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tv   Poekhali  1TV  February 3, 2024 12:15pm-1:10pm MSK

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we went to vladivostok today, enjoy your viewing, in order to avoid being late for your flight, we ask you to go through boarding control in advance. we have never started our program at the airport, but this day has come. you ask, where is our car? do you know, go here? a very, very long time, so we arrived , yes, well, it probably takes a week to get here by car, you can do it in two weeks by car, so it’s even an 8-hour flight, we ’re at the end of the earth again, and i think you’ve probably already guessed, where are we, and we are in vladivostok, meet us, let's go, let's go.
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vladivostok has an incredibly romantic image: streets among the hills, frequent fogs, city blocks hiding in them in the morning, all this against the backdrop of the endless sea. and what a history it has: in the 16th century, the country was looking for an ideal place for a farpost on the shores of the pacific ocean.
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such a harbor that it can accommodate both military and merchant fleets, and that there are no obstacles to navigation. it took two centuries to search, until in 1860 part of the chinese lands went to russia under an agreement, and so vladivostok began. the city is very young, and not only by historical standards, but by spirit same. and there is something here that greatly distinguishes it from other cities in the country. how to feel like a vladivostok resident? it’s very simple: rent a local car, at least for a day. oh, muscle memory kicked in, out of habit, passenger to the left, driver to the right. friends, vladivostok.
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this is not only the capital of the far east, but also the automobile capital of our country, there are really a lot of cars here, because every family has at least two or three cars, or even more, and as you can see, they have their own characteristics, here it is this feature right-hand drive, and here i am sitting in my usual driver’s seat, and of course i constantly want to grab the steering wheel, which is not here, you have, firstly... to fight this feeling of size, because it seems that it’s on the left -you should almost have a door now, on the right you also have a car, well, half of it, everything is different here, all the controls are mirrored, in general, this is an incredible puzzle, but for general development, i ’ll tell you , quite a funny thing, drivers say it’s a matter of habit, you’ll spend a week driving everything will be fine, and another interesting everyday feature of this city is that right-hand drive drivers are supported here...
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because the infrastructure is built in such a way that, for example, turnstiles, barriers, they work on both sides, that is, not only like with us, yes, as we are used to , on the left side, but on the right side there are also traffic jams, look what they are, and this is another one of the most traffic-congested cities, so it’s better and faster to walk, we head to the embankment, our legs don’t walk, they run. oh, come on, marya sergeevna, stretch, oh, like a word, it goes like girl, guys, our sports morning in vladivostok begins on the embankment of the sports harbor, this is truly one of the most sports spots in this city, there are always a lot of people here at any time of the year, in any weather and even at any time of the day. runners,
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there is a sports infrastructure here, well , it’s called that because a stadium was built not far from here in the middle of the last century. dynamo, well, part of this bay was called the sports harbor embankment, but today here you can not only run, play sports or ride a board along the ramp, here you can come, for example, to a city festival, admire the views, or even just take a walk and look at this beautiful amur bay. running zero kilometer of vladivostok and here athletes and simply beauties are waiting for us, a runner with a guard, they said everything correctly, good morning, polina, very nice, zhenya, very nice, girls, tell me,
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is it true that vladivostok is the running capital of the entire far east , yes, vladivostok was even the running capital of russia for one year, yes. within race of the russian federation, yes, we took this place of honor, because we have a lot of athletes who run, you can directly feel it, you want to run, of course, you can’t really stop here, but here you run because here is probably the only straight section, yes , well, after all, it so happened that the sports embankment, the sea, it’s convenient, the meeting place is just our zero running kilometer, something in us such an irresistible desire has formed, so since we are at the zero running kilometer, i think we should although it was
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look, this is a couple, a couple in blue on... overtakes, well, we're not in a hurry , we're for conscious running, yes pauline, that's absolutely right, good, we're running, great, the main thing is not to crash into a pole, you do this often, yes, we do, often, three times a week, they also planted the pets, i planted half the city , so can they be called pets after that, maybe they can, yes pauline, this is the easiest section, as i understand it, yes, well, of course, this is a straight line, the flattest place in the city, this . what is the most difficult place in your opinion for runners in vladivostok? we have many hills, in fact we have, for example, the steepest street in the city, shefner street , where you can run, well, with a slope of about 35°, this is very serious, and the marathon,
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for example, which comes here in vladivostok, a climb of 42 km, 800 m, of course everything train, train , otherwise you can just lie down somewhere on the track, man, yeah, so the training must include hills, hilly terrain, and why do people even start running, well, obviously it’s not a pursuit of health, everyone probably has their own motivation, someone wants to lose weight, someone wants to find company, someone try something new, you have a whole club here, yes, our running club, we have been with us for 9 years, over these 9 years we already have more than 15 thousand people, look, a team, a team in the dark... with blue vasilkov ran ahead, what are you left, runners, and we are just for conscious running, having good physical shape is especially important for this city, it is all hills, we are going to the highest one,
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the eagle mountain, however, we are no longer tired from walking, but our goal is almost in 200 m above sea level, better... in sochi, is it a coincidence, but these cities are at the same latitude, as is already known. this is a real funicular, a tram that goes uphill, 183 m, a minute and a half on the way, it is pulled by a cable, and do not confuse the funicular with a regular cable car, because there it just goes along a rope, or rather along a cable, but here it goes along flights , this is public
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transport, this is not a tourist story , these are regular flights, by the way, there are even regular passengers, yes, but you have a choice, either pay 30 rubles and get up here in just a minute and a half, and about 12 miles. and this miracle appeared thanks to nikita sergeevich khrushchev. in the sixties, he visited the usa and saw a similar transport. i was so impressed that upon my return i ordered to make the same one here in vladivostok. another unique thing about this transport is that there is no driver on this tram. where is he, you ask? and he is here, upstairs, in this room, now driving the tram. hello, alexander. good afternoon. what is this? for the levers, is it possible for me to press somewhere now, this is a control panel, which means you can’t press anything, because
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that everything is, as it were, in motion now , in motion in the working position, and naturally , if you press something, something may change, we don’t need this now, the handles are like two handles, this is the brake, this is the gas, this is gas, like in a car, a naturally reversible engine, which means we turn it on either in one direction or the other, because the trailers are on one cable, at its two ends, and accordingly it changes as the rocker moves up and down. an interesting detail: in fact, the trailers run on a single track, the crossing is exactly in the middle ways. how many flights per day are there? uh, 8:00. when i came here to work 30 years ago, at that time i had already traveled around the globe along the equator a couple of times. cars, tracks and stations are like the tip of the iceberg. all the most important things are hidden. from the eyes of strangers, and this is the holy
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of holies of the engine room, imagine, this whole huge thing works only to drag one small trailer, by the way, this equipment has been working here for more than 60 years, and there was only one major overhaul, can you imagine what margin of safety? speaking of strength, by the way, this cable, which is now pulling the trailer, is used at sea to tow it here, and another interesting fact, pay attention to these batteries, a specially high temperature is maintained here, all this for moreover, no, not so that the person who maintains all this will warm up, but so that condensation does not form here, because by the way, that electric motor over there, its supply voltage is 6,000 v. the easternmost point of the chukotka peninsula, we are from dizhnev, dizhnev, songs about
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flowers, pink roses , lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, well done, you’re talking about us men, you know, there’s one thing you don’t know, we love some and marry others, all this is the answer, gold and a bright order on the chest, premiere. i love my country, today the first person who sees us will immediately gasp , i have seven labradors at home right now, they love everything except hunger strike, i love you, they love to be scratched, and they also love to communicate with swans, don’t jump, everything is mine, our cat fichi has a feature, she can really give a massage, at some point she realized, that we like the result, she does, she likes what she does, and so we connected, hello, the hulk changed the lives
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of our children, and in fact, our wife also changed her life in our direction, you saw the video, watch with us, premiere , tomorrow on the first, three things to try in bed, we are talking about sleep, lower back pain sex. the program to live healthy, enlightens, on monday, on the first. another symbol of vladivostok is the tokarevsky lighthouse. to see the lighthouse up close, you need to work a little, oh, work hard, just walk
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5-7 minutes, maybe 10, because walking here is not easy, along the spit it is also called a cat, no, there are no fluffy, tailed, mustachioed animals here, well, you know what is probably the main advantage of this path, you look for these views, if you arrive at the right time, exactly at sunset or maybe at dawn. but i think the local guides will tell you everything here, when and where? and the main thing that you need to remember to do is, of course, of course, of course, traditional, how, how could we be without our favorite photograph, so that the sun was visible, mine, by
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the way, is active, the sailors navigate it while passing from the amur bay to the basfor strait, the eastern one, and also... on the way to golden rock bay, where there are trade and fishing ports, including the pacific military base - naval fleet. well, you must admit that lighthouses have their own special atmosphere, something eternal, for example, this lighthouse has been a landmark for many, many ships for how many years? well, how many years, well, more than 100, since 1913, to be precise, and you also know that the advice is, come here, you know, when... in february or march , a spotted seal comes right ashore here, and your photos will become much more attractive, it turns out that you can also make friends with pinnipeds, take a selfie with them, or at least feed them, maybe train them, let's go admire, just like that ah-ah. it’s getting dark, it’s time to go
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to an unusual area of ​​vladivostok, a place where you can feel the spirit of a bygone time, and where there are many legends and secrets. the most popular story about robbers' treasures is that supposedly gold and silver coins are hidden in the basement walls of houses. the story is, of course, beautiful, but if there were once treasures, they were probably found before us. listen, look, it’s just a well, yeah, that’s what they call this yard. the well is a peculiar little area in the central part of vladivostok, it’s called milionka. today there is a fashionable youth quarter here, there are many restaurants, cafes, bestros, bars, but at the beginning of the 20th century there was chinatown.
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china town, chinatown. well, vladivostok has a lot of national... well, by the way, yes, i would have a cup of coffee. a century and a half ago, it was a real city in the city, with its own customs, rules and laws, like a tricky place in moscow. respectable citizens tried not to wander here, they could find trouble, it’s good that all this is a thing of the past.
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in a word, at night looking to take a walk to the hotel, all the main hotels in vladivostok are within walking distance, we stayed in the center, in a room with a beautiful view of the sea. the choice of housing is very good, and prices start from 2,000 rubles. per room. there are regular three-star hotels and luxurious five-star hotels. we start a new day in the center, and you know, there is the feeling that we never left moscow. on the address plan it may seem that we are now in moscow, at the yaroslavl
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station, but no, we are still in vladivostok, behind us is the same famous vladivostok. station, it was made in full likeness of the yaroslavl station, and this is not without reason, yes, but it looks like such a small, you know, reduced copy of the yaroslavl station, and of course, this was not done by accident, but in order to somehow loop the huge trans-siberian highway. and this pillar, like a symbol, its ending is 900. 288 km from moscow to vladivostok, yes, well, at the yaroslavl station, accordingly there is a zero kilometer, although to be more precise, the road was being laid.
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from one end of the country to the other, and it took 25 years to build it, and all these metal structures were delivered here by water, but then and now it was possible to deliver coal from one end of the country to the other, where it was not, or for example, if there was famine in one area, it was possible to deliver bread there, well, it’s also worth noting that the transit ends here for passengers, but the in fact, the road continues for a couple of kilometers to the commercial seaport, if you have already reached vladivostok, then you definitely need to find time for a trip to the safari park, guys, we are stopping by. to the territory of the famous seaside safari park very soon we will be able to see a real amur tiger, leopards, and in general there are a lot of
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rare animals here, including those listed in the red book, and it is worth noting that this is not a zoo, it is a kind of shelter for those animals that are not were able to survive in their natural habitat, yes, that is, if they were really in the wild, then they have a chance of survival. and they are also located right in a natural, truly natural environment, and you can admire them, often without any cages or bars, right from somewhere on the bridges, in a fenced area of ​​the forest, each animal has its own territory, a bear will not meet a tiger, and the rare red wolf and sika deer, some animals are tame, they are not only not afraid. and we are very happy to communicate with them, so before we even entered the territory of the safari park, we were already greeted by a light, the kids would say, oh, this is bambi, remember
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, this cartoon is about a fawn, yes, well, this fawn also has its own sad story, he strayed from his mother, of course, we don’t know how, but mushroom pickers found him and brought him here, now, if it weren’t for kind people, oh-oh-oh, he kisses me, listen, now he’s so well... small, affectionate, five years will pass, and he will turn into and bembik will become a dangerous animal, a 120-kilogram seasoned such a deer, and so he won’t kiss us anymore, but in the park you can see 70 species animals, first there were deer, roe deer, wild boars, then predators, look, now i ’ll do this, responds with ears, moves, guys, this is the amur tiger, the largest kitty
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in the world, but this is not an ordinary tiger, the most famous kitty of this tiger name is cupid, and remember, he had a friend timur, this is the case when a tiger made friends with his prey with a goat, but remember, timur and cupid were more popular than movie stars. their life was broadcast almost in the format of a reality show, but unfortunately their unusual friendship did not last long. we lived together for 2.5 months, and then the tiger did not share something with his horned comrade, he showed the character of the goat and injured him. this confirms the fact that you should not be friends with tigers, no matter how cute they are. predators are the pride of the safari park. visitors walk along a circular path. are watching them, here, by the way, there is another question, who is watching whom, look at how they look at us,
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look, look, a light snack, this, this , this is it, the main rule here is not to put your hands under any circumstances grate and even close to it, but they can eat a lot like that, guys, this is here, guys, according to the definition in the wild, a tiger eats this up to 35 kg per. vlada, pay attention, there is a heart on the left eyebrow, this is an amba, but you can throw him a piece, yes, you can, and you yourself.
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and yes, yes, i feel like a tiger mistress, yes , only they don’t look at your piece, they look at you entirely as prey, so, well, which of you, but what’s the matter, how do you do it, they’ll fly there, come on, oh, this is a beast, see? and in my opinion she grabbed him, no, yes, yes, yes, of course, he’s out there, eating, eating, eating, all the animals here behave the way they want, they work out the assigned number, look, even the birds here are tame, you will, this is a rook, by the way , his name is ruble, and ruble, by the way, he is not a vegetarian at all, look, ruble got everything he wanted and flew away , the ruble got
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its donut. and this is the rarest of all the big cats on the planet, the far eastern leopard, as it is called, great russian, great russian, great russia, at the beginning of the century they were on the verge of extinction, there were no more than forty of them left, now their numbers have increased. three times, but this is still very small, and zoologists continue to restore the population, this leopard is also a participant in this program, someday it will give birth, but for now it fattens and rests, like all the predators here, and if it jumps, what kind of jumping ability does it have? , i realized what kind of jumping ability he has, tell me how much you jump up to 7 m, up to 7, you’ll almost fall straight into it.
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surprisingly, even knowing that the predator is very dangerous, you want to look at it and be a little closer. that case when you can get behind bars, because here you no one will offend, he will only kiss him like this, just like this fir deer is quite capable of him. of course it will offend us, yes, and these are bembiki, in fact, in science they are called manjurian goats, or just roe deer, you've probably heard this name, yes , of course, a very voracious animal, very curious, and how cute it is, how it’s cute to feed little fawns, and this is a girl, very well-fed, you’re already a grown-up
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girl, one... she’s maybe not a very good angle, but it’s very cute, dear, a very cute animal, and this is alenika, and this is an endemic, that is, this animal lives only here in this territory , nowhere else, and she is pregnant, and here we are accusing her of being overweight, so the girl, she eats a lot because she eats for two, maybe for four, i'll tell you, i want it. take a photo with the baby, baby , come here, you forgot the main rule , nothing can be solved here without food, come on, come here, come on, the animals have been fed, so you yourself are pretty hungry ahead of you in search of local delicacies, mainly seafood, of course, it’s for nothing that we are located on the ocean shore,
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in general the local cuisine is very... multi-layered, it combines dishes of indigenous peoples, and the delicacy of the first settlers from central russia and, of course, there is something from neighboring asian countries in it. in general, we are familiar with far eastern cuisine , there were crabs, there were scallops, there were oysters, there were izhi , your favorite, but we haven’t had octopuses on our travels yet, and even some kind of octopus, yes, those that are only here. in vladivostok, meet chef nikita. nikita, what are we going to do now? cook, or rather, how will we cook? this is our local octopus, the doflen variety, it is a giant octopus, it weighs from 10 kg and above, it grows up to 50, it can break a car, yes, we will cook it in an ordinary frying pan, every housewife has one, the recipe does not seem complicated, but there is its subtleties. we pour soybean oil.
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soybean or soybean is suitable, well, we use it here in the far east, you can sunflower, here it is, our tentacles are already prepared, not on a hot frying pan, well, no need for a hot frying pan. i i’ve never seen an octopus so close and never tasted it, it’s essentially pure muscle, yes, it’s protein, yes, it’s pure muscle, it has a lot of collagen and before you cook it, you need to crush it a little to remove the spasm from it to avoid wrinkles, you need to eat osminodo, and you eat, you get sick, so we take another hour, a peel for taste, add to our osminodo, what a smell. yes, i really want to, add butter, yeah, now let’s have your way out, oh, so, wow, wow, marya sergeevna, burn it,
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burn , burn, don’t be afraid, it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, don’t be afraid, but we, and we, and you too, well, only if it’s from the taste, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, you see, it’s foaming up like that, for a separate payment, now your way out , well, finally, we waited, what are we doing, well , cut it at an angle, preferably, the principle of cutting is called festive, yes, it can be festive, well, in the army, in my opinion, oh, how yummy, can i , or very hot, well, very hot, better warm it up, the heat. well, it’s probably delicious, well, well, what, well, what, what does it taste like, well, belissimo, incredible, yes, only here, only in vladivostok, maybe this kind of octopus,
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so incredibly tasty, cosminus is served aromatic, but very, parsley with soybean oil, and also lemon juice . did you know that omega-3 acid, which is contained in osmospod, turns out to help treat atherosclerosis. maria sergeyovna, of course i understand that you are hinting at my age, but i know that atherosclerosis is not the sclerosis that everyone forgets about, it’s a slightly different sclerosis, with this sclerosis i’m okay ok, by the way. what is your name? yes, that’s why we ended up in vladivostok when we were going to khantemanziysk. listen, the dish , in fact, as they said, is extremely dietary, just protein, you can’t gain weight even if you eat this whole octopus
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alone, exactly, one hundred percent guarantee, info cell, as young people say now, why haven’t i eaten octopus before, amazing, and maybe he ate on... we spent one and a half acres in the cold of a million dollars on board, two dead and four survivors, lucky, in theory, they should all have died. the story of the crash of a private plane on an ambulance flight that crashed in the snow-capped mountains of afghanistan is full of rumors, secrets and is worthy of becoming the basis for a detective film script. a businessman from volgodonsk was saving his seriously ill wife. they loved each other and died on the same day. our main task. was to provide assistance and bring, preferably to cure, it did not work out through no fault of ours, the pilots and doctors who transported a woman and her husband who fell ill at the resort from thailand to moscow, themselves found themselves on the brink of life and death. initially, it was necessary to escape, how many hours did you walk from the plane, about 4-5 hours in
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the snow, our exclusive today is a lifelong air drama, what happened to the private plane, you were unconscious, i no longer asked for my son to stay alive , he saved four souls, he... is already a hero, he is a private pilot, not a professional, you tell me what the mistake is, piloting errors are of no concern here, your son had no right to fly this plane, everything is exclusive with dmitry borisov , premiere, today on first, come, please, listen, vadim fell from the roof, either you get one and a half lyam, or the conversation will end, and this end will be very bad for you, you...
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what worries you, your majesty? why is all of europe up in arms against me? your majesty, the fact is that my orders are not being carried out, replacing barge labor with the achievement of science, this is a great idea, viva, taking the throne is not enough, you still need to keep it, it seems, no, i have no personal hobbies , i don’t have time for them, and don’t torment me with your... stupid jealousy. great, golden age. big
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premiere from monday, on the first. vladivostok has half a million residents, and the city is surrounded by water on three sides. it is not surprising that it includes several dozen islands. well, for me personally, the association with vladivostok is, first of all, bridges, large, long, beautiful, there really are a lot of them here, now we are driving along the golden bridge, why is it golden? no, guys, there are no precious metals in it, no, unfortunately, there is no gold in the design, it just runs through the golden horn bay and connects two important districts of vladivostok, and this bridge itself is one of the top five.
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golden rock bay is behind, the eastern basfor strait is ahead. our tale about the bridges of vladivostok continues, now we are driving along the bridge, which is called russky, because it leads to the famous russky island, this is the second highest bridge in the world. well, you can still find it on the two thousand dollar bill. yes, this is actually a record-breaking bridge, because the length of the span at the time of its construction was the longest among all of you. bridges 1104 m,
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well, before, i’ll tell you, get to the island was russian only possible by water, ferry or rented boat? yes, and now this is such a beauty, again the time has been reduced incredibly, its throughput is also huge, two lanes in one, two lanes in the other, and most importantly, look at the color, the shrouds are painted in the colors of the russian tricolor, and what a gap. now the island is actively developing; a seaside aquarium, the largest in the country, has been opened here. music and ballet schools accepted their first students, and new buildings of the far eastern federal university. what else is russky island famous for? their. students, there are a lot of them here, 20,000, imagine, this is a city within
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a city, but we are on the territory of the largest university in the far east, they teach here, just think about it, 250 professions can be obtained, well, i mean, one of them, well, we today with maria we will try to immerse ourselves in ordinary student life and remember our youth. knows exactly, excuse me, hello, which
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faculty has the most beautiful guys, in the polytechnics, continue the phrase: study in the morning, kvn in the evening, in the morning, study , in the evening, rest, okay, dancing, they dance in you here, right here, thank you for not talking about being a student - the best time in life, eat little, hardly sleep, dance all semester, well, tremble during the session. christina, hello, hello, how do you say hello to people like that now? i think maybe they’re already behind the times, well, no, you
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’re doing everything right, so, well, tell me, what are you doing here, are you ever on the mainland? well, periodically. basically, yes, i live here in a hostel and how is it here, well, how is the hostel? this is such a large hotel complex , the first time i moved in, well, i was in my fourth year of study, it was 4 years ago, i moved in, i didn’t believe it, well , it seemed to me that now i was going to live for a week and they evicted me, but it turned out that they didn’t evict us, you know, they clean our place, but of course they don’t cook for us, but somehow we ourselves - it’s still clean, by the way, i recently found out that we have three pools, i thought there was one big one. it turns out we have three sports complexes, each with a swimming pool, a person in 4 years has not even i knew they had three swimming pools, can you imagine? i can’t get around all this, what faculty? i’m studying journalism, and so you’re our collegue, what are you doing, how nice, wait, what are your plans for your future life? for the next one? well, first of all, i want to draw your attention, we
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are sitting at the world youth festival, i also submitted an application there, i really want to get there, just so as not to jinx it, so that it comes true, you know what needs to be done, just like that, fingers. the same as it was many centuries ago, well guys, we have a walking tour, it’s here
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maybe only on foot, to the famous cape tabizin, this is literally the end of the world. and you know that the first thing that surprises you is how beautiful it is, on the left hand is the gulf of peter the great, on the right hand is the fox, and in general mustabizin, as we were told, it does not carry any historical information or value, it is more of a tourist location, well beauty for inspiration, cool photos, just look, look there. look how beautiful it is, look how beautiful it is, but i can’t, my emotions are just over the edge, i’m going to mystabizina, of course, requires some preparation, for information, dress warmly, it’s always colder here than in vladivostok
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, wait, wait, wait, look how beautiful it is, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, don’t run away, don’t run away, wait, yes, wait, where are you rushing, look, that same cape, listen, well, it was worth it, of course, how beautiful it is here, this is all our russia. well, we have the last climb, come on, you go ahead, you know, yes, only one thing bothers me, you see, this stone, it feels like it’s going to fall, but marry me she reassured me and said that he has been here for 100 years already, at least, it seems to me that he moves
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a little straight, where, well, when i do this, he wobbles a little, that is, do you think yours are like 48 kg? recently there were 35 , like your cat has a thousand and something, oh okay , we climbed like this and where now, and now we’re probably holding on to a pebble, oh, well, milky , you see, i said yes, it’s holding tight, so zhenya, let’s say, it’s withstood me, then it ’ll withstand you. everything would be fine, but what to do here, or there, and there is also a rope there, that’s all, everything is fine, it’s like a railing, wow, you need to be careful here. really, really, really, we’re holding on to the rope, well, that’s it, we’re almost at the goal, there’s one
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more small lift, well, well, just a little bit left, come on, don’t lag behind, well, we’ve arrived, i see the table. hurray, hurray, we are at the edge of the russian land, the journey was , of course, not an easy one, yes, but we managed it, we flew across the whole country, got to the island of ruski, from there we walked several kilometers to end up here on the cape of tabizina , to moscow 9.288, huh? yes, kamchatka, by the way, we were there recently 2,255 km, but
1:03 pm
seoul is only 743 km away, which is about 2 hours of flight. and to our goal, to the cape, the edge of the russian land is just a stone’s throw away. we're already there. vladivostok enchants. makes you fall in love at first sight. once you come , you will never forget this city on the pacific coast. vladivostok, the city of bridges, water, lighthouses, delicious seafood. thank you for a great weekend at the ends of the earth, and for this wonderful weather. yes, well, it’s also a city of sports, after all, the birthplace of samba after all, running is treated with due reverence here. we leave here a piece of... our soul, and also the hope that we will definitely return here, but in the summer, however, we need to take care of this in advance, it’s better now,
1:04 pm
yes, because, of course, there are no places here in hotels in the summer find, well, on this sunny note we end our journey, say goodbye to vladivostok, evgeniy pokrovsky, maria osadnik were with you , our project, let's go, let's go. our homeland, russia, our great country, what can i say, i love it very much. russian man - he is one of the kindest people on the planet, he is always ready to help, joke at the right moment and just keep the conversation going. family is the most sacred thing in... that is on earth, the most sacred thing that is in the whole world, how can you live with me for so many years, explain, in the country, i think we must give in to each other,
1:05 pm
my hobby is ringing church bells bells, and i am the bell ringer of our local church, i like to do nothing and relax, happiness is when you are understood, when you are appreciated, loved for the fact that you exist.
1:06 pm
stupid, i used it for firewood, it worked, it worked, i finally found it!
1:07 pm
put your finger back, the soothsayer dai used to live here, and he left for china, now i’m for him, of course, you know who i am, old woman, but how can i know who you are anyway? i... the great antiochus, the leopard of the arabian sands, the flying bat of the night, and what do you want from the poor little old lady, i came so that you could call the spirit, mabs, no, no , no, for nothing, for nothing, mabu, well, whatever you say,
1:08 pm
maba, i urge you, go away, come out, sharam, you don’t have to say anything, antioh, i know, why did you come, and how can i get what i want, but i don’t know, there is. there are many ways, buy a lottery ticket , ask santa claus for a gift, you know the way: the sacred glass, which is kept in the main temple of alexandria, that’s what you need, antyuk, steal the sacred glass , of course steal it, shame, that’s it, maba, wait , i
1:09 pm
can’t do it alone. come on, you will have assistants, the reception is over for today, oh no, name the price, i’m buying a teapot, mom, okay, well, if you need it, take it, you’ll play with me, here’s another one, just not forget, feed three times a day, walk her, get vaccinated against distemper, rabies, yes, everything is clear, yes, she really loves dates,
1:10 pm
lard, be. it's cool, being a pirate is cool, of course, the work is hard, but the salary is good, and they also give you a saber and an eye patch, i want it too, why do you need to be one-eyed, no, i'm not talking about that, i want to be a pirate, a woman should sit on the shore and wait for the sailor from the voyage and cry, well, don’t cry, sidbadik, sidbad, kitsam, while you play with the girl...


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