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tv   Novosti  1TV  February 3, 2024 10:00am-10:16am MSK

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we all need to concentrate, collect our thoughts, think about the past and think about the present and pray for the future. and i believe that the lord will show mercy to the human race if the human race is able to return god to the center of its life. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. special attention to doctors, an exemplary program for attracting doctors to the tula region, lifting and housing. comfortable. there is very good parkus here,
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there is even a small fish zone. vladimir putin checked how the family of doctors settled in their new place. retaliation from the air, the united states this night struck iraq and syria, among the targets of objects associated with the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps. you go to the left, the tractor is standing, to the right - a mountain of manure. in germany, farmers blocked. well, from the key routes the requirements are still the same: return fuel discounts and tax breaks. ideal conditions for the formation of a tornado. dangerous forecast for south russia. the black sea coast from crimea to sochi will face wind, showers and sleet. what's in moscow? how measures are being implemented to support doctors in the tula region and how highly qualified personnel are being attracted to the region. vladimir putin after visiting the tula oncology center.
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visited the shvetsovok family, the couple moved from oryol to work in the newest center, and received comfortable and spacious housing. the head of state toured the cottage community and learned how the doctors settled in the new place, and there were some gifts. report by alexey koruchinin. the first meeting always begins with an introduction: the daughter of kutul oncologist yaroslav shvitsov name is polina, but the president of russia and the regional governor did not have to introduce themselves. polina, what is the name of our president? vladimir vladimirovich. hospitality from the doorstep vladimir putin and alexey dyumin receive gifts from the little mistress of the house. let's whoever win.
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for the victory, thank you, thank you, bunny , thank you very much, and the president, of course, is not empty-handed, here’s one for you, if your mother allows you to give a children’s computer, you can give this bear, look, oh, what a bear, hello, polina, hi, i need this soft toys that my mother ordered for me, well, here, here, another soft animal, polina already has a lot of soft toys, and for... there are still plenty of new places. the area of ​​the cottage is 120 m2. the head of the family invited vladimir putin to visit the shvetsovs when the president visited the tula oncology center, the newest medical center where malignant tumors are detected in the earliest stages. i would probably like to express my deep gratitude to you, vladimirovich, for your support of medical workers, for the opportunity to work in such a modern hospital. you saw the hospital, it is huge, it has the latest technology, so to speak, thank you very much for your support.
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the regional authorities built new medical institutions here just for people like the shvetsovs, attracting specialists not only with decent working conditions, but also with the prospect of getting comfortable housing. this plan of alexey dyumin, like other measures to support doctors.
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no one really looked, well, we are working and we see positive dynamics, but there is something to strive for, there are those tasks that you set, but are not being fulfilled, cottages, such like the shvetsovs , not everyone gets it as official housing, you need at least a candidate’s academic degree and a general medical experience of at least 10 years, in turn,
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after working for 10 years in tula medicine, the cottage can be registered as property, all houses were built in account of the regional budget, gosh, but how they built it, it’s definitely very quickly here... all standard projects, which means there is absolutely nothing so complicated here, communications failed, the city was handled by the regional center, regional money, how much it’s worth it, well, when we did the substantive documentation, it came out to about 250 million, 28 rubles for 25 houses, yeah, okay. over tea and, of course, tula gingerbread, the president asks how the family has settled down, how satisfied mom, dad and polina are with their housing, and how the new building performed in the severe january cold, everything is fine, somehow, honestly, and they didn’t really feel the frost at all, well, of course, the new year holidays were at home, we didn’t
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go out much in the cold, they were afraid to catch a person ’s cold, but there was a performance just around the corner, that's why we were careful here as best we could, so it's very good. 70 even we installed the house , it warmed up well and in general there were no problems with it. the cottages are very good, there is a parka here, there is even a small barbecue area, which is small with a terrace, the shvidtsovs have more and more neighbors, tula medicine is strengthened by highly qualified specialists from different regions, plans for the twenty- fifth-twenty-sixth year already include the construction of the second stage of the cottage community. alexey kruchinin, dmitry matyushin and ruslan bashkov. channel one, tula region. now about how special operations are carried out. our military destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold on the right bank of the dnieper. the enemy set up his positions in abandoned houses. our intelligence spotted the militants unloading ammunition there. the strikes were carried out by the crews of t-62 tanks from closed positions,
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at a distance of more than 3 km, and the fire was adjusted from drones. and in the donetsk direction , mi-28 helicopters operated successfully, attacking the fortifications of the area and the enemy’s manpower to support. movement of our ground forces. all targets were destroyed. the truth that neither kiev nor the west wants to know. a journalist from the german channel zdf, who made an honest report from mariupol, was subjected to real persecution. at the same time, armen körper just shared his impressions of the trip. he said that he was able to freely get to mariupol by car and communicate with residents. the city itself, contrary to popular myths in the west, is being actively restored. ukrainian. accused the companies of violating the law, demanded an explanation and even threatened work restrictions. the cdf material was also harshly criticized in germany. the television company had to justify itself and say that the journalists misunderstood, supposedly körper wanted to say that russia is only pretending that it is restoring mariupol, although the correspondent himself in the frame says quite
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definitely that life is normal in the city. the united states carried out a series of strikes on the territory of iraq and syria this night, as stated in the white house. for half an hour, the military fired more than 120 precision-guided projectiles and hit targets associated with the iranian guard corps islamic revolution. let me remind you that washington accuses tehran of the recent attack on its base in jordan. and here is the answer. according to media reports, at least 13 people, including civilians, were killed in american strikes in syria . one death was reported in iraq. mikhail yakinchenko will continue the topic. according to the news agency, these images were filmed in the city of elqaim in northwestern iraq, not far from the syrian border. as it appears. the factory warehouse where missiles for multiple launch rocket systems were stored came under attack. you can see how shells fly out from the raging flames every now and then. some of the rocket attacks reportedly hit the outskirts of the syrian cities of abu kamal, maidin and deresor. all of them are located on the line along
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the euphrates, where one of the main transport routes of the region passes. for the most part, this is a deserted area, an open space where there are not many roads, but one of them is being specified, however, when trying to assess the scale of the operation, the american media pay attention to the exact ratio of missiles and bombs not to the use of strategic for which 125 shells were used. b1 bombers. the use of such media indicates a desire for precision in strikes, as well as their strength and scale, so that in addition to conveying a message to iran, these strikes must achieve exactly the targets that were designated. the strikes were reportedly carried out on objects.
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and to iran, especially since tehran made it clear that they are ready for any development of events. we have repeated more than once that we will not start wars, but if someone tries to intimidate us, iran's response will be decisive. the missile and bomb attack on a deserted and relatively sparsely populated area far from the iranian border was obviously considered by the white house. in the safest way for themselves, and even just in case , they informed about their intentions a couple of days in advance,
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and waited for the right moment. the military operation began as the american president saluted fallen soldiers at dover air force base, whose bodies were flown home by military transport aircraft. the ceremony was broadcast without sound. after it ended, joe biden also did not say anything words, just a short written statement on the white house website. today we began to respond and will continue to do so at our own discretion at other times in other places. the united states does not seek conflict in the middle east or anywhere else in the world. however, let those who want to harm us know. if you harm any american, we will respond. it is difficult to say how impressed those to whom it was addressed were with this message, but many in the united states were clearly disappointed. this is a serious blow the number of objects that are valuable to paramilitary groups in the region. on the other hand, these groups had several days to move their equipment personnel to other locations, so the damage
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was likely to be minimal. let me remind you that in 2017, president trump struck a syrian air base with 59 tamohawks, which is about half of what we are seeing now. yes, a significant blow has now been dealt, but the result is not at all what the white house promised. the pentagon reported the destruction all designated goals, and the result of the operation was called successful, however, it is clearly premature to judge this. according to the american press, since mid-october, us military bases in the middle east have been attacked by various paramilitary groups 165 times. whether the attacks will stop now is a big question. mikhail akinchenko, channel one. in germany , traffic was paralyzed for almost 8 hours on the highway that stretches across the entire country connecting berlin with such large cities as dortmund and hannover. reason - new protest farmers. they blocked the highway. tractors, dumped a two-meter mountain of manure on one of the sites. parliament yesterday
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approved a draft budget that provides for reductions in subsidies for farmers. the authorities openly say that there is simply no money for this. public transport workers are dissatisfied with their situation and are demanding a shorter working week, increased vacation time and additional days off for night shifts. 90,000 people joined the reserve, buses, trams and metro did not return to the lines. well, this is footage from argentina. protests clashes with police in the congressional building, where president jovier meley's economic reforms are being considered. people are dissatisfied with the increase in prices, the abolition of subsidies for electricity, gas and public transport, shallows does not hide that the measures will lead to an increase in poverty and unemployment, but they say there will be light at the end of the tunnels. let me add that inflation in argentina has already exceeded 200%. the south of russia is at the mercy of bad weather, according to forecasts in the coming days in the krasnodar region and crimea, showers and... sochi, it is expected that the monthly norm of precipitation will fall in a few days, already now at
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there is rain on the coast, there is snow in the mountains, and as a result , rivers may overflow their banks. there is another danger of a tornado; at the beginning of next week, a cyclone will cover the crimea, heavy rains and snow are also promised there, and frosts will return to moscow very soon. and that’s all for now, we are following the developments, now our program is on channel one. all. hockey players of siberia. the khabarovsk amu was hosted in novosibirsk. match within the kakhel championship. it started with a goal in the forty -fifth second, the guests' goal was scored by the canadian striker of the siberians andy andreov. in the middle of the first period, viktor boldaev equalized the score. in the second twenty minutes, first egor korshkov brought amur ahead, and then efim gurkin, using the majority, increased the advantage of the far easterners. ivan
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klimovich, in turn, cut back again.


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