many people
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were skeptical about this, secular people, so what? conceal the church ones, citing the fact that they are no longer so full. churches in the center of moscow, and is it really necessary to pay attention to this now? maybe something else needs to be paid attention to, but by the grace of god, a firm conviction in the need to build churches in moscow was always accompanied in me by such an internal spiritual uplift, when i managed to do something a little along this path, i understood that the lord was strengthening me in my thoughts to continue. construction of these temples of god, and of course, when you visit such a temple, then there is joy in the heart, and gratitude to the lord for the fact that through this construction of the temple in moscow, he showed his
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miracle; such a large number of temples are not built in any metropolis in the world, anywhere. not in those countries that call themselves orthodox, not in those that call themselves catholic, especially not in those that call themselves protestant, nothing like this happens. i thank god for the changes that have occurred at the parish level. in many parishes today employees, assistant rectors, and clergy assistants appeared who are responsible for youth work and social work. work, that is, for church charity, who are engaged in catechesis of people, and who are engaged in teaching activities. for the first, perhaps, decades after gaining freedom, the church directed all its efforts
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to open closed churches, restore destroyed ones, build new ones here and there, and this was necessary. we were accused of being the church. to a large construction site that we are not touching on the most important thing, but we didn’t have enough hands, we didn’t have enough strength, but without the restoration of churches it was impossible to talk about anything and think about anything from the point of view of the development of church life, today we really have the intention to plow deeper the soil into which the seeds of the word of god are sown. and what does this imply? and this presupposes... the closeness of bishops and priests to the people, but the church has a wonderful methodology for working with a crisis situation, the church penetrates into the soul of a person, and if the priests have the opportunity,
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what is called resolving such life situations, i am sure that a lot will change for us, including the situation with crime, with corruption, with the number of divorces, with the number of abortions, but for this we need much more priests than now, hallelujah, hallelujah. polish! today in the assumption cathedral of the moscow kremlin i had the opportunity
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to pray together with metropolitan metropolitan of dubna, archbishop of the russian parish in western europe. our union has just taken place, we are now a single church, more there is no reason to be in it.
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paris, from holland, from germany, from other countries, we pray together today. sow the seeds of division among russian orthodox people in some
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mystical way, experiencing fear of the united russian church, we say to all people who experience such fear: do not be afraid, we are believers, we believe in the lord the savior, we have walked the path of... confession in order to perceive with a pure heart and bright mind the joy of restoring unity and preserving communication. i'm standing at the cross. on rotmanov island 4 km from the united states, on the bering strait,
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facing the entire eurasian continent, to all of russia, and how strange it is to realize that on this land so beautiful, so diverse, so majestic, given by god, people sometimes live poorly. that wars, clashes, the madness of terrorist acts continue among the human race, it is precisely at this image of the cross of the lord, let us pray that the lord would bow his mercy over all creation, over the entire human race , of course, over our country, russian, over throughout historical russia, so that the lord will help us. concentrate, gather your thoughts and help overcome the sin that divides us.
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let us pray for peace in the whole world, let us pray for the preservation of god’s creation, so that human sin does not destroy the god-created beauty, the beauty of this world. may god's blessing remain over our entire country, over our people. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. amen. god is life. god is the source of life. and if god is forced out of human life, from personal, family and social life, then such a life ceases to be able to continue. we are now truly living in a very crucial moment, we all need
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to concentrate, collect our thoughts, think about the past and think about the present and pray for the future. and i believe that the lord will show mercy to the human race if the human race is able to return god to the center of its life. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. special attention to doctors, an exemplary program for attracting doctors to tula region.


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