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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 4, 2024 2:20am-3:11am MSK

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there is still such an opportunity, and i am glad that thanks to the sponsors and support, because all the guys study with me for free, i met somewhere with you that the most important thing now is yes, in fact at all times, this is the only thing, what remains of the present in general is sincerity, now i think that this is something that, thank god, we have not adopted from the nineties, how are you i'm fine, this is i am fine, in fact, the person who asks , how are you, he doesn’t care about your problems, and he... work, dear friends, they’ll say, what’s all this, let’s do it all, let’s start the same way as you expect in response, when our friends were with us today, people’s artist of the russian federation, artistic director of the moscow provincial theater sergei bezrukov, thank you, there was a creative podcast with you. industry on channel one, its
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presenter elena kiper, producer, video director, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives and media manager, we say goodbye to you, goodbye, thank you. hello, this is your podcast.
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semiconductors, thanks to the emergence semiconductors, the fact that previously, with the help of large electric lamps, radio tubes, it was possible to assemble electronics that were placed there in cabinets, it turned out to be possible to miniaturize to the level of a device in a pocket and at the same time there are transistors there, unlike lamps there can be billions, well, who is it true someone is especially interested in whether people have radio waves, and even radio waves, and what is wi-fi, how does it differ from gps, for us? still knows where it is in space, if it didn’t know, a taxi couldn’t be called, well now this device is slowly starting to talk to him, well, just like in fairy tales, in general this whole story is about the development of technology, this is in many ways the story of the implementation of old, old fairy tales, including
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russian fairy tales, well, ivanushka rode around the village on a stove, well, now it’s a different form factor, well, in general, the problem of unmanned vehicles was solved on a slightly different hardware base, not with the help of a stove, with the help of something familiar, well, well, it was solved in basically the same way, then again, in these fairy tales there was a pike, then... the problem is to talk with some creature, with some, with some entity, even, i will say this, and at the same time get some information, perhaps change something in the world around me, well, i can talk to a smart speaker, and the light in my house will turn on, a fairy tale, which just thanks to these digital technologies has slowly become an everyday reality, but a fairy tale always has villains, can neurosow artificial intelligence become this villain? “will the neural network take over
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the world, will they kill us, won’t they capture us, won’t they kill us , no, what’s so, where do you get such optimism from, you are now avoiding, for some reason, using a word that is also almost... well, maybe a phrase from the year 23 , artificial intelligence, and with all the claims to this word, which i can expound for a long time, will be enough for the whole program, with all the claims to this word there is one important thing: it’s really about intelligence, it’s about that we taught computers, there are smart speakers, it doesn’t matter, we taught some devices around us to solve those problems that traditionally belonged to human intellectual activity, but and why? while everyone is talking about tasks, these are intellectual tasks , i don’t know starting there, chess, chess, writing an essay, this is all an intellectual activity, taking over the world is not an intellectual activity , this is goal setting, this is a personality, this is about presence, yes , yes, yes, this is about goal setting,
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this is about ethics, this is about morality, about motivation, all these things are not about some kind of intellectual actions, they are about other characteristics of the human personality, this shift... which is sometimes done, well, for example, in fiction, and this is correct, the terminator is not just an intelligent, very powerful mechanical robot, he is also a very unique personality, so he wants to take revenge on someone, conquer someone, punish someone, and so on, but these are the characteristics of his personality, not his intellect, so while we have no idea whether we can even create an artificial personality, well, we don’t know how to approach it. how to create copies, how to create procedures that reproduce our intellectual actions, here is chess , a vivid example, or there is translation from one language to another, we know this, we can do this, we can do it better every day, personality, motivation,
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morality, is it possible for the emergence of artificial emotional intelligence, artificial social intelligence, i would prefer not to look into... the reason that, despite all my gray mane, i am not yet a sclerotic person, so as to forget what they talked about 35 years ago, just when the internet, and the modem, and my computer were connected with some computer in another city altogether, a wonderful miracle , at that time, of course, there were a lot of forecasts, and how many forecasts were at the end of the century, here is the time of 2000, because all of humanity, here we are entering a new era, not just a new one millennium, and how it is...
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this is a steam pipe that sticks out from every window, and, if we say so, oh,
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the power supply of the household has really increased, and this is true, that is , they foresaw that some kind of machines would appear at home correctly and truly the industrial revolution led. to the one, that and the industrialization of the household happened, only it happened in a different way, that’s the whole story about what will happen to electricity, that electricity will not just be a steam stove in every house, which is still heated by a steam engine, but no, it will be centralized energy generation, these will be power plants, these will be wires, this was not even close to being foreseen, but it may happen that 5 years will pass, and people will say, well, neurose, well, yes, she can do something,
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so i can do anything, i can do it to my grandmother from the forest call, i can watch my favorite tv show while sitting on the train and this...
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and yes, for some people, especially older people, it was difficult or they couldn’t do it, because in the end, well, the first operating systems, there were some... some windows, the courses were expensive , windows users, because without this a person, well, without taking such courses, could not simply continue to do his job, because he has, well, i don’t know, instead of a typewriter, in general he has...
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which yes with a delay of a few seconds, but when it’s an online conference, technically it’s very easy to shift the entire broadcast
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by a few seconds, then you really have everything, even so to speak, the synchronization of a smile from what a person says goes absolutely perfectly, so the story about the fact that the profession of a translator will, again it won’t die, but it will be very much transformed, and the current copywriters will probably also remain unemployed, do you know? left without a job, it’s true, it’s not that uh, it’s such a very official labor market, but all over the world there is a huge, well, not i know, the gray shadow market, this is the writing of various essays to order, from term papers, well, listen, well, we still know that there are a certain number of people who are all over the world who study just to get this piece of paper, they really have neither the desire nor any other motivation to... hand in all these works in written form, and this is a huge market that has served them all their lives, it is
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collapsing before our eyes, because writing this same work is only free, now the algorithm can, but the conditional taxi driver will be left without work, here’s a new city, i don’t know when it’s very small, it’s new there in a foreign country, for example, in russia in anapolis there are already unmanned taxis running and actually transporting people, but it’s tiny. and then more stories begin, for example, just about the replacement of cars, the number of autonomous cars that will replace taxi drivers, well, there are 3 and a half of them throughout the country, but legal problems, financial problems, they... are wildly expensive, there are a lot of unresolved ones , that is , even when these problems are already solved,
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those same 25-30 years will still pass for us, until mass unmanned taxis really appear, so this means that no one will leave the current taxi driver without work, this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well , very it’s cold, we... ore , iron, metal, copper, platinum, let ’s make an iron man, if this iron man, tired after his shift, hasn’t washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh my god, cut it, throw it add salt and pepper there, you start rubbing it like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes , dolbanina and straganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing there, i’m cold, as soon as i start,
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get used to it, you’ll like it right away, you ’re great, let me shake your hand, it’s warm, can you imagine? and we are talking about artificial intelligence, about neural networks and how they will change our world, so if we take professions such as a taxi driver, a policeman, that is, those that are connected with people, does an ethical question arise?
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music cannot be canned, this is an attack on culture, because music for centuries, millennia, in fact, this is something that is produced in real time by a living human being, just like music can be preserved, then this can can somehow be opened and played, in general, they found a solution, oddly enough, because live music
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has been preserved, this is a different story, you can put on a good one, i don’t know, turn on a good recording on your smartphone, or you can go to a concert hall and listen to live music as before, that is, it will be about the same story, not that everything will supplant moral problems will force you to refuse , solutions will be found, in some situations, there will definitely be a person, well, for example, the simplest frontal solution, that in any case, when some decision concerning a person is made by an algorithm, only a person is obliged to consider the appeal, yes.
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with students, often a teacher as a person who can once again share his personal, human experience, and this is fundamentally different from any artificial neural network, which it does not have...
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weaving the bodily and intellectual, which shapes us as people, it just now allows the intellectual task, especially the tedious repetitive checking of homework, to be transferred to algorithms, everything much more unique, human, which connects our intellect, our emotions and our body in a complex way, will be left to man, and yes, this is the story that in many professions it turns out that... the most humane people remained, the richest, spiritually, not financially, but spiritually people who have something of their humanity to share with others, so
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they won - those who, in general, something something like that lobali on the stream, they were well replaced by an algorithm, well, the teacher who simply talks, even convincingly, even with examples, will lose to the one who can evaluate the student’s emotions, his own emotions.
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here are the dating services, well, the world network, smart ones, out of the 8 billion remaining people, they will be able to find me an ideal match, i don’t need it, i have a wife, well listen, this will always depend on whether you want it, because now there are no neural network algorithms, in general this is a fairly massive service on the internet, yes, but there are quite a few there so far, as far as i understand, no, why is there no resistance, nothing yet, now they will appear, but people will not change because of this, someone wants... to just come, i don’t know, to the same bar on friday and wait for his heart to skip a beat, so looking at this other person, someone will say
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, well, the computer is better than me, many people still think that the computer will find me better, because at least it has a richer choice, then i’ll let it give me options, then i’ll swipe i’ll figure out which of the options will be useful, but what if neural network technologies will develop here, is it possible that you are ivan ivananov.
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this is some kind of higher power, higher knowledge , it’s written there, don’t tell me where you really live, everything is written on the computer , after all, interpersonal relationships, predict the success of a couple as far as possible, exactly the same as is now known , that those people who were selected, since these services have been around for many years, there is a large percentage of couples among those who turned to this service whose stability is better than... in the average time before divorce in the country, for example, such statistics have been there for about 15 years already, so well, there seems to be an opportunity there, i have personal
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experience, i met my wife on a terrible one.
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and there were people who, knowing about the existence of these services, still searched in what seemed to them the usual, face-to-face way, so it will also continue, from the fact that you have this algorithm, which, by the way, already worked well, will work even better, someone will go there, someone will still believe that i’m there, i don’t know, my i’ll meet a girl, just one day, looking at the same sunset as me on the seashore, and we...
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of course, there can be algorithms, such experiments were carried out a little more objective than a person, but people will still prefer not an objective solution, the possibility talking to a judge, a person making some decision that is fateful to them to varying degrees, looking into his eyes, because they deeply believe that they do not need an absolutely fair, absolutely ideal decision. they need a human solution, who understood, well, sort of entered into their position, that is, again empathy, again emotional intelligence, but still some neural network mechanisms for filtering out fakes from reliable information will appear? this is a story about how people want to be manipulated by other people for various reasons, this is a pre-technological story, certainly technology.
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uh, it shows the whole world how this dog, which a policeman sets on a child, if you look further, and a living example from the history of martin luther king, and if you watch the entire series filmed by the photographer, it will turn out that you can clearly see that the dog twitched, but the policeman , on the contrary, took her away, smiled at the child , forgive me, she’s a bit of a jerk, but it was necessary to show
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that the dog rushed, that the police were baiting... you use it in this capacity, but in general it has become easier to propagandize, yes, yes, yes, that’s exactly what i’m talking about, that it is a powerful tool, here are all these modern technological fakes on the one hand.
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just like many of my colleagues, that first of all it is necessary to automate there, if necessary with the help of universities , if not, by other means, everything boring, routine, repetitive, leave time to develop in yourself these unique
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human properties that you just listed, so i think that even in order for a person to become the way you are describing now, it seems like something out of science fiction, but it is the non-networks that will help it become like this, probably the final question, year, what could happen in the world of neural networks, what predictions do you have? so, judging by how modern digital technologies are developing in general, still, even when such a surge, as we saw in 2023, of something happening, still, this is truly integration into all sorts of products that we are already accustomed to using, and the digital world is around us, whatever one may say , is already part of our life, well, for everyone, if only because here is a smartphone in a smartphone. application, it’s all numbers, now of course you can screw in something like a neural network, sometimes it’s even already there, but these are still one-time, some kind of targeted implementations, it seems to me that this is a massive penetration of everyone
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these smart algorithms, really truly smart, into those digital products that live around us, this is just the twenty- fourth year, so what, for example, services, well, except for... pictures and translation, what else, you know, well, very different , it’s just your level, after all, we say that we have a great, i don’t know, operating system, but at the operating system level, in fact, you still need something like that know about the files, what is saved where, that is, here is the scenario that was recently considered as since the neural network allows, uh, if it’s part of the operating system, to solve a problem that happens regularly in my life. i need to find it, i know that vasya threw a sign at me in one of the messengers last week, damn, i don’t remember what it was called, i remember that it was vasya who threw a sign at me last week in one of the messengers , in fact, for
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a modern machine learning system, this is a clear task of finding a file that has these signs that it was saved from one of the messengers that this happened somewhere 7-14 days ago. and that the user from whom this came in the messenger is called vasya or his nickname is connected with vasya. using the usual algorithmic methods to solve this, you’ll hang yourself, so no modern system solves this, the neural search system, for it this is an absolutely ordinary problem, this is only a special case, that is, here’s a story about the fact that you will have hints when writing letters, which will automatically pop up when it’s a duty letter where you need to politely say, answer with a template
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, and he knows that this is a template, so it’s somehow bad, so yes, there will be a unique response paragraph, which i have nothing to do with, let the university deal with it, so all this is at the level of that familiar digital environment, what we don’t need to buy as... as soon as others take on meanings,
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because what sometimes seems to us like a creative activity, well, for example, there is that very example of toppers, which, in fact, is a routine that neres copes with, or, well, checking the household assignments or check homework, but there will be prices for emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the ability to feel, the ability to interact with other people, and maybe next year the key... some kind of psychology or empathy will get tired , maybe great, i think we’ll move somewhere there, thank you very much, thank you very much to those who watched us, listened to us, hello, my name is natalya loseva and this is a psychic podcast in which we... continue to calculate the formula for happiness, or at least
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everyday joy. our today the heroine anastasia came with the following question: her current lover, her current man does not accept her son from a previous marriage. and the expert in today’s episode, famous psychologist, family psychologist ekaterina sivanova, who knows this situation, both as a specialist and as a woman. hello, hello, well... anastasia, tell us your story. the story is, yes, that i had a previous marriage behind me, in this marriage i had a son, yes, but it turned out that we divorced my husband and, accordingly, but it’s all the same we are all women, we want a relationship, yes, i started a relationship with a man, we met him, as it were, well, to be honest, on a dating site, yes, everything was basically good, beautiful, romantic, but in some way...
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at that stage, problems began in the relationship, they began due to the fact that i have a child from a previous marriage, and he immediately knew that you had, yes, yes, yes, that is, i even wrote it in the profile on the site, because i believe that you shouldn’t start a relationship with some kind of silence, that’s for sure and that’s something to be ashamed of, conflicts began, well, yes, misunderstandings began, and it also turned out that we have, he also has an ex-wife, there is... it’s late, but we went there to communicate further
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together, in which -then the child runs into our room, yes, he ran , in fact, his temperature rose, he came running to complain that he felt bad, at that moment, instead of support there, he fell into some second little child, who takes his mother away from him, why, why did he run into us, so unceremoniously, the child got up temperature, how old is the child then? and the child was 7 years old at the time, oh, he’s very small, he was still small, yes, that is, how could he really, i guess, i don’t think , it didn’t even occur to him that he needed to knock or something such, why did he run in, and this was when, how many years have passed since that episode, 4 years have already passed 4 years, this story has not resolved, well, that is , well, okay, it happens, well, maybe there’s something like that... then it flared up for him, well, it didn’t resolve and he didn’t, he also took it and left altogether, that is... i took the car and drove home, and that is, it remained not some episode,
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some kind of excess, but you see that it has become a system, well, yes, that’s what the child is, he’s like my perception, that he ’s like a second child who takes away his mother, not a woman, here’s your child, yours and he, even the man himself tells me, your priority is the child, so we went to the cinema, you ran to buy something for this child . i’m going and so on, instead of watching a movie there, i say, at that moment i was really trying to ensure your comfort, so that the child is busy, yes, and not running around the cinema hall and making no noise at all. so he says: no, you just had to tell him sternly that now we are there at the cinema and you won’t run anywhere, you had to put him in his place, you don’t put him in his place, i don’t know, here and you live together, no, we don’t live together, we have a so-called, as it’s fashionable to say now, guest marriage, and you haven’t thought about having children together, we have a child together
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, we have a child together, yes, yes, we did it so we have a joint a child, that is, i am a mother of two children, my first child is from a previous marriage, and we also have a common... worth it, that is, not even a daughter from a previous marriage, yes, usually men say that they get more attached to girls, he and his son are standing together, that is, here he is with his son, he is saying this, well, ekaterina, get a copy, what i would like to clarify first, and what, what do we want
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, what do we want, yes, what harmony with this, harmony with whom, in this entire ecosystem, me, my children, and accordingly,
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as you said, the family ecosystem, yes, you need to put everyone in their place and call everyone by their names, who relates to whom, how they relate to whom, not in the sense of the quality of the relationship, in the sense of the order of connections, as i see this story, i can tell, of course, which means we have
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a completely charming woman who got married and gave birth to a son, she certainly gave birth to a son in love, but then something went wrong and... the marriage broke up and this charming woman remained her wonderful son, so she is a family, she was formed after the divorce family, mother, son, there are two of them, there are two of them in this family, but psychologists call it a nuclear family, that is, here you are with your son, and there is a father, we did not clarify here, he is generally present in the son’s life, present, oh, what good news, you’re just great,
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when we got divorced, he was 3 years old, and somehow there was no such thing, i can’t say that there was any conversation, that is , he saw that we had there were conflicts with my dad, and in these conflicts he always seemed to protect me, my mom, yeah, and accordingly, such a conversation, that is, the conversation took place later, when he began to ask some questions, why did you and dad divorce and so on, yes, that it happens that people are together, yes, and then they separate. so, my key slogan, uh , in life, is that we are in the moment doing the only thing that we are capable of here now, but... since we want our audience to receive, among other things, new knowledge, i will say that in 3 years with a child you have to
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talk about divorce, yes, because you look at how you report that i had conflicts with my husband and my son defended me, that is, he can defend me for 3 years, but to know the truth about what happened and that mom and dad will never be together again, it’s like...
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in front of you is sitting a psychologist whose parents divorced are no longer alive, but i still hope that they will face off, i will finally be... with dad at the table, listen, we are all living people, this is always a very big trauma, why now i am asking the question about divorce , because you and i have a theme in the description of the story, a man does not accepts a son from his first marriage, but as i understand it, the son is not delighted there, but why should he be delighted? they brought him, he took away his mother, he also killed his brother, who did the same. takes her mother away, this is a podcast of the psyche, and we continue to analyze
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the story of our heroine anastasia, a man who does not accept her child from a previous marriage, but you need to talk to the child when in such a situation that this man, this uncle came to the family to for you, it doesn’t mean being a dad, but besides dad, there are probably other roles. you understand, because the children are at the level empathy, feelings, whatever you want
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to call it, they know the truth and expect adults to tell him this truth with words through their mouths, for this they can get sick, rebel and do whatever they want, but just tell me the truth, tell me, that i am a person who is so valuable to you that you trust me to know the truth, that’s why i’m here... if it’s with dad, we assume, yes, we can’t go that deep now, if.


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